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Updated May 05
Updated May 05

Meet your Posher, Frank

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Frank. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) OFFERS WELCOMED!
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vernvern112 I'm so sorry Frank I don't have a closet yet but I love love your closet and will be purchasing many more things from you
Dec 21Reply
thegreatbelzoni @vernvern112 Hi Laverne, so good to hear from you! You’re gonna love the leather poncho you just bought! If you don’t, please let me know. I want everyone to be happy with their purchases :) I look forward to working with you more, and will be posting many more items to my closet soon
Dec 21Reply
willmillennium @thegreatbelzoni Hi Frank, can you please ship the terminator 2 leather jacket I ordered? Thank you, Will McCloskey
Jan 11Reply
thegreatbelzoni @willmillennium Hi Will! The post office has it already. Just waiting for the confirmation that it’s on it’s way. Not sure what their delay is, but it’s coming!
Jan 11Reply
willmillennium @thegreatbelzoni Good stuff, thanks Frank! Will McCloskey
Jan 11Reply
sixderick are you gonna send those new balences I bought soon
Feb 27Reply
thegreatbelzoni @sixderick Yes, they’re on their way today
Feb 27Reply
sixderick @thegreatbelzoni oh ok I haven't seen anything about them yet was just wondering
Feb 27Reply
amberlynejobe Good morning frank I'm still trying to get those overalls sent to me 😬 it's been a while and I understand it's crazy right now but I was able to get the shoes sent out the same day I got the new shipping label
Mar 28Reply
thegreatbelzoni @amberlynejobe Hi! Thanks for checking in with me. Also trying to get it worked out, but haven’t been able to contact either the other customer, or Poshmark, during all of this to get the overalls sent back. Where did you send the shoes to? I never received them. Did you somehow send them to the other buyer? Just wanted you to know I’m still working on this!
Mar 29Reply
amberlynejobe @thegreatbelzoni they sent me a shipping lable to the correct buyer and I sent them out over a week ago!! Like I said I understand it's a trying time for us all but posh mark hasn't replied to my messages
Mar 29Reply
amberlynejobe @thegreatbelzoni good afternoon April 7th will be a month since I bought the overalls and I would like to have them now please.. I'm a understanding person but now I'm just getting annoyed 😬
Apr 01Reply
thegreatbelzoni @amberlynejobe I’m sincerely sorry. I wish I could convey enough that, whether it’s the current quarantine craziness or just someone who is happy now to have both shoes and overalls, the other buyer refuses to respond to me and send them back. I wish we would have had you send them back to me, so that she would have to send them in order to get her shoes, but what’s done is done. I’ll send an extra pair of overalls to you tomorrow and take the loss. Sorry it’s taken so long
Apr 02Reply
amberlynejobe @thegreatbelzoni I completely understand it's not your fault in any way!!! What she did was shady and well not cool!! This was actually my first buy from this site 😭😂😬
Apr 02Reply
thegreatbelzoni @amberlynejobe oh no!! 🤦🏻‍♂️ I’m bummed that this was your first purchase here and it went a bit awry. I’m gonna send a new pair tomorrow and make it right, while i deal with the other buyer separately. In the future, I’ll be extra careful to ship your stuff right away, to YOU! Lol
Apr 02Reply
amberlynejobe @thegreatbelzoni thank you sooo much!!! I'll definitely be back for more purchases 😊
Apr 02Reply
amberlynejobe @thegreatbelzoni good afternoon 😊 when can I expect the overalls
Apr 07Reply
thegreatbelzoni @amberlynejobe Hi Amber, thanks for checking. I shipped them out to you 3 days ago. Have you received them yet? Other packages I shipped at the same time seem to have been delivered by now. Please let me know. Thanks!
