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Updated Aug 24
Updated Aug 24

Meet your Posher, Gina

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Gina. Some of my favorite brands are Anthropologie, Johnny Was, Free People, and lululemon athletica. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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crystal_craig If you consider $45 on Burberry I can do that or I can do $50 Friday either way will you send me Offer back please I do want them
Jan 13Reply
riseresale @crystal_craig ok great! I just resent my offer.
Jan 13Reply
crystal_craig @maui_sunrise thank you I accept and should be all done. Thanks👠
Jan 14Reply
riseresale @crystal_craig Thank you for purchasing! I will get these packaged and shipped out for you this morning. Have a great week!
Jan 14Reply
jensdeals37 @maui_sunrise Hi Gina! I love greenery! Your greenery picture looks so good as a back ground in your header. Also perfect closet name too! :)
Jan 29Reply
riseresale @jensdeals37 Thank you so much! I took that picture in Maui so I thought it was fitting. And I totally have a thing for all things greenery/botanical/floral too! :)
Jan 29Reply
vicma2 Sorry didn’t see all your messages. If it’s possible to come my way I’ll give you 30 dollars save the shipping and reduced cost of your item. This is my email
Jun 20Reply
allymurpheee Hi Gina! So good to meet you tonight at Posh N Sips ❤️
Jul 14Reply
riseresale @allymurpheee It was so nice to meet you too! I hope to see you around! :)
Jul 14Reply
pnayam29 Hi Gina! It was nice to meet you today at the Posh N Sip in Sacramento! 😊 Happy Poshing!
Jul 14Reply
riseresale @pnayam29 Hi Teresa, it was so great to meet you also!
Jul 14Reply
terriannberry Thank you so much
Aug 03Reply
riseresale @terriannberry You’re welcome! I’ll miss the mail cut off today but your purse will ship out on Monday. Have a great weekend!
Aug 03Reply
alwysmaggie Thank you for all the wonderful shares. Just recently joined this wonderful community of sellers and buyers 🌻Have a wonderful weekend 💫
Aug 30Reply
riseresale @alwysmaggie Welcome to Poshmark and thank you for the shares also! Hope you have a great weekend as well :)
Aug 30Reply
collectorslane Loved sharing your closet!! Awesomeness galore !! 💙🦄💜💎🦄💜💙
Aug 31Reply
riseresale @collectorslane Thank you so much, I feel the same way about your closet! :) Hope you're having a great weekend!
Aug 31Reply
alwysmaggie Thank you for all the wonderful shares 🌻Beautiful New Week to you and GOODNIGHT 💫
Sep 02Reply
riseresale @alwysmaggie Thank you and same to you!
Sep 02Reply
earthgirlresale 🌺Thank you for the shares🌸 You have a fabulous closet👗👠👚👜 I look forward to returning the favor by sharing your closet👔👢👙👞Happy Poshing!🌈☀️
Sep 11Reply
riseresale @nitahudson You're so welcome! Thank you for the shares as well!
Sep 11Reply
janfast Hi Gina! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Oct 02Reply
riseresale @connie_posh Hi Connie, thank you for the nice message! It's always nice to "virtually meet" other poshers :) I wish you happy poshing and lots of blessings to you as well!
Oct 03Reply
bobbett328 Hello 🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet 🎀🌷Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Oct 03Reply
msneverending1 Gina just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing My Vintage 14K Solid Yellow Gold Necklace With Natural Green Jade Cabochon Pendant. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Oct 09Reply
riseresale @msneverending1 Hi Carol! Thank you so much, you have a beautiful closet also. Such unique and pretty pieces. And thank you for the shares also! :) Gina
Oct 09Reply
msneverending1 Gina just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet & sharing My Vintage 1940’s Brass Plated Chocker With Flower Motif, Cherubs At Each End & Natural Moonstone In The Middle. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Nov 05Reply
digitalsandy Hi Gina-I think you’re fond of black! Thank you for the likes/shares, Gina❣️
Nov 05Reply
z_ryp Hi! are you able to do 30 for the talbots coat?
Nov 15Reply
riseresale @z_ryp Hi, if you send me an offer through the offer button I will accept or counter with my lowest. Thanks!
Nov 15Reply
skiprincss Love your closet! 💖💖💖
Dec 22Reply
riseresale @skiprincss Thank you! I love your closet also, lots of beautiful pieces! :)
Dec 22Reply
skiprincss @maui_sunrise Thanks! 😊😊😊
Dec 22Reply
sharekindness Gina- Thanks for the shares, I always share back and appreciate them thank you.
