Meet your Posher, Esther
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Hi! I'm Esther. Some of my favorite brands are MAC Cosmetics and Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

20 others
like this

Hey did u still want to buy any makeup and brushes, sorry for the late response. I just had a baby so I've me extremely busy.
May 31Reply

Hi congrats on your bundle of joy..yes i do wants to buy them.
May 31Reply

Hi Dear, yes that would great. I love them all unfortunately i cannot buy all your items..but you have some beautiful stuff. I would appreciate it if you do. Thanks in advance.
Jun 03Reply

Hi, it looks like they tried to deliver your package yesterday but there was no secure location.
Jun 04Reply

Really that strange cause i have received several packaged at the address listed...Did they returned the package to you?
Jun 04Reply

@esouverain no they haven't. The tracking just shows no secure location.
Jun 04Reply

@esouverain that's weird. It says pending acceptance now. I was about to take a picture of the tracking information and it says pending acceptance.
Jun 04Reply

Ok great i will check my mother in laws house tomorrow cause thats where all my packaged are delivered.
Jun 04Reply

@esouverain that's ok. As long as you get it my mind is at ease.
Jun 04Reply

I will let you know this evening thank you for checking.
Jun 04Reply

I got my package yesteryesterday thanks again. Love my items
Jun 06Reply

Hello Esther. I just counter offered your offer for $40 on bundle. I wanted to let ya know I'd have accepted $40 only reason I countered is it will cost me alot more for shipping so I figured the extra $10 will help w that. As when I go to print the shipping tag I'll have to upgrade the shipping I'm assuming it'll be over 20 lbs. It's alot of clothes (: I hope u accept as I'd be happy for one person to receive all of the clothes together ( :
Jun 13Reply

Also I'll Include some extras.
Jun 13Reply

Hi Nikki..yes i just saw your message. OK no problem i i will accept your offer. a little suggestion..maybe you can split the clothes in two regular different boxes. hopefully the post office might accept them. so the shipping cost can be lower. thank you in advance for the extra clothes.
Jun 13Reply

@esouverain I will definitely have to put it in two boxes for sure(: I will begin packaging right now. I'll be shipping tmrw morning around 9:00am. Thanks so much. You will be pleased I hope. There's lots of great items!!! Also I'll include some extras(:. I just want to be sure that you're sure about the one boys listing that states play clothes some are a bit flawed but nothing major. Only that 1 listing tho
Jun 13Reply

I absolutely understand Nikki..thank you so much..i knew i got a great deals..wish you had little stuff as well..overalls can't wait to get them.
Jun 13Reply

Hi Esther. Love that name. I just offered on your bundle. I am having a yard sale Tomorrow and most men's/kids items are hanging and ready to go. Just wanted to let you know in case! ☺️I'm trying to move stuff before a vacation.🌴🌺🍍😉
Jun 16Reply

Hi Javanna..thanks. you have a lovely as well..thanks for letting me know about the yard sale and the discount. enjoy your Vacation and have fun.
Jun 16Reply

Hi! I'm sorry to bug you! I had an offer on men's shorts, I wanted to give you first chance as I would of course rather do bundle, lol, but will accept offer if you are not interested! No pressure either way! Thanks so much. ☺️🌺
Jun 16Reply

@esouverain oops just saw this message! Thanks so much. 😊
Jun 16Reply

Hello I had a bundle deal from you and someone else and accidentally countered yours at$ 40 .. I will happily take $37 if you want to counter it again .. I will send today if you do ..
Jun 17Reply

TY for shopping my closet! Its packed and ready to go! I will b at PO when it opens...hope you enjoy all ur items and come back to shop again...I list new items weekly.
Jun 17Reply

Hi Esther. Thanks so much for you offer! I countered at 86 just to pay for the higher shipping. I think with this bundle we will go over the 5 lbs so I'll have an extra shipping charge. I hope that seems fair. 😊
Jun 17Reply

@esouverain please feel free to counter. ☺️ I can ship your items Monday. 😊
Jun 18Reply

@esouverain thanks for your bundle purchase! I'll get this shipped tomorrow!
Jun 18Reply

Hi there,!! Just checking in w you. Seeing how many pkgs u have received so far. U have four total coming. FYI. Hoping all has arrived well as of so far(: talk soon and hope u are happy w whatever has arrived . ... Just rate after your fourth arrives(: have a great week!!
Jun 20Reply

