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Updated May 17
Updated May 17

Meet your Posher, Evy

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Evy!
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dgerbasi I see you liked 3 items if you buy the bodysuit and shorts , I will throw the other shorts for free.
Mar 17Reply
loveteamo @dgerbasi Thank you so much, but unfortunately I am not interested in the bodysuit or other shorts.
Mar 17Reply
dgerbasi @jasmil87oh sorry it was 2 tops
Mar 17Reply
dgerbasi @jasmil87 if you want the 2 tops I will throw the shorts in for free
Mar 17Reply
glitzzznglamour Hi! You bundled 5 items. I gave you an additional discount, along with a shipping discount. I got an offer on 2 of the items on another site.. If you’re not interested, I’ll sell to the other buyer.
Apr 23Reply
loveteamo @glitzzznglamour oh ok. Thank you for letting me know. Sell them on the other site, because I am still not sure about buying. Thank you again.
Apr 23Reply
pambal1 You can always make me an offer if you want.🤔
Apr 27Reply
shelster0304 Thank you for the stars!! Hope you enjoy your items.
May 01Reply
tjsolecki Hi, just so you’re aware, one of the pieces you ordered in a bundle (red lace shirt from rue 21) is unavailable. For some reason I couldn’t find it and I apologize. The brown shirt will be a few days later than the rest also as it is coming from another location. Feel free to pick anything else from my closet for a discount!
May 05Reply
loveteamo @tjsolecki oh no! I actually bundled because of that red lace shirt.
May 05Reply
loveteamo @tjsolecki unfortunately I really do not want anything else in your closet.
May 05Reply
loveteamo @tjsolecki I actually made the bundle because of the red shirt.
May 05Reply
tjsolecki @jasmil87 Oh, I’m sorry. I can double check to see if I have it again later today and let you know but I haven’t seen it. I’ll let you know ASAP
May 06Reply
loveteamo @tjsolecki ok thank you so much❤ I hope you do have it.
May 06Reply
loveteamo @tjsolecki hey...did you ever find the red shirt?
May 08Reply
loveteamo @tjsolecki i am sorry hun, but I really need to know as soon as possible today.
May 08Reply
tjsolecki @jasmil87 Hey, so I sadly wasn’t able to find it anywhere. I’m really sorry. Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to trade or anything
May 09Reply
loveteamo @tjsolecki hey...I am actually still somewhat new to Poshmark. I have never traded before. I am not selling merchandise yet. What is the update on the brown shirt too? Is that still on it's way?
May 09Reply
loveteamo @tjsolecki hey I still getting the brown shirt? I have not heard from you.
May 10Reply
belove247 @jasmil87 hi💕 I noticed you bundled the same 3 items twice.. and declined the same $7 bundle price twice. It's only 1 free gift with purchase in the event you missed that. Please feel free to return when you're serious about purchasing ... thanks! New items coming soon :) Have a wonderful day 💕
May 17Reply
feral21 @jasmil87 good morning. I see you declined my offer of $13 off the bundle. Were you interested in making your own offer? That way I can see where you want to be and where I need to be. We may be closer than you know. Let me know!
May 18Reply
ginalee33 If you wanna wait and see what else i add tonite, please do! Lots of bargains. Anything in particular you are looking for?
May 24Reply
ginalee33 I'm packing your box 4 the morning & there's a issue, the corset you must have sat for too long because it has small dots that look like rust where the metal boning is in front. I will still send it but if there is anything else in my closet that you had your eyes on let me know & it's yours. I never took it out til tonite & then i seen it. I think its from the humidity & it got the metal moist and stained it. like I said if there's anything else in my closet you like tell me and it's yours
May 28Reply
loveteamo @ginalee33 hey sweetie...thank you so much for letting me know. Unfortunately everything that I like is much more expensive. The cheapest thing I like is the "White house black market peplum top nwot sz 10". Will that be a problem though since it's not the 5/30?
