Meet your Posher, Erika
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Hi! I'm Erika. Some of my favorite brands are J. Crew, Nike, and Tory Burch. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) I Try to ship out next day but I do have a full time job that sometimes gets in the way. Smoke free home.

57 others
like this

Hi there, welcome to Poshmark! 🎉🎈💕This is an amazing community of supportive women. I've been a Poshmark Suggested User and Posh Party Co-host for 3-years now, so if you ever have a question, I'm just a message away. One of the fastest ways that you can increase your closet's exposure and meet new people, is by following other closets and sharing their items, as they will do the same for you. I hope that you grow to love Poshmark as much as I do. Best, April 😊💖
Feb 06Reply

Welcome to Poshmark have a beautiful night 😊😊😊😊
Feb 06Reply

Thanks you soo much ladies :) thanks for making me feel welcomed with soo much love ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 06Reply

@bellaturner16 thank you so much!! Am already loving all the support from poshmark!! You ladies are awesome!!
Feb 06Reply

@aprils2ndcloset thanks soo much April!! I most definitely be reaching out if I have any questions!! You are awesome!! ❤️❤️
Feb 06Reply

@erikafabirey you are very welcome! I started in Dec 2016 and the support from other posher is awesome. I asked questions and people helped me so much. I truly enjoy paying it forward because I know that it helped me a great deal. Feel free to ask me questions I am here for you. 😊😊😊😊💕💕💕💕☺☺☺☺
Feb 07Reply

What a little sweetie! Hi, my name is Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! If there's ever anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to ask😊
Feb 07Reply

@donnastreasures thanks so much for being so welcoming!! I am so excited to be joining this platform!! I don't know what took me so long!! Any tips or advice?
Feb 07Reply

@erikafabirey You've done a beautiful job on typist classic set. Great pictures. Share your items whenever you have a chance. I know with a little one it's not easy to do. Follow people when you have a few minutes and share some of their items. I'm always around if there's anything I can do
Feb 07Reply

Your baby is so precious 😍such a little cutie 💕
Feb 07Reply

Hi!Welcome to Poshmark😊
It's nice to meet you Erika! My name's Alissa&i've been here 2 years.
🌼Hope you're enjoying PM so far!
LMK if you need anything! Tag me @ali101love or leave a comment at my closet. I'm happy to help you share new items, answer any questions, show some of my favorite closets or introduce you to friends who've been wonderful help to me here.
There's many friendly people here willing to help, i highly recommend taking up those offers--PM is more fun with friends💕
Feb 07Reply

Hi Erika! Welcome to Poshmark and thanks for following me!! Very nice to meet you!🎀 I'm Jesh. Hope you are having fun Poshing! 😊 SHARING and FOLLOWING are keys to success. The more you share yours and other closets, the more exposure your closet gets and more opportunities for sales. 🎁 When you get a chance, please do visit my closet for some amazing deals. I do consider all reasonable individual or bundle offers. 😊💕 Let me know if you have any questions. Happy Poshing!
Feb 07Reply

@kedelman thanks soo much ❤️
Feb 07Reply

@ali101love thanks soo much for all the support I will most definitely take you up on those offers. I am having soo much fun building up my followers and sharing. ❤️❤️
Feb 07Reply

@ashjesh thanks so much for all the great advice!! This platform is amazing!! It's filled
Feb 07Reply

@erikafabirey You're welcome! 😊 Yes it definitely is fun and addicting! 😁 Just keep sharing and following as much as you can. And feel free to reach out to me with any questions. 💕 Also do check out my closet. 😉😃
Feb 07Reply

@erikafabirey Good! 😀 I'm glad you're having fun with it! Your closet is looking wonderful so far, by the way.
Feb 07Reply

Welcome to Poshmark and thanks for following my closet 😊💕💕
Feb 13Reply

@enocharden thanks so much :) 💕😍
Feb 13Reply

Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Feb 17Reply

@hmsimon1 your creations absolutely beautiful! I will be sharing my favorite a with me posh followers ❤️
Feb 17Reply

@erikafabirey thank you for all the shares you have a fabulous closet 😘
Feb 17Reply

@diannaelena thank yo so much much for all the shares!! Your stuff is amazing :) I could not stop sharing LOL :)
Feb 17Reply

