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Updated Dec 21
Updated Dec 21

Meet your Posher, Heather

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Heather. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, PINK Victoria's Secret, Nike, Coach, and CHANEL. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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annainvancouver Thank you for your like. Feel free to creative a bundle. I can do bogo sale. Xoxo
Aug 22Reply
missionposhable Hi Heather! I noticed you liked some items in my closet... I’m having a 3 day flash sale 50% BOGO. 😊
Aug 31Reply
maybellemabelle Hi Heather, welcome to Poshmark. If you need help or have questions, reach out to any of the posh ambassadors, we all try to help as much as we can. Happy poshing and have a great weekend!
Sep 05Reply
biancatomoiaga Hey thanks for your interest in some of my items! Make a bundle for a great deal :)
Sep 07Reply
fashion_leo Hi, welcome to Poshmark! Hope you like fashion here you can find amazing items at affordable price and you can sell your items too! I am Alex, posh Ambassador and top rated Seller&Mentor,  if you  have any questions navigating Poshmark or anything feel free to ask. Also please visit my closet too!👍
Sep 08Reply
thriftysh_ hi Heather, thanks for all the likes. I sent you an offer for the London Times Dress but noticed you liked 2 other items in my closet. if interested, kindly decline my recent offer and bundle all your likes for a private discount. Again, thank you for visiting my closet and liking my listings. happy poshing
Oct 04Reply
glamfriperie •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hi! How are you? I just saw you liked few of my articles 😍! ... Let me know if you have any questions... Just letting you know the promotion i currently have is 15% off on all your articles when you purchase 2 items and + . I also pay the full shipping when you buy for 125$ and more (Canada customers)! I will post new articles every week 🤩! Go take a look at my other articles. Thanks and enjoy your shopping. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Oct 06Reply
carolipip Hi there! Thanks for the like on the cosmetic bags, feel free to send an offer! If you buy 2 or more items, I can give you a better discount. Let me know if you have any questions 😊
Oct 07Reply
seyseylu Hi there, thanks for all the likes. Feel free to add them to a bundle so I can offer you a discount with shipping fees off! Thanks!
Oct 15Reply
twinsoul_ hi I noticed you liked my blush Michael Kors bag. If you bundle it I can send you an offer of 10% off with $9.99 shipping. If you see my feedback you will see my items are in great condition ♥️🥰
Oct 20Reply
iluroi Hi Heather! Thanks for your likes :) I sent you a bundle offer. Please let me know what you think :)
Oct 21Reply
kientelitchmore Is everything okay with the product ?
Oct 23Reply
iancdn Hi Noticed you liked a lot of items. Please make up a bundle and make an offer.
Oct 26Reply
chantalpreston Hey heather 👋 I see you’ve liked the aldo booties in my closet! If you wanted to add them to a bundle I can offer you a great deal for them! 💕 take care!!
Oct 27Reply
glamfriperie •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hi! How are you? I just saw you liked few of my articles 😍! ... Let me know if you have any questions... Just letting you know the promotion i currently have is 15% off on all your articles when you purchase 2 items and + . I also pay the full shipping when you buy for 125$ and more (Canada customers)! I will post new articles every week 🤩! Go take a look at my other articles. Thanks and enjoy your shopping. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Oct 28Reply
blossomofficial Hey girl, not sure if you saw but I sent you an awesome offer with free shipping, including all the items that you have liked from my closet! Trust me, it's a crazy deal! Check it out in your offers tab and let me know if I can help with anything 😊
Oct 30Reply
mypost492 🤗Thanks Heather for all the posh loves.❤😘💕
Nov 04Reply
alannaalm Hey girl, I need wrote to you on the bundle you purchased from me, I’m going to need an answer 🤍
Nov 05Reply
shrimpymcgee Hi Heather! Thanks for the offer on the blue Rebecca Minkoff purse. I have a few offers now that are all in at the same time, so I'll counter you the same amount as what I've been doing for everyone else to keep it fair. Have a great day! :)
Nov 05Reply
taticlothing Hello Heather! Thank you for the your purchase with Tati. You are going to love your new kicks!! I will be mailing them out today! Have a great weekend.