May 28Reply
ginalee33 @jasmil87 not a problem at all , I dont care about the price, I just feel so bad about it. I already sent your package but ill send the other one tmrw for you. Thank you for understanding
May 28Reply
ohheyjeannette Thank you for the 4 stars, which is 1 Star short of a perfect rating. What could have been better?
Jun 01Reply
loveteamo @ginalee33 hey hun...I never received a second package from you.
Jun 08Reply
ginalee33 @jasmil87 I've had some problems with packages lately and my post office. Please give it til Tuesday and if you still dont have it let me know.
Jun 09Reply
loveteamo @ginalee33 ok thank you so much hun 😁❤
Jun 09Reply
ginalee33 @jasmil87 thank you for being patient. I had 2 packages picked up Last week that were never scanned so im pretty mad
Jun 09Reply
loveteamo @ginalee33 Good morning...I hate being the bearer of bad news, but I still did not receive the 2nd package. I hope this news does not ruin your day. Have a great one.
Jun 13Reply
ginalee33 @jasmil87 ugh, I am never having packages picked up again. I am going to the post office this afternoon. I will be back in touch after unless I'm in jail lol
Jun 13Reply
loveteamo @ginalee33 I hope I dont hear your name in the news for hurting a post office employee. Lol
Jun 13Reply
ginalee33 @jasmil87 lol you might!
Jun 14Reply
laur27 Hi! How much do you want to spend for the flats bundle ?
Jun 20Reply
mbjgreen Hi! Noticed that you declined the half price for the large bundle. Please feel free to make an offer! I’ll be happy to consider - would love to sell you a complete lot of items! Thanks for considering!
Jun 26Reply
laur27 @jasmil87 hey! I can do 23 for the shoe bundle 😀
Jun 27Reply
laur27 Everything is packed up and I have you an extra pair 😀
Jun 27Reply
fromustoyou Hi! Just reminding you that you can make an offer on your bundle if you’d like! (:
Jun 29Reply
tjojo681 I typically send a thank you note and a thank you gift with all packages, but with that many tops, we were already a pound over the 5 lb limit and I needed to pay an extra 3.99 for your shipping label. So you got a better bargain than you realize. 👍🏼👍🏼
Jul 01Reply
closetdweller Hello, did you still want the bundle? I've got another interested in the blue dress from it. Lmk as soon as you can. Thank you :)
Jul 02Reply
tthkw3 I will take more off your bundle if you are still interested.
Jul 02Reply
dmarz1201 Hi, I see you declined the offer on a bundle, (which is already additionally discounted pricing.) If you make an offer for what you want to spend on the two items then I’ll be able to tell you what I’m willing to sell for.
Jul 03Reply
absolutelykate Hey there Evelyn - On target quote! ~ Above all, HAVE FUN 'round the carousing 🌞summer browsing o' PoshTowne. ▪︎ I  only promise you *never a dull moment*.  ⚛  Best to your zest and journey of success . . . Kate✒ absolutely
Jul 05Reply
loveteamo @feral21 hi...I am trying to purchase something but cannot
Jul 08Reply
loveteamo @ginalee33 hey hun, so I never received the black peplum shirt from you. Did you resend it?
Jul 08Reply
loveteamo @feral21 Hey...I am still trying to purchase my bundle and it keeps saying I cannot purchase from you.
Jul 13Reply
lizajane74 Thank you for liking the jeans😊 please send me an offer or bundle with another item for 15% off and further discount. Thank you..😊
Jul 17Reply
krsmith75 I am out of town til next Tuesday. I can except ur offer but it will next Tuesday before i ship
Jul 19Reply
loveteamo @krsmith75 hey...that should be fine. Thank you for letting me know.
Jul 19Reply
loridim6868 I just realized I didn't pack the Victoria Secret bra sorry about that I will ship it on Monday morning will send you he tracing number
Jul 21Reply
loridim6868 Tracking # 9500 1143 1203 9203 3128 05
Jul 22Reply
loveteamo @loridim6868 thank you so much hun. I really appreciate it.
