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Updated Dec 31
Updated Dec 31

Meet your Posher, Heidi

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Heidi. Im a Registered Nurse and a Personal Trainer ......... Poshmark is my "me time". I love shopping for deals and posting them to my closet to share! All REASONABLE offers will be considered. If I don't accept an offer, it's because I would lose money on the price offered, nothing personal!! Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) all advice and suggestions welcome!
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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gsahyoun Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you are enjoying the app and I wish you the best of luck with sales and shopping. If you have any questions, please let me know. 😀
May 04Reply
jesswags Welcome to Poshmark! You are going to love this!
May 04Reply
kayleytrimboli Hello Beautiful, welcome to Poshmark! Happy shopping!🛍❤️
May 04Reply
thenewmodesty You have excellent style. Welcome to Poshmark and happy poshing!
May 22Reply
2girls2122 Hello Posher.😊 We are two cousins that share a closet. We are 5 ⭐rated Posh ambassador's. We would be delighted to answer any questions you may have.You may visit our closet anytime to get ideas. Good luck with buying and selling. SHARE and FOLLOW your Poshers to make sales as it will act as a domino effect. Happy Poshing 💞💞
Jun 05Reply
heidihandpicked I’m pretty new to Poshmark as I started listing in March 2020. Looks like you are getting many sales. Good for you. I’m a 61 year young grandma who loves Vintage; Maybe because I am Vintage. Will definitely be checking out your closet and sharing your beautiful items. 🌼
Jun 09Reply
ccerinn Hi there! If these items are still available would you be willing to make the same offer on Monday? I'll be able to complete the purchase at that time.
Jun 13Reply
ccerinn @heidihater83 Thank-you so much!💖
Jun 13Reply
amberjean Hi Heidi! I just received my order - Thx for all the extras! 😉 I will enjoy these... I just have a question/concern. They all were listed as “new”, but all have been opened. I am a little concerned over my health since I don’t know how these were used. If you can let me know, that would put my mind at ease 🤗 thanks!
Jun 15Reply
poshbyheidih @amberjean oh my goodness I am so sorry. I thought I told you about this but it may have been another buyer!! There are all 100% brand new. I used to be a distributor and haven't sold in about a year. The seals aren't very strong and they crack just from sitting but they have never been used I promise.
Jun 15Reply
monolidi Happy poshing🥳🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like!🤗
Jul 21Reply
stylesilicon Hi Doll, I send out offers + discounted shipping when you bundle items together. Hope you find something you like, happy poshing 😊
Aug 02Reply
nialove111 🥳🖖🏽👑💎
Aug 16Reply
docspot I must tell you you have a very nice looking closet .I.'m very impressed .please take a moment and look at my closet and tell me what you think. I also have a YouTube channel that's brand new called doc at the barn Snyder .please look at that to and subscribe. it's been designed to help us all in the resale business .thank you very much and happy poshering .
Aug 17Reply
sboyce140 Thanks for the follow beautiful!!😉😉😉😊😊😊
Aug 22Reply
mommom501 Hi there, and thank you for the like! I will check out your closet and share as well! Have a great weekend. ❤️
Aug 29Reply
poshbyheidih @vld123 hi!! Thank you so much for the shares!!! Who would you think I'm upset with you? So confused 😐
Aug 29Reply
poshbyheidih @vld123 oh my goodness! I'm so sorry. Not upset with you at all. I was looking at your paintings and showing my daughter how pretty they are. She may have done that with my phone on accident. I am actually driving. I will return your shares this evening! Thank you again!!
Aug 29Reply
_rescuedthreads Hi! I’m getting ready to close my closet and have some sales going this week. Lots of things are 5/$25 and 3/$30 and I’m open to offers on anything else. Please take a look and add any likes to a bundle for discounted prices!
Aug 30Reply
factoryconnect Hi Posher! For discount prices and special offers on my Ray Ban Sunglasses, like the item listing. I will send you an exclusive offer only available by liking the listing. FOLLOWING LIKING = SAVING!!!
Sep 05Reply
lillievonstoop1 Hi! Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
Sep 06Reply
poshbyheidih @lillievonstoop1 thank you for the shares! I will return the favor!
Sep 06Reply
nicole_parr Hii!!!! You were my 112,000th follower, so I wanted to offer you 30% off of anything in my closet you might be interested in 💖🥰🦋
Sep 07Reply
giftsgalore51 Hi Hon!!! If you can cancel offer and then offer $19 though the PUBLIC , and can get $4.99 shipping will buy!!! Sally
Sep 08Reply
poshbyheidih @giftsgalore51 I made the offer. Thank you!
