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Updated Dec 27
Updated Dec 27

Meet your Posher, Erica

Meet the Posher



Not for sale

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Thanks for shopping my closet and taking a minute to read a little about me. My style ranges widely; I love dressing for myself and not going with the flow of mainstream fashion. I wear what I like and I love seeing others do the same. I hope you visit my closet frequently and check out my latest finds. The clothes in my closet are previously loved, unless noted otherwise. I recycle packing boxes/papers whenever possible. Doing my part for the economy and the environment. Leave me a note below
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jl_elizabeth Welcome! As a posh ambassador and mentor, I'm happy to help if needed! One tip is to share, share, share other listings! It will help get your name out there to sell items. Just shopping? Look for top rated sellers with rave reviews ( love notes) and ask questions before you buy! Feel free to message me if you need anything. Happy poshing! 😊🌸
Dec 30Reply
mrnblue Welcome to Poshmark!🌺
Jan 13Reply
micahriot Please list more! Please list more! :)
Apr 11Reply
juliacapone11 Hi! Love your closet 💕
Apr 19Reply
luvyorlook Totally &completly agree!! Is thst a blue eyed frenchie????
Apr 20Reply
magiedcat @luvyorlook That was our Boston Terrier, Higgins. He was such a cutie and our first "baby."
Apr 20Reply
magiedcat Thanks for the encouragement ladies! I am still trying to figure all this out. There is a lot more to this community (and selling) than I realized but I'm excited. I've got so many more things to get posted. It am SO excited to find such an amazing collection of high end items alongside high-quality vintage finds. LOVE IT
Apr 20Reply
luvyorlook Is he still here with us humans?🙈💕and was he blind ??❤️❤️
Apr 20Reply
hellodarrrling Such a Beautiful closet, Erica! So, Dreamy!🍃🌸🌸🌸🍃💕😍😘
Apr 21Reply
maryjanetipper Welcome to Poshmark!!! I’m totally a style nomad too. I like looking like a new girl every day😇 I think that’s what’s so fun and great about style. 💙
Apr 21Reply
magiedcat @luvyorlook Unfortunately, he passed a couple of years ago. Broke our hearts. We still have our Doberman (Buttercup) and a rescue (Wilson) and a cat (Lucy). We have a menagerie lol
Apr 21Reply
magiedcat @loveeevintage YOUR closet is dreamy....mine is more of the “I wanted to look dreamy but my son just fell in the creek and the dogs decided to roll in the mud so now I have 2 seconds to snap a pic” lol 😋. But closets like yours give me lots of inspiration! ♥️
Apr 21Reply
magiedcat @maryjanetipper Thanks! It is so much fun! YOUR closet is so much fun. I was just telling my husband I am so excited about all the great vintage closets here. Eclectic/vintage boutiques aren’t too common in my area.
Apr 21Reply
magiedcat @jl_elizabeth I have a quick question: why are there posts for things “not for sale”? Is that just to share a cool find or share the pic of a Post purchase with the community?
Apr 21Reply
maryjanetipper @magiedcat thank you! 😇 I live thrifting! That’s too bad there aren’t any good vintage shops around you. Poshmark has awesome stuff! I also really love d e p o p ! You should check it out if you haven’t. ✌🏻
Apr 21Reply
jl_elizabeth @magiedcat hey! So sometimes it’s for an item you previously had for sale, and maybe you changed your mind or are on the fence about selling, so you mark it as ‘not for sale’, like maybe it is being updated with new photos or something and you’re not ready to make the changes yet. Also,
Apr 21Reply
jl_elizabeth @magiedcat some people are willing to put a sort of hold on an item for a Buyer who is really interested, but not ready to purchase ( say they are updating their info or they will be on vacation and not have regular internet access) and the seller marks it as ‘not for sale’ to temporarily reserve it for them. Lots of reasons it could be marked that way! Those are some of the uses for it that I’ve come across. Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions! 😊
Apr 21Reply
bitsyandclassy Happy poshing! 🎉
Apr 28Reply
magiedcat @nacreouswitch thanks! You have some awesome style, which I see your little one is absorbing. :) Hard to find unique pieces in my area, so thankful to find Posh.
May 02Reply
missludic Lol! Yay I’m so happy you love it!!💕 you are royaltyyyy!!🥂✨⭐️💕🙂😍
May 02Reply
emilywinsagain Thanks for all the shares & Love your eclectic style 💙
May 03Reply
magiedcat @emilywinsagain Easy to share the love when you have such an amazing closet! I love the mix of styles here.
May 03Reply
luvyorlook Okay 🤭🤭🙈🙈😂😂🙀🙀😉❤️
May 03Reply
magiedcat @jl_elizabeth I have another question. I have noticed some people post an “inspiration” pic in their listing. For instance, maybe I am posting a black pencil skirt and I post my pics along with some inspiration/style photos found online of similar item. Generally the same, but more to give ideas on style options...but not technically the same item. Is this alright? Is there an official policy regarding that?
May 04Reply
jl_elizabeth @magiedcat Hi! So I’m not sure if there is an official policy on it, but I think as long as your are clear in your description that the inspiration photo is not the actual item, it is ok to do. In fact I think is very helpful for the buyer and I think may even improve your chances of a sale as buyers can visualize your item in an outfit.
May 06Reply
jl_elizabeth I’ll see if I can find if there’s an official policy, but I would go ahead, I do that myself for some items! I hope that helps. Let me know if you have other questions!
May 06Reply
realtruehippie @magiedcat Thx for all the magnificent shares!
May 07Reply
magiedcat @realtruehippie You have awesome stuff!
May 07Reply
realtruehippie @magiedcat 😊✨👋🎶🙏
May 07Reply
daintyworld Amazing style!!! Love your closet!! 💯✨💕
May 08Reply
magiedcat @daintyworld aww thanks! Yours is pretty awesome too 😍
May 08Reply
uptowngemsnsuch Love, love, love your closet 💖💐
May 10Reply
magiedcat @lsls7 thanks! It is a work in progress but it sure is fun to work on 😋
May 10Reply
magiedcat @lsls7 I just got to check out your closet and it is great! Love your ink. ♥️. Cancer sucks. Lost my dad to cancer 13 years ago this coming Sunday. Thankful you are a survivor!! Of course, being momma to 5 proves you have superpowers lol 😁
May 10Reply
uptowngemsnsuch @magiedcat Thank you 💖. Unfortunately, just got the news after being in remission for 6 months, the cancer has recurred. Feeling pretty beat up & blown away by the news. But muscling through it. The kids definitely give me reason to not give up the fight. So sorry about your Dad 💔 🙏
May 10Reply
magiedcat @lsls7 Man, I am so so sorry to hear that. I can understand how hard that would be to get that news. I will definitely keep you in my prayers. 🙏🏻
May 10Reply
luvyorlook Hi miss cutie - please dont be offended I havent shard back as much-- Its rude - Ive actually been really busy with this getting out summer things and putting einter away AND with my personal things AND it goes on and on😍😍😍🙄🙄🙈❤️
May 12Reply
magiedcat @luvyorlook 😘 No worries at all. I don’t get offended lol. Believe me, I can totally relate. I was just wondering if I should take down my winter listings or not. Took so long to get them on here! Lol. Wish we could just hide them somehow.
May 12Reply
vintage2classic Hi Erica, I love your upbeat and lively spirit, plus your modeling is fantastic! Thanks for sharing often. You are truly a great posher! 🌵😎 Lorri
May 15Reply
magiedcat @leviya Thank you SO much for the encouragement. I have enjoyed your closet so much and so sad to see you going. Hopefully your next adventure is wonderful. Saw that you are in Arizona. One of my favorite places. I have always loved the desert. My pic of me in the tree was in Saquaro Nat’l Park outside Tucson.
May 15Reply
jacaranda1831 Thanks for $haring.
May 16Reply
magiedcat @jacaranda1831 Of course! Great things deserve to be shared 😘
May 17Reply
dreamingina7 Hi nice to meet you ! I agree y’all need to dress and be who you are be yourself !! We’re native Californians looking to move to Franklin/ Brentwood Area soon glad you’re there 😀 keep sharing others closets it always pays off !