Jul 22Reply
mixedcandy Thank you so much for your order and great rating. So glad you you liked everything! 🙂🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
Jul 23Reply
dorita02g Hello! The green shorts are sold. Can I trade it for something else for you? Shipping today :)
Aug 03Reply
dorita02g Or I’m happy to ship with a free top :)
Aug 03Reply
loveteamo @dorita02g unfortunately I cannot find anything that will fit me that is $4
Aug 03Reply
loveteamo @dorita02g do you think the $4 champagne large skirt will fit me. I am normally an XL
Aug 03Reply
dorita02g @jasmil87 do you want the $7 flowy gray top with the cross in the back? It’s super cute with shorts
Aug 03Reply
loveteamo @dorita02g sure I will take that. Thank you hun.
Aug 04Reply
redred58 @jasmil87 Hi there I just.sent you an offer on a bundle you created. I gave you 25 off and 499 shipping lmk 5
Aug 05Reply
loveteamo @patsymobley good morning, what do you mean I love people jumping for me?
Aug 24Reply
tropicalisland1 tropicalisland1 Hi Evelyn. You placed an order with me on yesterday. I cancelled the order because after inspection of the items, i found that the shoes were damaged, and i never sell damaged items. If you still want to purchase the remaining pieces, i can put them on hold for you. Please get back to me ASAP if you're still interested. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sep 12Reply
loveteamo @tropicalisland1 thank you so much for letting me know. The main thing I wanted were the shoes so I think I am going to pass on the rest. Thank you again for being so honest
Sep 13Reply
tropicalisland1 @jasmil87 You're welcome. Sorry i couldn't assist you in any other way. I hope you find what you're looking for. Every woman needs a little sunshine in their life when it comes to shoes and clothes.😊Enjoy your weekend.🌷
Sep 13Reply
southnjthrift Thanks for visiting my closet and bundling. Sent you an offer with an $11 discount. God bless, Debbee M.🌹
Sep 14Reply
cheraol If you are still interested in the bundle you created yesterday, let me know and I will change my offer from $40 to $28. Thank you for looking! :)
Sep 15Reply
marie436 You seem to make many bundles and want to low ball, I hope you find things in your price range from someone else's closet!!!
Sep 18Reply
loveteamo @marie436 I am sorry you feel that I low balled you. I worked in retail my whole life and just know how much the clothing is really worth. Mostly I am looking for nice clothing as gifts for teenagers from parents of low income for a nonprofit I work with. That is why I bundle a lot and hope for good discounts. Not that I really have to explain myself to you, but please...your message was not necessary. Please refrain from writing unless you plan on helping. Thank you.
Sep 18Reply
i2ndtheplanet Jasmine hi i wanted to tell you i have been on a constant work thing and im afraid ive let my poshmark lip a bit and i apologize . if you would like i will happily accept your 17.00 offer on your ymi and mossimo bundle . you just have to re bundle okty for shopping my closet and i know you will be satisfied w your purchase sincerely karen kowalski
Sep 24Reply
mauratreat @jasmil87 hi I’m just confused why u declined if u made the bundle... u can counter offer
Sep 24Reply
loveteamo @i2ndtheplanet thank you again
Sep 24Reply
loveteamo @mauraguilmette hi hun...I did not need the items anymore. Thank you so much though. I will still keep a look out on your closet. I am always looking for teenage or women clothes. Thank you again
Sep 24Reply
mshillary62 I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused you, I’m sorry the collar was overlooked, had I known, it wasn’t suitable, I would have taken it out of my closet. I washed all the items before shipping, clearly I missed that insight, I asked Poshmark to allow you to send it back, and deduct a $4 refund, from the bundle price, or how ever they see fit to resolve the situation . Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience I have caused .
Sep 30Reply
loveteamo @mshillary62 Thank you so much hun. The rest of the order is awesome though. Sadly it is just that one shirt, but thank you so much for being so accommodating.
Sep 30Reply
sameerah786 Hey thank you 🙏🏽 for your purchase. I’ll ship tomorrow morning!
