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Updated Jan 13
Updated Jan 13

Meet your Posher, Elisabeth

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Elisabeth. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, Louis Vuitton, and MAC Cosmetics. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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romanbae Hi! Welcome to Poshmark 😊 feel free to check out my closet ‼️like , share and follow 💕if interested any any item please ask questions and make offers 😍 happy poshing ‼️
Mar 07Reply
goodcents Hi, I'm Michelle! Hope you love Posh as much as I do! if you run into any questions as you use the app, feel free to reach out with an @goodcents!
Apr 02Reply
jasonliz22 Thank you very much!
Apr 02Reply
sandragittleson Hi there! Congratulations & Welcome to Poshmark! I'm sandra... I invite you to check out my closet, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. I'm motivated, it's better to bundle items you get a discounted price, one shipping fee! Otherwise share, like & follow! Happy poshing! 😊❤️
Apr 02Reply
koshik Welcome to Poshmark and good luck with your closet!
Apr 09Reply
hhaycock @jasonliz22 hi! Love you closet! I have a question for you and didn't want to post under the scrub posting in case you weren't interested ❤ I'm interested in buying several of your scrub sets and was wondering if I bought 4 or more sets if you'd discount to $28/pair. Let me know, thank you!!! 🤗🌸💐
Apr 10Reply
jasonliz22 @hhaycock Hello! Absolutely! I seriously have about 20 pair I haven't posted the rest. All are like new, never dried in the dryer! In fact I have a beautiful coral set still with tags. I'm retired now and need to get rid of them! Thank you!
Apr 10Reply
hhaycock @jasonliz22 awesome! Congrats on the retirement!! I definitely need the scrubs! If I bundle the ones I want, would you mind holding until Thursday Morning, I get paid around 7-8am. Feel free to check out my ratings- they're good and I'll definitely keep my word!
Apr 10Reply
hhaycock @jasonliz22 and if you add more I may add them to my bundle ❤
Apr 10Reply
jasonliz22 Btw, the rest of the scrubs I haven't posted yet are all plain color. If there is a certain color you like I can text you pics! But if you just like the color block, all is good! Thanks for reaching out! I'll do what I can to help! I'll accept the 28.00 for any pair you like! 🌺. Nice to meet you!
Apr 10Reply
jasonliz22 Sure, I can put "not for sale" on them to hold them. Just let me know which ones you like. I trust you! As far as the others not listed, can I please text you pics later as I'm not sure if I'll have time to post all of them. Then you will have 1st pick? Thanks so much!
Apr 10Reply
jasonliz22 Sorry to bother you... the only one I can see in the bundle is the lemon one. I'll put "not for sale " on it to hold but can you please tell me which others you wanted me to hold so I can save them ? If you notify me Wed morning when your ready to purchase, I'll revise them! Hope this works for you! Thanks again! 💁👍😻
Apr 10Reply
hhaycock @jasonliz22 hey!! Not a bother at all--- the app doesn't text me if you don't tag my user name ☺️😘 I just came back on here to see if you'd responded! Yes feel free to text me the pics whenever you have time, no rush!! (I get paid Thursday morning) Three One Seven 695 !9!0. Hope that makes sense to you ❤❤
Apr 10Reply
jasonliz22 So I reserved 8 sets and the 3 misc tops ! Also , I have the mint green pants that go with the mint green outfits. I will just give them to you since your purchasing so much! I know you will love these. I will post the solids after dinner in about 1 1/2 hours. Your a pleasure to work with ! Thanks sweetie!
Apr 10Reply