Dec 27Reply
riseresale @sharekindness You're welcome and thank you for the shares also!
Dec 27Reply
goldenpolkadot @maui_sunrise Hi Luvie! thank you again SO much for the 5 star rating n sweet love note! I added more masks to my closet. Ck em out when u have a moment. Thx again....ur da best, stay well Olga
Jun 03Reply
riseresale @goldenpolkadot Hi Olga, thanks for letting me know! I actually got the shipment in that I ordered so I'm stocked on masks for now, but I'll share yours! Have a great night and stay well :)
Jun 03Reply
goldenpolkadot @maui_sunrise G Morning 💕☕️ glad your prepping...sadly by looks of chaotic current situations looks like we may be in for the long haul in healthcare 😩 Just when i was looking fwd to getting out again now this setback is devastating. I havnt seen my parents in almost 3 months now i have to wait a lil longer. All i can say is this will pass.... with faith filled prayers. Stay Well Dear friend. 💐
Jun 03Reply
runway63 Nice closet !! ❤️💗❤️
Jul 16Reply
mrsknle Hola- Just a note of thx for sharing from my closet, 👟+👕, where every day is a boy’s day. I’m doing this social distancing + Poshing from my couch with a glass of Merlot. I fear that this could be a dangerous combination. 🙃 Stay safe, healthy + keep your loved ones close. ❤️Appreciate it + Happy Poshing!
Aug 04Reply
dorothy3628 awww lovely pic! 💛 I got a mssg from you. I offered on coat but it is gone. I can't locate it?
Nov 04Reply
drrobinkrause What a fabulous closet! You have stunning taste💕
Nov 10Reply
riseresale @drrobinkrause Thank you! :-)
Nov 11Reply
traci7751 Okay, first time this has happened, so I'm not sure on etiquette, but it looks like the usps has misplaced or lost the package from you to me. I keep checking and there's no movement. I just wanted you to know. Is there anything I can do on my end? Sorry for the comment on your page. I wasn't sure where/how to contact you (or anyone.) Have a good day!
Feb 24Reply
riseresale @traci7751 Hi Traci, I'm so sorry your package has been delayed. Almost half of the items I ship lately have been delayed unfortunately. They have all started tracking again eventually but it looks like yours hasn't tracked in a long time. Would you like me to cancel the order? I believe if I do that you'll be refunded and I'll still be paid through Poshmark since USPS lost the package.
Feb 24Reply
riseresale @traci7751 Ok well I just checked and unfortunately I can't cancel the item once it's shipped. Are you able to cancel on your end because of the delay? This has never happened to me before either so hopefully we can figure it out :-)
Feb 24Reply
traci7751 @riseresale Thanks for the quick response. I don’t think I can cancel either. I am hoping the postal service finds the package and gets it to me. 😁 Have a good day!
Feb 24Reply
riseresale @traci7751 Well at this point I’m afraid they might have lost it. If you go under your purchases you should be able to click on “problems”. Maybe there’s an option to cancel it there? And then we can cross our fingers that you’ll eventually get it but at least your money won’t be tied up.
Feb 26Reply
2ndfeature 🧚🏾✨✨I love your closet!! Just stopping by to wish you many many sales! ✨✨🧚🏾
Feb 28Reply
debbiecarrie hi, I'm sorry for missing your offer for the cabi sweater, if you can resend it I would love to purchase it. thank you
Sep 26Reply
riseresale @debbiecarrie Hi, Poshmark won't allow me to send the same offer once it's expired but if you'd like to send me an offer for the sweater I will accept. You can take off $2 for the shipping discount that I sent if that works for you :-)
Sep 26Reply
debbiecarrie @riseresale ok hon, thank you
Sep 26Reply
riseresale @debbiecarrie You're welcome and thank you for purchasing! I'll ship this for you tomorrow. Hope you're having a great weekend!
Sep 26Reply
debbiecarrie @riseresale thank you, have a blessed day
Sep 26Reply
riseresale @wholesalecloset Thank you and same to you!
Oct 15Reply
luckygirlinpink Beautiful Closet.😊💞💕💖💥
Oct 20Reply
riseresale @luckygirlinpink Thank you, same to you!
Oct 20Reply
jillilyonss If I countered for $100 for the Michael Kors would you be able to accept that? I don’t want to lowball you. I just had another offer for one that was new with tags and no scratches on the feet. You had sent the offer first so I just wanted to check. If not no big deal, but if you could let me know. thank you.
