Meet your Posher, Emily
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You've bought things on Posh, but have you bought them from a cat?
I'm Emily. I've been married since 2009, and I'm the mom of 2 cats named Salem and Tooch. Salem and I have been pairing quality items with new owners since 2017. The name Resalem is a combination of my love of resale and my boss's name. ;)
We're picky about what we sell and how we sell it. We work hard to provide a 5-star experience with detailed honest descriptions and fast shipping.
We're a smoke-free, cat-friendly home.

175 others
like this

Hiya! Welcome to the Poshmark community. 🤝Hope you will enjoy poshing as much as I do. 😁💕 if you have any questions do not hesitate. Wishing you the very best. 🎉🌺🌟
Sep 27Reply

@mystylefab Thanks so much! ❤️
Sep 27Reply

@resalem You are most welcome!
Sep 28Reply

Hello and welcome to Poshmark 💐💐💐💐💐
Oct 02Reply

@fun_family Thank you!!!
Oct 02Reply

Hi! Welcome to poshmark. I'm Tammy. I hope you're having a great day! I've been on posh for many years, so don't hesitate if you ever have any questions 😊
Oct 02Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 😊
Oct 02Reply

@tammysbeachwear Thank you! ❤️
Oct 02Reply

@uskittykatt Thanks so much! :)
Oct 02Reply

- Love this pic😻 Happy Tuesday and Happy Halloween!!!😁🎃🍬🍫🍭👻 😱😬
Oct 31Reply

@zuzumarket Thanks so much! Happy belated Halloween! 👻🦇🐈
Nov 01Reply

Just wanted to thank you again for the heads up on the price of that J. Jill top! I corrected it and it sold for full asking price this morning! Thank you!!!
Nov 10Reply

@stitchcurator I'm so glad! That was the only reason I said anything. I wanted it to sell, though the other price would have been nice, too! 🤣 Thanks so much for all of the shares! ♥️
Nov 10Reply

Emily, every time I see that photo of what is I'm assuming your cat I smile!! So cute!! Is that your cat? I have a super soft spot for black kitties ❤️
Dec 20Reply

@vlbutler42 Yes! Thank you!! That's one of my babies Salem. He's super sweet and loves to play. I also have a calico (his sister), but she's a daddy's girl and only hangs out with me when she wants to. 🐈I've been meaning to put up a photo of her as well. I could talk about both of them all day--or at least for a good hour or so. 😊
Dec 21Reply

@resalem LOVE the name wonderful! My hubby & I adopted our Calico Lucy several months ago so I totally get it- I could go on & on!! She's such a love and is with us after a tough year of our two senior cats passing away after 18 & 19 good years together...and now I'm hoping the holiday/my impending Birthday will usher in another cat to the fold. I've told my hubs that's what I want most!! 😻
Dec 21Reply

@vlbutler42 I didn't realize the "reasonable offers" kitty was yours until just a few moments ago. What a cutie! I'm so sorry for your losses. You can't replace a pet, but I hope you can add another new one to the family! ♥️
Dec 21Reply

@resalem Thanks! Get a picture of your Calico posted. I'd love to "meet" her! Merry Christmas & thanks for always sharing!!
Dec 21Reply

@vlbutler42 Thank you, too! I will! Merry Christmas! (And Happy Birthday!)🎄🎁🐈
Dec 21Reply

@resalem Aww, thanks!! Good chatting with another fellow cool cat lady 😸
Dec 21Reply

Aww, Tooch is so pretty! Lotsa white 😽 great picture & of course Salem is your cover star! Thanks for sharing!
Dec 25Reply

@vlbutler42 Thanks! Most of her pattern is on her back. They have their own insta 😂: salemandtooch. You should do one for Lucy & Rudy! 🐈🐈
Dec 25Reply

@resalem Found them on Insta! Yay! I need to work on my Instagram more for Posh but I do love that idea!
Dec 25Reply

Your cats are adorable 😻
Dec 26Reply

@lgiroux Thank you! It looks like you have a couple of cuties, too! 🐈🐈
Dec 26Reply

Your kitty is just the cutest thing!!!😍😍
Feb 03Reply

@kellyfrasher Thank you! I will be sure to pass along the compliment to him! 😊🐈
Feb 04Reply

Thanks for the follow ❤❤❤
Feb 04Reply

Super cute kitties!!!!!
Feb 28Reply

@marleyfashions Thank you! 🐈🐈
Mar 01Reply

OMG that cat’s face 😸😽😻
Mar 11Reply

@eatsleepshop312 He loves to play! 🐭🐈 He's my little bud. ♥️
Mar 11Reply

Omg, your babies are precious!! 😻😻 I love them!! I keep telling my husband that our third cat will be a completely black kitty!
Mar 23Reply

@nicoleishappy Thank you! I just checked out your about section--since you sounded like a cat-lover, I figured you had pictures of them. Looks like you have a couple of cuties, too! 😻😻
Mar 23Reply

@resalem thank you so much!! I love them!
Mar 24Reply

Adorable babies 😻🐾😻
Mar 24Reply

@kcruz1966 Thank you! They're having their 4th birthday tomorrow! 🎂🎉 You've got some pretty furbabes, also!🐈🐈
Mar 24Reply

@resalem Thanks! That is too cute... Happy Birthday from us!! ❤️🐾 🐱
Mar 24Reply

LOVE YOUR CAT!!! I have an all-black baby named Maui! :) #crazycatmom
Apr 12Reply

@leebruski Thank you! My Salem is a sweetie. #crazycatmom right there with you 🐈🐈
Apr 12Reply

Thank you for all of the shares, you are awesome and ii wish you great success ☺
Apr 24Reply

@sobella1 Same to you! I have a hard time keeping up with you!
Apr 24Reply

Awww, gorgeous, adorable 🐈s, haha! 😀💕💜💕😘🐾
Apr 24Reply

@zardiva1 Thanks so much! They're the best! 🐈🐈
Apr 24Reply

@resalem Awww, you’re welcome! 🤗 And the one in the *first* pic looks so happy with that cutie little *smile*, haha! 😀😘😺
Apr 24Reply

@resalem I am pretty lucky because my WiFi is really fast at home, I never noticed it until I tried sharing away from home and it takes forever. I'll keep you sharing your closet ☺
Apr 24Reply

@sobella1 I'll keep sharing yours, too! If you want to share fewer items, that's totally okay. 😎
Apr 25Reply

OMG I had to come here after seeing your cat... Salem is SOOO CUTE, I'm just obsessed w black cats and cats in general 😍😍
Apr 25Reply

@atevi Thank you! He's like a little puppy--loves to play! 🐕🐈
Apr 26Reply

@resalem Very clever name! Love it.
May 09Reply

@kidsewfresh Thank you! 👗🐈👗🐈
May 10Reply

I saw your profile pic and had to pop in to tell you that your little black kitty is such a cutie pie 😍 but I’m sure you already knew that 😊.
May 31Reply

@hausofwebster Thank you! I will be sure to pass on the compliment as he never tires of hearing how adorable he is. ☺️🐈♥️
May 31Reply