sandymcdonough Would you happen to have anymore scrubs for sale?
May 06Reply
jasonliz22 @sandymcdonough hellio, I only have the two koi pants & wink tops in my closet. They seriously are like new & super nice. 😊
May 06Reply
jasonliz22 @sandymcdonough my friend "hhaycock" has some cute scrubs for sale in her closet! Hope that helps!
May 06Reply
jassieboo92 Welcome to poshmark ! :)
May 10Reply
jasonliz22 @jassieboo92 thank you have a wonderful mothers day! 🌺
May 10Reply
mysticalblue 🌹WELCOME TO POSHMARK🌹 Hello 🙋🏻, I'm Carolyn, at 🦋@MysticalBlue🦋Closet. If I can ever help, please let me know. Happy Poshing and have fun, I know you will‼️ 💄💋👠👛👗🌂
May 17Reply
loulourae Thank you so much for shopping my closet 🤗 I will get your order packaged and dropped off at the post office today for you 😊 Thanks again 💕💕💕
May 24Reply
jasonliz22 @loulourae thank you I appreciate it! Have a great day!
May 24Reply
convintageous Hi Elizabeth, thank you for accepting the offer. It’s an awesome bag. I was actually surprised it didn’t sell sooner. You’re going to luv it this summer🙂. I’ll send it out first thing Monday. I hope you enjoy the remainder of ur weekend luv.
Jun 02Reply
jasonliz22 @convintageous Hello! Thank you for the update! I appreciate it! I love the silver &will Def enjoy it! You also, enjoy your weekend! Best wishes.!🌹🌹
Jun 02Reply
convintageous Love ur closet too. Moving from MD to WI in 3 weeks so can’t buy now. Downsizing lol but will def. come back once settled.
Jun 02Reply
fashiondiva382 Hi, thanks for your Lulu offer and purchase! I’ll get your fab top shipped out on Monday. Have a great rest of your weekend! ☺️
Jun 02Reply
jasonliz22 @convintageous awww thank you! Safe travels & sounds great! Wisconsin is gorgeous!
Jun 02Reply
jasonliz22 @fashiondiva382 Good evening! I really appreciate it! I’ve been eyeing this awesome top! Happy Poshing! Enjoy your summer! 💐🌸
Jun 02Reply
fashiondiva382 @jasonliz22 Thanks! I’ll update you once your top ships. ☺️😘
Jun 02Reply
jasonliz22 @fashiondiva382 very kind of you. Take care’ 😎
Jun 02Reply
convintageous Thank you for saying that. It really is, it’s right outside Madison, very health conscious too. Just not looking forward to the winters lol. But then again I grew up in MI and lived in NE for 20 years so I’m pretty acclimated😂. We were neighbors. Btw I’m planning on reducing a lot as the time gets closer and I’m listing like crazy, about to do some men’s keen hiking boots, so if u like anything else, feel free to take off 20-25% luv offer & I’ll accept.
Jun 02Reply
convintageous And if u reposh, I seriously don’t mind. I just have way too much to move w/ me. Very nice to meet you🙂
Jun 02Reply
convintageous Thank you so much again and for your well wishes too
Jun 02Reply
jasonliz22 @convintageous nice to meet you too! I def will not re-posh as I needed a new beach bag! Looking forward to receiving it & I like that it zips! Ok I’ll keep that in mind! It will be worth it, I call it Gods Country! Gorgeous in the fall! I love how the lake is right in the middle of Madison! Take care!
Jun 02Reply
convintageous Thank you. Maybe you can come and visit. Re the reposhing, I meant to say if there’s anything else you may like to reposh not the bag, sorry for the misunderstanding, I type too quickly, I know you like that one lol. Have a great weekend hopefully we can chat again soon.
Jun 02Reply
jasonliz22 @convintageous lol oh no worries! All good 🤗It was nice chatting with you. Thanks Again! The bag will be nice for the pool! Enjoy your summer!
Jun 02Reply
convintageous @jasonliz22 that’s exactly what I thought when I saw it. Pool/beach I double checked on the zipper too. AOK LOL. My mainstay purse is silver Italian leather, love it for the summer. Ty Have a great night too 🙂