Nov 06Reply
saramehr Hey!! Can you add the Conspiracy palette in a bundle? I just wanted to discuss something with you 😊 thanks!
Nov 06Reply
ladylaurel7 Hi I accepted your offer on the jeans, there seems to be some kind of hold up on your end. If you changed your mind no worries 😉
Nov 06Reply
chantal_bois hi😀 just see you like a lot of clothes in my closet ....feel free to ask any questions, bundles or make offers...or just likes!
Nov 10Reply
sooomanybags Hi Heather, Thanks for checking out my closet. I’m sending you an offer. Happy Poshing 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Nov 10Reply
sooomanybags Would you consider $150 and free shipping?
Nov 10Reply
mobsscollection hi Dear if you are interested in the Nike outfit I will give you discount 😊
Nov 25Reply
palapa91 Hi 🥰 just stoping by to invite you to my closet 💓💓
Nov 25Reply
modaboutique170 Hi Heather hope all is well I’m inviting you to drop by and check out my closet browse around for yourself and or for someone on your Christmas list bundle and save on pricing and shipping fees my Black Friday sale is on buy one regular price 2nd item for equal value or less feel free to contact me with any questions accepting reasonable offers
Nov 27Reply
jmazeppa Hi add your likes to a bundle to receive 20% off and don’t forget to add a 💝item for your free Thankyou gift
Dec 05Reply
jmazeppa Add your likes
Dec 09Reply
trendygirl501 Hey Heather! Thanks for checking out my closet🥰Noticed you liked my Sam jacket. You have good taste.. it’s an awesome piece!! Feel free to make me an offer... everything in my closet is negotiable! Thanks and have a great night 💕😊
Dec 16Reply
mika2565 I wanted to invite you to check out my closet. I will offer you at least 15% off on any item you like or more if you make a bundle. I also offer free add-on items. Thanks and happy new year!
Jan 15Reply
yas2that Hi Heather! My name is Yasneen and I just started selling here a couple months ago and loving it so far! The brands I've listed so far are: Mackage, Miu Miu, Michael Kors, Tory Burch, Chloe and Zac Posen. Pop by my closet any time. Happy poshing :)
Jan 16Reply
encore_apparel Hi there. I would like to invite you to take a look at my closet which has many high end brands and styles you may be interested in including Citizens of Humanity J. Crew, GStar, Rag & Bone, Paige, Eileen Fisher and much more. Happy Poshing!
Jan 16Reply
yerblues1968 Hey Heather! Thanks for liking the Céline Luggage Tote. 😍 I noticed that you’re not too far from Toronto. I’m selling the bag off Posh for $1450 if you’re interested in a private sale. I’m able to meet up in the GTA. Let me know if you want to discuss further. 😊
Feb 23Reply
daphlapointe Hi Heather, I couldn't help but notice you liked some items that were very similar to some pieces that are in my closet, so I'm guessing you could find some interesting things. Let me know if you need anything! 😊 I'd be happy to give you a very good price. Have a good day! ☀️
Feb 25Reply
heybigspender99 Hey girl! Looks like we have similar taste so I wanted to invite you to my closet sale🤩 I carry Kate Spade, Aritzia, lululemon, Levi’s, Adidas, Michael Kors, Free People and more🌈 Bundle 3 or more items and I’ll send you a discounted offer💜🛍 Take care & stay safe😊✌️
Feb 26Reply
ellasivan hey girl if u see anything you like in my closet feel free to create a bundle so i can send u a good offer :)))
Mar 01Reply
sorichetti I see you like four things my closet give mea offer for all 4
Mar 07Reply
lexibenlolo Hi! Check out the offer I sent you for the Chelsea floral bodysuit you liked in my closet :)
Mar 07Reply
pretty_and_cute Hiii! Please come take a peek at my closet when you have some time! 🤗🤗🤗 Hopefully you find some items you like! Please let me know if you have any questions! 🥰🥰🥰 Happy Poshmarking!