Hello!!Sorry for my late replied..Wow you are wonderful..thank you so packages usually deliver to my mother in law..i will check today then let you know. Thanks again😘
Jun 20Reply

Hi there..wanted to let you know i received all my packages. Thanks a million for including some extra items that really touch my heart. You are wonderful. I will send my rating girl cause you deserve more than 5 stars..thanks again..have a wonderful day.😘
Jun 22Reply

Hello. Wondering if you have by chance received all ur bundle packages from me yet? Let me know!! Hope everything arrived well and youre happy w everything(: have a great weekend!!
Jun 24Reply

Hi Nikki..yes i received all my packages thank you..i also thank you for the gifts. I see the children helped you packed as well..i see cute little on some of the boxes. Thanks again.
Jun 24Reply

Hi again!! So Glad u loved everything!! Yay!! Youre very welcome!! Im glad u loved the stickers too. I like to put special touches on pkgs sometimes. Thanks again and feel free to stop anytime to my closet even just to say hi!!
Jun 26Reply

I'm so glad that you enjoyed your purchase. It has been a pleasure working with you. Feel free to visit again.
Jun 27Reply

You welcome my dear. I will definitely. Im a size 10 and i like midi or long dresses.
Jun 27Reply

If you have more i will be glad to purchase
Jun 27Reply

Hi dear. Did u see the listing i tagged u in yet? It was only teo pair i had in the size boys shoe u were needing. If theres anything on the likes u have that u rather have i will gladly change any one listing of your choice to $3 since its the minimum i can charge on here. And that way i can send the fogotten jeans along with your purchase,!! U let me know what ud like to do(:
Jun 27Reply

Hi Esther! I've sent you a private offer for the items you wanted. Please review and let me know if that will work or provide a counteroffer
Jun 28Reply

Hey there..sorry for my late response..thank you for taking into account my demands..i understand what you what yoy said.
Jun 28Reply

@esouverain hi, I am packing your order and remembered that the black top sold to a friend that I styled. I am so sorry. I wanted to know if you want to cancel or you can pick a replacement item from my closet. I just posted a black jumpsuit you may like. Again you will not be disappointed when you get your extra goodies from my first mistake. I am usually much more sorry!!let me know if you want a replacement item!
Jun 29Reply

Hey there..that's ok i understand..i picked up some items place them in a can either be the bebop purple dress or the white top with denim skirt and can chooss which ever one you want to send me..thank you 4 letting me know. 👍
Jun 29Reply

Hi dear I have somewhat of bad news. You're not GNA think I'm so great now. I literally spent two solid days going through every corner of store room and in every bin possible etc ..what happened I think was someone added the dress u purchased to a bundle before u and she then told me she changed her mind so I took it out and low n behold u purchased it the next day so I'm thinking it got put back in her boxes somehow. I have already notified her.
Jun 29Reply

She is shipping it back as soon as she receives it. Also if u want I'll let u pick anything from my closet up to $40 please do.!!! And she said look at her too and if there's something u want I'm ha purchase it for u. I am so sorry. Why oh why are two mistakes made w one women? I promise u I am not like this. This is a rarity if u look at my reviews it's never happened. And now two times w u. I feel so so so emberrased Nd sorry u have no idea
Jun 29Reply

Everything else is already packaged nicely n real to go since two night ago. Plus extra something's but that doesn't make up for a second blunder. Goodness I'm so sorry I mean it from the depths of my soul I'm sorry n so emberrased u must think I'm incompetent
Jun 29Reply

@anmllvr is her closet she is a sweet girl I've known her and dealt with her on here more times than anyone probably has dealt w the same person. Her and I have been doing business together for well over a year or year n half even at least 10 transactions each. We much hold some kind of record. Lol so I know she is going to ship it back to me Immediately. Or if u choose something from her I'll pay for an item then maybe somehow can be shipped w that directly to u? We will figure it out
Jun 29Reply

Hey Nikki how are you? Well i have no choice but to wait. But don't worry ur self.
Jun 30Reply

Hi I noticed you took interest in some BareMinerals makeup, please let me know if your still interested. So sorry for the late response, I just had a baby and haven't been on here in a while.
Jun 30Reply

Great news your package was delivered! Thank you once agin for placing your orders. Please let me know if you love everything and hope you visit my closet again 💕
Jun 30Reply

