Meet your Posher, Gabbi
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Hi! I'm Gabb, I'm a mom of 3 boys and recently discovered how much I love poshing!! Feel free to make offers and say hi. Some of my favorite brands are MAC, Free People, Anthropologie, Kate Spade, Michael Kors, Coach, Frye, Athleta, Lululemon and Chanel. Thanks for stopping by!

32 others
like this

Hi I'm Laura, it's nice to meet you! Happy Poshing xoxo
Apr 01Reply

Hi there and welcome to Poshmark! This is a great place to sell your unwanted clothes, shoes and jewelry. Deals are available as well if you keep your eyes open. If you have any questions, please feel free to tag me and I will be more than happy to try and help. When you have a moment pls check out my closet. Thanks so much. 💝
Apr 06Reply

Thanks for sharing my listing
Apr 10Reply

@sheliafinn01 You're very welcome, thanks for sharing mine too. Still trying to figure this app out lol have a wonderful week ((:
Apr 10Reply

@gabbishiver 😊 problem
Apr 10Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Hi!, I am Gloria. Welcome to a community of great people and awesome deals. I am a Posh Mentor and a Poshmark Top seller so if you have any questions, feel free to contact me and I would be happy to help 😊 Also, I invite you to check out my closet for great items and great deals. I am always happy to negotiate, specially on bundles. Happy Poshing 😃
Apr 19Reply

Thank you so much for sharing, sweetie.
Definitely need to add to my closet. Also, my pics aren’t that great, lol 😆
I really do appreciate your kindness ✝️🦋🙏
Jun 04Reply

@heidisue608 very welcome, sharing is caring and I always see you on my feed. Just takes time to post, I always find myself busy with something else makes posting new stuff gets difficult so totally understand. Let me know if you happen to post I'm always ready to share 😊😊 hope you and your fur baby have a wonderful week 🌺🌼🌷
Jun 04Reply

@gabbishiver Awww, same for you🙏❤️☀️
Always happy to help out.
Jun 04Reply

Makes posting new stuff difficult** lol kinda dont like not being able to edit comments.... I feel like I look dumb some times 🤣🤣
Jun 04Reply

Feel free to view new addition to my closet : "little black dress" by J. Ribkoff
Jun 09Reply

🤗 Congratulations on finishing up your first share group! In the beginning they may seem a bit confusing but you’ll get the hang of it and maybe even become addicted. I’m in several different share groups per day so if you’re interested in trying any others I can recommend some. I’m glad you had fun! Thanks for all the shares! Happy poshing 😘
Jun 28Reply

@hokiegrl thanks so much and I would love that, might have to start with a few but I found myself coming back. Love the concept 😊 sharing is caring, if you tag me in anything ill definitely participate and will probably get addicted too lol 💖💖💖 happy poshing and hope your night is going well so far 😙
Jun 28Reply

Hi Gabbi, my new PFF! I have been so excited to see you these last couple of days! Thanks for all the posh love 💞 I think you have an awesome closet! Best wishes in sales 😘 Gina
Jul 26Reply

@hokiegrl falling asleep but just saw this!! Finally back in action after vacationing and sick kids 😃😃 super excited, hope you had a great night and have a fun weekend too. Thanks for all the posh love back, your closet is amazing lol goals! 💖💜💙💚💛
Jul 27Reply

Thank you for all the shares may God bless you for blessing me.
Aug 08Reply

Hi, gabbi! This is my first poshmark purchase & im not sure of the best way to contact you. I just wanted to say thank you for accepting the offer on the coach sneakers !! 😊😊
Aug 09Reply

@lady_amethyst5 youre very welcome 💖 I actually tried commenting and tagging you but I'm not sure it worked. The sneakers are all packed up and ready to ship in the morning 😃 Hope youre having a great day and I'm excited about selling them, theyre adorable just a tiny bit too small so I really think youll love them 💖💜💙💚💛
Aug 09Reply

