Meet your Posher, Ginger
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Hi! I'm Ginger. Some of my favorite brands are Gucci, Michael Kors, MAC Cosmetics, Nike, Under Armour, Tarte, Too Faced, Smashbox, Born, YSL. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

28 others
like this

Hey girl. I wanted to check with you and see if you received you package?
Apr 26Reply

Welcome to Poshmark Feel free to ask questions and have fun shopping and poshing and making new friends
Apr 27Reply

Welcome 😄 Miss AKA
Apr 29Reply

@skeeweemom lmao!! Girl... You better open it and check out your new kicks!! Lol
I could never do that. My boxes are ripped open in seconds. Lol
Apr 29Reply

Aww.. Thank you for the rating and comment!! Happy you are happy!! Enjoy them my dear!!💕
Apr 29Reply

Hey! I’m sorry we are having trouble coming to an agreement on a fair price. If there is any jewelry you’re interested in I’d be happy to keep the price the same as my last counter but include up to 4 jewelry items. Hopefully we can come to an agreement we are both happy with 🙂
Apr 29Reply

Hi! The plum best you added to a bundle will be included with the bundle you paid for. Just a complimentary gift to say a big Thank You for shopping from my closet! It will ship today :)
Apr 30Reply

Hi. I'm sorry the purse u wanted has been sold. I have others available though. Thanks for looking at my closet
May 01Reply

Welcome to Poshmark feel free to ask me any Questions 😊💞Happy Poshing 🛍
May 02Reply

Hey lady, thanks for the bundle offer. I just wanted to let you know that I have a bunch of stuff that I haven’t been able to get uploaded to the app just yet which you might be interested in. If you let me know sizes/colors you like, I’ll get those up today so you can bundle more together and save on shipping! Thanks! 🙏🏽
May 02Reply

Good morning, I have placed an offer for you on your bundle. I’m open to negotiation. Have a great day.
May 03Reply

I have lowered prices maybe it will be better now
May 04Reply

Thank you for your are getting so much pretty stuff, I hope you will love it. It will go out today!
May 05Reply

Ha ha! Just re-read my note. VEST not best. I should not type comments from my phone...the keyboard is too small 😜 Hope you liked your bundle and the free vest. I love that plum color!
May 05Reply

Hi! I hope you’re having a great experience on Poshmark. I love it💕 It’s so easy to buy and sell. Visit my closet sometime & remember:
⭐️Prices are Negotiable⭐️
🛍Bundle for a better deal💰
Free gift 🎁 with $20+ purchase😘
📦Ships next day
See you soon!
May 09Reply

Please accept the delivery, you can find it in your news....
May 09Reply

May 12Reply

Hey Ginger:)! Thank you for creating a bundle and for the offer. I can do $40 on that bundle minus the yellow dress cuz i dont have it with me at the moment. Plus i cant go that low for a bundle of 5 (50% off). Lmk if that's ok with you. I'll accept and ship 4 out tmr❤ you will love them they are super cute and in excellent condition
May 14Reply

@skeeweemom please let me know :) im preparing packages right now
May 15Reply

Hey Ginger - i updated the photo for you :) lmk if you'd like to create another bundle and send me an offer ❤
May 16Reply

Thanks for liking ☺ any questions please feel free to ask.😃 happy poshing 💗
May 17Reply

I see you've been to my closet and have find the adorable red dress. I'll be moving soon so at the moment I am offering 30% off of bundles, a reduction in shipping fees AND a free gift from me to you! No pressure of course but I thought I'd let you know.
May 17Reply

Welcome to the Posh family 😘 Thank you for visiting my closet. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy Poshing 💕
May 18Reply

Welcome to Poshmark, I see you’ve liked the six items in my closet, I shared them to your closet for a a bundle of $65. ? Let me know if you have any questions or bundle your own. Thanks for stopping by 👍🏾
May 18Reply

Hi 👋🏼. I just wanted to check in with my counter offer to your offer. My sale is Buy Two, Get One free, not BOGO, however, I accept offers at 1/2 off the grand total of 6+ listings if you want to add 2 more items 😉😉
May 19Reply