@erikafabirey thank you so is yours😘
Feb 17Reply

Thanks for sharing!!!
Mar 06Reply

@choclitcity104 no problem always happy to share some posh love <3
Mar 06Reply

@donnastreasures Hey Donna.. I have a question for you. So after a month of selling on Poshmark and only getting 5 stars, I got a 4 star today :( . The item I sent was in perfect condition and she didn't leave a note as to why. Should I reach out? What would you do? I am a little hurt although I know this would happen eventually. Any advise is appreciated.
Mar 13Reply

@erikafabirey I completely understand. It's hard not to be hurt when you've done everything right. You will run into buyers like that occasionally. The most important thing to remember is no one sees any ratings except for five stars. You can see every reading that you're given. When I look at your readings all I see are five stars. I know it's easier to say don't let it bother you then it is to do but I wouldn't even reach out to them.
Mar 13Reply

@donnastreasures Thanks so much! I feel so much better! I am going to continue to poshing and doing my thing LoL!! Thanks soo much!! Your awesome <3
Mar 13Reply

Aw. Thank you for sharing from my Closet! You have a cute family. 💕💕
Mar 17Reply

@everydayemelie thanks doll💕❤️ spreading the posh
Mar 17Reply

@everydayemelie I love spreading posh ❤️ hope you have an awesome weekend!! Full of sales🛍💕❤️🎊🎉😍😎
Mar 17Reply

beautiful family💋💋💋
Mar 21Reply

@moorehair2 thanks girlie 💕❤️😘
Mar 21Reply

You have the cutest little girl and furry baby! 😊
Mar 24Reply

@mollys3 thanks Molly!! 😘 btw your closet is super cute!! Happy Friday 🙌🏻
Mar 24Reply

Thanks.. so it yours!!! 🙂
Mar 24Reply

Thanks for sharing my boots that were selected as a host pick. I'll be sharing your closet.
Mar 27Reply

@watergirl2oqq your welcome I hope they sell soon ❤️💕🤗👌🎉😍🎊
Mar 27Reply

@cruisedog 😍💕❤️morning sunshine ☀️
Mar 27Reply

thanks for sharing my listing 😊
Mar 28Reply

@tyswardrobe NO problem :) I Love Sharing, Hope for a speedy Sale Girl!! :)
Mar 28Reply

@erikafabirey aww thanks and to you as well ❤
Mar 28Reply

Hi Erika. Thank you for choosing to share my creations and I invite you to follow my work 🌹
Apr 05Reply

@hmsimon1 Already beat you to it lol!! My pleasure your stuff is worth sharing :)
Apr 05Reply

Oh thank you so much for all the shares...i certainly need the help new to posh...your family is lovely...and the baby so adorable, thanks again, blessings
Apr 05Reply

@babycake2000 My pleasure!! Thank you soo much :) I am pretty new to poshmark aswell but have learned alot in the last 2 months.. If you have any questions please let me know :) I can try to answer your questions the best I can :) Happy Poshing xoxo
Apr 05Reply

Apr 07Reply

Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Apr 07Reply

@jassieboo92 thanks girlie!! I am already hooked lol ❤️💕
Apr 07Reply

Thanks so much for following and sharing from my closet, yours is great! I shared some of my faves with hopes of a quick sale for you.
Apr 13Reply

Ummm omg, OBSESSED with your closet!! Couldn't stop scrolling and sharing lol!! Awesome items you've got, lady! 💚🎉 xo much Posh love
May 24Reply

@erinbickley aww thanks girlie❤️😉🙌🏻you just made my night 😍your closet is awesome aswell. Thanks for showing my some posh love ❤️ xoxo 😘
May 24Reply

Hi Erika. Thanks for all the wonderful shares. Welcome to Poshmark. I think we joined around the same time. Here's to a lot of fun and best of luck. Cheers!
May 24Reply

@jtmae Aww thank girlie <3 I am a posh addicted lol!! Thank you for best wishes!! xoxo
May 24Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my closet. You have a BEAUTIFUL closet. 😍
May 26Reply

@tiffycharlotte thanks you for sharing mine!!Your closet is super cute and chic!! Love your styling :) hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend!! xoxo
May 26Reply

You have a beautiful family. 💕
Jun 01Reply

@aarikabc aww 😊thank you!! ❤️❤️
Jun 01Reply

@erikafabirey Washingtonian transplant here! Miss that fabulous zoo 😀
Jun 04Reply

Thank you for the shares and the follow! I love your closet!
Jul 13Reply

@rkasinski aww thank you :) Love yours aswell!! xoxo happy poshing :)
Jul 14Reply