May 17Reply
magiedcat @dreamingina7 So nice to meet you! How exciting (the move)! I love new places and new people. If you have any questions about the area, let me know. My husband is a native and knows just about everything about the area.
May 17Reply
dreamingina7 @magiedcat OK thank you appreciate that😀
May 17Reply
dreamingina7 I hope to get there superfast hopefully within the year will have to have a Brentwood posh party LOL
May 17Reply
magiedcat @dreamingina7 Housing market here is crazy... although I guess same there. Yes - I am new to Posh and haven’t been to a party or PoshFest. Would be nice to connect to others.
May 17Reply
dreamingina7 @magiedcat oh I’d love to help you anytime I’m sure you’ve been doing this longer than me I’ve only been doing this really since March even though I started January I have 95% new things with tags they bought them from the whole sale but I’m surprise how many of my own things I sold I’m really having fun I’ve never been to posh party OK I’ll be in touch with you have a great day😀When I get to Brentwood well go thrift store shopping 😍
May 17Reply
dreamingina7 @magiedcat like will go to Green Hills or something or other parts in Nashville I found some practically brand new purple converse at our thrift store for nine dollars and I sold them for 29 that was fun😍
May 17Reply
magiedcat @dreamingina7 yes! I need a thrift store buddy! 😁 I have only been selling since April. All my items are pre-used or vintage. I love vintage clothing ♥️
May 17Reply
dreamingina7 @magiedcat Oh I help my friend move out of her 5000 square-foot home anyway she had so so much stuff but she has the most perfect vintage stuff she was just getting rid of and I didn’t have the heart to give it to the thrift store stuff from the 60s and 70s that were like in perfect condition anyway she’s also moving to the Brentwood area will have to have fun with you Vintage is fun you could almost rent it out The way people go to 6070 or 80’s party’s etc
May 17Reply
magiedcat @dreamingina7 so exciting!! Can’t wait. Do either of you have children?
May 17Reply
dreamingina7 @magiedcat mine are 21 19 and 15 I love kids I’ve taught them for years at church mainly but I just adore children my mom had eight of us and my husband’s mom had seven I would’ve had at least six but they are precious😍 my friend Diane is a schoolteacher her daughter and son are in their 20s her daughter is the one who wanted to move to Franklin they want to move there to raise children get out of our busy environment here😀
May 17Reply
magiedcat @dreamingina7 It is definitely the ideal place for families. I am an Army brat, so I have lived a lot of places. This area is definitely the best overall, as far as schools, crime, etc. I home school (scariest job ever lol) our 8 year old son. Can’t wait to meet you!
May 17Reply
dreamingina7 @magiedcat oh I love hearing people stories I homeschooled but I am not a homeschool mom I was terrible we did that for a few years I do appreciate the benefits of it for sure a lot of it was super good I was just not a homeschool mom😫
May 17Reply
magiedcat @dreamingina7 I totally get it. 😋
May 17Reply
muthaluvvintage First of all, you are a doll !!! I love your closet and I hope you will follow my vintage closet too. I'm Alicia . 💋💋💋
May 22Reply
maidmarian Welcome 🦋🦋🦋
May 22Reply
magiedcat @muthaluvvintage So are you!! I just checked out your closet and it is a dream. I will have to look more later (under weather today) so I can take my time to enjoy it. I have always loved vintage and so glad to find so many quality pieces here. Of course, I still love the hunt at estate sales and such, too 😁
May 22Reply
magiedcat @maidmarian Hi! Thanks :). I just checked out your closet and you have great stuff! Love all the fab vintage on here.
May 22Reply
maidmarian @magiedcat Hi! And I fell in love as soon as I saw your pictures! Vintage varies! Now the definition is 20+ years! I’m 57 so I’m antique 🌹
May 22Reply
magiedcat @maidmarian Ha! Vintage is a state of heart :). Which makes me like 100 lol Now if only I could find somewhere to wear all my vintage party dresses.
May 22Reply
maidmarian @magiedcat They sell well! Search “vintage dresses availability sold”
May 22Reply
magiedcat @maidmarian I literally have 100s of pieces waiting to post. I got a whole collection to purge. Which is painful but good because makes more room for stuff I really love. Bittersweet. What will happen is I will sell them all and them get invited to a vintage party 🙄
May 22Reply
soleunicorno Beautiful smile 🌷
May 23Reply
magiedcat @soleunicorno thanks! I have a lot to smile about 😁
May 23Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
May 25Reply
magiedcat @spreadlove hi! Thanks for saying hello. You have a great closet! :)
May 25Reply
juxtapose66 You have fantastic style!
May 31Reply
magiedcat @juxtapose66 thanks!! I have spent a good portion of my life feeling like I didn’t have style because I liked to mix old and new in my own way. Only recently did I realize I have a own style ♥️ thanks for the encouragement. I appreciate you!
May 31Reply
juxtapose66 @magiedcat I saw a quote, I am not sure who said it, but it is" Fashion says Me Too!! but Style says "only me". I'm sure I messed that up a bit, but that's the sentiment. Have a great evening!
May 31Reply
magiedcat @juxtapose66 yes!! That is it exactly. You said it much better than I would have. I butcher quotes (don’t ask me to tell a joke 🤦🏼‍♀️). I just always said my style was random and weird. Now I know it is “curated and eclectic.” Someone here was describing my closet and I thought YEESSSS!!! The community here seems great
May 31Reply
magiedcat @juxtapose66 I just got to really browse your closet and I love it! You have a cool casual chic vibe. And you are from Texas! I am a big fan of Texas ♥️
May 31Reply
juxtapose66 @magiedcat Thank you! I love the Lone Star state. I wasn't born here, and have lived many places, but my heart belongs here.☺
May 31Reply
hollysmurray Hey Erica cute stuff in your closet 🌸🌸🌸Holly
Jun 01Reply
magiedcat @hollysmurray hi!! Thanks for checking out my closet. 😘 I was checking yours out and when I was looking, I thought your clothes looked artistic. Then I read your profile and it made total sense. I love your pieces and the colors and structures if the garments. Beautiful! 😘
Jun 01Reply
hollysmurray 🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄
Jun 01Reply
jjacobson8 Love your closet 👀👀
Jun 02Reply
magiedcat @jjacobson8 thanks!! You have a pretty nice one yourself 😁
Jun 02Reply
tracyalexandra @magiedcat Awww your Furbaby is Adorably Cutesky, especially rocking those blue eyes! Lovely Closet! I recycle things as much as I can... We have to do our part for Mother Earth ❤🌍❤ Animal Lover as well ❤❤❤🐱🐶🐦🐰🐯❤❤❤
Jun 02Reply
helpmehelpu Hey Erica I love love love your closet! Thank you for the shares! I got my eyes on a couple items in your closet and I am crossing my fingers hoping that they are still available by the end of next week! 😁👀🤞
Jun 03Reply
magiedcat @tracyalexandra He was a handsome fella. ♥️
Jun 03Reply
magiedcat @helpmehelpu Aww thanks! It has been bittersweet to glean my closet but it is time. I hope the pieces are there for you 🤞🏻
Jun 03Reply
helpmehelpu @magiedcat I'm Checking like every hour lol
Jun 03Reply
tracyalexandra @magiedcat Awww I'm sorry for your loss. At least, you loved him while you had him ❤❤❤👼👩🐶👼❤❤❤
Jun 03Reply
velvetandchains Thanks for the shares!🌻🌺
Jun 03Reply
magiedcat @quirkyqueenbee of course! Great things must be shared. 😘
Jun 03Reply
magiedcat @angiebrooke Absolutely! Gotta get Betty on the road, right ♥️. Yea my style is pretty much whatever I like. I have never been one to care about labels. Lol
Jun 04Reply
atomicbubble @magiedcat ❣️Your joy is contagious!
