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Updated Jul 26
Updated Jul 26

Meet your Posher, Harley

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I hope u all find your place in this crazy world.
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melissabass2 Hi! Thanks for shopping at my closet. I will drop off your package at the post office tomorrow.
Jun 01Reply
melissabass2 Hi! I dropped off your package earlier today. Thanks again!
Jun 03Reply
khawker864 Hi Amy. Thank you so much for your purchase! I just noticed it right now. For some reason it wasn't in my feed. I'll perfectly package it and send it out to you. Thanks again for your support!!! 💋
Jun 15Reply
nadiasouza09 Thanks for your purchase of the Miss Sixty shorts yesterday! It's packaged and sent off your way. 😊
Aug 19Reply
couturechic13 @nadiasouza09 thank you cant wait to try them on their so cute!!
Aug 19Reply
deb2kiddos @couturechic13 So sorry you canceled your order I live where Wildfires were burning in California and the package was finally able to be mailed today. but since order got cancel same day as shipment
Aug 24Reply
couturechic13 @deb2kiddos all set!! I made a bundle too I'm going to buy when I get payed
Aug 24Reply
couturechic13 @nadiasouza09 your the best!!! I always send gifts and this is the first time anyone thought of me, Thank you so much
Aug 24Reply
nadiasouza09 😭My pleasure! So glad to hear, this made my day. Enjoy!
Aug 24Reply
galswear Hi nook just wondering if we can do something with the bene jeans i didnt know if you were doing a bundle no rush if you are just let me know
Sep 02Reply
papermoon40 @couturechic13 Thank you Amy I will ship your item this afternoon 😊🌸
Sep 23Reply
717sissy I am so sorry about not accepting your offer. I have had a rough couple days and if you still want this item I will take a dollar off for you to purchase. Thanks
Sep 24Reply
couturechic13 @vegasartworks yes baby what was it I havwnt been home
Oct 09Reply
mante806 Hi thanks for stopping at my closet and for the like!!! If you find anything else you like you can add to a bundle to save on shipping and I offer 20% discount on bundles of 3 or more. Most of the items in my closet are New, I used to have a little store and I started posting on here 🎁❤️❤️
Oct 21Reply
couturechic13 @mante806 I can tell your stuff is beautiful, I'm kinda the same situation i run a boutique and interior design out of my house
Oct 21Reply
mante806 @couturechic13 oh wow!! I live in a very small town and it’s hard selling here. That’s why I always try to sell on Facebook and I just started selling here.
Oct 21Reply
jjoperk Hello you bought the sweat pants I hVe to look for them they might of sold
Oct 27Reply
deezhauz Hi there! I saw that you made offer on my VS pink pants, and then cancelled it...if it was due to my late response, I apologize & would have been happy to accept it. However if you just simply changed your mind, I totally understand. Nonetheless, Happy Poshing & wishing you speedy sales! 🙏😊
Nov 07Reply
kelly_pollina @couturechic13 hey love just making sure you got your purchase hope you love it! 😄🥰 xoxo happy poshing and have a great weekend.
Nov 13Reply
intoselling2 Hello,Thank you for your purchase!😊I would normally be able to get a package out the same day but I’m a little pressed for time today, so I will send it out first thing Friday morning!💕However,if by some miracle I can get it out todayI’ll send you message.
Nov 25Reply
dhruvi__ Hi Amy! I see you like yellow VS PINK hoodie in my closet - it's such a fun hoodie! ☀️💛 I also have a plush, cozy VS PINK robe ☁️ & an adorable VS PINK cosmetics case 🎀 if you wanna bundle. I'm always open to offers. I can ship out today if you decide to purchase. Let me know if you have any questions! 🙂
Dec 18Reply
amberkarels Hi Amy! Thanks for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of bundling 3 or more items & receive 25% off your entire order! 😊♥️
Dec 18Reply
jjoperk Hello if you’re still interested in the pink sweatpants I found them I have so much stuff boxed up I literally had to find them so if you’re still interested you can send me a another offer sorry about that
Dec 21Reply
reddfoxx10 Hello Amy, thank you 😊so much 💖for the extra little gifts, I purchased this little Coach key pouch for my niece her Born Day is this upcoming Wednesday, she's going to love it, and no worries it's definitely arrived in time. I'm so very sorry about your dog, I hope he'llbe okay. Thank you again 💓for everything.
