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Updated Oct 21
Updated Oct 21

Meet your Posher, Eddie

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Eddie. My wife and I started this lil boutique to help save some money for our kids college. With one already in college, a sophmore in h.s and a 3rd grader, we have a long way to go before we can retire :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 3+ Bundle

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labelmaven Welcome to Poshmark! 💄👜👠❤️
Jan 16Reply
2girls2122 Welcome to Poshmark. We are two cousins that share a closet together. Feel free to look around. We are 5⭐️rated Posh Ambassadors, and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have. If something catches your eye, send us a like. We will send a private offer back. Good luck with buying and selling. Share and follow your Poshers to make sales. Happy poshing😊
Jan 27Reply
daniellebursey Hi welcome to Poshmark. I hope u enjoy ur time here weather ur selling or buying. I will be adding women’s & men’s Brand Name NWT/NWOT or EUC items as well as some child & youth within the next 2 weeks. Plz check back to c if anything interests u or share my items with friends whom u think will like. My prices are low but I’m up for negotiations and or Trades. Remember sharing is caring! Happy Poshing😀
Jan 27Reply
gladyshernan403 Welcome to Poshmark!!! I am willing to help you in this beautiful way. Thank you so much for the follow and for the shares. Please let me know it there’s my closet anything that’s catches your eye. I offer super cool deals and I am open to offers 👍. Happy poshing... regards.
Jan 27Reply
jocole96 welcome happy poshing, 😃make me an offer on any item you like and bundle for more savings, Have a blessed day!
Jan 28Reply
jocole96 very nice closet!
Jan 28Reply
ksgni Welcome, best of luck with your closet. The dresses are beautiful.😊
Jan 29Reply
lapriece1 You have a fabulous closet. Makes me wanna stick to my diet:-)
Jan 30Reply
jkj_boutique @lapriece1 I'm sure we have something that will look gorgeous on you
Jan 30Reply
newyear366 @jkj_boutique welcome to Poshmark and best wishes for the kids college fund!!!
Feb 06Reply
jkj_boutique @newyear366 thank u so much!!!
Feb 07Reply
hollyshepperson Wow your dresses are beautiful, thanks for the shares!
Feb 17Reply
jkj_boutique @hollyshepperson thanks pick one ill give you a good deal
Feb 17Reply
luvcoachgal7 Welcome 🙏 to Poshmark and thanks for sharing and following! Just shared back! You have a great closet and great start in the New Year! Lots of luck and much success 🤩🤑🙏👍
Feb 18Reply
jkj_boutique @luvcoachgal7 thanks and same to you!!!
Feb 18Reply
frankiescloset_ Heyyy 👋 Thank you for the shares! I’m loving your closet! If you have any questions about any items my closet let me know. Wishing you many sales! Happy Poshing 😋💕
Feb 19Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Eddie on sharing from my family closet 💜🙏💜. Great family posher pictures/ story 🙏🤟🏻🤟🏻❤️💜
Feb 22Reply
svelez47 Hi! I’m having a sale today and tomorrow. Everything with a 🔥 is 3 for 25. Hope you stop by:).
Feb 22Reply
ziasclozet8 Thanks for sharing my listing 😁 🌷
Feb 23Reply
ryanfit Poshmark Hello 👋, and thank you for sharing my closet. Hopefully you find something to your liking 😊, and all prices are negotiable 👌. Have a great day, and happy poshing! 🎊🎈.
Feb 23Reply
joycemaze72 I am helpingy grandson get threw school he will go to college next year his dad passed away and his other grandmother to do it is me
Feb 25Reply
fsyankey Good luck! You have a beautiful closet and I’m sure you will do well. We have our first one headed to college next year, God-willing, and another a few years behind her, so we know the challenge. 😊
Feb 25Reply
jkj_boutique @fsyankey 👍👍👍
Feb 25Reply
ttaylor104 @jkj_boutique Hi 👋 Thank you for sharing items from my closet🤗. Your Boutique/Closet is Poshalicious🤩, so I returned the Love 💝... Wishing you continued Success and Insurmountable Sales 💵💰! Happy Poshing😉! T
Feb 27Reply
thistleandarrow Hey Eddie! Thank you so much for the share. It’s GREATLY appreciated. Happy Poshing! 🥰
Feb 29Reply
elainesapitan Thank you for the support on my closet. I hope you have some time to go through it and find something you like! Feel free to send me any offer and I’d be happy to make business with you. Happy Poshing! ☺️
Mar 01Reply
charmingsteals Happy Poshing!
Mar 02Reply
t6363b thanx!! accepting all offers
Mar 02Reply
t6363b thanx!$
Mar 02Reply
dglasford Great closet! I wish you many sales!
Mar 03Reply
california_gal Hello,I’m a Posh Ambassador and …WELCOME 🤗 Wishing you lots of sales 💵 One of the key elements that has worked for me is SHARING others closets and your own as often as possible💰😉 Also, just wanted to pass along some information that was given to me. This was very helpful when I started with Posh it’s regarding making an offer, please understand that the seller still has to pay Posh 20% for items over $15.00 or $2.95 if under $15.00. Please consider that with offers Thank You☺️ and WELCOME💝 🌊👙🌊
