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Updated Sep 28
Updated Sep 28

Meet your Posher, Emily

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Hi! I'm Emily. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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thelillyjoyce Wow I love your closet!!! I am offering a deal on bundles right now!!! If you buy 2 items you get the 10% bundle discount and a 3rd item 50% off!! I accept most offers too. Orders ship fast! Have a great day❤️
May 15Reply
muffins18 Hello 👋🏻 I love your closet! So many cute things! I have "liked " several which I will come back later and bundle. I just need to sell some of my stuff first😉
Jun 29Reply
emily_grey @muffins18 thanks so much!!!! Such a nice compliment!
Jun 29Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Sep 07Reply
prissy515 Can the Blazer be mailed today ? Thanks ? I will accept the last offer.
Oct 07Reply
emily_grey @prissy515 yes I can mail today
Oct 07Reply
prissy515 Thanks Will you re offer and I will accept you offer now!
Oct 07Reply
glamlover You have an absolutely amazing closet! I'm a big Ralph Lauren fan, and I loved the large RL selection you have. I have bundled a bunch of shirts and liked a bunch of other things to come back to. I can see you'll be one of my favorite closets!
Mar 28Reply
emily_grey @glamlover thank you for the nice compliment. You can see Ralph Lauren is my favorite also. You can’t beat the quality! And so classic! Thanks again!!
Mar 28Reply
blazy49 Hello Emily! Did I miss buying the Khaki RL skirt? I intended buying it plus the RL camel colored sweater. Please let me know. Thank you🌸👒🐶
Jan 08Reply
emily_grey @blazy49 well I looked at the shirt and there is one button on it that looks like I’m some of the leather has worn off noting bad but I know how picky people are. Now if that doesn’t bother you I would be happy to sell it to you for $10 but I wanted you to know that up front. Let me know what you want to do. Thanks!!
Jan 08Reply
emily_grey I meant the skirt not shirt in the previous paragraph.
Jan 08Reply
blazy49 Hello Emily, I appreciate your care and caution. Yes, good to know about the worn leather button on the skirt. I am happy to take it off your hands. Would you like to price it for me with the camel colored top so I can buy it. At your leisure. Thank you Emily!
Jan 08Reply
emily_grey @blazy49 yes can you decline the offer I sent you on the sweater then bundle both items you want and I’ll send you an offer. I do want to say that skirt is great quality and in new condition other than the button and it isn’t that bad but I just don’t like selling stuff that is less than perfect! I’m picky about the clothes I sell! I guess that is why I’ve maintained a 5 star rating!
Jan 08Reply
blazy49 Yes, Ill do that Emily. Is the skirt back up on your closet? Or is there another way bundle it. I understand! Quality and honesty is everything when it comes to selling. You are very much appreciated❣️ I tailored and made my own clothes in the past and for the past ten or so years designed and hand sewn custom made hats. The last several years my hands have become a tad arthritic so I have taken a break from my passion.
Jan 08Reply
emily_grey @blazy49 I put skirt back up. It is the first one in my closet
Jan 08Reply
emily_grey Real interesting story!! I hate that about you having to quit what you love! I love hats!!!
Jan 08Reply
emily_grey The thing is I’ve also bought from people on this site and some of the items I’ve bought I had to throw them in the trash they were in such bad shape. It is just awful the people who do that. I don’t understand how they do that to people!!
Jan 08Reply
blazy49 Thank you, Emily❣️Your 5 Star rating is safe in my hands. Have a wonderful rest of the day. And Warmest Wishes for 2024🙏🌸👒🐶😻
Jan 08Reply
emily_grey @blazy49 you too! And thank you for the conversation! I really enjoyed it!!!
Jan 08Reply
blazy49 I enjoyed our conversation too, Emily💖
Jan 08Reply
blazy49 @emily_grey noticed you had some nice one’s in your closet👒🌸
Jan 09Reply
blazy49 @emily_grey Thank you! I may get back into it one of these days. Going to equestrian events as a vendor was quite a lot of fun! How about you? Your closet looks very professionally put together, that and quality items. Always, a pleasure to look at. 🌸👒
Jan 09Reply
blazy49 @emily_grey Hmm…Yes, that can happen not just on PM. Hopefully few and very far between.
Jan 09Reply
emily_grey @blazy49 thanks! That event sounds fun! Yeah you ought to get into it! I’m retired and just enjoy it as a hobby! It gives me something to do! Plus I have so many Ralph Lauren items that I still haven’t listed. Takes alot of time but I do enjoy it! I have some hats also not as nice as your hats but hats are slow to sell for me!!
Jan 09Reply
blazy49 Yes, understand about hats! Im not expecting to sell any hats on PM. They just fill in some areas of interest in my small closet. Getting more items put up gradually. I am also retired ! Nice to have fun projects to do during inclement weather☺️🌸👒🐶😻
Jan 09Reply
cutehosiery @emily_grey Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Apr 17Reply
emily_grey @cutehosiery thank you so much for the compliment! It is a lot of fun!!!!
Apr 17Reply
sandyjtc Thank you so much for sharing my listings! Your support means the world to me and really helps my small business thrive. I deeply appreciate how you take time out of your day to help fellow Poshers succeed. The Poshmark community is wonderful because of generous people like you! 💕
Nov 02Reply
emily_grey @sandyjtc thank you for sharing mine! You have a great looking closet!!! Sharing is caring!!!! I appreciate you so much!! Let’s keep on sharing!!!!
Nov 02Reply

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