Sep 30Reply
merrymayrose Hey lady! Thanks for your order recently! Sadly, I accidentally hit the free shipping button which only gives me an earning of .26 cents for the shoes and pants! I completely see this as my fault and if you want the items I will send them, but I wanted to ask if you could decline the offer so I could send a legit one. Thanks for your time!
Oct 16Reply
loveteamo @merrymayrose hey...sure. no worries.
Oct 16Reply
loveteamo @merrymayrose hey hun...the app said that I actually cannot cancel until october 23. I think you can cancel on your end right now.
Oct 16Reply
merrymayrose @jasmil87 huh, I’ll go ahead and look into it. Thank you for understanding! ❤️☺️
Oct 16Reply
deborah_day Hi good morning!!! Please make me an offer on the items you selected last night I will do my best to get them to you
Nov 04Reply
nmn4444 Thank you for visiting my closet 😊Bundle your likes and I will send you an offer with discounted shipping 🛍 Happy Shopping 🛒
Nov 09Reply
lepfan1 Hi Evelyn. I'm so sorry for the delay in accepting your offer. My senior moments are coming faster and I didn't see it till just now. I will mail your items out first thing tomorrow! Thank you for shopping my closet!
Nov 14Reply
jadenahallac Looks like you have a lot of bundle experience. If interested, let me know. It’s a lot of stuff for an extremely cheap price. Mahalo
Nov 24Reply
loveteamo @jadenahallac Hi...yes I do. Unfortunately people usually do not respond to me when I make bundles.
Nov 24Reply
september311 Hi there! Thanks for all your ❤️s. I am offering 40% off my already low prices on all bundles.
Nov 26Reply
kaylaandmango Hey! I appreciate you making a bundle! I’d love to agree on a price if you’d like to purchase those items!
Nov 30Reply
ilovemydogs99 Hey I noticed that you liked a few items I can bundled everything for 13. Thanks for looking!
Dec 21Reply
sndyn Hi Evy ! r Regarding the bundle you have chosen 8 $10. items and my special is buy three items for $10 or less for $18 that means each item is $6 so if you buy one more item all would each be $6 each. sndyn 😊
Jan 04Reply
sndyn Hi Evy !Just so I understand properly you did not purchase the Mossimo black jumper . Am I correct? sndyn😊
Jan 05Reply
loveteamo @sndyn hey hun...I do not think there was a Mossimo black jumper in my order. Let me double check.
Jan 06Reply
loveteamo @sndyn nothing from Mossimo
Jan 06Reply
khoke74 @jasmil87 I made you a bunker me know when your all done 💕I’ll send offer 💐😊
Jan 06Reply
belove247 @jasmil87 hi💕 please read the message in your bundle :)
Jan 11Reply
artzstuf I enjoyed your quote. Sorry but body shaper was donated. i had 250 items in my shop and i rent! ha ha. i design custom made tees. Did one of Marilyn. If interested, I could sketch something and paint on gently used mint as in great shape tee in your size. let me know. Thanks.
Jan 29Reply
loveteamo @artzstuf aw bummer. Thank you anyway.
Jan 29Reply
artzstuf feel free to look through my shop. maybe will see sometging else like. ttys.
Jan 29Reply
lindahall55 Hi Evelyn. I notice you have had me bid bundles twos days in a row. Am I overbidding you’re bundles? I’ve only been doing this for a month so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Linda Hall
Feb 05Reply
loveteamo @lindahall55 hi Linda...I am sorry but I only received one bid and it was for the same price it was formerly without being a bundle. I guess I didnt see the other bid? Can you resend it to me. This past week has been really crazy for me at work.
Feb 06Reply
lindahall55 @jasmil87 good morning. It won’t let me resend the same offer, so could you please put the items you want in a bundle again for me? I will make you a great deal! I am grateful! Linda
Feb 06Reply
lindahall55 Hi Evelyn. Check your bid. Does this work for you?
