Meet your Posher, Elise
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Hi! I'm Elise. Some of my favorites are vintage collectibles & antiques (antique,100 yrs. or older/vintage, 30 yrs. or older) All my vintage pieces have been authenticated by a certified jewelry appraiser. Most items in my closet were originally mine. I started Poshing because of a need to declutter my closet & my chotzkies. Love my husband, family,
friends, travel, Henfest & Nam-myo-ho-renge-kyo. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so I can check out your closet too. 🐓🐔

169 others
like this

@leesees_pieces Hello! Welcome to Poshmark! Thank you for sharing! Congrats on starting your closet & cheers to many sales! Happy Poshing!🐚🌺
Feb 09Reply

Hi, thanks for your offer, I can lower the price to 25 and it would give you Discounted shipping, please let me know if you are interested
Mar 02Reply

Thank you!
Mar 05Reply

@frankiemom Thanks you so much. Little by little I'm figuring stuff out. Most of the things I have learned though is because of the support I've been getting from fellow Poshers..
Mar 05Reply

@leesees_pieces That's how most of us learned😂! Posh nation is amazingly helpful & supportive. Definitely feel free to reach out if you have any questions!🐚🌺
Mar 05Reply

@frankiemom Thank you so much.
Mar 05Reply

Hi Elise! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Mar 11Reply

@frankiemom thank you so much.
Mar 12Reply

@janfast thank you
Mar 12Reply

Hello my sweet friend. I see you found my new posh buddy lovin. And I must say you and your hubby make a most beautiful couple. ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️I would so appreciate it if we can help out lovin. She is new. I’m still working out the bumps myself. Can you tell me how to tag someone ? Many hugs to your fine family n😘😘😘😘😘😘
Mar 13Reply

Lee. She has some spectacular. Mexican sterling and rare Native American pieces. Made by the Chief of the tribe himself. From years ago. I assured her the posh friends would help her. She has many coach bags. Jewelry. Etc. she is going to be a great asset once she learns the ropes. She is an awesome person. 👍
Mar 13Reply

@lydiadan1 You are so SWEET! THANKS SO MUCH
Mar 13Reply

@lydiadan1 Thank you. that' means a lot to me. we've known each other since we were 10 years old. we met because of Brown verses the board of education. he was bused to my school during integration in the early 60's.
Mar 13Reply

@leesees_pieces awww that kind of treatment just sickens my stomach. , God made all people to be equal. Anyone who has that mentality is just not with life’s standards. It’s quite obvious that you two love each other and have a great relationship. Remember Lee not everyone is hateful. Love n hugs always linda
Mar 13Reply

@leesees_pieces Hi Elise! I have 925 silver jewelry (necklaces, earrings, rings) and I’m having a BOGO FREE SALE on ALL 925 silver rings!! I would love for you to check out my closet whenever you get the chance! I would love to give you an amazing deal! Thanks! Hope you have an amazing day!
Mar 14Reply

Good Morning Elise you might be right . Thank you for the information I will take a closer look and let you know. ❤️⚜️❤️🌟❤️
Mar 15Reply

This was the last I think I won a award I was right there nowhere you are as a young girl doing personal appearances for Sack Fifth Ave Staying at the Ritz ... this was long time ago my dear. 🌹😍🌹😍🌹😍🌹
Mar 16Reply

No my dear I don’t lie never did .. If you really love it I will send it to you ❤️🥰⚜️🌷
Mar 16Reply

@poshiemeg I did and I love it.
Mar 16Reply

@lydiadan1 I have no idea how to tag somebody. I wish there was a way that we could save the people that we want to talk to you all the time. If I want to text you I have to go through all of my feed to find your closet name. the only way I could do that would be to keep notes on a tablet of who I want to talk to. There probably is a way to do that but I just haven't figured it out yet.
Mar 16Reply

Hi beautiful lady. Ok. Just look at my closet add one item on,ya to a bundle. Then it’s totally private. Just say bundles to talk when that gets full. Remove it form the bundle and start again. That’s the on,y way to make it private. Try it. Hugs
Mar 16Reply

