Meet your Posher, Emily
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Hi! I'm Emily! I am located in JERSEYYY!! I am married to a handsome old man named Edgar 😆 we are 20 years apart AYYYYYY!!! Lol my passions in life are Jesus , Juice Plus (I am a consumer/rep!) and style.
I have two beautiful babies,Chosen and Noble 4 and 18 months .A few months ago i decided I was going to indulge myself in my love for fashion and upgrade! I am learning so much and I love this app it has taught me so much! I like unique, different pieces as well as classic and trending too

8 others
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Welcome to Posh!
Jun 20Reply

@boom_starr thank u!!! I have no idea what I’m doing yet lol still trying to navigate through the app and teach myself 😬
Jun 20Reply

@fashion_luvrr I know I am still learning myself. Just have fun with it !
Jun 20Reply

@boom_starr thanks 🤓
Jun 20Reply

Hello👋. Nice to meet you on Poshmark. Hope you are having soooo much fun poshing! 💗
Jun 21Reply

@deestars hiiii!! I am trying my best to get some things up for my closet. Still trying to figure it all out. Thanks for reaching out!
Jun 21Reply

Hi Emily! You contacted me about an item on Rockit's closet and I checked her closet. She's on vacation so her items are marked not for sale. They are open to check out what she has only! If interested in the top, you can "like" so you don't forget where you saw it plus when the owner returns from vaca, she then is allowed to contact you with an offer.
Jun 21Reply

Only other time I 've seen an item posted NFS, is when someone has either decided to keep or gift the item.
Hope this helps. Have fun and ask anytime if have questions. Rose
Jun 21Reply

@mawrw2 thank you soooooo much ❤️
Jun 21Reply

@fashion_luvrr Sure, anytime. Still learning myself😉
Just remember as you post your items, build your followers and share items with as many as you can. That multiples the number of people that sees your ads. Also watch for notification of parties in your news daily. If your items match, post them to reach people that will be looking for those types of items. More chances of sales. Good luck.
Jun 21Reply

@mawrw2 great info - ur a doll
Jun 21Reply

@mawrw2 hey! I have a question for u? It’s okay to like an item and just watch it right? Since I’ve been on this site for the last couple days I feel a pressure to buy just because I like something - bc of peoples responses. I looked in the posh etiquette and it says it’s ok but SOME people make u feel like u should make an offer or don’t like it 😑
Jun 25Reply

Morning! The like button works both for the buyer and the seller.
As a buyer, it helps keep track of items that interest you and want to review a second or third time before deciding to buy or not.
As a seller, it gives you the opportunity to make an offer (usually not as good an offer as a bundle offer) to a prospective buyer.
Jun 25Reply

Never feel pressured! If a seller gets pushy after making you an offer on a like, you have options. You can respond with letting them know you are still deciding on their item, you can decline their offer, or you can counter-offer until you both agree on price.
Hope this helps. Rose
Jun 25Reply

@mawrw2 thanks Rose!
Jun 27Reply

@fashion_luvrr 👍
Jun 27Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!
Jul 09Reply

@snizzle2013 hi! yes , trying to get sales doing all that I am reading on others pages to do. I really need extra money to fund my “clothes habit “
Jul 09Reply

Thank you for sharing my items and Welcoming me to Poshmark🌞
Jul 13Reply

@classynsassy302 absolutely! Thanks for sharing back 😉
Jul 13Reply

@fashion_luvrr hi! I was reading thru your posts & saw your question about liking items. I see another posher helped you, that’s good! Just wanted to add in my 2 cents...When I first started PM I was taken back a bit when I would “like” something for styling purposes & then feel pushed to buy. I’m still learning to answer some by just letting them know I was “looking” & ignoring/declining some. Most of the time I hit “like” for bookmarking purposes & that is totally posh acceptable.
Jul 17Reply

@goodfindsmn thank u so much ❤️
Jul 17Reply

BTW, ❤️that you ❤️ Jesus & happy you are blessed with a beautiful family! Life is God’s adventure unfolding! (Even on the days our wonderful kids drive us nutz😝)
Jul 17Reply

@goodfindsmn AMEN!! ur the sweetest!! Yes I am currently sitting in a sea of colored blocks window shopping on Poshmark and believing for Sales 😆
Jul 17Reply

@fashion_luvrr 😊😊🤪I miss the days of tripping over matchbox cars, gritting my teeth as I stepped on a lego, wondering if I could get away w/ cheaper diapers than the expensive ones I liked, being half awake in a chair w/ my littles sleeping on my lap & wondering if I could move & get to my own bed or just sleep sitting up, etc.
Jul 17Reply

