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Updated Feb 15
Updated Feb 15

Meet your Posher, Elvin

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Elvin. Some of my favorite brands are Nike, Polo by Ralph Lauren, and The North Face. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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katzkoz WELCOME to Posh. It's a very supportive and friendly community & if U have questions, there's always a Poshers to help U. Or, U could always ask me & I'd be happy to help U! Just ask me!
Feb 15Reply
elvinq Is this how I speak with you
Feb 21Reply
elvinq @katzkoz is this how I comment to you if so how do I know if someone accepts my offer
Feb 21Reply
katzkoz @elvinq Yes....U're doing it right. If someone accepts, no. #1, I'll get an email saying so, #2 it will show up under where it says SALES(where all UR stats R) and where all UR comments are (where this shows up) I'll see " so & so accepted UR offer" Don't worry....U won't miss it
Feb 21Reply
katzkoz Congrats too if U made a sale!🌞🌞
Feb 21Reply
elvinq @katzkoz I'm lost on here
Feb 21Reply
katzkoz @elvinq heehee....we all were at 1st. Just observe and also read the Fan's that R on UR main page. There R some learning guides that some have posted but it just takes a little patience and asking questions like U're doing
Feb 21Reply
elvinq @katzkoz any other way to chat with you
Feb 21Reply
katzkoz @elvinq No, for now, this is the only way to communicate. Maybe in the future they'll change it.
Feb 21Reply
elvinq @katzkoz ok thanks
Feb 21Reply
elvinq @katzkoz what do I do if I make an offer and don't get a response in 24 hours
Feb 22Reply
katzkoz @elvinq Hi, sorry for the late reply...if the don't reply it either means they didn't see it or the offer May be too low, they'll ignore it. It Has to be a "reasonable" offer as to not insult the seller. U can always make a comment to them that U made an offer and did they see it. It helps.🌞
Feb 22Reply
rach141 I am so sorry! I just saw the notification on your offer re: Twisted X boots. I am just getting over the flu and was completely out of it! Again, I apologize for the delayed response.
Feb 23Reply
elvinq @rach141 it's no prob. Hope your feeling lots better.
Feb 23Reply
rach141 @elvinq Thank you so much!! I am finally out of bed at least 🙂
Feb 23Reply
elvinq @rach141 they say it was bad this year. I just hope it's stays away from me
Feb 23Reply
rach141 @elvinq Me too!! Stay safe
Feb 23Reply
elvinq @rach141 ty you to sweetie. I hate the high postage on all the items. It looks if it wasn't for that people would offer more for things
Feb 23Reply
rach141 @elvinq Ughhh I know! I’m trying to get it as low as possible. It’s just that I was offered $30 earlier. You seem very kind and I’m working with ya...promise!
Feb 23Reply
elvinq @rach141 I understand. I'm trying to meet you in the middle
Feb 23Reply
rach141 @elvinq Well you caught me in an extremely good mood because I would never let Twisted X boots go for this low 😬😉
Feb 23Reply
elvinq @rach141 yes I know. This will be my final offer thanks so much for what you have done. And hope you get better $20
Feb 23Reply
rach141 @elvinq thank you so much! You are very sweet! ❤️
Feb 23Reply
elvinq @rach141 I try to be ty
Feb 23Reply
elvinq @rach141 hate we couldn't make it happen thanks for your time
Feb 23Reply
elvinq @rach141 really over $1.
Feb 23Reply
rach141 @elvinq lol I know...I know! My kid’s profits go to them or their rodeo funds. I kind of have to be a stickler since I treat it like its not my money.
Feb 23Reply
elvinq @rach141 just can't believe your going to miss a sale over a $1 I didn't want to go over 20 well if you ever want to sale them at 21 let me know. Thanks so much for you time
Feb 23Reply
rach141 @elvinq please don’t get angry. You can always offer whenever. In all honesty, I’m in no hurry to sell them that low at all. I was trying my best to help ya out
Feb 23Reply
elvinq @rach141 no no no I'm not getting angry at all sweetie and I appreciate you trying to meet me at the price I'm willing to pay. Sorry you think I'm up set with you
Feb 23Reply
drmiller333 Just a heads up, Poshmark gets 20% of the sale price, so if $3 is accepted,its like 5 cent earnings. Packaging materials and the time are not compensated. If you were to bundle, and buy other items from that same closet, the discount to the buyer can be beneficial.