Aug 10Reply

@kloset_konnect thanks so much, really trying to share share share lol hope youre having an awesome day and you have a great weekend as well 💖💜💙💚💛
Aug 10Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! :-)
Aug 13Reply

@gabbishiver if you’re interested, I could give you a great bundle deal😊
Aug 15Reply

@terryeagan So wanna buy more stuff but I cant for awhile... I have a few purchases I've already confirmed and just waiting for them to add a few thing they think I'd like. Sometime in the future though lol its hard not to spend on here...
Aug 15Reply

@gabbishiver totally understand!! I’m in the same boat!
Aug 15Reply

@soriag hey lol just wondering how you comment on so many meet the poshers, I swear I've seen your name like a million times while shopping or talking to people. Thanks much, just honestly wonder how you do it.
Aug 16Reply

@gabbishiver I spend all day on Poshmark...only way to do it really
Aug 16Reply

@soriag Hahahahah seriously you must just have it down lol I swear i spend all day on here but can never comment that much. Hope you have a good weekend and happy poshing I'm sure you'll have tons of sales
Aug 16Reply

@gabbishiver happy Poshing and plenty of sales to you as well 😃
Aug 16Reply

Hey Gabbi - thnx for sharing my earrings! Was getting a little burnt out on Posh - when u get a chance to breathe (w/yor little one) but found a YouTube video —talks about the “30 min process;” supposed to boost saleshelp, explains about science of Posh” selling, did motivate& I learned quite a bit. Will find the youtubers name and/or name of video & tag you
Aug 23Reply

@gabbishiver hey girl are you for sure going to purchase these in your bundle? I have someone interested but I took them off the market for you please let me know. 😘
Aug 27Reply

@yummyhandful for sure want them just need to wait till tomorrow lol wish it would count today 😢
Aug 28Reply

@gabbishiver ok just wanted to confirm interest, love. Btw you’re gorgeous. Anyway, I’m happy to wait and keep em away from others. Lol. Also I’m sharing my tag list to you and my struggling share group 😂 😆
Aug 28Reply

Wow! Your eye makeup is on point! 💯
Sep 05Reply

@melissalynn0209 Awww thanks so much hun, you're super pretty!! Hope you're having a great night and you have a good week as well.
Sep 05Reply

Hi Gabbs. How long have you been Poshing? I am relatively new and have a few questions, if you don't mind.
Sep 14Reply

@stylin_with_cj definitely dont mind at all, I've only been poshing since April but I'd like to think I've learned a fair amout. Let me know whatever you need, I'm on here a lot and will help or try to figure it out if I dont know yet 😊
Sep 14Reply

@stylin_with_cj hope youre having a good night/morning lol I have a 2 year old so I typically get up a lot lol.
Sep 14Reply

@gabbishiver Wow! Thank you for all the shares, Beautiful. 😍 And....I love your closet! 👌🏼👌🏼
Sep 14Reply

@alibabita 💖💜💙💚💛
Sep 14Reply

Thanks for the advice. I can see I need a new plan. I have been spending too much time sharing other people's closets and not my own.
Sep 14Reply

Also, I have only been posting on weekends. I work full time, sometimes long hours so I am limited on the time I can spend on this. But I am going to try harder.
Sep 14Reply

@stylin_with_cj if youre on facebook you should check out poshmark analytics sandbox they have a 30 minute daily method and there's tons of people willing to help out too. Hope you have a good weekend
Sep 14Reply

Thanks. Hope you have a great weekend, too.
Sep 14Reply

Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Michael Kors, Calvin Klein, La Prairie, Estée Lauder, Spanx, and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Sep 21Reply

Hey girl know u got a lot going on can ship today if u want to my mail comes by 1230 so lmk if this works for u hope all is well with u
Oct 09Reply

@foxracer27 my anxiety is just so bad I can't remember anything, thanks for being so patient. I will probably be able to do it tomorrow, ptsd is really no joke.. thought I was doing okay this past weekend.. I promise I'll still trade I'm really usually way on top of things lol
Oct 09Reply

