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Updated Oct 20
Updated Oct 20

Meet your Posher, Gillian

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Gillian. Some of my favorite brands are Tory Burch, Louis Vuitton, and Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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dgarlin22 Welcome to Poshmark I hope you get your payment info. Corrected :)
Dec 19Reply
wristonlinda Thank you so much for visiting my closet 🙂Let me know if you have any questions.Fill free to make an offer, you never know 🙂 Have a Blessed Evening 🙏
Dec 19Reply
luktan The bag is packed and going to the post office first thing tomorrow. Happy New year!
Jan 01Reply
dgarlin22 I hope you are able to correct your payment issues - you have made several offers but none are able to complete
Jan 01Reply
chel_c_clark Hi Gillian, I see you've made offers on a couple of my items. If you bundle 3 of my items tigether you get a 10% discount. Also I do accept offers on items $10 and under except the bundle discount. I also don't accept offers of greater than 15% off. Thanks!
Jan 01Reply
chel_c_clark Also if you bundle multiple items you inly pay ine shipping charge up to 5lbs. If you make iffers on items individually, you will have to pay shipping on each one. I recommend bundling then make one offer on the entire bundle.
Jan 01Reply
chel_c_clark Sorry do NOT accept offers on items $10 & under
Jan 01Reply
easy_living I can decrease price on dress to $13 and you will get discounted shipping. Let me know if interesting.
Jan 02Reply
italian_kid_22 Hi Gillian, welcome to Posh.
Jan 03Reply
ukibana Welcome to Poshmark. Wishing you a great year of fun and profitable experiences. Feel free to ask me questions about Poshmark.
Jan 03Reply
luktan Looks like bag was delivered to you2 days ago. Please accept delivery. Thanks!
Jan 06Reply
crzydgldy Sorry it my scarf is as low as I am willing to go. I paid $20, I am making $2 as it is.
Jan 08Reply
twoposhchicks Morning. I responded to your bundle request. I hope you like it. I can ship today
Jan 09Reply
mati60 Hi ! I’ve been looking to make a deal on one of your Ring I like even left an offers for you 😊 do you have this Ring and are you Firm with the price ? Thanks 😊
Jan 24Reply
mati60 Hi just left you my last other offer on your Closet about 1 hr ago do you have the Ring And are you selling it or not ? Sizing is no Problem ! I am tired so my offer stands for 1 hr from now I well delete thanks 😊
Jan 25Reply
ebraver2 @dgarlin22 has this person ever gotten back to you bc she has made an offer on one of my items and the payment issue isn't corrected ...
Feb 19Reply
ebraver2 @dgarlin22 that's what I thought. She had messaged me back saying it was an old cc and would update it that minute and never did. SELLER BEWARE OF THIS BUYER. Very sketchy and seems like a SCAMMER. This buyer will be blocked from my closet and any order she makes will be canceled.
Feb 19Reply
syversong @dgarlin22 I would really appreciate if you and this other weird seller would not make accusations and libel statements about me. You have no idea, I did change my card number and tried to purchase the items but she immediately blocked me which is extremely unprofessional and ridiculous. I will be reporting her.
Feb 19Reply
dgarlin22 @syversong you are right - my apologies- we should all be patient
Feb 19Reply
syversong @dgarlin22 thank you I really appreciate it, I was shocked by the other user and how she handled things it's not cool at all. Thanks again!
Feb 19Reply
sassymooner Hello. I see you bundled The Talbots houndstooth skirt and I tried sending you an offer for it, but it won’t let me because you didn’t respond from when I sent a price drop offer for it several days ago. I will try to send the price drop offer again. Thanks.
Mar 02Reply
sassymooner I can’t use the price drop feature again unless I drop It lower than the $11 with $1.50 off shipping that I offered you previously. If you would like the skirt - send me an offer instead of it being in a bundle. Thanks.
Mar 02Reply
emnmgem1 Hi, Gillian. I just want to thank you for purchasing the bundle from me! I will drop it off at the post office later today!
Mar 27Reply
lsmcfadden Hi Gillian, Thank you for purchasing the bundle of three scarves. I see that you received your package on Saturday. Please accept your purchase and let me know how you liked each beautiful scarf. Thank you! Lynne
Jun 11Reply
emormile Hi! Thank you for your offer I would love to accept it but before doing I wanted to let you know i will be on vaca until the 13th and cannot mail until then-please let me know if that works for you and I can accept from there!
Jul 07Reply
drewecoble Thanks for liking the top from my closet. I add new items most days so please stop by anytime...🌟
Aug 17Reply
go4gina Thank you for the like. So glad to meet you!
Sep 05Reply
jessyb1981 Thanks for visiting my closet! I’m having a sale right now 3 items for $10( on ALL items $10 and under)!
Jan 23Reply
kerenapuk Hi!!! 👋🏼 you’re cordially invited to visit my closet!!! 💕 @kerenapuk Luxury skin care Makeup Shoes Jewerly Clothes And more Bundle and save 😊💕 Nite nites!