@goodfindsmn you got it lady!!! I try to stay in the moment bc these times are precious , so I’m told lol . Sometimes are harder then other right? But I try to soak it all in bc one day they will be gone and I will wish I could be in this place again with these little ones... I remind myself this is not a season in my life and I try to Love where I’m at even when I’m losing my mind lol 😝
Jul 17Reply

This is only* a season
Jul 17Reply

@fashion_luvrr Exactly. I have four. They are all teenagers and in their early 20s now. They are all 2 & 3 yrs apart. It is still busy, the “stuff “is just different. I miss those sweet innocent moments when they were little that can only be experienced then...such a precious (and exhausting) and fun and crazy and joyful and patience building (ha ha) time! Happy poshing! This is a great thing to multitask around!
Jul 17Reply

@goodfindsmn thanks for the mommy chat!happy poshing to u too ❤️
Jul 17Reply

Let me know if you have any questions I can help with. I check this often around the clock some days. (These days I am up waiting on kids getting in at curfew times and being available during late-at-night teenager time...compared to getting up to checking on/feeding/changing littles 😉) I am a Poshmark Ambassador, too, & can share some of my learnings with you if you want.
Jul 17Reply

@goodfindsmn 😃 thank u so much. Yes I am completely open for tips. Right now I am following and sharing other ppl as much as possible to get more views hope to be followed and shared back.
I am sharing my items round the clock
And sharing items in appropriate parties as much as possible...
Jul 17Reply

@fashion_luvrr perfect!! I have noticed my selling goes in streaks, too...Also I see trends during lunch hours, weekends, and certain days of the week after work hours...I’m sure you are spotting them, too!
Jul 17Reply

@goodfindsmn thanks for the encouragement. 🙏🏻🙌🏻
Jul 17Reply

@goodfindsmn question- when I share multiple items at once how many are shown on the feed? 3 ?
Jul 17Reply

@fashion_luvrr I’m sorry I’m gonna have to ask you to clarify what you mean… If you share to someone’s closet it goes directly to their closet and you can share multiple times and each individual one will show up in the feed… You can “test” on me if you want. If you share say three things to your followers, three things show each on their own, unless you have them in a single listing...Is that what you meant?
Jul 17Reply

@goodfindsmn yes u answered my question , thanks!
Jul 17Reply

@goodfindsmn hi!! Ok question ... why would someone add one item to a bundle and then just leave it like that? I’m confused
Jul 23Reply

@fashion_luvrr hi! Good question. Someone did that to me today. I’ve had it done a bunch of times. In my case it’s a repeat customer, so I may give her a discount anyway. Otherwise when people do that, I either think they’re confused and don’t know how to use PM or they are “fetching” for you to make them a deal. What I usually do is take a listing that I have made about “bundling for a discount” and share it to their specific closet and wait for them to respond.
Jul 23Reply

Or you can send them a comment specifically & say “ I see you have started a bundle! Let me know when you’re finished putting items together & I will make you an offer” in more of a passive aggressive sales way;) it’s up to you. I have seen others put in the comment area under the listing, “ Please use the offer button on single items”
Jul 23Reply

Hope helpful! LMK
Jul 23Reply

I just sent a few examples to your dressing room ;) Of the types of listings I use for those situations
Jul 23Reply

@goodfindsmn got it! Thank u for answering my question so clearly. And thanks for the posts about bundling too... these strategies are exactly what I wana learn
Jul 23Reply

@fashion_luvrr BTW I just noticed your pricing, if you want to have some negotiation room make sure & build that into your prices upfront. Then you can take advantage of the days, for example, that PM offers ”closet clear outs”. Either way, it seems, most people want to negotiate an offer even if it’s just on one thing. Some items I am just pricing as “firm”. That said I don’t treat PM like a garage sale But I know others do so it just depends...
Jul 23Reply

@goodfindsmn I feel like I get a million likes and no offers so I thought if I lowered the prices it would make them more interested 😬 I feel like no one wants to offer and counter .. I think that’s the best way right? Maybe I’m rushing it and causing myself to lose out . Should i raise prices now? Even with the ones that have likes ?
Jul 23Reply

@fashion_luvrr I have raised prices & then waited a few days to do an offer to likers at the discount...people do like lower prices but they want to FEEL like they are getting a deal ;) It plays out both ways. Somethings I have priced too low & then sold right away ...then I look & realize it’s because comparable items were priced much higher than mine so I kinda “lowballed “myself
Jul 23Reply