Feb 06Reply
bmrbarrack Hi Evelyn! ✨ I see you declined my discounted offer w/ discounted shipping on your bundle for the flats and the romper. If you’d like to make me an offer I’d be happy to consider it! Both items are still available. Have a great weekend! 💞
Feb 08Reply
artzstuf have a black vintage lacey body shaper in a size 40 C. Snaps at bottom. see through. in my shop.
Feb 19Reply
ladykrc @jasmil87 Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Mar 09Reply
greatfinds111 Welcome to Poshmark 😊💖
Mar 15Reply
nvrgrowold Hello sweetie I packed up your bundle yesterday do you still want them would be sent out tomorrow morning Brite and early if still interested in them. Happy poshing
Mar 22Reply
imarriedadream Good Afternoon! Just wanted to make sure that the item you liked is the one you want as your replacement and could you email me your shipping address to
Mar 23Reply
loveteamo @imarriedadream thank you so much. Instead of you losing out money to send me something, I accepted the $5 from Poshmark. Thank you so much though 😷😁
Mar 24Reply
mirwin123 hi thanks for the like on the VS tote, if you like anything else in my closet Id be happy to make you a BUNDLE with a great deal & the purchase comes with a Free 🎁
Mar 24Reply
averylee1 Ain’t that the truth. I wrote you a letter and forgot to put it in box enjoy the extra gifts 🎁 and the cord that is attached is the antenna. I had an extra charger so I included it so so can charge it and not always need batteries. 😘😘😘😘
Apr 02Reply
averylee1 Awww you Made my day. Thank you for the feedback. You’re very welcome. Stay healthy and blessed 😘😊❤️🙏🏼
Apr 06Reply
jenniferfloyd77 hey honey .. for some reason I can't change bundle . however I dropped price on all 3 items to give u a deal
Apr 09Reply
angelicalatta Hey honey... I made shipping just $4.99 and lowered bundle price... I only be making $13 so I can’t go any lower but ready to sip soon as you order. With a free gift. ❤️
Apr 14Reply
loveteamo @angelicalatta Hey hun...I had to decline because I forgot to add another item. Can you send me the bundle price now? Thank you so much.
Apr 14Reply
angelicalatta @jasmil87 it went up a few bucks with the added item but still cheaper then paying full price
Apr 14Reply
angelicalatta @jasmil87 I ship same day with free gifts as well.. as you can see in my love notes ❤️
Apr 14Reply
angelicalatta Bundle was at $45 I then added discount shipping... the 25% came off automatically and u then took it done another couple of bucks. I’m only making $20 so I can’t go any lower. Hope you accept the offer ❤️I can make box now.
Apr 14Reply
angelicalatta Congrats babe I’ll get this to you right away!! With a few free things as well... ❤️ Happy Poshing!!
Apr 14Reply
loveteamo @angelicalatta thank you so much hun!!!
Apr 14Reply
angelicalatta Hi. Hunny. It’s waiting for you to accept the items. So they can release payment ❤️ hope everything was to your satisfaction.
Apr 17Reply
angelicalatta Hey hunny. You got one box right? I’m missing two boxes for my other order and wanna make sure a mistake wasn’t made: they contain baby items. Thank you.
Apr 17Reply
loveteamo @angelicalatta hey hun...I am still not home, but when I get home...I will check and let you know.
Apr 17Reply
angelicalatta @jasmil87 ok. You’re package says pending acceptance. But I wanted to make sure I didn’t make a mistake. Thank you 😊
Apr 17Reply
loveteamo @angelicalatta hey hun..I received one box. Thank you so much for the freebies.
Apr 17Reply
angelicalatta @jasmil87 great. Glad u like everything. ❤️ stay safe and I’ll be posting new stuff tonight. I’m moving soon so if you see something make a offer and I’ll accept most anything. Happy Poshing! Be sure to rate me... I hope I earned five stars.. and once you accept they will release the funds. Thanks again!
Apr 17Reply
mygeneralstore Hi, thanks for shopping with us. If you will bundle the two items you liked we can offer a 15% discount for you.