Mar 08Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your shares. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package. Emphasis here is on quality, value and style. And offers are always welcome, too. We all have reasons to sell items and have a need to raise money.
Mar 08Reply
londonstylecamp Thank you for the share 😊
Mar 10Reply
renaes2019 Cute family☺
Mar 11Reply
denadenn Eddie GREAT CLOSET! I will visit often. You and your wife work well👍
Mar 13Reply
babsgilbert Eddie, Welcome🤗 to Poshmark! I found Poshmark to be a great community of sellers and buyers brought together for one common goal... to see perfectly good products be used by good people at good prices! 🤑 Here's wishing you lots of luck,☘ fun,😆 and success👩‍🎓 poshing!👖👗👚👠👜👒💄 Take time to stop by my closet @babsgilbert to see me, like me, follow me, or find something you may just feel you can't do without. Yours truly, Barbara
Mar 16Reply
fionaandnoel @jkj_boutique hi there my case of flowers on my page is not for sale lol it’s just a picture! You shared it no worries lots of people do it’s funny but it’s not for sale...
Mar 18Reply
ziasclozet8 Thanks for sharing my listings 😊🌷
Mar 18Reply
bobbett328 Hello 🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet/boutique 😊🌷🌷Happy Spring Poshing 💐💐🛍🛍
Mar 23Reply
oksurpriseme Thanks for Sharing 💕
Mar 25Reply
greenbaypackers Hi 👋 Eddie. Thanks 🙏🏾 for the share!!! Am following you now!!! Love ❤️ the family pic. & your goal is great 👍🏼!!! FYI if you’re ever interested in anything in my closet, I’m always open to offers & take 20% off bundles of two + items. Hope you have a great 👍🏼 day with your family, keep them healthy and safe and Keep Poshing!!!!
Mar 28Reply
sandradwheeler You have a beautiful family, Eddie!
Apr 03Reply
chrmdhrtsbtq Thank you so much for sharing my items! 😊💐
Apr 11Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Apr 11Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Apr 11Reply
ravenstreasured Hi nice family picture, just want to say thanks for sharing, peace and prayers are given to all.
Apr 12Reply
_offtherack Thank you for sharing my closet! Happy Poshing! ✨
Apr 22Reply
renaes2019 You've got great pieces!!
Apr 25Reply
msneverending1 Eddie just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet & sharing My Vintage (1970’s) 18” Italian 14K Solid Yellow Gold Necklace With Reverse Painted Japanese Writing On Glass Pendant With Dichroic Strips That Change Color In Different Lighting. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Please Stay Safe, Love & Peace Carol
May 11Reply
elainesapitan Thank you for the support on my closet. I hope you have some time to go through it as I am trying to get rid of many items. Hope you find something you like! Feel free to send me any offers and I’d be happy to make business with you. Happy Poshing and safe during this quarantine!
Jun 08Reply
lillies22 Thanks for all the shares my friend!
Jun 12Reply
fab_u Thanks so much for the shares!
Jun 12Reply
pspattycabana Welcome to Poshmark! Thanks for sharing my closet! This is a great way to work on-line...I love it !! Wish you the best ♥️ to you and you family!
Jun 14Reply
gayle731 good morning! I didnt know how to message you but just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing multiple items from my closet! I am new to selling so I really really appreciate it!!! Stay safe and God bless you!
Jun 27Reply
cishida You have a gorgeous closet! Thanks for the shares. Blessings to you and your family. I hope you make many sales. Happy 4th of July! 💕
Jul 04Reply
norcalstyles Beautiful family!!! ❤️
Jul 04Reply
lilac_and_daisy Thank you so much for sharing my listings!!! It means a lot!!!😊❤❤❤
Jul 04Reply
cathy_phelps U have a great closet and great taste! I share share share. Have a great day!
Jul 10Reply
24boutique Great closet!!! Multiplied blessings and sales to you.
Jul 17Reply
24boutique THANKS for the shares!!!
Jul 17Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
Jul 27Reply
janallen965 Thank you so much for all the shares! I love that you are saving up for the college fund!!! I am a teacher and have been home so much lately, this is my new hobby!!! ❤️
Jul 27Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jul 27Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you so much for sharing my items ❤!
Jul 28Reply
icebly1956 Oh my goodness thank you for o generously sharing my closet ❤️
Jul 28Reply
rnb1277 Welcome to posh a great 👍🏿 community 2 become a part of. If you ❤️ Love fashion 👠👗U R in the right place. So let’s go just start clicking through all the beautiful closets. Lots of “oohs 😵"aah's" Yes fascinating remember your in an 👏 community ask questions, & be sure 2 share 👏 help 👮‍♂️is always plentiful. A new beginning of meeting neww people 👩‍🦳👨‍🦱 a world of networking & Learning👨🏽‍🎓🎓amoung new friends. So #POSH on 👔👞don't forget 2 enjoy the journey LIVE 🌸LAUGH 😃& ENJOY🙏
