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Updated Aug 12
Updated Aug 12

Meet your Posher, Eileen

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Eileen. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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etrading I've noticed you have some items bundled up....I can give you50℅ off. Just comment on the items and I will make u a bundle
Aug 19Reply
sarahegriswold Sorry I missed your offer for the hoops. I will approve $5.
Sep 11Reply
eileenmag Hello. Thank you for accepting my offer. It had expired so I posted it again so you could accept it.
Sep 11Reply
eileenmag Sounds awesome!! Thank you!!!
Nov 07Reply
glendamichelle Sorry, price is firm. I dropped it a significant amount.
Nov 11Reply
eileenmag Ok thank you!!
Nov 11Reply
glendamichelle Thanks so much for your purchase Eileen. I dropped the package off but Due to Veterans Day it won't be picked up until tomorrow. Expect your package on Tuesday 😊
Nov 11Reply
baluscloset Hey! Thanks for all the love --- let me know if you have any questions or want to make an offer / work out a deal now or in the future :) #poshon!
Nov 19Reply
fififox Hello Eileen, Just a quick note. I've mailed your handbag today. I live in Sparksw,
Dec 31Reply
eileenmag @fififox awesome!! Thank you so much!!! Happy New Year!!! 🎉😍
Jan 01Reply
fififox @eileenmag Ohhh my😳😳😳 Was not aware Post Office is closed today. Sorry for the delay in receiving your purchase. I will provide a little surprise for you for your patience and understanding😘😘😘
Jan 02Reply
eileenmag @fififox that is so sweet of you!!! Thank you and have an awesome day!!! 😍
Jan 02Reply
megolina I like to haggle so we can go back and forth and try to make a deal
Jan 06Reply
madder1 I just mailed out the pocketbook. We are getting 6-12 inches of snow tomorrow and don't know how that will affect when it reaches you. But, it has been shipped. Thank you 😊
Jan 06Reply
eileenmag @madder1 awe thank you!!! Are you on the East Coast?
Jan 06Reply
madder1 @eileenmag Yep, in MA. The weather that is coming in doesn't seem appealing. We got 3 inches last night and the cancellations are already starting. I'm about a mile walk to hit the Atlantic Ocean. (Won't be walking anytime soon though). Hope your package finds you in a timely manner. 😊
Jan 06Reply
madder1 Haha, new weather 12-16 inches! ☹️️☹️️☹️️☹️️
Jan 06Reply
eileenmag @madder1 oh no!! That's a lot of snow!! ❄☃
Jan 06Reply
eileenmag This is weird I just got a notification from Poshmark saying I received this order and now pending acceptance? I just bought it today.
Jan 06Reply
madder1 @eileenmag I hope it's not what I sent! Post office hair moves at snail speed
Jan 06Reply
madder1 "Here"
Jan 06Reply
carlipreuit Thanks for purchasing:) getting it boxed up and I can ship tomorrow, or possibly today!
Jan 24Reply
eileenmag @carlipreuit awesome!! Thank you!!
Jan 24Reply
sweetnsimple1 Hey there Sweetie! Just stopping by!! Please feel free to stop by and check out my closet sometime! Or just a follow would be awesome! Have a blessed day😘
Mar 18Reply
luvdatcloset Hi. I accepted your offer for my yellow Coach Purse. Thanks! I am about to box it up to mail out but I thought I should clarify the color. It looks yellow to me but in some light it can look like a light lime green. It is a very pretty color.I don't want you to be disappointed with the color if you wanted a true basic yellow. Let me know and I'll get it shipped out this morning. Thanks again!
Mar 18Reply
eileenmag @luvdatcloset if you think it's a pretty color, I am sure it is beautiful. I will look forward to receiving it! Have an awesome day!!
Mar 18Reply
luvdatcloset @eileenmag Ok. Great. I will ship it out asap.
Mar 18Reply
eileenmag @luvdatcloset awesome thank you!!
Mar 18Reply
justpeep @eileenmag hi Eileen welcome to Poshmark 😊
Apr 08Reply
lfoxy Hi Eileen, If you want to make another offer of 32.00 for my Coach Purse, I will accept it! I had so much going on this weekend and couldn't really think, so I just countered again. Thanks, either way. Lynn It's a really nice purse!