Sep 08Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Sep 09Reply
poshinistajen Hi Heidi- I made a purchase from you earlier today and just want to make sure it is going to the correct address. Is it going to Iowa or Florida? I'm housesitting in Florida now but I just found out a pair of shoes I ordered went to my house in Iowa. Want to make sure you send my order to Florida.
Sep 11Reply
poshbyheidih @poshinistajen hello! It's a Florida address on the shipping label! Sending it here in a few!
Sep 11Reply
poshinistajen @poshbyheidih Awesome! Thank you so much!!! 😃
Sep 11Reply
favor1st Thank you for sharing my listing!
Sep 11Reply
29yearsyoung Hi Happy Posher! For discount prices and special offers on select items in my closet, like the listing then I will send you an exclusive offer if the item is eligible for discount pricing or special offering. I look forward to seeing you in my likes. Have a great day!
Sep 11Reply
romt120 Thanks for sharing! love your closet!👍
Sep 15Reply
sandycupcake P😍sh L♥️ve 🌹🌹 🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹 Congrats on your “Host Pick” Sandy
Sep 15Reply
rrucker5 Heidi, thanks for the shares! I really appreciate it very much.
Sep 15Reply
carawolpert Welcome to poshmark!! Hope you like it! Feel free to check out my closet, let me know if you have any questions;)
Sep 18Reply
blingurnewfashw Thanks for following me at BlingURNewFashW (Wardrobe). Happy poshing! 🛍 😁💝 🌟 I am here to help if you happen to have any additional questions on any item. Clothing in my closet ships out next day unless it’s a holiday.
Sep 20Reply
joleen581 Gorgeous closet!!🍀💕
Oct 07Reply
beautiful_find Happy Sunday! Thank you for the shares...wishing you lots of sales ❤
Oct 19Reply
glong101266 I appreciate you sharing for me. Hope all is well where you are.
Nov 04Reply
msneverending1 Heidi I was just cruising through the closets today and I discovered your wonderful closet and beautiful pictures & I shared several listings from your closet today. My name is Carol & I love your closet, when you have time please stop by and take a look at my closet treasures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Please Stay Safe, Love & Peace Carol
Nov 04Reply
shoppingwhisper Hi, I am new and still trying to figure out how this bundle thing works, I just bought your Kendra Scott earrings.I also like your Vince camuto jewelry set but obviously would want it shipped together. Can you let me know how that works and what your lowest price you are willing to accept for that. Thank you Wendy
Nov 07Reply
poshbyheidih @whennnd hello! Thank you for the purchase!! I will remove the earrings from the bundle that you already purchased and make an offer for the Vince Camuto set. In order to ship them together, you have to add them to your bundle together before purchasing unfortunately. Keep that in mind for your future purchases!
Nov 07Reply
jtposh007 Well Heyyyyyy there Heidi, I must say you have some very amazing things. I shared the love with some of my followers. Feel free to check out my stuff too,, and share with yours if you like anything. I hope you have a great day and thank you for poshing like a champion.
Nov 13Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for following me I’m Emily if you like anything from my closet send me an offer I’ll accept since I’m desperate to get rid of my things lol have a great day😊
Nov 19Reply
simply123sassy Hi beautiful lady❣Thank you for sharing! Wishing you more joy, luck and success in your life and don't forget to be kind ❣❤❣
Nov 19Reply
amylynnhickman I received the wrong package from you today, I am going to take pictures and go through support. I just feel bad about your beautiful packing job, im sorry I have to ruin it for the pics🤣😁
Nov 30Reply
poshbyheidih @amylynnhickman oh no! What was it? I will look in to this right now. I am so sorry
Nov 30Reply
poshbyheidih Did you get my note? I was out of that color so I sent you a free one in addition to another one. I had tried reaching out and didn't hear back. I am so sorry! Feel free to return them for a refund if those colors don't work. I really apologize!
Nov 30Reply
poshbyheidih Nevermind. I see what happened. I am so so sorry! I will get this fixed ASAP and get you the correct order. I'll send you 2 packs of free masks on me for the mistake along with the one you purchased. So sorry for this!
Nov 30Reply
amylynnhickman @poshbyheidih it was a makeup palette...beautiful colors however masks are my priority right now lol!
Nov 30Reply
amylynnhickman @poshbyheidih i did open it just to take pictures so poshmark knows I'm not lying but I packaged it back up exactly how you had it, I can mail it back as soon as they send me a label!
Nov 30Reply
poshbyheidih @amylynnhickman thank you. I feel so bad. I'll get the mask to you right away!