Awwww your kitties are adorable! 😻😻 & your closet is lovely as well!
Jun 02Reply

@londoneye Thanks so much for the kind words and shares! You have a lovely closet as well! 👗 I love that you are rescuing cats--that is so great! 🐈♥️🐈♥️
Jun 03Reply

@resalem thank you as well Emily! & for the kitties we do what we can,,, there are just so many,,, my dream is to open a sanctuary one day! Hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend! -Cheers! 😊❤️🇬🇧🎉
Jun 03Reply

OMG! These cute fur babies! 😸😻😻
Jun 20Reply

@encore_chic They just had their annual check-up yesterday. Healthy lil kitties. 🐱🐱
Jun 20Reply

@encore_chic And thank you! 🐈🐈
Jun 20Reply

Hey, it looks like you shared *ALL 23* of my 👜👜👜, haha! 😀 Thanks so much! 👍😃🤗😘
Jul 08Reply

@zardiva1 Thank you for sharing as well! ♥️♥️♥️
Jul 08Reply

@resalem You’re welcome! 👍🙂
Jul 08Reply

Thanks for the shares! 💜
Jul 09Reply

@heritagethreads No problem! 🐈
Jul 10Reply

@resalem cute kitties!
Jul 13Reply

@kmrbcr Thank you! It looks like you have some cute kitties, too! 🐈🐈
Jul 13Reply

Precious furbabies! 🐱❤️
Aug 08Reply

@capthowdysgurl Thank you! I hate to just repeat myself (same comment I made above), but I see you have some cute furchildren, too! 🐕🐈
Aug 08Reply

Awwww!!! Babies!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 14Reply

Such cute fur babies 🐈❤️
Aug 26Reply

@purgatory5 Thank you! ♥️🐈♥️🐈
Aug 27Reply

@cassie_scott No problem! ♥️
Aug 27Reply

@cassie_scott Yes, the offer will expire by then, but I can send it again on Wednesday. I don't reserve things, so if something in the bundle happens to sell by then, I can adjust the price as well. My offer was 25% off the full bundle price with free shipping.
Aug 27Reply

@cassie_scott No problem 😊
Aug 27Reply

Sep 09Reply

Cute Kitties!!!😻
Sep 13Reply

Sep 16Reply

@candigirl899 @mommadara ♥️🐈♥️🐈
Sep 16Reply

@closetoffaith Thank you! ♥️🐈
Sep 16Reply

Oct 04Reply

i love your closet! 💓 it’s so cute!
Oct 05Reply

@okayitschelle Thank you! You have a lovely closet as well! ☺️❤️
Oct 05Reply

@resalem Thanks for helping me out by sharing to the Party for me last night 😘 I'll help share yours during the last Party tonight 🤗 I truly appreciate it, darlin ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ THANK YOU!!!
Oct 19Reply

@shanallc No problem! You're always so great at sharing, and I'm always so behind. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct 20Reply

@loladesignhouse Thanks so much! 🐈❤️
Oct 28Reply

Thank you for all the shares! :)
Nov 04Reply

@tiffyisthrifty Thank you as well! 🐈
Nov 06Reply

Hi, I love your cats! They are so pretty. I especially like the black one. I have 5 kitties. We just found 1 of them outside, about 10 weeks old.
Nov 07Reply

@sweetgrace78 Thank you! That's a lot of kitties! 🐈❤️ I just have the two--siblings. 🐈🐈
Nov 08Reply

Hi there you have beautiful fur babies 🐱💚🐈
Nov 15Reply

@sunnypunch Thank you! 🐈❤️🐈❤️ Looks like you might have horses! 🐎 Happy fall to you as well! ☺️
Nov 15Reply

@resalem Hey sweetie ❤ I just wanted to thank you for always helping me with shares ❤ You've been such an awesome Posher ❤ Thank you ❤ Hope you & yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving ❤🦃❤ ~ Shana
Nov 21Reply

@shanallc Thank you! You've always been so great! I saw your vacation notice and wasn't sure if I should keep sharing during this time. Have a great Thanksgiving! ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 21Reply

@resalem It's fine of you share, it's fine if you don't 🤗 We have 4 Thanksgiving's to go to within the next few days so I won't have much time for anything. I'll still be around the house..which is why I didn't put it on full vacation mode 😉
Thanks again, sweetie ❤❤❤ Gobble til ya wobble 🦃
Nov 21Reply

Love your closet!!💜
Nov 23Reply

@rachellauren_w Thank you! You have lovely items! ❤️
Nov 23Reply

I ❤️ them 😍 and your closet ☺️😘
Nov 28Reply

@poshstylesbyme Thank you! You have a beautiful closet! 😘❤️🐈
Nov 28Reply

Thank you ☺️💗🐬
Nov 28Reply

@resalem Love the kitty rockin the Santa hat in your profile picture 😹😹😹
Hope you have a great day, darlin!! 😘❤😘
Nov 29Reply

@shanallc Awww, thank you! He's Salem Claws! 😹😹 You have a great day, too! I meant to tell you that I don't think I could do 4 Thanksgiving events. One was a lot, lol. Hope you had a great time!
Nov 29Reply

@resalem BAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! Salem Claws 😹😹😹😹😹 I love it!!!
The 4 Thanksgiving shindigs ended up turning into 3. The baby ended up getting strep throat so we had to work in a hospital visit (she got sick ON Thanksgiving 🤒) & 24 hours for the antibiotics to take effect before we could carry on 😲 Glad that's over with! 😂 Now, onto the Christmas chaos 😂😹😂
Nov 29Reply

@shanallc Oh, no! So sorry to hear you had a sick little one on Thanksgiving! 😢 Hope everyone is well for Christmas! 🎄❄️
Nov 29Reply

@resalem Me too! It really freaked me out because the lymph nodes up under her neck were the size of golf balls 😲 She was fine after her 1st dose of antibiotics though ❤❤❤ Thank goodness!!
Nov 29Reply

@shanallc Oh my goodness! That's so crazy! 🙀 So glad she's better! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 29Reply

Hi, Emily! Super cute🎇
Nov 29Reply

What a cute kitty, i had to laugh to myself because the photo showed so small on the page that i thought. Wow. That is he darkest skin person I’ve ever seen i had to check it out to see where you were from.
Nov 30Reply

@gullprint Thank you!
Nov 30Reply

@curdle Oh! I gave him a hat for Christmas. 😊
Nov 30Reply

@resalem 😀🙀😹
Nov 30Reply

Thanks for following and sharing..Happy Holidays...
Dec 27Reply

@omico88 Thank you also! Happy holidays to you as well! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Dec 29Reply

Thank you for the shares!!😀
Jan 06Reply

@doristatum No problem! Thank you as well! ♥️♥️♥️
Jan 06Reply

Thanks for all of the shares!💕
Jan 08Reply

@omico88 Thank you as well! ♥️♥️♥️
Jan 11Reply

Jan 30Reply

@gailgirl09 Thank you! Salem definitely is my little sweetie. ♥️🐈 Happy Poshing to you also! 🎉🎉🎉
Jan 30Reply