Jun 05Reply
magiedcat @atomicbubble thanks! I have a lot to be happy and thankful for 😁. Your pics are great! I live the outdoors and looks like you got some gorgeous vistas to enjoy.
Jun 05Reply
atomicbubble Thank you,@magiedcat !!! I love being outdoors! You inspire me to add some of my photos reflecting my passion for nature and our State/National Parks! So much to learn here for this PM newbie! Grateful our paths met today!💥🚀⭐️💫
Jun 05Reply
thevick Hi, I kinda went nuts sharing bc your closet is so much fun! Happy sales to you, Erica! ❤️ Vicki in north Phoenix
Jun 05Reply
magiedcat @atomicbubble We are state/national park lovers, as well. Our son just started the jr. Ranger program and collecting his badges. America really has some incredible natural wonders. You don’t have to leave the country to find awe-inspiring places. We are headed out west this fall yo Yellowstone and Teton. 😍
Jun 05Reply
magiedcat @thevick aww thanks! Slowly but surely cleaning out the closets. :(. Bittersweet... I love your panda head pic!! Something I would do lol
Jun 05Reply
atomicbubble @magiedcat ♥️ LOVE the Jr Ranger program! Every Kid for 4th graders ROCKS for free park entry too! Btw, I booked YNP last year and will be there right before you! I can’t wait! It’ll be crowded since it’s still their summer season, tho, so you’re doing it right going in the fall.🌲It’ll be fun to exchange stories!!! Btw, do you use Google maps lists? You can create lists, i.e. places you’ve been and places you want to go.🌎
Jun 05Reply
helpmehelpu @magiedcat hey I see my package was delivered to my PO box today. Unfortunately I didn't make it to the post office before they closed so I'll be picking it up tomorrow..... I'm so excited!
Jun 07Reply
magiedcat @helpmehelpu 🎉🎉 It is always like Christmas when my Posh packages arrive. Sooo excited!! 🎉🎉
Jun 07Reply
magiedcat @atomicbubble I have not used Google maps list. I would have to just circle everything lol.
Jun 07Reply
helpmehelpu @magiedcat 💃💃💃💃💃⬅️ME doing the HAPPY DANCE AGAIN!!!!
Jun 07Reply
magiedcat @helpmehelpu 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️ {me dancing with ya}. I LUUUVV that dress.
Jun 07Reply
alohacowgirl I just wanted to let you know I love your descriptions! I wish I was a S because your closet is fabulous!!!
Jun 07Reply
magiedcat @alohacowgirl Thanks! Your closet is pretty fabulous! Love your travel pics, too. I am an Army brat, so my style is eclectic too. Hawaii and Texas two of my happy places. ♥️
Jun 07Reply
ejeveryday Hi Erica! Your closet is divine! Nice to meet you 🌻🌻
Jun 07Reply
magiedcat @ejeveryday thanks! That really means a lot. Been freat to connect with others that appreciate and share my eclectic style. Your carpet bag is awesome!!
Jun 07Reply
elmarnel Hi Lady! I just wanted to say thanks so much for all the lovely shares! I love your closet- actually, when I was sharing from it earlier, my husband was even commenting on your goodies 😂 Thanks for being a good Posh friend! 💕💕💕
Jun 09Reply
magiedcat @elmarnel of course!! Your closet is pretty awesome too! I adore that Bavarian-style dress.
Jun 09Reply
heathertrujillo Amazing closet 💜💜💜
Jun 10Reply
magiedcat @heathertrujillo YOURS is incredible and so many awesome pieces! It is like a walk-in closet lol. That head dress is incredible 😮
Jun 10Reply
jafreema Love your closet!💜
Jun 10Reply
magiedcat @jafreema I was just perusing yours and it is awesome! You have such great styling. Going to come back and really browse this evening after my son’s bedtime. That’s when I can actually shop lol
Jun 10Reply
jafreema @magiedcat oh, thank you so much! My house looks like a mini crime scene by the time I get done putting outfits together and it seems like it takes forever!
Jun 11Reply
eclectic_echo Very nice items in your closet, Erica.
Jun 14Reply
magiedcat @eclectic_echo thank you! Your closet is like my dream jewelry box! And I totally get your comment about leaving stuff behind for your kids to wade through. Been fun 😕
Jun 14Reply
eclectic_echo @magiedcat I have been there too...No fun. I love your style.
Jun 14Reply
jkez36m Hi my name is Angela Nice to meet you
Jun 15Reply
magiedcat @jkez36m Hey!! Nice to see another Tennessee girl on here :)
Jun 15Reply
jkez36m @magiedcat There area few of us on here. Nice to meet you.
Jun 15Reply
artmart Love your closet and style. 🌺❤️❤️
Jun 15Reply
magiedcat @artmart thanks! Love yours and your profile pic 😊. I saw you are in Colorado Springs. I LOVE that area. Was literally just talking about missing hiking in Garden of the Gods.
Jun 16Reply
artmart @magiedcat Thanks for the shares ❤️ Colorado has great places but it’s getting pretty crowded. Still pretty special though. 👍🌈.
Jun 16Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Erica, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Jun 16Reply
mershopp love your closet! your style is awesome!
Jun 16Reply
magiedcat @resourcing_rob no problem! Thanks for stopping by and saying hi 👍🏼
Jun 16Reply
magiedcat @mershopp aww thanks! Love you closet too. So many great closets here ♥️
Jun 16Reply
shopper411411 Feel free to visit my closet and ask any questions. Happy Poshing!
Jun 17Reply
shawnb123 Hello! So many cute pics! Thanks for all the shares and the ones on Twitter & tumbler. Sorry, I'm not connected to those. I shared with my followers thoughHave a great day!
Jun 17Reply
magiedcat @shawnb123 Thanks! And any share is a good one. :). Have a great day!
Jun 17Reply
pizzadreams @magiedcat Feel free to use whatever information that was on the original listing to help you (photos, info, etc). When I see that it's "for sale" I'll be sharing it to my fellow Poshers in hopes of a quick sale for you (that's why u saved it ;). Wishing you my best!
Jun 19Reply
pizzadreams ^why I *
Jun 19Reply
magiedcat @pizzadreams THANK YOU! Hopefully I can work it into my wardrobe rotation or maybe let something else go. 😁
Jun 19Reply
swedishwoman Thanks for sharing one of my posts!! 💕💕
Jun 22Reply
magiedcat @swedishwoman of course! Got to share the good stuff ♥️
Jun 22Reply
tigerandox @magiedcat love your profile❤️ keep doin you🌈😘
Jun 22Reply
magiedcat @tigerandox aww thanks! I was actually just reading through your profile and loving it. 😁 And I must mention your manager is adorable...and I love that black gallery wall. 👍🏼
Jun 23Reply
tigerandox @magiedcat thank you so much!💖 & yeah, she keeps me on my toes, shes the apple of my eye😭 is the little guy your son?
Jun 23Reply
magiedcat @tigerandox I totally understand. Our son is the same way- all adventure. I love it but man, it is exhausting! I always tell people that it is like we are constantly in an unspoken contest of trying to outsmart the other lol. Some days I actually win 😋
Jun 23Reply
tigerandox @magiedcat he’s adorable 💖 and yeah... right now im struggling to keep those naps! She’s only giving me 20/30 min intervals haha can’t imagine how life will change when she starts walking (halp)
Jun 23Reply
magiedcat @tigerandox Oh, I remember those days. I was so thankful because we were able to keep naps until he was almost 6. He would literally come tell you he thought he should take a nap. He would say, “I feel grumpy. I am going to lay down.” I thought, heck - most adults can’t identify that. Lol.
Jun 23Reply
tigerandox @magiedcat damn👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 i relate so hard hahaha. So nice meeting you! Its cool to find friendly people over here! (Not that I’ve had any negative experience but people just don’t really talk)
Jun 23Reply
magiedcat @tigerandox yes! It is nice to actually chat. Stop by and say hi again and I will do the same.
Jun 23Reply
emeraldrose123 Thank for sharing my listing =) I'm new at this as I'm still learning.
