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Updated Dec 29
Updated Dec 29

Meet your Posher, Gina

Meet the Posher



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Hola!! My name is Gina and I’m a shopaholic. Everything in my closet is from my personal collection bought by me. Nothing here is a REPLICA or IMITATION... I only own original items. Thanks for checking out my closet and feel free to comment with any questions. 💙
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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mylocket Welcome to Poshmark
Oct 30Reply
pearshop @ginastar22 Hi I see you buy the headband from me then proceed to open a case. Someone else really wanted the headband and I could of just sold to them. If you are not happy with both of them please return no problems.
Jan 27Reply
ginastar22 @pearshop I will return both ASAP as I ask if they were authentic and they’re not....
Jan 27Reply
pearshop @ginastar22 they are If you feel they aren't or not sure you could buy from the store as someone else wanted this for birthday and I did not have anymore I sold to you. I'm sorry I could not make you happy.😔
Jan 27Reply
ginastar22 @pearshop they are not.... A Gucci employee checked them .... I will return as soon as I get return label.. thanks
Jan 27Reply
pearshop @ginastar22 we could have saved all this trouble if you just bought it from the Gucci store and the lady could of had this for her birthday. If I was you I would shop at the store next time. Take Care!
Jan 28Reply
pearshop When are you returning the items. Someone else already bought them and I would like to ship it to them Asap. Please return Asap. Thanks.
Feb 01Reply
ginastar22 @pearshop I just put them in the mail as I return from a work travel abroad before I received the label. Should be there soon
Feb 02Reply
dastylegoddess @ginastar22 she sold you a fake one didn’t she ??????
Feb 04Reply
ginastar22 @dastylegoddess it wasn’t her it was pearshop
Feb 04Reply
dastylegoddess @ginastar22 that’s who I was referring to I’ve been trying to warn ppl I sell replica but I tell ppl and give them th chance to say yes or no I sell the replicas for $140each
Feb 04Reply
dastylegoddess @ginastar22 what’s your Instagram
Feb 04Reply
ginastar22 Ohhh I didn’t read this before, If I was not trying to buy it for a better price I would of bought at the store clearly people are here to buy authentic at a better price unless warned. You are the one deceiving your customers by selling fake as authentic trust me if you would say the truth you would sell just as much...
Feb 04Reply
pearshop @dastylegoddess PLEASE GET A LIFE!. You really thirsty it's embarrassing. @ginastar22 if you could afford it you wouldn't be searching anywhere you would be in the stores. I don't do kiddie DRAMA. This transaction is over so please move on because I'm not thinking of any of YOU!✌
Feb 06Reply
dastylegoddess @pearshop ummmmm you’re an embarrassment you’re selling fakes and trying to pass them off as an original you’re so weird it sad , keep up the facade tho , no one return original items if it was AUTHENTIC she would have returned it .
Feb 06Reply
bluesea38 Hi dear Gina, thank you for the likes and for visiting my closet, much appreciated🌹stay blessed💝🙏🙏
Jun 13Reply
sartorialheaven Hi, Gina. Thanks for your purchase - all packed an ready to go, but no mail due to Columbus day. It will go out tomorrow:)
Oct 08Reply
ladykrc @ginastar22 Hello my fellow Posher⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store! I have over 900 items preloved, new and designer items up for sale. Buy with confidence at my store👍🏼Wishing you a Beautiful day🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Nov 19Reply
ginastar22 @tpf40 I guess they never showed up huh?
Dec 07Reply
hakescakes 👚👖👛👕👙👔 Welcome to Poshmark! Let me know if you have any questions getting started! Happy poshing!! 👚👖👛👕👙👔
Dec 28Reply
redboutin I love your closet! Especially the designer items 😍 I'm sharing some to my followers. This is a great way to increase your followers and make sales $$☺️
Jan 07Reply
grettakilleen Cute closet!!! I shared a few of your items. Have a great night!!
Jan 21Reply
godly2015 Hi is your LV still available
Dec 15Reply
dilafruzik2003 Hi, Gina! Thank you for your purchase! I apologize for not being able to ship it today. I will ship it tomorrow- Tuesday, the 6th. Thanks again!
Jul 06Reply
ginastar22 @dilafruzik2003 you mean Tuesday the 7th 😂
Jul 07Reply
dilafruzik2003 @ginastar22 yes! 🤦🏻‍♀️ the 7th. All done, dropped off at the post. Waiting for the tracking info and for it to be scanned. 👍🏼
Jul 07Reply
ginastar22 @dilafruzik2003 let me know when you get the tracking info as nothing has uploaded to my side.
Jul 08Reply
dilafruzik2003 @ginastar22 ☹️ still waiting for it to track. My last shipment started tracking 2 days after I dropped off. I’m hoping this time it will be faster.
Jul 08Reply
vandersrausch Hey girl. It’s my birthday a week from today 10/30. I would love this bag from me to me. Please make my day🌸🌺
Oct 23Reply
ginastar22 @vandersrausch I’ll ship ASAP
Oct 23Reply
vandersrausch @ginastar22 omg. You are an absolute amazing angel. Always stay amazing and true to yourself. 😇❤️
Oct 23Reply
ginastar22 @vandersrausch awwww thanks so much I’ll drop Of first thing tomorrow. Now let’s cross our fingers to give a even better birthday!!!
Oct 23Reply
vandersrausch @ginastar22 Girl, you are the best! Truly. I feel your amazing spirit and heart. I totally owe you. No rush to send because whenever I get it i will be amazed. It is refreshing that there are good people in this world still amidst a very challenging time. I always am kind and pay it forward and believe that kindness and goodness will always comes back to us at some point. You are precious 🌺
Oct 23Reply
ginastar22 @vandersrausch ohhh girl I’m rushing!!! I want it to make it to your birthday. Is safely packed, sealed and ready to go... let’s hope I can make your birthday even better... This was a tough one this bag is gorgeous. Glad is going to an great amazing home 💙
Oct 23Reply
vandersrausch @ginastar22 This bag is gorgeous I agree but you and your heart and spirit is more gorgeous and precious. I am thankful for you. I have had a stressful 5 months with Covid with my 90 yr old dad and the love of my life. It is real and it is bad. I appreciated goodness prior to this and I so value and appreciate goodness in people more than ever. When we are blessed we should pass that blessing on, and you so did.
Oct 24Reply
vandersrausch I am thankful for yoi
Oct 24Reply
ginastar22 @vandersrausch Purse was dropped at post office at 12:10 p.m. so let’s hope is there on time for a cool Birthday Surprise 🤗
Oct 24Reply
fulbcase Hi i see that the LV bag you purchased from me has been delivered! I would appreciate it if you could accept it in the app! Thank you.
Nov 03Reply
ssecondhandd hey! Accepting all reasonable offers, shoot me an offer to negotiate + quick shipping :)
Jul 21Reply
talfin14 Hi ! I’m Talia 👋🏼 i have high quality items you might be interested in for sale in my closet. Lmk if you have any questions! Have a great day 😁
Oct 18Reply

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