Mar 20Reply
tegancorney Hi, check out my closet, I have lots of new sales and items that can be free with purchase. Have a great day💜
Mar 23Reply
roudineishak Hi 🙋‍♀️. I am Roudine #poshambassador💫💫💫. It is a lot of fun here🥳🥳. please feel free to visit my closet. plenty of nice items very good quality👖🩱🥻🛍👝👜👠🥿👚👢🩰👗👗 . please let me know if you have any question. happy poshing❤❤
Mar 23Reply
megan23megan Hey Girl!! Hope you’re having an amazing day!! I saw you liked something similar to what I have in my closet so I wanted to invite you to come check it out!! I have brands like Dynamite, VS Pink, Vans, Hollister, Garage, H&M, and many others!! Thanks so much🤍🤍
Mar 24Reply
serenader hi heather are u interested in my sweater?
Mar 27Reply
highfashionyyt Hi😊 Happy Easter🐣🌸🥚 I’m currently hosting a closet clear-out sale on my page, feel free to come check it out! Listings have one of the following emojis in their titles indicating their bundle discount 🟧🟨🟦🟥🟩🟪. 🟥=free with purchase!!! Just add any items you like to a bundle and I’ll send you the discounted price🎉 All items are also open to individual offers! Happy Poshing💖
Apr 03Reply
jmazeppa Hey I noticed you liked the huda pallets add to your bundle to save also add a 💝item for your free Thankyou gift
Apr 05Reply
ella_luv Aloha beauty i noticed you liked three items from my store please feel free to make me a offer for the bundle.
Apr 05Reply
dawswevesyql Offer sent please accept or counter me On the Nike hoodie
Apr 07Reply
tamm123 Hey lovely! I notice you liked a few items in my closet. Thank you!☺️ feel free to create a bundle and I’ll be happy to send you a great offer.
Apr 09Reply
nina_al Hey there, Thanks for liking the Jordan Nike runners from my listing, please let me know if you are interested in purchasing them!
Apr 13Reply
dawswevesyql Are you interested in bundle or what’s going on
Apr 17Reply
juliedagga Hi Heather! I made an offer on your bundle, but made a mistake on the price. If you still wants the bras, decline my actual offer and i’ll make the right one to tou!
Apr 19Reply
nataliekushnir Hi Heather! 👋🏻 Thanks so much for checking out my closet. I add new items every week, so visit again soon! Have a lovely day. 💗
Apr 21Reply
anjanique27 Helloo!!! I would like to talk to you about your order for the Nike shoes, as it is my first sale I’m a bit confused on how this all works so could you contact me on Instagram @artby.kai_.
May 05Reply
anjanique27 Helloo!!! I would like to talk to you about your order for the Nike shoes, as it is my first sale I’m a bit confused on how this all works so could you contact me on Instagram @artby.kai_.
May 05Reply
mic_kayla Hey, I seen your offer to buy pink timbs for $40. I am willing to accept, but offer is now expired
May 06Reply
ellevalencia Hello! I left you a message in your bundle you recently purchased. I wanted to let you know that I as I was packing up your items, a discovered a pull in the white dress. It is on the back stretchy section. The thread has come undone for a few inches in length. Please let me know if you'd like to cancel the order or move forward with it. We could also cancel and make a bundle with the two pairs of jeans. Let me know what you'd like to do. Thanks!
May 19Reply
effibabe Thank you so much for sharing my closet!🎈🎈 Could you help to share more items of my closet. Really appreciate 🙏🙏🥺🥺
May 25Reply
projectminimal Thanks for checking out my closet! Please feel free to bundle/send an offer ☺️
May 27Reply
amyredshaw Hi there! Thanks for your purchase today. I’ll send it out ASAP. Take care!