Cute kitties! ♥️🐈♥️
Feb 20Reply

@closetobsessor Thank you! ♥️🐈
Feb 20Reply

Why can’t I have I like button on Posh?! Because I am LOVING all the fellow kitty-lovin’ Poshers! #CrazyCatMom #CrazyCatLolli (my husband is Pop 😉) #LoveMyGrandKitties
Feb 21Reply

@erinshaw3 Lolli & Pop? That's cute! 🥰 And yes, I love my furbabies! ♥️🐈♥️🐈
Feb 21Reply

I love your play on words with resalem! It's as perfect as your listing descriptions!! I've looked at a lot of your listings and wish I could write like that or find someone to hire who could. Very well done 😊🙌
Feb 23Reply

@hoopoutwear Thanks for all the shares and for such an awesome compliment! I used to write shoe decriptions for a living, and I've honestly never felt more appreciated! You made my day! ☺️ I wish I could take credit for my name but after trying to come up with something clever for days, my husband said, "Why don't you just call it Resalem?" 😹
Feb 23Reply

Thank you for all your generous shares. 💕
Sending the Poshmark love back to you. 🛍🛍💰💰
Mar 03Reply

@melodi23 I'm always a little behind, but I try to return all shares. Thank you as well! Happy Poshing! ♥️🐈
Mar 04Reply

Mar 04Reply

@jacquigoddess Thank you!
Mar 05Reply

Kitties 🥰 Yay 😻🍀🍀🍀🍀
Mar 17Reply

@resalem Good Thursday afternoon, beautiful day here in Ohio today, expecting lil snow tomorrow but it’s ok, Spring is here. Thank you so much for all your time and Posh Love, I appreciate it. I am definitely going to Posh Love 💕 Back. Have a wonderful day. Liv
Mar 21Reply

I love those pet names!! :)
Mar 31Reply

@haute_lion Thank you! ♥️🐈♥️🐈 (So sorry for the delayed response! We're in the process of moving. 💤)
Apr 05Reply

👐🏽👐🏽hv a grt eve insta-pff!💜
May 17Reply

@lightsoutbeauty You, too!! 💕🐈
May 17Reply

Don't share back I'm on vacay. Just dropping in to throw some share-love you way😁
May 27Reply

@lightsoutbeauty Thank you! I stopped by your closet before seeing your insta posts and wasn't sure if I should share. I never know if I should share when someone is on vacation. Enjoy your vacay! 🔆🕶️
May 27Reply

Always makes me smile when I see that cute little kitty face come up on my newsfeed! Thanks for being a great PFF 😁
May 30Reply

@eljopee Awww, thank YOU! You're a great PFF! I just moved so I haven't been as active on Posh as usual. (I'm still having a pre-spring sale, and it's practically summer. 🙀) I need to get back into the swing of things because I'm co-hosting my first party in July! 🎉 By the way, your profile picture is hysterical. 😹😹 Looks like you have furbabies and featherbabies!
May 31Reply

@resalem yes, I do! Congrats on hosting your party 🎉
May 31Reply

@eljopee Thank you! ♥️♥️ So glad to have "met" you! 🐈♥️
May 31Reply

@resalem Thank you, you too! ❤️😸❤️
May 31Reply

Just catching up to your shares! Have a great weekend!😉🌞🌻
Jun 07Reply

Jul 19Reply

@lightsoutbeauty Thanks so much! ♥️♥️♥️ I hope you have a great night! 🌜✨
Jul 19Reply

@resalem Most welcome, I meant what I gave me an inspirational boost yesterday & I appreciate ya. Just my way of giving back😉💜
Jul 19Reply

@lightsoutbeauty It's going to be difficult! I feel like this is why we are pffs! This is the kind of thing I would do. I wouldn't expect the favor to be returned, but I'm over here with my sharing finger just twitching. 😹 ☺️🐈
Jul 19Reply

@resalem 😂💜 resist! 💜😂
Jul 19Reply

Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success. I’m fairly new to Poshmark (in the past two months) and I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow and shop my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow.
Jul 23Reply

Would you please scan my closet for any potantial host picks? Thank you for your time and consideration.
Jul 23Reply

Love your cats! The black one looks just like my Stout...and looks like he might have a baby cry to match mine!
Jul 24Reply

Congrats on your party, hope you have a great time 😁😺
Jul 24Reply

😻😻😻😻 So adorable!!
Jul 24Reply

Congrats on Co-hosting the Best in Shoes Party Today!
Jul 24Reply

Hi! Thank you for co-hosting the best in shoes party! You have a lovely closet, and I hope you'll check out my closet too ☺️🛍️✨
Jul 24Reply

I love the picture of your cat. I also have two black cats and yours is just adorable!
Jul 24Reply

And your calico is beautiful too! Love the kitty kitties
Jul 24Reply

😸😹😹 I love these 2, mine hate clothes too! Go figure.
Jul 24Reply

@annanelson1972😹😹😹 Mine have a mini-wardrobe but have no interest in it.
Jul 25Reply

@abbeyc7 Thank you! 😸♥️🐈 Black cats are just beautiful!
Jul 25Reply

@kittycastle Thank you! 😸
Jul 25Reply

@kshoopla Thank you! He actually has a funny raspy meow. He's totally fine, but his meow has a little bit of character. 😸😹
Jul 25Reply

Hi! I love your closet! Wish I were the same size! I see you’re a fellow 🐈🐈 lover too! I have four and two of them are black as well! 😜😻
Jul 27Reply

@laughterboat Oh, my! You have a full house! 🐈🐈🐈🐈 I just have the two. They are siblings. They're good friends, and I don't think they would do well with another cat in the house. They wouldn't want to share the attention. 😹
Jul 27Reply

@resalem Aw! My black one’s are too. 😊 Tiny baby strays somehow flock to me. 🙃🙃🙃🙃😂
Jul 27Reply

Hi Emily! I just stopped in to thank you for the shares and ask how things are going. I love your two kitties. Salem, I’m guessing is the black one who makes silly faces and Tooch is the cutie with the pretty face - what a loving gentle look. Delightful! Good luck with sales! 🌸 Cutler
Aug 07Reply

@thethriftmode Thank you also! I've been running around today trying to get things done. You have it right--Salem is my boy, and Tooch is my girl. Salem is the boss here at Resalem (where Resale 👗& Salem 🐈 combine). Hope you're doing well! 🐈🐈
Aug 07Reply

I would love ♥️♥️♥️for you to consider one of my items as a host pic. It would totally make my day. ♥️♥️♥️
Aug 18Reply

Love your kitties! Our 17 year old itty bitty black kitty cat, Chloe is my poshmark assistant! 🥰 Recently she promoted herself to Executive Director of Treat Management! If you have a chance take a peek at at my Meet the Posher listing! You’ll meet Chloe there! 🥰🥰🥰 Michelle
Sep 11Reply

Happy Poshing Emily! 🔥🛍
Sep 13Reply

@charmsofmine Happy Poshing! 🎉
Sep 14Reply

whatup posh fam!
Nov 15Reply

Hello Salem n Tooch! Do u know where ur mom got her mannequin? Is it a seamstress form? I like how it adjusts n is dark gray. I only sell handbags shoes n accessories n get a lot of questions about drops n whether crossbody strap would fit plus sizes. I thought a photo of plus might help.
Nov 17Reply

