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Updated Jan 28
Updated Jan 28

Meet your Posher, Emelin

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Emelin. Some of my favorite brands are Coach and Sofft. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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poshmark8530678 Hi Posher! I have a MASSIVE selection of SOME HARD TO FIND DESIGNER jeans, dresses and coats if you're interested 😄. Plus, with the selection of multiple items, you can use the apps cool feature to make an offer on a bundle❤️. Poshin' is SO much fun!
Feb 07Reply
tessbear Hi thank you for your purchase put in mailbox this am .should have track tonight!! I hope you like they are super adorable and comfy!!! Thank you again and visit my closet again im fairly new myself and need to post more .
Feb 15Reply
jenneortiz88 This person was being dishonest and was trying to purchase my shoes 👠 out of the poshmark app. I knew it was a fraud because she or he (I don't know) asked for my address. this person (Marin Salomon) (Email be careful !!!!
May 14Reply
euzak123 Thank you for your ❤️ I added additional pics for my shirt
Jun 20Reply
otto1729 Thanks for the purchase. I will get it to the post office this afternoon
Jun 20Reply
emelins @otto1729 Thank you!!! Thank you for accepting my offer.
Jun 20Reply
otto1729 @emelins Hi. I went to the post office but they wanted proof of what I paid for shipping so I could pay the difference since it's heavier. Long story and they were not helpful but I am getting it shipping tomorrow. I need to bring proof of what you paid. Sorry for the delay!
Jun 21Reply
otto1729 @emelins it would be easier if I drove this to you!😂
Jun 21Reply
emelins @otto1729 Thank you for the update. No problem.
Jun 21Reply
otto1729 @emelins I don't know why this isn't scanned yet. I took it to the post office and paid the difference and have the receipt. I shipped something else and it does show being scanned. Hoping this scan shows up soon. Sorry
Jun 22Reply
emelins @otto1729 Don't worry, that's not a problem. These things happen. Thank you so very much.
Jun 22Reply
iheart1290 Hi Emelin, I reduced the price on the Nike sparkly hi top shoes that you like. If you are interested I can ship tomorrow. If you like anything else in my closet just bundle offer and I will ship all for 1 shipping cost., thanks Edie
Aug 09Reply
iheart1290 Hi Emelin, I reduced the price on the Nike sparkly hi top shoes that you like. If you are interested I can ship tomorrow. If you like anything else in my closet just bundle offer and I will ship all for 1 shipping cost., thanks Edie
Aug 09Reply
iheart1290 Hi Emelin, I reduced the price on the Evan Picon dress that you like. If you are interested I can ship tomorrow. If you like anything else in my closet just bundle offer and I will ship all for 1 shipping cost., thanks Edie
Aug 09Reply
iheart1290 Emelin, please ignore the first 2 messages form me they were in error, it's the 3rd one, sorry, Edie
Aug 09Reply
sms4410 Thanks for your order. I'm out of town and cannot ship until Saturday. Sorry for the delay.
Sep 21Reply
emelins @sms4410 That is no problem. Thank you.
Sep 21Reply
bkjamison Welcome to Poshmark!
Sep 21Reply
sms4410 Morning. I cancelled the order of the three dress bundle. Unfortunately, the red and black dress with the the collar scarf had already sold on another site. I still have the blue dress and red camo print dress if you want to submit a new purchase. They are ready to go out in today's mail. Sorry for the confusion.
Sep 23Reply
lstanley612 Good morning and thank you for your order. I apologize for the shipping delay. I was working out of town last week. However, I shipped it yesterday but it seems USPS has not scanned the package yet.
Oct 18Reply
lstanley612 Thanks so much for the five star rating! 😊
Oct 26Reply
retiredgal56 Hi Thank you for visiting my closet ❤️😊
Nov 04Reply
lookin_fabulous Wanted to let you know (since you liked an item in my closet) that I have placed my ENTIRE CLOSET on sale... 3/$25!! I am having a family crisis and desperately need to make sales! Hope you have a wonderful Holiday!
Dec 04Reply
poshandpearls @emelins Hi Emelin 😊 Thank you for visiting my closet and “liking” the Refuge Denim Skirt 💙 Please let me know if you have any questions and I hope you’re enjoying your evening ✨ Robin
Dec 11Reply
lillypatsel If you wanna buy those boots on my page I'm willing to drop to a price more reasonable to you
Dec 12Reply
saraheather Happy new year! I am happy to offer you a private discount if you’d like to bundle any of your likes (even if it’s one piece 😉) All good either way of course! Have a great day & thanks for checking out my closet! 😊✌️
Jan 01Reply
jaimi_stickel thank you for the like on the coach shoes! i can ship today and you can bundle to save! 😊
Mar 10Reply
laylasmom7 Thank you for your purchase. Your dresses are all packed up and ready to be shipped. I will mail them tomorrow. 😊
Mar 15Reply
emelins @laylasmom7 Thank you for accepting my offer!!! Thank you very much. Have a good night.
Mar 15Reply
laylasmom7 I am so glad you love the dresses!
