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Updated Mar 27
Updated Mar 27

Meet your Posher, Ekaterina

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Ekaterina. I think we should be kind to the earth. and swap our closet. Shop less, think more 🌎 together we make a difference. Thanks for stopping by!
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 2+ Bundle

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distrssedbeauty Welcome to Poshmark!! ❤️ My name is Mandy! I am a Poshmark Ambassador and the owner of Distressed Beauty Boutique! I just wanted to tell you that if you have any questions or concerns you can feel free to reach out to me at any time!! (& don’t forget to check out my boutique! We have something for everyone, we list daily & we accept most reasonable offers 😉!)
Aug 10Reply
4greatsavings hi there thanks for following, your baby is so adorable, I have 3 but older and a pain in the @$# lol have a great weekend
Aug 11Reply
trendsavvy 💐Hi, Welcome to Poshmark! I hope that you have a great experience using Poshmark. Happy poshing.💐💝🛍🙏
Aug 12Reply
roscoe88 Hi 😊 thanks for stopping by my closet! My name is Rebecca, I’m a Posh Ambassador, Top seller, Top sharer and fast shipper! I also offer 15% off bundles with 2 or more items! Please let me know if you have any questions! Happy Poshing! 🥰💕🌸
Aug 25Reply
shopper411411 Welcome to Poshmark! I sell both men and women's clothing. Feel free to visit my closet and any questions. Happy Poshing!
Sep 05Reply
ncmandy12 Hi, welcome to Poshmark and thanks for following me! If you have any questions about getting started, I’m always happy to help. Best of luck! 🍀💕🍀
Sep 07Reply
luxeloveryyc Thanks 🙏 for sharing my DVF dress listing! 😊
Oct 22Reply
514lenab what a gorgeous family!❤😉✌
Apr 28Reply
ladycrackerjack @kurilovaem ❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕 I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party ! ❤️ Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! Xo -Kat ❤️💕 - [ ]
May 26Reply
beoirem 🌏📀🌎📀 CONGRATS on ur Party Pff 💋💋💋Bringing few friends along🌎 🌏@beoirem🧚‍♂️@kmann121 🌏@mdbrodney🧚@alhopki 🌏@soflopics🧚‍♂️@ericaaxrose 🌏@justjenn31681🧚‍♂️@mtnhiker 🌎@absolutlyyumyum🧚‍♂️@pixieut 🌍@chic_hawaii_tea🧚‍♂️@ms_leand_3 🌎@karmaprevails🧚‍♂️@vintagereborn 🌏@poshbritknee🧚@changeofseason 🌏@moongoddessed🧚‍♂️@bmetcalf6971 ⛔️ PRIVATE LIST⛔️ ⛔️DON’T COPY⛔️ 🌎
May 26Reply
bluejeanbabyon @beoirem Thank you so much! I’m looking forward to crash party 🥳😍💐
May 26Reply
bluejeanbabyon @ladycrackerjack Thank you so much! I’m looking forward to crash party 🥳😍💐
May 26Reply
beoirem @kurilovaem 💋💋💋My pleasure soon❣️
May 26Reply
May 28Reply
emmaclothing37 congrats on hosting a posh party!!! It looks super cute I’m excited to go :)
May 28Reply
nicole_parr 🎉🎉🎉💕💕💕🌟🌟🌟CONGRATS ON HOSTING!!!! I would love it if you'd consider choosing one of my listings as a host pick for the Closer Crush Posh Party 🎉🎉🎉💕💕💕🌟🌟🌟 Happy Poshing !!!💰💰💰 & Stay Safe !!!!
May 28Reply
poshcollection1 Hi there would you please consider using one of my listings for your party as a HP🎉 Feel free to look through my closet have a great day
May 28Reply
mauigirl513 Congrats on hosting!!🎁♥️🏷🍾🥳🛍🎉I hope you get a lot of sales 🙏💵🛍
May 28Reply
carmenpaige32 Hi! Congrats on being a host🥳🥳🥳!! I would really appreciate it if you would check out my closet and consider my items for a host pick! It would mean a lot to me because I’ve never had a host pick before. Thank you!💕
May 28Reply
shaliek Congratulations on hosting! Please feel free to check out my closet. Thank you!
May 28Reply
le_fashion_lab Hi! I see that you’re hosting a party tomorrow. I will be attending! I wonder if you would be so kind to consider checking out my closet for a possible host pick. Thank you so much! Hope you’re staying safe and healthy during this difficult time.