@sophiesspace I was telling the cats what to type, but they were having trouble getting the spelling right with their paws. So, I'm taking over. Emily, here. 😹 Yes, it is a dress form. Sadly, I don't know where it came from because I got it off FB marketplace. I think the lady had had it for a while, and I haven't seen a brand on it anywhere. I think I paid a little too much for it, but I was desperate for something to replace the stiff mannequin I previously had.
Nov 17Reply

@sophiesspace I also really liked that it was gray because a lot of the ones I saw new online were blue or purple, and I didn't want a bright color to distract from my clothing. Compared to my mannequin, this dress form is very lightweight and easy to move around. The torso just sits on top of the pole. I don't know the exact size of mine, but I think it adjusts from an extra small to maybe a medium.
Nov 17Reply

@sophiesspace I think they usually come in size ranges like this. Mine has plastic wheels that you turn to adjust her size, and I feel they are a bit flimsy. I know there are more professional ones, perhaps with metal adjusts, but the ones I saw online were so expensive. I checked FB and Craigslist for about a month before finding mine. Sorry to be so wordy, but I hope this helps you find one that you like. ☺️🐈🐈
Nov 17Reply

Very, very cute. Love seeing the fuzzy buddies.
Nov 19Reply

@greenpython Thank you! ❤️🐈🐈
Nov 20Reply

Welcome! May you be blessed with much success. Beautiful fur babies!
Nov 23Reply

Hi there! You have two ADORABLE cats! 😻😻
Nov 24Reply

@mw_online Thanks so much! ❤️❤️
Nov 24Reply

@mensashi Thank you! They are my little babies. ❤️❤️
Nov 24Reply

Awwwww salem is SO CUTE!! My two black boys, brothers named Kissy & Minky say MEEOOWWW!!
Dec 01Reply

Oopsy - sorry other kitty, I was blind and didn't see you - you are super cute too!!!
Dec 01Reply

@resalem Hi Emily! Congratulations on party hosting! I would very much appreciate the opportunity to have one of my items listed as a Host Pick in your upcoming Statement Style Posh Party! I have had 69 successful Poshmark transactions which have resulted in 57 5-star ratings, and I believe I would add a ton of value to your party. Your consideration is greatly appreciated!
Dec 01Reply

Congrats for hosting the Statement Style Posh Party. I’d love if you could select one of my closet items as a host pick! I have mostly men’s closet but I’ve started a great women’s closet too. I have some great items I think will fit this party. Feel free to check out my closet to see what could be featured. Good luck and hope you get lots of sales.
Dec 01Reply

@resalem Hi, hello, just another person asking for a Host Pick 🙋. I take professional photos & would love to be considered! -Audrey
Dec 02Reply

Congratulations on hosting this posh party!!! It’s so exciting!! If you’re looking for a host pick I have the cutest sequin romper that would be great for the holidays 😍 wishing you speedy sales!! Happy poshing 💝
Dec 02Reply

Hi! Congrats on hosting today! I have some great designer pieces in my closet I would love you to consider for a HP. Hope you have a great rest of your day!! 💕
Dec 02Reply

Congrats on hosting tonight 🎉 Would love a host pick 🤗 And your cats 😍😍😍
Dec 02Reply

So excited to shop and share in your Posh Party tonight! Would love to be considered for a host pick, if interested!
Dec 02Reply

💜Beautiful closet💜
Dec 02Reply

@resalem Good morning 🌞, I am so thankful for continuing to help support me my friend, I have not being doing well so I slept early until this morning when I turned my phone and realize you picked my dress as HOST Pick, thank you again, I appreciate it. Happy 😊 Poshing and sales
Dec 02Reply

@vha_siscloset5 Victoria @straycatstich and I had been wondering about you! She had noticed you had kind of dropped off instagram. So sorry you have not been doing well! ❤️❤️❤️
Dec 03Reply

@lulusonline Thank you!
Dec 03Reply

@isabellarobin Haha, thank you! Mine are siblings too! 😊
Dec 03Reply

Very cute fur babies 🐾🐾
Dec 07Reply

@icystyles Thank you! ♥️🐈
Dec 07Reply

@lookwhatibought Thank you! ♥️🐈♥️🐈 The party night is always crazy. Sorry to miss your comment!
Dec 08Reply

❤️ your babies!
Dec 18Reply

@igcposh Thank you! 🥰🐈🐈
Dec 19Reply

You have a sense of humor 😁 tell your boss hi
My cat looks similar to your calico, she is not the boss of me but neither am I... as we know cats are Queens and Kings lol
Have a good day and thanks for sharing !
Dec 20Reply

@arkadeo Thank you for sharing also! I try to return all shares, but sometimes I'm slow. 🙈 I just checked your page for cat pics, and your calico is just lovely! Her fur is so pretty! 🥰😻
Dec 21Reply

@resalem yes her fur is the softest I ever touched😊
Thanks ❤️
Dec 21Reply

Good morning! Thank you for all those shares! Whew, you've been busy! Wishing you and your beautiful fur babies a happy and healthy 2020...XOXO Love me & Baby & Bee XOXO
Dec 28Reply

@isabellevip I was returning your many generous shares from a week or so ago. ♥️ I so appreciate you, and you have such a great closet! 😻😻 Wishing you and Baby and Bee the best in the new year! 🥰🐈🐾🐾
Dec 29Reply

As much as I appreciate all your shares, I have to admit I absolutely love more seeing your cat’s face in my news feed! His smile always makes me chuckle! It’s priceless! 🥰
Dec 29Reply

@igcposh Thanks so much! He is such a sweetie. He actually behaves quite badly a good bit of the time (always jumping on the counter and getting into things he shouldn't), but he's so affectionate and cuddly, you could never be mad at him. 😹♥️🐈
Dec 30Reply

@igcposh And thank you for sharing as well, of course! We appreciate the Posh love! ♥️🐈
Dec 30Reply

@resalem they know how to play the game with us, and we happily play along! I always watch my sisters dog and he’s the same way. You become mush with that look they give and the second they cuddle up next to you!
Dec 30Reply

@igcposh That is so true! 😹😹😹
Dec 31Reply

Thank you for the generous shares! Have a blessed Happy New Year 🤗
Jan 10Reply

Hi PFF! Want to wish you an amazing 2020! Thank you for all the shares 😘 Your closet looks fabulous! 😁
Jan 10Reply

@eljopee Thank you! And thank you for always sharing! Salem and I wish you a very happy New yearm <---he just walked on my phone and typed that m, so that is from him 😹😹😹
Jan 11Reply

@resalem 😁😁😁 I feel so special getting a personalized message from him 😂
Jan 11Reply

@eljopee I set my phone down, and he just walked right across it. 😹😹
Jan 12Reply

Thanks for sharing again from my closet! Wishing you many, many sales!!!! Have a good night!
Jan 18Reply

@acespm4me Thank you for sharing as well! I'm about to hit the hay. 😴 Hope you also have a good night and a great weekend!
Jan 18Reply

@3clectic3dge I totally missed this! I have a habit of checking my comments tab to make sure I don't miss anything, but I somehow did. 🙀🙀 I hope 2020 has been great for you! ♥️🐈
Jan 20Reply