Hi Elise I posted one flyer I found . I will look for more . 🌷❤️🌷❤️
Mar 16Reply

@lydiadan1 I think I got it.
Mar 16Reply

Beautiful family!💕💕💕. So much love in your pictures. 💕💕Thanks so much for sharing my closet. Wishing you many many sells this week! I will share yours too 😘😘😘😘😘Happy Poshing!
Mar 17Reply

@lynn2578 Thank you Lynn. Thanks for the compliments on my family too. I'm pretty new at this and just finding my way but I especially appreciate people that share my things. I made a promise to myself to try to declutter my house this year. Almost everything you see in my closet is actually mine. Not that there's anything wrong with someone selling other people's things but I have enough stuff to continue this for about five years if I list one piece a day. LOL.
Mar 17Reply

Thank you for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package. And offers are always welcome, too.
Mar 28Reply

@glassprism70 thank you so much. I just might follow you up on that offer.
Mar 28Reply

@leesees_pieces. You are very welcome. Anytime.
Mar 28Reply

Thanks for twits, but I purposely do not do it.
Mar 29Reply

@glassprism70 Thank you for your comment. I have never been on Twitter before until two days ago and I don't know anything about it other than I know people do it all the time. Could you please tell me why it's not a good idea. I would love your input.
Mar 29Reply

@glassprism70 what I really want to do is during this cheaper time on shipping oh, and I would like to lower all the things in my closet by 50% and the things that are under $10, not to lower unless they have a bundle more than three. how can I do that? I can't find anything about that in Posh support. any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Mar 29Reply

@leesees_pieces . Go to your closet. Click on the item you want to change. Go to edit. Click on. You can change the price. Hope that helps a bit for you. For my closet, value, style and quality reigns. I earn about 10 cents an hour or less. If I am going to give things away, it will be to a charity, but tax write off for that since last year is a no go.
Mar 29Reply

@leesees_pieces. 1. Have better things to do. 2. ALL of your info is being tracked and sold and resold and resold. It is bad enough as it is without volunteering more of my data being sold. 3. Addiction. Anti social media are addictions and set up for that by psychologists hired by media outlets for addiction and tracking.
Mar 29Reply

@glassprism70 I really appreciate all of your input. It will all be taken to heart. I appreciate your honesty. Thanks again. I'm going to cancel my Twitter account.
Mar 30Reply

@leesees_pieces,. You are very welcome. Other sites are not as together as this one, you get pennies on a dollar where PoshMark takes just 20% flat mailings are easiest. They just need buyers and better marketing. May you get more comfortable here and sell lots of stuff.
Mar 30Reply

@glassprism70 You are very kind and very sincere.
Mar 30Reply

@leesees_pieces. That is very sweet of you. I do think things will be difficult these next few months. Most importantly, stay home, for you and your family take care and stay well.
Mar 30Reply

@glassprism70 Agreed. And you too!
Mar 30Reply

Hello Elise, Thank You For Visiting My Closet and Sharing My Items. It is Most Appreciated. Wishing You Health and Happiness !! Best Wishes and Happy Poshing, Tracy
Apr 04Reply

Lease. I apologize sincerely if I hurt your feelings. I did not mean to do that. Ever. These pictures of your beautiful family and your collections are just so adorable. I always hesitate to send texts because it’s hard to read the emotion. Your items are lovely. We love that Bakelite tool pin. And I feel bad that I even said a word. We are all in this together. Please accept my apologies if I did say the wrong thing. Many hugs to that beautiful family you have.
Apr 06Reply

@frankiemom I started a "solve the puzzle and win $20 in my closet" contest. Check it out and tell me what you think! it's listed as a not for sale item.
Apr 09Reply

I started a "solve the puzzle and win $20 in my closet" contest. Check it out and tell me what you think! it's listed as a not for sale item.
Apr 09Reply

@leesees_pieces Hi there! I hope you and your family are faring well thru all this madness! That looks like a great idea! I've seen a couple of contests in past. We could use any kind of positivity now right?! I am not sure what PMs rules on contests are. You might want to check that out just in case. Your closet is looking as beautiful as ever! Stay safe & stay healthy!🐚🌺
Apr 09Reply

@frankiemom I never thought about that. Maybe I should find out if it's okay or not. LOL.
Apr 09Reply