Mar 20Reply
halestorm4 Hey! Just wanted to let you know I am mailing your purchase tomorrow! Thanks so much
Mar 25Reply
emelins @halestorm4 No problem, thank you so much for accepting my offer.
Mar 25Reply
jmgd19711989 🎀👜👗🌻👡Welcome to Poshmark 🎀👜🌻⭐️👡👚👗
Apr 04Reply
viperlady @emelins hi I’m so glad that you like the gold sandals that you bought from me! May God bless YOU abundantly too!👍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️
Apr 27Reply
salendeleon Hi, thanks for the ❤ Feel free to bundle!
Jun 06Reply
marimari411 thank you very much for purchasing! I m' so glad that you like it: !!!
Jun 08Reply
emelins @natlyscatly Thank you 🙏🏻Have a wonderful day.
Jun 17Reply
bambooshoothi Mahalo for your purchase and your wonderful testimony!
Jul 30Reply
believer13 Hi there and thanks for your likes make and bundle and I will give you a discount ! Have an awesome Labor Day ! Happy Poshing my fellow New Yorker 🤗❣️💕💕
Sep 01Reply
theposhunic0rn Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet & liking an item ✨ all orders placed today will ship tomorrow morning 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Oct 21Reply
shayleen12w Oh you made my day! I was so worried when I got them out of storage!!
Nov 01Reply
jordansitaxoxo Hey Emelin! Thanks for your purchase ❤️ I’m packaging it now and will send out in the morning :)
Jan 25Reply
kellkie I’m so glad you love the shoes, thank you so much for the five stars
Jan 25Reply
jordansitaxoxo Thank you so much for the sweet review ❤️ I’m so happy you love the shoes!
Jan 29Reply
montanastyle Thank you for looking at my closet I take any reasonable offers.
Feb 18Reply
greenbygiovanna welcome to Poshmark 🤪🤪😉😉 check out my closet for awesome deals on trendy and customized jewelry and high end brands, prices drop almost every day and I’m flexible w offers hope you stop on by!
Feb 20Reply
lorenatbr Hi Emelin, I’ve added a few dresses that you might like. Please check out my closet. Thanks
Jun 11Reply
cam_cotner Hi! If you are interested in buying an athletic one piece Speedo swimsuit for a reasonable price, please check out my closet!! I appreciate offers and am willing to negotiate!! Thanks ⭐️
Jun 26Reply
ldonselar @emelins Hi! If you're interested in purchasing the skirt, I can lower the price to $9 and you'll get reduced shipping of $4.99. Let me know what you think. Have a good night!
Jul 13Reply
elias_co Hi there if u really interested in the denim shoes plz pass me mur size so i can allocate it because Last Box i opened yesterday have a good day
Jul 15Reply
nildin7 Hi,check out my closet. I have pieces to fit any style. You can find both NWT and preowned items. Like or bundle 3+ items to receive an automatic 10% discount and I also add a discount when you bundle multiple items. I respond quickly and ship quicker.I can’t wait to hear from you. Blessings!
Jul 30Reply
ahuot Hello Emelin 😊 Welcome to Poshmark. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to help you out. I sell an array of unique goodies. I offer a 10% Bundle discount, discount shipping, and I always ship next day. I wish you well.✌❤
Aug 26Reply
tlgriffin61 @emelins good evening, Thank you for your purchase. I will get your package out tomorrow.
Sep 18Reply
emelins @tlgriffin61 Thank you so much!!! Have a wonderful blessed night.
Sep 18Reply
lisalaw15 Thanks so much for your order! 😊😊
Oct 16Reply
dalila_33_4 Hi Emelin! I hope you're enjoying this awesome place 👠👗👜👝👛💄🕶 Just wanted to introduce myself I'm Dalila, feel free to visit my closet I'll be adding new items every day. XOXO 😘🤗😘🤗
Nov 22Reply
dgg102 @emelins sent you an offer on your bundle shipping tomorrow
Jan 29Reply
dgg102 @emelins sent you an offer on your bundle
Jan 30Reply
dgg102 @emelins sent you an offer on your bundle shipping tomorrow
Feb 12Reply
stylesbyniya Happy poshing 💕😊be sure to check out my closet
Apr 23Reply
cristydayz @emelins Happy Friday!! Sent you an offer on your bundle 😁
May 15Reply
gucciot Hi. I’m in the process of moving and can not locate the shoes. They are packed away. Sorry bout that. Mimi
Jun 15Reply
emelins @gucciot thank you so much for keeping me posted.
Jun 15Reply
pameplace Hello , just a quick thought. Happy to ship all 3 likes for 20.00 that’s 3 skirts , pair of shoes and surprise gift. No worries , no pressure just a suggestion. If you were interested. Shipping tomorrow. Happy Sunday . Stay safe , stay well 😊
Jun 21Reply
larissa_chavez hey hey 😁 just wanted to invite you to check out my closet 💙 happy shopping 🛍
Jun 26Reply
gentry777fam Hey there. Thank you so much for the LIKE. Just wanted to let you know I give 10%Off Your Total Purchase on Every Bundle plus other Discounts as well. Thx Again for Stopping By 😁
Jul 18Reply
jenn123456 Thank you for liking my item. Are you willing to buy?