Hi Natalie loves all my items..meant my Son's items.will definitely check your closet again. Thanks
Jul 01Reply

@esouverain I'm glad you love all the items! You're very welcome for the extra gift. Hope he like it. I just posted new items this week plus I have a sale this wknd so if you like anything let me know. Thanks again for shipping
Jul 01Reply

Esther, hello!! Good news I got the dress!! I'm shipping in a few hours from now. I'm so relieved I have it and it'll be on its way. Please don't think this is normal to my way of business. This just happened to be a streak of unfortunate events u could say. I hope I made up for it and u love ur pkgs!!! Happy Fourth!!!!
Jul 03Reply

Hi Nikki you are amazing i was wondering why i didn't hear from you for a few days. Things happened i didnt take any offense by it cause you showed me that you are a woman of your words. Thanks
Jul 03Reply

Hey did you receive everything okay?
Jul 07Reply

Hello there!! Has everything arrived yet? I'm hoping?! Was everything okay and we're u satisfied w it all? If so please let me know and if u wouldn't mind rating also if not let me know what I can do to fix it if there's an issue(: thanks dear have a great weekend!!!
Jul 08Reply

Thank you so much for the kind words ❤️. I hope you'll shop with us again, have a great day.
Jul 12Reply

You are so welcome. Check back I have some fall and winter items that I will post soon. Again thank you for your purchase.
Jul 15Reply

Hello, Welcome to our closet. . We are "The Indiana Hillbillys"
Jul 15Reply

Just stopping by to say "Hello"! 💗 I hope you are enjoying Poshmark! 👛 Please fell free to visit my closet! I offer a bundle discount! 💕 If I can answer any questions about buying or selling, let me know! 🎀 Have a happy day! Kelly 💗💕
Jul 21Reply

ⓦⓔⓛⓒⓞⓜⓔ to posh!!! You're going to love it here! I sell your favorite brands in my closet and offer 50% off bundles of 5+ items if you want to check me out! Have fun and ℋᎯℙℙᎽ ℙᎾЅℋℐℕᎶ!
Jul 22Reply

Hi Esther! I've shared with you some items that you may love for your son. I've looked in my closet abc the only kid sandals I have are the flip flops I've posted. Let me know if you like any of the items. I'm always willing to negotiate and do offer bundle deals. Enjoy your day 💕
Jul 31Reply

Welcome. Come on by my closet and check out the wide variety of styles and sizes
Aug 03Reply

Hi Esther! I've noticed you liked two new items are you interested in them. If you are please bundle and I will send you a great offer.
Aug 11Reply

Hi yes i liked a few but a bit too pricey for me. The other shirts i brought froe 2/3 from you too small.
Aug 16Reply

Hi there! I noticed you liked several items in my closet. My items are all buy one get one... I'm just looking to clear things out and recycle some great pieces not get rich 🤣 feel free to bundle them together and make an offer that is half of the actual total. I'll accept!
Aug 20Reply

Hi ..ok problem. I will check all i need then make a bundle. Thanks
Aug 21Reply

Packaged up and shipping out in the morning with a little extra treat 😍
Aug 21Reply

That's very sweet of you..thank you so much.
Aug 22Reply

@esouverain The dress you inquired about a few days ago is up for sale again if you're still interested! 😁
Aug 23Reply

@esouverain hi there! When you get a moment can you accept the first package. Thanks girlie!
Aug 26Reply

Thanks for the great review!! Package two should. E there soon!
Aug 26Reply

Hi Esther! I've seen you liked a few items in my closets please feel free to give me an offer - love to give my clothes a good home!
Aug 27Reply

Hi Maria..yes i will definitely make an offer. Thanks
Aug 28Reply

@mjbp💕💕💕💕welcome to Poshmark 💕💕💕hope ur selling or buying is having a great time and good experience 💕💕💕welcome to window shop at my closet were I have new fashion for plus size and reg fashion at affordable prices 💕💕💕💕happy poshing 💕💕💕💕💕@mjbp
Sep 13Reply

Hello! There was an issue with the shipping! I'm shipping now and you should have the dress and top Tuesday. Sorry! Due to the hurricane down here the post office accidentally marked it as shipped and I couldn't figure out how to get a. New label. Posh sent me one and I'm on my way to ship. Sorry!!! Thank you ❤️
Sep 16Reply

esouverain glad you let me know what's going on about the package. I will wait until Tuesday. Thanks
Sep 16Reply