Hi Elise. Is it a Pencil Post Canopy Bed ? I Love Antiques too❣️Thanks. Fifi
Apr 09Reply

A waterbed, chamber pot, wicker bassinet or telephone chair.
Apr 09Reply

Ironing board? Those were probably used in every room🤷♀️
Apr 09Reply

A wooden pillow
Apr 09Reply

Apr 09Reply

What was the actual answer?
Apr 09Reply

bundle board
Apr 09Reply

I sent the the answer to your closet instead couple of hours ago. Sorry. You're a great sport!
Apr 09Reply

Hi Elise! Thank you for sharing my closet. You have a beautiful closet. One of the vintage pendant pin looks similar to my mom's who is now 86 yrs young. 🙂
Apr 28Reply

@wally411 Are you putting an edge on me? Just kidding. LOL. I give your mom much respect. We might have graduated high school together. (not quite). All the things that are in my closet are all my own personal stuff and it's nice to hear that you appreciate it. I have all boys and none of them are interested in this stuff and I don't want it to end up at Goodwill when I'm gone. All my things need a good home. Thanks again and stop back by when you have a chance.
Apr 29Reply

Nice to meet you Elise.. Linda @lydiadan1. is a very Dear friend.. What a lady.. I came across your conversation regarding her Turquoise and other pieces of her fab closet. I love AZ. I loved in Surprise AZ with a job I had. Your knowledge is priceless..
May 07Reply

thank you so much. That was very kind of you. I have a contest in my closet right now for $20 credit in my closet. Look for the pink flyer!
May 07Reply

@leesees_pieces Hi! I hope you and your family are staying safe through these crazy times! Your closet is looking amazing as always! Love the contest! Thank you for sharing!🐚🌺
May 13Reply

@frankiemom Thanks so much. Hope you all are staying safe as well. did you throw your guess in the contest? I'm going to go check right now.
May 13Reply

@leesees_pieces No, I didn't. I saw someone said watch fob already, I was thinking along same lines but a nurses watch although usually you'd see the face hanging upside down. I didn't think the chain looked open enough for eyeglass holder😂😂 Whatever it is, it's very pretty!🐚🌺
May 13Reply

Thanks for keeping me posted.
May 13Reply

keep in mind how old it is.
May 13Reply

You have a beautiful collection!
May 13Reply

@twswvintage thank you so much for stopping by.
May 14Reply

Thank you so much.
May 20Reply

I just share it with the Pinterest app on Pinterest
May 20Reply

Elise, thank you so much for the great rating and review! I am so glad you love the pieces! I am pleased you got them! Take care! Cheri
May 22Reply

Thanks you so much for the shares! Especially on Twitter! I have no idea how to do that! :)
Your closet is filled with cool items! Be safe, healthy and happy!
May 25Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my closet on twitter. I would return the favor but I don’t have Twitter or Facebook 🙂
May 25Reply

Aloha! Thank you for the shares! 🏝🌺🤙😁💕
May 27Reply

Thank you for the shares! Happy poshung!🌵🌵🌻🌻🌺🌺
Jun 09Reply

Hello sister!! I love your pics. FAB closet!
Jun 14Reply

@wrforrest Aw shucks, sister! yours isn't too bad either in fact I'd say rather amazing.
Jun 14Reply

I'm only 5' 2". I can wear a med. or a large depending on fit. I think the XL might be too big unless I wore it as a dress but I don't want to like like a potato sack. You are welcome for the shares.
Jun 16Reply

@michellecolbeck Covid19 is going up really fast in Arizona. We're one of the fasted growing in the nation right now. I'm in the high risk category as well so very seldom ever leave the house.
Jun 18Reply

Your welcome Elise, glad you like everything. Enjoy! and thanks doing business with me..😀
Jun 18Reply

Hi Elise, Thanks for your purchase of the REI pants, we will ship this afternoon. All the Best! Dani
Jun 19Reply

Thank you so much Elise, we'll box these up and ship today. Have a great weekend!! Dani
Jun 19Reply

Congratulations! I remember how excited I was when I made ambassador too.
Jun 20Reply