Apr 23Reply
dhassel8 hi, I'm messaging you concerning your order. I sold the joker tee. I was not aware of this , until now. I'm so sorry. is there another item I can substitute? in the $10.00 range. I would be happy to do so. if you wish to cancel that would be okay too. please let me know . thanks. Angie.
Apr 23Reply
pickles02 Good Morning! I sent you an offer...if you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks, Debb
Apr 24Reply
butterfly7681 Hi there! Thank you for visiting my closet. I noticed you put together a bundle and I just dropped the price on those shoe storage boxes yesterday plus you get another 10% for off for 2 or more. Purchase today and order mails out Monday! ♥️🤗
Apr 25Reply
angelicalatta Hey love ❤️ if you loved the last items you got then you’ll love the new additions to my closet! I told you I let you know when I added stuff... I added a ton of stuff and free shipping automatically to any bundle plus 25% automatically off as my seller discount but then I’m gonna take another 5% off to get the final discount to 30%. Check it out! And make offers if you don’t love the price 😘
Apr 27Reply
orangebee2 Hello I sent your shoes out yesterday morning so you should be able to track now. I hope you enjoy them , they are so beautiful. Thx again.
May 03Reply
loveteamo @orangebee2 thank you so much 😘
May 03Reply
designes Hi Evelyn, I have given you a price with all the items discounted even more and some items free. Most of these are new so this is a screaming deal. I wanted to also help you by discounting shipping. Please let me know if I can help you purchase these treasures💕
May 05Reply
susanrobjill Hi, I am packing up your order but cannot locate the blue necklace I have a similar style I can offer in its place
May 05Reply
susanrobjill It is the Betsey Johnson necklace I just posted
May 05Reply
nybella16 Hi! Thank you so much for your order from my closet. Upon packing your items for shipping I noticed that the rhinestone belt has 3 stones missing. If you like you can chose another item of equal value, in it's place or re-do your bundle excluding that item. I'll hold off until I hear from you. Sorry for the inconvenience.
May 06Reply
nybella16 I read one of your post and I admire what you're doing for low income families choose any earring or bracelet and I'll throw it in for free. 😊
May 06Reply
loveteamo @nybella16 awwww...thank you so much hun. That sucks about the belt. To be quite honest, I might want to get that belt still and try to see if I find rhinestones at Michael's or somewhere to fix it. Unless you think it is really really bad. In that case, I made a new bundle out of options for the replacement that you can choose from. I cannot choose since you have so many good things. As per the free jewlery,You please choose whichever one you don't mind getting rid of. Thank you so much again.
May 06Reply
juststeel Thanks for looking in my closet bundle up and save
May 07Reply
purplepink22770 @jasmil87 I sent you an offer Iam having such a big sale,you should bundle everything you like
May 10Reply
purplepink22770 Thank you very much I'll have your package on its way😊😊😊😊
May 11Reply
mimister Hi there I was just reaching out to let you know that I have to shut down my closet for the summer and since you’re a past customer I want to let you know that I’m offering crazy bundle deals and offers on all my items so if you’re interested please let me know I’m reaching out because u told me you had a great experience in my closet so thank you!!💖
May 13Reply
purplepink22770 Hello finally your package is going to post office today,I've been stressing over you're and two others for weeks now!!!!I am sooo glad you have been so understanding that means so very much to me!!!Today is the first day my best friend has had the time to take them,she's a nurse and has worked everyday.Thank you so much😊😊😊😊
May 18Reply
purplepink22770 @loveteamo I just cried to my husband and told him these boxes all five need to go to post office right now,I can't do it and I am stressed out completely.This is terrible that I am so weak and in pain can't hardly walk and I need help,so he's on his way to post office,thank you so very much for your patience and understanding😊😊😊😊😊
May 20Reply
purplepink22770 @loveteamo your box was just dropped off at post office,thank you😊😊😊
May 20Reply
linfisch I see that you declined my offer. I am always negotiable. Thanks for your interest in my closet!