Hi! I'm sorry I had to cancel the order for the 2 dresses. I just moved and cannot find the stripes one for the life of me. But I do have the emerald green one if you'd still like .. If you do make an offer..
Sep 17Reply

I can do the emerald green dress for $18 if you'd like.. it's beautiful. Fits very well.. very flattering ..
Sep 17Reply

Did you still want the green dress? I don't have the other one, I apologize.. if you do please tell me so I can fix the setting and let you purchase
Sep 21Reply

Hi..sorry for my late response yes you can repost it again. Thanks
Sep 25Reply

Will you repost your offer for the emerald green dress..I'll be sending out sales early tomorrow.
Sep 28Reply

Sure no problem
Sep 29Reply

@esouverain Hello! ❤️ I saw your order arrived but has not been accepted. Hope u love everything and the extras too!! Thanks again!! 😘❤️
Oct 06Reply

Hi..yes i got them this morning cause my mailed are delivered at my In laws house. I loved all my jewelries including the extra gift. Loved it. Thanks again i will definitely check your closet again. I see all yout items are solf pretty quick. Thanks again😘😘
Oct 07Reply

Hi there! I added several shirts to my closet you may be interested. I'd be happy to do some more bundles like last time if you see anything you like!
Oct 09Reply

Hi, Im only here to buy but if you're in the mood to shop I recommend my friends closet @spreadlove !
Oct 20Reply

Hey there thank you for the recommendation.
Oct 30Reply

@esouverain the dress is $70.00 it is a tailor made item. I cannot go any lower. Sorry. It cost me a lot of $ and is barely worn.
Nov 13Reply

Hi!! Thanks for the buy. Shipping out tomorrow along with a few surprises 😘
Nov 21Reply

Hello there..that's soo sweet of you thank you so much lovey.😘
Nov 21Reply

Hey Esther! Just wanted to let you know I carry a lot of White House Black Market, Michael Kors, Free People and many other designer brands in my closet, all new with tags and at 60%-80% off retail price. Let me know if you see anything you like! And today only, for Cyber Monday, 25% off of Bundles!! Have an amazing day! 😀 Meg
Nov 27Reply

@mar112233 Urgent, I no longer have the soundgirl dress or the papell dress, i must of misplaced it or something, but i do not have these too items, do you want me to proceed with the order maam I am so sorry, i was having a great day up until now....please get back to me asap
Nov 29Reply

@misslee303 I didn't order anything from you, I think you must of accidentally contacted the wrong person, although I am glad to know I'm not the only person who misplaces items 😉 Have a wonderful day 💕
Nov 29Reply

Urgent, I no longer have the soundgirl dress or the papell dress, i must of misplaced it or something, but i do not have these too items, do you want me to proceed with the order maam I am so sorry, i was having a great day up until now....please get back to me asap
Nov 29Reply

I can replace those too items with too of your choice please let me know asap i accidently messaged mar11223 and so I am updated my message now!
Nov 29Reply

@mar112233 oops i meant to leave a comment with ES I do apologize and you have a blessed day too miss.
Nov 29Reply

Urgent, I no longer have the soundgirl dress or the papell dress, i must of misplaced it or something, but i do not have these too items, do you want me to proceed with the order maam I am so sorry, i was having a great day up until now....please get back to me asap
Nov 29Reply

I can replace those too items with too of your choice please let me know asap i accidently messaged mar11223 and so I am updated my message now!
Nov 29Reply

Hi im soo sorry for getting back to you now. I didn't check my Posk message. Im A bit disappointed but i willl let me check and see what i can pick to replace those dresses.
Nov 30Reply

Ok i picked 3 items. The dress is $10.blouse is 7.and pants $5. I would all three is you dont mind to replace the lost items. Thank you
Nov 30Reply

Hello miss Lee i haven't heard anything from you yet..wondering if you saw the items that i chose to replace the others that were misplaced.
Dec 02Reply

@esouverain I got all the items packed and ready to ship out. Thank you for your purchases!
Dec 05Reply

There was a slight delay in shipping your other items, they are on the way soon, poshmark gave me a one-time courtesy shipping label. The issue was i tried to ship multiple items with the same shipping label.
Dec 09Reply

Welcome!! Hope you're enjoying this community ☺️ I'm clearing out for an out-of-state move and all my items need new homes! Let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to shopping with you!!
Dec 13Reply