Feb 05Reply
gldnfrfly Your ring is beautiful, I'm pretty familiar with jewelry, I think it would be hard to sell anything under 500 without the posh authentication. Best of luck. 🤘🤗
Feb 14Reply
syversong @gldnfrfly yeah I don’t really list it on here to sell it, most people on here can’t afford it and my prices are very good but I have them listed elsewhere and I sell lots of jewelry. Thanks!
Feb 15Reply
palomank Hello.Thank you for your purchase.I will ship your item out tomorrow.
Mar 01Reply
snowsugar Anything wrong?
Mar 06Reply
hookedonposhing Hi...I just wanted to make sure you knew you purchased 1 bottle of conditioner not 2. Thanks.
Mar 29Reply
syversong Oh no it was for 2!
Mar 29Reply
syversong The listing is for 2, I thought, how much for 2? And is it guaranteed authentic, darker bottles because last time I bought some it was fake. They have a newer darker bottle, confirming it’s that.
Mar 29Reply
jenfletcher Hello! I see you bought pureology and I’m wondering if you were pleased with your purchase. I know there’s fake out there and I’m considering buying some from the same seller you got yours from. Thanks!
May 03Reply
simpsdan Thanks for the likes and checking out my closet
Jun 02Reply
gweningram Hope all is well! Come check out my closet for brand new beauty products. 🦋✨
Oct 26Reply
ladykrc @syversong Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Nov 07Reply
anythinguneed91 Hi, it says payment issue otherwise I would be able to mail this out ASAP.
Dec 13Reply
what_women_need hey there I noticed you liked a few of the itmes from my closet. right now I'm giving extra discounts on bundles over 3 items which is a larger discount then the automatic 15% that i already give on bundles. if you want to make a bundle just let me know when you have added what you wanted and then I'll send you an offer. happy poshing
May 17Reply
dollfaceg1 Just made you an offer on the bundle! Add more and save more!
Jun 12Reply
shly67 Thank you Gillian for your purchase. I will send it out to you today. According to the shipping label, it’s a 3 days priority mail. Have a wonderful day and stay safe💕
Jul 20Reply
sellingoffdebt Hi love, I saw that you liked my Paige jeans. I have them listed on another site as well and can sell them to you at a lower price if you would like to check out my website on my bio!
Aug 13Reply
chicnation @syversong Hi Gorgeous Nice to Meet you from Chic Nation Boutique:)
Aug 16Reply
bunny2312 Hi, I meant to say $10 with $4.99 shipping instead of $11. Bunny
Aug 28Reply
betsy_sells Hi Gillian, I believe you bought the NWT black lace top from me last week? I mailed it Friday but Poshmark says it is not tracking, so I have to go to the post office to investigate. I'm so sorry for the delay. Betsy
Dec 09Reply
meepiesfinds Thank you for liking my beautiful New Eliza J dress ❤️ if you love it let me know I ship my sales out everyday 🦋
Mar 14Reply
stogami1012 Hi Gillian! Thanks for the like on my Tommy Bahama dress! Don’t forget if you bundle 2 or more items you can save at least 15% and save on shipping too! Happy Poshing! Stephanie
Mar 15Reply
jackiewoo20 hi, you can contact the revision company and check the authenticity of my product using the lot number on the bottom. I work for a dermatologist and my products come directly from a revision rep. all of my other washes are sealed so I'm not sure why yours wasn't. would you like to send it back and get a refund?
Mar 31Reply
syversong Hi, no it’s fine I think it’s mew and I’ve already used it. There are do many Poshers that sell used stuff, I know that’s not you but it kinda ruins it for honest sellers. Thank you so much, I’d be happy to buy from you again and I’ll change my review if you’d like because I should have talked to you first. Please let me know.
Mar 31Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Moschino, Dior, Wolford, Lululemon, Nike, Free People, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Jun 01Reply
dsp122 Hi! are you still interested in my bundle? Let me know if $85 is acceptable
Aug 15Reply
foresttreasures Hi Gillian! 🙋 I'm Cindy from the mountains of NC! WELCOME to my closet! I saw you liked the pretty Tahari pants, so I sent you an AWESOME offer & hope that makes you LOVE them even more! Like a few other items & we can bundle for an even better deal & the other items SHIP FREE in the bundle! 🎄 🌟 🎄 HAPPY 🎄 🌟 🎄HOLIDAYS & 😀 HAPPY POSHING! 💋 Cindy from the 🌳🐻🌳Forest!
Dec 14Reply
miamarie03 Thanks for the Likes I Accept Most offers🥰
Apr 01Reply
whatdidjojofind The caftan is relisted
Apr 14Reply
hdlady7120 Hello Darling❣️While you’re browsing all the amazing closets looking for the stuff you love, I hope you’ll stop into mine too! You’ll probably find some awesome things you gotta have, want, need or to give as a gift! Reasonable offers are encouraged…Special Bundle deals! You will not be disappointed purchasing from my store…check out the Love Notes 😃! Enjoy your Posh journey!
Oct 25Reply

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Last Active: Feb 23

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Last Active: Feb 23

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