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Updated Nov 20
Updated Nov 20

Meet your Posher, Helen

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Helen and my shop is Southerton Jewelry and Crafts (SJC). I’ve always had a love for art and since I retired ❤️ I’ve had the time to do what I love. Selling from home gives me so much more time to do the fun part! Since joining Poshmark in July ‘19 my Poshmark friends have been so helpful so Thank You All 💋💋💋 and Thank YOU for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. Have a great day and make lots of sales 📈
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roxy2929 Hi Helen, I'm a Poshmark Ambassador, if you have any questions just ask, I'll be happy to help you. Happy Poshing!!
Jul 18Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 Hi Roxy. Thanks for reaching out! I am really new to shipping so I’m going to have many questions and I haven’t read any of the ‘help’ items yet! 1. How do I add Bernie Mev to my buyer preferences? 2. How do you determine the buyer’s cost for shipping? 3. How do you determine the seller’s cost for shipping? 4. To list an item do I have the option of either taking photos with the app or having the app access my photos? 5. What are ALL the seller’s costs? Thanks! Helen
Jul 18Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Hi Helen, I was where you are a month ago and now I'm a Poshmark Ambassador! Don't worry, everyone is helpful here. First there are no listings costs. Poshmark fee is $2.95 up to $15. Over $15 fee is 20%. Buyer pays shipping unless you offer discounted shipping, then you pay. Shipping is $6.79 priority mail up to 5 lbs.
Jul 18Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton To list items you can either take pics with your phone or allow Poshmark to access camera. I choose to take all my pics first , then go to sell. Screen will pop up use Poshmark camera, etc, underneath that is a icon in left corner, click that and next screen should say pick image, my gallery icon comes up and I just click that to go to pics.
Jul 18Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton To add someone to buyers (followers) go to find people and search by user name.. Please reach out again if I haven't been clear.
Jul 18Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 Thanks! I looked up the USPS Priority Flat Rates and they are: S = $7.90; M = $14.35; L = $19.95; Regional = $11.20. Is the buyer’s cost really only $6.79? ... and no cost to seller (if under 5lbs)? ... and it’s the same if I use my own box (under 5lbs and up to 108”)?
Jul 18Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Yes, it's not priority flat rate, it's priority mail, usually 2 to 3 days. Poshmark emails you a pre-paid mailing label. I'm sure it's a bulk rate that Poshmark gets. I have only mailed clothing items, most in priority mail envelopes. One was a box with 4 dresses, used pre-paid label.
Jul 18Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 The USPS boxes I have do say “Priority Mail” and they also say “Medium Flat Rate Box” (or Small or Large flat rate box. Can I use these boxes?
Jul 18Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton You can not use FLAT rate boxes!! You can use plain boxes with your priority mail label.
Jul 18Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 ok, thanks!
Jul 18Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton You're welcome! I will always do my best to answer your questions.
Jul 18Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 Does the tax depend on where the item is being sent or where it’s being sent from? I saw a couple of ads that specified the tax that the buyer would pay.
Jul 18Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Sales tax depends on different factors types of item purchased Buyer’s delivery address Seller’s return address Shipping costs
Jul 18Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Different states have different requirements.
Jul 18Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 that’s what I thought. Have you any ideas as to how a seller could advertise the amount of tax before they new the destination?
Jul 19Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton I have no idea. I'm sure there is a way. That's something I haven't been concerned about as a seller or a buyer. We all just pay tax, unless we are wealthy, lol. Never been asked.
Jul 19Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 ok thanks! I just thought those who included the tax amount in their ad knew something I should know. Thanks for all your help!
Jul 19Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton You are quite welcome, Helen, I haven't come across a listing with tax? How would the seller know the buyer's state? Some states don't require tax.
Jul 19Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 i have a pair of “Massini black strappy stretchy sides firm” shoes to list so i looked up Massini women’s shoes on the web and found a Poshmark listing! The tax was shown in their web ad and I just checked the Poshmark ad and no tax was shown. Thanks
Jul 19Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton You changed your pic?
Jul 19Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 Yup. My husband saw the selfie I took and laughed so hard that I had to change it.
Jul 19Reply
hsoutherton I couldn’t find how to set up direct deposit to a checking account. Do I have to make a sale before I can set that up?
Jul 19Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 Hi Roxie! What does NWOT and NWT mean?
Jul 24Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Hi I was going to check on you today. NWT, New with tags NWOT, New without tags. How's it going?
Jul 24Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Sorry for delay but we have 3 hour time difference.