Thank you so much for the kind words it really means a lot when somebody enjoys their items. Thank you
Dec 22Reply

You very welcome. I will definitely check your closet in the near future. Thanks again. 😘
Dec 22Reply

Hello sorry cant find the Esatise ferfume so canceling the sale if you want you can buy it agin all
Dec 30Reply

Hi! I just realized you accepted my offer on the Bath & Body Works bundle! The reason I haven't shipped is because I am out of town. I can ship it on Friday. Would you still like me to ship this? :)
Jan 09Reply

Hi there! Just checking in: everything arrive ok?
Jan 10Reply

Hello there..I have to check my Mother in law' s house. that's were all my mails are delivered. will let you know. thanks for checking.
Jan 10Reply

@classyemily yes I still wants the items.
Jan 11Reply

Ester this is Madel I am so sorry I was waiting for posh to show me how to do a bundle on my end. I was not ignoring you. I appreciate your interest and I’m hoping you purchase cause you will be thrilled lol. Thank you and. Happy poshing. 💕🌹🌷🥀
Jan 13Reply

@madelrv Hello Madel I should be the one apologizing for taking to long to answer. Thank you for the bundle discount but I would like to add more items to the bundle if you don't mind. I have to decline and bundle again.yes I know those dresses are beautiful. 😊😊😊
Jan 13Reply

No problem I just priced the bundle for you. You have great taste my dear lol. Happy poshing 🌹
Jan 13Reply

@madelrv thank you very much. Enjoy your morning😙
Jan 13Reply

It’s super cold and snow on the ground but I will get it out tomorrow. Great congratulations my dear and thank you. 💕
Jan 13Reply

@rnb123 Hi..yes I received my items . Thank you for the extra gift that was of you.
Jan 13Reply

@madelrv wow i can imagine..We had a few crazy days last week in New was below zero. It warmed up to 40 degrees but will get cold again tonight. Which State are you living.?
Jan 13Reply

I appreciate your sacrifices to mail them out..but if that's not possible no worries you can always do it Tuesday.
Jan 13Reply

@esouverain omaha Nebraska we had a snow storm come in yesterday. It’s so cold. Tomorrow is my day to make snow Angela’s with my grandkids I hope I can get up lol. I’m disabled lol 🌹
Jan 13Reply

Jan 13Reply

@madelrv Wow that crazy. Be careful and bundle up with lots of clothes so you so you won't get sick. Don't stay to long outside. Make sure you drink tea to warm you up after. It's 2: 52am here I'm going back to sleep cause my 3 yrs old woke me up.
Jan 13Reply

My pleasure. Enjoy!
Jan 14Reply

@esouverain Really I’m so sorry, did he outgrow it? Did you try selling them in Poshmark? I’ve decreased pricing on a lot of items please take a look again and let me know which ones you like. We can bundle them for the best price.
Jan 14Reply

Hi Esther this is Madel I sincerely apologize for your order not being shipped until tomorrow the weather has been brutal. I am and I’m not sure if I let you know I am physically disabled and it’s hard for me to get around and today was a holiday. I promise they will go out tomorrow ok. 💕🌹🌺
Jan 16Reply

@esouverain your a sweetheart.
Jan 16Reply

Hello sweet lady. I wish I could see a picture of you. Thank you for your patience. Your order has been shipped and there is something extra in there for you hope you like. 💕🌹🥀🌺
Jan 16Reply

Hello dear i found that perfume day that i lost last month so wanted to let you know 🤘😊
Jan 17Reply

@madelrv Hello my Dear i am a very patient person. as they said the best comes to those who wait. Yes you had mentioned your physical disability. I wish you could as well. Awww thank you in advance. you are sweetheart as well. stay warm.
Jan 18Reply

@beea46 sorry i already purchased other ones. but thanks for letting me know. i can always check back your closet in the near future.
Jan 18Reply

@esouverain o no prob dear but just wanted to let you know first ❤
Jan 18Reply

And you can buy just one to
Jan 18Reply

I t has been shipped yay on Tuesday hope you get it by tomorrow. Thank you. Have a wonderful day. Posh love. 🌻🌹🌷🥀💕
Jan 18Reply