We will connect soon.
Jun 21Reply

Thanks for the great rating and note. Have fun!
Jun 23Reply

Thank you. Greatly appreciated!
Jun 24Reply

Hi Elise, No problem on the cancellation, I didn't see it anyway until after you cancelled. I can offer you reduced shipping on the plush toys and puzzles plus you'll get a 5% discount for bundling. All the Best, Dani
Jul 03Reply

Hi Elise, You have some gorgeous jewelry, love the amber especially. I have a Russian black forest amber bracelet with a large stone. I'm saving it for my grandson, did you have your amber appraised or is this just a guess on value, just wondering as I have no idea on amber jewelry values. Dani
Jul 07Reply

@michellecolbeck Poshmark won't let we put it on hold because you have said you want to purchase it. I will decline any other offers if I get any. just let me know when I can accept your offer. thanks!
Jul 09Reply

@leesees_pieces Hello beautiful💕 I love the blue top you are wearing in your picture!
Jul 16Reply

Thx for all your shares of my closet!
Jul 17Reply

Thanks Elise! Hope you are having a great day! Dani
Jul 17Reply

Thanks Dani. You as well.
Jul 17Reply

Wow! Your collection is so beautiful. Not to mention your family is too!! Just beautiful! I would love if you have a moment to look at my post of the porcelain that we were discussing yesterday. I would love your honest input. I will not be offended...💕
Jul 18Reply

@rea_pparel sorry, I've been very side tracked. A very dear friend died of Covid very unexpectedly.
Jul 19Reply

Thank you for your kind help!
Jul 20Reply

Thank you for the shares. I will be moving soon so if you are interested in anything in my closet just bundle up for a great deal. Thank you sooo much.
Jul 29Reply

Love your closet!
Jul 30Reply

Hello Elise💜 Avid collector myself and am here for the clearinghouse, yet I just keep buying more😆 You have a Beautiful Family♥️ I am a Grandma now so I have become an antique myself~great to find you here on Poshmark🌟 Love your eclectic beauty!!
Jul 30Reply

Love antiques also. Have a house full. Lots of beautiful clutter.💕 great closet!
Jul 31Reply

Jul 31Reply

Beautiful closet and family.. 🌹🌿
Jul 31Reply

Thank you for your order I will ship today have a great day and thank you
Jul 31Reply

Really love your creativity and bold color style! Thanks for sharing.
Aug 02Reply

Thanks for sharing! 💞
Aug 02Reply

Thank you for sharing my have a beautiful family..enjoy selling
Aug 04Reply

Good evening, thanks for following, feel free to check out my closet I accept all reasonable offers. Bundle and save + fast shipping, all long sleeve tops are 3 for $20. I ship the same day or the next day. I hope you’re having a great week and staying safe
Aug 05Reply

What a fun closet full of treasures you have! I’m liking a few things because I do like them, but it’s my way of remembering you!
Aug 05Reply

Thank you very much I am so glad you were happy and Shirley has a new home enjoy
Aug 05Reply

Hello beautiful family!
Aug 05Reply

Hope You Enjoy Your Day!🌺🐶🎒🎁😍🎠😄💝
Aug 06Reply

👋 Hi! I’m a Posh Mentor and just stopped by to say hello and check out your closet! 🌸 I would love it if you browsed mine as well - I have a lot of new or excellent condition items at great deals and am adding all the time! 🛍
Aug 08Reply

Hi! Thanks so much for the follow ❤️ Let me know if there’s anything I can help you with + I do 10% discount on bundle orders and am always open to offers! 💫
Aug 10Reply

Hi Elise, I received your package today, thank you for the lovely note, and I will keep looking at your pieces...😊
Aug 13Reply

I also sent you the info sheet on the Amberlina in the mail because I forgot to put it in the box. You should receive that as well. Thanks again.
Aug 13Reply

I lobe your closet so much!!!!
Aug 15Reply

🤗hello🕶 thanx for the follow ✈️ loving Poshmark-got lots of treasures, new finds, essentials & new loves💝to make life FABULOUS 👑🛍💃🏽
Aug 15Reply

✨ i appreciate you ✨
✨ 1st time purchasing from my closet?? ✨
✨ kindly bundle up 2 or more items and receive LOVING discounts not available to the public ✨
✨ i sell new dainty gold & silver jewelry, as well as preloved items to give them a second chance ✨
✨ poshers supporting poshers!! ✨
Aug 17Reply

