Meet your Posher, Eva
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Hi! I'm Eva. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, Coach, and MAC Cosmetics. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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Welcome to Poshmark! I hope that you like the community as much as I do. If you have questions or need help let me know! The best advice I can give you is the more you follow and share the more likely you are to make sales! Happy poshing! Please check out my closet! 💞🛍
Apr 26Reply

Hi, I'm Michelle! Hope you love Posh as much as I do! if you run into any questions as you use the app, feel free to reach out with an @goodcents!
Apr 26Reply

@flica Welcome to poshmark!🎉Hi!🙋 I'm Christina, a suggested user here.😀If you have any questions or need any advice I'm here for you!💕Happy poshing!!❤️
Apr 26Reply

$75 is the lowest I'll take on my MK
May 24Reply

@lovely_lely i love Tha purse but l have to go to deposit Mony On my acount to make Tha offer because l dont have Tha oll amount in my acount
May 24Reply

@flica Si me puede hacer una oferta de $75 mañana le reservó la bolsa
May 24Reply

@lovely_lely si la quiero pero no tengo el dinero suficiente para aserte la oferta nesesito depositar mañana por la mañana es lo menos que pides por la bolsa
May 24Reply

@lovely_lely que tamaño es
May 24Reply

@flica Si, lo menos que puedo es $75.
May 24Reply

@flica Es el tamaño pequeño de 12 1/2 x 9
May 24Reply

Hi beautiful can I just buy mk black Greyson bag only 50$? Or u can sell in merc app for me 50$?
Jul 27Reply

Did u see my message ? If yes can u list bag only ? Thanks hun🙏🙏🙏
Jul 27Reply

Are you willing take 40$ for bag only? In merc app only 10% fees. Let me know thanks
Jul 27Reply

@sxminixl AM sorry but l pay l Lot many for Tha bag to sale for 40
Jul 27Reply

What lowest bag only? Can u sell merc app low deal? I'm interest thanks
Jul 27Reply

Also you find strap? Thanks
Jul 27Reply

@sxminixl tha lowes is 90 for Tha bag yes l fine one strap Match to Tha bag
Jul 27Reply

Ok thanks but I only have 50$? Is ok
Jul 27Reply

Welcome to Posh!! Please visit my closet for exciting women's and men's styles.😊
Oct 13Reply

Halló same one Know about @faviola 831 because AM buy same staff from her but She's block me whit no reason l don't Know why She's cancel my order now l don't Know how get in touch whit her si same khow about ver please Let me Know Thanks
Nov 20Reply

Lady's if you intersting in same in my Let me Know before Friday because AM going out of town for month AM asepting offers Thanks if you intersting in samething l sent by saturday Thanks
Nov 23Reply

@flica hello Eva, did the sale of Apple Watch went through? I am interested in the Apple Watch!
May 04Reply

@kirsten0622 hallo am the person I have the Apple Watch l whant to let you know l make mistake in the information about the whatch it’s not Series 2 it’s Series 1 if you intersting please let me know
May 07Reply

@flica no thank you
May 07Reply

Hey Eva, I got the watch but it’s locked to an iCloud account. Can you call me or text? I sent a screenshot of the account it’s locked to. Please help.
May 08Reply

@jcvelarde0613 tha phone it’s not locked I check my an my son before l meet up
May 08Reply

Hi. I asked you a question about top with lace on sleeves but never heard back. Is it still available?
Jun 28Reply

@vickisueellison hallo yes still available
Jun 28Reply

I was wondering if there is any way o can get thr boots by Thursday. I am planning on wearing them with a costume to work Friday . If I need to pay extra for rush shipping i will just let me know, please. I really appreciate it.
Oct 22Reply

@mssun74 hallo yes l sent them today Monday
Oct 22Reply

You have a wonderful great selection in your closet. I will for sure be shopping. Happy Poshing 💕
Sep 01Reply

@twolfe74 thanks very much
Sep 03Reply

Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉🤗
Mar 10Reply
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