Apr 10Reply
eileenmag @lfoxy I know how that goes with being busy. 😊. I put the offer back in 😍
Apr 11Reply
eileenmag @lfoxy let me know when you accept the offer you asked me to put back up. 😍
Apr 11Reply
eileenmag @lfoxy are you going to accept the offer you asked me to repost?
Apr 11Reply
lorac2015 Hi, If you love vtg bags as much as I love buying and selling them please then take a peak at my closet!
May 23Reply
5754 I love your closet...and the prices are great need I say more. Posh on girl.
Jun 13Reply
eileenmag @5754 awe thank you!! I'm embarrassed to say I have way too many clothes!! Most I've never worn, so I figure someone else can enjoy them. I know people love a bargain so it is a win/win! 🤗 Thank you again for your kind words! 😍
Jun 13Reply
gibsongirldiva Thank you so much for the lovely comments, and rating !
Jun 19Reply
regardforvtg Thanks so much for your purchase! It does have slight padding built in the chest. I'll ship it out ASAP 😁!
Jul 17Reply
eileenmag @rleden awesome! Thank you so much!!
Jul 17Reply
downsizingdiva Hi! My daughter just informed me that she really wants the striped maxi dress, so I'm going to keep it for her, I'm happy to bundle the leggings for you for 5$ total
Jul 18Reply
jinglejump57 Good morning Eileen, I hope you are having a good day. The awesome items you bundled this past weekend was while I had the the 25% off sale. It ended Sunday night at 7pm. I have 15% off now which is my usual discount. The total of your bundle regular price is 74.00. With the 15% off discount it comes to 63.00. I will decline your offer of 40.00. If you would like to re bundle these beautiful quality pieces, I will accept 60.00. Thank you, I hope you understand, I think that is a fair price.
Oct 10Reply
jinglejump57 I was able to resubmit an offer of 60.00 on the bundle. Blessings to you today! Pam
Oct 10Reply
vtgcovergirl Hi! I needed to tell you that I actually gifted the bracelet you just liked this afternoon! I forgot to adjust my listing for it! My apologies!
Jan 10Reply
eileenmag @riglem65 awe thank you so much for letting me know!! ❤️
Jan 10Reply
vtgcovergirl I was able to find enough of these beads for another identical bracelet so it’s listed again!😘💕💕
Jan 10Reply
lisann28 I’m going to post another photo of me with the Brighton on my shoulders .. hopefully it will help you get a better idea of the size❤️it will be posted in a minute😊
Feb 16Reply
lisann28 I actually think it will fit you cause I’m a 34 c and it a little big on me & definitely more room in the chest area ❤️
Feb 16Reply
eileenmag @lisann28 awesome. I like the grey and red scarves you have listed too but I can’t add them to my bundle as it is saying I can’t add cause there is already an offer
Feb 16Reply
lisann28 Hmmmm .. I’m kinda new to posh, I’m not sure about the Ins & outs of the system but maybe you have to respond to the first bundle prior to sending another?
Feb 16Reply
eileenmag @lisann28 ok Im not very posh savvy either hahaha. I researched and it said I have to decline the offer and re-bundle it. When I decline, I just don’t want you to think I’m not interested in the items.
Feb 16Reply
lisann28 Or maybe you can reject my offer... then redo a bundle adding the scarfs this way you don’t have to pay double shipping ...try to see if that works! BTWyou will love the Red bag! Lots of compliments with that one❤️
Feb 16Reply
eileenmag @lisann28 ok I’m going to do that
Feb 16Reply
lisann28 Of course🙃 no worries😊
Feb 16Reply
eileenmag @lisann28 I love the color red!! Ok I added scarves to bundle!
