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Updated Aug 09
Updated Aug 09

Meet your Posher, Elizabeth

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Hi! I'm Elizabeth. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

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closetofniki Welcome to Poshmark love 💖✨let me know if you have questions!
Aug 09Reply
moxiesplice Hello new neighbor😊 welcome to the Posh neighborhood🌐 Please feel free to join others 👪👫💃and I 🙆as we discover 👣Posh closets and boutiques together.👠👜👗👒💍💄👟🛍 Have fun💐💕🍾
Aug 11Reply
ebendertec2831 @closetofniki thank you so much youu too
Aug 11Reply
ebendertec2831 @tegwest thank you I appreciate it ❤️😌
Aug 11Reply
cherie9497 @ebendertec2831 Hey sweetie💕/ neighbor:) Please stay safe during the storm! Prayers🙏 Cherie 💕
Sep 09Reply
ebendertec2831 @cherie9497 same to you I hope you stay safe too I hope your in a secure place and that everything goes well . I really hope to go back to a house and nothing that bad . Keep me updated ❤️😌
Sep 09Reply
cherie9497 @ebendertec2831 I hope & pray🙏the same for you.💕We are at home. We finally got boarded up today. I was getting really scared because supplies are so scarce. Our home was built in the 20's and they are still here... so God willing🙏 God Bless you & yours! Keep me updated as well.❌⭕️
Sep 09Reply
ebendertec2831 @cherie9497 that's good to hear that your house got boarded up and I'm sorry that supplies are going scarce it's really crazy and scary. And I will keep you updated thank you so much . Much love ❤️
Sep 09Reply
cherie9497 @ebendertec2831 Thank you!!!! Much Love❤️ to you as well!!😘
Sep 09Reply
ebendertec2831 @cherie9497 finally leaving Tampa for a 7 hour drive to Alabama . Cause it's gonna start hitting Tampa so they're evacuating and leaving with us as well . Keeping you updated ❤️😌
Sep 09Reply
ebendertec2831 @cherie9497 got into a really bad car crash but me and my mom are okay now just hurting really bad and shaken up .
Sep 09Reply
cherie9497 @ebendertec2831 Omg!!! Just got on here & saw your messages.:( I'm so so sorry!!😢So glad that you and your Mom are okay though. Praying🙏 for you sweetheart!! Thank you for keeping me updated. Please continue. GOD BLESS YOU!! Love, Cherie ❤️
Sep 10Reply
solmystic13 Hi I would like to welcome you to the Poshing community!!! You have a beautiful closet! I look forward to what other treasures are to come out of your closet. I hope you are enjoy!!! Let me know if you have any questions. We help each other succeed by sharing, following &!supporting each other's closet & items. I invite you to come visit my closet! Happy Poshing! 💗 Amor
Sep 16Reply
ebendertec2831 @solmystic13 thank you so much I really do appreciate that and I love your closet it's amazing I shared some of your items that are super cute and the jewelry looks so 😍 can't wait to see more things that you upload
Sep 16Reply
solmystic13 @ebendertec2831 Good morning Elizabeth! You're very welcome. Thank you stopping by my closet & sharing the love. I am happy that you are part of the community. Please feel free to ask me questions if you need. I hope you enjoy creating your closet. I will continue to share along. I wish you many blessings & abundance in sales. Happy Poshing!
Sep 16Reply
cherie9497 @ebendertec2831 Hi Elizabeth💕:) Just checking in.:) I don't believe I heard back from you after the car accident.? Making sure you and your Mom are doing okay.😘
Sep 19Reply
ebendertec2831 @cherie9497 thanks Cherie my mom and I are doing okay just hurting still because when we came back home we had no power or anything been having to post from another phone when ever I got connection . But I finally got back power today and have been fixing up the house ever since haven't really been resting to much, but this heat is crazy . So I had a heat stroke yesterday and passed out . But I'm okay now . Thank you so much for checking in . How are you guys doing in west palm?
Sep 19Reply
karolinamarek96 Thank you so much for sharing❤ I know that we can make a Great deal💗