Aug 05Reply
irenecase 🎉 Acts of kindness — sending you some Positive Vibes today along with 🌺 5 shares !! Woot woot - supporting all my fellow poshers ... wishing you love 💖, light 🌟, and peace 🤘🏻☮️. 💐✨Enjoy the day 😊
Aug 12Reply
thescottcottage Thank you for all of the shares!
Aug 13Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Eddie on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜super family posher y🛍🙏🙏🤟🏻💜
Aug 14Reply
fattybow1 You have a beautiful family! Thanks for sharing 💞
Aug 14Reply
la_marisol Welcome to our closet. We have a BOGO 1/2 Off sale going on right now!🌻
Aug 14Reply
lauren_legit Great closet and pictures! Have a wonderful day!
Aug 24Reply
dianjagates WOW!!!!! Thank you for sharing my entire closet!!!!! 😊😊😊
Aug 24Reply
brandi_sails Hello, thank you so much for the follow! I really appreciate it. Good luck in your sales. 😁 Have a beautiful day! 🌺🌊
Aug 25Reply
lainyscloset Lovely Closet!
Aug 25Reply
blueskyday Hi! You have a beautiful family and an amazing closet!
Aug 26Reply
rccollectiables welcome to Posh it's a awesome site enjoy shopping and selling check out my stuff lots of great deals 😃
Aug 27Reply
mamaw5172 Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing my fantastic finds 🛍🤟🏻🚀🌴🌹
Sep 01Reply
toryanzalone Hi there! Thanks for the follow! ICYMI I’m running a Labor Day sale this weekend! ✨ 20% off 2 ✨ 30% off 3 ✨ 40% off 4 ✨ 50% off 5+! Feel free to browse! 💕😊
Sep 06Reply
labmom05 Thanks for checking out my closet. I want to let you know that if you bundle 2 or more items, you get 20% off AND if your bundle is at least $40 after the discount, I will give you FREE SHIPPING! If that doesn’t work for you, make me an offer! Happy poshing!
Sep 18Reply
joyfinding I like your story and hope you and your family achieve your dreams! Glad to see fellow dreamers like me who want the best for ourselves and family!
Sep 22Reply
glassprism70 You would look terrific in the white jacket.
Sep 24Reply
bluecall516 Hey guys thank you so much for sharing my listings I am over the moon. I love your closet. Have A super Sunday. Love, London
Sep 27Reply
nonajane @jkj_boutique Good luck with your business here from a Jersey girl( Livingston) living in south Florida..... Regards Nona
Nov 05Reply
karena2000 Hi, I’m so upset the bootie shoes do not fit me😪 I understand Poshmark does not have a refumd policy for this, but do you have any refund policy? Can i trade it for something else?
Dec 30Reply
shopaholic100 @jkj_boutique 🎁 Hello! Thank you for the follow! TODAY ONLY TAKE 50% OFF any item under $1000 in my closet! 💸 NYE SALE will to end tonight!! 🍾 Check out my closet and bundle your likes! 🛍 I have some beautiful Tiffany, 💎 Louis Vuitton, 👜 Tory Burch, D’Or Skincare, 💆🏼‍♀️ Jimmy Choo Shoes 👠 and Victoria Secret items! 👙 😃
Dec 31Reply
momof2boys621 Salam beautiful, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses & hijabs from the Middle East💕Welcome to Poshmark 😊Love your listings by the way!
Jan 08Reply
dougburmeister I must have accidentally purchased a jacket from you last night and I need to cancel the order. Thanks for your help.
Jan 09Reply
dougburmeister I woke up to see an order for a jacket and I tried to cancel it but it was past 3 hours and I couldn’t cancel it. Can you please cancel the order because I have no idea how it was ordered. Thanks
Jan 10Reply
cosmicmoon26 What a great variety in your closet! Well done!
Jan 12Reply
dougburmeister Thanks so much for your help with canceling my order and best of luck to you in the future.
Jan 13Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for sharing my listing it is greatly appreciated. Be safe.....Dorothy
Jan 18Reply
mommagingerj Thank you for the shares!🌸
Feb 16Reply
petitepblossom Hi @jkj_boutique. Thank you for the share love.
Feb 24Reply
viko1029 Love your Lifestyle 🥂 Thanks for the share 🤙🏼😎
Mar 02Reply
richmondsrelics Hello, I’m having a BOGO sale. Get a free item with every item you buy. I have plenty to choose from. Build your bundle then I’ll send your offer or you can make an offer to me. The BOGO sale is in my other closet too, kids_poshshop
Apr 07Reply
gogogiglio You’ve got some SERIOUSLY gorgeous ties! COLLEGE COLLEGE COLLEGE! ❤️🐾Christie
Apr 12Reply
pineapleprinces Shared 6 listings from your closet thank you for sharing mine
May 19Reply
diamondistas Thank you so much for the SHARES!!!! 😊
Nov 12Reply
classtiques Thanks for all the shares, you sweet Posher!! Happy Poshing!! 😙 @classtiques 🦋
Jan 03Reply

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Last Active: Aug 15 2024

Nutley, NJ
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Last Active: Aug 15 2024

Nutley, NJ
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