@gabbishiver no big deal girl I kno how it is sorry for what ur going through just went through that same thing an it’s hard men suck just lmk tomorrow thanks
Oct 09Reply

@gabbishiver hey girl can we set it up for tomorrow what time would work for u so I kno to log on
Oct 10Reply

Can we do the trade today I can cover ur shipping cost if need b
Oct 12Reply

@foxracer27 I replied in the bundle, you wouldnt need to pay shipping I just need to get a few things going.. I didn't even think about my laptop I explained a bit on there. My neighbor wasnt home so I couldn't use his.
Oct 13Reply

Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much
Feb 04Reply

🌏📀🌎📀🌎CONGRATS on your Party Pff💋💋💋I’ll be there sharing your awesome HP’s🌏📀📀🧚♂️📀🌎📀🧚♂️📀📀🌍📀📀🧚♂️📀🌍📀📀🧚♂️📀🌏📀📀🧚♂️📀🌎📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀🧚♂️📀🌍📀🧚♂️📀📀🌎📀🧚♂️📀📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀🧚♂️📀💋💋💋📀📀🌎📀🧚♂️📀📀🌎📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀🧚♂️📀🌎📀🧚♂️📀📀🌎💋💋💋📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀🧚♂️📀🌏📀🧚♂️📀📀🌎📀📀🧚♂️📀🧚♂️📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀📀🧚♂️🌎📀📀🧚♂️📀🌏📀🧚♂️📀📀🌏📀📀🧚♂️📀🌎📀📀🧚♂️📀🌎
Feb 04Reply

Hey hun, congratulations on hosting a party. I would greatly appreciate if you would consider my closet for your HP!
Sharing poshmark love.
Feb 04Reply

Hi Gabb!! I would love ❤️ and be grateful for you to pick an item from closet for host pick 🙏🏼
Feb 04Reply

Hi Gabb! I’m Tobi ( @tpk95 ) 👋🏻! Congratulations on Hosting The Date Night Party!! Such a great theme!!🎉 Your closet is gorgeous & congrats on your HP’s! I’d be so appreciative if you’d check out my closet for any potential Host Picks! I believe I have some great date night pieces!💝 And if I may add a few PFFS beautiful closet names! @empirez_sun @littlejaka @minkalamour @808classysassy @frock_of_ages Thank you so much, have fun & Happy Poshing! I can’t wait to see all the Host Picks!!🥰
Feb 04Reply

🎉🎉❤️Congrats on Hosting!!! 😊🍾I would be so grateful if you would consider my closet for a host pick!❤️🎉🎉
Feb 05Reply

Hi🌹🌷❤️ 🎉Congratulations on Party hosting! 🎉 I’m excited to participate and join in on the celebration! Looking forward to finding some fun, fabulous fashion finds! Happy Poshing and Blessings to you!🌸 ❤️🌸
Feb 05Reply

Congrats on hosting! 😊🎉 Would you consider any of my listings for a host pick?
Feb 05Reply

Congratulations on hosting! I would love for you to check out my closet for a possible host pick! Thanks for looking!
Feb 05Reply

Hi there! Congrats for being a host for the upcoming party! If you had some time to take a look at my closet, I would be honored. Thanks for your consideration😊
Feb 05Reply

Hi 😊, Congratulations on Hosting the Dare Night Posh Party!!! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a successful party. Thank you & Happy Poshing 😊💕💕💕
Feb 05Reply

🎆 Congratulations on your Party! If not too late I would love to be considered for a potential Host Pick! Thank you! 🎆
Feb 05Reply

@gabbishiver 🎉🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered my hand created accessories, and the stellar listings of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝I’ll be sharing no matter what.
Feb 05Reply

@gabbishiver 🎉🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered my hand created accessories, and the stellar listings of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝I’ll be sharing no matter what.
Feb 05Reply

Congrats on hosting !! I have some great discounted items I think you would love for the party!! happy poshing !!! XOXO
Feb 05Reply

