Meet your Posher, Heidi
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Hi! I'm Heidi. Bad news for me,..:I LOVE to shop(WAY TO MUCH). GREAT news for YOU...I SHOP WAY TO MUCH!! I find fantastic new & barley used items to list for y'alI. I know, not so great for me, but I’m meeting new people & best of all, I get to pair them with things they wouldn't or could'nt buy b4. Favorite brands: PINK, Victoria's Secret, MAC, Anything at Sephora & bebe. Thanks for stopping by! :)

10 others
like this

Hello, Since you made a offer on two Mac lipsticks. It will save you on shipping if you bundle them together and I will send you a offer. Thank You. Happy Poshing.
Mar 03Reply

Welcome to Poshmark. Enjoy and Happy Poshing!!
Apr 05Reply

Apr 27Reply

Hi. How can I say we. Are working. To replace the stuff we talked about. is my email
Jul 17Reply

You would like to bundle the lippies ? Let me know
Jul 17Reply

Jul 23Reply

It’s so cutie how her👂👂look like *ponytails*, haha! 😀
Nov 28Reply

Hi I was just wondering if your makeup that you are selling is authentic? I saw that you sold a $120 unused Natasha Denona gold pallete to someone for $30?? I just don’t understand why it is that someone would do that I guess so I figured I would ask if perhaps if was a similar palette to it or if it was actually authentic?
Dec 07Reply

@iconicdemonic I have been a compulsive shopper & spent much money that I shouldn’t have. My husband died of cancer & I became disabled. Now I have financial problems. I sell my things at competitive prices to move them. I have purchased each item I sell . Items are authentic. I lose money on everything I sell, but at least I have something to get some money back. If you want to know anything about any items just ask. Happy New Year!
Jan 01Reply

@freefreddy You only paid for 2.
Jan 01Reply

@freefreddy Your story is different than mine. The case is over & closed per POSH. I was just catching up on all my messages since I had major surgery in December.
Jan 01Reply

By Freefreddy. It’s over. Your wrong. Posh agreed. Get on with your life. Happy New Year
Jan 01Reply

@heidiw472 hey Heidi! I notice you made two different offers on my closet one for the tarte ‘chrome for the holidays and the other for the tarte remix palette instead of paying for shipping twice I can bundle both items for you and make you your own personal listing for those two items I can do $10 for the tarte crome and $17 for the tarte palette so total if $27 and I’ll throw in a tarte double take eyeliner as a free gift m!
Feb 05Reply

@heidiw472 let me if this works for you and I will make you your listing and I’m mailing out today so if you purchase the items today I’ll have it in the mail in about two hours
Feb 05Reply

@heidiw472 thank you for your kind review. ENJOY!
Have a great weekend!
Feb 09Reply

Feb 09Reply

Love your closet, you have awesome style and taste!
Feb 16Reply

@jessk37 thanks! Thus the big sale. I shopped to much, now I’m broke!! Lol
Feb 17Reply

@heidiw472 I feel you! I’m gonna start selling stuff on here soon! I’m a shopaholic 🤦🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️😂
Feb 17Reply

@jessk37 feels so good...huh? Till the money’s gone!!!
Feb 17Reply

Hi Heidi! Your order is packed and will be shipped Monday! Hope you enjoy. :)
Mar 21Reply

✨Hi @heidiw472 , I received the USPS delivery notification yesterday , I hope you enjoy your purchase and the freebies I included, have a great week and thank you!!✨
Apr 03Reply

Sorry, the item you sent an offer on is already as low as I can go. I try to be flexible but on items under $15 I can’t always go any lower due to costs. Take care ❤️
Apr 23Reply

@deannabodhi no problem. Thanks for getting back to me. Great service! That’s a first😁
Apr 23Reply

@heidiw472 my pleasure and thanks for shopping my closet! If by any chance you’d be interested in more than one item I would definitely offer you a bundle discount 🙂
Apr 23Reply

One of the ultimate things that shows a persons true character is when they are mean online, then block you so you can’t respond. I guess it makes them feel good in that moment when to the outside it’s PATHETIC..
May 12Reply

any possible way you could please let me purchase or switch out for an item in your Cinderella bundle? it's for the jeanusse
this is my second bundle I purchase from you and I look forward to many more
thank you
Jun 03Reply