Jun 23Reply
tricia77r Aww great pics! Nice to meet you on posh. Hope you are loving it! 💕
Jun 23Reply
magiedcat @emeraldrose123 Hey! Your closet is great, so you are off to a good start. I am still fairly new, but feel free to ask me questions. I am glad to help however I can. 👍🏼
Jun 23Reply
magiedcat @tricia77r Hi! Yes - loving it so far. Everyone has been very nice and I am getting to clear out my closets. Win - win for everyone. 👍🏼 I sent someone to your closet to look at your jewelry (she was admiring one of my necklaces). Hope it turns into a sell for ya!
Jun 23Reply
tricia77r @magiedcat yeah posh is so fun!!! Aww thank you! So sweet of you! ❤️
Jun 23Reply
emeraldrose123 @magiedcat you're the sweetest!! Thank for your help. How do I give private discount?
Jun 24Reply
magiedcat @emeraldrose123 If you want to give a private discount (to one person), that person has to add the item to a bundle. After they do that, you can offer them a private discount. There are 2 ways to do this- quick/easy way is to look in your news feed and find where that person has created their bundle and click on it. That will take you straight to the bundle screen. There, you click “offer”. I will post the other way below.
Jun 24Reply
magiedcat @emeraldrose123 the other way is how to do if you can’t find bundle in your news feed. This is the manual way to get to the bundle screen: To do that: 1) go into your closet 2) click on the little hangers in the top right 3) on the left, you will see “Filter”. Click that and then select “Bundles” and this will list all your bundles. 4) Look for the one you want and select it. 5) Click The offer button and this will let you give a private offer/discount to that one person.
Jun 24Reply
magiedcat For steps with pictures, check out the PoshMark FAQ section. Let me know if this doesn’t make sense or doesn’t work for ya. 👍🏼
Jun 24Reply
emeraldrose123 @magiedcat thank again =)) very helpful.
Jun 24Reply
atomicnumber29 Thank you for all of the love Erica!!! You're closet is a star!😘😍🙏😚😊
Jun 24Reply
magiedcat @atomicnumber29 of course! Great things myst be shared 😘
Jun 24Reply
shopalexaf Hey!! I’d really love it if you checked out my closet since I am currently have a huge sale going on! I also always except reasonable offers! :) thanks!
Jun 26Reply
ladyobelisk Hi Erica!! I love all the unique vintage gems in your shop. I look up to poshers like you who are original and set a great example by sharing so much. You bring such positivity to this community ;) thanks for being you!
Jun 27Reply
magiedcat @r5family005 hi! I will check it out and spread the word 😘
Jun 27Reply
shopalexaf @magiedcat thanks! Im also having a huge sale currently.
Jun 27Reply
magiedcat @goodfaery hey! Thanks for the encouragement! I truly appreciate it. I checked out your closet and it is great! I love your style♥️♥️ I know what you mean about feeling like the pieces find you. I love being able to help others appreciate an old piece, or see it in a new light. Will definitely keep you in mind for next time I shop. 😘
Jun 27Reply
ladyobelisk @magiedcat I’ll definitely keep you in mind when I want to spoil myself ❤️ it’s wonderful to give life again to forgotten beautiful things. Thanks for the kind words also! Take care 😋
Jun 28Reply
patti7 Thank you for all the shares!!
Jun 29Reply
magiedcat @patti7 of course! And thank you for shares too 😘
Jun 29Reply
ttsvintage Absolutely beautiful pieces in your wardrobe!
Jun 30Reply
magiedcat @ttsvintage thank you! 😘
Jun 30Reply
wildtimefashion Hi you have a cute closet and are you interested in joining a share group? We have 3 daily share groups 1 weekly and we are de eloping a children’s share group.take a look around @wanderinggypsie and see if you like it. It would give you great exposure knowledge and support to help sell your closet! Interested? Please let me or @prinzesspixy know.
Jun 30Reply
wildtimefashion We do have 4 listings that need to be read before sharing and 1 is important to sign up for the chatroom,the other is do and don’t, read this before signing up and the best for the last is our Q&A listing.again let one of us know before signing up. Look forward to seeing you. The kids group you can sign up but we haven’t finalized the date we will do the share! Lorrie
Jun 30Reply
magiedcat @wildtimefashion thanks! I will read up on everything and then let you know. Thank you for considering me 😘
Jun 30Reply
starcruson Thank you sweetie for throwing my name in the hat for parties! I did receive a host pic yesterday. All because of you. You Rock!!!😘
Jun 30Reply
magiedcat @starcruson woo hoo!! Glad to spread the love! 😘😘
Jun 30Reply
prinzesspixy @wildtimefashion omg I invited her too! Lol! Such a fabulous closet who could resist???
Jun 30Reply
magiedcat @prinzesspixy @wildtimefashion how funny! I thought you two has already talked about me lol. I am going to catch up and read up tonight. 😘
Jul 01Reply
wildtimefashion I am sure she did and I have the retention of a pea🤪 she is the organizer I am the chaos of the bunch 😂
Jul 01Reply
warriormenace Hi 🤗 just stopping by to say thank you so much for all the shares and posh love 💕 It is truly appreciated💝 You’re such a VSPFF 💕💝💕💝💕
Jul 02Reply
magiedcat @warriormenace you are so welcome! That’s what friends are for right 😘 I am just glad there is a way for me to support your closet since I can’t buy everything I want lol.
Jul 02Reply
warriormenace 💕👯‍♀️💕
Jul 02Reply
serenaandsofia hey there! happy poshing🤗🌺feel free to check out my❗️4th of July Sale❗️30% OFF on ALL bundles(2+)
Jul 03Reply
terra_mar Hi Erica! Thank you sooo much for recommending my closet for the posh party! I really appreciate it my love🌷🌷😘💖 Wishing you many many sales!!!! Xo!
Jul 04Reply
magiedcat @valmeida77 of course! And thanks for suggesting me 😘😘
Jul 04Reply
terra_mar @magiedcat Anytime! It's my pleasure 😘 😘
Jul 04Reply
kfaye2018 Thank you so much for the sharing 😊 🌹
Jul 06Reply
magiedcat @kfaye2018 of course! We got to share and celebrate 😘
Jul 06Reply
magiedcat @kellywheeler22 No thanks necessary. Host Pick is so exciting! 😘😘
Jul 06Reply
treasures2luv Erica ~ After reading your intro and loving your self and family photos, I'm looking forward to seeing the contents of your closet. I'll be sure to spend a good amount of time clicking, liking what resonates w/me, and commenting when the mood moves me. 😍 Thanks for being so real my dear!! Warm regards, Monica 🎨
Jul 07Reply
magiedcat @treasures2luv You are a gem! Thank you so much for your kind words. I appreciate you, truly. What you see is what you get....and I like it that way. I am so glad you stopped by and chatted. I hope you will pop in and say hi often! What are you studying?
Jul 07Reply
treasures2luv @magiedcat I appreciate your quick and gracious response too! I'm positive we would have good vibes if we met in person. Perhaps another Posher mentioned studying; currently I am a continuing student of Life, and that encompasses a lot! Can I assume that's your son, the cutie missing some teeth? That's all for this installment...Talk later my dear 😘 ~ Monica
Jul 07Reply
brenda172 I love your closet 😍😍
Jul 08Reply
magiedcat @brenda172 aww thanks! Yours is great! You have some awesome purses!
Jul 08Reply
innermuse Beautiful closet! Really enjoying your vintage finds! ❤️
Jul 08Reply
magiedcat @innermuse Thank you beautiful! Love your retro pieces too! Your profile pic is beautiful! You have gorgeous eyes.
Jul 08Reply
starcruson Hi gal pal! So happy you the pin is going to a good home. You Rock!!!😘
Jul 08Reply
magiedcat @starcruson Aww thank you! I have suddenly developed an obsession with broaches and pins. Can’t wait!
Jul 08Reply
pollyvintage Gorgeous closet! Poshmark is exciting, thanks for helping a newbie, I appreciate it!