Jun 02Reply
janitapanos Hi Heather, thanks for liking the cute Guess shirt dress. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Jun 07Reply
hernameistiff Hi I saw you liked quite a few items from my closet i put the bundle for you and sent you an offer let me know if you’d like to accept 💓💓 Happy to do $45 for all of them together ;)
Jun 08Reply
hernameistiff Hey! I saw you liked another item so i sent you another offer because one of the items has been sold :) Let me know!
Jun 10Reply
amyredshaw Thanks for the five stars, lovely! Enjoy your weekend! ✌🏼🥰💓
Jun 12Reply
marysecastro973 @heathermarie183 hey Heather, I appreciate your patience with shipping your package. I will be sending it off tomorrow. Hope this works! Thanks
Jun 23Reply
hardytrish8 Thanks for your purchase! I’ll send it tomorrow. 😀
Jul 03Reply
aleishahunter Heyy! Saw you liked one of my things in my closet, is there a price that could work for you??
Jul 05Reply
nataliekushnir Hey Heather! Thanks so much for checking out my closet. 💗 I add new items every week so visit again soon! Have a lovely day. 😊🙏🌿
Jul 21Reply
candysw33t @heathermarie183 I shipped your item, there was delay because I had just moved and needed to reorganized. Sorry for any inconvenience:)
Jul 27Reply
hernameistiff Hi . Just offered 50% off for all of the items you have put in your bundle. I can ship them out asap. Thanks
Jul 28Reply
amyredshaw Hey there! If you want to decline the first offer, I can make you a second with half off and free shipping.
Jul 30Reply
erindoyle620 Hey girl I shipped your order yesterday! Thank you 💗🥰
Sep 19Reply
nidhi_g27 Hi Heather..thanks for liking a few items from my closet. If you like 4 or more items from my closet I can give you a good bundle discount (private) and also discount the shipping cost!😊 Most of my items are brand new and Low priced! Happy shopping!🛍
Sep 30Reply
paulmanuel276 @nidhi_g27 Hi Heather! I see you liked the Nike T-shirt on my closet. I am currently offering a promo where you buy 3 items and I give you a fair discount. Feel free to browse and add to your bundle☺️
Oct 02Reply
juliedagga Hi! You liked a bra of my closet. I will be back around the 22 of october. Let me now by than i you are still interested!
Oct 04Reply
fashionguru455 Bundle those items and make an offer 😉
Oct 06Reply
alessentials Hi! Thank you kindly for your like on the item. I have added you as well to the private sale l’m currently holding. Receive a complimentary gift with each purchase.😊
Oct 14Reply
ellasivan hi love i saw that you liked a pair of jordan 11s that i also have in great condition, feel free to add to a bundle and discuss shipping. if you’re in ontario private sales off the app are encouraged !
Jan 03Reply
navigosal Hey girl, I know you were interested in my Kappa crop top! I’m sorry i wasn’t able to fulfill your order. If you still want it i can negotiate price! take care, thanks
Jan 27Reply
bluecodex Hi! Just wanted to invite you drop by and check out my closet. Have alot of skincare and makeup and much much more! Also im happy to help with any questions and offers! Happy poshing <3
Mar 01Reply
katherinecchu Dear thanks for your interest in my lock chain ring. Would you like to check if you like another jewelry from my page to take advantage of 💛2 for $45 ? Otherwise I’m also open to sell the ring you like alone. No pressure💗💞
Mar 06Reply
ginasells22 😊Hi Poshmark is a great place to buy & sell and when you get a chance please visit my closet thank you 😊🛍
Apr 24Reply

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Last Active: Dec 27 2021

Hamilton, ON
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Last Active: Dec 27 2021

Hamilton, ON
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