Oct 23Reply
riseresale @doralena Hi, I can accept $100 on the purse, thanks for checking with me. You caught me at a good time, I'm getting packages ready now and I'm heading to the post office in about 30 minutes. So if you send the offer over soon I can get this out for you today. :-)
Oct 23Reply
jillilyonss @riseresale thank you. To confirm it is authentic correct? I’ve looked at so many I can’t recall if I asked. Thank you so much.
Oct 23Reply
riseresale @doralena Yes it is authentic. I am not the original owner but I’ve purchased and sold similar MK bags and there are no red flags, it’s high quality.
Oct 23Reply
riseresale @doralena You’re welcome and thank you for purchasing. I’ll get this out today, it should track by this evening. Hope you love the purse and have a great weekend!
Oct 23Reply
jillilyonss @riseresale thank you, you as well.
Oct 23Reply
anjisattic Hi Gina, thanks so much for sharing my Mawi Kunzite. Good luck with your sales too. Stay well. Peace and love, Anji
Oct 26Reply
riseresale @anjisattic Thank you Anji and same to you!
Oct 26Reply
smcuster Hello, Shawn Marie here and after getting notification you began following my Poshmark Closet, I want to welcome you, thank you for choosing Poshmark and send an invite to join me on Instagram. As a fellow Poshmark Stylemate, I appreciate the opportunity to work with you. Consider connecting with me on Instagram @shawnmariescloset where we can get to know one another better. My closet is your closet. Shawn Marie
Oct 29Reply
uneekfinds Welcome to UNEEKFINDS! So happy that you are a follower. Just a few notes while browsing...I LOVE when my shoppers bundle because I can make them my BEST deal... visit regularly because I list new items frequently...and I am always open to reasonable offers... Quick shipper!!! Happy Poshing!!!
Nov 06Reply
boggy_style Your closet is gorgeous, Gina! Well done! 😁👏
Nov 22Reply
mikki999 Hi Gina thanks for checking my closet that purse is new and beautiful interested in making an offer?
Dec 04Reply
riseresale @mikki999 Hi, I'm just sharing some posh love for now but wishing you a speedy sale! Have a great weekend!
Dec 04Reply
riseresale @jlschulz84 Thank you Jessica I appreciate that! Hope you're having a great weekend!
Dec 04Reply
eyecandas Gina, Thank you for the generous offer, I appreciate it, but in the course of sharing, I must have hit “bundle”. Sorry! I was too busy scrolling through the nice items you have in your closet & not being careful. Thank you, Candas
Dec 05Reply
riseresale @eyecandas Hi Candas, thank you for the kind words! No problem about the bundle. If you happen to find anything you like just let me know, I may be able to offer the same discount. Hope you're having a great day!
Dec 05Reply
georgiapines Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! Happy Poshing ☺
Dec 11Reply
jackiesthreads1 Hello and thank you for following and sharing my closet. Enjoy and much success to you!💖
Dec 19Reply
ingoodtaste104 🤗You bought gifts for everyone else... 🎁Time To Treat YOURSELF!! 👉MY ENTIRE CLOSET IS ON SALE...BUY ONE, GET ONE HALF OFF!!👈 Simply bundle your items, tell me you are ready to go and I will send you the Sale Price!! Easy Peasy!! 👉(Offer can't be combined with other offers. Discount applied to lower priced item(s). NO limit to the number of BOGO50% you can purchase!) *EXTRA: All orders $75 or more receives Free Shipping!! 👉SALE ENDS JAN 1ST, 2022 11:59PM
Dec 26Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Dec 26Reply
computershoptx Happy New Year and Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a fantastic 2022 and successful Poshing!😊 Helen
Jan 14Reply
riseresale @computershoptx Thank you Helen and happy new year to you also!
Jan 14Reply
dorenratcliff Hi Gina, My, my, every single item in your closet is fabulous! What great taste you have!!!😊
Jan 17Reply
sharmannon Hi Gina, your Closet is Beautiful. I am new at selling on Poshmark. Do you have any tips for me on how to display and how to get my items to move faster? Have a Beautiful day. Sharlene
Feb 22Reply
riseresale @sharmannon Hi Sharlene, thank you and welcome to Poshmark! I think your closet looks great! My tips would be to add something new every day if you can and share your closet twice a day. Thank you for sharing some of my items, I'll return the favor- happy poshing to you!