Jul 11Reply
magiedcat @pollyvintage Thank you! Means a lot coming from you! Your closet is beautiful - so many gorgeous pieces! You already got this thing down pat 👍🏼 I am just another cheerleader directing people to your awesome closet.
Jul 11Reply
pollyvintage @magiedcat Awww thank you I'm an etsy girl this poshmark is a whole other world!
Jul 11Reply
magiedcat @pollyvintage several people have told me they sell on both, but I feel like I can barely keep up here lol. Is Etsy easier?
Jul 11Reply
pollyvintage @magiedcat Not sure yet I'll have to give it time to make comparisons, etsy does have a very active vintage scene but it just put its fees up soooo swings and roundabouts 🤔
Jul 11Reply
univrsoulbeauty I love your closet! Beautiful & unique!
Jul 12Reply
magiedcat @univrsoulbeauty thanks! I was just checking yours out. Love it! Will definitely keep it in kind for next time I treat myself.
Jul 12Reply
magiedcat @univrsoulbeauty PS do I see you putting in a garden?
Jul 12Reply
univrsoulbeauty @magiedcat ❤️❤️❤️ thank you! Yes ma’am you do ❤️ it’s one of my favorite things 🌻 I love tending to it 0
Jul 12Reply
magiedcat @univrsoulbeauty I enjoy gardening too. Was just headed outside to harvest some tomatoes and check our pumpkins. 😁
Jul 12Reply
juellfant Thank you for your shares. God bless and wish you best.
Jul 12Reply
magiedcat @juellfant you as well!
Jul 13Reply
nancynorth Thank you for sharing my closet I appreciateit 😀🌹🌹🌹
Jul 13Reply
shmataz Thank you!!!🎉💖
Jul 13Reply
magiedcat @nancynorth of course 👍🏼 you have beautiful pieces
Jul 13Reply
curiouscuration You are my 500th follower, 🎉 thank you! Enjoy 20% any item in my shop now through Sunday (7/15/18) as my way of saying thanks!
Jul 13Reply
curiouscuration 20% off meant to say, sorry haha. And thanks again!
Jul 13Reply
jnckstyle @magiedcat Thank you for the share! 😊💕
Jul 18Reply
alleapparel Totally awesome store! YOU ROCK! 🌸💕🌸💕🌸💕🌸🙌🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥You’re too cool 😎 And thanks! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🤗🤗🤗
Jul 18Reply
magiedcat @jnckstyle of course 😘
Jul 18Reply
magiedcat @alleapparel you are too sweet! Thank you for the compliment. Great minds think alike 👍🏼😘
Jul 18Reply
catlovernj Hello Erica! I share your sentiments on fashion. I love vintage, and I like to wear what I feel like wearing. Just thought I'd stop by and say Hello!👍🌈🌷😊🌟💕!
Jul 18Reply
steplondon Hi I had a question how do I share the love with hearts and different things like that
Jul 19Reply
magiedcat @steplondon Hey! There are two ways to do it. On an iPhone, you can just tap and hold on the item. A menu will pop up and you select Share. Or you can tap and select the item to view. Once in that window, you will see a little box that sort of looks like a recycle symbol in top right (next to Edit). Click that and select Share. You will have options to share with your followers, or outside PoshMark (Instagram, FaveBook, etc). Let me know if you need anything else or have any problems 👍🏼
Jul 20Reply
fashiondiva411 @magiedcat Hi Magie. :) I just wanted to let you know if you don't want to receive notifications every time I send out offers to likers please feel free to just click the heart again so you won't keep being bothered with that. Thanks! :)
Jul 20Reply
magiedcat @fashiondiva411 Thanks for letting me know. I had left it marked because I wanted to remember to share it. :). Even though it won’t fit me, I am sure some if my peeps would love it. 👍🏼
Jul 20Reply
fashiondiva411 @magiedcat Aww isn’t that sweet! ❤️💕😊 Okay great just wanted to make sure you didn’t get flooded with messages you didn’t want! Thanks love! 😊❤️💕
Jul 20Reply
steplondon Thank you so much
Jul 21Reply
tigerandox Thank you for all the love always!!! Happy Saturday 😘😘
Jul 21Reply
magiedcat @tigerandox of course! Gotta share awesomeness 😘. Hope you all are having a great weekend so far.
Jul 21Reply
tigerandox @magiedcat likewise 😘😍
Jul 21Reply
lovingmyclothes Love your Closet and vintage style!❤
Jul 22Reply
magiedcat @lovingmyclothes thanks 😘😘
Jul 22Reply
priveboutique Hi my name is Cindi and thanks for following my closet boutique!💕🌸🧚🏻‍♀️🎉❤️. All handbag and accessories are brand new, and I specialize in Betsey Johnson combination sets. I also offer items by💋Bebe 💋and Adrienne Vittadini accessories! I Love Accepting Reasonable Offers! (Offers Accepted up to 30% Off!) 💋🎉💋💕🌸😍 Happy Poshing!🌸💕🌸👛
Jul 24Reply
goodbodies Love your style..I also recycle my boxes and papers, so not being 'perfect' seems to be my style..Great pics of you..Beautiful
Jul 24Reply
magiedcat @goodbodies thanks! Yes - I try to recycle as much as possible. Every little bit helps, right? My style is definitely not perfect lol. I am going to call it fashionably flawed 😁
Jul 24Reply
kiacubs44 Congratulations. You go Goddess! 👍💕
Jul 24Reply
magiedcat @kiacubs44 thanks! 😘😘
Jul 24Reply
kiacubs44 All hail Maggie the Goddess of Protection! 👑🙏We all need all the protection we can get in this life!
Jul 24Reply
1girleegirl Hi Erica thanks for the follow and love the pics. Love your fur baby and such a handsome little man. 💜🐾
Jul 24Reply
magiedcat @1girleegirl aww thank you! Sassi is a cutie too! I don’t think I could ever be without a dog (or two or three). 😁
Jul 24Reply
atomicnumber29 Hi Erica! Thanks for the love! I think you would really like my sisters page @ruesanfrancisco you rock!😍😘
Jul 25Reply
magiedcat @atomicnumber29 thanks! I will check it out 👍🏼 How fun to have your sister on here too!
Jul 25Reply
atomicnumber29 @magiedcat thanks love! She has beautiful views and threads❤
Jul 25Reply
magiedcat @atomicnumber29 Right?! That roof top is crazy cool!
Jul 25Reply
atomicnumber29 @magiedcat I love the golden gate backdrop too❤
Jul 25Reply
ruesanfrancisco @atomicnumber29 @magiedcat Thanks sista T for the tag and for all the love of Gertie's rooftop frolics 😍! Visit anytime 💕❤
Jul 26Reply
odiefashion Omg Love your closet and style!
Jul 26Reply
magiedcat @odiefashion aww thanks! Coming from you that means a lot 😘. I love your custom stuff. I just got a sewing machine and have big dreams (and no training lol)
Jul 26Reply
coloradocache @magiedcat 🎉❤️👍🍀Congratulations !!!❤️😜🎉🍀 Please ck out my Posh Compliant closet & those of my PFF’s. ❤️👍🍷@njourn,@blissfulinaz,@jovigrahm,@leeannleeann@josgems,@elhamsaleh,@hobbswife,@dotseyqueen,@hellodollie72,@rescuecritters,@pbarney,@dolly1370,@bbean236,@spetry1,@indie1236,@bobbidean8,@susanwelch68,@dreamealker,@carolsilvers,@mseryn,@skeeterposh,@nicolebattista, @actress1104,@urbannuptowngirl,@julie__zimm,@susanshadow,@mbd030486, @jcfashionista, @msleslied1
Jul 26Reply
magiedcat @coloradocache 😘 thank you for the shout out sweet friend!