Jun 02Reply
fashiondiva382 Hi again! Your Lulu top has shipped. ☺️
Jun 04Reply
jasonliz22 @fashiondiva382 wonderful! Thanks a million! I’ll be sure to leave you a great review! Take care! 💝
Jun 04Reply
jasonliz22 @fashiondiva382 wonderful! Thanks a million! I’ll be sure to leave you a great review! Take care! 💝
Jun 04Reply
fashiondiva382 @jasonliz22 You’re so welcome! I appreciate that. ☺️
Jun 04Reply
convintageous Aww thank you so much it made my day to read what you wrote xoxo so happy u like it, you’re going to look so chic heading to the pool🙂
Jun 06Reply
jasonliz22 @convintageous hello... you deserve it! Thanks again! I love it so much, I found another one for a relative ! Take care & enjoy your summer! Best of luck on the move!
Jun 06Reply
kitsuneomajinai @jasonliz22 Hi there! Please check out my closet! I have a large collection of beautifully kimonos, wraps, and boho festival style clothing and accessories. I hope you enjoy perusing my closet! It’s been a joy curating and collecting the colors and flows in it.
Jun 13Reply
mscorpion76 Hi, I see you made an offer on the lululemon lime top. I will drop the price to $23 so you can get the discount on the shipping. What do you think?
Jun 14Reply
jasonliz22 @mscorpion76 hello! Aww , that sounds perfect! Thanks fo much! 🤗
Jun 14Reply
mscorpion76 Ok, I am doing it as soon as I finish this message, make sure you jump on it. :)
Jun 14Reply
jasonliz22 @mscorpion76 I’m super excited! I will def leave you a great review!! Very kind of you! Best wishes! 💋
Jun 14Reply
mscorpion76 Always happy to help! 😉
Jun 14Reply
jasonliz22 @mscorpion76 much appreciated, have a great night 🌺
Jun 14Reply
scap_scores Sorry! I meant to counter offer $30 not $38 🤦🏻‍♀️ feel free to counter again :)
Jun 16Reply
reereescloset @jasonliz22 thank you so much for taking time out to write such a nice review and rating, I really appreciate it!🙂💜
Dec 19Reply
lfrank30 Hi! Thanks for checking out the dress! If you have any questions, please let me know 😊
Dec 30Reply
jasonliz22 @lfrank30 thank you very much!
Dec 30Reply
alaiyan @jasonliz22 I have reposted the sandals I can ship Monday if you would still like the purchase I am sorry for the inconvenience
Apr 18Reply
jasonliz22 @alaiyan thank you, I re-submitted an offer. Have a great day! 😄
Apr 18Reply
jasonliz22 @alaiyan thank you, I re-submitted an offer. Have a great day! 😄
Apr 18Reply
jasonliz22 @alaiyan sorry I thought it was fair to offer you a bit less because I had waited so long to receive the first order you cancelled. I really needed them for an event. I hope you understand. Hope your feeling better.
Apr 18Reply
ambersfasion756 🦋Hi there, I am having a buy 1 get 2 free sale on all items in my closet 😊 🌼Simply like or bundle 3 items and I will send an offer for the highest priced item 🌼
Nov 19Reply
cutehosiery @jasonliz22 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 08Reply
fabianaferrari Hi… just purchased an orange crab change purse from me. I am so sorry but i do not have have the orange one. I do have red or pink . Would you like one of those? Again my apologies
Feb 05Reply
jasonliz22 @adoringstyles Thank you! I shared some of your listings as well. Best Wishes & Happy Poshing! 💐😊💞
Apr 01Reply
aliciasposhlife Hi there! I will drop the price of the WHBM to $26 now. You will receive discounted shipping. 💕 xoxo
Feb 11Reply
aliciasposhlife Actually it didn’t work but I accepted your offer 🙂❤️
Feb 11Reply

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Last Active: 21 hours ago

Champaign, IL
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Last Active: 21 hours ago

Champaign, IL
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