Feb 22Reply
sharmannon @riseresale Thank you so much for the tips. I will post more items everyday. Also, Thank you for the shares. So sweet of you. Sharlene
Feb 22Reply
dollar3370 @riseresale Thanks for your kindness, taking your time to share items from my closet. I really appreciate your help. I'm fairly new to Poshmark and I need all the help I can get. Hope you have a blessed day.
Mar 05Reply
martigarren I just wanted to say "Great Closet" and I enjoyed looking at your items. Bookmarking it so I can return later.
Mar 08Reply
riseresale @dollar3370 Thank you and welcome to Poshmark! Wishing you lots of success!
Mar 10Reply
riseresale @martigarren Thank you so much!
Mar 10Reply
nicholepruitt73 Hi, it's a great day at POSH right. We'll if u buy any 2 items today u get the buyer discount of extra 15% . Also today's deal is spend $25 and get any two (2 ) $10 items FREE... And for the next 2 hours u will get a BEAUTY GIFT BAG (VALUED AT$25) FREE minimum order $10
Mar 15Reply
shawnnaygirl @riseresale hi did Sara lowery ever follow through with the order you wanted to rebuy? I had a very negative experience with this seller and tried to rebuy an order she cancelled and she blocked me.
Apr 02Reply
riseresale @shawnnaygirl Hi, that was a long time ago but I remember I had a similar experience- she did finally send the items but things were missing, stained, one item had a huge rip in it. I messaged her trying to be nice because she gave me a good deal. I was hoping we could work it out and she would send the missing items but she was rude and unapologetic. So I opened a case and sent everything back. I'm surprised Posh still allows her to sell on here. I'm sorry you had a bad experience too.
Apr 02Reply
shawnnaygirl @riseresale thank you so much for responding I had a very negative experience with her also. I did report her to Poshmark. She also cancelled my order, I tried to rebuy it and she was rude and blocked me. Not the kind of seller that represents Poshmark! I really appreciate you letting me know about your experience. Thank you so much! ❤️
Apr 02Reply
shawnnaygirl @riseresale I’m sorry you had a negative experience too! 😞
Apr 02Reply
riseresale @shawnnaygirl Thank you and I agree! I hope you find what you're looking for elsewhere. Have a great weekend!
Apr 02Reply
shawnnaygirl @riseresale thank you! You’re so kind💞 Have a relaxing weekend! 😊
Apr 02Reply
adiel1949 Thank you so much for sharing.
Apr 03Reply
anjisattic Hi Gina, thanks for sharing my Mawi Kunzite. Good luck with your sales too. Stay well. Peace and love, Anji
Apr 18Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your share. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Jul 20Reply
swscraftshop Hello🖐 Thank you for Following My Closet. Feel Free to Shop or leave comment in my Closet. If you see anything you want but don't ❤ the price make an Offer.  Most Offers 💰 accepted! Thank You! 🌝Happy Poshing!!
Jul 26Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily Rose😊🌹 I’m doing a closet clear out sale which means everything must go I’ll accept any offer as long as it’s not to low
Sep 09Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your sharing the Tombolini Jacket and Skirt. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Mar 04Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary 🤗 thank you for following my closet 😊
Jan 13Reply
lisakay100 Happy Poshing, I’ll Check out your Closet & You can Check out my Closet‼️
Jan 15Reply
mallgirlus Hi, I'd like to invite you to check out my closet. I sell original hand-painted artwork, art prints, designer handbags, wallets, and beautiful jewelry. If you are interested in any of my items please feel free to send an offer! Thanks, Mallgirl 🌺
Jan 22Reply
rllittle1 Thank you so much for sharing my closet. Feel free to make an offer. Thank you!!
Jan 23Reply
tatnaples Hi Gina! Thanks bunches for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Jan 26Reply
oldesires Hello👋 & THANK YOU for your interest, (Like, Follow or Share). Please feel welcome to visit, browse, ask??’s or make an offer. Wishing your Posh adventure to be fun & successful🌟
Jan 28Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely 🥰 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals on everything!!! Happy Poshing❤️
Feb 21Reply
krystalmcc1621 👋Thank you for following me. I just visited your 👜 closet👖 to follow you and share some of your 👚items 👟 with my followers. Have a wonderful day ☀️ and many 🧾sales 🎉!!
Mar 03Reply
asavage01 Hi there! I have a 5 for 15$ Sale - Bundle Anything 15$ or under!! Or 30% Off 2+ items. Have a Blessed Day 💌Ally
Mar 29Reply

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Last Active: Mar 12

Lees Summit, MO
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Last Active: Mar 12

Lees Summit, MO
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