Jul 24Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 Hi Roxie! Thanks! Well, I haven’t sold anything yet but I’m learning a lot. I plan on inputting 3 pr of shoes to the 12 noon (PST) party today, so it’ll be another learning experience. This week I will input jewelry which is what I joined Poshmark to do! Poshmark is a way better platform than going to shows where each day I have to pack, load, unpack, set up, sell all day, and then do it all in reverse. Thanks for being there for me! -Helen
Jul 24Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton No problem Helen, glad to help. If you don't mind me making a suggestion, you need to drastically increase your sharing and followers. This is a heavy social media platform. Share your closet 3, 5, 10 times a day! Get followers, you can go to find people in the app and go to just joined, click blue follows. Share people closets from the feed. In news, share back those that share your listings. You need followers to share your closet.
Jul 24Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton You have no shares, Poshmark operates like a snowball effect. You share to followers, who share to their followers, who share to their followers. You need followers so people can see your stuff.
Jul 24Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton I just shared your closet, you will see that in your news, now you share some of mine. Hopefully someone will share your listings from the feed and you will see that in your news. Share back. You have to make yourself visible.
Jul 24Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 A couple days ago I selected a listing from each person who shared a listing of mine and shared their listing on Pinterest under my Poshmark picks. I checked and they all showed up there but, as you pointed out, Poshmark says that I have ‘0’ shares. I don’t understand.
Jul 24Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton You have to share within Poshmark. Google "Poshmark 30 minute method " it is a formula some one came up with. You have to find out what works for you. But you will not have visibility without sharing your own and most importantly shares from followers. I have been selling for a month and 1/2 , I have 23k followers.
Jul 24Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Share more of theirs than they do of yours. If people see you are a sharer, they will share! Go to my closet and click on followers and go down the list and click all the blue follows. Do once a day, because you only get a few hundred at a time. Do that in other people' closets. Click the hosts of party icons, follow them. You need to reach 100s of thousands.
Jul 24Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton SHARE!! If people are you don't share very few will share your listings.
Jul 24Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton I share people's closets that have 200+ listings, all of them and in return they share mine. If you are serious about selling you have to be visible.
Jul 24Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 oK. I went to all those who shared my listings and (I think) I shared more of theirs than they shared of mine (like you suggested). I hope I did it right. Also I’m trying to follow those who follow me and all the ‘new’ There are 100’s of ‘new’ It’ll take a while. Please let me know if I’m on the right track and tell me what else you recommend. I want to get it all right before listing my jewelry. Thanks!
Jul 24Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Just keep doing it. Hundreds join every day. New is in 2 categories, new closets and just joined, I try to do a couple of minutes of clicking, just joined. you will not be able to click them all. Easier way to follow those following you is to go to your closet and click followers, window will open, click everybody in blue.
Jul 24Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Also if someone shares most of your closet go to theirs, return the favor and then leave them a comment thanking them for sharing. Share your closet as much as possible, especially during parties. If party doesn't match what you have still share to followers, people are on the app you want them to see you live.
Jul 24Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton You have to build followers, when you share a share make sure you click follow on their page if it's blue. Did you go to my closet and follow my followers?
Jul 24Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 ok I need to do the ‘thanks.’ I submitted my 3 pairs of shoes to the party at 12 noon but I don’t see them, even in the ‘never been in a party’ area. Does it take a long time to get in the party?
Jul 24Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton I have never seen my items in any party, I'm not concerned about it. I share from feed and party because those people are actually on line, you want to get them to share to their followers (visibility). Follow the party hosts, some of them have 100s of thousands of followers! I have worked hard to get 23k in a short time. Follow my followers, it will take awhile since you only see a small portion of my followers when you click on it.
Jul 24Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Make friends, I have 3 that share my whole closet!! I do theirs, of course.
Jul 24Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Did you look up the 30 minute method? I sort of follow it but I have taken others advice and share my closet 6 to 10x a day. The method also says list 3 new items a day, even if you have to delete 3 and relist. The algorithm appears to put you out front when you list new. I'm at day 46 and have sold 45 items, the more items you have the better chance of sales.
Jul 24Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton SHARE to followers during the party.
Jul 25Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton You have liked on a couple of your items, you can do a offer.
Jul 25Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 I did what you suggested but it would take months to get them all selected. Got quite a few though.
Jul 25Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 I did that today.
Jul 25Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 yup. Am now following many of them but not all. Worked on this most of the day.
Jul 25Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 I think I shared your whole closet.
