Meet your Posher, Eyan
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Hi! I'm Eyan. I'm from Boston and one of my favorite brands is Nike. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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Hi Eyan I got a message yesterday that you canceled the order of the Memphis Tigers hat that is in my closet. I do accept reasonable offers on most of my items in my closet. If you are still interested in this hat just let me know, I can have it shipped out today if you buy it before 3pm. Thanks again, Louis S.
Jun 22Reply

TY for your order from my closet. It has been carefully packaged, mailed & should start tracking by end of today. USPS label states 2-Day Priority. Hope you enjoy!
Jun 22Reply

Aug 14Reply

Hi! I apologize that I had to cancel the Compression Shirt order. When I was packaging it I noticed there is a small hole in the bottom and I do not want to sell you a shirt with a hole in it. I am sincerely sorry.
Aug 15Reply

Hey Eyan! U are WAY up NORTH, & I'm WAY DOWN SOUTH in Good Ol' New Orleans yet I find the cities people are very similar, right? I'm here to let u know if u buy the Jordans u liked in my closet, I'll GIVE u a pair of Nikes I'm selling in my closet. Actually, I'll do ya 1 even better. If u buy the Jordans, I'll GIVE u the Nikes & I'll throw in a choice of either a Calvin Klein Polo(worn once)or a Tommy Hilfiger Polo(worn once). I'll give u 2 items for purchasing 1. Lmk if you're interested.
Aug 23Reply

@coltjames100 go on
Aug 23Reply

@coltjames100 I get paid friday night if still there I'm buying
Aug 23Reply

@eyantexnewton Well, i look forward to hearing from ya in Friday/Payday! Thanks Eyan! Take care.... I'll ttys. Friday is right now. Oh wait... U prob meant next Friday. That was stupid... Duh! Sorry... My bad. Hope you end up getting 3 items for 1. Bah bye now
Aug 23Reply

@coltjames100 I mean tonight or 1st thing Saturday morning work overtime tonight
Aug 23Reply

@eyantexnewton keep in touch & just lmk if ya still wanna do that deal. If not, that's completely okay too. Thanks boo
Aug 24Reply

@coltjames100 yo u still want to do that deal
Aug 24Reply

@eyantexnewton Well of course! Just purchase the Jordans & I'll ship you the Jordans Sz 11, the Nikes Sz 11 & which Polo shirt did you want? They're both Sz Large in Men's. Do u have kids or a wife? I'll recommend something for any of them if you'd rather that. Just let me know what other FREE item you want from me besides the Nikes. All 3 items will be for the $14. Plus shipping cost($6.78) of course, but Poshmark gets that $. Not me. Haha
Aug 24Reply

@eyantexnewton And I only commented about you might wanting the other Free item to be for a child perhaps bc your profile pic clearly has a child in it with u. Lol... Adorable!
Aug 24Reply

@eyantexnewton Just try & lmk as soon as u can(not trying to be too pushy.. sorry) cause I need to delete the listing in my closet for the 2nd Free item you end up deciding on. Actually, I'm bout to add several new items in my closet right now, so go take a look in my closet in bout an hour and then lmk your decision & make the purchase. Sounds cool?
Aug 24Reply

@coltjames100 I got the shoes with the polo shirts just surprise me I appreciate it
Thank you again and I will visit your closet later on again tonight and see if there's anything else I would like to purchase
Aug 24Reply

Omg.... Thanks so much! You'll be pleased for all you're getting for $14! I promise ya. What I was asking u was... Would you rather the Nikes and 1 Polo shirt for the your Free items? Or 2 Polos?? If you want the Nikes shoes & 1 Polo, just tell me whether u would like the Tommy Hilfiger Polo or the Calvin Klein??? Thanks.....
Aug 24Reply

@eyantexnewton My bad Eyan! Lol.. u told me to surprise u as far as the Polo shirts were concerned. Haha.... I'll send u the Tommy! It's a tad nicer in my opinion. Cool. I'll be shipping all 3 items off Mon as soon as they open. Thanks again. I'll message you after I put all the new items in my closet later today.
Aug 24Reply

@eyantexnewton & cause I told u I'm not selling on here to make a living or anything like that & I just really enjoy giving good people things for free, message me with your child's size. I might throw in a lil something else IF I can find anything. Its not definite, but I'll look and try. I have boys & girls items. So, send the size/sizes if ya want.
Aug 24Reply

