Meet your Posher, Grace
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Hi! I'm Grace. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret and Free People. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

33 others
like this

hi grace you offered me $30 for a $100 bundle.. i'm sorry i just cant give a $70 discount.. i cant give my stuff away.. i hope you understand.. have a nice night..
May 16Reply

Ok i wasn't hoping to spend more than 30$ wanted a possible bundle let me know what you come up with
May 16Reply

@grace7993 so sorry but after poshmark takes their 20% i would end up with 20 bucks for all three.. totally not worth it for me.. i would rather keep them all myself.. sorry it didnt work out.. i do appreciate all the posh love and "likes"..
again have a beautiful night..
May 16Reply

Ok made one last offer it would mean everything to purchase the belt I am a very vintage girl thanks Daisy
May 16Reply

@grace7993 also did you see the belt is from 1968? it shows wear.. some stains.. its as old as me.. an antique.. lol..
May 16Reply

I understand I really wanna make a sale for you. What is reasonable?
May 16Reply

@grace7993 what do you like most? the shoes? the belt?
let me know..
May 16Reply

I really like the belt and tank. Guitar earrings are neat too
May 16Reply

@grace7993 do you want to do the shoes and tank for $30? i'm willing to go down the $10 if you'd like..
May 16Reply

btw is that your son? he is just too adorable!!!!
May 16Reply

SO confused now... i just offered you the belt and tank for $30 and you declined.
May 16Reply

Yes that's my boy
May 16Reply

Decided on earrings :) sorry I am very indecisive last and final choice
May 16Reply

@grace7993 LOL!!! ok! ✌
May 16Reply

The offer is up hope u accept
May 16Reply

this is unreal! i just went to accept your offer and it came up "error 1504" WHATEVER that means.. this is nuts.. did you ever see that before? i just left a message with poshmark support.. 😣
May 16Reply

No I never have seen it but it's probably cause I had you go threw so much trouble so I will just pay full price
May 16Reply

hi grace.. they just got back to me.. so fast.. anyways this is what they said..
*Thanks for your email! The error code you are receiving occurs when the potential buyer has a problem with his or her account. The potential buyer must contact support in order to get the issue resolved. We apologize for any inconvenience!
Thanks and Happy Poshing!
see if you can find out whats up.. thank you again grace.. 💛 kim, daisymaypost
May 16Reply

@grace7993 NO dont pay full price... wait a while and then put the offer through again..
May 16Reply

That's ok! I'm so very excited :) maybe you will sneek a freebie ✌️
May 16Reply

@grace7993 silly... why did you pay full price? i will make it up to you.. promise.. thank you so much.. i will get this out to you asap! have a beautiful night with your precious boy..
May 16Reply

@grace7993 i have a huda palette at a great price authentic as always
May 17Reply

Hi thanks for the likes
May 18Reply

@msol_fashion you have some really nice stuff
May 18Reply

@grace7993 oh thanks any cuestión let me now, 👓
May 18Reply

I’m Linda and if you 💖Jewelry, either Vintage or New Unique One Of a Kind Handmade, please stop by and visit. If you are shopping or selling the best of luck to you......and Remember
No Outfit is Complete Without Jewelry 💋
May 18Reply

Hi Grace! Nice to meet you and welcome to Poshmark😊💐
May 19Reply

grace thank you so much for your awesome rating and review.. i hope you enjoy everything.. peace and love kim 😍
May 19Reply

hi grace! make a bundle from my closet and i’ll make you a deal you can’t refuse!! 💛💛💛
May 21Reply

Bundle all your likes Nd ill send you a low offer and free shipping :)
May 21Reply

Hey Grace! Thanks for liking my items from my closet! Go ahead and bundle the items and make me an offer or I can! I will ship out today if we can work out a deal!!!☺️
May 22Reply

Hello, thank you so much for your likes! Feel free to make an offer, or when you get a chance check out the rest of our listings! We have a lot of NEW SURF and SKATE Brands, and SKY brand too! If you see anything you like please put it in a bundle, if it happens to be one of our older items, we might throw it in for FREE! Have an awesome day thanks🤙🏼
May 23Reply

Thanks for liking my new with tag sweater I would except a lower offer let me know if interested is very cute and new with tags👍😄
May 31Reply

@grace7993 Hi Welcome To Posh! Who's That Little Guy In The Picture ! If You Need A Few Bras! I'll BePosting More! Lol Melissa Or This U can Make An Offer! Lol
May 31Reply

I do have an offer of $150 on your dress. Let me know if you want me to hold it for you. Or also l have more wedding dresses but l know this is the one you like.
Jun 01Reply

go ahead an submit an offer for the BJ earrings I will accept 25
Jun 02Reply

🌹Hi Grace, such a beautiful name! Thanks for following me and liking the two cute necklaces in my closet. Since you are a new buyer in my closet. I can make you a special offer. Just 24 for both and if you buy this week- I will pay Shipping! 🌹If that sounds good - just bundle and send for offer 🌹enjoy your beautiful day ⭐️😎Kat
Jun 06Reply