@gabbishiver Hi, hello, just another person asking for a Host Pick 🙋. I take professional photos & would love to be considered! -Audrey
Feb 05Reply

HELLO!! 👋 Congrats on hosting a posh party tonight!! I LOVE the parties and cannot wait to join in the fun tonight!!🤗 I'd love it if you could take a look at my closet for anything that might fit the party!! 😍😍 Thank you so much!! ❣❣
Feb 05Reply

Yay! Congratulations on co-hosting a posh party and great closet!! I’d love for you to check out my closet @taniaxshop and my pff @jaccollection for any potential host picks! ✧ ♡
Feb 06Reply

Gabby! 🎩Congrats on hosting the Date Night 🥳 party! Will you come check out my 🥇posh compliant closet for host🏆picks? I have a bunch of 🌟newly-listed pieces🌟Burberry, Ralph Lauren, Venus, DKNY, Ann Taylor, Calvin Klein, Morgan de Toi & more! I bet you’ll find a 💎 gem or two! 🍹 See you there.👗Tricia
Feb 06Reply

Congratulations Gabbi on hosting the date night posh party 👍👍
Feb 06Reply

Congrats on hosting!! I’d love to be considered for a host pick to help gain more closet exposure! Thanks for the love💕💞💞
Feb 06Reply

Hi! I am a New Posh Ambassador trying to learn all the details. Would you please consider one of my items for Host Pick? Thank you! @robyncantor
Feb 06Reply

congratulations on your party. Have a wonderful evening.
Feb 06Reply

Congratulations on hosting the party. Please take a look at my closet. I will love a host pick!🛍❤
Feb 06Reply

I would appreciate it if you took a look at my closet for a potential HP! 😍❤️
I have some great NWT pieces that need good homes!
Wishing you all the posh success 💕💕
Feb 06Reply

@gabbishiver you have an amazing closet! 😍😍
We wanted to say CONGRATS on your party & since we love your style so much, we'd like to offer you FREE SHIPPING on anything in our closet!🎉🎉 You can check us out everywhere @womenunraveled 👠💄👗👛📿📦🎁
We love partnering up w/other women & helping each other succeed! We'd love to work w/you & become one of your PFFs 😍❤😘 #POSHGoals #POSHitivity #WomenUnraveledPartnerSquad
Hope you have an amazing party! 🙌🎉😘
Feb 06Reply

Hi 👋🏻Fellow mom of 3 boys here! 💙 If you have time, would you check out my closet for a host pick, please?I have lots of great date night items! ☺️
Feb 06Reply

✨ GABBI ✨thank you for visiting Timeline Boutique 👠 as seen on Fashiontv 👠 excellent service + same day shipping! ✨
Feb 06Reply

I LOVE your Items!!!😍👏👏
Would you please be so kind and check my closet? You may be pleasantly surprised by different things you’ll see there!😍Ty!
Happy Poshing, Great Sales Day!😃♥️
Feb 06Reply

Congrats on hosting tonight 🎉Would love a host pick 😊
Feb 06Reply

congrats on hosting. I'm a new pusher and would love a host pick!
Feb 06Reply

Is this real
Mar 12Reply

🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you🥰My commitment is caring🌸sharing🌺giving🌼and being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🎀😇I only pray for your health, wealth, and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡DURING THIS DIFFICULT TIME I PRAY WE ALL TAKE CARE😇BE KIND😇AND THOUGHTFUL OF ONE ANOTHER🥰LET US BE MINDFUL OF EACH OTHER🧡LOVE LOVE LOVE🧡BE BLESSED AND SAFE🧡
Mar 22Reply

Greetings! I would like to offer you a 50% off any item or items you like from my closet. Please visit my closet and take care! 😊🌸
Feb 06Reply

With the YRU boots, I might not be able to find a box that can fit the boot box, but the shoes will still be wrapped.
Jun 19Reply

Never mind. I'll be able to wrap it and ship it to you in the original box.
Jun 19Reply
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