Nov 30Reply
amylynnhickman @poshbyheidih I got the return label and its ready to go. I'll send it this afternoon:)
Dec 01Reply
amylynnhickman @poshbyheidih I just dropped it off, if you need a tracking number let me know:)
Dec 01Reply
amylynnhickman @poshbyheidih Hi! sorry I lost track of time and been so busy with work, but I just noticed i was refunded for the keen masks, did you send them?? If you did then I'm going to have to find a way to pay you once I receive them.
Dec 14Reply
chicagoarkansas I saw your offer on PM for the pink dress. On 12/2 I asked for measurements (especially length!) but didn’t know if you saw my post. Thought I’d message this way in case you didn’t see it! Thanks!
Dec 16Reply
poshbyheidih @chicagoarkansas I am so sorry. I was in the Dominican on 12/2 and missed a lot of notifications! Which dress is it? I'll get the measurements to you by this evening as soon as I get home
Dec 16Reply
katecarroll6 hi hun! I'm moving soon so looking to clear my closet out so will be accepting all offers! Feel free to check out my closet and bundle/offer on anything in my closet! Thank you so much and have a great day :)
Dec 17Reply
908mason Heidi! Thank you so much for all you shared today! It was fun😁🎄😁🎄😁
Dec 20Reply
poshbyheidih @908mason thank you too!!! 💕💕
Dec 20Reply
happyme518 Just wanna thank you for the generous sharing of my closet. Much appreciated. God bless, stay healthy and happy poshing. Happy holidays.
Dec 26Reply
spreadlove Hi Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. Have a great day!!
Dec 26Reply
randi2424 Hi Heidi. How many credit cards does the Tommy Hilfiger hold? Is there a slot in the middle?
Dec 30Reply
duckieone HI and thank you for following me. I appreciate it. I followed you. Right now I have Threads for Thought item and some other items as well. The threads for thought clothes are made from regenerated beech trees, organic cotton, recycled plastic bottles and fishing nets. I also have select other items. Please know likers get a 10% discount or more on any order. I also have a few freebies in my closet you can request with purchase, Have a great day
Feb 11Reply
mommagingerj Thank you for the share! 👊🏻👊🏻
Feb 15Reply
mommagingerj Thank you for the shares!🌸
Feb 16Reply
miriam1149 Hello Heidi 🌹 I would like to invite you to stop by and check out my closet🌹🎉 , i am a jewelry designer and I also import custom jewelry from all over the world 🌍 I hope you’ll find something you like 👍👍 . Happy Poshing 🎁❤️🌹
Feb 17Reply
ashxoxoley Thanks for following me✨ I just wanted to share that I always price my closet at low and fair prices I would want to pay. A ton of my boutique items are even $10 or less! My closet is a mix of my own clothes and my aunts so there is a huge variety. I am a fast shipper and always send a free gift with bundles of 3 or more items!
Feb 27Reply
julias_style Hi Heidi I see your a nurse! I have a couple unlisted greys anatomy scrubs if your interested I can put them up for you to take a look at!
Mar 28Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉🤗
Apr 01Reply
the_art_place 👋🏻 Hi , if you like art 🎨, or art books📚 , visit us. 👍🏻
Apr 19Reply
rbmar81 Thank you for the fast shipping, I love the tie! I will definitely shop your closet again!!!!
Apr 24Reply
davidbalk Hi, just wanted to reach out about the sunglasses I ordered. When do you think they’ll ship. I was hopping to get them by Friday! Thanks
May 11Reply
poshbyheidih @davidbalk hello! Thanks for the order. I shipped them this morning!
May 11Reply
msaiki Hi there! The pair of Casey big star 25r jeans are headed back your way🙂I am completely new to Poshmark and I've been going bananas shopping on here! This is the first time I've returned something, so forgive me on the learning curve with comments etc. I'm not sure if you will have to re-list three jeans or how that works.
May 20Reply
emma_helton Hi! Thank you so much for following me! I would really appreciate if you took a look at my closet. I have lots of NEW & barely used clothes from boutique’s! I also have a jewelry sale going on. Every purchase for jewelry comes with two free gifts! I hope you have a great day!!
May 31Reply
jewelry_heaven Hi, glad you came by. Anyway want to inform you that we are a full service jewelry store with high quality jewelry items we sell below wholesale. We can also size most of our rings for free. Also, please keep in mind we also offer layaway so don't wait. Jump in , make offers, and let's make great deals :wink: Sincerly you'r new friend Anel
Jun 02Reply
laurenchapman4 Hi Heidi: I accidently purchased the same earring twice and messaged you several times to cancel the 2nd order without any response. I am going to see if I can send the 2nd order back and get credit because I don''t need 2 sets of the same earring. They are beautiful but don't need two pair.