@resalem Thanks for the shares! You’re a doll! Salem freaks me out Lol 😘
Feb 06Reply

@geminigardens Thank YOU for all the shares as well! I can be a little delayed, but I will return them. ♥️🐈
Feb 06Reply

OMG, you are the biggest sweetheart! ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you SO MUCH for the insta shout out 😁😁😁😁😁 I really appreciate all you do for me 😻😻
Feb 12Reply

@eljopee You're so welcome! I appreciate all of your many, many shares! 🥰♥️🐈
Feb 14Reply

Thank you for the shares!
Feb 17Reply

Hi Hun! Do you use an app for your super cute signs, and which ones have you heard good things about? Hope you’re having a great day! 💕
Feb 19Reply

@eljopee I used to use Canva a lot. It started as a webpage but they do have an app now. It's okay, but I get frustrated with it bc you have to pay for a lot of the features (stickers/templates). I wish you could search for ONLY what's free. I also used to use PicsArt a lot, but they have really changed it. It's constantly wanting you to pay for things, and you just have to tell it no.
Feb 20Reply

@eljopee I have paid for it in the past, and it was way more fun because the free features are somewhat limited. However, you still can do a good bit with the free features. My current favorite is Adobe Spark Post. It's kind of basic (at least for free), but I love doing my background and text in that and then adding stickers from PicsArt.
Feb 20Reply

@eljopee I think the fonts look so much cleaner in Spark Post, and when you pick a background, it suggests text in a complementary color. So, those are the 3 I've used. I don't really use Canva anymore, but a lot of people really like it because it does have great templates. And while PicsArt used to be a lot better, I like to use it (mainly the stickers) to spice up my Spark Post images. I hope this helps!
Feb 20Reply

@eljopee Sorry, I thought of something else! 😹All 3 apps have images to use for free. PicsArt just gives you images from Unsplash, which is a website with free images. It's hard to explain how to access the Unsplash images in PicsArt, but you can just download images from the Unsplash webpage. It's easier, and I think you get more results when you search for a certain thing.
Feb 20Reply

@resalem thank you SO much, that helps a ton, I will check all of them out 😘😘
Feb 20Reply

@pegofold Thank you as well! ♥️🐈
Feb 23Reply

Thank you so much for sharing from my closet! ♥️♥️♥️ Michelle (& Chloe!)
Feb 28Reply

@discoutsluna Thank you as well! ♥️🐈
Feb 29Reply

@innerbeauty1968 Thank you also, Michelle (and Chloe 😽♥️🐾)!
Feb 29Reply

Sorry, but I don't use Twitter, just Poshmark. But thanks for the shares.
Mar 06Reply

@stylin_with_cj No worries! When you connect with Twitter, some of what you share gets shared there as well. I just started using it. Before that, I would get the messages asking me to connect to Twitter & share back, but I would always just share here. 😊 Thank you for sharing as well! ♥️🐈
Mar 06Reply

Hi! We share each other’s closets so often I start to get familiar with your items, and I always get a little excited when I see something has sold that I thought was especially cute 😊 just wanted to share that with you 😁😻
Apr 20Reply

@eljopee I do too! Sorry, I meant to reply to this the other day. I just randomly thought of it. 🤯 I love seeing what sells for you, too! And I still think it's so funny that I recognized you on insta by the shoes you posted. I was like, "I know where I've seen these before!" 😹😹
Apr 23Reply

@resalem I know, that was funny 😆 I love seeing your insta posts and your kitties 😻 hope you hanging in there with all this craziness 😣 I appreciate you 😘
Apr 23Reply

@eljopee I appreciate you, too! Love having you on Insta now. ♥️🐈
Apr 24Reply

@eljopee I just realized we're selling the same Sbicca sandals in different sizes 🙀😹
Apr 24Reply

@resalem I know, I saw that! I saw you had them before I listed mine and I was going to wait to list them but then realized they are different sizes so it was fine 😻
Apr 24Reply

ooh 😻😻😻
Apr 29Reply

@lostlily 👋♥️🐈 Thank you for sharing! I somehow missed this comment. ☺️
May 08Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares! I think you are awesome! I hope you know how grateful I am every single time you share my closet. Have a great night!
May 08Reply

@pegofold That's very kind of you! Thanks so much! I appreciate all of your shares as well! 🥰♥️🐈
May 09Reply

Thank u for sharing my listing on Twitter. I really appreciate it. Wishing you much success. You take care❤😊
May 15Reply

@pegofold You've shared my entire closet so many times, so I decided to share your entire closet--and wow--I didn't realize how many listings you have. 😹😹😹 No need to worry about returning the shares. I had some extra time this afternoon. ♥️🐈
May 16Reply

@resalem I have to share back! I would feel so guilty if I didn't! 😁
May 16Reply

@pegofold I know what you mean! 🙈 I am the same way. 😹
May 16Reply

I love your mtp and kitty!
May 19Reply

@lalulushop Thank you, and thank you for sharing! ♥️🐈🥰 I am just not with it today. Part of my slow response is that I didn't know what mtp was. I asked my husband, and he immediately responded "Meet the Posher?" He doesn't even use the app, and I'm on it all the time. 😹 I've enjoyed meeting your cats as well. I see you have 2 half-siblings! Mine are littermates. Salem enjoys his kitchen counter time as well--even if he's not allowed there. ☺️
May 20Reply

@resalem Hey Emily I'm laughing. I figured an experienced posher with all of those shares and followers would know MTP! You're a pro! I learn things every day and posh is so quirky. Re being out of it? I'm not with it at all lately - these are some weird times and disorienting! Lovely to meet you and thank YOU for all the fabulous shares! BE WELL & STAY WELL! xo Lulu
May 20Reply

@lalulushop As soon as he said it, it all made sense. I've definitely seen it abbreviated before. I just couldn't get it yesterday. 🤯😜 So nice to meet you as well! Wishing you all the best! 🥰
May 20Reply

@sahibtrends No problem! I appreciate all of your shares. ♥️🐈 You have a lovely closet--wishing you much success as well! 🥰
May 20Reply

@resalem 💞❤
May 20Reply

thank u so much Emily for big bunch of sharess. I really appreciate it. I wish you supper success. I returned the shares love. Lots of luv for u hon @sahibtrends😊💞🌈🌈♥️♥️
May 21Reply

I was already following you but I just disfollowed you and then followed you ack just to appear on your followers list.
May 21Reply

@resalem Hi PFF, all the new pictures with the brand names look so good! Nice job 😁
May 27Reply

@eljopee Thank you! Sometimes I spend time on photos when I should be listing more things for sale. 🙃😹
May 27Reply

Thanks for the many shares today! And always!
May 31Reply

@lalulushop Thank you as well! Trying to keep up with you! 🥰
Jun 01Reply

@resalem nonono!!!! i disappear for days on end sometimes! share only when and if you have time always! xoxo
Jun 01Reply

your amazingness just amaze me dear. Wishing u the very best💞☺️🥰
Jun 12Reply

@sahibtrends You are so kind! Wishing you the best as well! 🥰♥️🐈
Jun 15Reply

@resalem ❣💞🥰
Jun 15Reply

Oh, the animated picture is cute!
Jun 24Reply

@eljopee I like it! Someone on Instagram drew it for me yesterday. I also like real Salem though, so I can't make up my mind. 😹
Jun 25Reply