Just wanted to say I love love LOVE the baby picture with the pit bull (aka Nanny Dog!!!) 💖🐶
Aug 06Reply

@goose_egg aww thanks ❤️😍😍 happy Monday xoxo
Aug 07Reply

Hi!! 🤗thank you for all of the shares! You ROCK! 💕
Sep 23Reply

@arasevera Hey there :) Your welcome!! Hope you have a weekend full of sales $$$ <3 Thank you for all you shares aswell :)
Sep 23Reply

Great closet!
Sep 29Reply

@janajanajana thank you ❤️❤️🔆 yours is super cute too!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend full of sales :)
Sep 29Reply

@erikafabirey Hi Erica, thanks for the shares - BTW all pits are loving and gentle in a loving home! 🌸🌸Traci🌸🌸
Oct 17Reply

@tac66 hey girl ❤️❤️thank you for showing my closet live❤️ yes I agree!! Hope you have wonderful day full of sales !! Happy poshing 🌺
Oct 17Reply

Hi! Thanks for your extra shares. Great closet. Happy Friday and Happy Poshing! :)
Oct 27Reply

@luv2026 Anytime girlie <3 Aww thanks!! Hope you have an awesome weekend!!! XOXO
Oct 27Reply

I received the wrong package today. I ordered a XS vineyard vines gray shep pullover & got some free people pants.
Nov 08Reply

@0425katie oh my goodness 😫 I am soo sorry!! Thanks for letting me know. I i know you have already contacted Poshmark. I ll contact them and also the posher that ordered the free people cords. Again am so sorry!! I can’t believe this actually happened. I think I jinxed myself by being so proud of myself of not mistaking packages before. I’ll keep you posted. Again am so sorry 😢
Nov 08Reply

@erikafabirey You’re fine! We’re all human and we make mistakes. It is absolutely no problem at all. I still enjoyed the sweet card tho :) thank you again!
Nov 08Reply

Hi Erika! You have a gorgeous closet! Thank you so very much for visiting and sharing mine 💖😊
Dec 01Reply

@bluenectarine Awww Thanks girlie! Your closet is awesome!!! Hope you have a wonderful poshing weekend XOXOXO
Dec 01Reply

I love you & your posh love! Lets get together soon, yeah? ♥️💋
Feb 15Reply

@chubbard24 Yes lets get together :) so glad your loving Poshmark. It looks like you have it down but feel free to reach out to me with any questions! <3 XOXO Cheers to a day full of sales <3
Feb 17Reply

@erikafabirey I do have a question!
Everyone is sending me offers on items that I have liked without “bundling” my likes. How do I do that?!? I’m seeing those items get sold faster..
Feb 17Reply

@chubbard24 it looks like it’s a new feature it’s not available to everyone yet. I don’t have it yet. Apparently hey are rolling it out in waves. But once you get the feature you should have an offer button on the front of the listing and you can send out a discounted price to anyone who has liked your listing. I follow a bunch of resellers on instagram and everyone is talking about how much they love the feature. Am super jealous I don’t have it yet :)
Feb 17Reply

@erikafabirey omg! I am jealous too! I well I can’t wait to get it whenever that will be!! Thank you so much for your help! I was looking all through the settings for it! Give Lady V a hug for me please!! ♥️☺️
Feb 17Reply

@lovinlife3 aww than you so much for your sweet words!! ❤️ also thanks for the shared!! If these any thing you need just let me know always happy to help a fellow posher 😊 god bless 🤗
Mar 28Reply

Beautiful closet !!! 😍😍😍😍😍
Apr 27Reply

@ebvalentino thank you so much for the compliment ❤️❤️and thank you so much for your purchase 🤗😘☺️ cheers to the weekend❤️TGIF lol 🤣
Apr 27Reply

I purchased jeans and am still awaiting shipment. I didn’t see the private sale you had offered me. Is there a way to get them at the price you offered $49 + 4.99 shipping?
Sep 27Reply

@twanag97 good call 🤗sure :) am gonna cancel the sale and se send the offer.
Sep 27Reply

@twanag97 Hey there gilrie :) I just send out the offer, I am dropping them off in a few :) Enjoy
Sep 27Reply

@twanag97 Hey there were you able to see the offer I sent? If not, you might have to add them to a bundle for me to do the offer :)
Sep 27Reply

