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Updated Sep 09
Updated Sep 09

Meet your Posher, Elizabeth

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Elizabeth. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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exwolfe Welcome to the Poshmark community, I hope you are having a wonderful experience so far. If you have questions feel free to ask. All the best to you!
Jul 26Reply
emorrow97 @exwolfe Thank you very much!
Jul 26Reply
dodger13 Hi my name is Gina. 😊 Welcome to Poshmark. Whether you are buying or selling have fun.🤗If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.🌻When you get a chance stop by 👣 my closet and have a look around.👀
Aug 02Reply
emorrow97 @dodger13 nice to meet you! Thank you for stopping by my closet.
Aug 02Reply
digitalsandy Welcome to Poshmania!🎉. This isn't simply buying & selling. You will be making friends willing to answer your questions and cheering you on!😃 Be sure to read the guidelines. 📜 Tip: Posh is all about Sharing your listings. 💌Goto the list of peo. that have "liked" someone. 🥰 Add those people to your list of people You are following. A lot of them will visit Your closet.🗝 ❣️ Come and see *My closet, too❣❣ -Saundra, Posh Ambassador❣️-
Aug 04Reply
shopper411411 Welcome to Poshmark! I sell both Men and Women's clothing. Feel free to visit my closet and ask any questions. Happy Poshing!
Aug 06Reply
emorrow97 @shopper411411 Thank you very much!
Aug 06Reply
shopper411411 @emorrow97 You're welcome.
Aug 06Reply
closetcupid Pleasure to meet you 😇 Thank you so much for the follow!! 😍 I am pretty new here but expanding my closet fast. Please take a peak and feel free to reach out with questions or the offers. Happy Poshing!! ☺️😃
Aug 08Reply
emorrow97 @suchitrat Nice to meet you!
Aug 08Reply
emorrow97 @traceywise Thank you very much! You have some great items in your closet too. Nice to meet you!
Aug 09Reply
sbashley3 Welcome 🙏to the #POSH COMMUNITY# 😀😀😀its AWESOME U😎R here👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿As the saying goes the  more the merrier 🌝 Happy posh💰💰ing👗👠👞👛👟⛑👖👚
Aug 09Reply
emorrow97 @sbashley3 Thank you very much! ❤️
Aug 09Reply
baypearls @emorrow97 Hi Elizabeth, Welcome to poshmark!! If you need anything, I would be happy to help!! I enjoyed sharing with you today!! 🤗💖🤗 Hope you have a wonderful weekend!! Happy poshing!!
Aug 09Reply
emorrow97 @baypearls Thank you very much much! Nice to meet you!
Aug 09Reply
baypearls @emorrow97 Nice to meet you too!! 💖🤗💖
Aug 09Reply
tabbysoclassy Super happy to be your first customer :) May I be the first of many. The beauty bundles will make great free gifts for my buyers. I do some posh mentoring if you ever have any questions or would just like some tips. Thank you for the great deal and good luck with your closet!
Aug 09Reply
emorrow97 @abathatay Thank you very much for your order! I will be shipping it to you tomorrow.
Aug 09Reply
tabbysoclassy @emorrow97 sounds good, thanks
Aug 10Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark 😃Hi I am Gloria. I hope you are enjoying this great community of wonderful people & amazing deals. I am a Poshmark Ambassador, Top rated seller, fast shipper & Poshmark Mentor. Feel free to contact me with any questions about Poshmark, I’d be glad to help . I invite you to check out my closet, i carry men’s & women’s items in all sizes. I have a sale now 5 pieces for $29, so feel free to browse. Use the filter tool to find all the $10 items. I also give discounts on bundles 😃
Aug 13Reply
emorrow97 @soriag Nice to meet you! 😊
Aug 13Reply
grammytata2012 Hello fellow Posher. Nice to meet you. Welcome to Poshmark! I am a Posh Ambassador. If you have any questions. I am here to help. I invite you for a special bundle savings. Sending positive vibes. Wishing you the best experience in buying and selling. Happy Poshing! :)
Aug 19Reply
emorrow97 @grammytata2012 Thank you! Nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by 😊
Aug 19Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! So glad we were able to connect on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 27Reply
emorrow97 @schracl Nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by. Love your closet 😊
Aug 27Reply
alott84 @emorrow97 Thank you so much for the shares and I love your closet by the way 😊. I have a 2/$20 sale on all my item's inside my closet that have an ☘emoji on them. Or if you see anything you like in my closet just send me over an offer 😊
Mar 17Reply
mariva931 Hi Elizabeth, thank you so much for visiting and following my closet and for all the shares 🤗🤗 Take care and have a wonderful week ahead 🌺🌺🌸
Mar 23Reply
emorrow97 @mariva931 You’re very welcome! Thank you for visiting my closest and sharing my items as well. Take care! 😉
Mar 23Reply
danabella_92 Thanks for taking the time to look through my closet, and for the shares/likes on my items. If you see something in my closet that you would like to purchase, I’m sure we could find a price that we both think is perfect if pricing is an issue. I also have a bundle discount of 10% off of 3 or more items. 😊💕feel free to make an offer or bundle and make an offer.
Apr 03Reply
hislove815 Thank you for the generous shares. Stay strong and healthy!!!!
Apr 06Reply
emorrow97 @hislove815 you’re very welcome! You have a lovely closet. Thank you for liking my items as well. Stay safe ❤️
Apr 06Reply
blor88 Your creations are adorable 😍
Apr 08Reply
emorrow97 @blor88 Aw thank you very much! 😁
Apr 08Reply
danabella_92 Thanks for taking the time to look through my closet, and for the shares/likes on my items. If you see something in my closet that you would like to purchase, I’m sure we could find a price that we both think is perfect if pricing is an issue. I also have a bundle discount of 10% off of 3 or more items. 😊💕feel free to make an offer or bundle and make an offer.
Apr 10Reply

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Last Active: 3 hours ago

Columbia, TN
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Last Active: 3 hours ago

Columbia, TN
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