Feb 16Reply
lisann28 Did a response from me come through to you? Cause it appears there are 2 new bundles one with the red scarf & one with both the scarfs?🙃
Feb 16Reply
eileenmag @lisann28 yikes let me look 😳
Feb 16Reply
eileenmag It looks like the grey scarf didn’t add when I put it in the bundle
Feb 16Reply
eileenmag So sorry about this. I am a posh simpleton
Feb 16Reply
eileenmag I meant the red scarf didn’t get added
Feb 16Reply
eileenmag @lisann28 ok looks like I ya e the purse, jacket grey and red scarves in there. I looked and the red scarf was in there on my end but it doesn’t show up when an offer is made. Can you check to see if both scarves are in there now
Feb 16Reply
lisann28 Yes❤️ red scarf is included in my offer So it would..... be 2 scarfs plus red Brighton & white Prada blazer ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Feb 16Reply
lisann28 Red is my favorite color also❤️❣️
Feb 16Reply
lisann28 Did my offer come through ?😊
Feb 16Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Feb 23Reply
davidsonville Your package is in the mail. 😊
May 13Reply
davidsonville Your package should have been delivered today. Hope you like it. 😊
May 16Reply
tee2191 Hey! I see you liked the Tommy Bahama set. Are you interested in purchasing?
Jun 17Reply
amcswain2 Hey. I saw your brand bundle. Your bundle will definitely be over 5 pounds. Are u willing to pay for the extra shipping cost. I can see how much it will be tomorrow. Let me know
Jun 19Reply
eileenmag @amcswain2 did you see my bundle offer???
Jun 19Reply
amcswain2 @eileenmag hey. I did see your bundle offer but shipping is going to be more for all of those items. Are u willing to pay for the shipping? I will go to the post office tomorrow and see what the weight will be. But this bundle order is going to be overweight for sure. If u want to add some for the shipping I can accept the offer or if u want to wait till tomorrow. I am at work all day and through the evening tonight. Let me know
Jun 19Reply
eileenmag @amcswain2 did you find out what the shipping would be?
Jun 20Reply
amcswain2 @eileenmag going tomorrow. Worked till 8 tonight. Will let u know tomorrow for sure. Thanks
Jun 20Reply
eileenmag @amcswain2 awesome. Thank you!
Jun 20Reply
junebride82 Hi Eileen, thanks for the awesome comment and rating. Appreciate it😍
Jun 21Reply
amcswain2 Hey !! I went to the post office and it weighs 12 pounds and 1 oz. so I am not sure how much it would be until I get your zip code. We will have to reach out to Poshmark for a label for that weight. I realized I have 4 small plates and 4 bigger plates. So what would u like to do. It’s a pretty heavy package. Are u interested in paying for the shipping or no ? Let me know.
Jun 21Reply
melodylegacy Hi Eileen. Thank you for your bundle purchase from my closet. I see you're from Coronado, so I think I'm going to jump in the box and come along… LOL 😜😜 So my son used to be stationed there he was in the Navy. I so loved that little town. Miss all the cute little stores and restaurants . OK so I will get your package ready to ship out first thing in the morning. Please Visit my closet again as I list new items as often as possible. Take care. Melody💝🤗💝
Jun 26Reply
ikhouvanj0u Your rating and comment made my morning! I'm so happy you love your items - please feel free to stop by again. I'll be adding many more items after August! Have a great summer :)
Jul 19Reply
catz48 Hi Thanks for your purchase I normally ship same day but I’m on vacation I will ship dress first thing when I get home on Monday Thanks for your patience ☺️💕🐾
Jul 19Reply
eileenmag @catz48 no worries!! Have a great vacation!!! Thank you for letting me know.
Jul 19Reply
catz48 @eileenmag Thank you 😊 Have a blessed day!
Jul 19Reply
shippingjoy Thank you for the purchase! I will ship today.🌞
Jul 30Reply
shells912 Hi Eileen, I made you an offer on the bundle of Tommy Bahama. It is the lowest I can go, just let me know. I’m leaving out of town until Sunday night. I’m putting my closet in vacation mode soon. I have it all ready if you decide! Thanks for the visit.
Aug 16Reply
shells912 Hi Eileen, Just wondering if your still interested in the Tommy Bahama you bundled. I’m going to be closing my closet down soon for vacation for the weekend, I have it all on the side, I can get it in the mail tomorrow. Just let me know, thanks.