Jul 27Reply
shegunmed @magiedcat Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $55. Pls add 3 items of your choice from my closet in a bundle and submit the offer of $55. I will accept it. You can buy as many $55 bundle as possible. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision
Jul 28Reply
poppyfox_m Lovin your style! 💕
Jul 28Reply
kathanista Erica, thank you for 5⭐️ rating and great comments on the Anthropologie top! I appreciate you!💕
Jul 28Reply
magiedcat @kathanista Back at ‘cha! 😍 Your closet is amazing. Got it earmarked for next time I treat myself. The little girl in your profile pic is adorable
Jul 28Reply
kathanista @magiedcat Thanks, she’s my granddaughter!❤️
Jul 28Reply
magiedcat @kathanista she’s beautiful. What a blessing ♥️
Jul 28Reply
marie_diamond Hi! I hope you're enjoying your posh experience! 💜
Jul 29Reply
magiedcat @marie_diamond Hello! Loving it so far. How about you?
Jul 30Reply
sleon382 I just love the fish mouth photo
Aug 07Reply
magiedcat @sleon382 I obviously take myself very seriously 😆
Aug 07Reply
nubie66 Awesome closet! Great pics!
Aug 15Reply
magiedcat @nubie66 aww thanks! Yours is pretty great too! And so organized. I trued that and just drove me nuts lol. Your pup is super cute!! What is his/her name?
Aug 15Reply
nubie66 @magiedcat aww thanks. It’s not really that hard, I use my I pad, lol. His name is Benz, and he poses like a pro. I have waaaayyy too many pics of him. Lol. 😀
Aug 15Reply
magiedcat @nubie66 Benz is a great name! He looks like a big teddy bear ♥️
Aug 15Reply
nubie66 @magiedcat lol. I adopted him, and when he jumped in my car, he was ecstatic! Hence the name. ❤️. He actually has a friend named Bentley. How funny!
Aug 15Reply
magiedcat @nubie66 Sweet boy ♥️
Aug 15Reply
warriormenace Erica, thank you so much for such a sweet love note 💕 Hope you had a great vacation 👯‍♀️💝✌️
Sep 06Reply
magiedcat @warriormenace Hello!! It was truly epic. SO amazing - had such a great time. I was ready to just stay in the mountains.
Sep 06Reply
warriormenace @magiedcat Yay ! Glad you had a good time. Wish there was more time for vacations 👻 It’s always so nice to get away and relax 🤗
Sep 06Reply
lovefashionyay Hi Welcome! ❤️ I’m Jacquelyn 🌺I’m new to posh & I followed u & shared ur cute closet! Also have lots of Lularoe! I love it!😍 ****Plse check out my closet! 👗 👠 👚 👕 👔 👟 🌂 follow me/I’ll follow you! & share plse! I will do the same! Ty! 🌺 🌸 🌺 open to trades!**** Happy 😆 Poshing! ❤️ ✌️ 🌹
Oct 14Reply
cathylien05 Your closet is amazing and well modeled ;) thank you for the shar🤗🥰🤗
Dec 28Reply
gardenthreads Love your closet and your personal style. So much fun! 😘💞🎉
Dec 30Reply
magiedcat @cathylien05 thanks! 😘
Dec 30Reply
magiedcat @jamierobledo5 thanks! I have so much waiting to post but I homeschool our son and that is like 2 full time jobs lol
Dec 30Reply
gardenthreads @magiedcat wow! No kidding that’s a ton! I’ve got bags and boxes of things to list too. It takes time for sure! It’s a fun and challenging process. I wish you well with the homeschooling. 😘👍🏻💞
Dec 30Reply
vpl1116 Great selection! Would love for you to check out my listings 😊❤️
Feb 23Reply
vintagecall Hi Erica, Thank you for the generous shares. Love your style!
Feb 27Reply
classysl 💝Hi Erica! Love your closet style! Wishing you the best in the New Year! Happy Poshing!💕
Mar 19Reply
goddess_vibes Love your style, personality, and ideals!!🥰🥰🥰
Apr 01Reply
muthaluvvintage Hey Erica !! Long time no see.... I am about to reopen my closet. Just wanted to stop in and say Hi to some of my PFF's. I am so glad to be back home. Will be reopening next week. Have a great weekend. Alicia
Apr 13Reply
cocoroma Your Adorable!😍
Apr 16Reply
magiedcat @muthaluvvintage hey beautiful! So glad to see you are back (and that Rush is doing so well). I have been on hiatus myself (we homeschool) so I can’t wait for school to slow down so I can post some of my new stuff. I am bursting at seams over here lol
Apr 16Reply
magiedcat @cocoroma oh my goodness! You are so stinkin’ beautiful! I love your style too. ♥️ I am sure I will be raiding your closet very soon 😁
Apr 16Reply
ttlcd Ok Erica,can I just COPY ALL YOUR POSTERS. I can’t help it, they are perfect.😝😝😝😝😝🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🥰😘💋
Apr 23Reply
magiedcat @ttlcd You are so funny! Yes- enjoy all the posters (except for the ones with me or my dogs please.). 😘
Apr 23Reply
ttlcd @magiedcat You’re the very BEST. Feel free to stop by and visit your POSTERS anytime and admire your work, hehehe, (loads of giggles going on over here)......😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🥰😘
Apr 23Reply
ttlcd You know someone as cute and tiny as you has no right to also take the BEST PICTURE EVER. (BIG SIGH) not fair to just be stuck being old (but adorable) giggles galore!!!!!!!!!!🌹💋
Apr 23Reply
baypearls Ur Pictures are too cute!! I have started out from the closets at my home!! I have one daughter that’s 23 she’s moved out leaving behind a whole lot of items!! I have a 14 year old built more like a women and a son who is 26 he has severe autism but he’s a blessing!! I’m surprised my upstairs hasn’t fell through!! 😂😂 I haven’t even begun to put everything up!! It catches up with ya!! Haha!!
May 01Reply
magiedcat @ttlcd You are too kind! The pics are the part I like the least 😣 I guess we are all more critical of ourselves. More than anything, I am happy...which I think comes thru in pics.
May 01Reply
magiedcat @baypearls It is amazing how fast things can pile up. Apparently I am built like the average 12 year old these days lol. Which makes since since I have grown since 8th grade 😂. My love of vintage has resulted in plenty of piles around our house 🤦🏼‍♀️. It is like my mind can’t stand to see space in my closet lol
May 01Reply
baypearls @magiedcat My oldest is petite and small!! I hear what your saying!! I have old wedding dresses!! I don’t know where some of this came from but I hate to let go but I have to!! 😭😭
May 01Reply
island_sos Hi Erica, 💐 Happy spring. I am a Posh passionate person, and would like to welcome you to my Closet anytime 🌻It is Chock Full of pre-owned gently used items, both ♀️♂️, all sizes, styles, and also some new with tags 🏷️ I'm having a Graduation Sale, add 5 🖐️ items to a Bundle from the items i have listed w/ book emoji 📚 or listed at $10< or less the total will be $25, yes, 💲2️⃣5️⃣‼️Fast shipping included all purchases 📨📬
May 03Reply
proverbs31_lady @magiedcat love your closet! You are so photogenic! 💕💎💋
May 03Reply
eatkittenpies_ I’m in love with your clothes!! I just am no where near a small 😂 :)
May 03Reply
magiedcat @munkmunk4 aww thank you! Photos are my least favorite part. I appreciate the kind words :). Sometimes helps to see yourself through others eyes.
May 03Reply
magiedcat @eatkittenpies_ aww thanks! Nice when others can appreciate your style. I actually have some bigger sizes to post...just haven’t gotten around to it 🤦🏼‍♀️. Your eyes are SO pretty!