@stocksaudrey What would you like to buy/ switch? I don’t understand. Thanks
Jun 03Reply

@heidiw472 last night I purchased a bundle you offered. has the blue mac lip stick in it.
your bundle you are offering that has the Cinderella palette has a serum that looks gold in color. it says jeanusse (spelling unsure) I really want to try this product in particular. can I purchase it separately or switch put something from the bundle I purchased?
Jun 03Reply

Hi, if you let me know which of the Tokidoki Unicornos/ Mermicornos you like, I can make a custom listing :) (Other users have had problems adding more than one so just thought I’d let you know.) Also, this month I’m giving away a free Tokidoki gift with each bundle :)
Jun 10Reply

Thank you!! 😊
Jun 12Reply

Happy Poshing!🐶
Jun 22Reply

Bark bark!
Jun 26Reply

hi hun! I'm accepting ALL offers the next 2 days in an effort to clear my closet before moving! Feel free to check out my closet and offer/bundle anything you like! It will be accepted! Thank You! :)
Jun 28Reply

hi Heidi! I'm prepared to send out your bebe purchase today. I noticed 2 slight spots on the jacket and wanted to let you know in advance. if you'd like to decline the purchase just let me know. I don't want you to be 😞 disappointed. they are very faint. thank you 😊..
Jun 29Reply

@tsktsk I don't want the jacket but still want the shirt. How do you want to do that?
Jun 29Reply

@heidiw472 hi! so sorry 😞. I notified poshmark and waiting for them to tell me.
Jun 29Reply

@tsktsk you can cancel the whole order, then relist the shirt &! I will buy it again.
Jun 29Reply

@heidiw472 ok 👌.. no worries...I'll do that. thanks and really sorry!
Jun 29Reply

I hope you got my message. I'm not able to ship till early next week! on vacation 🥰
Jul 01Reply

Just letting you know, I have not yet received my order placed last month. Could you please update me? Thanks so much
Jul 17Reply

@julesjewels2 what was it?
Jul 17Reply

All the a Lucky Brand. Well as I’m sure you saw too, on July 10th it was on it’s way to the next postal annex. Sometimes the employees miss scanning every package here & there. My guess is, it’s on it’s way to you, just hasn’t been scanned. I’m going to put in a lost package incident to POSH just in case. Let’s both keep an eye on the tracking. I know POSH has insurance for buyer & seller if a package disappears so with way, we’ll get it worked out.
Jul 17Reply

@heidiw472 Perfect
Jul 17Reply

@julesjewels2 ok. I just submitted to POSH the report with what’s going on & the order number. Let’s both keep our eye on it and stay in touch. POSH will refund monies after a certain # of days. Not sure how many. Thanks for letting me know.
Jul 17Reply

@heidiw472 Thanks so much
Jul 17Reply

it's nice to meet you! i dunno if you know this but your offer on the julep stuff is charging me 4.99 for shipping each and I dont not know if its eye, lip, or face stuff and when it expires but absolutely no it's not fair to charge separately for shipping per pallette. i hope you know that shipping should be free.
Aug 06Reply

Ok... hold on before you get hostile so I can explain how POSH works. POSH makes all the rules and regulations regarding shipping, listing @ other costs. I pay 20% of each listing to POSH. The buyer pays their own shipping as established by POSH & the cost is $7.11. $4.99 shipping is only available if I offer a deal to a customer. No it’s not free. The post office charges, someone has to pay for it & in PoSH’s case it’s the buyer.
Aug 06Reply

As far as multiple listings such as my Juleps your referring to, you have an option to “Bundle”. Meaning put all of them together for ONE SHIPPING COST OF $7.11. Of the weight is over 5 lbs, the seller pays the difference. To put items in a bundle: 1/2 way down the page you will see 3 little icons. The 3rd one says “bundle” click that & your item will be in a bundle.
Aug 06Reply

Go to the next item and so on. No matter how many items you buy, it will be one shipping. There is a page of Q & A’s for new buyers that may help you. Just look around. I hope this helps. If you have any other ?’s, I will do my best to answer them. Right now you should “decline” the offers, then if you want, bundle them. You will automatically get a 10-15% discount on my end for bundling. If I can give you a further discount, I will make you an offer. Just follow prompts. They are gorgeous sets!
Aug 06Reply

