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Updated Feb 07
Updated Feb 07

Meet your Posher, Erica

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Erica. I'm from Evansville and some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, PINK Victoria's Secret, Chaps, Kate Spade, Adidas and Nike. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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foundforyou Hi Erica! Welcome to Poshmark. I'm Amy, a Posh Mentor and Suggested User. Please let me know if I can be if any assistance as you set up your closet and explore this great community. 😃
Mar 04Reply
poshmark8530678 Hi Posher! I have a MASSIVE selection of SOME HARD TO FIND DESIGNER jeans, dresses and coats if you're interested 😄. Plus, with the selection of multiple items, you can use the apps cool feature to make an offer on a bundle❤️. Poshin' is SO much fun!
Feb 02Reply
ptahara Yayyyyyy! thank you for your purchase! Your package will be mailed out first thing Monday morning because tomorrow is Sunday :)
Oct 01Reply
sparkymomma09 @ptahara thank you!!!!!!
Oct 01Reply
morganpalmer5 Hi! i saw you bundled 2 of my things, feel free to make an offer!! i can have it shipped tomorrow morning 💞💓💗
Oct 14Reply
sparkymomma09 @morganpalmer5 thank you. They are both much more than I'm looking to pay. Watching for price drops.
Oct 14Reply
morganpalmer5 @sparkymomma09 make an offer !!!!💓💓
Oct 14Reply
sparkymomma09 @morganpalmer5 do they fit small or true to size?
Oct 15Reply
morganpalmer5 @sparkymomma09 true to the size !!
Oct 15Reply
sparkymomma09 @morganpalmer5 sent you an offer
Oct 15Reply
bonnibella The blue dress is no longer available with your bundle if you still want the other items I'll take $25 for all 5 pieces. Make the offer and I'll accept
Oct 18Reply
morganpalmer5 hi! did you receive the 2 shirts?
Oct 22Reply
sparkymomma09 @morganpalmer5 yes, but they are kids large, not ladies
Oct 22Reply
morganpalmer5 @sparkymomma09 they were bought in the normal section, sports. i didn’t buy them in the kids section
Oct 22Reply
sparkymomma09 @morganpalmer5 they would fit my 14 year old. Definitely not adults. That's why I asked if they fit normal or small. 1 is even listed as a slim fit...
Oct 22Reply
morganpalmer5 @sparkymomma09 i mean i’m 16 and both of the shirts fit fine on me, i didn’t buy them in a kids section it was the normal sports section
Oct 23Reply
sparkymomma09 @morganpalmer5 that doesn't make them adult size. I requested a return thru Posh...
Oct 23Reply
tamilyren @sparkymomma09 hi! If you want the 4 items go ahead and send me your offer again and I’ll accept. If not I will just accept the offer for the 2 😊
Jan 14Reply
sparkymomma09 @tamilyren just the 2 please
Jan 14Reply
mustardseed6466 $14 makes it eligible for discount
Jan 20Reply
mustardseed6466 Go back offer $14 if u want
Jan 20Reply
bff2000 Thank you for your offer! The belt was just used by my daughter for an emergency interview so we cut it to her size. I can still send it, but it’s short. The items are in 2 different places bc I’m in the middle of a move ..are you ok with the order less the belt? I’ll accept if you say ok.
Feb 12Reply
sparkymomma09 @bff2000 I'm ok without the belt, can you counter $3 less since it won't be included?
Feb 12Reply
brennaremmel hello! thank you for purchasing a bundle from my closet! unfortunately, the blue american eagle flats were taken to goodwill by my mother on accident... i’m so sorry! is there anything else from my closet for the same price ($5) that you’d like? or would you like me to send you $5 as a refund? again, i’m so sorry!!
Mar 09Reply
sparkymomma09 @brennaremmel just refund. Shoes were what I created bundle around as they were item I really needed.
Mar 10Reply
brennaremmel @sparkymomma09 i’m so so so sorry! i feel so bad, but i will be sure to refund you, let me know if there is anything else i can do! again, i’m so sorry.
Mar 10Reply
shedress Hello. Welcome to Poshmark. Thanks for stopping by my closet. Please be sure to follow me as well, so you can stay updated of any changes. 😉 Have a great day and come again.
Aug 18Reply
maru8135 Hi, am sorry I have not send you order out yet. Am waiting for posh mart to generate a new label, because the package was over the limit weight, at soonest I receive the label l will send out to you.
Sep 18Reply
sparkymomma09 @maru8135 thanks for letting me know!