May 25Reply
gunthermichelle Hi I’m not sure if you have seen my message regarding the Talbot pants . Let me know if you would like me to substitute with another pair that I have not yet listed . The sizes are the same . Thank you 🙏
May 25Reply
loveteamo @gunthermichelle Hey hun..sorry for replying so late. That is fine with the substitution...but I think you said they were not the right pant anyway ...right?
May 26Reply
May 26Reply
linfisch Are you at all interested in my offer?
May 26Reply
purplepink22770 Hello I see that you received your box,I hope that you like everything I didn't see it in comments.I know that you waited for a long time to receive your items and thank you very much for giving me five stars,but do you like everything?I am excited to hear😊
May 26Reply
loveteamo @linfisch hey...sorry for not responding. My app doesnt notify me when someone gives me an offer. I am checking all of my offers now.
May 26Reply
loveteamo @purplepink22770 hey hun...thank you so much. I have been so busy with work that I have not been able to give everyone a comment...but if I gave you 5 stars, that means it was wonderfully great. Thank you again. I will try and look for your name in my purchases to recall what I bought from you. This might be later before going to bed though. Thanks again... Have a great night.
May 26Reply
purplepink22770 @loveteamo thank you for messaging me back,I am so happy five stars and you are very happy yes that's WONDERFUL thank you again for your understanding and patience😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
May 27Reply
denejkivdom Hi, how are you, I hope you can find a minute to check on my closet, I have some cool items you may find interesting. Appreciate your time, thank you, Viva
Jun 02Reply
marilynjackson thank you for purchasing. I'll get this to you Monday morning. our post office is closed Saturdays. have a great weekend. stay safe and healthy
Jun 06Reply
loveteamo @marilynjackson thank you sweetie. Monday sounds great.
Jun 06Reply
sparkleon2019 Thank you for your 5-star rating! Check out my closet for more stellar bargains. Happy Poshing and thanks for shopping. Sparkle On!
Jun 08Reply
mybabyclad I removed all your bundle and blocked you for wasting my time.
Jun 16Reply
loveteamo @mybabyclad I am sorry but I think you have me confused. I dont have a bundle with you.
Jun 16Reply
marisagomez4445 Hey girl! Thanks for your purchase. I hope you enjoy your shoes! I shipped them today! Have a great day. 🤗 ❤️
Jun 30Reply
laurendukes494 I shipped the bundle yesterday but it hasn’t sent me a notification yet! Maybe it will soon but I just wanted you to know I have it shipped!
Jun 30Reply
laurendukes494 My other package has shipped because I had 2 with it but if it doesn’t send me a notification soon I will go to the post office. Sorry for any worries!
Jun 30Reply
olive1oil hi I have added some new items feel free to check them out
Jul 09Reply
diva55 Hi Question did I send you brown & white stripped top? TY
Jul 16Reply
loveteamo @diva55 I wrote you on the listed piece you sent me that is brown and cream
Jul 16Reply
diva55 @loveteamo TY 😊Did you see my last message you?If not pls look at my closet & let me know if everything I sent is not for sale..TY in advance 😊
Jul 16Reply
loveteamo @diva55 it does say not for sale 👍
Jul 16Reply
diva55 @loveteamo TY 👍🏾
Jul 18Reply
vickchick98 @loveteamo hello! Thanks for your bundle of puppy love from my closet. 💕🐾🐶. I discounted the bundle price for you. Let me know if you have any questions at all.
Oct 15Reply
ohpues Thank you for visiting my closet. I see you liked a few items. If you bundle more then three I will give you 20% discount on those three. Pleased feel free to make offers. 🌺
Nov 11Reply
barbandjerry Hi there, just wanted to stop by and THANK YOU for your likes!!
Nov 12Reply
barbandjerry Hi, I see you’ve declined my offer:( Did you have a different amount in mind? Let me know.: Thanks
Nov 14Reply
jediha95 Bundle Bundle for a great offer!!!
Nov 15Reply
timeclock59 @loveteamo Hi, if you bundle your like you will get 15% off. Thanks for the likes.