Sorry that I had to chop up the messages. There are only 500 characters allowed per paragraph 😉
Aug 06Reply

I apologize as well. I only saw the end of your msg& thought you were mad. Upon rereading, you aren’t mad at me so I’m sorry girl for being cranky. Up all night packing orders. My prices are really good. I have many repeat customers & orders fly out the door. I will always give you my best price & I give an extra gift with each order. Take care
Aug 06Reply

Hi doll, I’m not sure why the post office hasn’t scanned your purchase yet? I dropped it off yesterday morning around 10 or so and watched the man working take it and put it with packages. I hope once it starts tracking that you get it in no time!
Aug 06Reply

No worries. Mine is the same way. Drives me crazy!!
Aug 06Reply

Thanks for letting me know.
Aug 06Reply

Hi Heidi! Thanks for visiting and liking my closet as I truly appreciate it very much! Have a wonderful day!💗Patricia
Aug 07Reply

@heidiw472 hey girl! So I just noticed that your package still hasn’t arrived and that’s insane! I’m so sorry!
Aug 13Reply

@mollienm85 I forgot what it is? What I’ve done for my buyers and would like you to do for me at this point is let POSH know what’s going on AFTER you fill out a missing package return online with the post office. that way, POSH will end up crediting is both our money back. It’s been to long. That package may never turn up.
Aug 13Reply

The MAC BLING? Just let posh know like I said, then in a week if it still isn’t here, you’ll follow up with POSH again and they will credit us.
Aug 13Reply

@heidiw472 yes it was the MAC makeup. Ok I will file with the post office today then follow up with POSH. What a bummer. Thank you for giving me the info on how to go about this predicament.
Aug 14Reply

Hi! My name is Ashtyn! I hope you’re finding everything well. I have a fun thing I like to do, which is for all my followers, if you choose 2+ items to purchase together, I offer a 15% discount. I also add plenty of other discounts, ranging from price reductions to shipping reductions, regardless of the number of items purchased. So feel free to take a look at my page! Any and all reasonable offers made will be accepted on the spot, so don’t be afraid to send one in! Happy Poshing!
Sep 19Reply

@ashtyn_2584 nice to meet you Ashtyn!i am followed!Heidi,thanks actually responding and sorry for taking a while to reply。End of summer-fall is not my most free months:( i am trying to figure out this shipping and bundling thing myself。essentially,pM encourages bundling so as to save money on shipping and makes shipper pay 7。11 to Usps and 20% still to the application whenever free shipping is being offered,so i totally understand that not every seller can afford to offer free shipping。
Oct 21Reply

congratulations on selling the Julep stuff!another youtuber just introduced me to the Etude house brand and while they make cute stuff,i am terrible about keeping track of expiration dates。do you know when your set expires?anyways,i will be purchasing from Julep for the first time soon,so let me know if you have any faves by them。i also need to use up Pacsun&ulta cards so thanks for introducing me to brands that are somewhat off my radar。happy early Halloween🎃
Oct 21Reply

Hi Heidi! Thank you so much for the 5 star 🌟 rating! I hope you had an amazing weekend! Happy Poshing! ✨💜✨💜✨💜✨💜✨❤️
Nov 16Reply

@myteeni :)
Nov 16Reply

Hi Heidi! Thank you so much for your purchase! I am getting that out in the mail for you tomorrow. Have a wonderful and blessed rest of the week! Thanks. Lori C @SoFloLor
Nov 19Reply

Hi there! 😊 Welcome to check out my closet. Most items are come with a free sample/gift~ Let me know if any items you’re interested in, I’m always open to offers. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Happy Poshing and all the best for you!! ❤️
Dec 03Reply

Thank you so much for checking out my closet.
Bundle any 3 items marked with a 🌵 for $25.
Just Comment OFFER and I will Send you an offer with $4.99 Discounted Shipping.
Ship Same/Next Day, Professional Seller, Offers Welcome, Like for PRICE DROPS
Jan 18Reply

