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Updated Aug 17
Updated Aug 17

Meet your Posher, Heather

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Hi! I'm Heather. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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barbiemom1 Hi, thanks for the offer. Do you also mer? I am happy to sell it to you for $15 on that site so I don't have to pay the 20% commission fee. Find it under the same listing and barbiemom
Sep 28Reply
ecko2264 @barbiemom1 oh okay I don't mer but if I fine it is will look you up thank you
Sep 28Reply
barbiemom1 No problem I will accept the offer. Thanks!
Sep 28Reply
amy1515z @ecko2264 Hi, thank you for your purchase 🙂 Will ship tomorrow for you.
Nov 11Reply
ecko2264 @amy1515z sounds good thank you
Nov 11Reply
amy1515z @ecko2264 Hello, I apologize, however I forgot that it was a holiday yesterday and post office was closed. Will ship first thing Monday 🙂, opened and added a little extra for the wait.
Nov 12Reply
msmelis1678 Hi Heather. Just checking in again to make sure you received the shipping label to mail the skirt to the proper buyer. She has received it and is shipping the outfit out. Thanks!
Nov 16Reply
ecko2264 @msmelis1678 I haven't yet received one but as soon as I do I will send it off !
Nov 16Reply
ecko2264 @msmelis1678 still haven't received any label so I don't know what is happening
Nov 17Reply
msmelis1678 @ecko2264 yes I didn't hear from you so I already emailed them again saying you didn't get a label. I am totally on top of it! Frustrating but it will work out I'm sure!
Nov 17Reply
msmelis1678 They said they have sent new shipping labels to both of you. Got this message back today at 11:53am
Nov 17Reply
ecko2264 @msmelis1678 Okay sounds good!
Nov 17Reply
amy1515z @ecko2264 Hi, I am happy to know that you were happy with your purchase. 🙂 Thanks for the ratings!
Nov 18Reply
msmelis1678 @ecko2264 maybe you can check your spam email? That's the only thing I can think of. The email should be coming from Poshmark Support. They said they have sent the labels out 2 times already now. You could also try emailing them directly to let them know you didn't receive the labels. That's all I can think of at this point!
Nov 18Reply
ecko2264 @msmelis1678 Okay but I don't have a printer if that what you do it with I been watching the mail
Nov 18Reply
msmelis1678 @ecko2264 yes they email you the label. That's how It works.
Nov 18Reply
msmelis1678 @ecko2264 maybe you can forward the email to someone who can print it for you?
Nov 18Reply
msmelis1678 @ecko2264 The other buyer received the label and should be shipping your items today. Please find a way to print your shipping label to get the skirt to her. It was sent to your email. Thank you.
Nov 21Reply
ecko2264 @msmelis1678 I just mailed it off ten minutes ago
Nov 21Reply
msmelis1678 @ecko2264 great!! So glad this mixup is finally working out! Thank you!!
Nov 22Reply
mmiles22 If you purchase the camo at 7 I will send more than that I always add extra especially if they like ninja turtles but I am trying to get rid of my 5 year olds stuff I'm about to post more listings of Wrangler shirts button ups and pearl snaps,shorts especially if you want to bundle shorts I have a couple pair not posted
Apr 18Reply
mmiles22 Hey it shows you gotbyour package hope you like it
Apr 23Reply
ecko2264 @mmiles22 just got it today thank you so much the clothes are great and boots are perfect and the extra was a surprise so thank you very much !
Apr 24Reply
mmiles22 @ecko2264 your welcome I always try and give extras just because someone could always use them hope he likes his turtle house shoes! And that blue button up brand New worn only once! So he should be able to put some wear on it lol glad you liked it have a wonderful day!!
Apr 24Reply
bellaaliyas Thank you for your purchase I will ship your item out on Monday!
Apr 29Reply
ecko2264 @barbaracogburn Okay thanks for the heads up I will let you know when it get here !
May 04Reply
chat3388 @ecko2264 Hello Heather, nice to meet you. I'm Kat. Stop by my closet sometime. Enjoy your weekend
Jun 30Reply
lsmouz Hi, Heather. I just wanted to let you know I sent your package today. It was a 3 day label so I think you should have it by Tuesday at the latest. Thanks!
Nov 25Reply
ecko2264 @lsmouz ...Thank you ☺
Nov 26Reply
aqua_lunax Hi hi!! 🐣 I saw you liked some of my items! Feel free to shop in my closet! 😊 (I'm moving away) and I need to sell out everything. 🎀I accept offers🎀and I'll give you a great deal if you 🍓bundle🍓 any items. Thank you! Enjoy 😁💞🎀
Nov 26Reply
aqua_lunax @ecko2264 let me know when ur done bundling so I can give u a discount 😄
Nov 28Reply
aqua_lunax @ecko2264 feel free to make a counter offer! 😁💗
Nov 28Reply
aqua_lunax Haii I saw you sent me an offer and I'm sorryyy but the lowest I can go for all of those together is $40 Because the monkey and the baby doll are collectables that are worth alot more and I'm already selling them for a huge discount. Let me know if you're still interested and I'll send u a counter offer. Thank u so much!! 😄😊
Nov 29Reply
kasonhot41 This is the young lady you bought the boots from I really don't understand to ship the boots to you this my first time doing postmark I still have the boots if you want them
