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Updated Dec 07
Updated Dec 07

Meet your Posher, Heather

Meet the Posher



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Levi. Patagonia. Nike. Some thrifted. Some vintage. Always loved.
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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ladykrc @hezzey Hello fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by to say hello👋🏼☺️🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Sep 13Reply
sigi_bebe Hey Heather … Welcome to Poshmark and thanks for following the Sigi Bebe' Closet! ️❤️
Sep 30Reply
cheyanne_79 Hi there! 😊 Welcome to check out my closet. Most items are come with a free sample/gift~ Let me know if any items you’re interested in, I’m always open to offers. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Happy Poshing and all the best for you!! ❤️
Dec 07Reply
cheripi I have a lot of interest in my FitBit and have offers out to a lot of people. I just can’t accept $29...$39 is my best since PoshMark takes $8 and I’m also paying part of the shipping. Additionally, I took $10 off my asking price for you!
Apr 30Reply
hezzey @cheripi I understand :) I found one at the goodwill bins for .60cents and I LOVE it. Same exact one. I was hoping to get one for my partner as well..ill wait:) Hope you get your asking price!
Apr 30Reply
cheripi @hezzey Thank you for your kind response and congratulations on getting that fantastic price! I once got a huge Waterford crystal vase at Goodwill for $2!!!! Have a great day!!!
Apr 30Reply
amthompson4817 Yes, your Theragun Prime is on the way it was dropped off at the post office today. Thank you!
Nov 05Reply
santanajjt 😃 I'm here to help. Friday's Poshmark offers $4.99 shipping on all listings sellers reduce 10% so Poshmark applies the shipping offer then sends it to only likers ❤ Sometimes it's offered the whole weekend and other days during the week. I always try to help buyers get the deal and on bundles 🙂 if there's anything or things in my closet you're interested in just let me know, bundle and I'll help
Mar 07Reply
mazyodc Hi, Sometime in the past three years you made a purchase from my closet. With so many closets on Poshmark, you might not have visited my closet in some time. I’d love to have you check out the unique items I am selling and as a returning customer I’m offering a 30% discount on bundles of 3 or more items ( up to 5 lbs). Just let me know when you make an offer so I’ll be sure to offer that discount. Hope to hear from you 😍Marianne
Oct 22Reply
cutehosiery @hezzey Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 30Reply
sarahstyle123 Hi, what condition is the Patagonia down jacket? Any rips or tears? I saw the number chart for used gear but the add did not say which one of those numbers. Thanks so much!
Aug 03Reply
hezzey @sarahstyle123 hey! It’s in great condition. No rips or tears!
Aug 03Reply
mazyodc As a Posher who has made a previous purchase from my closet, I wanted to let you know about my summer sale. Bundle two items and select a third, lower priced item which will be included without charge -FREE - good through Sept. Hope you will check out my closet.
Aug 24Reply

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Portland, OR
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Last Active: 2 hours ago

Portland, OR
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