Jul 25Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 I did but someone else got the rainbow sneakers first. I love the boots but can’t wear heels. I don’t remember selecting that jewelry piece.
Jul 25Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Good morning, I don't know what you are referring to about sneakers and jewelry. Maybe about offers? A couple of your items have "likes" meaning someone likes them and you can send them a offer. First your items need to be priced higher than what you expect to make off it. Go to the shoes with like (heart icon). You will see make/price drop. If you do to likers it will just go to them and not be public.
Jul 25Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Helen, push up those numbers. Do you use a stylus? A pen for using on phone or screen. You can click much faster. You shared only 6 items since I went to bed last night at 11 o'clock. Share!! Are you clicking the blue button for "follow"? This site is not for listing and just doing nothing, you have to work for your sales.
Jul 25Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 I thought you meant offers I made (sneakers ...). I made an offer but someone got it JUST before I made the offer.
Jul 25Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 oK I reduced the price by just over 10% and reduced shipping for the 2 likes. I’ll start doing that. That also tells me to do do a like on something I want and maybe the price will be reduced. Thanks!
Jul 25Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 it takes me a while to look through listings before I share an item. I’ve only been sharing items I kind of like. Should I share differently?
Jul 25Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Just share first listings, whatever, don't look through. Share!!
Jul 25Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Yes, likes will normally get you a offer, which you can accept or counter offer. Go to my closet again and collect followers. I timed it this morning I can click 100 blue follows in a minute. I go to find people, new people, then just joined.
Jul 25Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Thanks so much for sharing my closet! I really appreciate it! Happy Poshing!I
Jul 25Reply
thedegens Hi. Welcome to poshmark. That's for the follow. Do you make these bows? Just adorable. Hope you are enjoying selling so far. Have a great day Helen ❤
Jul 25Reply
thedegens *Thanks for the follows 😁
Jul 25Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 I have a question! If I tell people I’m selling on Poshmark how do I tell them to find me and my closet? I just tried www.Poshmark.Com and had a heck of a time finding me and my closet. Couple times I got directed to items that weren’t mine and where I got directed wasn’t always consistent!
Jul 25Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton You can go to search bar in upper left hand corner and switch from listings to people. Type in your posh name "@hsoutherton" and search. If you are on the app, you can send out invites, go to invite friends, earn cash from your posh name in lower left hand corner . How do you use Poshmark? Phone or computer?
Jul 25Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 phone and iPad
Jul 25Reply
hsoutherton When a friend goes to they’ll get a window with Poshmark logo on the top left. On the top right is ‘login:sign up Is there a different way for a non user to go?
Jul 25Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 ... what window are you in when you see the search bar where you can select listings or people?
Jul 25Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Main page, has Poshmark icon, then POSHMARK then listings with downward arrow, search listings in a long rectangular box
Jul 25Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Did you find it?
Jul 25Reply
hsoutherton When I go to I get a window with a long white bar at the top: left side is symbol followed by the word Poshmark. There is nothing else in the bar until you get to the far right where it says Log in/Sign up. Below the white bar is a photo of a girl with hat and sunglasses on the right side of the screen and some text on the left “ #1 way to buy ... “ then options for signing in with email, Facebook, or google. That’s all that’s on the screen! I must have a different window!
Jul 25Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton You didn't hit reply to me. So I didn't get your message. What about on your app on your phone? Has search for either listings or people.
Jul 26Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Have you signed into Poshmark. Com?
Jul 26Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton You Must SIGN In
Jul 26Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 I think I figured out what happened such that you and I saw different windows. We get the window YOU described IF we’re using the iPhone associated with Poshmark. But I used my iPad and that’s how I got a different window. Same results using my husbands iPhone. (See next response. Im limited to 500 characters)
Jul 26Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 @roxy2929 (continued) So I had Fred ‘sign up’ to Poshmark using his iPhone. After that we got your window. BUT, now Fred is identified as a seller! The problem with having a friend log in to find me specifically to buy something is that they are identified in the Poshmark app as a ‘seller.’ Bottom line: A person must ‘sign up’ to Poshmark to search for a seller or view listings. (There is a login option but that assumes you already signed up, right?)
Jul 26Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 You are right on about the ‘sign in.’ Took me all day to figure that out!
Jul 26Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Correct. If someone signs up that doesn't make them a seller. Some people just buy or never do anything. It just means you joined Poshmark.