@esouverain Did you receive your package
Jan 19Reply

Feb 12Reply

Hi! You had just purchased a bundle from me. Anyway I wanted to let you know I'll be making it back to the post office today. I had to bring it back to print a heavier shipping label since it was over the 5lb that poshmark provides. Sorry for the day delay. 😊
Feb 16Reply

@biancabass600 Hi there sorry I didn't see your message. I received so many messages didn't see your in the process. Yes I received my items a while ago. I dont remenber if I commented. I will check .so sorry once again.
Feb 17Reply

@msumpter1181 Hello there so sorry I'm just checking my messages. It's no probelm5. Thanks for letting me know.
Feb 17Reply

Thank you for stopping by. Posh love 💕🌹🌻🧚♀️
Mar 12Reply

Mar 13Reply

@madelrv anytime my friend. I see you have some new things. Very nice. Will keep in touch.
Mar 13Reply

mama you recently purchased some items from my closet. I deeply apologize fir my mistake the little boy outfit is actually size 6 and one of the khaki pants the ice with elastic is size 3t im so sorry I can cancel the order and you can purchase what you lime and sized adequately or kist cancel the order and receive a full refund and once again I apologize for the inconvenience.
Mar 16Reply

Wow Im a bit disappointed but it's ok I understand things happened sometimes. Ok then you can
cancel the purchase. Thanks for letting me know.
Mar 17Reply

Hey can I re-bundle the items?
Mar 17Reply

Hey I hope that your package got to you ok! I hope you love everything! Thank you for your business!💕🎉
Mar 22Reply

Mar 25Reply

Mar 25Reply

Just wanted to follow up and make sure you received the package! Hope the little one it's going to likes them and takes great pictures!
Mar 27Reply

Hello there. I will you know this evening. I have to picked up my mailed by my Mother in law. Thanks for checking.
Mar 27Reply

Hi hun! Thanks for ur purchase! I will be shipping tomorrow! Enjoy ur weekend!😘😘😘 Stacy
Apr 21Reply

Hi Stacy.. You very welcome thank you for letting me know Dear. Same to you Enjoy your weekend as well. 😚
Apr 21Reply

Hello. Thank you for the purchase of the Zara blouse and purse. Unfortunately, the bag is missing. Just moved recently and everything was packed up. Didn’t realize the purse was not where it used to be. I really apologize! Please let me know if you still want the blouse and I will give you a good price. Thank you for understanding!
Apr 22Reply

Hello there you quite welcome. Thank you
Apr 23Reply

Hi 🌺 thanks for visiting my closet 💕 I hope you found something you liked. Bundle items for a special discount or make an offer to any item 😊 enjoy your day 💕
May 01Reply

Thank you for your like on the boys shoes. I just added new items thatyou may also be interested in. Offering great bundle discount!⚽🏈🏉
May 01Reply

@esouverain agape love Jah loves us.
May 02Reply

Yes indeed my friend. Have a good night. Thank you for my items. I loved them all
May 07Reply

May 10Reply

Esther, Hi! I'm so glad you liked your purchase. I hope you'll visit my closet again. 🌹🦋💖😊
Jun 07Reply

Jun 07Reply

Hello this is Madel I just would like to let you know my prices have dropped to 50-80 % I will be bringing new items in. I just wanted to invite you to my closet who knows a girl never has enough clothes lol. Posh love ❤️
Jun 13Reply

Hello there, my name is Kathy :) If you are looking to shop ☆ Check out my closet, I accept offers and bundles. I hope to hear from you soon. God bless you always ♡
Jun 17Reply

Thank you so much for such an amazing review!! I appreciate it!!! Please feel free to shop anything with great private discounts in the future 🌷🌷🌷💯💯👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
Jun 28Reply

Hi! It’s me! Jen at JK Designs wishing all of my recent customers a SAFE & HAPPY 4th of July!
🎇🎆 🎉 🎇🇺🇸🎉🎉🎆🌠🌭🍦🌽🍉 🎉💥 🎇 🌻 🎆 💫👙 🎆
Thank you for your support and interest in my little jewelry shop! 😘
Jul 04Reply

Hi! I accepted your offer on the bundle but I can’t ship until Wednesday morning. I’m out of town, I hope that’s alright.
Jul 14Reply

Hi hun. Can you please accept your purchase? Thank you so much in advance 🌷🌷🌷🌷
Jul 17Reply

Thank you so much for such kind words!!!! I appreciate your feedback so much!!!!! God bless 🌷🌷🌷🌷
Jul 19Reply

