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Updated Aug 05
Updated Aug 05

Meet your Posher, Elaina

Meet the Posher


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Hi! Thanks for stopping by, I admit it I’m a shopaholic. Have been doing this for many years. Let my bargains be yours! Smoke and Pet Free. Feel free to leave me a comment so I can check out your closet and let me know what you think of mine😊
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jill311 Welcome!
Apr 09Reply
christinekmmm Welcome to Poshmark!!! Best Wishes and Happy Poshing!! 🎀
Apr 09Reply
sweettaste Welcome to Poshmark 💕
Apr 09Reply
Apr 09Reply
rayalea3339 Hi there, welcome to poshmark!! Your closet is off to a great start :) please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions. I hope you are having a lovely day.
Apr 09Reply
doowopbabe1 @christinekmmm Thank you very much.
Apr 09Reply
doowopbabe1 @sweettaste Thank you very much.
Apr 09Reply
doowopbabe1 @pinkpoppylane04 Thank you very much
Apr 09Reply
doowopbabe1 @rayalea3339 Thank you very much. I might have to.
Apr 09Reply
indie_eve @doowopbabe1 Welcome to Poshmark! Happy to have you here and happy to help if you have any questions!
Apr 10Reply
atisticcutters Hello and welcome to Poshmark 🤗🥰🙋🏼‍♀️
Apr 10Reply
doowopbabe1 @sweettaste Thank you😊
Apr 13Reply
doowopbabe1 @rayalea3339 Thank you😊
Apr 13Reply
doowopbabe1 @indie_eve Thank you😊
Apr 13Reply
rebeccalynn2010 Hi, welcome to Poshmark! I’m a Posh Ambassador so let me know if there’s anything I can help you with! Good luck with sales, and above all have fun! 🤗
Apr 14Reply
suehony Hi Elaina!!! Thanks for stopping by my closet and sharing!!! Hopefully something good will come out of it !!!! Hope you stop by again!!! Happy Poshing!!! Love your line of going up and down more than a too!!! :-)
May 11Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my closet ❤️🙏💜! Cool closet- happy day and poshing ❤️🙏❤️
May 16Reply
blinkie99 Tysm for the shares! ❤️🙂
May 22Reply
jyoteub @doowopbabe1 thank you for sharing my listing 😊
Jun 09Reply
housebunny813 Thank you for all the shares 😊
Jun 27Reply
texanlady Hi Elaina 🙋 you have an awesome closet ❤️🌷🌸🌻🌼
Jul 31Reply
corinmc718 Good morning Elaine thank you so much for all the Shares, thank you for stop by to my closet I will posted new items stop another day and let me know if you have questions. Good luck to you too on your sales 💐💐💐🍀🍀🍀🍀🍒🍒🍒🛍🛍🛍
Aug 09Reply
familyjewelry Thanks for all the shares!!!
Aug 13Reply
earthgirlresale Thank you for the shares! ❤️💗💚 You have a fabulous closet & I’m looking forward to returning the favor by sharing your closet💫✨🌟
Aug 28Reply
highheels2032 @nitahudson Hi there! Just wanted to say hello. Haven't seen you in a while. Hope you have been having many trips to the post office!
Aug 29Reply
shoelover_11 Hello welcome to Poshmark.
Aug 31Reply
reecevance Welcome 😄😄
Sep 18Reply
skreamin Thanks for sharing!! I APPRECIATE it!
Sep 21Reply
remishops You’re amazing!!! Thank you much!! Happy poshin!
Sep 23Reply
shinnayscloset @doowopbabe1 thank you very much for All of the shares, I can't keep up with you girl 😁😂. You have many nice things in your closet. Thanks again🤗💌💞
Sep 24Reply
halroxursox Thanks for the follow! 🤗💕
Oct 15Reply
danipattyg Hi love thanks for following me please check out my channels on YouTube. I invite you to subscribe and like😘 I would love to hear from you and your opinions so feel free to drop a comment. Have a wonderful day!
Oct 23Reply
pinkstarzz Hi! thank you also, have a good night
Nov 19Reply
rekloc Thank you so much! Have a blessed day!
Nov 22Reply
drjeannie0208 Hi Eliana, thanks for sharing my closet! I appreciate your kindness! I will reciprocate! I live in Delray too at Alta Congress Apts across from train and bus depot, Congress/Atlantic!! I can’t wait to share your closet! 💕💕Keep in touch!