Jun 05Reply
terri_wowk I appreciate you sharing Heidi! Thank you! Good luck to us both for great sales. Hope your day is terrific and you find lots of reasons to smile! 😁😁
Jun 28Reply
bestdressed995 Thank you!
Jun 29Reply
allyrio Hi there Heidi I’m going to send a discount to your bundle for the Sam Edelman circus white boots if you decide you’d like to purchase them I’ll ship them for you first thing tomorrow have a great rest of your evening and thank you for bundling and choosing my closet👋🌺🌸🌸😊AllyRio
Aug 31Reply
tatnaples Hi Heidi! Thank you for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜Tamala
Oct 07Reply
lmoore840 Hiiii verrry nice closet, check out my closet, see if you find anything you likeeeeee😁. ALWAYS accepting offers😁.
Nov 26Reply
melinferno Thanks for sharing my listings... Mel
Dec 29Reply
melinferno Thanks for sharing my listings... Mel
Dec 29Reply
jenszendenxx hiii , it says ur order was delivered, if you could rate your purchase & leave a comment I would really appreciate it thank you !!! 🥰
Jan 28Reply
artbykristina 🌿Thanks for Visiting my Closet. Offering Fun Vintage items and Creative Gifts! Enjoy browsing my BOUTIQUE featuring Original Hand Crafted Artwork by myself & others. ❣️With NEW ITEMS added Daily❣️ I love reading other “Meet the Posher” pages so hopefully you check mine out, too! 😎Blessings and Happy Poshing, Kristina🌿
Jun 22Reply
nikkinicole0789 Welcome to Poshmark! Thank you for checking out my closet. Plz like, share and follow my closet and I’ll be sure to return the favor. My closet includes Mens, womens, kids, shoes and home goods. NEW with tags and gently used items ONLY. I’m willing to negotiate any reasonable price. Daily and weekly DISCOUNTS! Ask how to get FREE SHIPPING! BUNDLE AND SAVE NOW! FAST 24 HOUR SHIPPING! Satisfaction guaranteed! (All items and cleaned/sanitized and package neatly)
Jul 03Reply
juliekeil8441 Hello, I left you a message on an order I placed a few days ago. Can you take a look at it and let me know the status of the order?
Jul 07Reply
nylifeaccess Hi dear, thank you very much to check out and following or share my closet. Just would like to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” and $25/3. Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Aug 15Reply
oliviaami Hi @5eaf3d457ccb33f16eaf90e3 , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Oct 02Reply
oliviaami Hi @5eaf3d457ccb33f16eaf90e3 , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Oct 02Reply
teresaphill63 Hi 👋 nice to meet you
Dec 12Reply
cdctreasures Hello... when will you be shipping my order? 🤔
Jan 09Reply
paulbentl234 Hi! Thank you for the follow, happy Poshing 💜
Jan 27Reply
chrisandis Help How’re you, I just sent you an offer on the Watch. Thank you 🙏🏼 have a blessed day.
Feb 08Reply
chrisandis Ofer me the shipping discount with that offer and I’ll accept it please
Feb 08Reply
poshbyheidih @chrisandis I'm sorry but that's the absolute lowest I can go. I'm already losing money by selling it that low. So sorry. Wish I was able to take more off for you.
Feb 08Reply
chrisandis @poshbyheidih that’s fine I’ll do the 70 can you give me the shipping discount
Feb 08Reply
chrisandis @poshbyheidih offer me 71 with the discount
Feb 08Reply
chrisandis @poshbyheidih I sent you the $70 offer
Feb 08Reply
poshbyheidih @chrisandis thank you! I will get it shipped later today or first thing in the morning. Have a great week!
Feb 08Reply
stevengerr111 Hello! Thanks for the follow. I absolutely love your profile pic...soo f'n cool.
Feb 24Reply
txtinner Hi Heidi, Thanks so much for sharing my stuff. I have a website on my profile page you may be interested in. Basically drop-shipping Hemp products. Watch the video and to see how to get started. Dan
Mar 22Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items 👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞and many sales!
Jun 22Reply
calderwood4 Love your closet! ❤️❤️. Trying to figure out how to bundle items, or if you allow that to save on shipping. I just purchased something, but there are two other things I would purchase if I didn’t have to pay shipping again and they shipped together. I’m not a pro at this like you. And I’m not sure if it’s ok for me to message you on this forum 🤷‍♀️. Hope it is. If you happen to see this, would love to hear back about if my items could ship together. Thanks! Chrissy
Jul 08Reply
imsharona Hi! I keep sending you messages regarding an item, I purchased 10 days ago about the shipping. Looks like the label has been created, but the package was never dropped off or picked up. Can you check on it please? Thank you.
Jul 10Reply

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