Apr 09Reply
amberlynejobe @thegreatbelzoni we picked them up today and they are perfect thank you so much 😊
Apr 09Reply
thegreatbelzoni @amberlynejobe SO GLAD TO HEAR THAT!! again, sorry for the delay, but you’re gonna love wearing them now. I know i love mine :) enjoy
Apr 09Reply
soul_embellish @thegreatbelzoni ~ Hello!🙂 Thank you for stopping by my boutique! Please, let me know if you have any questions, I’d be happy to assist! Just so you know, I sent u an offer, but I’m accepting all reasonable offers/counter offers. I📦really fast & every purchase receives a lovely TY💝gift. 4an extra discount, like 2 or more items, receive an extra 15%off ur bundles. TIP: I have 🆓items hidden in my boutique! See listings 4details! HaPpY PoShInG!
Jul 20Reply
looney1515 Hey this is alwayslooney82 n I forgot today was a holiday so I'll pay for my bundle in the morning if that's ok
Nov 12Reply
thegreatbelzoni @looney1515 not a problem! That works just fine. Thanks for letting me know :)
Nov 12Reply
looney1515 @thegreatbelzoni yeah of course n thank you
Nov 12Reply
willsbaby917 hi Hyd!😇 tomorrow I'll go to the bank. i wanna def get these for my son! is it possible to get the 4.55 shipping u offered? either way im gonna take it lol thank you! 👦👟 👟
Jan 20Reply
thegreatbelzoni @willsbaby917 No problem, hopefully they’ll still be here tomorrow. If you can get the payment worked out, they’re yours! I’ll accept the same offer tomorrow
Jan 20Reply
willsbaby917 hi hyd see i just completed checkout! i await my order. thank you!😇👟
Jan 20Reply
thegreatbelzoni @willsbaby917 you did it! That’s great! I’ll get them boxed up and sent out soon :)
Jan 20Reply
bam___ Love your closet!! 🤩😎
Feb 20Reply
thegreatbelzoni @kp213 thank you so much!! I have so much more to add, so keep checking in :) I appreciate that. Let me know if there’s anything you’d like to bundle
Feb 20Reply
lovenarf Hi Frank. It looks like you have an interest in vintage clothing. Would love for you to stop by my closet and see my variety of vintage and contemporary items. I have 1000+ in various sizes. Thanks for taking a few minutes to visit.
Apr 19Reply
jbones02 Bro, I ordered and paid for Reebok classics a month ago, I never received them, what do I do to get them?
Apr 23Reply
thegreatbelzoni @jbones02 Hey man, thanks for checking in again about this. I had hoped it was just late in delivery, but I’m guessing now it got lost with the USPS. I remember packaging those up myself and sending them to you, so I really don’t know what happened. Do you remember the date of your order? I can try to see if USPS gave any notice that they started tracking
Apr 23Reply
jbones02 I wanna say purchased on 3/23, and I know you shipped them from Los Angeles, tracking says they made it to Reno 3/28..on 4/1 it says they were gonna be late but in route. That was last day tracked. I'm in south lake Tahoe and when packaged hit Reno delivery is 24 hrs out, says was on way to facility but not stated what facility. Post man had no answers and suggested contacting seller to see if returned or different info?
Apr 23Reply
thegreatbelzoni @jbones02 ok, that’s great info! At least we know they were shipped out and tracked. Weird that they got to Reno and stopped tracking. I’m gonna look to see if they were returned to me, but I honestly can’t remember that they were. Never had that happen before
Apr 23Reply
sweetpeacin Hi Frank. Thank you for the shares. I greatly appreciate it! Happy Poshing! 🙂
Apr 24Reply
luxresaleco I soooo enjoyed looking through your store!!!! You have a fantastic eye for unique, quality items. PLEASE nudge me anytime and I will gladly shop wall and share lots of your items with my followers.
Apr 29Reply
mommom501 Hi Frank! Thanks for following my closet👍 I am bookmarking yours.
May 03Reply
jbones02 reebok's still mia, any sign of them on your end?
May 04Reply
designerd Fantastic closet! What a joy! 🎈🤗🎈🤓
May 05Reply
sprinklesbaker Hi! I'm Emily. Thanks for stopping by! If you like any of my items feel free to create a bundle so you can get a great deal! I’m a quick shipper I usually send them out a day or two after😊 I’ll accept any offers on any items I’m selling!