@skeeweemom hello i appreciate your offer feel free to counter💕
May 21Reply

@skeeweemom heyyy found the yellow dress and will do the bundle for you ❤❤❤
May 21Reply

Wanted to make sure you saw my comment about the sizing on the DKNY set & wanted to see if you wanted to make any updates or changes to your bundle before I send you an offer. Thanks! 😁
May 23Reply

Hey lady. I’m shipping your items out tmrw morning. Please forgive for the delay😩😩
May 30Reply

Hopefully you’ll enjoy posh and welcome 🙏
May 31Reply

Lmk if my price works for you ;) i'll include free beauties for eqch bundle purchase too!
Jun 01Reply

Good Morning!! I just offered $24 for the bundle. The three items. I will also add in the two tank special for $6 I have going for that price. So you would be getting 5 items!! Just add them in a bundle with the other 3 items you like and I will offer $24. Will get them mailed out to you tomorrow am!! Deal!!!
Jun 01Reply

My error. The tanks are $5, still a fantastic steal!!!
Jun 01Reply

Hi there, if you have received your items, please accept it in the app! Thanks😁
Jun 02Reply

Hi Ginger!! Thank you for your wonderful bundle offer!! Let me know if you have any questions!! Have a wonderful Sunday!!!
Jun 03Reply

Hi Ginger, If you want a 20% discount, add all your "likes" to a bundle :) Thanks Plus its one shipping charge
Jun 03Reply

@skeeweemom sorry about canceling that order. On my phone I could only see two items. I will accept that offer for two items. If you’d like to bundle again I will send an offer! Thank you! ❤️🦋
Jun 04Reply

Hi Ginger, I'm so sorry for just now getting back with you, I priced the 3 tops since you bundled and gave u a discount of $1.50 on shipping, thanks Tammy ☺
Jun 05Reply

🎉💐🌹🌷🎀Welcome!! Happy Poshing!!🌹🎉🌸🌷🎀🌟
Jun 06Reply

Hi Ginger! I am so sorry for the delay. I had to travel for work wo notice. Back to town today and will be shipping your item this afternoon!! So sorry again!
Jun 06Reply

Hi! I see that you stated that I could improve on my sale to you. I apologize if for some reason that you were not satisfied. Please let me know how I could improve. Thanks for any feedback. Happy Poshing!
Jun 11Reply

Thank you for the like feeling free to checkout my closet for all kinds of great brands. You can make offers and Bundle for bonus savings😉
Jun 13Reply

Feel free lol
Jun 13Reply

Hi, I sent u a discounted offer on your bundle and was wondering if you are still interested, hopefully so 😉 Have a great evening!! Tammy
Jun 13Reply

Thank you very much for your likes, it is really appreciated. 😊
Jun 14Reply

SkeeWee Soror!
Jun 15Reply

Hi Ginger! I see you liked a couple items- feel free to bundle them so I can give you a discount! Happy shopping!
Jun 16Reply

Hey girl. Thanks for all the likes. 4 or so of those would fall into my 5 for $25 bundle if you'd like to do something with that or I can work a deal with what you have there 🤗 let me know if I can help with anything
Jun 17Reply

Hey girl just let me know when you are done with your bundle and we can work out the details 💞
Jun 17Reply

Thanks for the purchase will have it all shipped out by Monday at latest 🤗
Jun 17Reply

@skeeweemom I put the item off sale about 3 hours ago 😮 so when I was looking at your bundle and accepted the offer it wasn't. I'm sorry. You got the 8 items it showed me were in there.
Jun 17Reply

@skeeweemom I see where you liked it 😥 but sadly it wasn't for sale at the time of your purchase. That's why I gave you a discount on the one dress that wasn't part of the 5 for $25. 😊
Jun 17Reply

@skeeweemom you still want your bundle that you purchased correct? Sorry for the confusion ❤
Jun 17Reply

@skeeweemom I am really sorry I didn't realize it was in your original bundle 😥 if I had I wouldn't of given it to her 😥
Jun 17Reply