Sep 18Reply
shopwithcess Hey hun If you are ever in search of high heels,boots,or flats feel free to let me know what colors and sizes you are interested in and I can get some more and sell them to you for a good price also feel free to check out what I have now love,Happy poshing. 💚
Sep 23Reply
lindsaydia1 Hi Erica! Thanks for liking my listing. I am happy to offer you a 2/$30 bundle deal if you are interested in any other shoes/tops/bottoms in my closet! Feel free to make an offer and let me know if you have any questions!
Oct 03Reply
anitadevine1970 Good morning I noticed you liked a few things from my closet and wanted to let you know I am running a sale. 4/25 . Thank you and have a great day.
Dec 30Reply
basicbabebtq Hi :) I saw you liked a floral halter dress from F21 and o wanted to let you know I’m selling one in your size for $9. If you’re interested, give it a like and I’ll send you a shipping discount :)
Jan 02Reply
lizaholder1964 Hi Erika! I made an offer in the suede Franco Sarto’s. I have just sold one of my listings with 5 pair of shoes and this pair was included. If you accept now, I will contact the buyer and offer her the other 4 pair at a lower price. Thank you!
Jan 05Reply
bfashion1 @sparkymomma09 Erica Hi when you get the chance come take a look at my closet I have women, men and children items in all sizes. I have recently discounted many of my items in my closet that will give you a savings up to 70% off. If you have any questions just ask. Thank you in advance for stopping by 🤗💕
Feb 13Reply
rissylayne Welcome to Poshmark! Some of your favorite brands are available in my closet if you’re interested. Thanks, good luck poshing! 🥰
Feb 21Reply
ladiesmoods Thanks for the like make sure to make your best offer
Feb 23Reply
amajovic Hi Erica! Thank you for visiting my closet! The shoes you liked are so cute! Feel free to make me an offer or bundle with anything else you like for a discount and to save on shipping if you’re interested! 🤗
Mar 01Reply
divaconcierge @amajovic Hi, I didn’t even know it was the same offer. You can feel free to counter the offer. It’s not intentional.
Apr 19Reply
amajovic @divaconcierge hi! Did u send me an offer? I don’t see one...
Apr 19Reply
divaconcierge @amajovic sorry I don’t mean this message for you I apologize.
Apr 19Reply
divaconcierge Hi, I’m sorry I’m unable to accept your offer at $70.00. I have to consider your package will need a new shipping label that will cost me and Poshmark fees. Thank you !
Apr 19Reply
sparkymomma09 @divaconcierge I don't understand what that means, but ok. thanks
Apr 19Reply
divaconcierge @sparkymomma09 The shipping is free up to 5lbs when you go over 5lbs the seller pays the additional shipping. So let’s say your package is 10 lbs I will have to pay up to $19.00 to ship your items. Even after you paid the shipping cost on your side. I hope that helps.
Apr 19Reply
sparkymomma09 @divaconcierge thanks. $5 makes that much of a difference? that's what I'm confused about
Apr 19Reply
divaconcierge @sparkymomma09 Hi, the bundle was $161.00 I sent you an offer of $75.00 which is a difference of $86.00. I gave you the lowest possible price for 12 items at $75.00.
Apr 19Reply
sparkymomma09 @divaconcierge I sent you another offer after this. did you get it?
Apr 22Reply
sparkymomma09 @divaconcierge???
Apr 23Reply
divaconcierge @sparkymomma09 Hi, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to honor your bundle package at that same price. Thank you , for your offer.
Apr 23Reply
divaconcierge @sparkymomma09 Hi, thanks again for your offer. Please consider breaking your items down into two bundles. As I mentioned before in a previous message I am unable on this platform to get a mailing label over 10 pounds. Recently, I had to cancel and order for 12 items that weighed 11 -12 pounds.
Apr 26Reply
sparkymomma09 @divaconcierge you'll have to decline my offer to build another bundle though
Apr 26Reply
jamaicajulie Thank you very much for your rating and feedback! It’s greatly appreciated. I’m so happy your satisfied with your order❤️
Jun 13Reply
jamaicajulie @sparkymomma09 your awesome have a fabulous night👍
Jun 13Reply
honeytag Hi there!!🖤 Come check out my closet @honeytag for awesome fashionable finds, I think you're gonna love 😄 Happy Poshing 🌸🌸🌸
Nov 08Reply
ladyred870 Hello, thank you for your offers but they are awfully low. My discount and return offers are fair and firm. That is for your understanding!