Jan 11Reply
mmdell11 hi there!! hope you are having a good day! I marked down my prices &&& I wanted to let you know I’m having a big 3 for $25 (or less) sale! & all men’s clothes are BOGO! I’m open to offers, bundles & lots of shares! check it out 💓💓💓 let me know if you have any questions! I’ll be happy to help!
Jan 15Reply
susiesclosetusa Hi, not sure where your exact same tank for same price is in your closet so not understanding what your confusion about your purchase was, but I'm happy to cancel your order.
Jan 16Reply
susiesclosetusa I have cancelled the order as requested. What I didn't realize is that now that I've cancelled it, I just lost all history on this item and even if I copy the listing, all history of all 18 likers has now gone out the window. Not really impressed. I can see that cancelling offers and purchases seem to be a trend for you that in turn hurts other poshers. Whatever your circumstances are, in future please be more careful moving forward with your activity as it's not fair to other poshers.
Jan 16Reply
susiesclosetusa Have a great evening!
Jan 16Reply
couturechic13 @susiesclosetusa well thanks I do it for pwople too accidents happen. ita a gorgeous top it will sell. I appreciaye it.
Jan 16Reply
kellylee0413 Hey Amy! We saw that you liked the PINK Coral Tee. We are offering a deal on that right now. If you bundle the PINK Coral Tee and the PINK Grey Tee, you will get a $5.00 discount. Let us know if you’re interested. Best wishes, happy poshing!! 😊💕
Feb 15Reply
pinkyann369 hi. I bought the pink and lear storage container on the 30th of Jan, can I get refund. it says u havent shipped it yet? plz
Feb 19Reply
scarlettmfb Thank you for the positive feedback! I’m glad you like the top
Feb 20Reply
alicekleiner Prayers and Well wishes ❤🍀
Mar 05Reply
jhonas82 @couturechic13 ty for the ❤️ hun appreciwtte it god bless ur heart
Mar 12Reply
beclassybebold I love your closet!👏👏😃♥️ Would you please be so kind and check my closet? You may be pleasantly surprised by different things you’ll see there!😍Ty! Happy Poshing, Have an awesome Day!😃♥️
Apr 08Reply
alinaleonardo Hi Amy, thank you so much for your purchase! The package will be shipped within an hour or two. Have a lovely day💐
Apr 27Reply
alinaleonardo Hello Nook, thank you so much for the 5⭐️rating and sweet words! Hope you enjoy everything😉! Xoxo
May 01Reply
missmoly Hi my name is Selma , a Poshmark Ambassador!  Please check out my closet for name brand clothing!  ❤️❤️Because I have so much listed & I list new items everyday, things get out of order so you will have fun playing in my closet! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Please follow my closet @Missmoly. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I sell Torrid, Lane Bryant in plus sizes, men, women’s & children’s all all sizes! 😊😊😊😊😊 I also have many other items! 😊❤️🥰😊❤️🥰😊❤️🥰
May 23Reply
amberkarels Hi Amy! Thank you for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of buying 2 items & get your 3rd item free! 🎉☺️
May 24Reply
couturechic13 @amberkarels well thankyou my luv I will swing by💘
May 24Reply
beclassybebold Thank you VERY much for generously sharing my closet!!! It is very kind of you! I am pleased to share your beautiful things as well!!! I wish you hot sales, my Poshfriend!!😃♥️
May 24Reply
suziscouture Hello😄Sorry about your sweet dog. 🥲 I just sent I a great offer on Victoria’s Secret sweatpants.❤️So comfortable and cute! Can send out ASAP! I’m a 5 star rated posher. Please follow my closet. I add new items almost everyday. Hope this offer works for you. Thanks again!👌👖
Jun 12Reply
lekokoluxe Hey Amy. The beach bunny bikini you liked, on carrarae’s page, used to be mine. It was brand new when she bought it from me & she tried to return it upon receiving it, said it was damaged. (It wasn’t). She pulled strings on the top to state her case and posh didn’t believe her and didn’t accept the return thankfully. Now she’s trying to sell it for $80 more and isn’t stating any of the alleged “flaws” she said when she tried to return it to me. Just a heads up…. She’s shady.