May 28Reply
thebonnierose Congratulations on hosting!! 🎉What an honor! ⭐️Would love if you considered some pieces from my closet 😊 happy poshing!! 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 “All good things in all good time”
May 28Reply
livingadream @kurilovaem Hi 👋🏼 please take a look at my closet for a host pick 🤞🏼🎉 thank you 🥰 I added ya on insta 🦋
May 28Reply
jaolsen61 Congratulations on cohosting the Closet Crush party tomorrow! I would love for you to take a look at my closet in consideration for a host pick! I posh for a cause - to bring healing and restoration to lives devastated by trauma. Thank you! 💖💖💖
May 28Reply
emmaclothing37 Hi there! Congrats on hosting the party tomorrow night that is such a big accomplishment and I hope to be as successful as you one day!! Happy poshing☺️☺️💜💓🤩
May 28Reply
vivianboutique1 @kurilovaem Congrats on hosting a posh party Please check out my items for a host pick
May 28Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
May 28Reply
masarsky Hey hun, congratulations on hosting a party. I would greatly appreciate if you would consider my closet for your HP! Sharing poshmark love. ❤❤❤
May 29Reply
bwood8 🎉🌟CONGRATULATIONS on HOSTING🌟🎉 ⭐️Please check out my PFF’S closets! ⭐️ 🏆(they are AWESOME)🏆 🥳🥳WE cant wait to party with you! 🥳🥳 🛍✨🌟🥳🍾🎉🍾🎉🍾🎉🥳🌟✨🛍 🥂@sun2city 🥂@stars4u99 🥂@brookewinters 🥂@acelestialsoul 🥂@bellefemme6 🥂@thefebresappeal 🥂@highfashnz 🥂@fashonbyalexis 🥂@kkaytigirl 🥂@stylish_paige 🥂@frillsnthrills 🥂@lorimasterson 🥂@fryemeup 🥂@JennaLyn19 🚨💃🏼Thank you & see you at the party!💃🏼🚨
May 29Reply
adornedlovely Hi😊, Congratulations on Hosting the Closet Crush Posh Party!!! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a successful party. Stay strong & healthy during this time. Thank you & Happy Poshing 😊💚🌸💚
May 29Reply
preppyshoppe_4u 🎉💝🍃Congratulations on Hosting!! Looking forward to the celebration!!🍃💝🎉 ~ 💕 Kat (KJ) 🎊😉🌼💕
May 29Reply
2muchstuff3691 L❤️VE your closet. So glad I found it on Poshmark. Hope you will check out mine and follow me back 💕💕💕
May 29Reply
fryemeup Congratulations on Hosting👏🏻👏🏻🎊I cant wait! Thanks @bwood8 for the tag🤩
May 29Reply
alicenwndrland Happy Hosting tonight's big party...have fun!!
May 29Reply
addis_1 congrats on hosting the party!! i hope you can take a look in my closet for a potential host pick :)
May 29Reply
robynridge You are so nice! Thank you!
May 29Reply
1fashionfinds1 Congratulations on co-hosting the closet crush Poshmark Party! 🎉🎊 Please stop by my closet for a possible Host Pick if you get a chance! 🌺
May 29Reply
caspen @kurilovaem congrats on hosting 🎊please check out my closet @caspen if you still need host picks
May 29Reply
megansamo7 Happy Party Day, Ekaterina! Congratulations on hosting Closet Crush. If you have time, I'd be so grateful if you'd check out my closet for HP posh-abilities, especially quality plus sizes. Thank you and have a blast tonight!
May 29Reply
azo_thrifts Just stopping by to congratulate you on hosting tonight’s party!🌸🎊🎉 Your closet is so gorgeous 😍♥️ I would be honored if you stopped by my closet to see if anything is worthy of being a host pick for tonight 👀 I hope you have a wonderful day! 🚀💫
May 29Reply
kalmb Hi there! I'm fairly new to poshmark and was wondering if you could take a look at my closet for a possible host pick <3 thank you!
May 29Reply
fashnminx Hey. Canadian Posher Welcome!! Congrats on your hosting gig. Hope you find loads of Posh success. 👗👠👜👚👛⭐️🤗
May 30Reply
_poshlypetite HI Gorgeous 😘😘😘 I pray that during these times you are safe and in good health. Happy Poshing!!! Blessings, -Erica
May 30Reply
west_coast_life Congratulations on hosting tonight’s party 🎉 I hope you will stop by my closet for a possible host pick😊Thank you🌷Have fun🎊🎈
May 30Reply
myaddedsparkle Congratulations on co-hosting today’s party: Closet Crush! I’d really appreciate it if you could check out my closet, full of jewelry and hair accessories! Thanks, and congrats once again! ☺️🤍
May 30Reply
thebonnierose @kurilovaem thank you! Have fun!