May 05Reply
thegreatbelzoni @luxresaleco What a fantastic compliment! Thank you so much. I love finding cool and unique items and sharpening my eye for these things. You have a great closet too! Please let me know if there’s anything you’re interested in
May 06Reply
thegreatbelzoni @designerd oh wow! 🤩 That made me feel good. I really appreciate your compliment. It’s been really fun to put a nice closet together. Let me know if you’re interested in anything
May 06Reply
thegreatbelzoni @designerd Your closet is pretty great too! 😎 You’ve had some cool designer pieces
May 06Reply
mandibus Hi there. I was just wondering if you could please ship the shoes I ordered? I got a notification that says they haven’t been shipped yet.
May 11Reply
thegreatbelzoni @mandibus hello! Which shoes did you order? Just wanna make sure. I took all recent orders to the post office yesterday, so they should already be on their way!
May 12Reply
mandibus @thegreatbelzoni The black OTZ lace up shoes. I ordered on April 29th. It still says they are awaiting shipment on my end.
May 12Reply
janehathaway Hi Frank! Thanks for the follow. I'm Mary Beth, from La Porte, Texas. Come check out my closet, my new hubbie, and our 2 beautiful German Shepherds! Def our babies. All the best in 2021, and Happy Poshing👶 🌱🌼🌈🏞🏝🙋
May 15Reply
janehathaway Thanks! your closet is one of the best on Posh
May 15Reply
May 17Reply
sammycall Hi! I ordered some coach shoes on 5/13. Just wondering if you’re going to ship or if I should cancel?
May 21Reply
wmicfranklin great closet man! feel free to check mine that Mark Hart coat...if you could respond with measurements thatd be great! thanks...😎
May 22Reply
lj61 @thegreatbelzoni Hi 🙋🏻‍♀️ Thank you for the shares 🤗 I so much appreciate each one 🥰 Have a wonderful and safe week!
May 26Reply
viko1029 Love your Lifestyle 🥂 Thanks for the share 🤙🏼😎
May 30Reply
dv1011 Hi~I’m Debbie, a Posh Ambassador. 🤩 You have a very cool collection in your closet! You’re welcome to browse my closet and if you bundle 2+ items you’ll SAVE MORE MONEY! Enjoy your day! 😃🛍 🛒
Jun 06Reply
tluxilia Hi @thegreatbelzoni , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers on authentic luxury handbags from Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci and more! 😊
Jun 09Reply
oliviaami Thanks for following me
Jun 09Reply
maureenballard Hey Frank! I’m interested in those OTZ og Avy shoes you posted. Picture says 38 on the corkbed. Is that accurate, or for a different pair? Size listed is 4.5, so... not sure if that’s men’s or women’s. Thx!
Jun 25Reply
thegreatbelzoni @maureenballard Hi! Which ones are you looking at? Which color? I’ll check the sizes for you and let you know what I’ve got. What size are you typically, in US and/or EUR?
Jun 25Reply
maureenballard @thegreatbelzoni Unisex OTZ OG AVY Textile Lace Up Shoe 74249 Black. I think I’m a size 38, possibly 39.
Jun 25Reply
thegreatbelzoni @maureenballard It looks like I have the size 38 in the black & White ones! The black ones I have in size 35. Will the black and whites work? They’re also on my page
Jun 25Reply
maureenballard @thegreatbelzoni I think I’ll go with a different pair. Thanks for checking!
Jun 26Reply
fashionistasue hey frank! Thanks for always Sharing! Happy Poshing!!!😊
Aug 01Reply
thegreatbelzoni @fashionistasue you’re welcome!! We gotta help each other out sometimes :)
Aug 02Reply
mickey3d Thanks for sharing my closet 😀
Aug 09Reply
marni52 Love your closet! Where do you find these shoes! 😳
Aug 11Reply
thegreatbelzoni @marni52 thank you!! 🙏🏼 I search pretty far and wide for good, quality shoes and clothes. Most of the ones I sent you come from wealthy friends of mine here in Los Angeles that have worn them once or twice and put them away. Selling for them. It’s a win-win-win :)
Aug 11Reply
janerothfield1 You’re closet is amazing!
