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Updated Mar 12
Updated Mar 12

Meet your Posher, Emily

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Hi! I'm Emily. One of my favorite brands is kate spade. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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salty_treasures 💗💗 welcome to Poshmark 💗💗
Mar 14Reply
andtomorrow Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you have as much fun as I do! Feel free to ask me if you have any questions. I know I had lots when I first started. Take care and cheers to many great deals 🍾🥂✨
Mar 22Reply
billyaire33 👋 hello 😁Welcome to Poshmark ❣️
Mar 22Reply
claireleslie07 Pretty kitty!
Jun 07Reply
boutique_121 My Order has been saying 'pending usps scan' for a week now :( what is going on?...have you shipped it????
Jul 02Reply
ehunt0014 @boutique_121 yes I went to check on it and the post office assured me the tracking would show up. When it's scanned. I dropped it days and days ago. Sorry for the delay it's not in my hands anymore unfortunately, there's not really anything I can do to push it along that I haven't already tried.
Jul 02Reply
boutique_121 @ehunt0014 okay, thank you for getting back to me...I just have not ever seen the post office take a week to scan a package before!
Jul 02Reply
ehunt0014 @boutique_121 agreed! The order is perfect exactly as described no need to worry. It makes me mad because it makes me look bad as a seller. I'm so sorry this has happened 🙈💔
Jul 02Reply
ehunt0014 @boutique_121 it should start tracking because an item I dropped off after yours just told me it was tracking so crossing my fingers it gets scanned shortly
Jul 02Reply
boutique_121 @ehunt0014 My fingers are crossed!
Jul 02Reply
madea50 Hello Emily, my name is Kenyetta! I want to thank you for purchasing the Kate Spade ♠️ crossbody Bag. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I will ship it off first thing in the morning.😊🙋🏽‍♀️
Dec 17Reply
lindsayredhead Hi I saw you added my hat to your bundle. I don’t know what else to add- I’ve done this before and it never works out. Please feel free to add something else from my closet or make me an offer on the hat 🤗
Feb 17Reply
ehunt0014 @lindsayredhead will you be adding more? I love your closet, but it's just not my sizes :( darn wintertime lol
Feb 17Reply
lindsayredhead @ehunt0014 I totally get the ‘winter’ comment. I add items all the time but I am a size 0/00. I often have accessories too 🤗 thanks for saying you like my closet😘
Feb 17Reply
sunkneejade 😊thanks for the bundle,I sent you an offer🎁! if you have any questions feel free to comment on your bundle💌 happy poshing darling 🌤💚
Oct 13Reply
smithfamilylove Did the dress arrive?? Hope you love it!!
Feb 09Reply
ehunt0014 @smithkimi0326 yes I just tried it on! It’s beautiful!!!! Sorry for the delay. ☺️ you are amazing
Feb 09Reply
joshuaporter04 @ehunt0014 I lowered the pink shoes already from 45
Feb 28Reply
ehunt0014 @joshuaporter04 my apologies I wasn’t aware. Totally understand!
Feb 28Reply
joshuaporter04 @ehunt0014 dont worry! They are brand new and that’s a price you can’t refuse!
Feb 28Reply
slaysassy Hi, thank you for your purchase. I will ship tomorrow. Have a wonderful day 😊 🦋🌻🌼
Apr 19Reply
rooandkitty Hi, I just got a notice that your purchase was delivered to the wrong address. The post office is shipping it back to me and I will re-ship it to you as soon as I get it back. same day. Sorry for the delay. They said they are totally overwhelmed with the increase in people shipping things. I will keep you updated as well if something else happens. Thanks!
May 14Reply
ehunt0014 @sungmimiladaisy awesome thanks so much I appreciate it! Stay healthy and happy Poshing!
May 16Reply
ehunt0014 @rooandkitty thanks for the update! Stay Healthy and Happy Poshing!
May 16Reply
ehunt0014 @sungmimiladaisy I’ll be able to get it when I get off work 🖤
May 18Reply
rhondacrain I love, love, love everything in your closet!!! 💕💕💕💕
May 20Reply
ehunt0014 @rhondacrain aw thanks so much! Feel free to make a bundle or shoot offers - I’m saving up for my wedding♥️ most stuff is negotiable especially when bundling 💕
May 20Reply
rhondacrain @ehunt0014 Congratulations on your wedding! They are so expensive, even the basic ones. I remarried my first husband last year & it was a small ceremony in Savannah, Georgia but it was ridiculously expensive. I wish you much happiness! I’m seriously considering a lot of items in your closet. I love every single item you have listed lol 💕. Thank you so much for the message & I’ll probably narrow my choices down soon & do a bundle. :)
May 20Reply
