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Updated Dec 03
Updated Dec 03

Meet your Posher, Gabriel

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Gabriel. Some of my favorite brands are Polo by Ralph Lauren, Gucci, and Nike. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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ajcook50 Welcome to Poshmark! I'm so happy you decided to join this amazing community. I'm a posh mentor so feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need anything anytime! @ajcook50
Apr 14Reply
karisrenee Welcome to poshmark!! My name is Karis, and I've been shopping and selling on here for YEARS. I'm basically obsessed!! lol I buy and sell almost every day now- so Feel free to reach out and tag me if you have any posh questions that I can help you with! xo & Happy Poshing!
Apr 14Reply
dsf58 Welcome to Poshmark! Please let me know if you have any questions that I can help you with. I hope you love it here as much as I do!
Apr 14Reply
bermuddg @ajcook50 hello. I got an interest to buy an item I posted but they are telling me to repost it to another app. Is this legit or scam?
Apr 14Reply
ajcook50 @bermuddg You absolutely do not want to post to another site. It could be a scam and even if it's not poshmark does not support offsite promoting transactions. They will either cancel your account or if your up for suggested user they won't give it to you. Just reply and say that you don't do off-site transactions.
Apr 14Reply
bermuddg @ajcook50 thank you !
Apr 14Reply
bermuddg @rocwellcom contact me bro B E R M U D D@ G M A I L
Dec 12Reply
bermuddg @rocwellcom i did. You sure you spelled it correctly?
Dec 12Reply
bermuddg @rocwellcom 6no 15bro 57what 9if 44we try 63
Dec 12Reply
bermuddg @rocwellcom hey man. I sent you text and it is not going through. I am little concerned
Dec 17Reply
brycewiest14 The shoes are worth the price I should charge more plus lots of fees
Feb 24Reply
bermuddg @brycewiest14 please accept my best and last offer. They’ve been worn and don’t include original packaging to confirm authenticity
Feb 24Reply
brycewiest14 @bermuddg I have an original receipt from Neiman Marcus I have them sold for 300 cash in a few days so your choice
Feb 24Reply
bermuddg @brycewiest14 I accepted. Please include receipt with shipping:)
Feb 24Reply
brycewiest14 @bermuddg sorry wasn’t by my phone
Feb 24Reply
bermuddg @brycewiest14 what do you mean? You weren’t making counters on the balenciagas. ?
Feb 24Reply
brycewiest14 Sorry I missed your comments about the shoe it’s hard cause this app doesn’t send me notifications on when I get a comment or anything
Feb 25Reply
bermuddg @brycewiest14 sound like you need to update it
Feb 25Reply
bermuddg @boutique380 could the straps be replaced?
Mar 22Reply
bermuddg @boutique380 and what factory did it come from
Mar 22Reply
bermuddg @boutique380 can you message me Just need an honest answer Roquita2016@
Mar 22Reply
bermuddg @boutique380 test you ? What do you man. I’m asking questions as a buyer to see about longevity of item
Mar 22Reply
bermuddg @boutique380 what number
Mar 23Reply
winnieduhplug @bermuddg ahahaha I’ve bought thousands worth on Poshmark. You’re just a seller. We’re not treated the same. Have fun trying to make money. All your stuff is grandma/pop clothes regardless. Try all you want, but im not going anywhere.
Nov 22Reply
cbadeen @bermuddg who is this “winnieduplug” trash talking gutter punk? he left comments claiming my stuff is fake too on my listings. He’s wrong. He’s just a troll. Report his punka**. You can flag his comment as harrassment and it will delete his comments. But you may have to flag them before replying to him . So flag his crap fake comments then block his azz
Nov 28Reply
cbadeen @winnieduhplug ...aww we wouldn’t want you to go anywhere. We like to keep people like you around to laugh at for entertainment purposes. You’re just jealous of Gabriel’s Badass car and classic taste in clothing. Unlike your gutter street style that fades with a passing fart in the wind.