Aug 22Reply
lykkeliten @thegreatbelzoni Hi Frank! I purchased the “Blue Ball of Fur with Tassels and Ears” from you the other day and was wondering if there is any way you can ship it asap? I would really really appreciate it, because I am only here and able to receive it for another few days.. Thank you so much in advance 🙏
Aug 23Reply
thegreatbelzoni @lykkeliten hi Therese! No problem, it’s already boxed up and at the post office. should start tracking to your today :)
Aug 23Reply
lykkeliten @thegreatbelzoni Amazing, thank you so much! :)
Aug 24Reply
pattib12345 I'm having so much fun, you have a beautiful closet !
Sep 14Reply
thegreatbelzoni @pattib12345 whoa! 🤩 Thank you for the wonderful compliment 🙏🏼 It’s been so much fun putting together a unique and eclectic closet. I love searching for treasures and sharing them with people who are gonna love them! Please let me know if you have any questions or are interested in anything :)
Sep 14Reply
pattib12345 @thegreatbelzoni🍃 thanks ✌🍃
Sep 15Reply
sspitery Great closet!
Sep 19Reply
natasha1825 Please could you ship my item.Thank you
Sep 21Reply
kab_apparel Frank you have an awesome closet! I feel I had to let you know although I’m probably not the only one who’ve told you! Happy Poshing 💕🌺!
Oct 22Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me! Everything need to sell fast, Please!
Oct 28Reply
germaine901 Hey Frank, Thank you for always sharing! I love window shopping in your closet! Great items for sale!!
Nov 29Reply
averysmallstory Hi, great closet! Really looking forward to these boots, wondering if you have them and if you do could you please ship them. I did pay in full and ordered November 16th. Order #613a40edd6f3b742a23fb75f Thank you!
Dec 03Reply
mikewayne410 @thegreatbelzoni yo I never got a tracking number
Dec 27Reply
guerrillagirls Hi! I love your closet! ❤️
Jan 07Reply
plary81 hey, I messaged you under the datsik hat I bought a little bit ago. thanks
Jan 14Reply
rosierecycles Happy New Year‼️ Hope you are well 👍🏽 Thanks for the shares 😉🌹💪🏽♻️
Jan 18Reply
wallaceeric919 Are you going to send out the waffle shirt or do I need to cancel.
Apr 02Reply
thegreatbelzoni @wallaceeric919 Sorey, it’s at the post office and on its way! Sorry for the delay
Apr 02Reply
wallaceeric919 ok thank you ...just wanted to make sure and ill get more once I get my delivery
Apr 02Reply
katreyes807 I would love to take your offers. I just need to first receive the first pair of shoes ordered and make sure they fit before purchasing others. Hopefully you'll extend the offer again once I receive the purchase. Have a good evening!
Apr 10Reply
artbykristina 🐾🐾🐾 Thanks for Visiting my Closet. Offering Fun Vintage items and Creative Gifts! Enjoy browsing my BOUTIQUE featuring Original Hand Crafted Artwork by myself & others. ❣️With NEW ITEMS added Daily❣️ I love reading other, “Meet the Posher pages” so hopefully you will check mine out, too! 🌿Blessings and Happy Poshing, Kristina 😎
May 12Reply
pjhb Hi Frank..I would like to purchase your Indian poncho! Is it still available for $8.00? Thanks! Have a super day!
May 29Reply
rocketpopman would you please send me the $110 offer along with the colors in the swim trunks that you have
Jun 04Reply
thegreatbelzoni @rocketpopman sure thing! I just tagged you in 4 different listings for options for shorts! Let me know if one of those looks good to you :)
Jun 04Reply
stag805ls Whats up Bro! welcome to the party. Check out my closet sometime. I have some pretty cool handmade Damascus Steel Knives for sell aswell as a Few other items. You might see something you like. If you do see somethingyou like, let me know and I'll hook you up. Have a good day man!
Jun 05Reply
terryhartley420 I will definitely make a offer on the KSE shirt if it's available still in 2 weeks time, seen that tour and butthurt I missed out on a shirt lol
Jun 07Reply
Jul 26Reply
livingxl2023 Hi Frank. Thanks for all the shares from my closet this evening. Very much appreciated. I really like your closet too. Cheers and best wishes.