Hi Elise, thank you for following us!👍
We are Jimbo & G.🤠🐗🙋🐗
I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!💖
Happy Posh'ing & we hope you have a SAFE & prosperous 2020!😷💳📈
Be kind & have a blessed day!
Aug 21Reply

Hi, thanks for such wonderful experience advice on my tea set. I enjoyed looking at your closet too.
Aug 21Reply

I’m Marianne, a new Poshmark Ambassador. I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Aug 23Reply

Omg you are gorgeous and have a lovely family!! Thanks for sharing
Aug 23Reply

Lookin good Elise! 👍
Aug 25Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Aug 26Reply

Love your closet! Absolutely beautifully done! I sincerely hope to get to a place where my closet is as beautiful as yours 💗🌸🌺🥰
Aug 27Reply

Hi Elise, Thanks for the purchase, we will ship in the morning. Hope you are doing well and staying out of the heat. It's 103 today in San Antonio but we've still been out and about with errands. Time to take a break! All the Best, Dani
Aug 28Reply

Beautiful Family. Seems that we have VERY similar style <3
Aug 29Reply

beautiful vintages collection! thanks for stopping by and sharing. 🌵Lorri
Aug 30Reply

Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
Sep 01Reply

Sep 02Reply

So pretty and thanks for the follow!
Sep 04Reply

lovely pics 😊
Sep 05Reply

Hi Elise checking out your closet too ty
Sep 08Reply

OMG!!! Thx 4 sharing a few items of my items. I stopped by to share urs & thought u have really cool stuff. Checking out your page I enjoyed your nik knacks & realize we like & collect a variety of things. Icing on the cake is when you mentioned Nam-Moho-renege-kyo!!! I’m a member of SGI !!
Hope ur having a great break!
Sep 10Reply

Thank you so much for sharing from my closet! Have a lovely day.😊
Sep 11Reply

💌Hi I really like your shop I'm going to share a few items check out mine share share a few as well so we can increase our sales! ♥️
Sep 14Reply

Oh no you don't have anything for sale yet well I'll keep my eye out! 😀
Sep 14Reply

Elise, Thank you for visiting my vintage, antique jewelry and military collectible closet and for your multiple likes. It is greatly appreciated!
Sep 14Reply

thank you much for all the shares, just returned the favor ❣️👍
Sep 28Reply

Thanks for sharing my listing to Twitter! Happy Poshing! Aloha, Mele
Oct 01Reply

Thank you for ALL the shares! I have family in Arizona.💟💟Take care!
Oct 04Reply

My mom had a lot of vintage kitchen items. I have some that she gave me when I got married and I treasure them. She also gave me a formal black dress that my dad bought her in 1970 to wear for New Year's Eve. She never wore it and she gave it to me. I wore it to a wedding in 2014. The quality is superior. Things are not made to last like that anymore.🤔🤔
Oct 04Reply

I'm going to share as many as possible from your shop so please check out mine share as well so we can increase our sales!🦋🦋🛍🛍
Oct 08Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my closet ❤!
Oct 18Reply

Hi Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. Have a great day!
Oct 29Reply

Hi, I’m Marianne Cummins, a Poshmark Ambassador. I will do my best to assist you if you are new to Poshmark and have any questions about buying or selling. I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Nov 15Reply

Thank you Christmas Angel Elise, for sharing my items. You are Amazing & I hope that you are So Blessed through the Holiday Season!
Dec 03Reply

Hi Elise it’s so nice to meet you and your family and stay safe and healthy in these uncertain times ❤️🙏😇amlpoet
Dec 15Reply

Dec 17Reply

Thanks for all of your shares! I love your closet and the great descriptions you have on your items! 🌵☀️💜
Dec 18Reply

So much enjoyed visiting your closets! Both generations of your family are beautiful you are the most beautiful of them all! ❤️
Dec 19Reply

So much enjoyed visiting your closets! Both generations of your family are beautiful you are the most beautiful of them all! ❤️
Dec 19Reply

I Thank you VERY much for generously sharing my closet!!! It is very kind of you!
I am pleased to share your beautiful things as well!!! I wish you hot sales, my Poshfriend!!😃♥️
Dec 19Reply