Aug 16Reply
shells912 Hi Eileen, I noticed you added the blue Tommy Bahama skirt to a bundle again . On my end it has both skirts and the top. Not sure what ones you want. I think you have to remove what you don’t from the bundle. The blue skirt I dropped in price, it’s now $28, final price. Just let me know, I still have all 3 on the side from last weeks bundle. Thanks!
Aug 21Reply
luckyladybug4u Hi there. Welcome. I just notice that you liked a pair of starfish earrings. If you like turquoise, I have a wide turquoise ring; I also have a pair of blue multicolor starfish studs - NEW for sale, a pair of moon and star long dangle earrings, plus other unusual jewelry. Feel free to take a look and I am always open for negotiation on my prices. Thanks and have a blessed day.
Nov 26Reply
amberlee23 For your kind patience if u only take 2 items (whatever you like) u can take 20% off. Need to mail by tomorrow or not til 3/11. 🙏🏻
Jan 25Reply
trishswishes @eileenmag Hi Eileen! Thank you for your purchase! I will try to ship this out to you today! Have a super day!😊
Feb 07Reply
spike12bg Hi!! I have made an offer on the bundle you put together today!! hope you are still interested. please let me know if there’s anything i can do ❤️
Feb 15Reply
eileenmag @spike12bg awesome. Just leaving work. Will take a look as soon as I get home!! Thank you!! 😍
Feb 15Reply
spike12bg @eileenmag Hi!! Just checking in to see if you had a chance to look at your bundle-I am headed out to the post office shortly so it could be shipped out today!
Feb 15Reply
mblunt4 Hi , I think you have to decline the bundle and then rebundle with the additional items.
Feb 27Reply
eileenmag @mblunt4 ok I updated my bundle
Feb 27Reply
mblunt4 Hi Eileen , Thank you for your purchase. I forgot to let you know the watches both had new batteries installed before we sent them out to you . They will last for years. TY, Marianne
Mar 01Reply
eileenmag @mblunt4 thank you so much!!! I just love everything!!! Your closet is awesome and I am always excited to receive my purchases!! I will only purchase Swarovski from you! Thank you again!! 😊
Mar 01Reply
eileenmag @mblunt4 is the necklace you just posted really sparkly?
Mar 01Reply
mblunt4 Hi Eille, This Necklace is very sparkly however it has scuffs and scratches. I just looked at it under my loupe at 20x magnification and I noticed several cracks in the gold layer. It could flake and expose the metal under it. I have to remove it for sale. If you want it I will send it to you at no charge. I can’t sell with cracks. It may look good for a month and then a flake of gold may fall off. Let me know if you want it. I will decline your offer and unlist it. TY , Marianne
Mar 01Reply
eileenmag @mblunt4 yes I would still like it! Thank you so much. The offer to send it to me is so very generous! I really appreciate that!!! ❤️
Mar 01Reply
ladykrc @eileenmag Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Jul 31Reply
uiniquejwels Hi your order is shipped in priority mail along with a free Christmas surprise gifts 🎁 💝 . I’m sure you love it . Merry Christmas. 🎄
Dec 13Reply
eileenmag @uiniquejwels thank you so much!!!! ♥️. Merry Christmas!!! 🎄🎁🎉
Dec 13Reply
uiniquejwels @eileenmag you are welcome
Dec 13Reply
gglowing Thanks, I will mail your package tomorrow. 🙂
Jan 14Reply
gglowing Eileen... I am so sorry that I had to cancel your order. The item had some discoloration from hanging too close to the window, for too long, I think. I could not in good conscience ship it like this.
Jan 15Reply
eileenmag @gglowing thank you for letting me know!! Have a great evening!
Jan 16Reply
aquiredforyou Hello Eileen!!!!! Thank you for visiting my closet!!!! The dress you are asking about does have fullness there. You can see the fullness in the pics. But measure yourself and see what that is and let me know. I have the flat measurements listed in the description When you get the measurement then we will be able to decide. Thanks for asking😁😁😁
Jan 28Reply
aquiredforyou Thank you Eileen for starting a bundle!!!!!! If the bundle is 3 or more items I give an extra 20% discount! So when you’re ready just let me know!!!!!
Jan 29Reply
littlesuzie68 Hi there I have pointed out all flaws in the pictures of the purse. However I do not think it’s polite to ask where and how someones items come from or where they have been.