May 30Reply
nicole_parr @kurilovaem of course! anytime :) i hope you have fun being a host!!! probably overwhelming but definitely going to boost your followers!!!! (and hopefully some sales lol)
May 30Reply
jaegeorge8 Hi Kate😊 I can see that you are hosting a great party right now that matches my closet style. I am really looking to make more sales and make Poshmark a bigger deal in my life. I have made some new listings recently. If you would be so kind to go check them out and maybe they could be worthy of a host pick for the party! ☺️
May 30Reply
kensgems congrats on hosting this party! it would be sp highly appreciated if you took a look at my closet! stay safe and healthy! thank you!
May 30Reply
yaya1990 Hi! Congrats on getting the honor of co-hosting the party tonight! I'm sure you've gotten this request alot, but I truly would love it if you would consider browsing my closet for potential host picks? Whether you do or no, have fun! I cant wait until I get to host a party!! 🎉🎊
May 30Reply
robynridge thank you, you are very kind and thoughtful
May 30Reply
moudgil62 Congrats on hosting a posh party! Please check out my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks!
May 30Reply
savannahsaxe Howdy! My name is Savannah and I joined posh to help pay for school and last month my dad lost his job due to covid19 so if it’s still possible I’d love it if you looked in my closet for an hp! Thanks for hosting! Have a great night and stay safe!!
May 30Reply
kaylak716 please consider me for a host pick!! thank you so much 😊💕
May 30Reply
kate_stylist Congrats on hosting!!❤️ I would be honored if you would select my items as Host Pick.@kate_stylist😊💓
May 30Reply
alicenwndrland @kurilovaem 🥳🥳🥳😘😊🥰
May 30Reply
parker_lacourse Hey! I just recently started using Poshmark regularly, and would love if you could check out my closet and give me some feedback 😄 Thanks, and congrats on hosting!
May 30Reply
kbellas609 hi I just lowered prices on my mens polo
Jun 28Reply
lynnr1960 Hi , my name is Donna , I am also a Poshmark Ambassador. Thankyou for the follow . Please , take a moment to check out my closet . I have a wide variety of women’s clothing , shoes , jewelry and much more . I am always open to a reasonable offers . Happy Posh Shopping 🛍
Jul 21Reply
skrutledge Hello! Just a reminder that I am awaiting shipment of the pretty white tulle dress and the white BabyGap 3-6m hooded sweater that were missing from my order of Aug 10. Thank you so much!
Sep 04Reply
skrutledge Hello! I am wondering if you have had a chance to ship the 2 white items which were missing from my order?! Thank you!
Sep 12Reply
bluejeanbabyon @skrutledge Hi there! I send it on Tuesday👌🏼 Please check comments in the bundle, I added tracking number there))
Sep 12Reply
103368 Ekaterina! Congrats on hosting tonight! If you have time, please stop by my shop to say hi or consider a Host Pick item. Congrats on your success so far xx
Oct 25Reply
poshspice2000 Congrats on hosting tonight! Have a great time! 😊💕🌸
Oct 25Reply
suzyqt42 Hi Ekaterina, congrats on co-hosting tonight’s posh 🎉🎈🎊!! Wishing lots of success to everyone. Feel free to check out my closet if needing a host pick. Have a happy weekend 😊💕💗
Oct 25Reply
chiichappens Hello Ekaterina! Thanks for choosing my item to be a host pick! BTW you have an amazing closet!💝💝
Oct 31Reply
bluejeanbabyon @chiichappens No no no))) It is you are hosting party! Every jeans you are sharing will be in host party👌🏼 So just start to share best one in your choose!