@resalem I’m partial to real Salem, it’s just such a cute look on his face!
Jun 25Reply

@eljopee I think I am, too. I think I'll switch it back but I do really like the drawing. ❤️ Real Salem and his sister are going to the vet tomorrow for their annual checkup! 🐈🐈
Jun 25Reply

@eljopee I do wish real Salem had better background scenery in his photo. 😹😹😹
Jun 25Reply

@resalem ooohhh, we call that a field trip, so everyone thinks it’s going to be fun and informative 😆
Jun 25Reply

@resalem May be try an editing app like photo room, it’s pretty easy to change a background 😁
Jun 25Reply

@willposh Awww! You should post photos! 😻
Jun 27Reply

Hi there! Just wanted to drop by and thank you for the generous shares and follow! As a brand new Posher, I sincerely appreciate your kindness! Your kitties are absolutely precious! 🌸💐🌸 All the best, janelle
Jul 27Reply

@kessandtill Thank you so much! ♥️🐈 It's very nice to meet you, Janelle! Your closet looks fantastic. 😻 So sorry I didn't follow you the other day. I usually follow after I share (if I'm not already following). Congratulations on your first sales and wishing you many more! 🎉
Jul 29Reply

Aug 17Reply

Thank you for your kind heart. ♥️ You truly helped my heart tremendously.
Aug 20Reply

@1213jewelry You're very welcome! I appreciate all of your shares and wish you many sales! ♥️🐈
Aug 20Reply

Thank you, my kind friend. 🌼♥️🌼
Aug 20Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my listings! I really appreciate that and your help! Wishing you great success and happy Poshing! ☺️😁🛍🥳💕
Aug 26Reply

@mzag1616 Thank YOU as well! Wishing you the best! 🥰♥️🐈
Aug 28Reply

Thank you so, so, so much for the shares. ♥️🌼♥️ May your weekend be happy and peaceful. ☕🎁☕
Aug 28Reply

@1213jewelry You're welcome! I appreciate you as well. Hope you had a great weekend! ♥️🐈
Sep 02Reply

@resalem Cute guys! I am a mom to four cats at the moment. Thank you for sharing. 😺
Sep 13Reply

@vintage_reborn Awww! Thank you! And what a group you have! 🐈🐈🐈🐈 Thank you for sharing as well! ♥️
Sep 14Reply

You always share my closet at a time when my heart has run out of hope. Thank you for your kindness. I was crying and praying and then I saw how many times you shared my jewelry. Thank you for being you. ♥️🌼♥️
Sep 17Reply

@1213jewelry This is such a nice thing to say! 🥰 I'm sorry I'm just now replying and also that you've been feeling down. I wish you so much success, and I'm always happy to share. ♥️🐈
Sep 22Reply

Thank you for your kind heart and kind words. I will tuck your words in my heart. 🌼
Sep 23Reply

Love your 🐾🐾😻😽🌺
Sep 24Reply

@tweedydo2 Thank you! ♥️🐈♥️🐈
Sep 25Reply

Cat Whiskers are attached to tissues that have multiple nerve endings. These nerves are sensitive to even the slightest movement of air can detect objects without seeing them an advantage in the dark.Since whiskers are sensitive to pressure, cats use them to determine the position and movement of an object or of prey. also help to measure the width of an opening before they attempt to go through it.
What do you think? Did the function of cat whiskers come about by evolution? Or was it designed?
Sep 25Reply

Hello I’m sorry I hit the bundle button by mistake I was sharing, Alice❤️😊
Sep 25Reply

@gingerann1234 No problem! I've done that so many times by accident. ☺️
Sep 25Reply

@resalem Have a great weekend.
Sep 26Reply

@gingerann1234 You too ♥️🐈
Sep 26Reply

@resalem thanks ❤️😊
Sep 26Reply

Great looking them!
Oct 03Reply

...nice closet, too.
Oct 03Reply

@magstein1 Thank you! 🥰♥️🐈
Oct 05Reply

Hello there 😊 Thank you for the shares 💛 Means a lot. Your closet is amazing as well, and I wish you tons n tons of sales . Take Care
Oct 09Reply

@missshiny Thank you! It's nice to meet you. I'm always happy to share. 🥰 I'm often a little delayed in sharing back, but I try my best. I wish you much success! ♥️🐈
Oct 11Reply

They're too cute!
Oct 12Reply

@kamo74 Thank you! 🥰♥️🐈♥️🐈
Oct 14Reply

Hi lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁 If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 15Reply

Thanks for sharing my listing on social media. I don’t do social but will share 10 items from your closet.
Love your fur babies. I always have black cars! 😊
Oct 23Reply

Oct 23Reply

@amb15931 Thank you, and thank you for sharing! 🥰♥️🐈
Oct 24Reply

Thank you for sharing! You have a lovely closet and cats!
Oct 27Reply

@jodylawr1 Thank you! 🐈♥️🐈 And thank you for sharing as well! 🥰
Oct 27Reply

I am not on twitter but think I need to be! thanks for sharing!
Oct 27Reply

Such a darling photo of your cats and I lobe your cover page description!
Nov 08Reply

@ruthmccullagh Thank you so much! They are my little babes. 🥰♥️🐈
Nov 09Reply

thank you for sharing my listing
Dec 05Reply

@resalem your kitties are adorable!! meow!
Jan 01Reply

@summer2winter Thank you! ♥️🐈♥️🐈
Jan 02Reply

Hi Emily, You have a nice closet and the pictures of your kitties are adorable. Thank you so much for sharing my closet! 🥰
Jan 03Reply

@milyguthrie Thank you! You have a wonderful closet as well. 🥰 I appreciate your shares. ♥️🐈
Jan 03Reply

The cats are adorable 🥰
Jan 04Reply

@britediamond Thank you so much! 🥰♥️🐈
Jan 04Reply

Super cute kitties 😻 Thank you for the follow. Nice to meet another cat Mom. My Vampie kitty is my boss 🐾
Jan 13Reply

@vampiekitty Thank you as well! Nice to meet you, too! 🥰♥️🐈 Vampie kitty is adorable! 😻
Jan 13Reply

You’re closet is so beautiful. Must share to Twitter!
Jan 24Reply

Jan 24Reply

@cadebugduds Thank you so much! You have a lovely closet as well! 🥰
Jan 24Reply

@lau0507 Thank you! 🥰♥️🐈
Jan 24Reply

Very cute kittens!!! 😻😻😻
Jan 24Reply

@joniholden Thank you! 🥰♥️🐈
Jan 25Reply

Cute cats!! 😍
Jan 25Reply

@pitbullmamainfl Thank you! ♥️
Jan 26Reply

hi Emily. Thank you so much for all the shares. I really appreciate it so much and I love seeing Salem's face pop up in my feed. I hope you and your family are well and finding ways to have fun. Cheers to you!😊
Feb 03Reply