Jan 01Reply
drjeannie0208 Sorry I misspelled your name!
Jan 01Reply
suehony Love your frames!!! And decor!!! And closet...hahaha!!! Thanks again for sharing!
Jan 06Reply
jessicavl13 thank you so much for all the shares ♡
Jan 18Reply
jessicavl13 thank you so much for all the shares ♡
Jan 18Reply
missbusker Thank you for the share and like of my closet! Happy Poshing 🤗🤩
Feb 19Reply
jessicavl13 you are a really nice person ! thank you so much for always sharing my closet !💕
Feb 25Reply
ericsgrammy1123 @jessicavl13 Good morning! Thanks for all the shares again!! Happy poshing and hope you have a great sales weekend!! ❤️💜 Angela
Mar 13Reply
jessicavl13 @ericsgrammy1123 good morning Ángela, you are welcome!!♡ i wish you Many sales too! Blessings!😊
Mar 13Reply
ericsgrammy1123 Good morning! Hope you had a great Posh weekend 🧡💛🤍
Mar 16Reply
taputt Thank you for the share! I am have a closet clearout of 50% off everything until march 31, 2020, check it out!
Mar 28Reply
ericsgrammy1123 Good morning! Thanks for the shares 😁I hope you are staying safe!! Angela
Apr 03Reply
16schul Hey.. you are supposed to be resting your shoulder not sharing ;). Thank you for sharing my closet
May 01Reply
aliciam68 @doowopbabe1 I actually have family in Delray but I won’t be doing any flying any time soon. I flew in Nov. & had extreme difficulty before this. I love it there & Miami Beach 🏖 & miss it very much but I have no travel plans to go! I will check on you periodically & see how you’re doing! 😊💕🌸🌺 🙏
May 09Reply
doowopbabe1 @aliciam68 where in Delray do they live. It’s a great town. I would like to go to Az to see my older son and grandchildren but also afraid to fly.
May 09Reply
aliciam68 @doowopbabe1 Off of Atlantic Blvd., can’t remember if it’s the 1st one or the 2nd Atlantic off the I-95 Interstate. I only flew once in 3 years & it was a nightmare I’d like to forget! Now, forget it, not doing it! I will drive or take the train 🚊 eventually, when it’s safe, with my own private cabin!!!
May 09Reply
2littlebigdogs Hi Elaina, I want to “thank you” for all the sharing you’ve been doing from my closet... I know it’s difficult with your physical challenges-so when I see 100+ shares by you I worry what you’re sacrificing physically to accomplish it. You’re generosity doesn’t go un-noticed/un-appreciated-but I worry about you. Please take care of yourself my friend as I NEVER want you to suffer from over-doing it on my behalf. Thank you again for your generosity!! Blessings, Ria. 😉🥰
May 23Reply
anasbcloset Hi, Thanks for the share 👌
May 27Reply
yosolaboutique Thanks for stopping by my closet! Happy Poshing! 🤗
May 31Reply
cctennis Hi! I am behind my sharings today, but I will at night!!
Jun 02Reply
peruvianjewel Thank u so much for all yr sweet shares! I so appreciate yr time and effort!😍
Jun 10Reply
brandisstyle7 Good morning, thank you for the follow come check out my closet. Some new items were added and everything is organized in categories. I have some sales going on, on shorts and long sleeve tops and when you make a bundle of 2+things you get 15% off. I’m a faster shipper
Jun 28Reply
piccicu Hi Elaina.... just want to thank you for the shares. It doesn’t go unnoticed. I’ve not been well at all so I really appreciate it! Stay happy and well 😘🌻😘
Aug 03Reply
nedbasic55 Thanks for more sharing, I like your name. My mom’s is Elayne, she’l be 90 this year
Aug 07Reply
piccicu Hi Elaina.... I’ve been tryin* to share but not feeling well. Was in hospital overnight and just home. Can’t even hold my eyes open! Thanking* you for your shares.....Stephanie 🌻
Aug 08Reply
nedbasic55 Thanks again for liking, if there’s anyone that you really like, let me know and I’ll try to drop the price further. Stay safe and dry
Aug 09Reply
nedbasic55 Thanks for more sharing, is there anyone that you really like. I’ll make you a Luca Brasí a offer you can’t refuse
Aug 11Reply
bboopers54 Thank you so much for all of your share is very much appreciated. Wishing you and your family stay safe and healthy.