Nov 23Reply
karolinamarek96 I already made a $10 off on Ralph Lauren shirt which is a huge discount :)
Nov 23Reply
ebendertec2831 @karolinamarek96 lol sorry for the wait I was checking my bank . That’s all I accepted it can’t wait to receive it . & happy thanksgiving 😊
Nov 23Reply
karolinamarek96 @ebendertec2831 Happy Thanksgiving to you too😊 I will ship it out after the holiday on Friday😊 thank you so much for the purchase❤
Nov 23Reply
cherie9497 @ebendertec2831 Hi again💕 I decided to write to you here as I try to keep personal things kind of personal. I’m so sorry you are dealing with anxiety etc! I know exactly how you feel. I’ve been through so much in my life... and suffer from it as well. Mine is Severe! And I also Have CRPS ( Complex Regional Pain Syndrome). Cont.-
Nov 24Reply
ebendertec2831 @cherie9497 omg I’m so sorry to hear that ! 😭 but let me see what my next check looks like and ill come back to your closet . 💙 I love your closet . I hope everything gets better though. I really do your to sweet and kind to be going through that . ❤️
Nov 24Reply
cherie9497 @ebendertec2831 So, basically I’m in pain 24/7. The chronic pain is ranked as the most painful chronic pain on the McGill scale of pain. It’s side by side to cancer patients and natural childbirth.:( Anyway love... I feel bad because seriously the necklace is so absolutely gorgeous & I really want someone special like you to have and love forever!:) Lmk, I would definitely hold it for you.❤️
Nov 24Reply
ebendertec2831 @cherie9497 aweeee I definitely know I would want it . Let me transfer money to make your Christmas early and mine 😊 & I’m so sorry . I know tomorrow my mom is going to the doctors to see if she can finally get her cast off from the back surgery .
Nov 24Reply
cherie9497 @ebendertec2831 Awe!❤️ Thank you sweetheart! Many say that... and I don’t understand myself. I have this due to taking care of others because I’m a giver. Seriously, if I were wealthy I would gift this to you. Honestly, that’s my character and I used to be able to do things like that. Now, with medical bills etc... I will be praying for you and your Mom❤️🙏 That’s another heartbreak I’m going through. I lost my beautiful Angel of a mother.😢
Nov 24Reply
cherie9497 @ebendertec2831 The Pain is unbearable!!😢 Cherish your Mom love❤️ Mine was my best friend as well as my Mom.😢 With your okay... I will place necklace on hold/reserve.? Just lmk😘💕 Hugs!!!
Nov 24Reply
ebendertec2831 @cherie9497 aweee I’m sorry may say forever be in peace . My grandma just got out from having skin cancer on her face from the sun or something don’t know what it’s called but I’m sorry to hear that . I really am you are so kind hearted I swear 😩💙
Nov 24Reply
cherie9497 @ebendertec2831 Thank you sweetheart for your condolences❤️ I miss her more than I could ever even express in words.😢 I’ll be praying for your grandma too🙏 It’s Melanoma if it’s from the sun/skin cancer.:( I will pray that it’s not malignant... but benign.🙏 God Bless you all!😘 P.S. Does your Mom💕 have pierced ears?
Nov 25Reply
ebendertec2831 @cherie9497 yes my mom does . & thank you it means a lot your literally one of the best posters you truly do make me smile thank you . Your a blessing 😊 we truly do need more people like you 😌
Nov 25Reply
cherie9497 @ebendertec2831 Hello sweetheart💕Awe, I literally got teary eyed when I read this.😘 Thank you so much, and I feel the same way about you! Such a beautiful person in every way!❤️ P.S. Your Beauty:) was shipped out this morning.:)
Nov 26Reply
ebendertec2831 @cherie9497 thank you ❤️ I haven’t got an email yet it says awaiting shipment still but it’s okay can’t wait to get it thank you so much Cherie 💙
Nov 26Reply
cherie9497 @ebendertec2831 I can’t wait either:)❤️ It’s going to the person that it was meant for.:) it warms my heart!:) Sometimes, when I mail on Saturday/s it doesn’t register right away. But, rest assure it’s on its way love:)❤️ P.S. I wanted to also ask how your Mom’s appt. with her back went? Praying🙏 well!!