Jun 26Reply
couturechic13 @lekokoluxe gurl thankyou are you talking about the light blue set or the dark blue. I actually had a client rip a louis handle off a bag so she could return it. than I get the bundlers who bundle 2000 worth of clothes and want 25% off. there's a lot of shady women on here. I sold a beach bunny lace pants for only 50. spotless. she said they were stained and wanted return she mailed me blue sox
Jun 27Reply
couturechic13 @lekokoluxe thanks again for the heads up. I wont be buying them
Jun 27Reply
lekokoluxe @couturechic13 OMG thats insane! Its actually the lacy black bikini with gold hardware. I would normally never do something like this, but she was SO dishonest & I just hate that she attacked me for a FLAWLESS bikini & is now trying to sell it for significantly more & isn't mentioning any sort of "flaws" like she claimed.
Jun 27Reply
lekokoluxe @couturechic13 Your blue socks story sounds like a nightmare. Hopefully Posh protected you somehow.
Jun 27Reply
leslierunway Good morning Amy! How have you been? loving your closet!
Jul 01Reply
retroragz22 If you see anything please make me an offer
Jul 13Reply
blessedbayrose7 @couturechic13 - Hi, thank you for the like. Feel free to bundle all your likes for additional discounts. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know. 💞
Jul 28Reply
amberkarels Hi! Thank you for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of buying 2 items & get your 3rd item free! 🎉☺️
Aug 01Reply
coup2 🛍Happy Poshing!🛍
Aug 17Reply
valladares83 Hello, Hope you are having a great time shopping come checkout my closet🦋✨
Aug 25Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Aug 25Reply
jhonas82 @couturechic13 hey be im texting u let me know ya
Sep 28Reply
heidier Hi thanks for visiting my closet I’m sorry to hear about your best friend I am open to reasonable offers thanks H Posh Ambassador
Oct 07Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Oct 09Reply
lovenarf Hi Amy. I see that in the past you’ve had an interest in a bebe dress size XXS or XS. Just wanted to let you know that I posted one that might be of interest to you. Thanks for taking a few minutes to stop by.
Oct 11Reply
rachelb152 @couturechic13 Hello Harley I sent you an offer on the backpack. Thanks for considering 😘🙏
Oct 30Reply
couturechic13 @rachelb152 I accepted your offer luv. the charm already sold but I have another one I will put in for you. I'll mail it ASAP. thanks for the order.
Oct 30Reply
rachelb152 @couturechic13 thank you so much that is sweet of you 🤗🙏💕😘
Oct 30Reply
amberkarels Hi! US $11.46 51% Off | Sexy Bikini 2021 Plain Rib Swimwear Women Swimsuit Female Brazilian Bikinis Set 2 Piece Woman Bathing Suit Swim for Beach Wear
Nov 05Reply
amberkarels Hi! Thank you for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of buying 2 items & get your 3rd item free! 🎉☺️
Nov 05Reply
inkedupbarbie Girl come back to posh!! I purchased the pink cute Booty lounge pants from you.
Dec 03Reply
trinalombardi Hi Amy! I'm open to offers on the VS hoodie 😊
Dec 16Reply
shopvvf Hey love, seen a few listings you liked and think you may like some in my shop. Feel free to take a look. I ship same day if orders placed by 3pm cst 💜
Jan 02Reply
heatherctay Hello Ms. Amy ~ Thank You for your purchase. They’ll be mailed first thing Monday morning. Please let me know when or if you are interested in any of the other items. Hope you’re having a lovely weekend. Thank you again! XOXOXO ~ Heather Tay
Feb 13Reply
fianet Hi sweetie, I accepted your offer but something went wrong with the processing. Please feel free to accept a repeat offer or resend to me and I will accept again. Thank you for visiting and have a wonderful week🌷
Feb 14Reply
couturechic13 @inkedupbarbie hey sorry gorgeous, I was in the hospital, 1st of 2 heart attacks as of late. I'm back on now though. posted some new cute stuff. you have a couple things I love!!! its so hard to find vintage playboy!! I get payed in a week. ill be spending way too much in your closet!!! hope your doing well!! 💋Harley
Apr 20Reply
cutehosiery @couturechic13 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 04Reply
couturechic13 @goodvibes1212 awe thank you baby! sorry about the bag! I didn't know you wanted it so much! text when you can! 💋Harley
May 05Reply
twotscloset Hello, Thank you for checking out my closet! feel free to bundle your likes! everything is $7 and under today! I'll send you an offer after you bundle! 💕
Jun 16Reply
johnreilly looking very lovly
Jun 16Reply
couturechic13 @adoringstyles sure, I try to do that right away but sometimes I get overwhelmed. ill do it now. thank you, hope you have a great night
Aug 21Reply
couturechic13 @tutuwig thanks babe, I'll share yours too!!