Apr 11Reply
eileenmag @littlesuzie68 I agree and apologize for my question. I realize how rude my question was after I asked it and could not take it back. Please accept my sincerest apologies.
Apr 11Reply
eileenmag @littlesuzie68 I would like to add a sweater to my purse bundle but it will not allow me to add anything. Would I have to purchase items separately?
Apr 11Reply
m_acuna Hey posher , huge sale in my closet , vs pink, makeup , ect. Come check it out 😊🛍
Aug 06Reply
mazyodc Hi, I am Marianne, a new Poshmark Ambassador. I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Sep 26Reply
2ndchancecharm Hi! Just wanted to stop by and invite you to check out my closet, which is mainly career clothing for women - Ann Taylor, LOFT, Banana Republic, Express, The Limited, J. Crew, etc. High quality and low prices! I usually add dozens of items every week. Come check it out if you’re interested! Happy poshing! ❤
Nov 08Reply
elliottc1963 Hi, you purchased cookie press from me. I think i made a mistake and you may get wrong package. If so i am so sorry. My 88yr old mom just out of hospital, end stages congestive heart failure. I am physically and mentally drained. I cant get back into labels, will you please send me your name and address. thanks so much. Let me know if you get wrong item.
Nov 22Reply
eileenmag @elliottc1963 hello, thank you for notifying me. I am so sorry to hear about your mom. My name is Eileen Magaraci 33 Catspaw Cape Coronado, CA 92118. When the wrong item arrives, I will mail it back to you. Please take care of yourself and try to get some rest. Will be keeping you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers.
Nov 22Reply
elliottc1963 @eileenmag I mailed your pkg of cookie press today. So sorry for delay
Nov 28Reply
elliottc1963 Cookie press should be there by tues.
Nov 28Reply
dnny748 Eileen, Thank you so much for the love note! That just made my day thank you!! Daniel
Feb 25Reply
foofarah Hi, thanks so much for your purchase. I think you are going to love the coat. I will get it packed up and it will ship out in the morning. Thanks again and thanks for checking out my closet 🌸
Apr 26Reply
tinyjp1 Thank you for your purchase! 💖 I will get this packed up and will ship it out first thing, tomorrow morning. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! ☺️
May 02Reply
epiper71 @eileenmag good evening I’ve been at sale all day I must apologize when I fist started posting I had someone helping they should have posted 2 one was cracked. I will cancel order and repost cheaper.
Jul 24Reply
eileenmag @epiper71 thank you for letting me know. Let me know when you repost the 2
Jul 24Reply
epiper71 @eileenmag hi if you make offer I will know it is just for green bottle then I’ll repost remaining and add another one tx
Jul 24Reply
epiper71 @eileenmag sorry had wrong person will repost in am for the two it’s been long day for me
Jul 24Reply
epiper71 @eileenmag good morning headed to sale but reposted 2 thanks for your understanding now that I am retired I do all my own posting have good day more stuff to list next week
Jul 24Reply
europeanshopper I cancelled the sale and made a new bundle for you if you are still interested in both
Aug 14Reply
eileenmag @europeanshopper thank you so much. Just saw this. Working late hours.
Aug 14Reply
europeanshopper @eileenmag welcome it’s in the bundle
Aug 14Reply
lisa0211 Hi. You bought an express shirt from me yesterday. Planned on shipping today but my dog is ready sick and I’m taking him to animal hospital. Should get it out tomorrow
Aug 17Reply
eileenmag @lisa0211 thank you. No worries at all!! Hope your pup is feeling better soon!!
Aug 17Reply
amandaandrew142 @eileenmag hi there! I hope you’re having a great day. If you wouldn’t mind accepting the item you received I would really appreciate it. Thank you 🙏
Aug 23Reply
cutehosiery @eileenmag Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 13Reply
clothingnmore_ Hi Eileen 💕 l'm Laura, hope you're doing great today. I would love to invite you to check my closet. If you like something, simply click the "❤" or make an Offer! Bundles of 3 items or more receive 30% off! Thank you in Advance and Happy Poshing ⚘
Nov 27Reply

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