Hi Erika!!🌷 Thank you so much for the shares. I greatly appreciate it🌷🎉
Oct 20Reply

Thank you so much for the sharing 😊 🌹
Oct 20Reply

@theredpianist Hi Good Morning girlie :) Just spreading the love!! Cheers to a wonderful weekend.
Oct 20Reply

@kfaye2018 Anytime girlie <3 Aww thanks!! Hope you have an awesome weekend!!! XOXO
Oct 20Reply

Erika, I’m so excited about my new flats! Thanks so much! I’m a teacher and need a good pair of comfy shoes.
Nov 27Reply

@layala7621 Hey Lisa ❤️ I hope you love them. They are truly timeless vintage shoes that will never go out of style.. sorry for the delay is shipping. I dropped them off earlier today and the shipping tracking information should update shortly. 😍
Nov 27Reply

Hi Erika. Please check out my closet. Hope you find something you like. ☺
Mar 29Reply

Aug 09Reply

Hey!! So glad we connected through Poshmark. I hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow! Happy poshing ❤️❤️❤️
Items stating at 5️⃣.00
Holiday shopping made easy 🎁
Dec 04Reply

@smallroomstudio thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Dec 27Reply

@erikafabirey Did you had a good Christmas
Hard to believe New Years is approaching sending vibes for a positive bright and sunny day
Dec 27Reply

very interested in your bundle. Could you hold it for me until next Wednesday? I will have my money and I will definitely buy your offer ☺
Mar 05Reply

Hi, are you having a hard time sourcing online? I’m narrowing down my closet’s style so clearing out over 130 items that don’t fit my new style. I want to give other resellers a chance to source them at thrift store prices.
All items in my closet marked with 📦 are either 3/$9 or 5/$15, both reduced shipping, or 10/$40 with free shipping (bundles can not exceed 10lbs). All 3 deals work out to ~$4/item!
Stay safe and happy Poshing!
Apr 20Reply

Hello dear Violet, let's support one another and help share each other's items to help our small businesses! Sending Posh love and shares your way, wishing you all the best and many sales, stay safe and strong! 💖🙏
Jun 17Reply

@agirlfromparis You got it girl! I just share you beautiful listings.
Jun 17Reply

Thanks so much, I appreciate it! 💖🙏
Jun 17Reply

Hi, is your closet open for business? Ty🌺
Sep 08Reply

@winstonhernande hi there :) yes my closet is open ❤️
Sep 08Reply

@erikafabirey Great! Please reply to my questions about my bundle. Ty🌺
Sep 08Reply

Hello fellow Posher;
just wanted to stop by say hello,
hope you’re having fun shopping & selling,
stop by my closet & if you see something you like!
like it! for a fabulous discount
always clean sanitize shipping
Stay positive, test negative
Oct 24Reply

hello erika, you seem to be a nice person with a GREAT closet & lots of experience on Poshmark. I'm just learning & have a problem. I don't know how to accept an offer. when I got an offer on an item all I got was a prompt to counter. and never heard back from her. well I just dropped that item with a shipping discount (do I pay the difference?) as well to anyone who "liked" them. so if anyone wants to buy them, how do I accept? either offers or stated price?
Oct 25Reply

I needed to add that I'm already losing money due to the item I'm discounting with the discount on shipping being boots so even the standard Poshmark shipping probably wouldn't hav ed covered it and I would have to cover that.
I don't want to mess up my first sale 1st because I can't find an "accept" prompt and 2nd I don't want to mess up shipping. I wrote to you since you seemed very together and approachable. sorry to bother you with my neophyte nerves and questions. thanx. Jennifer M. (Jen🔮)
Oct 25Reply

@jennpounce hey there! Sorry I was camping with limited internet service. We’re you able to accept the offer?
Oct 25Reply

I haven't gotten any from my latest discounted offer to everyone who "liked" the items. but I'm hoping someone will just hit "buy now" and I will be able to figure it out from there. I'm loading more later today. maybe that will get things rolling. 😉 thanx for replying.
Oct 25Reply

@jennpounce yup no problem :) the more items you have the more chance you have of selling items. It’s truly a numbers game. Also make sure you share you items as many times as possible. Good luck on selling your items! 🙌🏻
Oct 25Reply

Hi there! I just received the banana republic jeans they were listed as a 28 and they’re actually a 26 they’re listed in three different photos I posted as a 28
I realize that you probably meant the inseam and that’s not how it came up on the cart. Contacted the support team but wanted to let you know if you had a 28 or 29 I’ll be glad to swap with you
Jan 15Reply