@skeeweemom I do apologise again. I've been making a lot of sales tonight and it's been really hard to keep up with. 😥 I hope you will still love the items in your bundle
Jun 17Reply

Welcome to poshmark it's a great place to sell and buy. I am a Posh Ambassador so if I can help you with anything just let me know. Good luck selling or buying and thanks for shopping my closet. Peggy
Jun 19Reply

@skeeweemom Hi! Thanks for the likes! If you add those items to a bundle I’ll send you a great offer 😊 thanks!
Jun 20Reply

The white pants will go fast have a few people interested just as a heads up !!!
Jun 21Reply

Hi welcome to Posh please check out my closet
Jun 23Reply

I’ll sell the sandals to you for 13 tomjfht
Jun 24Reply

You can counteroffer on the bundle :)
Jun 26Reply

Are you still interested?
Jun 26Reply

Sorry someone purchased the two shirts in the bundle
Jun 26Reply

Hi! Thanks for checking out my closet! 🎉 Still interested in that makeup?💖
Jun 29Reply

@skeeweemom Hey there! Welcome to posh ❤️ I’m a shoe closet too ✨ Have over 1000 listings so come and browse my closet whenever you have time
Jun 30Reply

Hello gorgeous thank you sooooo much for your sharing and your likes 🌷🌷🌷if you have a question please let me know ❤️🌷🌷🌷🌷
Jun 30Reply

Hi ginger, if u want to rebundle sandals i can make u a new offer. Someone bought a pair u had in the original bundle. Or pick anything else, i will give a good deal.
Jul 01Reply

Hey girl if u just want dress and sandal bundle andbi will offer 11.
Jul 01Reply

Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $50. Pls add 3 items of your choice from my closet in a bundle and submit the offer of $50. I will accept it. You can buy as many $50 bundle as possible. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision.
Jul 02Reply

Thanks for stopping by my closet! I noticed you liked some items. If you bundle them together, I can send you a special discount. :) Happy poshing!
Jul 04Reply

U can still get pink sandals, dress was purchased (sorry bout that). If u see something else i give u deal. Txs for consideration
Jul 05Reply

I have had that happen to me 2. I have other things. Check em out. I try and add new things. Txs for looking
Jul 05Reply

Hi! Thanks for the "likes" ! If you'd like to make them a bundle I'll send you a special discount offer!
Jul 07Reply

@skeeweemom hey there. I’m slightly confused. How much did you want the shirt & dress for?
Jul 10Reply

(1 of 3) Hi Ginger.. glad to see you liked many items in my closet. If you would like to bundle the remaining 3 items you were considering and make it a 7-item bundle, lets do this deal instead: The 7 item bundle would be $130 if you paid my current list price. 20% off brings it down to $104. I'll go further than that and send you an offer for $98 with FREE shipping for the 7 piece lot. Thats almost 30% off!
Jul 11Reply

(2 of 3) Otherwise, if you decide to stay with just the 4 in the current bundle, the original asking price of $48 plus 20% off for bundling 3+ items reduces your price to just $38. In a moment, I'll send you an offer for that 20% discount plus a shipping discount! Again, if you'd like the 7 items, please bundle them all and I'll respond to that as well.
Jul 11Reply

(3 of 3) Finally, I am going on a vacation hold Wednesday afternoon. If you would like your items shipped Wednesday, let's reach a deal and complete the purchase by 12pm CST on Wednesday, otherwise, I will have to wait until I return over the weekend to lift the vacation hold. Thank you!
Jul 11Reply

Hey love! Thank you for the like! I am hoping to clear that item out to bring in new goodies, please feel free to make an offer ! :)
Jul 14Reply

Thank you for the likes💖 always open to questions and offers.😊
Jul 16Reply

If you add done more item to the brown two piece dress and the 2 little girls dress, I will give you the atomistic 25% off AND discounted shipping AND a gift from me to you. Maybe even a little gift for the little girl who's dresses you are interested in.
Jul 20Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! A word of advice if you want it, share as much as you can...your items, others items, at parties etc! Good luck with your sales.
Jul 21Reply