Jan 05Reply
sparkymomma09 @ladyred870 I understand. the Nike's are well worn & tread is almost completely worn in the front. that's why I was offering a bit less. you've had items for a bit, so just thought you'd be wanting to get them gone! thank you!
Jan 05Reply
ladyred870 @sparkymomma09 You’re quite mistaken, but thanks for your input. Please unfollow my closet and happy poshing elsewhere :)
Jan 05Reply
sparkymomma09 @ladyred870 wow. my pleasure
Jan 05Reply
maxee12 @sparkymomma09 Hi! I was just preparing your amazing bundle but I cannot fir the life of me find the navy/beige lace tank or the black skirt. Are there 2 other items you’d like to replace them with? Please let me know abs I can send this out today, otherwise I understand if you want to cancel. Thanks!
Jan 11Reply
maxee12 @sparkymomma09 Or another option I can make a new bundle with the 2 items missing for $30?
Jan 11Reply
sparkymomma09 @maxee12 just do the bundle at $30 please
Jan 11Reply
maxee12 @sparkymomma09 Sounds good! I’ll recreate a new bundle at $30 and let you know when posted if you can re-accept. Thanks again :)
Jan 11Reply
maxee12 Hi! Turns out the package for 11 items weighs 8.5 lbs & will cost extra $15.99 in shipping. The $15.99 would come out of my earnings which would leave me with $8 for 11 items. Not sure how you would like to move forward, if you would like to pay the shipping I can increase the cost of the bundle to $46? Or do you want to separate items into 2 separate bundles (shipped separately)? Let me know what you’d like to do or if you want to cancel I understand as well. Sorry for all the back and forth!
Jan 11Reply
sparkymomma09 @maxee12 good lord. just cancel
Jan 11Reply
sparkymomma09 @maxee12 I sent messages to Poshmark about getting both orders cancelled. I cannot cancel since its been longer than 3 hours
Jan 11Reply
maxee12 @sparkymomma09 No worries I cancelled both on my end
Jan 11Reply
sparkymomma09 @piperscloset123 I have a lot more than that. bundle was only allowed a certain #. shoot me an idea!
Feb 27Reply
wedwards13 WELCOME. Thank you for the likes on items from my closet. If you bundle them, I’ll send you a discount. Also, let me be sure that I have any more caps left. I sell here at my house as well. I’ll let you know by tomorrow evening. I have a family shower after church. Thank you.
Oct 17Reply
wedwards13 Hi. I double checked and I do have 1 cap left. Do u want me to send you the offer again??
Oct 19Reply
hunchorackz Hey Your shoes should of arrived today, make sure you rate and enjoy.
Dec 08Reply
sparkymomma09 @hunchorackz I will check. Thank you!
Dec 08Reply
nsimko1965 Good morning. Thank you for putting a bundle together, however, these weigh over 5 lbs. If you would like to make 2 bundles, I will make you a deal or if you remove either the sweatshirt or 1 pair of pants I can make you a deal and you’d only have 1 shipping fee! Thank you again
Feb 03Reply
sparkymomma09 @nsimko1965 I sent you a message on the black champion pants. are they for sure men's? if so, I don't need them
Feb 03Reply
nsimko1965 @sparkymomma09 hi😀. Yes the black ones are men’s. I will remove and make you a deal!!
Feb 03Reply
shopitsybitsy Good morning I was just packing your order up and I am going to need to split it into two separate orders, due to the weight of the box. Poshmark only allows me to get up to a 10 pound label. I am going to cancel this order and send you two separate bundles that will equal the same dollar amount as the original order.
Feb 25Reply
willowposh11 Hello! I sent you an offer on your bundle, but wanted to let you know that I could not discount shipping because It is over the 5 lb weight limit.
Apr 17Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
May 03Reply
melodyfrisbie Hey, first thank u so much for everything u picked out. Just wanted to let u know because of the weekend & the holiday on Monday, I might not b able to ship it until tues, my post office has weird hours. I’ll get it to u asap!
May 27Reply
sparkymomma09 @melodyfrisbie thank you for letting me know!
May 27Reply
lizaholder1964 Erica, I am sorry I have not sent your Cliffs boots and Crown & Ivy t shirt. I cannot find the Crown & Ivy t shirt. Would you like to let me know if you see anything in my closet that you would like to replace it with? Valued up to $20? Please let me know! Price will remain the same. Thank you, Liza
Jul 28Reply
sparkymomma09 @owmade2020 what? I haven't made a purchase from you nor have expressed any concerns. so confused....
Aug 01Reply
owmade2020 @sparkymomma09 I like to ask what I can do in advance to make the transaction goes smoothly.