Nov 28Reply
cbadeen That Winnie the ugly pug dude is just a troll w fake ghetto street crap clothes. Flag his comments as harrassment and block him.
Nov 28Reply
bermuddg @cbadeen yeah man. I’ve reported him to corporate. He is a guy like many that sells replica clothes but claims to be real. This is a waste of time because at the end of the day you are conning people
Nov 28Reply
cbadeen @bermuddg yes you’re right, he is conning people and his stuff is so fake it’s obvious
Nov 28Reply
bermuddg @cbadeen well I thought for a second it could Be a good deal. The stuff looks real. But when I asked him to provide the codes and wash tags to verify, he started acting stupid
Nov 28Reply
winnieduhplug Lmfao nahhhh I make helllla money. I’m not worried about Poshmark. It’s all about StockX and Grailed cuz I only real designer is on there. All my off white, yeezys, Jordan’s, gucci, louis, ferrogamo, bels, my 2 pairs of Balenciagas plus wayyy more are real. Poshmark is only fake shit on here so that’s what people slang. Y’all needa make your real money on StockX.
Nov 29Reply
winnieduhplug So much better and ALL verified authentic products are on there. Y’all probably only use this lame posh app cuz you only wear granddaddy clothes aha . It’s okay if you don’t have the money for StockX tho. Not eveyone can. I make $$300-1000 a day on stock options. Take notes and stop wasting your time trying to resell your old clothes. Have a good day lol
Nov 29Reply
winnieduhplug @bermuddg n they never even did anything with that report. So sad seeing old Karen’s get so mad at the littlest things ahaha keep making my pocket change off reselling and hop on stocks and ecommerce. Then you can be a buyer, not a broke seller hehe
Nov 29Reply
winnieduhplug @cbadeen n your trippppin. U haven’t even seen my wardrobe but I’ll post it for you. It’s called Designer/Designer Streetwear aha. Something your grandma clothes can’t even compare to ahahha. All the shit I post is ugly shit that I don’t want. U big mad your style is straight cheeks lameo
Nov 29Reply
winnieduhplug @bermuddg @cbadeen hey! Now you can see some of my actual wardrobe!! Wayyy more attractive than your granny and grampy bloomers ahahaha I’m dyinggg. Y’all broke and you’re probably wayyy older than I am. Stop wasting your life and make that money!! Can’t report me for those nee posts. ALLLLL my designer real bb thanksss
Nov 29Reply
nereichek I agree with you. Unfortunately there is no place to tag a person for lowballing all you can do is tell them what you think and MoveOn. I get it all the time and as anyone can see if they look at the bottom of my closet I sell the Hermès ties for a reasonable amount consistently. I appreciate your support. Nancy
Dec 24Reply
bermuddg @nereichek absolutely!!! Well said
Dec 24Reply
bermuddg @nereichek I’ll make you a heck of an offer for my Hermès scarf. I’m sure you would easily flip it since you have lots of followers. Half off for you. What do you say ?
Dec 24Reply
nereichek @bermuddg thank you for the offer but I’m not looking to add. I have so much here to list. Thx though. Nancy
Dec 24Reply
amber2286 Hello!! Congrats on your win!! That’s so awesome and I have won in the past, it was a great day! Be sure to spoil yourself! ! If you aren’t familiar with what’s going on please check your emails and look at messages frm Posh! In the meantime, I’m running a HUGE special for all winners! HALF OFF my entire closet for the lucky winners. Just be sure to make a bundle and use code word “Winner”
Oct 21Reply
jackiecristal Congrats 🥳 🎉 I am Jackie! 😊 You are welcome to come check out my closet @jackiecristal. I have posted many new items. Also, I ship fast! Same day or next day! 🚚 Happy Poshing! 💖
Oct 21Reply

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Last Active: Feb 16

Nashville, TN
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Last Active: Feb 16

Nashville, TN
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