Feb 24Reply
elvinq @drmiller333 I understand
Feb 24Reply
elvinq @drmiller333 what does it mean when all these people are following me. Y are they
Feb 25Reply
drmiller333 @elvinq if you share a listing, the people that follow you will be able to see it. You can follow people that carry the clothes you like, or even follow the actual brand of clothing. People selling want you to follow them, and share their items so all the people who follow you will also see them.
Feb 25Reply
elvinq @drmiller333 ok thanks just didn't know y I was having so many
Feb 25Reply
isabelledu Hi there, just tagged you for the 2 plus size costumes that I have ☺️
Feb 25Reply
elvinq @isabelledu thanks. I'm trying to fine things four my wife
Feb 25Reply
isabelledu @elvinq Awww! That’s so sweet of you! She must be so special. If you bundle them both or just want one, I’ll give you a private discount and will throw in some bonus gifts for you too 😄
Feb 25Reply
elvinq @isabelledu I buy all my wife's close she hated to shop and I love buying her things
Feb 25Reply
elvinq @isabelledu what all comes with the maid outfit
Feb 25Reply
isabelledu @elvinq Omg amazing! She’s so lucky to have you as a husband! I saw that have one bundled and just gave you a big discount with free shipping! Hope it suits your liking!
Feb 25Reply
isabelledu @elvinq It comes with the corset top, headband and wrist bracelets. No bottoms for it but you can be creative and mix and match it with something else!
Feb 25Reply
elvinq @isabelledu who all can see this
Feb 25Reply
isabelledu @elvinq They’re public comments so everyone...yeah, I wish Poshmark allowed private messages or the options to delete comments but I’m sure if you email Poshmark, they can accommodate your request!
Feb 25Reply
isabelledu Oh I saw your counter, I dropped the price from $40 to $25 with free shipping (which is great that we can do now because we only just got that option to offer free shipping to potential buyers). The lowest I can do for this would be $20 with free shipping. Hope that works for you!
Feb 25Reply
elvinq @isabelledu I saw your new offer but it doesn't say free shipping
Feb 25Reply
isabelledu @elvinq Oh’s such a new feature so I’m still figuring it out myself. I guess I’m only allowed to use it once. Let me do this. I’ll remake a different post for you right now, I’ll tag you when it’s done so you can like it (you have to press the “like” button) and I’ll send you the private offer again of $20 with free shipping!
Feb 25Reply
elvinq @isabelledu what are the bonus items that you were going to throw in
Feb 25Reply
isabelledu @elvinq They’ll be mostly beauty samples and I’ll throw in a new full eyeshadow palette for your wife too!
Feb 25Reply
isabelledu Did you see my offer to you? I sent it to you ☺️
Feb 25Reply
elvinq @isabelledu no I have not seen it
Feb 25Reply
isabelledu @elvinq Just resent it! Let me know if you got it
Feb 25Reply
isabelledu Yay! Perfect! It worked! Great working with you! I’ll mail this first thing tomorrow since it’s Sunday and the post office is closed. Thanks so much and I hope both you and your wife love her new pretty things! ☺️
Feb 25Reply
elvinq @isabelledu thanks so much for helping me out. Keep me in mind for other things
Feb 25Reply
isabelledu @elvinq You’re welcome and will do! 🌟
Feb 25Reply
rockstarblech At $7 I get $4 in my pocket. Nothing to write home about. Paid way more....
Feb 27Reply
averymariecx hi, i was packaging up the shorts you just bought from me but i noticed a few small holes on the seams around the cargo pockets. so i’m sorry about that, but would you want to cancel your order because of it?
Jun 07Reply
elvinq @averymariecx no that's fine. Thanks for checking tho.
Jun 07Reply
averymariecx @elvinq okay, usps will be picking up the package today then 👌🏻
Jun 07Reply
ogdengirl Hi Elvin, I will ship your shorts tomorrow just wanted you to know that a $3 sale I get 5 cents, for a $4 sale I get $1.05. Something is better than nothing. ☹️
Jun 07Reply