Hello Elise, thanks for visiting my closet and sharing the decorative teapot. Happy poshing!
Dec 21Reply

Thanks for all the shares. I love your vintage jewelry. I never thought to have my costume jewelry appraised. What is the process? Are there pictures and a written appraisal? Thank you!!
Dec 28Reply

Wow! Thank you for sharing my closet! So generous of you...I will be returning the favor AND enjoying checking out & sharing your gorgeous closet 😍 ❤ 💕
Jan 29Reply

Thank you for following me 🙏🥰
Jan 29Reply

Hi Elise - Awesome closet! So much fun looking at your vintage items! Have a great day and Happy Poshing!
Jan 29Reply

hello fellow POSHER😍. thank you for stopping by my closet tonight😃. let me tell you about my deal of the day😁. if you order two or more items you will get 30% off your entire order 😱 and you will get a free gift valued at 5 to $10 just for placing an order tonight🥰. if you spend $15 or more you will also get a free brand new fanny pack🤯.
Feb 03Reply

those are some GLORIOUS kachinas you have!!! wow!! i used to have my house done in Japanese Asian too!! do you have twins?? you are gorgeous and you have a beautiful family!
Feb 03Reply

I've seen a documentary where they showed that bread being made an indigenous American woman on that stone like in your painting. she always gave the first bread she made to the fire. isn't that a Navajo bread??
Feb 03Reply

@leesees_pieces thank you so very much for the beautiful review and all the kindness you have shown me these past few months that we have gotten to know each😍! I do hope your brother’s home wasn’t damaged terribly but you and your husband were good to go out to help in whatever way you could! We as a country are now suffering such devastating cold and my heart aches for those people who are ill and without power or heat🥲please stay well Love ❤️ Anne Marie
Feb 18Reply

@leesees_pieces Hi, congrats on your love or list it challenge win! Have an amazing and blessed weekend!
Feb 20Reply

@leesees_pieces Congratulations on your Love it or List it win🏆 Shared several of your items to help celebrate 😁Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Sales🛍
Feb 20Reply

Congrats on your win!! Come visit my closet if you’re looking for incredible deals to multiply your WIN 🎉
Feb 20Reply

Hi:) everything in my closet is $2 off! If you bundle its even more off😍 I ship same or next day!! Stay safe!
Feb 20Reply

P♥️sh L♥️ve
🌹🌹 🌹🌹
🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹
🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹
Congrats on your “Love it or List it” Win!
Enjoy your guilt free shopping.
Feb 20Reply

Hello and congrats on your win!! It’s so exciting! I have won in the past and I loved it. So I’m running a special for winners with HALF OFF my entire closet, just make a bundle and use code word WINNER!
It’s so awesome you won and be sure to spoil yourself today! You deserve it! Happy Poshing!
Feb 20Reply

Congrats on your win!!🎀 please feel free to check out my Posh closet and I will be happy to give you a discount on any bundle purchase 💜
Feb 21Reply

Congratulations Elise on your Live it or List it Win! No one nicer to be awarded guilt free shopping on Poshmark! Thank you for being my Poshmark sister of the heart ❤️ and have a happy Sunday! Love amlpoet
Feb 21Reply

That was supposed to say Love It oh how autocorrect drives us all 😜!
Feb 21Reply

Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. If you are looking for ANYTHING in particular, please let me know. I have it all!!😊 I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like & bundle! Come check it out!😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Good Health. @Goldneyez311
Feb 21Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊 Adding new stuff weekly!
Mar 07Reply

Hi! Just received the shoes you wore to your brothers wedding. Ty so much, as I said in my review I’ll be wearing them to my nieces wedding in December! Thanks for the cuff links too! I love buying things with a story behind them! I love your amber jewelry! Are you from the Baltic region? My moms family was- Lithuania! Hope to visit next summer (if possible!)❤️😊. With many thanks and appreciation- Debbie (I think my user name is debacullen?)
Mar 17Reply

Dear Elise I haven’t forgotten that you celebrated a birthday recently and I just hope that you your husband and your family made you fee as special and loved as you are my friend! Happiest of Pisces ♓️ Birthdays 🎂! I wish you peace and light throughout the year ahead!❤️😇🙏amlpoet
Mar 18Reply

