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Updated Apr 23
Updated Apr 23

Meet your Posher, Emily

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Emily. Thanks for stopping by! I am passionate about living with a great quality of life in every aspect... Never give up your path for achieving your goals... The route may change but the destiny still exists!
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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kellyylynn_xo Your item is being shipped Tuesday !
Jan 16Reply
ej9858 @kellyylynn_xo awesome, thank you!
Jan 16Reply
goldenstategems Welcome to Posh ☺️ If you ever have any questions I'd be happy to help 💕 if you happen to find anything in my closet I ship same day or next day and always include a free gift! Wishing you many sales 🎉
Jan 17Reply
kellyylynn_xo hey hun i shipped your items out, my mom shipped them for me ebcause im out of town she didnt use the poshmark shipping label though so im unsure if theres a tracking number on it
Jan 19Reply
ej9858 @kellyylynn_xo ok just let me know as soon as you find out from her, as long as the address is on there than I will be fine with that
Jan 19Reply
sjsene @ej9858 yay!!! I'm so glad you found jeans you like on my page! If they fit me I would wear them all the time❤️thanks again and it will be sent out tomorrow!
Feb 15Reply
ej9858 @sjsene I am so excited to wear them! Thank you very much for accepting my offer!
Feb 15Reply
ej9858 @bluezhu This was the last one in this style that I had, I don't have a yellow one, I accepted your offer, you will be happy with this one!
Mar 17Reply
juggernaut0666 I am having a half off sale on a bundle of four or more items tonight, u can get real good stuff cheap, or buy one get one free of equal or lesser value, bundle it and offer half and I will accept , no one does fifty percent off designer stuff but me lol have a good night
Mar 21Reply
gracecouture1 I am so happy you like it 🌻 thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and putting my mind to ease. I hope you have a wonderful day!!!!
Mar 22Reply
ej9858 @jamiemomof2rozd Oh my goodness this jacket is nothing to be worried about! It is beautiful! I had to look extremely close to even see what you were telling me about 😁 Can't wait to hit the ski slopes in this!
Mar 22Reply
ciescloset Yeah! Great motto!
Apr 05Reply
beachblonde81 Thank you for your purchase! I'm so happy you bundles! Nobody has bundled my goodies in awhile! I will get this package ready and ship out Monday! Thank you again! 😉👍💜
Apr 09Reply
ej9858 @beachblonde81 Thank you! Your closet is awesome! I am looking forward to receiving these awesome items 😁
Apr 09Reply
beachblonde81 @ej9858 thank you sweety! I appreciate that! Can't wait for u to get them! 👍😉❤️
Apr 09Reply
spreadlove Hi 🙋 Just stopping in to say hello! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Be well and spread love 💛
May 28Reply
ginabobina24 Great bio! I love reading originally written bios instead of the generic 😉... It's nice to meet you! I love my Lucky belt too, btw 🖤
Aug 11Reply
ej9858 @ginabobina24 Awesome! I am so glad that you are enjoying your Lucky Brand belt 😊 It is nice to meet you as well, best wishes for your success with Poshmark! Thank you for the uplifting compliment 😉
Aug 11Reply
dcclough Emily, thank you so much for my Timberland bag! It will meet my needs perfectly. Thanks for the fast shipping too! Happy New Year‼️🤩 Donna C.
Jan 03Reply
ej9858 @dcclough You are so very welcome!! Thank you for the follow-up! May your new bag bring you many happy moments of item storage and space utilization for success in life!
Jan 03Reply
dcclough whoa! what an awesome thing to say I am also a positively motivated person so I truly appreciate your comments‼️👍
Jan 04Reply
ej9858 @dcclough 😉 Of course, helping and inspiring people is my "Via Vitae"...
Jan 04Reply
dawnc0519 Hi. If the offer in the shoes works for you, I can ship in the morning. Thanks so much
Jul 19Reply
ej9858 @dawnc0519 It's a deal 😉
Jul 19Reply
dawnc0519 @ej9858 thanks doll!! :)
Jul 19Reply
laclouisville Hi — you purchased the Black Longchamp bag from me. I was just going through a bunch of receipts and found the sales tag and authenticity card for it. Do you want it? In. SAE you ever resell it? If so, give me your address and I’ll stick in the mail tomorrow Lisa
Aug 15Reply
snatanov I just wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Aug 25Reply
ashleye821 I had just left for work when you bought the dress so I’ll be packing tonight and shipping in the morning! It’s beautiful, I hope you’ll love it!!