Hello grace, your total for the bundle was 52 , I made it 46 plus took off 1.50 for shipping giving you an even bigger discount (total taken off 7.50) . Which means the sweater was discounted already. By giving you the shipping discount I gave you an additional amt off. Also, it will not let me resubmit an offer at this time. With your request your total would be slightly higher.
Jun 08Reply

Hi Grace! I see that you like my oversized towel/coverups. They just arrived last night. Did you know that I offer a 20% discount on bundles of just two or more items and you only pay one shipping fee? If you were only interested in a towel just hit add to bundle and I will send you a private offer. Thank you for shopping my closet!
Jun 15Reply

Excellent choices. Put those in a bundle and let me send you a private offer that I’m sure you will appreciate. Placing items in a bundle does not obligate you to buy them. Let’s make a deal!
Jun 15Reply

Thanks for your like 💋Feel free to make an offer 😊I can bundle with both for 20% off
Jun 16Reply

Hi Grace! Welcome to poshmark! Thanks for the like on the free people top... i have quite a few on sale, lots new with tags and a big discount on even bundles of just 2 items! Same day shipping, and i love offers. Have a great day and don't hesitate to ask me about my closet or the site (I'm a poshmark ambassador) xoxo!
Jun 17Reply

Jun 19Reply

Such a cutie Pai! feel free to check out my closet doll!
Jun 26Reply

Hey girl. My package arrived yesterday to you finally. Are you going to pick it up from USPS? Unsure of the message I got in regards to you leaving your items at the post office. Let me know if you’re going to go through with or if I should contact Poshmark, thanks!
Jun 26Reply

I will be getting it first thing in the a.m. my day was terribly busy yesterday
Jun 26Reply

Hello, thank you so much for your likes! Feel free to make an offer, or when you get a chance check out the rest of our listings! We have a lot of NEW SURF and SKATE brands, and SKY brand too! If you see anything you like please put it in a BUNDLE, for 1 shipping cost. If it happens to be one of our older items, we might throw it in for FREE! Have an awesome day thanks🤙🏼
Jun 28Reply

Thanks for sharing 😘
Jul 03Reply

thank you so much for your shares.. hope you are enjoying your summer so far grace.. 😍
Jul 03Reply

Add your likes to a bundle and I can provide you with free shipping. (5 or more for free shipping)
Jul 05Reply

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that everything that is listed as $9 is for today only. They will go back up to their original price tomorrow.
Jul 05Reply

Your bundle of 2 will stay at $19 until you're ready for purchase.
Jul 05Reply

I just wanted to stop by to say hey, Hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Jul 10Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Jul 16Reply

Thank you for checking my closet and liking
Jul 21Reply

Hello there! Welcome to Posh! You'll love it here! Friendly people and affordable prices! I'm Jade! One of the Posh Ambassador, Top Rated Seller, Top 10 Sharer, Mentor and Fast Shipper here! If you have any questions please feel free to ask me at anytime! Can't wait to check out your closet soon! Enjoy and have fun shopping! God Bless you!😍💋😘👄
Aug 04Reply

hey love, i saw your like on the nyx glitter glue:) if you’re interested, i ship tomorrow🤗💛
Aug 05Reply

Hi Grace! My name is Andrea 😊 Thank you so much for the like on the t-shirt! If you’re interested in purchasing it, let me know. I consider all reasonable offers and my closet has a 10% discount on bundles of at least two items 🎉
Aug 06Reply

Thanks for liking my jeffree star limited edition highlighter, let me know if you’re still interested! Can’t wait to check out your closet too :)
Aug 08Reply

This one right???
Aug 09Reply

Oh my goodness your son is so adorable!!! You got lucky to have a boy I ended up with 3 girls before I said no more. I never got my boy lol
Aug 09Reply

Looks like you should be getting your package today!! I am so excited
Aug 10Reply

@kobannon8780 yes ma'am here in the next couple of hrs! :)
Aug 10Reply

@grace7993 that's so awesome. I can't wait to hear what you think about it.
Aug 10Reply

@kobannon8780 ♥️
Aug 10Reply

It's here I just have to go pick it uo
Aug 10Reply

Hey 😊❤️ saw u likes the tarteist pro pallet, r u interested or is the price alittle High?
Aug 13Reply

Hi there, thank you for stopping by and checking out my closet, and, thank you for your likes 😊! Please let me know if you have any questions! Also, if you bundle your likes, I can give you a great discounted price! Thanks again, blessings and Happy Poshing!!! 😃🌸💕🙏🏼
Aug 14Reply

Hey, do you have anything to trade for the tarte set to add to your offer?
Aug 16Reply

I have peace love and juicy perfume I would be willing to get rid of. I need to look threw my things I guess lol
Aug 16Reply

Thank you for all the like! If you put them in a bundle I will send you and awesome deal 😊
Aug 21Reply

If you like anything enough to bundle, make a deal & I’ll take off shipping costs too. Looking to clear closet. Much more to add, so if you’re seeking anything else vintage, relic or rare, lmk, I may have it. xx 🌟
Aug 30Reply

Hello!! How are you beautiful havent heard from you in awhile hope everything is good with you!!
Oct 06Reply

Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Oct 28Reply

Hi Grace, I wanted to pop in and say thank you for visiting my closet, and to let you know that I offer good deals on bundles. No pressure at all If you’re just having fun window shopping, that’s the best part about Posh!😍 I’m happy to answer any questions you may have:) Have fun browsing!🌸
Nov 02Reply

Good Morning Grace, what a sweet picture of you and your little one:) I wanted to stop in to say thank you for visiting my closet:) If you find anything you like, I offer good deals on bundles. No pressure at all If you’re just having fun window shopping, that’s the best part about Posh!😍 If you have any questions, let me know. Have fun browsing!🌸🌸🌸
Nov 07Reply

Welcome to poshmark!
Nov 16Reply

Hey love, I see that your interested in make-up. I am too which is why I wanted to personally let you know about the makeup brushes in my closet that I think you would love. Let me know if you are interested. Thank you.
Nov 21Reply

Hi Grace and thank you for all your likes. It’s best if you like to make a bundle and I can offer you a discount 👍🙌😁
Dec 20Reply

Happy New Year 🌸🌸
Jan 18Reply

Thanks for the posh love
Jan 30Reply

Hi Grace! Thanks for visiting and liking my closet! Have a great day!❤️Patricia
Feb 18Reply

Good morning. Thanks for visiting the closet and looking at the jewelry. Feel free to ask questions, make offers, and bundle for extra savings.
Feb 23Reply

Hi grace! I’m marian Welcome to Poshmark! I can give you free shipping on the bundle of 3 necklaces; offer me $8 less if you’re interested! Tx and any questions about anything please ask!
Feb 24Reply

To Poshmark! Xoxoxo
Feb 26Reply

Hey sweetie☺ Prices on Poshmark are firm. My website is much cheaper if your interested 💝 link provided in "About"
🌺Happy Poshing!
Mar 05Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 💕💕💕 My name is Jess and I'm a Poshmark ambassador ☆♡ Feel free to check out my closet for great jewelry!
💎Happy poshing💎
Mar 12Reply

Hello Grace 😊 Welcome to Poshmark. I'd like to invite you to check out my ever-growing closet. I sell an array of cool and unique goodies. I offer a 10% Bundle discount and I always discount shipping.👍 If you ever have any questions about Poshmark, or anything in my closet, I will be happy to help you out. I wish you well. ✌❤
Mar 27Reply

Hey there Gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have never been worn and still have tags attached. Brands such as Lululemon, Nike, Victoria’s Secret, Spanx Leggings, Tarte Cosmetics, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Xoxo, B.
Apr 01Reply

Grace hi there pretty eyes!🤩 Just wanna say thanks for stopping by and the like 🌟
Apr 14Reply

Thank you for checking my closet and liking 💕
May 16Reply

Hello. Hope you are having a good day. Please feel free to check out my closet. If you have any questions about any of the items I am happy to answer. I am also open to offers😊. Happy Poshing!☀️🎉🌼
Aug 24Reply

Hi Grace,
Happy poshing!
Feel free to check out my closet for beautiful, high-quality items! Now offering a 35% off all items over $35 now through 9/3! I am open to offers, so please do not hesitate to inquire 😊
Thank you!
Sep 01Reply

Hello there, wanted to let you know that the Pink top you liked in my closet is on a special 2/$10 flash sale today!
Sep 22Reply

Hi, I noticed you were looking for an electric makeup brush cleaner and I have one! I’d really appreciate if you’d check my closet out!
Sep 27Reply

Hi!! Hope you are staying safe and sheltered in this time!! We could all use something to make us smile and bring us some joy right about now! Shop my JOY sale on all my jewelry and accessories and get a discount of 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! ✨✨
Apr 15Reply

Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking an item ✨ all orders placed this weekend will ship Monday morning 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Aug 01Reply

hi Grace. Cute lil fellowe there in pic w/ u. Just hit the " add to bundle" &/or "+" in the box to get a bundle sale of 4 or more items at $15 & up will get u 50% off
Aug 15Reply

Hi there!
If you like homemade artisan soap, candles, and bath products, I would like to invite you to visit my Poshmark Closet. I make everything from scratch and use all natural ingredients. They make really adorable gifts or even for personal use too. Stay safe & Happy Poshing!! 🛍
🌸 Ariana 🌸
Nov 11Reply

Hi Grace. I would love for you to visit my closet. I have 1000+ items both new and vintage in assorted sizes. I would appreciate it if you took a few minutes to stop by. Thanks so much.
May 04Reply

Greetings! I would like to offer you a 50% off any item or items you like from my closet. Please visit my closet and take care! 😊🌸
Aug 12Reply

Hi gorgeous , how are you?
We are doing BUNDLE and get “Buy 4 get 1 FREE”, Bundle 2 items will get 10% off.
Here I would like to invite and welcome you to stop by at our store and check out our 400+ Listing Accessories.
Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Jan 14Reply

Hi! feel free to checkout my closet if you have a minute, I think you may like :)
Jun 29Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️
I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟
I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️
Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Aug 16Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Oct 11Reply
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