Aug 18Reply
abdul_hanan Thank you so muc for all the shares. You are the best, Elaina🙏🏻😊
Sep 14Reply
nedbasic55 Thanks you too
Sep 18Reply
uniquenpink THANKS FOR THE SHARES!❌⭕️❌⭕️
Sep 20Reply
piccicu Hi Elaina... thanks so much for always sharing. It really helps me as I’m running out of energy. As you noticed I’m sure, I’m taking a short vacation from Poshmark. Just to try and focus on health and listing new items. Hope that will give me more energy. My 50% sale ending on Friday, so hate to ask but if you could just share any one of my sale tags that would be great! Hugs to you hun🥰💕🥰💕
Sep 24Reply
mema4kids HI doowopbabe, aka Elaina Thank you for your shares, you are so kind, how did you fair during the last hurricane? I hope well. I looked up what you have suffered with , with your hands, wow, your amazing, to keep doing what your doing... I need some of your gumption and spirit.... I Think of you often and would like to hear from you , Blessings always, Julie
Sep 26Reply
piccicu Thank you hun! Appreciate the shares. Just want you to know I’ll be taking a break, tonight or tomorrow. We can always communicate but I just need to really slow down so I can spend time listing etc.. I certainly know you understand with your health troubles too. Stay well my dear and keep smiling! ......Stephanie 🌻💕
Sep 28Reply
artlorehome @doowopbabe1 🌺 Hi Elaina 🌺 Thank you so much for the follow and all the shares! 😊 You have a great closet! 🌟 Good luck 🍀 and have a wonderful day! 🌈☀️ 🌿🌸🌿 Jodi
Sep 29Reply
sampaguitaave hey 👋🏽 thanks for the share 🥰 happy to connect!
Oct 18Reply
nedbasic55 THANKS for sharing please be safe
Oct 18Reply
jinxy231 Thank you for sharing my item. Have a wonderful day 😊
Oct 18Reply
mervine Elaina, thank you for sharing my closet items! I’m going to give the gorgeous purse that I bought to my daughter for her birthday. She’ll love it!
Oct 28Reply
reneej90 Hi. which bag are you referring to that you would accept $75?
Oct 28Reply
mariontvb Thank you for sharing my listing!
Oct 31Reply
mimisfashion27 Thank you for sharing my listing. Have a wonderful day!!!
Nov 09Reply
yoegresitz @doowopbabe1 Shared 25, have a wonderful day🥰
Nov 09Reply
yoegresitz @doowopbabe1 shared 25 Have a beautiful day💜
Nov 12Reply
elainesapitan Thank you for the support on my closet. I hope you have some time to go through it as I am trying to get rid of many items, as well I have some items listed / marked as “FREE with ANY purchase” throughout my closet which can be added into any BUNDLE. Hope you find something you like! Feel free to send me any offers and I’d be happy to make business with you. Happy Poshing and safe during this quarantine! 🦋
Nov 26Reply
matadora1978 hi there ! i just shared 10 of your items wishing you many sales ! 🙋‍♀️
Nov 27Reply
hollismillsaps Thank you so much for today's shares, Elaina -- you are incredible! May all of the kindness you show come back to you in joy and of course profitable sales. Have a great day!
Dec 05Reply
nedbasic55 hope your heater works
Dec 08Reply
nedbasic55 enjoy your potato pancakes
Dec 10Reply
aandr25 Just wanted to thank you for all the shares. Haven't sold in months. But I keep sharing. Thanks again for support. Stay safe!
Dec 11Reply
bethsnn_shops Thanks all the shares, I appreciate it!
Dec 13Reply
debbiesjourney @doowopbabe1 Hi! I hope you are enjoying Poshmark! Happy to have you here! Enjoyed sharing your closet.