Oct 16Reply
ej9858 @ashleye821 Perfect! I am very excited about it! I know I will enjoy this beautiful dress very much, thank you!
Oct 16Reply
toptncat I just had to smile when I saw your name, Emily 😊 One of my best friend's name is Emily Jane, and I often call her EJ. Happy Poshing! 🙋🏼‍♀️ Cathy
Mar 20Reply
ej9858 @toptncat How cool! Thank you for the comment! It seems like everyone has a friend named Emily... We are cool people to be friends with 😉 Happy Poshing!
Mar 20Reply
savvynycshopper Hi Love...I have tons of designer dust bags for shoes...celine, Gucci, LV, etc...LET ME KNOW if you are interested! xoxoxox
Jan 22Reply
sunnysdincali hi Emily, thank u so much for all the likes!!! If u want me to give you an estimate or offer on those items, let me know. Mahalo Fellow PFF, thanks again! ~Suzan
Apr 26Reply
hfwellness Hi Emily, Thank you for your order 🙏. I wanted to let you know that the Encyclopedia alone weighs about 5 lbs, bringing the total weight of the box to 14 lbs. The Post Office clerk accepted the box with the shipping label it came with and informed me that the additional cost of the shipping will be collected during the delivery. Thank you again.
Jul 13Reply
ej9858 @hfwellness hmmmm... I was not aware that this encyclopedia was this big. Purchased for nostalgic reasons. This is shipping to an address that I am not at 100% of the time
Jul 14Reply
ej9858 @hfwellness By any chance, did they tell you how much extra the shipping will be? We may have to cancel this order and return the package back to you... Shipping charges may be very expensive for this package
Jul 14Reply
hfwellness @ej9858 They did not say. Not a problem, if it’s too much, send it back and cancel the order. I am sorry about this. The Encyclopedia is very heavy.
Jul 14Reply
ej9858 @hfwellness I was looking forward to the cassette tapes, I am a Realtor and these help me in my career. I looked it up and the priority flat rate shipping covers up to 70 pounds! Hopefully this is true since otherwise it may be very expensive
Jul 14Reply
hfwellness @ej9858 If there is a way to know the amount before you return it, and the additional shipping cost is high but not very expensive, maybe we can split the cost. If you decide to do this, I can mail you a check to cover half of the cost.
Jul 14Reply
ej9858 @hfwellness That is very generous of you! I guess that we will just wait and see what the Shipping cost will be, then go from there
Jul 14Reply
ej9858 @hfwellness Just received a notification that the package is going to be sent back to you, the seller... I believe that you will have to cancel the order once it returns back to you since this order is way to heavy to ship without paying big $$$
Jul 14Reply
hfwellness @ej9858 I am so sorry about all of this. I will contact Poshmark to cancel the order.
Jul 14Reply
ej9858 @hfwellness ok, yes just please cancel it on your end... Thank you so very much, I do appreciate this!
Jul 15Reply
chrissywatson Any order from my closet and I will add a FREE Victoria's Secret $20 reward card.
Sep 08Reply
fantazzia47 @ej9858 Hello and thank you for the purchase of this huge Clarisonic bundle🌺 I had several “sold” messages come in at once buy you won! 😘 As in stated in description you will be receiving the two additional brush heads described but not pictured. Everything is new. I will be shipping out to you tomorrow 🌺 Anne
Nov 30Reply
ac020301ac Why was my order cancelled? I’m so sad!
Feb 10Reply
ej9858 @ac020301ac This item was stolen from my home.
Feb 11Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet✨ Let me know if you have any questions! 💕☺️
Mar 21Reply
lovenarf Hi Emily. I would love for you to visit my closet. I have 1000+ items both new and vintage in assorted sizes. I would appreciate it if you took a few minutes to stop by. Thanks so much.
May 04Reply
trix27567 Hello. I sent you an offer. Let me know if I can help you with anything. Thank you
May 24Reply
cupcakequeen123 @ej9858 hi i see you liked a couple tgings from my closet bundle them and i will sens a good offer
Jun 23Reply
sydneynremer Hello! I just messaged you on your bundle in my closet. I’m not sure if you can see it or not! I have miss placed the tanning lotion that you purchased but I have another designer skin lotion I could replace for it or I can cancel the entire order! I am so sorry and this has never happened before!
Feb 09Reply
ej9858 @sydneynremer you may add it to the order
Feb 10Reply