Hey there. It's. It advertised in my closet but I am offering 25% off of all bundles as well as a discount on shipping. Along with that would be a free little gift from me to you. Of course there is zero pressure. Just an FYI. 😊
Jul 24Reply

Thank you for the like on the floral Jeggings! Let me know if you have any questions. Also, you save $$ when you bundle 2 or more items.👍 Have a great day!🌸
Jul 25Reply

Hello! Thanks for adding the items to a bundle. I’ve made an offer. You didn’t have the MAC added to the bundle, it was still in your likes. BUT I’m going to mark it NFS and send it to you if you accept because you’ll win the “first person who bundled three items from my closet on a Thursday” prize. Haha! 😂
Jul 26Reply

I made you the 25% off offer plus the discounted shipping on your bundle. I hope that makes you happy.
Jul 29Reply

It looks as if you may have bundles again. I sent you an offer. Happy Tuesday.
Aug 08Reply

hi ginger ! just in case the sale doesnt work out with the other buyer, i wanted to let you know... i emailed symphony company for a sizing chart on the black studded jumpsuit. the 3xl is a 23/24dress size, 43"bust, 33.5 waist, 42.5 hip, 35 inseam and 65 length. i just found this out this morning. it does have a little stretch, but not stretchy. might run small enough for you. i emailed the buyer, they might want to cancel..happy friday ♥
Aug 10Reply

@skeeweemom is a pleasure to shear your closet!!! My advice is to do your best in the pictures and follow a lot... if you need anything please let me know 😘☺️
Aug 11Reply

Hi Ginger I I need to make sure before I accept your offer $14 that because you have two items over the $5 they are not eligible for the 4 for $10 deal. But I will be happy to accept your offer of $14 okay. Thank you for your order.
Aug 12Reply

Hi there! Thanks for the like on the 5 strand pearls. I sent you a private offer and a shipping discount. Good news .. not only do you get a discounted item price, but you also get a shipping discount from me AND from PM, pretty close to FREE shipping! You'd be my first buyer! Thanks for taking a look! :)
Aug 14Reply

@skeeweemom hello! just checking to see if you received my package. It is pending acceptance.
Aug 19Reply

Hello nice to meet you 😍 and thank you so much for stopping by and liking the black swimsuit. If you’re interested I take 15$ it’s excellent
Aug 21Reply

Aug 21Reply

Greetings to you from South Carolina
Aug 26Reply

Sent an awesome deal on the Gucci glasses for being the first like!
Aug 31Reply

@skeeweemom Hi! I wanted to send you a message regarding the order that you purchased from me that you had to cancel. I wanted to let you know what happened. I had a horrible lupus flare and bedridden for a few weeks. I wanted to apologize and let you know that it wasn't intentional. I will be relisting the items if you are still interested. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Sep 01Reply

@skeeweemom Hi! I wanted to send you a message regarding the order that you purchased from me that you had to cancel. I wanted to let you know what happened. I had a horrible lupus flare and bedridden for a few weeks. I wanted to apologize and let you know that it wasn't intentional. I will be relisting the items if you are still interested. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Sep 01Reply

Great closet- love the colors! Happy Poshing!
Sep 03Reply

Hi feel free to browse thru my closet everything must go ! Bundle and send me an offer :)!
Sep 07Reply

Thank you for your purchase, I went ahead and included the xoxo black and pink cami as a bonus.
Happy Poshing!
Sep 10Reply

@skeeweemom If you see something in the future I’ll be sure to throw it in 😉
Sep 10Reply

Hello and thank you for all your likes in my closet.....make a bundle for more savings!!! Hope you stop by soon!
Sep 11Reply

Hi Welcome! ❤️I’m Jacquelyn, new to posh. Slowly cleaning out everyonre’s closets I’m moving next year & have all sizes! Plse check out my closet! Have more than just clothes! Lots of nice gifts 🎁! Love checking out closets too! Open to trades!
👗 👠 👚 👕 👔 👟 🌂 follow me/I’ll follow you! & share plse! I will do the same! Don’t 4get 2 tag urself on my follow game! Ty! 🌺 🌸 🌹
Sep 21Reply