May 03Reply
proverbs31_lady @magiedcat yes ma’am anytime! You’re so pretty girl! Don’t worry about what others think. 💕
May 03Reply
eatkittenpies_ @magiedcat thanks lovely :) I’ve been too lazy to post mine myself 😂 I’ll keep a lookout tho
May 03Reply
marissa_am Can I just say that you and your closet are absolutely adorable 💕
May 04Reply
magiedcat @marissa_am aww thanks! Back at ya 😘
May 04Reply
bumbaclaus @magiedcat 👋🏼Hey Girl! Thanks for the Welcoming and Tips/Suggestions! Xoxox 🔷🔹🔷🔹🔷🔹🔷 🐝 BumbaClaüs 🐝
May 14Reply
ccxvd Thank you soooo much for the poshlove!!! :-)
May 16Reply
janfast Hi Erica! Thanks for following my closet!😊
May 17Reply
ycbear22 Thank Erica, for sharing my Host Pick Black Express Blouse. It is my second host pick! I’m so excited💕😘🎉💐🌸👍🎊🍾🥂😍
May 20Reply
magiedcat @bumbaclaus sure thing! Glad to help 😁
May 21Reply
magiedcat @ycbear22 that IS exciting! 🎉🎉🎉
May 21Reply
cindysunglasses Hello! Thanks for the shares! Your closet has great vintage😎
May 24Reply
magiedcat @cindysunglasses thanks! Vintage is my jam 😍
May 24Reply
magiedcat @ggluvbeach Host Pick is always SO exciting! I have been on Posh for a year. It is my favorite place to shop. If I can do anything for you, let me know. 👍🏼
May 28Reply
magiedcat @denisemusick Thank you! You are so kind!! 😘 I am a stay-at-home mom so pretty much all pics include our son or our pets 😂. And modeling the clothes is truly my least favorite part, so I appreciate the kind words. I feel goofy in front of a camera. How long have you been on Posh?
Jun 03Reply
suzselects Luv luv luv your closet! Great pricing *and* dope finds 🔍 🔍💥
Jun 05Reply
magiedcat @denisemusick I know what you mean- been a while since I sold anything and wondering if I need to switch to a different platform. So fun when you are selling. Not so much when you aren’t 😑
Jun 05Reply
magiedcat @suzselects 😊 thanks! YOU have some awesome pieces in your closet too! Love to see more quality (and TRUE) vintage pieces. And totally random, but love your hair too. Have been debating chopping mine...but I am lazy and long hair is SO easy 😂
Jun 05Reply
suzselects Many thanks, Erica!! ...and to cosign the convo above: I'm a newbie but, yea, it has been surprisingly slow for sales. I see LOTS of great priced dope vtg on here and feel like it should be selling like hotcakes---esp @ the start of summer season. Alas. *and* Thx very much! My style is born from lazy-ness too, truth be told : ) The main upkeep is barbering every 2wks.
Jun 05Reply
magiedcat @suzselects I was just thinking the same thing at the beginning of the summer. The vintage pieces have gotten so much better quality on Posh and the pricing is good (especially considering fees) and things just aren’t selling. Hopefully it will pick up. But I know a few peeps have switched to other platforms. I feel like I put so much work in here already...but may have to switch and see. I really like the ease of Posh though.
Jun 05Reply
suzselects @magiedcat Agreed! also hope too that things pick up *and* am curious about platforms (did have/plan on doing again eventually some of the more special/true vtg listings on Etsy). Wishing you much luck if you decide to switch platforms—but, yea, the ease of listing on Posh is def more appealing than some of the other digi mktplcs (And has the most users, too—I think still true)
Jun 05Reply
blackngoldgirl Thank you for all the shares and for suggesting me as a host pick. 😘
Jun 13Reply
magiedcat @denisemusick Happy Thursday! 😘. You are right, my menagerie here at home keep me busy and happy. ♥️. I am stay at home/home school momma so there is always something to help the time pass. My family is the best adventure ever.
Jun 13Reply
magiedcat @blackngoldgirl of course! 😘😘
Jun 13Reply
magiedcat @thriftstorebol I was just talking to myself this morn about my hair. 99% of the time, I’m boho/prairie dress kind of girl. Other 1% I am makeup and hair done up kind of girl. BUT 99% of the time, my day involves gardening, chasing my son or the dogs, never-ending cleaning, and MAYBE an adventurous run to the grocery 😂. I actually prefer to be in the woods/mountains. So as you can see, my closet has multiple personalities and my hair has a lot to keep up with 😂
Jun 13Reply
freebohemian I love your style 😍😍
Jun 14Reply
goodgaudy @magiedcat I'm the same... Heading to Michigan soon hoping to hike up some mountains to see some waterfalls along the way. Husband has to ask me to get dressed up, but then there are days I like to paint myself with makeup. Been working in the yard a lot trying to get my patch with Cypress trees turned into a fairy or English cottage inspired garden. Do you happen to have A.D.D. too... Lol 😄
Jun 16Reply
jilljeane Hello! You have such fantastic style👛 your closet in totally swoon worthy! I really enjoyed looking through it! ❣
Jun 16Reply
magiedcat @thriftstorebol Oh my goodness! You sound just like me. Hiking is my favorite thing (and best stress reliever). And I love to garden. We have a patch I have been working on turning into meadow/cottage garden. I like woodland gardens...a little chaotic but somehow beautiful and natural. My hubby likes ordered rows...story of our life lol.
Jun 16Reply
magiedcat @jilljeane aww thank you! Love it when I meet others who share my eclectic love
Jun 16Reply
goodgaudy @magiedcat. Same as my hubby so we have a plant in the philodendron family I think.. It has huge tropical leaves and a wildly vine looking trunk that has grown out of control. Drives the husband crazy. I asked him to please not cut it down til I get back from my trip and I can get some clippings from it. He doesn't like my willy nilly or alien looking plants. Lol
Jun 16Reply
goodgaudy @magiedcat love a woodland garden too.. 🍂🌲🐈 In my circle I raked up all the foliage and pulled weeds. I should have left the foilage.. So much to say.. Gotta pack.. Xoxo- Bern
Jun 16Reply
betty1523 Love your closet !
Jun 18Reply
magiedcat @betty1523 Thank you 😘😘
Jun 18Reply
booksntrinkets Thank you for all the shares...I really appreciate it!! Your closet is wonderful!
Jun 18Reply
magiedcat @booksntrinkets thank you!! I love your closet too (and books♥️♥️)
Jun 25Reply
magiedcat @denisemusick hello! Yes- finally getting some new things and some others out. Hoping that means things are going go start picking up. Hope you are well!
Jun 25Reply
bryllianz 🍒 😲 Love, .. Absolutely adore your closet🥰🥰 💯... But you know that already... Lol...Somethings just need a second saying🥰😘💋
Jul 08Reply
magiedcat @denisemusick hope you are doing well!! 🙋🏼‍♀️
Jul 08Reply
magiedcat @bryllianz you are too sweet! Hope you are doing great!
Jul 09Reply
magiedcat @denisemusick I have never had anything lost, but I have had packages dropped at PO take up yo 3 days to scan 🤦🏼‍♀️ Now, I get picked up by my mail man and he scans right away. That has obviously worked out better for me. You might want to try that.
Jul 09Reply
magiedcat @denisemusick Yea! I was stressed that time it happened to me...I was thinking I didn’t have any proof that I’d ever dropped it off. 😕. So glad it worked out. Definitely try scheduling with your regular post man. Will save you a trip and they usually scan right then and there.
Jul 12Reply
iconicspirit Hi Erica! Thanks for your order! I shipped the dirty dancing T-shirt today, happy dancing and happy poshing! Tanya
Aug 30Reply
iconicspirit Thank you for your lovely rating, it so helps as a new seller, have a wonderful day! Tanya
Sep 05Reply
liplindy Just stopping by. I was wandering, if you wear makeup?
Sep 13Reply
magiedcat @liplindy Hi! Some days I do :) Most days I don’t. For instance, in my pics here on this listing, I have eyeliner on in one, mascara on in a couple, and Garnier BB cream in the first. On the days I put on makeup, it is that BB cream, eyeliner/mascara, and maybe blush. No lipstick or anything else. I am not super skilled with makeup (ex:conturing and all that) I say every morning, “this is as good as it is gets”. :).
Sep 13Reply
liplindy @magiedcat I see that you made yourself into a cat. I am with SeneGence aka LipSense. And use our products for Halloween too. It won’t smudge, budge and it’s waterproof. I don’t sell it on Poshmark. I do on Instagram and fb.
Sep 13Reply
fash_galore Great closet cool stuff 👍👏
Nov 04Reply
magiedcat @becca_skim Thanks! 😘
Nov 11Reply
manicmaur Great photos!!!