Oct 31Reply
chiichappens @kurilovaem ok thanks 💝🧸
Oct 31Reply
fashconfidance Thanks🦋🐬🐬🐬🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋happy poshing🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🐿🐿🐿🐿🐿🐿🐬🐬
Nov 02Reply
suzyqt42 Hi, congrats on hosting today’s home posh 🎉🎊🎈. My closet only has a few home items - would love for you to check them out for possible HP or repeat HP for greater exposure. Wishing everyone successful sales! 💕🌹😊
Nov 24Reply
boua67 Thank you for your kind words, i love it when I can make someone happy by sharing my closet....glad you appreciate that luxurious and classy Furla bag...Happy holidays for you and your family, stay safe! Astrid
Dec 22Reply
megan23megan Hey Girl!! Hope you’re having an amazing day! I saw you liked something similar to what I have my closet in a similar size so I thought I’d invite you to come check it out! I have brands such VS Pink, Dynamite, H&M, Adore Me, Lululemon, Under Amour and many others!! Thanks so much🤍🤍
Mar 09Reply
yahiva01 Hi Kate welcome to Poshmark when you get time check out my IG page for additional discount. @Lstunzah
Mar 22Reply
tdotrdot95 Thank you for hosting the posh n coffee! Your closet is lovely! Thank you for all the tips and the shares!
Mar 27Reply
bluejeanbabyon @tdotrdot95 You are welcome! Hope it will help you selling more👍🏻
Mar 27Reply
duchessposh Thanks so much for your help yesterday, Kate! Thanks to your advice, I’ve now had 2 Host Picks from my closet! I wouldn’t have had that opportunity without your help. Thank you, also, for sharing my closet with your followers. Best wishes!! Valerie
Mar 28Reply
bluejeanbabyon @duchessposh You are welcome! If you will more question, please dont hesitate to ask👌🏼💐
Mar 28Reply
duchessposh @kurilovaem Thank you for your kindness!!
Mar 28Reply
duchess_consign @kurilovaem Hello and Congrats on Hosting for tonight's Party! If you are looking for Host Picks, please check out my listings for many Home items! Enjoy and have fun!😊🌷
Apr 01Reply
yesmiss Good night. I hope that you are well. Thank you 🙏🏾very much for sharing the posh love and choosing my Kate Spade tray as a host pick. Happy poshing!👋🏾
Apr 02Reply
marcelahasani Congratulations on your prize!🤗🌷
May 06Reply
9freebies Thanks so much for the Host pic 💖
May 18Reply
pincsocks Hi...can you please confirm which mother jeans I bought from you before you ship because if not the correct ones I may not want them...2 different colors are stated
Jun 23Reply
nazzer29 Hi Ekaterina. Thanks for the offer on the Boss Jacket. Unfortunately I am going to pass on this until the 22nd of July when I get paid again. I spend too much money on furniture today and my extra funds that I play with are depleted. I will circle back on the 22nd and maybe we can work together to make a deal. Have a Happy Canada Day …Dean Nazzer29 😀😀😀😀😀😀👏👏👏👏👏👏
Jul 01Reply
nazzer29 Hi Ekatrina. I have sent you an offer on the Boss Short a sleeve sweater that you had liked. If the offer is not suitable please feel free to make me a counter offer. Let’s work together to make a deal. Thanks and have a great weekend and Thanks for the Shares. Dean. 😀😀😀😀😀😀
Jul 01Reply
nicole_ce Congrats on hosting! Would love if you could check out my closet for host picks! I’d really appreciate it! Thank you and have fun 🥰
Aug 08Reply
thefashionables Hi Ekaterina, thanks so much for selecting my item as a Host Pick in the Sportswear Spirit Posh Party. Congrats on hosting tonight's party - wishing you much success and sales! Thanks again for the Posh Love! :)
Aug 09Reply
masonbickerton Love your closet!😊
Oct 05Reply
nicole_ce Congrats on hosting! Would love if you could check out my closet for host picks! I’d really appreciate it! Thank you and have fun 🥰
Nov 20Reply
friviera10 Hi how are you? I'm located in Etobicoke if your interested in picking up Olaplex to save on shipping 437 215 2093
Dec 07Reply
bluejeanbabyon @friviera10 You just dropped it off! A house white bear😂
Dec 07Reply
friviera10 @kurilovaem lol.i didn't realize I left u a
Dec 07Reply
friviera10 @kurilovaem I didn't realize you were looking at the, is it ok what u got
Dec 07Reply
bluejeanbabyon @friviera10 If tge price is right I’m okey)))
Dec 07Reply
saunacain Welcome to POSHMARK!