Jul 27Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 Hi Roxy. I just received an offer (1:50am) from catherin38269 a minute after I posted the item. Couple strange things. 1. They were not filling me so how did they see the post so quickly. 2. They wanted me to e-mail the wife ASAP and gave me an (incomplete) email address. 3. I looked them up and there’s no listings, no photo. I replied that the email address was incomplete but got no response. Would you consider this suspicious activity? I should not have to email anyone.
Jul 27Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Helen, you're smart! I had same thing happen to me. Never do business with anyone wanting to take it off Poshmark. I contacted customer service and have them the info. You should do the same.
Jul 27Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 Thanks! I reported it to customer service today! Questions: is there a better way to share other people’s items than to select each item one by one and select ‘share?’ Can you group items together and select ‘share’? How do I share someone’s entire closet? I went to your closet a few times and selected the ‘share’ under your photo. Did I just share your photo?
Jul 28Reply
hsoutherton Hi Roxy! How do you write a note to someone like to thank them for sharing your listings?
Jul 28Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Read the messages here, I thanked you. Just thank them. You can share a entire closet to outside source. Go to closet at top right corner is 3 dots, click on them. Then click Share this closet and send where you want..
Jul 28Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 Got it, thanks! I was hoping there was a way to share someone’s entire closet within Poshmark. I guess not.
Jul 28Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Hi how are you? Just checking.
Aug 01Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 Hi Roxy! Thanks for all the shares!!! I’ve been really busy following your advice. But with all these ‘shares’ and ‘follows’ I still haven’t made even one sale!!! Would you give me an honest opinion as to why you think that is? Earlier today I lowered some prices and still nothing. Ive been making offers to the few likes that I have and still nothing. Maybe this platform isn’t right for my product. What do you think?
Aug 01Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Helen nothing happens over night. People will tell you many reasons why you don't have a sale. Not enough inventory, experts say you need at least 100, followers: you only have 3950 followers, time of year: it's summer, active during parties, etc. How much reading have you done about making sales on poshmark?
Aug 01Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton How you tried the 30 minute method? Google it. I read and read, number of followers is key. I started June 8th, I'm almost to 2 months, I worked hard to get 100+ listings and start making sales, I have 25k followers. From what I see everything sells on here, but you have to be visible and that is achieved with more followers.
Aug 01Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton I can only suggest you do some reading to understand the algorithm for poshmark. Some top sellers on here have a million followers. I believe I got my first sale when I had 10k followers and over 100 listings. Share your closet 6 to 10x a day. I share during parties to followers and to the party if my stuff fits the theme.
Aug 01Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton I wish you the best, but this is work! Build those followers, collect new people, welcome a few a day. Collect my followers, collect followers from sellers with high numbers. You have to get people to share your closet to 100's of thousands! It's a snowball effect.
Aug 01Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Also lowering prices doesn't always bring sales. Sometimes people think there's something wrong with something priced too low, people don't want to pay $6.79 shipping on a low price item, you don't leave yourself space for negotiations and other reasons. I have actually raised prices and then made sales, weird. Trial and error.
Aug 01Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Helen, I am continuing to learn. I just started clicking on the host icons during parties and following them. Some of them have high numbers of followers. Try the "Poshmark 30 minute method " Google it. Most of us are trying everything we can think of. Make friends who will share your closet and you share theirs.
Aug 01Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 Yes, lowering prices can ‘cheapen’ the item. I’ve read about the ‘30 minute’ and watched Posh vendors on U-tube. Listening to them got me more discouraged. Hearing that they ONLY made $10,000 in a short time or that they ONLY had maybe 10 sales in the first week didn’t help. ☹️ I’m OK after reading what you said. Thanks! I’m sure that took a lot of time to write. I appreciate it!
Aug 01Reply
hsoutherton Roxie, I need your opinion on this. Last week I completed a request form to have a Boutique. Since I don’t purchase from a distributor but, rather, I make the items myself, I thought I would get rejected. This morning I received an email welcoming me as a Poshmark Brand Partner! This means I’d be joining Wholesale. First I would need to review and sign an MOU. I’m going to have a lot of questions but first I would like to have your thoughts on this vs having my own Closet as I do now.
Aug 01Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton I don't know anything about the wholesale market, however, I have noticed people having boutique items combined with whatever else. I chose not to do it now. I was discouraged my people not to do Poshmark because there are so many sellers. I felt if I worked hard enough, had great products and had faith I could be successful!
Aug 01Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton I pray every day to be successful. As you can see in a short amount of time I have sold 54 items, sure some I practically gave away because I discounted and paid shipping. I work hard at it. I have made friends with people who will share my closet and theirs as well. Having someone on opposite coasts I think helps.