Skee-wee Soror.
Sep 22Reply

Hi! Just wanted to say thanks so much for shopping my closet! I shipped your package this morning. Hoping it gets to you quickly and you enjoy it 😊 Have a great weekend! ~ Lini
Sep 22Reply

Hi Ginger!, Thanks for visiting my closet 😁 I would love to bundle something for you and I love offers too!, I will send you a special price. I'm adding to my closet daily so please stop back soon. Nice meeting you. Thank you for the likes and sharing the posh 💕💕💕
Sep 26Reply

Hi Ginger! Thanks for visiting my closet. Create a bundle when you’re ready and I’ll send you a great offer! 🌺
Oct 08Reply

Hi, I won’t go any lower on Cole Han sandals. Those are in great condition and the price is already low. You also know that Poshmark is charging fees. Sorry 😐
Nov 17Reply

Thank you for your purchase. Blazer will go out tomorrow since this is a weekend. You ask about lowering price of top. I’m sorry, I price most items too low. I can help with discount if you would like to bundle up the other two tops for a good deal. The 2 pc set is brand new. On the suit, skirt hips are 48”. FYI from the waist down 20 1/2 inches, the slit begins & flows to the bottom. Very roomy. I know you need larger, just thought I’d put it out there . Happy Poshing 🥰 💕
Nov 19Reply

Sale buy one get one half off
Feb 28Reply

🌹Hi, Sending Posh ♥️♥️♥️ your way . Feel free to checkout my Closet when you have a Minute . Happy to answer questions on Sizing , Texture etc. Not Happy with the listing Price ? Don’t be Shy ☺️, Use the Offer button . I will either Accept or Counter offer . So do Stop by 😊. Thanks and Happy Poshing 🛒🛍🎉🧚♀️
Mar 17Reply

Hi Ginger, I would love you to check out my closet, I'm adding new items all the time, and please feel free to make an offer.
Apr 11Reply

Sorry I am unable to take 50% of my asking price on the dress.
Jun 04Reply

Thanks for the likes ❤️ bundle and save 😊
Jun 15Reply

I wanted to let you know that I am currently offering an ADDITIONAL 50% OFF EVERY ITEM IN MY CLOSET SALE❤️
If you see items that you like just add them to a bundle and either send me a 50% off offer and I will accept or let me know when the bundle is complete and I will send you the 50% off discount.
❤️Happy Poshing.❤️
Cami 😀
Jun 16Reply

Hello doll, it's an honor to meet you. Please pop in & check out my closet, I have many items I think you would love🥰
If you bundle one or more items that you love I will send you my best no obligation offer. Or you can send me your best offer🥰 Feel confident in your purchases with me because I am a top rated seller & posh ambassador. I also have baby, children's & maternity clothing. I hope your having a really great day‼️ HAPPY POSHING🌈💜
Jun 30Reply

I wanted to let you know that I am currently offering an ADDITIONAL 50% OFF EVERY ITEM IN MY CLOSET SALE❤️😀. If you see items that you like just add them to a bundle and either send me a 50% off offer and I will accept.
Happy Poshing.❤️
Cami 😀
Jul 15Reply

Good luck with your sales🌷
Aug 19Reply

Hi you sent message about advice?! You look like your selling items? And buying too lol just like me I am trying to focus more on selling as I can’t keep spending lol If I can answer any questions and can help I’ll do my best! I’ll share your closet too!🤗☺️🥰💕🌷🤗
Aug 19Reply

@skeeweemom I don’t own any of the brand you’ve had success with I’ve been selling my own
Inventory I purchased and never worn or won’t and bought boutique items to add! I have 2 teens raised lots of different size clothing or NWT it barely worn I add new people everyday through the feed, share others and new people i try to introduce myself and share items also show posh love through comments and try to add something new everyday always trying to be better and try new things,
Aug 20Reply