Dec 26Reply
ecko2264 @kasonhot41 yes please I would love it if you sent them to me ! Thank you
Dec 27Reply
ecko2264 @kasonhot41 so are you going to send them ?
Dec 28Reply
kasonhot41 Yes tomorrow
Dec 30Reply
ecko2264 @kasonhot41 well I'm still waiting on you to ship them do you know when your going to ship them ?
Jan 03Reply
kasonhot41 Am going to send them I the flu am going to send them tomorrow or friday
Jan 03Reply
sarahravioli83 Hi :) I received your offer on a shirt. Unfortunately Poshmark takes $3 off of each listing off of the top plus additional fees if the price is higher. I cannot take less than $6 for the shirt. I paid $6 for it and never wore it so I am only making $3 back by selling it at $6. If you'd like it for $6 it's yours :) also some people got confused. The listing is for a purple one just like the black one. Just let me know and I can send it out tomorrow if you decide to purchase :)
Feb 21Reply
belle_sby Hi welcome to Poshmark thanks for following my closet and liking my item(s). I'm more than happy to help, feel free to tag me ..til then ..Happy Poshing.👍
Feb 26Reply
evolvingalways Thank you for shopping once payment is received I will ship out have a fabulous evening 💐
Mar 02Reply
marylandgal Hi there! I will get your jeans shipped out tomorrow. Hope you love them!
Mar 28Reply
ecko2264 @marylandgal thsnk you 😊
Mar 28Reply
riverlove722 Welcome to Posh Heather 🌈 Thank you for your like! I would love ❤️ to have you as a new friend & customer! 😁 Take advantage of the 20% discounts on bundles of 2 or more items. Please browse my amazing closet full of over 300 brand name pieces to choose from all at fabulous prices! ❤️
Aug 09Reply
carolins_closet Hi heather!! I sent you an offer on the dress. Hopefully that’s ok. Check out the rest of my closet and add to your bundle for a better discount :))) happy Friday!!!
Jun 01Reply
carolins_closet I can do 35 for both dresses with discounted shipping and a free gift 🎁
Jun 01Reply
kidz_shop_ Hello There!☺️ I hope you are having fun on Poshmark! I would love for you to check out my Closet!💕 I have a KidzShop which sells amazing and affordable kids items. I am always adding new items weekly and if you are ever interested in anything I am always happy to give you a fabulous bundle deal as well as help you save on shipping 💌📮I am excited to connect and make a deal with you soon! ❤️
Apr 29Reply
mountaingal6 Thank you for your purchase of Kuhl pants! I was unable to mail today so will ship it on Monday.
May 14Reply
abel6583 Hey Heather, It’s my favorite day of the week, CCO! I’m willing to drop the price of the overall dress you liked to $15 and you would get discounted shipping ($4.99). Would you be interested in purchasing today?
Jun 25Reply
syerrawendt I’m so sorry, I’ve been sick in bed sleeping for a few days and haven’t checked my Poshmark, I will ship out you kids Huk long sleeve tomorrow.
Aug 02Reply
kelsiehstrange hey i saw you just purchased my youth XL Nike sweatpants, I should have them shipped out by today or tomorrow, thank you!
Oct 05Reply
candaceleigh90 just saw where you offered on a shirt. reoffer if you are still interested.
Jan 05Reply
angmomto2 Hi there! I’d like to invite you to visit my closet. Lots of nice items, a variety of style & sizes, some great houseware, shoes & books! I give discounted shipping when you bundle a few items too! 😀
Apr 03Reply
roycefam4 Thank you very much for your 5 star review!  I greatly appreciate you and your time!  You and your purchase are a blessing to me and my family!  Always remember that you are important and a blessing!! God bless you!! 
May 02Reply
debbiesdealz Hi! Thanks for stopping by my closet. I saw you ❤️ a children’s CK I have listed. If you put that one item in a bundle I will discount it to $34. Have a great day.
Oct 18Reply
frippislandsc Good afternoon. Thank you so much for your purchase, I appreciate your business. Your order is all packed up and will ship out in the morning. Thank you again and welcome back anytime ❤️
Oct 25Reply
kayladfit Sorry I missed your offer. Just submitted it to you again!
Jan 26Reply
kentdixon181 hey Heather I saw you liked that Nike piece. I think you can def find that cheaper, l’ve had some luck thru Gently (it shows the best listings from Poshmark and other resale sites).
Apr 11Reply
it_all_must_go Thank you for your purchase🤗
May 10Reply
jkgkuhns Hi! I posh so much less than I used to. I have been purging and honestly I think I sent those shorts to Goodwill:( I’m going to decline your offer and delete the listing. Very sorry for the inconvenience.
Jun 23Reply
stacy_gaines Have a fantastic day and Happy Poshing! 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
Mar 26Reply
reggie88188 Thank you so much for purchasing your gloves for my closet. I will ship them off today so they reach you ASAP! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and thank you again for shopping in my closet!
Oct 02Reply

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Last Active: Mar 20

Charlo, MT
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Last Active: Mar 20

Charlo, MT
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