Hello, please take a look at my closet. You might find something that you like
Sep 01Reply

Hi Esther, and thank you for purchasing the bundle from my closet! It will ship tomorrow morning but first I wanted to let you know that I spilled lotion on one of the tote bags (the red Lancôme bag) and it’s pretty much ruined so of course I did not include it. I did add two never used Lancôme makeup bags—hope that Is okay with you. Have a great day and thank you again!
Sep 03Reply

Hi love, your dress shipped today. I am so sorry it took quite longer than normal for me to ship it out my daughter has been under the weather. Shipped your dress out with a free gift for the wait!! Enjoy it ❤️🙏
Sep 08Reply

Is it okay if I send the shoes without the box. The box I have to send them is perfect for sending them without the box. But if you want them with the box I won’t be able to send them any of these days soon since I was gonna drop it tmw at the post office before work but since they don’t fit with the box I’ll have to get a new one and I work the next two days. Let me know so I know what to do.
Oct 23Reply

Have you received the package ?
Oct 31Reply

Hey. not yet. I will let you know as soon as I get it.
Oct 31Reply

@esouverain I think you’ll have to contact your post office cause it says awaiting delivery scan. And it’s been like that for a while maybe the returned ig to the post office
Nov 01Reply

Thank you for the review and I'm so happy you like the shoes!
Nov 08Reply

Hi lovely!❤️ I would love for you to stop by my closet 🎉 If you have any questions feel free to ask me💕
Nov 09Reply

Hi, it’s nice to meet you!❤️ Happy Holidays!🎄⛄️
Nov 25Reply

Sharing some Posh love, happy poshing babe! 💋
Nov 29Reply

Jan 09Reply

Hi there! I have tons of modest options in my closet and I’d love if you would check it out! Thanks! Happy Poshing 💛
Jan 18Reply

Hi Esther. You purchased 3 items from me in a bundle today..Worthington blouse, Gap jeans, and skirt. I just wanted to mention that the skirt is missing the "eye" with the hook (I didn't notice before), but it zips securely to the top and doesn't need the hook.
Feb 14Reply

It's not a problem..but thank you for letting me know.
Feb 24Reply

Hi Esther! Thank you so much for your purchase 😊. I just dropped your cute kimono off at the post office so fingers crossed it’ll ship tomorrow 🤞. Have a lovely rest of your day! 💕
Mar 05Reply

@esouverain Hi !!! Great news!!! I just received a new shipping label! Tomorrow I’m shipping the elastic band/brooch!!! Thank you for your patience,greatly appreciate it!
Mar 26Reply

Thank you I received them a week ago. I truly appreciate it.
Apr 11Reply

Apr 29Reply

Hi. I’m Yani. My poshmark closet is @believeinhope. I invite you to visit my closet when you have time. Have a peaceful week. 👍😀🍄🌹🍄🌹🍄🌹🍄🌹🍄🌹🍄🌹🍄🌹🍄🌹🍄🌹🍄🍁🌷🍁🌷🍁🌷🍄🌷🍄🌷🍁🌷🍁🌹🍄💐🍂💐🍂💐🍂💐🍁🌷🍁🌷🍁💐🍂🍀🌸🍀🌸🌸🍀🌸🍀🌸🍀🌸🍀🌸🍀
Apr 30Reply

Hello! I would love for you to check out my closet 🎁 bundle for discounts and free gifts🎁always adding new items💫blessings and abundance 💫
May 02Reply

Thank you for your purchase. My priority is always shipping in 1 day so your items will be headed your way by tomorrow morning. :-)
Jun 04Reply

you welcome.. i thank you also.
Jun 04Reply

Welcome happy poshing, 😃
Jun 04Reply

Bundle those shoes and make me an offer, let me send you all of them! 😃
Jun 04Reply

yes i already accepted the bundle thanks
Jun 04Reply

Everything is packed will ship tomorrow, thank you!
Jun 04Reply

Hello ! 💕💕
I hope you are having a wonderful day! Feel free to check my closet & if you find an item that you love but you don’t like the price, please make me an offer, all offers are welcome 😍👍🏻
Happy Poshing 🛍💗
Jul 04Reply

Thank you for the wonderful comment and review. Glad you will enjoy the new items!
Jul 13Reply