Jul 27Reply
fashioncents52 Hi Emelin, Thanks for checking out my closet. I see that you like one of my dresses. I wish I could lower the price and still make a profit but what I can do is offer you a deal on a BUNDLE. Select any two $10 items for $15 plus get $5.95 shipping and save. Thanks for your interest and Happy Poshing!
May 23Reply
calicosmo21 Hello thank you for your purchase I will ship these out tomorrow.
Jun 28Reply
seasidefinds Hi, thank you for your bundle purchase! I will be mailing this out on Tuesday morning, I just wanted to let you know. These are the cutest, I wish the floral skirt fit me! 😭 All the best! 🥰
Jul 17Reply
emelins @seasidefinds Thank you so much! They are absolutely beautiful.
Jul 17Reply
paigestomski I saw you liked my glasses ❤️ . If you download curtsy you only have to pay 3.95 shipping for them. I know for me, I hate paying so much for shipping
Aug 16Reply
lohanpeiris Thank you. Let me know if u r interested
Sep 16Reply
fffun Hi , thanks for your purchase ( I just wanted to make sure you saw the imperfections in the pic). On my way to mail❤️
Oct 07Reply
emelins @fffun Hello, I didn’t notice any imperfections 😯 where exactly? What picture?
Oct 07Reply
moodyau Hi there❤️ Just leaving a note for you to check out my closet. I’m running bundle deals and discount on shipping too🤘🏼 Happy Shopping🛍 Audrey🤗
Nov 11Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 🍍It’s nice to meet you 🍍 I’d appreciate it if you would stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me. 💫Wishing you all the best of luck 🍀
Nov 15Reply
msoloperto Hi Emelin, It seems that you may be a “dress” girl! If you are, I have the ones you ❤️ liked, but I have more that aren’t posted. If your interested I can post more (I just haven’t been posting lately). x Maria
Jun 15Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jul 31Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there I would for you to stop by and take a look at my closet, if you have any questions feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉❤️💫 Have a blessed day! 💕
Aug 19Reply
myaddedsparkle Hi! We’re My Added Sparkle, and we’d love for you to check out our closet, full of jewelry and accessories! If anything catches your eye, we have a 3 for $30 sale going on! Or, if your bundle is over $50, you get not only a discount, but free shipping, too! Visit our website,, for great deals and ALWAYS free shipping! Use code “sparkle2022” for 25% off your purchase from our website! Thanks, have a great day! 🥂✨
Sep 10Reply
shoedip Happy Friday! Please check out my closet when u get the chance! Perfect time to start on your holiday shopping!
Oct 15Reply
txgratitude 🙋🏻‍♀️ Hiii New Posh Friend. I’ve been here since 2016 and trying to build my network. I am sharing your listings with my 100k+ followers. You would enjoy stopping by my Closet, I carry: - Exquisite REAL GEM Rings - Huge selection of Men & Women’s Plus Sizes - Purses - Shoes - Skin Care & Make Up - Electronics - Home Goods - Pet Items Happy Poshing!🙏🏻💐🌻🇺🇸
Nov 19Reply
mountainmomsoap Hi Emelin it’s nice to meet you 🌻
Dec 04Reply
mlejea hello! 🐾 I'm an artist and hope you can check out my closet. My boutique is all original Art! I have live shows often so please like my listing so you can get access to exclusive live show only deals.... happy poshing!
Dec 25Reply
nanbonbon5 Season's Greetings! thank you for your support 💕 sending much love
Dec 25Reply
a_deal_awaits_u Happy Poshing 🛍 ♥️🖤February Sales🖤♥️ Black History Month🖤💚💜 Mardi Gras🌴President's Day😎 Valentines Day♥️...Simply make an offer I can't refuse‼️🛍✅️
Feb 20Reply
shopjewelsnmore Hi. I just wanted to let you know that I lowered the price for the Tiffany 18k and silver ring that you liked😇
Mar 18Reply
precioushyre Hello Love ! 💖 🥳✨As a Poshmark Ambassador I would like to welcome you to Poshmark! 💕 Feel free to check out my Closet. I have many items for as low as $3! I also sell Faux Lashes, Clothing, Shoes, Makeup & much more💸💰 I ship out super fast & do same day shipping when possible! 📦 If you can’t find something for yourself, you could find a gift for someone else 🎁 Bundle items & save 💸💸💸 I’m ACCEPTING OFFERS 🚨 ALL clothing/shoes Must Go! I also have many Jizbits for Crocs✨💖 Happy Poshing !✨🥳
May 15Reply
angelawiggin139 Good morning, I offered several options if you would like anything just lmk☺️ Happy Poshing...and Merry Christmas.🎁🌲
Dec 14Reply

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Bronx, NY
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Last Active: 7 hours ago

Bronx, NY
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