Aug 21Reply
couturechic13 @tutuwig wow some of those are absolutely gorgeous!! do you sell extensions by any chance?
Aug 21Reply
lilma1966 Hello, please update your payment info for your purchase Ty
Aug 21Reply
its_crystal28 @couturechic13 Hello!! 🌷Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 🌷speedy sales to you
Aug 22Reply
its_crystal28 @couturechic13 Hello!! 🌷Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 🌷speedy sales to you
Sep 05Reply
couturechic13 @krissyany sorry took me so long to share back I live some.of your nails. anything ombre!!
Sep 24Reply
mainstreetstyle Hey there! Just stopping by to say hi! 🌺🌺🌺 What a lovely closet you have!✨ Wishing you good sales! Happy poshing! ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 07Reply
nicholepruitt73 if ordered now u will get a Juicy Couture airpod case ABSOLUTELY 💯 FREE W/ PURCHASE
Feb 17Reply
dianasantiag224 Hey I was wondering how u were doing hope ur well , also I ordered almost 2 weeks ago and my order hasn’t shipped out yet , so I was wondering what was going on , I’ve messaged u on posh n on ur phone , no response. N no update on my order it was quite big and I understand things come up but an update after this long would be kewl . I can’t really cancel cuz wouldn’t get all my deposits back . I’m hoping to hear from u . Lmk pls . Thanks xox
Mar 27Reply
dianasantiag224 It’s kewl . Don’t say anything. I canceled my bundle Ik I won’t get the 300 I deposited but it’s ok . I hope u make out well . Xox
Mar 28Reply
couturechic13 @dianasantiag224 why would you do that. its cool. ill send it ups
Mar 28Reply
aacoplon Yo I can’t message you anymore not sure what’s going on… can u reach out so I have a way to contact u thanks
Apr 18Reply
aacoplon when I message u it is saying "@aacoplon you have reached the maximum message attempts for this conversation."
Apr 18Reply
aacoplon Hey girl posh is not letting me message you anymore not sure why… super frustrating lol, please text I posted number on the comments of the VD bag
Apr 18Reply
eyeofdesign Hey there, crazy question as this website is not conducive for us to really communicate privately with each other. UGH! I can’t remember if I sent you the powder blue Juicy Couture zip up jacket. Too many things going on in my life, and for whatever reason it’s not saying “sold”😡 I thought I sent it🤷🏻‍♀️ Regardless, either way can you please let me know. Most of my posh items are at another location and someone added this to their bundle. Thank you ❤️
Apr 21Reply
amadariaga Hey there ! Can you please check out my messages to you in my bundle? Thank you so much!
Jun 09Reply
beebee_13 hey i’ve been trying to contact you for like almost two weeks 😭 what’s going on with shipping? i really don’t wanna cancel
Oct 24Reply
citypeople hi I have still not seen my package I ordered and still no tracking info. I hate to do it but I'm going to have to file a claim
Jan 12Reply
citypeople please reply back to me
Jan 12Reply
clothingnmore_ Hi Harley 🌸 l'm Laura, I hope you're doing great today. I would love to invite you to check my closet (home items at the end). If you like 2 items or more, simply click the "❤" and I'll send an Offer with 25% off + Discounted Shipping! ☺ Thank you in Advance and Happy Poshing ⚘
Jan 21Reply
enchantedshores 👑🏰💖 Hello , Poshmark Is A Great Place For Buying & Selling Fabulous Items💝 Stop By and Shop🛍️ Our New Selections Of Beautiful & Unique Items Womens Mens Kids Fashion Holiday & Home Decor 🤗🛍️Happy Poshing🛍️🤗 @enchantedshores 👑🏰💖 Enchanted Shores 👑🏰💖👑🏰💖👑🏰💖👑
Mar 06Reply

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Last Active: Jan 03 2024

North Charleston, SC
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Last Active: Jan 03 2024

North Charleston, SC
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