Hi thanks for liking the future varsitys, let me know if you want to make an offer :)
Aug 25Reply

Make offer on hat ready to sell!
Sep 19Reply

You bundle all those items I’ll make you a deal
Sep 19Reply

We have a deal ?
Sep 19Reply

Think the offer is more than fair
Sep 19Reply

Let me know I’ll have it shipped tomorrow morning 8 am
Sep 19Reply

Make me and offer and it’s sold
Sep 19Reply

All 3 items for 20 and it’s sold
Sep 20Reply

@thego2 yes ill get fri night
Sep 20Reply

I can have your bundle shipped out Monday morning if you still want it done
Sep 22Reply

I’ll make you a deal if you bundle all the items today, can have it shipped tomorrow as well
Sep 23Reply

Lookin to sell if you bundle all 3 I’ll give to you for cheap
Sep 24Reply

@thego2 cant get nothing else till Friday night
Sep 24Reply

@eyantexnewton aight keep posted
Sep 24Reply

@eyantexnewton Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you enjoy your experience here! If you have any questions let me know and I will be happy to help you out.
Oct 07Reply

Thank you for your purchase!! I will ship them out tomorrow since I haven’t been home this weekend. I’ll be getting home later today ): but it’ll definitely ship out tomorrow!
Oct 07Reply

I’ll get the shoes shipped out as soon as possible! Thank you! ❤️
Apr 24Reply

@katybug2000 thank you
Apr 24Reply

Hi! I’m currently having internet trouble at home, our library is closed, but I’m doing my best to get the shoes out by the end of the night, I’m sorry it’s taking a while
Apr 27Reply

I have shipped these, I’m not sure why they haven’t been scanned yet
Apr 28Reply

Eyan beautiful pictures, quotes, wishing you health happiness and prosperity. Enjoy 50% off your next purchase of $50 or more.( free shipping for $25 purchase) Expires 5/29/20.checkout the Poshmark videos on YouTube ,they are helpful in helping you to expand your business. l also wholesale purchase any items in my closet priced $19 or less for $5 ,minimum purchase of $100.Get your business started or add to your inventory for $100.
Apr 29Reply

@eyantexnewton Hey there 😄 Hope you’re enjoying Poshmark🎉 I’d love for you to check out my closet sometime! Hopefully you’ll find something you love! Stay safe and hope to work with you in the near future 🙂👍🏼
May 27Reply

Hey Eyan, I saw you liked my cleats. Are you interested in purchasing them?
Jun 20Reply

If interested in the Nike air ken Griffey’s, I’m selling on my eBay for $130
Jul 11Reply

Thanks for the 5 star rating. I hope you liked the shirts I sent. I hope you can repair the little hole and enjoy all 4!! ☺️☺️
Oct 16Reply

@eyantexnewton Hello! I saw that you liked the Nike shoes on my profile. I am happy to give them to you for $10 instead of $15. I hope you are interested in this offer! Please let me know, thanks.
Oct 27Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2600 items. Bundle and save!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Nov 27Reply

Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2800 items. Bundle few items and save more!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Mar 18Reply

Good morning, my friend! Please check out my closet. And welcome! 😄👟🎶🎵🎉
Jan 30Reply

@eyantexnewton I really appreciate the offer but I can’t go any lower than $15 on that sorry
Aug 25Reply

i’ll take 13 for the jackie jersey
Aug 31Reply

@eyantexnewton help you picked out football stuff from me. Is this for your son?
Sep 01Reply

@rubybaca532 we both play football I Play semi pro, he plays little league
Sep 01Reply

@eyantexnewton really? That’s nice which team do you play for?
Sep 01Reply

I’ll send you an extra one if I have another left ok for you and your son ok. I have mouth guards too and other football stuff I think.. let me look
Sep 01Reply

@rubybaca532 It's semi-pro like manor league baseball. A team up in boston massachusetts named new england bombers
Sep 01Reply

@eyantexnewton that’s awesome!
Sep 02Reply

Sorry it said there was a payment issue! If you’d like to purchase feel free to try and check out what is happening with your forms or payment.
I have them boxed up ready to ship. Thanks for your interest!
Sep 22Reply
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