Dec 13Reply
punkyinpink Hello ! Congrats on hosting the Everything Kids party tomorrow ! I’ve just added items to the kids category and would love it if you could choose a few pieces as host picks ! Thank you so much 😊
Dec 15Reply
missmoly - [ ] Hi my name is Selma and I am a Poshmark Ambassador! ❤️ - [ ] Please check out my closet for name brand clothing- Children’s, Bras, Sleepwear,Men’s, Women’s, Vintage Pyrex & Much More! - [ ] I take many pictures to make sure you see all details. - [ ] Please follow my closet @Missmoly. - [ ] ❤️P.S. If You Love Torrid, BKE, Miss Me & More You Have Come To The Right Place. I Have Torrid All Over My Closet & List New Torrid Everyday!❤️
Dec 18Reply
jacquee59 Welcome to Poshmark and happy shopping 🛍
Dec 27Reply
degas3011 Huge Sale --> Just "LIKE" 3 items from my closet and a $25 offer will be sent to you! YES - It really is that easy!
Dec 31Reply
rhonda_anne Beautiful family! Have a blessed year!
Jan 04Reply
sassystylestxsh 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋Welcome to Poshmark 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 have fun shopping and selling 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 I wish you luck 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
Jan 07Reply
sage_wear Hello Ekaterina, I am very pleased with my new handbag. Thank you for taking a second look before shipping, I appreciate your attention to detail. Best wishes to you and your family in the new year. Cheers, Angela
Jan 08Reply
bluejeanbabyon @abarrie06 I happy you like it👍🏻Happy hollidays to you abd your family! If you will like something else from my store just make a bundle and I will send you my offer🎉🚚))))
Jan 08Reply
nylifeaccess Hi gorgeous , thank you very much to check out and following my closet. Just to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Jan 24Reply
mtlposher Ekaterina,🌸 I’m a new Posher, and can’t for the life of me understand how you get so many followers. I’m sharing, and on very often. Many of my followers happen to be from the US. It’s weird how Poshmark allows US followers since we can’t sell to the US. Would you have any advice for me? Most importantly, your family is absolutely gorgeous!!! Pina🥰
Feb 12Reply
bluejeanbabyon @liamandmaya Hi there! Congratulation on open account! First off all became Posh ambassador and followers will come with it👌🏼💐 I’m on poshmark almost from the opening in Canada, so followers it is just about the time👌🏼 Find a local poshmark groups find friends there and selling on poshmark will be easy for you)) Good luck! I’m russian and we have our own community group about Poshmark, it is helps me a lot👌🏼
Feb 12Reply
mtlposher @kurilovaem Thank you so much for your advice, and for your encouragement-I appreciate it🥰.
Feb 12Reply
saamaanthaa939 Hi Ekaterina! Thanks for the shares - I just wanna share that I have some great deals going on right now - 😉2 for $20 on many items, and a 🤗FREE gift with many bundles!! Hope you get to enjoy🥰
Feb 14Reply
lcdane Hi, just got the grey Pumas. Love the shoes and super fast shipping. The posting mentioned a second pair of laces included which there doesn’t appear to be.
Feb 18Reply
bluejeanbabyon @lcdane Hi there! Sorry, my mistake, I didn’t check listing description, I dont have second pair of lace. May I offer you extra discount on next purchase. Let me know if it works for you.
Feb 18Reply
lcdane @kurilovaem No worries, if you had them great
Feb 18Reply
itsme01777 Hi Ekaterina 🙋‍♀️🌸🥰💕
Apr 19Reply
coyconsignment 🇨🇦Hi there I'm Heidi! Thank you so much for the follow! 🤗 I have a variety of items in my closet, come browse anytime. I am open to all offers! Happy poshing 🌟🌸💕
May 21Reply
ajooj Hello everything in my closet is BOGO 50% off.👏Sale ends Friday June 10 at midnight
Jun 09Reply
imagerai249 Welcome, Welcome, Welcome 🤗!
Jun 24Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items I’ll give you a great deal!
Jul 19Reply
aliciainbagland Hi Ekaterina!🙋🏻‍♀️ My name is Alicia. Welcome to Poshmark! 💐💐💐Thank you for visiting my closet. Please feel free to Buy, Make Offers and Put ❤️ on all your Likes! I will reply with my lowest offer! BTW, I’m a Posh Ambassador II, so feel free to ask me any questions.💕
Jul 29Reply
hdda Welcome to Postmark
Sep 23Reply
nancyconner645 Hi! I'm Nancy, and I'm glad you took time to follow my closet! Thank you!       I hope you find something that speaks to your heart here.  If not,  stop back by,  as I'm trying to add new items every few days.      If you are new to Posh, and need assistance, just ask! If you are an accomplished Posher, I am happy to have you on board.      Thanks again for the follow!      Nancy🙂❤🌻🙂
Sep 24Reply
merkuri I wish that you are able to meet all your sales targets and win all the hearts with your selling skills. Wishing you a blessed and success ..😇
Oct 11Reply
marybrace List, list, list. Share, Share, Share. That's the way You get somewhere... On Poshmark. And I invite you to come check out my closet and maybe find something special for you and yours. Blessings!!!