Nov 14Reply
magiedcat @manicmaur Thank you! My least favorite part of the whole process lol
Nov 14Reply
oerzar Hi! You have a wonderfully eclectic closet! I love it!!!
Nov 15Reply
magiedcat @oerzar Thank you! Too many cool clothes to pick one style 😂
Nov 15Reply
oerzar @magiedcat LOL. I have the same problem.
Nov 15Reply
naked_mannequin You have such neat items!!!
Nov 30Reply
magiedcat @1chico95 Thanks! You should see the stuff I just posted on IG sneak peak! I hit an amazing estate sale and got SOOOO many crazy-good pieces. If you want to check it out, my handle is MagiedCatVintage
Nov 30Reply
naked_mannequin @magiedcat hehe I immediately checked your about info to see if you had IG. your closet is goals.
Nov 30Reply
magiedcat @1chico95 aww thanks! My closet is bursting right now 🤦🏼‍♀️. Gotta get this stuff posted and gone
Nov 30Reply
naked_mannequin @magiedcat that’s how I feel with my 75 listings hahaha. I have no space!
Nov 30Reply
emmalilykate I love your style ! ♥️
Dec 16Reply
magiedcat @emmalilykate aww thanks! It isn’t for everyone but it makes me happy 😁
Dec 16Reply
blreibman1948 You are adorable!!!! Love your photos. Love that you recycle everything!! I do that too! My husband says”I wash the garbage”! Happy poshing!
Dec 16Reply
magiedcat @blreibman1948 yes- we are in the same tribe. We are big on “use it up, wear it out, mend and makedo, or do without”. One of the reasons I love Posh because so much easier to shop secondhand now ♥️. And helps me save clothes that would otherwise be tossed. You have a great mix in your closet. I love that pic of the sunset
Dec 16Reply
vtsquare Thank you for the follow on Poshmark! I also followed you on Instagram...squarevt2018 and Twitter....@SquareVt and hope you will follow me back as well. Working together we can accomplish anything!❤️
Dec 16Reply
blreibman1948 Thank you so much. I feel like a hoarder but I think everything is so beautiful. I have a great dress from the thirties I’ll photo it and post “not for sale” it was my mom’s. It’s gorgeous. Check it out it a few days🥰
Dec 16Reply
magiedcat @blreibman1948 Yes!! Show it to me! I am the same way. I feel like these clothes are too special to just be lost in the shuffle somewhere.
Dec 16Reply
magiedcat @vtsquare Following ya! Are you in Montana!? I LOVE Montana ♥️
Dec 16Reply
windy11 Hi doll! Thank u so much for all the sharing 😘
Dec 17Reply
imagesbyclaudia Very lovely closet!!!!
Dec 18Reply
magiedcat @windy11 of course! Great closets must be shared 😘
Dec 18Reply
magiedcat @claudiacurrie1 Thanks! LOVE your closet too
Dec 18Reply
magiedcat @denisemusick hello!! Long time no chat 😂 Things are well in our corner of the world. I need to get some new things posted...need more time in the day. How are you?
Feb 06Reply
hautecali I love love love your unique style! I love fashion the way you do, not one specific style or mainstream. Great closet !! 💖🤙
Mar 23Reply
magiedcat @hautecali Thanks beautiful!! 😘😘 there are too many fun looks to choose one style right?
Mar 23Reply
secondchancebtq Just here to spread some cheer! Stay safe and happy poshing! 🥰🛍
Apr 04Reply
kaybella0783 It's nice to see some beautiful vintage pieces! I love that you recycle whatever you can... besides, its not what's on the outside that counts! So awesome to meet you! You have an amazing closet! 😍 👍🏻👍🏻💜
Apr 17Reply
artatelier Hi 💙 I am new to Poshmark. Tips / feedback on my page would be so much appreciated 💕✨ Be well!
Apr 21Reply
abandonedcart Hello Erica! Your closet is so fun and full of positive vibes! Love your style!!
May 27Reply
posh420823 Beautiful closet 🌞
May 31Reply
abiscloset2019 Wow, what fun! You have some great pieces in your closet!
Jun 17Reply
magiedcat @gravygalaxy Thank you! You have great pieces in your closet too! Love to see another vintage closet ❤️
Jun 18Reply
magiedcat @abiscloset2019 Thanks! Your closet is great too. I love those nativity sets. I collect those during our travels. ❤️
Jun 18Reply
abiscloset2019 @magiedcat Fun! The nativity sets are from my nana-in-love's collection; she had a goal of collecting one from every country in the world. :)
Jun 18Reply
_caitscloset_ Hi! Today is the last day of my Buy One Get One Free Sale. Bundle any items that you like and I’ll send you an offer. Have a great rest of your day.
Jul 26Reply
areyounice hi babe!
Jul 27Reply
cordog99 Girl you are too funny and cute!!!!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Aug 31Reply
magiedcat @cordog99 Aww thanks! Just being my goofy self 😂
Aug 31Reply
winstondunbar Hi Happy Poshing💝🏩🐹🐣🐱🌇🐦🎑🎐
Sep 20Reply
pretty_vision Hi Erica, I am so glad I decided to follow you! I love your style and seeing what you’re going to list next. I was wondering if you are able to restore vintage clothing...I acquired the most beautiful vintage silk dress, but it needs some love. I would like to see it go to a good home. If you’re interested let me know and I’ll post pics. I would just ask that you pay shipping and you can sell it or wear it, it’s up to you 🙂❤️✌️
Oct 02Reply
magiedcat @simpsonj011 Oh I would love to see it!! I totally understand wanting to save something, especially beautiful vintage ❤️
Oct 02Reply
pretty_vision @magiedcat Great! I will take photos this evening!
Oct 02Reply
pretty_vision Hey Erica, so I got a little ahead of myself. I hadn't looked at the dress in awhile and when I pulled it out to take pictures I realized the dress is branded and after some research I came to find out that it is rare and kind of expensive. The condition is also not as bad as I thought. I apologize for jumping the gun with my offer, but I don't think I am comfortable giving it away. I do plan to post it though, if you're interested. Geez...SMH...sorry :l
Oct 03Reply
magiedcat @simpsonj011 No worries at all! I will watch to see it get posted. I always enjoy getting to see great vintage gems, either way. :)
Oct 03Reply
katie3912 Hello! Feel free to check out my closet! I have multiple name brands and stylish clothing! I hope you have an amazing day and happy poshing!!💜
Jan 11Reply
diana10n what did I buy
Feb 13Reply
diana10n cat wilt you please throw a little something extra in please. please I need it.
Feb 13Reply
magiedcat @diana10n Hey Diana- you bought a meme 😂. I cancelled your order FYI. That meme is just a placeholder.
Feb 13Reply
timo45142 Hi there ! Please chek out my closet for Louis Vuitton, Dior, Fendi, Cavalli, Michel kors and alot of other brands too. I have purses, shoes, clothes, accessories, etc!
Feb 20Reply
savannaghchase hi💕 glad I got the P.P dress! just to confirm- its 100% nylon mesh - right? thank you!💠
Apr 16Reply
adamu1006 Hi magiedcat how are you? Love your Instagram! Hug crush on you like your stuff you sell!
May 01Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi⭐️Hope you are enjoying shopping 🛒 and selling🛍. When you get a moment, please visit my closet and follow me... and I will do the same. 🍍Wishing you all the luck in the world 🌎
May 20Reply
rangerric Hello! Hope you and yours are safe and healthy! You have a great closet and lovely vintage pieces! We’d love to have you join our “Just Vintage” share group. Visit us at @vibes4vintage for more information!
Sep 18Reply
cheeky1313 😍 you look great!I hope you’re doing well with your sales!
Oct 11Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet in anyway. 😊 Happy Poshing
Mar 13Reply
watsonlilmommy @magiedcat hello check out my closet see something you like send me a offer an I will help you out
Jun 26Reply
cutehosiery @magiedcat Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 15Reply

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Brentwood, TN
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Last Active: 18 hours ago

Brentwood, TN
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