@skeeweemom hope this helps ✨🤗🌷💕🥰☺️
Aug 20Reply

@skeeweemom you know you got this girl I wish you best and much success in your endeavors 🥰💕🤗❤️☺️🌷
Aug 20Reply

Hello seems as though you have revived the 2 piece skirt and top already and I can’t wait to hear how much you love your order. All you have to do is “accept” and please utilize the star ⭐️ rating system. If you would like or can find the time would you consider leaving a comment about your experience with me as a seller? That would be so appreciated.
Sep 15Reply

I am SO happy that you love your 2 piece outfit!
Sep 15Reply

@skeeweemom Hello Ginger, when you get the chance come take a look at my closet I have a great selection of women, men and children items. I have all different sizes in many different colors and choices. . Today sale: Bundle your items and take an additional 50% off excluding anything marked with a 🍁. Please come back often as I love to shop to bring fresh product to my closet all the time Thanks in advance for looking 🥰❤
Oct 22Reply

Hi Ginger! Thank you for buying the Hot Kiss dress from my shop - I apologize for the delay, we just moved from Ohio to Florida and I’m still unpacking our Posh listings! I’ll get it shipped for you tomorrow, thank you for your patience.
Nov 11Reply

hey! I don't have another blue Polo but I do have a Michael Kors XL that's navy/white/orange check that I need to get around to posting. 😊
Sep 04Reply

Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Moschino, Aritiza, Lululemon, Free People, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Xoxo, B.
Nov 26Reply

@skeeweemom Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 01Reply

@skeeweemom hello how are you check out my closet see something you like send me a offer all offers accepted
Sep 02Reply

Great to meet you in these Posh streets!!
Jun 21Reply

Hello! I’m selling this brand new with tags Michael Kors bag. Never used. Still in packaging. I’m not much on big purse or really like to carry purses. If your interested I can make a great deal or you can send an offer. Thanks!
Jun 26Reply

hey girl, congrats, you have won the candy box raffle giveaway. you get a free tee of your choice and a free tee. message me back to clam your prize. I will send it out in your next order. Just let me know you're on my live next show, and I will show you some tees to pick from. if you don't respond in the next 24 hours, I will have to select another winner.
Jul 12Reply

@skeeweemom just come on my show purchase one item to I can get a label and you can pick out what t-shirt you want
Jul 13Reply

@skeeweemom hey girl im live
Jul 14Reply

Hi. i saw u in a show looking for 8.5 shoes. Please look in my closet. I will entertain offers. I also bundle.
Jul 20Reply

Hello, I wanted to reach out and let you know I have Jr's size 00-5 jeans and lots of other items if you want to check them out. I accept most reasonable offers!
Jul 30Reply

hey there hun! by any chance did you recieve any my stuff, or cranberry_87 or kat_eyed? apparently there was a huge shipping error and they reached out saying they got some of my items and I have some of theirs and other users stuff. I only received 2 of the items out of like 20 I got from them. we'd be grateful if you did! ty!
Oct 15Reply

@skeeweemom quite a few and no one from wholesaleu has responded yet or even Kevin after I called him. and of course posh only gives us 3 days after shipping. this is such a bummer, especially for Kat she spent 1000s.
Oct 15Reply

Hello I just wanted to let you know that you have a bundle and I’m doing my shows in the morning except Wednesdays. I’m not going to do bundles anymore and wanted to give everyone a chance to grab their items. Hope you have a wonderful night 🫶
Jan 16Reply

got ur message. I've posted the extra label at the top of my page if you are ready to purchase it.
Feb 22Reply

welcome to Poshmark 💕 my name is Michelle!!!
Feel free to check out my closet 💟
prices are negotiable on everything 🎯
Accepting offers and Bundle for Better Deals 💘
Happy Shopping 🛒🛍️❤️
Mar 21Reply

welcome to Poshmark 💕 my name is Michelle!!!
Feel free to check out my closet 💟
prices are negotiable on everything 🎯
Accepting offers and Bundle for Better Deals 💘
Happy Shopping 🛒🛍️❤️
Sep 05Reply
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