Dec 17Reply
thriftanplunder Thank you for the shares! Hope you have a beautiful Holiday season. 😊
Dec 22Reply
marshallgirl1 Merry Christmas sweet friend! I hope you are safe and well!!🎄❤️🎄
Dec 22Reply
tootzsweet Thank you for the shares. Happy Holidays! 🎅🏼🎄
Dec 25Reply
tootzsweet Thank You for all the shares. I hope returning the favor will get you lots more $ales.😁
Dec 28Reply
ash5280 happy new year! 🥳
Jan 01Reply
ash5280 happy new year 🥳 thank you for the shares
Jan 02Reply
delcie11 @doowopbabe1 I'm grateful for your support and shares 🥰 your posh love is reciprocated 💞 wishes for many posh sales 👗👠🧥👜🛍️🎉
Jan 12Reply
hollismillsaps You are rocking and rolling, Elaina!! Congratulations on selling the beautiful Vera bag and velvet pants, and your new listings. Noticed you sold an Elvis item in the past and hope your mug goes quickly. Have a great day!
Jan 19Reply
delcie11 @doowopbabe1 I'm so grateful for your support and shares 🤗 your posh love has been returned 💞 wishes for many posh sales 🕶️👠👜🛍️💖
Jan 20Reply
hollismillsaps Way to go with the orange purse, Elaina! Keep up the good work. 😊
Jan 21Reply
delcie11 @doowopbabe1 thanks for your continued support and shares 🥰 I returned the kindness 🥰 have a wonderful day full of posh sales 👗👠👜🛍️💖
Jan 26Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for following I’m Emily! If you purchase any of my items that aren’t jewelry for it’s exact price then I’ll add any of the jewelry I’m selling except the Ariana Grande ring and cat necklace for Free! Happy Poshing😊🎊🎉❄️☃️
Jan 27Reply
polka5dots Thank you for your generous shares. Happy Poshing!
Jan 27Reply
patty2x4 Hi, Elaina, thx for sharing my jacket. I am reducing it to $20. Take care and stay safe!
Jan 27Reply
sprinklesbaker Hi! I'm Emily. Thanks for stopping by! I’m adding something new if you purchase any of my items that’s not jewelry or create a bundle then I’ll add any jewelry except the Ariana Grande ring and cat necklace for Free! Welcome to Poshmark😊❄️☃️🎉🎊
Jan 30Reply
6810_wholesale Thank you for finding and following us in the wholesaler market today. You will find all you need to service your customers ;) Have a great day!
Feb 02Reply
hollismillsaps You are on fire, Elaina!! 😊 Congratulations on the new sales and all of your cute new listings.
Feb 03Reply
hollismillsaps I'm so impressed with all of your cute new listings, Elaina -- you must be exhausted. Best wishes for quick sales!
Feb 15Reply
janfast Hi Elaina! Thanks for following my closet!🌸
Feb 18Reply
delcie11 Congrats @doowopbabe1 🎉  I've chosen you to be Ringo on 2/19 💞 so get ready to sit back, relax and collect those shares and posh love 💞  remember NO SHAREBACKS 🤗 have an amazing day full of shares and posh sales 👜👠🛍️💖
Feb 19Reply
hollismillsaps Your new purses are adorable and I can't wait to see them sell! Your productivity is amazing. Have a great day!
Feb 19Reply
hollismillsaps I KNEW the adorable purse with the bee wouldn't last long! Congratulations on your latest sales! But PLEASE rest your hand so it can recover. I'm disgusted with my lack of sales and will probably not even be logging in soon. 😊
Feb 22Reply
hollismillsaps Good morning! How is your hand doing? Please share as little as possible so your hand can really heal. 😊 Have a great weekend!
Feb 27Reply
delcie11 🎉Congrats @doowopbabe1 🎉  I've chosen you to be Paul on 3/8 🎸 for 🎵The Beatles🎵 a share game, so get ready to sit back, relax and collect those shares and posh love 💞✌🏻  remember NO SHAREBACKS 🤗 have an amazing day full of shares and posh sales 🎸🛍️💖🤘🏻🎵🎸🥁❤️✌🏻🕊️ (will post at midnight)                      🎵🎸🥁❤️✌🏻
Mar 08Reply
haileyscloset4 Hello! Thanks for visiting my closet! Let me know if there anything I can help you with :)
Mar 18Reply
1msgg Elaina. I really appreciate the shares. Wishing you tons of sales🌸🌸
Mar 19Reply
julias_style Hey! I have a ton of unlisted items just let me know what your looking for an I can see if I have it:)
Apr 01Reply
pbradbury Thanks for sharing!!