@disneynardin Thank you so much, Amy! 🥰 I will let him know. Of course, I'm sure it will go to his head. 🙄😹 I enjoy sharing and appreciate you as well! 🤗 It's been a pleasure to come across your closet! ❤️🐈
Feb 04Reply

@resalem Everytime I see that beautiful smiling black kitty come across my notifications it just makes me smile 🐾😸 Thanks for the shares!
Feb 04Reply

@vampiekitty Thank you! 🥰 I appreciate your shares as well! Love your new profile photo! ❤️🐈 At least, I think it's new. ☺️
Feb 04Reply

Feb 13Reply

@echo801 Thank you! 🥰❤️🐈
Feb 13Reply

Hi there, I'm selling beautiful jewelry. Stop by when you have a chance. Reasonable offers accepted.
Feb 16Reply

Hi sweetheart, thanks for sharing my closet, appreciate your time, please stay safe, love your Cats , Best of Luck.❤️
Feb 18Reply

Your furbabys are absolutely adorable!!! 😺♥️
Feb 22Reply

😂I would trust their judgment. They look discerning😉
Feb 24Reply

@pugsinparadise They definitely have distinct personalities. ❤️🐈
Feb 26Reply

Oh my gosh! They are so cute!!!!
Mar 03Reply

Thank you so much for the shares!! Your closet is amazing. I love how every picture looks professional as well. It is a great inspiration for someone like me who is just starting- thank you, thank you!! 😃👠🎉❤️
Mar 04Reply

Hello my name is Daniela!
Hello fellow Poshmark person
All my items from the boutique section come fromy small boutique in Portland Oregon 😍 All my closet items are gently used and in great condition just trying rid of things I don’t use anymore
Mar 04Reply

@ekletiqueedge_e Thank you! 🥰❤️🐈
Mar 05Reply

@crahill0713 Thank you as well! And thank you for such a nice compliment! That really brightened my day. 😍 I would not have guessed you were new. Your closet looks fabulous! 👏👏
Mar 05Reply

Everytime we share/I see that cute cat pic, I literally laugh out loud... looks exactly like our first cat when I was a kid—that my sis and I found & brought home to keep, w/o mom knowing for about a month😬we got in BIG trouble but kept our funny black cat;) ❤️😻cutest pic ever—and closet btw;)
Mar 13Reply

@jsj40 Aww, I love that story! Sounds like yours had quite the personality, just like Salem. ♥️🐈 And thank you for sharing! You have a lovely closet as well! 🥰
Mar 13Reply

Thank you so much for the shares! I just started selling on Poshmark- I admire all you have accomplished!!!! Congratulations. Would you mind sharing what you use to make the background of your pictures white? It looks amazing! Thank you again.
Mar 19Reply

@crahill0713 Well, your closet looks great! 🎉 I use Photoshop, but there are other ways to do it. Photoroom is a pretty good app. It is newer on Android but has been in the Apple store for much longer. I have Android, and it doesn't work quite right for me. It gets confused if I try to change the background too many times. But other than that, it really is kind of impressive.
Mar 19Reply

@crahill0713 You can do some prep work ahead of time by making sure there is a good amount of contrast between your subject and background (e.g., put black items on a white background and vice versa) and by making sure things like shoelaces are tucked closely to the shoe so they are less likely to get removed along with the background.
Mar 19Reply

@crahill0713 Things like fur are kind of tricky, but I currently have a brown Skies Are Blue vest listed. It has a faux fur collar, and I actually did that one in Photoroom and then touched it up in Photoshop. If you don't want the Photoroom logo on your pictures, cover it with the same color as the background or crop it out. 🤫
Mar 19Reply

hi Emily! Always nice to see Salem in my feed. How have you been? This has been a slow sale week for me. And I was doing good for a while. What are your tips for making sales?😊
Mar 20Reply

@disneynardin It was pretty slow for me this week also, and sometimes it's just like that! But I do have a few tips! The first is pretty obvious: Be sure to share your own closet regularly. When someone searches for something, the results are sorted by "just shared" by default. Next, list consistently. Try to list at least one thing per day.
Mar 20Reply

@disneynardin If you have a lot of things to list and you'll be busy on certain days, use the draft feature to prep extra listings. Then you can make them live at your leisure. Also, don't be afraid to relist. If something has been up for a while and you've sent out offers, it might be time to refresh the listing to try to catch the eye of other buyers. No one knows how the algorithm works exactly, but new listings seem to get some kind of preference.
Mar 20Reply

@disneynardin Speaking of the algorithm, it seems that actively sending out offers helps bring attention to items in some way. I need to do all of these things more regularly. I'm pretty good about sharing my own closet, but when I list consistently, relist items, and send out offers, I tend to get more interest in my items.
Mar 20Reply

@resalem thank you for all the ideas! I appreciate you taking the time to write. 😊
Mar 20Reply

@disneynardin Oh, I forgot one! Try to think like the person who might be looking for your items. Put lots of good keywords in your description. I used to try to write cute descriptions for everything, but now I just list the features and end with a bunch of keywords at the bottom. You shouldn't tag things that aren't relevant to the listing (like other brand names), but include lots of adjectives that describe what you are selling.
Mar 20Reply

@resalem thank you! I made lots of changes yesterday. I changed descriptions and relisted. Hoping that helps. 😊
Mar 21Reply

hi Emily! Omg. My sales have been off the charts this week.🥳 Thank you for all the advice. I have been changing listing details, reaching out to likes, and relisting. All the best to you and sweet Salem.🥰🤗🐈👋
Mar 25Reply

@disneynardin That's great! 👏👏👏 I've been trying to take my own advice this week as well. 😹 It's been slow, but I don't have much available right now. Trying (always) to get more things listed. Are you on Instagram? We have a great reseller community there.
Mar 26Reply

@resalem hi! No, I'm not on insta. I'm not really on any social media. I already spend all my time on Poshmark. 😄😄
Mar 26Reply

@disneynardin I have driven some traffic to my closet and made a few sales after posting something on insta! My account is mainly for promoting my closet, but the cats also sneak in sometimes. 😺😺 But you are definitely correct, it's best to spend your time listing! Social media can be distracting.
Mar 26Reply

Hi there! Check out my closet, you might just find something you love🤍
Mar 27Reply

Ah, love cat 🐈⬛ pic!
Mar 28Reply

@petsabellametsa Thank you! 🥰
Mar 29Reply

hi there! Wow! Your closet looks 👏 amazing. It looks like Salem found you all kinds of good things. I hope your sales are awesome this week.😊
Mar 31Reply

@disneynardin Thanks so much for your kindness! I've kind of been in a mood lately, and your message inspired me to get some work done! I hope you've had a great week as well! 🔆
Apr 01Reply

@resalem aww. I'm glad to help. My week pretty decent. Don't be too hard on yourself. After a year of Covid, aren't we all in a mood? 😄🙆♀️
Apr 01Reply