@jllb21 hi there! So sorry for the mix up. poshmark has approved the case 👏 unfortunately I don’t own these in a different size. I apologize again :(. Have a wonderful weekend 🥰
Jan 16Reply

Thanks for the bride & groom signs ♥️. I ship fast from a smoke and pet free home. Reasonable offers considered.
May 13Reply

Eva is precious! Hugs and cuddles to her. We are pet-friendly, too.
Jun 29Reply

Hi Erika…Thanks so much for sharing my listings! So many shares!! I love it! Thanks for visiting my closet! I DO take reasonable offers! Check out my closet for more treasures and deals in the future! I am a 5 star ⭐️ seller!♥️
Jul 01Reply

Hi friend! Thank you for follow, like or share my closet. Hope you are enjoy Poshmark. Good luck and many blessings!😉
Oct 14Reply

@mmimmalove Hey there :) you have a lovely day <3
Oct 14Reply

thanks for the shares and sharing your beautiful family pictures with us great success to you
Oct 20Reply

@saphfire2144 Thank you <3 Wishing you great success aswell <3
Oct 21Reply

Hi Erika! Thank you for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Nov 03Reply

Dear @erikafabirey , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Nov 04Reply

Hello, I see you like SPANX fashion leggings. I have a variety of styles (ie QUILT) and sizes NWT at a discount, up to $40 off. Stock is limited so please reach out if interested. Happy Poshing 🌟
Dec 09Reply

🌺 hi! I’m kind of new to poshmark! I sell all new, with tags, very affordable MAJE sand SANDRO clothes. Please
Check my closet
Feb 12Reply

@erikafabirey Hi, Erika! Can you please cancel my order (the Zara top)? It won’t deliver in time for my event. I wanted to contact you before you ship it! Thank you! Erin
Mar 06Reply

@erinlesica hi there Erin :) am not sure why it hasn’t scanned but It was picked up yesterday afternoon by my mailman. It should be on its way to you. If you don’t get it in time you could open a case when you get it in order to return it. Unfortunately I can’t cancel the sale because the item is no longer is my possession. I am so sorry for the inconvenience.
Mar 06Reply

@erikafabirey hello how are you doing check out my closet see something you like send me a offer all offers are accepted
Sep 07Reply

💘10 items for $25 SALE💘hi my name is alyssa.❤️i’m a posh ambassador & I just wanted to let you know I have a HUGE sale going on. you can like/bundle 10 items for only $25 so 💘10/$25💘!
- 95% of my closet has this deal
- I ship within 1 day of your purchase
- I have an average of 5 star rating
- I have sizes XS to large.
- you just need to like/ bundle the items you want and i’ll make the offer!
Oct 30Reply

@erikafabirey Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Dec 28Reply

Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items 👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞and many sales!
Jun 10Reply

Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Jun 11Reply

Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily Rose😊🌹and Welcome to Poshmark🎊🎉I’m doing a closet clear out sale which means……………………… I’ll be accepting any and all reasonable offers even on bundles! So what are you waiting for? Send some now for a deal you won’t forget!
Jun 16Reply

Hi Erika, thanks for following our catalog - check it out, theres something for everyone. Cheers from The Boyfriend’s Closet!
Jul 05Reply

BUNDLE 2 OR MORE ITEMS 👠👜🥻👗👒FROM MY CLOSET AND RECEIVE A SPECIAL DISCOUNT 💰. PLUS YOU GET TO CHOOSE 👀 A FREE GIFT 🎁👍 FROM LISTINGS IN MY CLOSET MARKED "FREE GIFT WITH PURCHASE" 💋💋😁 I will make you an EXCELLENT DEAL if you make a Bundle!! if you have any Special Requests LET ME KNOW.. Color, style, garment, accessories, sizes....I have a ton of things I haven't listed yet.
Jul 06Reply

Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with you! 🌺 MelissaL
Nov 06Reply

Hi Erika, thank you for following my closet! I'll share some goodies from yours, take a look at mine... Happy Poshin'
Nov 08Reply

Good morning. Please cancel my counter offer. I appreciate your understanding. Thank you.
Feb 19Reply

@angielhurst hi! Good morning :) thanks for reaching out. I just cancelled the counter. Have a great day ☀️
Feb 19Reply

Thank you for understanding! I appreciate you!
Feb 19Reply
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