Dec 09Reply
noel93 Thanks for the purchase babe! I’ll get your package out tomorrow ❤️🥰
Jan 20Reply
loveteamo @noel93 ok perfect. Thank you so much.
Jan 20Reply
alexist11223 Hi love !!! Thank you so much for checking out my closet!! I made an offer on your bundle thanks again !!!!
Feb 03Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  Adding new stuff weekly!
Mar 06Reply
veronicacasal Hi! Thanks for visiting my closet. Let me know if you have any questions.
Mar 10Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Moschino, Dior, Lululemon, Nike, Kate Spade, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Apr 08Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet someHi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
May 05Reply
plusmodelnish Hi there thank you for checking out my closet. I hope you find some things you like.
Jul 14Reply
lmcdona14 Good evening Evelyn, thank you so much for visiting my closet and all of your likes. Just wanted to inform you that if you create a bundle of 3 item's or more you'll receive a 15% discount plus free shipping. I'll send you an additional discount on top of that. Thank's again and I hope to hear back from you soon. God Bless.🙏🏼🙏🏻🙏🏽
Aug 24Reply
poshvp Hey sorry I took a while to ship, I was super busy with work and school starting, if you want it still it’s packed and ready I can drop it off today, if not it’s okay
Aug 30Reply
rosemastellone Hi Evelyn, Best of luck on PM, buying/selling, making new contacts and having fun. Enjoy browsing closets and finding good deals. Inquiries are welcome so let me know if you have concerns. Much success with all of your transactions and happy poshing. Stay safe,🌹
Sep 09Reply
brightonlvr Hi there, I’ve just sent you an offer on your sweet bundle. I’m a super fast shipper and can have it in the mail to you today! Hugs….
Oct 02Reply
poshvp Hi back in august you purchased 2 rompers from me but I never sent them out - I just found them when cleaning all my clothes, if you’d like to buy again let me know I will be reposting them now
Nov 14Reply
loveteamo @poshvp hey...I am really sorry I was late getting back to you. I actually do not need the rompers anymore. But thank you so much ❤
Nov 20Reply
closetdecinthya Hi there! I have just sent you an offer with my most reasonable offer, it is less than your original offer, so I hope we can both agree on the price. I hope you understand that after fees taken off I really don’t make much profit with the amount you offered me. Let me know if any questions. Thank you.
Dec 15Reply
ogposhqueen @loveteamo Hello nice to meet you😊 I have a 4 for $25 deal in my closet but I've bumped it up to 6 for $25🌟 So just add 6 items with the title, "4 for $25" to your bundle and send me a $25 offer!
Dec 23Reply
tchocie2 Thank you for your offer! I have countered - the two pair of shoes are brand new with tags plus the six dinner napkins. With Poshmark taking their cut - any lower and it is not worth me selling. It would be different if the shoes were used…. Hopefully my further reduction on my original price will be acceptable to you! Happy Holidays! Toni-
Dec 28Reply
4eyesboutique I no longer have the no boundaries blouse in my closet that you made an offer on.
May 05Reply
gitmospecial Hola! I am offering BOGO (buy one get one free) for everything in my closet to all my returning customers! (Especially those who left me nice reviews ❤️) Just make a bundle and remind me you are a return customer! And again thank you for shopping my closet and leaving the review, it made my day :)
Jun 03Reply
qtpatootieluvr Hi @loveteamo thank you for liking a lot of my items. I would love for you to have them. Bundle your likes so I can send you a great offer, no obligations. Feel free to add more. I have a good deal for you already! Thank you for stopping by! Have a good night 😴
Jun 29Reply
southnjthrift Hi. Thank you for visiting my closet and bundling. I just sent you an offer. Debbee M.
Jul 06Reply
daisysfashion1 The Daisy Fuentes boots sold but if you’d still like the other items, I could do $15
Apr 04Reply

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Last Active: Mar 02

Perth Amboy, NJ
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Last Active: Mar 02

Perth Amboy, NJ
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