Meet your Posher, Dylan
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Have a look through my closet and make an offer if you find something you like!

Hi! Welcome to Poshmark!! 💕 I'm Catina 😊 This is a fun and exciting place, where shopping and social media combine to create a beautiful experience. 🛍 Please follow as many Poshers as you can and share items from their closets and the favor will be returned. 💌 Be sure to follow your favorite brands too. 💥 Most importantly, go ahead and post your items so we can like, share and purchase from your closet! 😄 Happy Poshing!! 🕶👔👖👚👜👠👗👢👒👞👙💄🛍
Apr 13Reply

Welcome To Poshmark Bro! I’ve got a lot of men’s items in my closet if you ever feel like checking them out. Hope you have a great one!
Apr 27Reply

Hello Dylan! Welcome to the community! My name is Brie! I wanted to share a few tips with you. Start to follow people to invite them to your closet and share! My FAV tool is "Your Guide to Posh". I recommend and the Facebook groups as well. If you have any questions plz comment on any of my sold listings. Have a Poshtastic Day! 💝
Apr 27Reply
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