@amlpoet hi I’m Betty, thanks for sharing my vintage closet♥️
Mar 23Reply

Thanks for sharing on Twitter, lol I don’t have one yet lol❤️
Mar 24Reply

@leesees_pieces hi, just wanted to say how much I enjoy wandering around in your fabulous closet! 😊 No need to reciprocate share for share, it's obvious you have your hands full right now! 🌹
Mar 29Reply

Thanks fo following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me!
Mar 31Reply

Thank you for sharing my items. Hopefully you will buy something from me really soon!
Mar 31Reply

Thanks for the follow. You have a beautiful family and an incredible collection of vintage treasures. ❤️ love from Canada.
Apr 01Reply

L~O~V~E your collection!! ❤️🌹♻️
Apr 09Reply

Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Apr 09Reply

You have no idea how much I want to drink wine in a chicken suit. I was meant for Hen Fest!!!
May 16Reply

May 22Reply

🌺Love your photos! I will enjoy shopping your closet! 🌺
May 23Reply

Have a blessed year!
May 27Reply

Hi nice to meet you, my name is Tracy. I enjoy making soap. It's nice to be part of this community, thanks for adding me 💕🧼
May 27Reply

I have a new soap I will post tomorrow that I think you'll like it's fragrance-free I'm going to call it fire flame 🔥 because it got really hot during the curing process. I also have a men's soap called Stary Nights. I would love to make a bundle for you. I will include a face cloth and hand towel along with a loofah as well 😊 I really like your Indian display and your family pictures. you look like a lot of fun 💕
May 27Reply

Thank you for the share sweetheart ❤️
You are beautiful!! 💋
May 30Reply

I always love how it says not for sale! LOL
Jun 19Reply

@leesees_pieces Hi There and thank you for the share(s)! I wanted to extend 50% off two or more items to you this weekend if you see anything in my closet you like (no limit). If so, just bundle, calculate & offer or shoot me a note. Happy Poshing! 🌸
Jun 19Reply

Elise —Makes me happy you love your nighty .—-the best Kimberlee
Jul 09Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet someHi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Jul 15Reply

Salam beautiful! Welcome to Poshmark! Please check out my closet. I have gorgeous dresses and unique hijabs from the Middle East 🌍 Love your listings by the way 😊
Jul 28Reply

Welcome 🥰. I like your closet so much!! Enjoy Poshing, my friend!! 🌷🥰💐
Jul 31Reply

awesome pic 😍😍
Aug 02Reply

is that your house, its beautiful
Aug 03Reply

Hi, Thanks for the Follow! You have an amazing closet!! ❤️ I shared some of your listings. Wishing you continued Posh success and fun! 🤗
Aug 09Reply

Beautiful family
Aug 12Reply

@robynmh Thanks my Posh friend!
Aug 16Reply

@robynmh Thank you thank you!
Aug 16Reply

Hi! I know you liked the tapestry so I Wanted to let you know I’m closing my closet for the winter on Oct 1. Make a reasonable offer and it’s yours. But please consider the cost to ship will be at least $25 due to the weight.
Also cleaning out all items $15 or less. Bundle and save a bundle 💥
Enjoyed all your pictures 🤩 you have a happy family 🥰
Rated 5⭐️ so you won’t be disappointed 💯. Janet
Aug 21Reply

Hi, I’m Marianne, a Postmark Ambassador. I’d like to invite you to drop in to visit my closet. I have many unique and vintage items including china, seasonal decor, books, CDs and DVDs, video games, clothing, plush toys, jewelry and religious items. I’m happy to consider all reasonable offers and remember to bundle multiple items to save on shipping. Hope you’ll have the time to check out my closet and I’ll check out yours.
Nov 30Reply

Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely pic :)
Here I would like to say Hi, invite and welcome you to stop by at my store to check out if you could find anything you Like.
My closet is selling 600+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE”
Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Feb 23Reply

@leesees_pieces Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 11Reply

Hello fellow posher! Feel free to check out my closet sometime, few thousand items and many to still add. Sometime for everyone. Hit the search button if looking for specific size or items. shopping 🛍
Feb 29Reply
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