akmantia WELCOME! 🎉 👀👉PM's Guide & FAQ's! SELLING?🏦 Grow your sales by following others, participating in "Games" & sharing items, especially during "Parties!"💵 *See my closet for Strategies, Tips & Pricing Info! PARTY? 🎟 Parties provide an opportunity to buy, sell & share beyond your following. Participating will ⬆️ following & $ales! GAMES? ➡️🤝"Follow" & "Share" games grow your network & sales! 💰 BUYING?💳 Save more by creating bundles & making offers! 🛍 Allison ♥ @akmantia
Oct 03Reply
jessiismith @akmantia I’m sorry I can’t accept $5, I’d only get $2 for $100 jeans
Oct 17Reply
akmantia @jessiismith? Maybe tagged me by mistake?
Oct 17Reply
jessiismith @akmantia oh shoot I’m sorry ! I meant to tag the profile user !
Oct 17Reply
akmantia No worries. Just wanted to make sure the message got to the proper party.:)
Oct 17Reply
4ksmith4 Hello. Please note the lowest amount I will accept on the rock & republic jean is 32. Thank you just don't want to waist your time.
Jun 06Reply
dottiesday22 Hello Dear just wanted to let you know that your package has been shipped and thank you for your purchase 🙏😊
Jun 14Reply
jlm417 @elvinq hi 👋 the men’s two piece safety jacket is brand new maybe worn once do t even think so . I’m sorry but it’s worth more than your offer . Try to compromise
Feb 26Reply
elvinq @jlm417 I understand that there shipping is well over what it will cost to ship
Feb 26Reply
jlm417 @elvinq pay $30 and I’ll pay for shipping
Feb 26Reply
elvinq @jlm417 $20 and you pay for shipping. that's the best I can do thanks for your time
Feb 26Reply
jlm417 @elvinq $25 and I’ll ship it tomorrow and pay for shipping
Feb 26Reply
elvinq @jlm417 no thanks. thanks for your time sir
Feb 26Reply
tiffanychampton or of you would like to bundle all 3 pairs- I could do $120 bundle and pay for shipping
Feb 26Reply
jlm417 @elvinq good evening 🌆 you offered me more the other day and less today . If you google the price of these safety jackets you will see that it’s a bargain . I would like to accommodate you however , I can’t give it away . If you make a more reasonable offer that would be better . Thanks.
Feb 28Reply
elvinq @jlm417 I'll do $20 and you pay shipping
Feb 28Reply
jlm417 @elvinq if you would agree to 25 free shipping it’s a done deal I’m losing money on this deal lol seriously , I really want to sell it you you it’s in mint condition . $25 free shipping and I’ll ship it tomorrow .
Feb 28Reply
elvinq @jlm417 $23 and you pay shipping
Feb 28Reply
jlm417 @elvinq I. Hanged listing to $23 free shipping please accept
Feb 28Reply
elvinq @jlm417 it want let me
Feb 28Reply
jlm417 @elvinq I do t know why it gave another liker that offer but not you . Let me try something else hold on
Feb 28Reply
jlm417 @elvinq did you get offer ??
Feb 28Reply
elvinq @jlm417 yes I did thank you sir
Feb 28Reply
jlm417 @elvinq you’re welcome and by the way I’m not a sir . it was my husbands I hope you wear it in good health
Feb 28Reply
toddeals Hi Elvinq, very sorry for not checking the pockets of the Mek jeans you purchased from me, totally my fault. I should have done that before shipping so please accept my apology, I will be more careful in the future.
Oct 01Reply
soldonlinenc2 Please do not send low ball offers
Jun 01Reply
houseofwong Thanks for the offer. If I ever have a 75% off sale I’ll let you know. But as of now, I can’t take such an offer.
Aug 11Reply
bigjohnlcoc @elvinq Elvin, the buckle shirt that I just sent you an offer on has just sold on another platform. please do not accept the offer. blessings
Mar 04Reply
ginaperrow74 Hi, if I accept your $4 offer. I get $1 for these slides. They are brand new slides. Not worn. That is why I countered at $6.
Mar 16Reply
ginaperrow74 Wow… after reading al this. This guy sends everyone unreasonable offers. This sounds like a yard sale.
Mar 17Reply
paytonhar HUGE SUMMER SALE! ❗️❗️❗️ All items in my shop now only $10 (unless marked $40+)! If items are already listed under $10 those items will be 50% off! Lowest price shipping on all bundles! Free gift with every purchase! Thanks for being an awesome customer! ❤️ if you see anything you’d like let me know and I can change the price or create a bundle with the discount applied for you!
Jul 14Reply

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Last Active: 7 hours ago

Abbeville, SC
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Last Active: 7 hours ago

Abbeville, SC
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