Apr 06Reply
hollismillsaps Thank you so very much for all of your shares, Elaina, and hope your hand is feeling better. Am going w/husband to mountain lodge 2 hrs. drive away where we will be fed & taken on hikes -- back on Wed. afternoon. Have a great week!
Apr 12Reply
lovenarf Hi Elaina, I would love for you to visit my closet when you have a few minutes. I have clothes for men, women and children in all sizes. Thanks for stopping by.
Apr 19Reply
delcie11 . 🎵🎸🥁❤️✌🏻 Congrats @doowopbabe1 🎉 I've chosen you to be Ringo on 4/23 for 🎵The Beatles🎵 a share game 💞 so get ready to sit back, relax and collect those shares and posh love 💞 remember NO SHAREBACKS 🤗 have an amazing day full of shares and posh sales 👜👠🛍️💖 (will post at midnight) 🎵🎸🥁❤️✌🏻
Apr 23Reply
rrucker5 Hi Elaina. Thanks for the shares. I really appreciate it. Hope you sell tons of your stuff! ( so you can buy more!)
Apr 23Reply
onequalife Thanks for sharing
Apr 23Reply
melinferno Thanks for sharing my listings..... Mel
Apr 25Reply
hollismillsaps Thank you. We are visiting my husband's brother in Charlotte who has begun hospice care for terminal liver cancer but fun relatives will be there and hopefully the visit will cheer him. Hope all is well with you!
Apr 29Reply
hollismillsaps Enjoy your time off to the fullest, Elaina! 🤗🤗🤗
May 02Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello and thanks for following our closet. We're having an Overstock Sale and accepting all offers at 20% less than listing pricing. 😍
May 07Reply
yizzie74 Thanks for following 👍🏽
May 08Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me!
May 12Reply
dealmartcity How come all your item shown have a price, yet it says not fir sale?
May 14Reply
bettyboopertoo Thanks for following me! My oldest brother and s-in-law live in DB and I went to a few of their clubhouse DooWop concerts. Lots of fun - even if DooWop was just a few years before my time - I think i still recognized most of the songs, thanks to my big brother! :)
May 15Reply
crafteelinda490 Thanks for following my closet. I have shared some of yours. Stay safe and God bless.
May 16Reply
treasures2luv Love the artwork on this page Is it yours by chance? You have wonderful items! Have you traveled the world to buy these souvenirs?
May 16Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Elaina, thank you for following us!👍 We are Jimbo & G.🤠🐗🙋🐗 I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!💖 Happy Posh'ing & we hope you have a SAFE & prosperous 2021!😷💳📈 Be kind & have a blessed day! 🙏✝️💞
May 20Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for viewing my closet it is greatly appreciated. Be safe.....Dorothy 💜
May 21Reply
richmondsrelics Hello, I’m listing new merchandise everyday. Women’s, men’s, home goods and more. I’ve been in business since 1983, online auction sites since 2000, and on Poshmark since November 2019. I strive to provide quality goods and good service. I have another closet called, kids_poshshop. You will find baby and children’s clothing, toys, and collectible beanies and plush animals.
May 29Reply
hollismillsaps Hope the last segment of your trip was wonderful & you are feeling more like yourself now, Elaina -- it always takes days for me to recover after traveling. My husband's brother died yesterday; we are not sure when a service will be held. Our last visit with him was great because his son & my husband played guitar & he perked up & sang along, then smoked a cigarette, sipped tequila & came out on his deck with visitors. Had to have the bee people back here but all ok now. Happy weekend!
Jun 04Reply
tryformore 🎊Thanks for sharing my listings‼️
Jun 05Reply
viko1029 Love your Lifestyle 🥂 Thanks for your share 😎🤙🏼
Jun 07Reply
mazyodc Hi, My name is Marianne. a Poshmark Ambassador. I would like to invite you to visit my closet. I have many vintage and unique items, including china, books, clothing, DVD’s, video games, jewelry, and religious objects. I am happy to consider all reasonable offers. Hope you’ll drop by (and I’ll visit your closet too.)