ehunt0014 @rhondacrain thank you! We had it planned and paid for this Halloween but we have postponed so all of our loved ones (I have old parents) could be there! My grandmother turns 90 in August as long as I have her I’m good - don’t need anything else. 💕 we are waiting a whole year from our original date. All of our vendors have been able to make the shift except for the photographer 🙄 so we had to eat that entire cost and plan a new one.
May 20Reply
ehunt0014 @rhondacrain 🖤🖤🖤🖤If you do decided on some pieces let me know when - so I can be on the look out for an offer or send you one ♥️ I have a couple of random freebies I can through in based on the sizes you by I can add stuff 🥰🖤🖤🖤🖤
May 20Reply
ehunt0014 *buy Grrrr! 😂
May 20Reply
rhondacrain @ehunt0014 aww that is so wonderful about you’re Grandmother turning 90. I bet she means so much to you & I’m sure you mean the world to her. Your taste is amazing so I’m sure your wedding is going to be absolutely beautiful. You’ll have to post pics so that I can see 💕. Thank you so much! I’m going to start a bundle right now 💕💕
May 21Reply
rhondacrain @ehunt0014 I meant to ask you if you have any Lilly Pulitzer not listed yet? I’m obsessed with Lilly P lol 💕💕💕💕
May 21Reply
ehunt0014 @rhondacrain I do - I have a few items I need to list but I usually do everything outside to be able to show color and good clear pics - let me see if the weather should clear up. Mostly sizes 4-6 and a large and other random items
May 21Reply
rhondacrain @ehunt0014 I’m definitely interested in it. I’m an 8 now but on a diet so hoping to get in a size 6 soon. I saw some of your LP that sold 😫. I wish I would’ve found your closet sooner 💕💕💕. If you wanted to sell all LP I would def be interested in it all. I can tell you’re honest so you could just describe or tag me in a quick pic if you have time. I’m def interested in all of it.
May 21Reply
ehunt0014 @rhondacrain I went through my shorts last night- I need to go through dresses and tops. 💚 I’ll list them probably tomorrow! Unless it clears up here today.
May 21Reply
rhondacrain @ehunt0014 sounds great! I’ll be trying to keep an eye out so that I’ll see them before they sell. Thank you so much & hope you have a great eve 😌
May 21Reply
ehunt0014 @rhondacrain I’ll come back here and tag you 💕
May 21Reply
rhondacrain @ehunt0014 thank you so much 💕💕💕
May 21Reply
ehunt0014 @rhondacrain I am about to post some items 🖤
May 22Reply
rhondacrain @ehunt0014 hey! Just now seeing ur message. Thank you so much. I’m going to go look now 💕
May 22Reply
rhondacrain I made a bundle. Do you mind to send me an offer. I love those LP shorts & def want those! I probably want to get more but am driving :(
May 22Reply
emma_ace I’ll make you the matching headband 😊
Jun 17Reply
ehunt0014 @emma_ace you are too sweet! Thanks so much! You have no idea - you made my day. I work with mostly dogs and cats. But in my free time I volunteer, and study animal behavior! My entire world revolves around making sure animals are cared for♥️ you have a heart of gold💕🐾 thanks again!!!!
Jun 17Reply
emma_ace @ehunt0014 awwe you’re welcome. I admire people who works with animals and people who are in the health care
Jun 17Reply
ehunt0014 @emma_ace I appreciate that you value pet nurses, vets, and all the staff that work hard to keep animals healthy! ♥️🐾 I hope you have a great week!!! 💗
Jun 17Reply
ehunt0014 @emma_ace hey I went to show a coworker the masks, is everything ok? When I clicked it- it said listing not found. Just touching base
Jun 18Reply
emma_ace @ehunt0014 hi there, I’m back lol. But I sent your order today. My account been restricted for a day, because I’ve been mistagging my homemade as Lilly Pulitzer 😬😊 but I’m back to poshmark thanks
Jun 19Reply
ehunt0014 @emma_ace that’s crazy considering you’re issuing Lilly p fabric!!!! Well I’m happy you’re back ♥️
Jun 19Reply
emma_ace @ehunt0014 hello, I finished your mask and headband. Thanks
Aug 31Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Dior, Lululemon, Nike, Free People, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
May 15Reply
myblueeyes Hi! You have bundled some Annalee figures from my closet but I can’t make an offer to you. It says I have made too many offers without a response and won’t let me make another offer to you.
Jun 12Reply
taylorhunt870 Hi I'm hoping to send you a private message about your Gal Meets glam dress. Do you have instagram?
Jul 18Reply
jewelsbysara Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Oct 04Reply
serendipity915 Hello, you have purchased Annalees from me in the past. I wanted to let you know I posted my adorable Valentine ones. Hope you take a look! Thank you
Jan 13Reply
cutehosiery @ehunt0014 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 15Reply
slaysassy Hi. I am having a flash sale 3 for $20 on ALL items, shoes, boots, dresses, jackets, and tops under $20. If interested, create a bundle of 3 and submit an offer. Happy poshing, and have a wonderful day 🤗
Mar 26Reply

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