Oct 15Reply
hdda Welcome to Postmark
Dec 06Reply
christstyle Hi Kate Merry Christmas You have a lovely family Thanks for your sales alert I checked twice and didn’t find anything that I want Generally I look for skincare and intimates Please lmk when you have some Thanks
Dec 25Reply
a_macholz hi Kate. you have a lovely closet.
Dec 31Reply
meeeisha hi im in usa and i visited your auction and would love to purchase the 2 long zara jackets one in plaid and the one in blue.if they do not sale please reach out to me..thank you..;)
Jan 09Reply
canadiancookie @bluejeanbabyon Hi there, I saw your show today. I would do $25 for the two green large sweaters and the Zara jacket plaid. They are listed -not for sale. Let me know?
Jan 09Reply
meeeisha i would like to purchase the 2 zara items how do i do that if not if im not in canada?
Jan 10Reply
meeeisha meemeeshoeboutique on i.G
Jan 10Reply
rhonda_anne Have a blessed year!
Feb 01Reply
theresamcgowan missing comments on your show scroll up
Apr 27Reply
quirkieposh Hi Kate, I would like to look through your closet and perhaps make a bundle to add to the bathing suit cover-up and then if you’d be kind enough to give me a offer then we’ll go from there. Is that ok?
Jun 04Reply
bluejeanbabyon @quirkieposh Sure👌🏼
Jun 04Reply
dannytondreau Hi and Thanks! Danny from Quebec, thanks your counteroffer I bought your Scotch & Soda green "sweater" ! There seems to be no apparent faults, I wanted to buy a S & S piece and I love the color ! Thanks ! Love your profile photo, you could model ! Danny !
Jul 19Reply
nowayjose1212 LA Laddddddy……..
Jul 20Reply
itsjak Hey! Thank you for your offer on my Camile Squishmallow :) I sent a CCO price drop yesterday that should've made it a couple dollars cheaper for you, but I realize I sent it pretty late 😆 If you're still interested though I can accept your offer! Just wanted to confirm you're still interested though first 😊
Sep 23Reply
irishleprechaun ❤️CLOSING STORE TONIGHT❤️ ⭐️Monday November 27 ⭐️ Closing Tonight For The Year ❤️Mega Sales For Last Night ❤️ ⭐️Great Stocking Stuffers Deal #1 6/$20 SALE Bundle 6 Items For $20 Any Item Priced $5-$8 Deal #2 3/$20 SALE Bundle 3 Items For $20 Any Item Priced $10-$15 Deal #3 30% OFF Off Bundles of 3 or More Items With $9.99 Shipping Thank you for everyone’s Kindness + Business and Donations for MS Check out my Closet Thank You So Much Jason ❤️❤️‍🔥🙏
Nov 27Reply
whitestar17 Hello & Welcome to Poshmark! You will just love it here, it's a great place to shop and sell. Please visit my closet. If there's anything you like, go ahead & make an offer. Wishing you the very best of luck with your PM closet. So have fun & Happy Poshing to you 💕 Have a beautiful day 🌸💀
Nov 27Reply
shantell_mary Welcome to Poshmark ❤️ Please check out my closet sometime. I accept all reasonable offers and I have a bundle deal available. Happy Poshing
Apr 04Reply
breee002 Heyyy, if your looking for custom made shirts I’m your girl, feel free to look at my page and see some of the designs i have posted, the shirts that are posted are the designs I can do. I can do custom ones to just message me! I will make sure to look at your page as well! Happy poshing! 💙
Apr 05Reply
melindafail05 Hi and welcome to Posh!!! Thank you for following me. Please take a look around my closet and see what you think. I post new items daily and I accept all reasonable offers. Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day and Happy Poshing!!!
Apr 29Reply
mcvintagebauble Hi! I'm MCVintageBauble, a k.a Mary. Come on over to my closet & find some bling for your closet!   Feel free to share the items you like with your followers. Don’t be afraid to use the bundle function to make an offer, or just click the  ❤️ on any item & I’ll send you an offer.  Happy Poshing 😊
Jul 14Reply
galya52 hi I didn't realize these two pair of pants from the same seller ,are you able to bundle it for me so I pay just one shipping fee ? thank you
Oct 03Reply

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