Jun 12Reply
smcuster Hello my name is Shawn and I got notification you began following my Poshmark Closet. Welcome and thank you for visiting! I appreciate you for connecting and giving the opportunity to read and learn a little bit about you. I also welcome you to find and follow me on Instagram @shawnmariescloset where I created a fun introduction game once you begin following the account. May great success be on the horizon with you along the way! Glad to meet you. ~Shawn Marie
Jun 17Reply
smcuster Hello my name is Shawn and I got notification you began following my Poshmark Closet. Welcome and thank you for visiting! I appreciate you for connecting and giving the opportunity to read and learn a little bit about you. I also welcome you to find and follow me on Instagram @shawnmariescloset where I created a fun introduction game once you begin following the account. May great success be on the horizon with you along the way! Glad to meet you. ~Shawn Marie
Jun 17Reply
stevenb712 Happy poshing and Godspeed to you....
Jun 17Reply
dwalsh512 Thanks so much for sharing my closet! 👍🏼🤩
Jun 19Reply
bigshap Thanks Elaina I left Roslyn after 20 years 😎
Jul 02Reply
bigshap Ty Elaina 😎😎😎😎
Jul 03Reply
aptooms Bought the Talbots at 20. Sorry I insulted you. Have a great sale today and please forgive any perceived slight. Enjoy your day! Amanda (aptooms)
Jul 11Reply
unabluejeans Hi, there! I just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing my closet! I appreciate the support! I love the closet you're curating and I wish you the best of luck in the coming season! Feel free to check us out at or on Instagram @UnaBlueJeans!! Thank you again🧡
Aug 15Reply
rcabrera42 I can't wait to get this handbag for a black tie event next Wednesday! It's a beautiful purse and a perfect accessory.
Sep 06Reply
ez_deals4u Thank you so much
Sep 11Reply
spreadlove Hi!! Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. If you're in the mood to shop , please check out my items! Have a great day!! ☀️❤😍
Sep 17Reply
bcolstion9875 Im looking at your jordan retro 6 white and light pink with a gold chain. The pair i want is woman 7. I seen a pair you have that are woman 6.5 for 125 dollars. Can you send actual pictures of them. Cause the say preowned. And i wanna see if she'll wear them
Oct 07Reply
lmoore840 Hey guess what!!!You want to get great deals?I am still having Cyber Monday Sales😃😃!!YAAAAY! 😃😃Be sure to check out my closet and take advangtage of my sales I won’t be doing this for long,hope you do get something for lower🎁🎁, don’t let your time run out!!!!🤩🤩🤩
Nov 30Reply
snwluxury Greetings! Thank you for the follow. 🤗 When you have a moment, please check out my closet. I’m constantly adding new items and I’m sure you will find something that you love! ❤️ Happy shopping!! 🛍
Dec 20Reply
rahluxe Welcome! Stopping by to check out your closet. Feel free to check out mine:)
Jan 05Reply
thrifted_books Hi! Thanks for following! Please feel free to shop my closet and make me a reasonable offer on anything. I have a 4/$20 sale going on books, toys, jewelry, and ornaments. I have items available from Barbie, Thomas Kinkade, Avon, Coca Cola, and more! I mail ASAP! Happy shopping!
Jan 30Reply
5stella555 🙏 grateful thanks for returning shares .....
Feb 14Reply
mycoquitaslove Hello I am on my site with my daughter in law. She posts the expensive items to post. She buys and sells and we split the winnings. I’m retired on a limited income. FYI My husband has cancer and we found out today he’s going blind. I just want you to know that giving me a great deal made my day. I worked for 38 years in a major hospital Working in the care giver center with the families of very sick patients. You have a great Evening. Thanks again.
Feb 15Reply
richmondsrelics Hello, I have 2 closets, richmondsrelics and kids_poshshop. If you see something you want in my closet, feel free to make a offer or better yet, build a bundle for a 15% discount. I sell good quality items. Lots of vintage. They are fairly priced, so I don’t make offers, but I’m always willing to consider offers from buyers. Most items came from a resale store I closed. I’ve been in business since 1984, online since 2000.
Feb 21Reply
richmondsrelics Congratulations for walking the runway!