heatherctay Hi Emily, I meant to give you free shipping, but accidentally hit No discount. I’m sorry & am happy to give you an additional $10 off. Thank you for your interest. Heather
Apr 27Reply
ej9858 @heatherctay ok! so do I counter your existing offer with this $10 off?
Apr 27Reply
heatherctay Hello Emily, Thank you very much for the heartfelt review. We’re so happy you are pleased with your purchase! We’ve added new French Country Decor Listings & even more at the end of the week. Thank You Again Ms. Emily♥️ ~ xo Heather & Amelia
May 03Reply
ej9858 @heatherctay you are so very welcome! wonderful!! I will check out your new items!
May 03Reply
heatherctay @ej9858 We have the same taste! I’m not a big “farmhouse” fan, but I LOVE all things French Country, French Cottage! Thank you Again♥️
May 03Reply
cutehosiery @ej9858 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 18Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop! 💛🌻
Dec 10Reply
penlims Yurman bracelet is fake
Feb 05Reply
ej9858 @penlims which one?
Feb 05Reply
penlims did you buy any Yurman today or yesterday?
Feb 05Reply
ej9858 @penlims yes - I did
Feb 05Reply
penlims fake
Feb 05Reply
penlims Bracelet or earrings....right? this seller sells FAKEs only. You better cancel the sale
Feb 05Reply
ej9858 @penlims which seller?
Feb 05Reply
penlims I don't remember. I just saw your name in there. There's a lot of fake ones.
Feb 05Reply
ej9858 @penlims cancelled everything
Feb 05Reply
penlims you can tell me who did you buy it from and I will tell you
Feb 05Reply
penlims good for you!
Feb 05Reply
penlims next time you can show me the seller before you buy it and I will tell you if it's authentic
Feb 05Reply
penlims anytime
Feb 05Reply
ej9858 @penlims thank you!!!
Feb 05Reply
penlims anytime!
Feb 05Reply
penlims Hi I have started uploading short videos about FAKE David Yurman jewelry on YouTube. Search for FAKE vs REAL David Yurman and you will see it. I will be doing more and more. Keep checking my channel. I Hope it will help you to avoid buying fake jewelry. Alex :)
Feb 09Reply
ej9858 @penlims oh wow!! thank you so much I will check it out!
Feb 09Reply
penlims anytime! I will be making more and more :) but Yurman only
Feb 09Reply
m_rayner Hey! Thanks for the kind feedback/rating! :0) .. because of thatttt - you can have anything on my page for 50% off of whatever the listed price is ((of all 9,100+ of my listings)) .. no rush either - it’ll never expire
May 23Reply
ej9858 @m_rayner you are very welcome!!! it is the truth, you are an excellent seller!!
May 23Reply
m_rayner @ej9858 Thank you so much!! ☺️
May 23Reply
clothingnmore_ Hi Emily 🌞 l'm Laura, I hope you're doing great today. I would love to invite you to check my closet. If you like something, simply click the "❤" or make an Offer! Bundles of 3 items or more receive 30% off! ☺ Thank you in Advance and Happy Poshing ⚘
Nov 29Reply
reereescloset @ej9858 Thank you so much for taking the time to post a five star rating, I really appreciate it!
Jan 06Reply
deborahs_deals Appreciate the 5 star rating! Please shop with us again!
Jan 06Reply
chicnation @ej9858 hi nice to meet you I’m Vanessa with chic nation womens boutique reaching out to say hi and introduce our boutique
May 09Reply
dagmarstone Thank you for your purchase. Your sweet blanket will ship tomorrow morning.
May 19Reply
ej9858 @dagmarstone thank you!
May 19Reply
dagmarstone @ej9858 absolutely!
May 19Reply
dagmarstone The blanket finally started tracking! The estimated delivery date is on Thursday.
May 21Reply
dagmarstone It’s out for delivery.
May 23Reply
dagmarstone Thank you for your wonderful rating! Enjoy!
May 23Reply
groovyglam hi Emily I am so glad you like your bundle. Thank you for the quick ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review and taking the time to leave a lovely note🤗 Your patronage is much appreciated! Happy POSHING Liz
Jun 11Reply
rawluxe_world @ej9858 Hey Beauty, I just shipped your bundle so your package is officially on its way to you. I included an extra special gift and I hope you love everything. Have a great weekend xo
Aug 16Reply
kathyfeczko73 Hi Emily, I would like to invite you to stop by my closet sometime! I have something for everyone, give fantastic deals, accepting all offers and great discount on bundles too! Hope you are having an amazing day!!🤗
Oct 09Reply

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Last Active: 8 hours ago

Sebring, FL
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Last Active: 8 hours ago

Sebring, FL
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