Hi. I want to be honest. I have been waiting to ship as I was awaiting a Covid test. It was positive. I am cancelling your order to avoid any possibility hat you may catch it. I hope you can understand and I am happy to give you the same price at a later time. Please note that you may see the item reposted at a higher price after I take my closet off vacation status. I do this when I relist items to give wiggle room for CCO. Thanks so much, be well and stay safe! #wearamask 🤒 😔 😷
Jan 23Reply

Jan 25Reply

Hi there 🖐 I would love it if you can check out my closet. I'm sure you'll find something you'll like. Make an offer or bundle to save on shipping! Thanks :)
Apr 01Reply

I made you an offer on 2 things. Is that workable for you.
Apr 04Reply

Hey:) love your closet!!! All orders on my
Items usually go out same or next day!!! If you bundle you get $2 off each item!! Make me an offer and I will most likely accept. Stay safe xoxo free gift with all orders:)
Jun 20Reply

Ok 😘 I have sent a lot of offers out for this hard to find pc in this design. I researched my offers I sent out over 2 weeks ago the first time. At this point it expired. Here we go again on sending offers again. Than when I finally excepted your offer you have no funds. So at this point you look as though you were not interested at all,
Jul 16Reply

Maybe the next time you can message in advance to. Explain your actions . Instead of placing blame and assuming some one is not working with you. I want to make this clear , the customer is always right 🤩I am here on Poshmark making & helping poshers get their special purchase 🥰 I will accept your first offer you are sending .
Jul 16Reply

Hi just checking to see if you got my message regarding the rock revival jeans?will they work for you?lmk thanks
Aug 17Reply

Hi!! I am trying to accept your offer for the Polly pockets but it’s having technical issues. I am going to re-bundle! Thanks.
Aug 31Reply

Hi it’s updated!
Sep 01Reply

Hello Gorgeous! Just dropping by to say hi. Please give my closet a browse and a follow. I list a variety of items including Coach and Betsey Johnson. I also send a 💝FREE Gift💝 with every order! Happy poshing! 💫Stay Dreamy💫 and always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! xo 💜 Jaime
May 31Reply

Thank you so much for shopping Rooted Drawers.
Your package will be sent out for you within 24 business hours.
Until then, stay safe, healthy, and have a beautiful day!🌾
Shelby, Owner-Operator 🧘♀️
Rooted Drawers
If you'd like to check out our blog in the meantime, we're giving away an eco-friendly branded canvas bag for new subscribers!
👉 👈
Jul 03Reply

Sep 30Reply

I left you a offer! I pray you will accept it! Thanks so much Hod bless ❤️❤️🙏🙏
Mar 02Reply

Hello there. If you have anymore Vallatsy jewelry especially necklaces, I'd love to buy them. Thanks so much....
Mar 03Reply

@courtneyedgar83 o put them at the front of my closet.
Mar 03Reply

@courtneyedgar83 for you to look at.
Mar 03Reply

Hi I sent you a few comments on a bundle but haven’t been
able to get a response. I’m not sure if you are seeing it or not..Please lmk? 😊 thanks
Mar 08Reply

@heidiw472 Thanks so much! I will take a look. Do you ever ship to Canada? :)
Mar 13Reply

@heidiw472 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Apr 24Reply

Hi there I’m trying to purchase your express shorts can you please just let me know if you plan on sending them ? I would really appreciate it I also tried to purchase on another site but you never responded so I had to cancel the order please at least let me know thank you
Sep 29Reply

@heidiw472 Wishing You a Joyous Holiday Season May GOD Bless You Always Deacon Ricky
Jan 01Reply

@heidiw472 Hi! I bought the vsx bra because it was listed as a 34d and came up in my search results in that size. But I just received the shipping notification I saw at the end of the title says *36b. Just wanted to confirm this is a 34d?
Jan 24Reply

If it’s not what you thought you were getting, open a case, I’ll ok it right away so POSH will then send you a return label. When I get it back, I will let POSH know it’s in the same condition as when I sent it to you, then they’ll refund your money. I want all my customers to be happy with their purchase so 99% of the time I will grant refunds when requested. So don’t worry. I got you.
Jan 26Reply

Feb 26Reply
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