Feb 21Reply
janfast Thanks Elaina! 🌸💕😊
Mar 05Reply
christibritt Thank you for following my closet. Please feel free to make me an offer on anything you like, plus I offer discounts for bundling. Hope you’re loving Poshmark as much as I do. Have a wonderful day!!! ❤️
Mar 07Reply
christibritt Thank you for following my closet. Please feel free to make me an offer on anything you like, plus I offer discounts for bundling. Hope you’re loving Poshmark as much as I do. Have a wonderful day!!! ❤️
Mar 07Reply
jenn3981 @doowopbabe1 Good Morning! It’s time for your closet to walk The RUNWAY! Friday April 8 - enjoy the posh love.
Apr 02Reply
jenn3981 @doowopbabe1 Hi! Just a reminder that your closet will be featured tomorrow on The RUNWAY! If you post the “I’m Featured” picture (last slide in listing) tomorrow, you will get 25 BONUS shares from me. It’s completely optional. Enjoy the Posh love.
Apr 07Reply
leanderandhero I would love to make a bundle and help us both out, however your abrupt tone & asperity have hurt me. I wish you all the best in your recovery.
Apr 12Reply
nonajane @doowopbabe1 Hi Elaina, We are both close friends of Beth G. In Delray. I am on here as well and live in Delray also. Regards Nona @nonajane
Apr 14Reply
ninjaginja13 Thanks for the follow!! Please let me know how I can help you find your next fashion fave for your closet!! ❤️❤️
Apr 23Reply
hollismillsaps Thank you so much for the shares while you're on vacation, Elaina! Hope you are having a wonderful time!
May 02Reply
cutehosiery @doowopbabe1 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 04Reply
hollismillsaps Thinking of you and hoping your recovery is going well, Elaina. Have a beautiful day!
May 15Reply
luxe_touch 🥳Yay - the Best in Home Party! Thanks for hosting. I’m so excited to share my items! I have two new listings, a hand painted platter and Fitz & Floyd decorative plates -- both are really pretty! 🙏🏆👀 Will you please take a look in my closet for 🏆host picks? TYSM🎈See you there. 🍾 🥂
Jul 05Reply
cinderella927 Hello Elaina‼️Are you ready to have your closet featured⁉️ I scheduling closets to be featured on Tues. 8/2 Wed. 8/3 and Wed. 8/4‼️Let me know if you are interested⁉️
Jul 31Reply
janfast Hi Elaina! Thanks for sharing my closet! 🌸💕😊
Aug 26Reply
bybeejer77 nice bracelet cuz if you see that what I love, if you have anything that's nice send me photos n my favorite is turquoise will be happy with whatever you shuw me.. thanks bro.cheers!
Aug 31Reply
irenecase Hi, Nice to meet you ! 🏖. ☀️🐠. 🏖 Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know ! Or if you have any questions just ask. ~ Enjoy the rest of the Summer ~ ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️ 🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠
Sep 15Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there ❤️I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing!!
Sep 19Reply
janfast Hi Elaina! Thank you for all the shares! 🌸💕😊
Nov 01Reply
cinderella927 Hi! Are you up for a walk on The RUNWAY today? I hear the weather in Florida is not great so wasn't sure if this was a good day to feature you!?
Nov 08Reply
coracoller Hi Elena (sorry if I spelled your name incorrectly. I'm Cora and wanted to thank you for following me. I shared some of your awesome closet. Also wanted to Wish you and yours a Fantabulous Thanksgiving filled with all the blessings you deserve.
Nov 12Reply
marydoughert195 I will accept your offer although I could not send it for a week . I could mail it next Tuesday. I’m out town until then.
Nov 14Reply
marydoughert195 Your henri bendel was picked up by usps this morning!! Thank you for your patience:)
Nov 23Reply
rosamarqu52 Hi 👋 nice to meet you
Dec 12Reply
bell1971 @doowopbabe1 💄💄💄Enjoy your LIPPIE day 💄💄💄
Dec 15Reply
pennyburchfi35 Hi! Thanks bunches for the follow and support, happy Poshing
Dec 20Reply
tootzsweet Happy New Year 🎆 to you and your loved ones. 😊❤️
Jan 01Reply
adreamerschase Thank you for the love. Appreciate you💜
Jan 16Reply
bell1971 @doowopbabe1 💄💄💄Enjoy your LIPPIE DAY 💄💄💄
Jan 19Reply
jenn3981 @doowopbabe1 thanks for sharing The RUNWAY. I’d love to feature your closet on Friday, April 28. Does that date work for you?