@disneynardin Too true 😸😹
Apr 01Reply

hi Emily and Salem!! Happy Easter! 👋🌞😊
Apr 05Reply

Apr 05Reply

@disneynardin Happy Easter! I have taken some of my own advice over the past week, and I've got some good sales going out today. I hope you are continuing to have success--it looks like you've added a lot to your closet! 🥰
Apr 05Reply

hi Emily! How has this week been for you? I was doing really good last week. Then I spent the weekend adding new things and organizing my closet. And this week has been a total dud. So annoying when I think I'm on some kind of roll, then
meh. * shaking fist at Poshmark* Hope you and Salem are well! 😊😘
Apr 13Reply

@disneynardin I've been selling a good amount. I've really tried to list one new and relist one old every day, but sometimes I only manage to do one or the other. However, I'm probably going to take a pause on that because I need to get some more photos taken. I typically take photos of many different things all at once, and then I spread out my listing. I'm relaxing with Salem right now. 🥰♥️🐈
Apr 14Reply

Your cats are beautiful!!!
Apr 16Reply

@connieswc Thank you! 🥰♥️🐈
Apr 16Reply

@resalem no problem 😊
Apr 16Reply

Happy Saturday!I just started an Instagram account for my Poshmark closet a few months ago, & I’m so glad I came across your page. Looking forward to following you here & on Insta :)
Apr 17Reply

@clothes4cancer Thank you for following along with my journey. Unfortunately, I've already selected all host picks for the party. Each host can only choose 100, and I try to get mine chosen one to two days prior to the party. I've sent some shares your way and followed you here and on insta. Your closet looks fabulous, and I wish you much success! 🥰♥️🐈
Apr 17Reply

Aww our kitties should be Furrends! 🥰😆🌟 Louie (my boss), likes to supervise my wrapping and critiques my photo taking skills on the daily 🤣 Black Cats Rule!!!!🖤
Apr 17Reply

Congrats on hosting today! My closet includes Lululemon, Tory Burch, Zara, J. Crew, Ted Baker, Kate Spade, Athleta among other designers. Please check out my closet and consider one of my items as your host pick, thanks and have a great party !
Apr 17Reply

@louies_mom Aww, Louie is a cutie! 😻
Apr 18Reply

@resalem A cat actually owns our closet, too. Come and meet APPLE!
Apr 21Reply

Hello, thanks for following me on posh. Check out my closet for lots of items that are five dollars. Pick five of the five dollar items and bundle for $15. Happy spring🌸🌼🌹🌺
Apr 21Reply

@bambizzz Apple looks very fancy!
Apr 25Reply

@resalem Hi!!!🌸 thank you so much for visiting my Posh boutique Sharing sharing so many of my items, I really appreciate it very much!🥰🌸💕🍾🎉
Apr 25Reply

@resalem I never told her that she was a tiny baby 🍼 in an alley in Tyler, TX with an entire clan of alley cats 🐈 🐱 🐈⬛ who look exactly like her! She thinks she’s royalty.
Apr 25Reply

Thank you for your shares, it's also so cute to see your kitty's face in my notifications!
Apr 27Reply

@bambizzz I can tell! 😹🥰
Apr 28Reply

@priveboutique You're very welcome! I appreciate your shares as well! ❤️🐈
Apr 28Reply

@connieswc Thank you so much! 🥰 I appreciate all of your shares also! ❤️❤️🐈
Apr 28Reply

@connieswc And welcome to Poshmark, btw! 🥰
Apr 28Reply

@resalem Thank you! I just got to smile again😸❤❤
Apr 28Reply

hi Emily! Thank you for stopping by! How have you been? I was looking at your closet and wow, you have so many sold items! And I noticed only about 50 for sale. Hard to keep up inventory when you're always selling. Good for you and Salem.😊 I have had a fantastic last 2 weeks of sales. I hope you and Salem are well. cheers!!
Apr 30Reply

@disneynardin I've always struggled to have a lot of active listings. Part of it is just that I'm a slow lister, but I also get very focused on selling things I've had up for a while-- either by adding more to the description, adjusting the price or just relisting it. I typically try to have at least 100 active listings, but you are right!
Apr 30Reply

@disneynardin I am down to about 50 right now, and I'm trying to get that number back up! So glad to hear you've have a good couple of weeks! It's always nice to hear from you! 🥰♥️🐈
Apr 30Reply

@resalem thanks for the Twitter share.😍 And I think that's awesome how you focus on selling the older items. Because its all gotta sell right? You should get a Poshmark mentor award. You are always so kind and helpful to everyone. I appreciate you!!🥰❤🧡💛💚💙💜
Apr 30Reply

@disneynardin YOU are too kind! 🥰 I appreciate you as well! ♥️🐈
Apr 30Reply

thanks so much for choosing my Boden Plus Petite for your showcase!
May 10Reply

Love your fur kids!! 🐾🐾
May 10Reply

Hi there!! Congrats on hosting today’s party 🥰 I’d be so excited if you’d check out my closet for any potential host picks 🤗 regardless, congrats again and have a wonderful day! @kylaraynerose
May 11Reply

@flygirlsuz1 Thank you! ❤️🐈⬛
May 14Reply

Hi Resalem. You have a beautiful closet, great findings! I cannot stop sharing your closet, so more people can benefit from your items and prices. Thank you for sharing your tips about older items and for just being a superb Posh Ambassador. Have a great week 💖
May 24Reply

@fashion4allfam Thanks so much! 🥰 I appreciate you taking the time to send such a nice compliment! You've been a great PFF, and it's always a pleasure to share your closet. I hope you have a great week also--wishing you many sales! ❤️🐈⬛
May 25Reply

🧚🏾✨✨I love your closet!! Just stopping by to wish you many many sales! ✨✨🧚🏾
Jun 01Reply

@2ndfeature Thank you! I wish you the same. 🥰
Jun 01Reply

@resalem thank you so much for all of your shares again!❤😻🐈⬛
Jun 03Reply

Good morning. Shared 25 plus extras of your items on 6.10. Have a beautiful day! 🥰💞💝💐
Jun 10Reply

Thank you for visiting my page and the share💛
Jun 12Reply

@bbpassion4fashn Happy to spread some #PoshLove 🥰
Jun 13Reply

I love waking up and seeing Salems handsome face!!! Thanks for the Friyay love my PFF!!! 😘😘😘❤❤🧡🧡💛💛💚💚💙💙💜💜 Have a great weekend!! - Sparkle 💫
Jun 18Reply

@johemian21 Aww! 🐈⬛🥰 We hope you have a great weekend as well! 🔆
Jun 19Reply

Thanks for sharing!🥰
Jul 05Reply

🌺 Hi! Just wanted to say thanks so much for sharing! I truly appreciate it! 🌺
Jul 16Reply

@resalem: Thank you so much for the shares!!! Very much appreciated. Love your kitties 🐱
Jul 16Reply

@pauliegirl177 Thank you! 🐈⬛❤️🐈
Jul 17Reply

@ame3 Thank you as well! 🥰❤️🐈⬛
Jul 23Reply

Hi, shared your closet on 3/15 💐
Mar 16Reply

Good morning, shared 15 on 3/21 🙂
Mar 21Reply

Good morning, shared 20 on 3/25 🙂. Have a beautiful Friday 🎉
Mar 25Reply

Hi, shared 10 on 6/4 🙂
Jun 04Reply

@resalem Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 19Reply
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