Aug 01Reply
owmade2020 And wondering if package will be overweight limits but poshmark….
Aug 01Reply
sheyennerook Thank you for all the likes!!! Have an awesome day.
Aug 16Reply
sheyennerook Hey girl hey!! I seen you made a bundle a few days ago. If you still want any of that please let me know. Just get back to me and let me know.
Aug 20Reply
sparkymomma09 @sheyennerook thank you! I am interested & added a few more items as well
Aug 20Reply
sheyennerook @sparkymomma09 alright well let me know if I can assist further. We should be able to do it in one bundle I believe. And if you order I will have it out as soon as possible.
Aug 20Reply
sparkymomma09 @sheyennerook are you going to send an offer on everything?
Aug 20Reply
sheyennerook @sparkymomma09 yes ma’am I sure will after I get home.
Aug 20Reply
sheyennerook @sparkymomma09 I will have that done later tonight when I get home and get everything weighed to fully figure it all out.
Aug 20Reply
sparkymomma09 @sheyennerook sounds good, thank you very much!!
Aug 21Reply
sheyennerook @sparkymomma09 alright so it will be over 5 pounds. So do you want to split it into two bundles? And I’ll make an offer now and just reply here if that sounds good. And then split the bundle and make offers to equal that.
Aug 21Reply
sheyennerook @sparkymomma09 oh and feel free to counter of course just so we can figure a price.
Aug 21Reply
gluedesigns Good morning dear! Just trying to get your bundle together this morning, unfortunately one of the refuge stretch jeans has sold. I will be removing them from the bundle, let me know if you would another pair of jeans to replace them?
Nov 16Reply
sparkymomma09 @gluedesigns I didn't finish going through your closet yet. I'll get through it now
Nov 16Reply
gluedesigns @sparkymomma09 oh ok, just let me know when your finish with your bundle. Thanks!
Nov 16Reply
michelebrosch Hello! I see you are still shopping my closet - thank you! Let me know when you are ready to purchase and I will send a new discounted offer price! Thanks for shopping!
Dec 22Reply
thillbill Happy Holidays. Feel free to check out my closet some time. It may take awhile, well over 2900 items. Bundle a few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Dec 28Reply
thillbill thanks for the bundle, I hope you like the great deal I made you.
Dec 29Reply
thillbill Thank you for all the likes feel free to bundle and see if we can agree on a offer
Dec 29Reply
thillbill thanks for bundling sorry youdidnt like the less then 1/2 off deal. happy new year!
Dec 30Reply
daisyduck_ thank you your order is out for delivery
Feb 04Reply
belinda363 You have to make five bundles out of all that that you make so I can sell to you I cannot sell everything like that every too much money for a bundle. Thank you.
Feb 17Reply
thillbill Hi thank you for the likes and the bundle I sent you a message under the bundle for a deal that we can try to make before 4 PM today so I can get to the Post Office before I head on vacation tomorrow
Mar 17Reply
shannonsmith853 Thank you so much for your bundle! I can come down on my offer to $250. Thanks again!🌷🥰
Apr 06Reply
pattis0926 Thanks for your offer for my bundle. I lowered the price but since my prices are very low to begin with that is as low as I can go. Thanks
Apr 11Reply
vhatahlie thank u for checking out my closet. bundle, and I will make u an offer for 5lb and below. if 2 bundles are needed, I will offer free shipping on the 2 second order.
Jul 13Reply
shortydoucette @sparkymomma09 hi 👋 there and welcome to Poshmark! You’re going to find so many friendly and helpful people here! Please feel free to check out my closet! I’m a self taught jewelry artist who does gemstones, crystals, wire wrapping, bead weaving, some macrame and even special ornaments meant to be displayed! Once again a very very warm welcome!! 💜💜🤗🤗much posh love, Melissa
Jul 17Reply
jadegold77 Hello.Thank you for visiting my closet and for the liking New HOODIE. It is an honor to have you as a customer.I gave you discount If you are interested in buying. You can bundle this item with something else and save on my discount,bundle discount and pay only one Shipping cost Also,I would like to invite you to visit my very large and DIVERSE closet again I hope to see you interested in other items too I am open to reasonable offers I will most likely accept it
Oct 18Reply
pep6319_aep1002 Welcome! And I will be adding one more shirt Sz medium in a few hours for you to add to your already bundle!
Oct 18Reply

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Last Active: Mar 06

Evansville, IN
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Last Active: Mar 06

Evansville, IN
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