You are quite welcome. thank you as well.
Jul 16Reply

Hi Esther! Welcome to poshmark. I carry handmade earrings made by myself and handpicked accessories that are unique. Please check my closet when you get a chance. Have a great evening 💝🥰🥰
Jul 23Reply

Hi Esther! I would like to invite you to check out my closet. I have some cute skirts from LOFT, EXPRESS, WHBM, and more at GREAT PRICES.Feel free to send me an offer if anything catches your eye or you can ‘like’ some items and I will send you a sweet deal :) .. Let me know if you have any questions. Have a lovely evening.. ~ Patti ***FOLLOW ME ON FB & INSTA (mygirlbosslife)
Aug 02Reply

Hello🤗 Happy Poshing!! Everything in my closet must go😊 If you see something you like you can always send me an offer💐 and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask❤️ thank you🌹
Aug 25Reply

Hi 👋 Sending Posh 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜your way . Feel free to checkout my Closet when you have a Minute . Happy to answer questions on Sizing , Texture etc. Not Happy with the listing Price ? Don’t be Shy ☺️, Use the Offer button . I will either Accept or Counter offer . So do Stop by 😊. Thanks and Happy Poshing 🛒👗👠👔👖👙🧢👟🧚♀️
Sep 18Reply

Thank you so much for your five star and kind comments. And I'm so happy your please put the items
Sep 27Reply

You welcome Dear i tried all of loves the wy they fits. Thanks again
Sep 27Reply

Happy Poshing May your journey here be a success May God bless you
Feel free to stop by my closet at anytime I have beautiful heels and clothing🌻🌻❤❤❤🌻
Oct 23Reply

Hey I’m having a huge closet clear out! I’m open to all offers so give it a try - you might be surprised! I’m also giving out great bundle discounts and free shipping so you’re invited to check out the rest of my closet to see if you’d like anything else 💕 Happy Poshing & Happy Holidays love 💝
Dec 04Reply

Hello & Happy New Year! I am just dropping by to introduce my closet. I am having a sale - this week only everything is just $7. If you have a moment I would love it if you stopped by. I hope you have a great start to your week!
Jan 06Reply

hello there..sure would love to check your closet. thank you enjoy your week as well.
Jan 06Reply

Esther, thank you for your purchase! I will have it in the mail by today. Stop by my closet anytime I list new pieces regularly. Be safe and healthy. Isabel🙋🏼♀️🙋🏼♀️🛍🛍👗👗💕💕
May 21Reply

Esther, thank you for your rating and kind note! I hope that you enjoy the clothes that you purchased from my closet. Stop by my closet anytime I add new goodies regularly. Stay safe and healthy. 🙋🏼♀️🙋🏼♀️🙋🏼♀️💕💕💕🛍🛍👗👗Isabel
Jun 01Reply

Hi there
You very welcome.
I will try my best..same to you as well stay healthy and safe.😘
Jun 01Reply

Esther, I got your message for me to send you another offer, I just sent it to you. Thanks for shopping my closet, Peggy
Oct 29Reply

I checked Peggy but I didn't see a new offer.
Oct 29Reply

Hello! Thanks SO much for your purchase of the Onyx Gown. It’s beautiful! I will not be able to ship this out until Tuesday Nov 24. I’m sorry for the delay!
Nov 23Reply

Hi again! I meant the bundle of boots/top/dress! Not the Gown. Just woke up! Haha. Anyway, thanks again and I will surely send you all your items on Tuesday. 💛
Nov 23Reply

Thank you so much for the 5 ⭐️!! I’ve been tracking that package and so happy you finally got it! 😊
Dec 25Reply

You welcome.. I'm glad I got it also 🤗
Dec 25Reply

hi i’m having a huge sale! everything is under $10 + discounted shipping! and all bundles are 50% off. i need everything gone!
Apr 22Reply

Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Moschino, Lululemon, Free People, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Xoxo, B.
Jul 11Reply

Hello! Please check my Artisan Treasures Closed 🙏 Amazing deal for the great quality items! 3 for $25. PERFECT GIFTS! Thank you for looking 🌿 Albina
Oct 26Reply

Hello Esther! I was wondering if you could check out my shop. I sell clothing, makeup, personal care, books, and more. Brands include Free People, Zara, Victoria’s Secret, J Crew, Covergirl, NYX, etc. I am also open to offers! Thank you and have a lovely day
May 22Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Oct 28Reply
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