@goodfindsmn right ...
Thanks for commenting on that post. It went from $25 - $16 ans still no one is biting . Someone had The Audacity to offer me $10 the other day .. I am not that desperate dang ! 😂
Jul 23Reply

@fashion_luvrr Yes I think it is very rude when people do that. Just keep sharing it over and over again. Search on here for other bags like it and make sure you have it priced similarly and maybe improve the picture because it’s hard to see against the background. Even though I do like your tile :-)
Jul 23Reply

Add something red or green Or turquoise
to the picture against the color of the bag. It will make it pop and stand out Especially against a plain background.
Jul 23Reply

OK. I gotta ask you...Does Edgar like being called a handsome old man? Too funny. I told my husband he was acting like an old man the other day… He’s only 5 years older than me ....and he was not happy with me. I had to give you a hard time....
Jul 23Reply

@goodfindsmn ok I will retake those pics
Jul 23Reply

@goodfindsmn yes he calls himself a dirty ole man cuz I’m so much younger 😂😂😂
Jul 23Reply

@fashion_luvrr LOL!! My hubby would I appreciate that humor too. I was just reading a book by Jen Hatmaker do you know where that is? She’s a Christian author. She talks about trying to do a Bible study when the kids are finally at school… And then her husband walks in and its “sexy time”...It was too funny
Jul 23Reply

Jul 23Reply

@goodfindsmn hahahahaha no I have never heard of her. I am a reader too . Gona have to Check her out!
Jul 23Reply

@fashion_luvrr it’s called :
Of Mess and Moxie: Wrangling Delight Out of This Wild and Glorious Life. It’s a good book for a fun read. My favorite Devo is the Ann Voskamp “1000” gifts, though
Jul 23Reply

@goodfindsmn oh cool!! I’ll check it out. I got like three books going right now I get ahead of myself lol
Jul 23Reply

@fashion_luvrr I soooo get it. Momma time is weird- what!?? Read a book and skip the laundry? Wait! A diaper is calling, no wait, I need a ride...or food...heck some days just a shower is a bonus when they are little 😝😉
Jul 23Reply

@goodfindsmn EXACTLY LOL that shower has yet to happen today 😂
Jul 23Reply

@fabulousstylen thank u. I am totally going to check out ur closet when I have time. I’m glad u reached out
Aug 16Reply

Hello, Welcome to our closet.. We are "The Indiana Hillbillys" offers welcome! Bundle for great deals! Thank you for visiting our closet!
Sep 17Reply

@shopevarose thanks! I’ll check it out ☺️
Oct 02Reply

@becomewinners thank u!
Oct 04Reply

Hey hun, hope you’re enjoying Poshmark! If you want to check out my closet I have a bunch of Express, LOFT, and similar brands, and I offer 25-50% off bundles. Happy poshing!! 💕
Nov 02Reply

@becky_cross thank u
Nov 08Reply

Hello I have 2 sizes in the boots you just purchased. Did you need the 7 or 10?
Jan 05Reply

@sugarshane09 hey!! I clicked a 10 🤗
Jan 05Reply

@fashion_luvrr Ok!! Thanks 😁
Jan 05Reply

Hi, I just purchased a size 8 1/2 and need to change to a size 8 before it ships. I just placed the order about 10 minutes ago. Is that possibible?
Jan 14Reply

@claurie6899 You will half to contact the seller I don’t see why it would be an issue. You are just asking me for advice because I am a posh ambassador correct? Because you did not purchase from me
Jan 14Reply

Maybe u are looking for @sugarshane09
Jan 14Reply

@fashion_luvrr the purchase wasn't made with me either
Jan 15Reply

@sugarshane09 hmmm lol 🤔
Jan 15Reply

@fashion_luvrr. Lord knows I don't want anymore mistakes on my end. 😊
Jan 15Reply

@sugarshane09 they are forgivable mistakes 😆
Jan 15Reply

Hi there hope all is well! I would like to let you know I’ve lowered prices on most items in my closet. I’ve also added a whole bunch of new items. Feel free to take a look, let me know if you have any questions ❤️🥰🥰
Apr 24Reply

Hi, Emily! Like🎁
May 01Reply

@gullprint 🤗
May 01Reply

Hey hey, I'm Ashleigh. My closet has sizes ranging from small through 3X. I'm sure there is something you would like. Dresses, Jumpers, Sweaters, Tunics, Boots, Bridal items and more. When you get a chance please check it out. Offers are welcome and if you bundle you'll certainly get a discount. 🛍Happy Poshing🛍
Oct 09Reply

@fashion_luvrr Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 16Reply
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