Apr 15Reply
jenn3981 @doowopbabe1 Hi! Just a reminder that your closet will be featured tomorrow on The RUNWAY! If you post the NEW “I’m Featured” picture (last slide in listing) tomorrow, you will get 25 BONUS shares from me. It’s completely optional. Enjoy the Posh love.
Apr 27Reply
sap675 Thank you for following!
Apr 30Reply
poshmf Hi 👋 Feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have something for everyone and a little bit of everything. Men's, Woman's, kids, pets, toys, jewlery, and so much more. Bundle to save, and pay only 1 shipping cost. Happy Poshing!
Jun 01Reply
art_stone Good Morning, may the coming day be a great blessing for you. New day, new friends! Feel free to check my closet, you may find something you like, bundle/send me offers anytime 🎁 Tx.
Jul 15Reply
jenn3981 @doowopbabe1 Hi Elaina! Just a reminder that your closet will be featured tomorrow on The RUNWAY! If you post the NEW “I’m Featured” picture (last slide in listing) tomorrow, you will get 25 BONUS shares from me. It’s completely optional. Enjoy the Posh love.
Jul 28Reply
marymessana @doowopbabe1 - thank you for your offer! I’ve got both bracelets earmarked for my birthday Aug. 30 :) thanks Elaina!
Jul 29Reply
mimswind Hi Elaina! Thank you for following my closet!
Sep 11Reply
le_stage Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with you! 🌺 MelissaL
Nov 08Reply
hollismillsaps Welcome back, Elaina -- I've thought of you often. Hope and pray your procedure went well and that you are feeling good as new! 😊❤️
Nov 13Reply
k_pannullo HAPPY BIRTHDAY!🎂💝🎉 Wishing you all the best on your special day, & may you & yours have a very happy, healthy, & safe holiday!🤗 ✨🎁✨ Congratulations on your special Runway feature today as well! May it bring you much success now 🍀, as well as throughout the new year ahead 🥰 Kim
Dec 19Reply
cinderella927 Happy New Year🍾🍾‼️Wishing you good health, happiness and many$$ in 2024‼️
Jan 02Reply
angeleyezs77 hey girl! hope your doing well! laughter is the best medicine, so head over to you tube and laugh at your silly friend! it's a Bendel-centric comedy all about a bendel girl's journey to re-open her favorite store! and of course... sign the official petition to re-open the henri bendel store at: 😆 🤣 😂
Jan 05Reply
doowopbabe1 @angeleyezs77 thanks hon. All is ok. I will asap thank you😘
Jan 05Reply
gems_m Thank you for all the shares🤗I tried to return the favor!!
Feb 01Reply
doowopbabe1 My pleasure. Hope you get some sales. Thanks for your shares also. Elaina
Feb 01Reply
hollismillsaps Welcome back and thank you for all the shares while you were away!
Apr 10Reply
gems_m I so love your user name!❣❣❣
Apr 17Reply
jenn3981 @doowopbabe1 Hi Elaina! Thanks for sharing The RUNWAY. I’d love to feature your closet on Saturday, November 30. I hope that date works for you. I’ll send you a reminder the day before. Enjoy the posh love!
Nov 15Reply
delmarfast Thanks for sharing my closet!😊
Nov 19Reply
melinferno Thanks for sharing my closet.... Mel
Nov 29Reply
jenn3981 @doowopbabe1 Hi Elaina! Just a reminder that your closet will be featured tomorrow (Saturday) on The RUNWAY! If you post the NEW “I’m Featured” picture (last slide in listing) tomorrow, you will get 25 BONUS shares from me. It’s completely optional. Enjoy the Posh love.
Nov 30Reply
tootzsweet Wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a safe, happy and healthy New Year. Sue
Dec 25Reply
luz_delgado66 Looked at your closet awesome would u be interested in buying my coach or looking at my closet?
Jan 02Reply
burtsbargains Hi from a fellow Posher in Delray Beach!!
Jan 18Reply
tootzsweet Apologies for not returning shares yesterday. I lost internet access and have been working to resolve the issue which is time consuming. I just did double shares to catch up. Sue
Jan 30Reply
jenn3981 @doowopbabe1 For your bundle - Beauty party - you need to change the category to Makeup or skincare. Accessories isn’t part of the party (2/9). I wrote a comment there but it’s not showing. Thanks!
Feb 07Reply

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