Oct 24Reply
tierneycrone Morning! Can you offer the blazer again? I missed It!
Oct 25Reply
thegreatbelzoni @tierneycrone sure! which blazer?
Oct 25Reply
tierneycrone It was black and white!
Oct 26Reply
thegreatbelzoni @tierneycrone trying to remember which one, since I have a few :) Problem is, they won’t let me make the same offer twice to the same buyer right away. Can you find it in my closet and make that same offer?
Oct 26Reply
cutehosiery @thegreatbelzoni Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 04Reply
discocatbtq Super cool collection!
Jul 31Reply
emilysjoys Fantastic closet!! 👏👏👏🌺
Sep 25Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello! Thanks for the follow. Our closet is jam-packed with stock. We're accepting offers at 20% less than our posted price on most items. Happy Poshing!
Oct 11Reply
noeone My fiancé would love this 2pac jacket! He is such a 2pac fan! He would lose his mind over this! Can you do $200 for it though?
Oct 15Reply
brittanymariesm @thegreatbelzoni Will you consider my offer on the Dennis Basso Snow Leopard Coat?
Jan 14Reply
tinkgoddess Are u posting the coats u show at the end of ur live
Jan 24Reply
thegreatbelzoni @tinkgoddess hi!! Yes, actually, we’re doing a photo shoot with those Desigual coats so we can post them asap :)
Jan 24Reply
tinkgoddess @thegreatbelzoni please please I’m interested in them asap can’t wait
Jan 24Reply
gemgirl467 could you send me a list of all the Otz shoes in eu41 that you have- thank you
Apr 08Reply
thegreatbelzoni @gemgirl467 Hi there, sorry for the delay! I was camping in Texas for a week for the Eclispe, and lost my phone early in the trip. I'm back now and able to ship out orders tomorrow. Yes, I'll send you those options tonight!
Apr 11Reply
gemgirl467 @thegreatbelzoni thank you- I am looking forward to seeing what you have available
Apr 11Reply
gemgirl467 @thegreatbelzoni I still haven't heard from you
Apr 16Reply
starraether My goodness, Frank.... you not only have done a splendid job with your closet but you also look so good...much like my fiance who passed away 2 weeks before our scheduled wedding. You could be his twin... Cordially, Starr in Colorado
May 11Reply
wolfepack202820 Hi Frank! I was wondering if you shipped the pink fur demonia boots that I ordered?
Jun 03Reply
tearitupvintage Dude your stuff is insane!! Good eye friend :)
Jul 29Reply
melinferno Thanks for sharing my closet.. Mel
Oct 07Reply
tearitupvintage This seller is not a man of his word. I bought a coat listed as a small but was actually medium. He said I could trade it for something else then completely ghosted me. Shoppers beware..not an honest businessman.
Oct 13Reply
dondeezo EXCELLENT LOOKING CLOSET will b a customer
Dec 03Reply
ada_maria ciao Frank 😁 thank you for your kind follow and I would love to invite you to my closet. I believe there's a lil something for anyone in there so please check it out. if you decide to bundle, I will give you $10 off automatically. I will hitting the post office soon..maybe you will be the next gifts I send out to..I will look forward to hearing from you 😀
Dec 17Reply
kathleenkais405 Are the Otz shoes I bid on irregulars? Left foot at toe looks as if it’s sewn poorly.
Dec 24Reply
katreyes807 hi, I purchased some OTZ boots size 7 black pull strap before Christmas and still don't see anything about them being shipped. please, can you give me an estimated time of when you'll ship them?
Jan 03Reply
thegreatbelzoni @katreyes807 Hi there, thanks for checking, and sorry about the delay. I dropped them off on later on the day before NYE, so I’m sure it should start tracking very soon
Jan 03Reply
vivalalegacy You legit have an incredible eye for stunning pieces! I’d love to go treasure hunting with you if you’re ever up for a shopping adventure! Blessings to you and your business, darling! 🥳
Jan 25Reply
erikbsingle bruh why did you send my jacket to oakland ca you sent my jacket to some one else
Feb 24Reply

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