Nov 26Reply
ebendertec2831 @cherie9497 she couldn’t go because of the insurance so she has to reschedule. 😕
Nov 26Reply
cherie9497 @ebendertec2831 I’m sorry:( I know how that goes. I have an appointment Monday and it’s so hard financially etc. Well, again... I will keep her in my prayers!🙏❤️
Nov 26Reply
ebendertec2831 @cherie9497 same to youu I hope your appt. goes well ! Keeping you in my prayers! ❤️
Nov 26Reply
cherie9497 @ebendertec2831 Thank you as always sweetheart!💕❤️😘❌⭕️ I truly appreciate it!❤️
Nov 26Reply
cherie9497 @ebendertec2831 Dear Elizabeth,❤️ I’m over the moon with joy that you love it.:) Isn’t it!!!:) I know.. even more beautiful in person.:) I couldn’t wait for you to see it in person.❤️ Wear it with Love, my friend😘 May it also Bless you my dear!:) 🙏💕 Cont.-
Nov 28Reply
cherie9497 @ebendertec2831 Thank you so much for your beautiful note!:) You always touch my heart!❤️ Such a lovely and special person! It was the highlight of my day! Thank you for always making me smile:) So glad also, that you and your Mom love the gifts. Gods Blessings always to you beautiful ladies!🙏❤️ Hugs!!!!!
Nov 28Reply
shopkirsten Hi! Check out my mystery box for size Medium. Save over 85% on a box that retails for $400. Brands like Nordstrom + Romeo & Juliet Couture featured!☺️💗
Feb 02Reply
karolinamarek96 Hey there😊 just wanted to let you know that I have posted several items (on a model) and will be posting couple more tomorrow if you would be interested😊
Mar 07Reply
karolinamarek96 Hey there😊 just wanted to let you know that I added couple of items to my closet 😊i added couple of men's clothing that I thought you might be interested in ☺😊
Mar 17Reply
silvergemdeco Hello my closet is @VINTAGECULTURE1 . I would love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance. 🦄💜 I really hope you love it here 😍. Want more followers ? 1. Follow me 2. Share my items 3. I'll do the same Happy poshing! POSH MENTOR , AMBASSADOR,TOP- RATED SELLER & FAST SHIPPER 🥇🏆
May 02Reply
ebendertec2831 @vintageculture1 love your closet but couldn’t find anything I would like sorry love.
May 02Reply
karolinamarek96 HI :) I added couple of items to my closet that may interest you. Have a great day! :)
Sep 26Reply
karolinamarek96 Just wanted to let you know I added a Cashmere sweater for Men. Club Room brand. Amazing brand to my closet if you would be interested. Size XL. Have a great day!
Oct 05Reply
moviebuff2728 Happy New Year 🎈🎊🎆
Jan 01Reply
lexiana05 You’re so gorgeous 😍😍😌 I will upload more pictures when I get home. 😊
May 14Reply
ebendertec2831 @lexiana05 thanks , and so are you!
May 14Reply
ebendertec2831 @lexiana05 did you ever update the photos?
May 15Reply
klorlean Hi Elizabeth, I'm Kellee. I noticed that you liked both a dress & 2 pair of shoes in my closet. They are on sale right now & if you bundle at least 2 of the items, then you will get another 15% off. Let me know! 😉🛍👠👗🤩
Sep 25Reply
ebendertec2831 @klorlean I will definitely let you know. And I’ll bundle the items when I get the money and I love you closest! Happy poshing!
Sep 25Reply
klorlean @ebendertec2831 sounds great. Sorry I didn't put my handle.....I'm new to this.
Sep 25Reply
ebendertec2831 @klorlean oh no it’s all good. Hope you have a fabulous day. Let me know if you ever need help with anything.
Sep 25Reply
klorlean @ebendertec2831 thank you. 😉
Sep 25Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Chanel, Commando, Lululemon, Nike, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Sep 14Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing!!🤎
Sep 29Reply
cutehosiery @ebendertec2831 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Dec 08Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa! Please check out my closet too if you're in the mood to shop! 🙋 🫶
Oct 13Reply

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Last Active: Feb 24

Miami, FL
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Last Active: Feb 24

Miami, FL
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