Aug 01Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton You are on the west coast? I will start sharing your closet in the morning. I am in georgia.
Aug 01Reply
ninetimes99 Hi Helen, So delighted you’re following my closet & always glad to meet new posh friends. Have fun & feel free to let me know if you ever have any questions about my closet goodies or want to share ideas for Poshing, as I’m here to help, & also open to feedback. ✨🌸✨ Warm Wishes of Success to Us All, Kim Posh Ambassador & Mentor
Aug 02Reply
hsoutherton @ninetimes99 Hi Kim. Thanks for the warm welcome. I’ve been doing this for just over two weeks but it feels like it’s been way longer than that. There’s just so much to learn and do! I’m really enjoying it although I have yet to make a sale! I would love for you to take a look at my closet and give me some honest feedback. Your closet is very impressive; so much variety and great pics! Very tasteful!
Aug 02Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Helen I just shared your closet and was thinking that since many are handmade are your listings the best for poshmark traffic. Maybe do some research on how to best list handmade. Like my stuff has designer and type of item, so if someone searches for a dress mine will come up somewhere in search results here and on Google.
Aug 02Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 I assume you mean outside the Poshmark platform. You may be right on but I haven’t given up hope yet. Do you have any suggestions?
Aug 03Reply
ninetimes99 @hsoutherton you’re most welcome! Of course! Your closet looks terrific! The only thing I suggest is to change the cover shot photo on all the handmade scarves to the colorful, larger picture. Just swap the positions of the first 2 pictures. If I could, I’d buy one today 😉Next, share your closet at least 2-3 times a day, and share others - especially in accessory parties 🎉 Expands your audience and exposure. ✨Wishing you every success!
Aug 03Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton I mean best listing for poshmark algorithm. I suggested do some research to determine best listing titles for handmade items. You want the right words for a search.
Aug 03Reply
hsoutherton @ninetimes99 Thank you so much for your comments! I really appreciate it!
Aug 03Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 Thanks for the suggestion! I will look for titles. And thanks for all the shares!!!
Aug 03Reply
ninetimes99 @hsoutherton you’re most welcome! 🌸✨🌸
Aug 03Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton I agree about pictures. I just did search for scarves and scrolled pages and yours didn't come up. Don't know how many are on here but your research should involve how to get people to see your closet. Are you on other social media platforms, I would suggest it if now.
Aug 03Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton And thank you for all your shares!! I really appreciate it! 💋💋💋
Aug 03Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 I’ll try to figure out what to do. Thanks!
Aug 04Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 @roxy2929 I checked out some of the handmade listings. Some descriptions ended with a list of keywords/tags. I edited all my bows adding appropriate tags. Am I wrong to think it cheapens the item? Then I did the same search you did for ‘scarf.’ Couldn’t find my stuff.
Aug 04Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 All the listings (up to where I gave up the search) were boutique items. I think there’s just so many items that it’s either lucky to see mine right away or for some still ‘unknown’ reason they don’t come up. Maybe the algorithm gives preference to boutiques?
Aug 04Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 Then I searched ‘handmade scarf,’ ‘handmade blue scarf,’ ‘black lace scarf’ and my scarves were there. Remember my question on how to direct a friend, not in Poshmark, to my closet? I found how to direct them without them having to join. Https:// Or www. Thanks for the shares ❤️🧡💙💚💛💜
Aug 04Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Just trying to help you figure out how to get traffic to your store. Have a great day! Happy Poshing!!
Aug 04Reply
hsoutherton Thanks! I really appreciate all the time you spend helping me out😄
Aug 04Reply
absolutlyyumyum Hi. Helen. You're welcome. I love sharing your beautiful closet. You have dazzling pretty items. Your handmade items are very very nice.(love.) Also thank you for the Posh love. 🙏❤️
Aug 05Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Congratulations on your 1st sale!! Woo-hoo!! 😃😃😃
Aug 07Reply
hotfashionbrand Hello,thank you for sharing my products I see you have great taste and have participated in some fantastic handbags sales and parties. I wanted to invite you to our new collection versace, Gucci and Burberry sales, as well we are having a Prada liquidation for 2006 collection cute spring/summer bags. Check it out and let me know if you are interested. Enjoy the Day :)
Aug 07Reply
thingsandrings Hi Hon, Thank you so much for following my closet. My goal is to always exceed your expectations and ensure that you’re buying experience is truly a special one with 100% purchase satisfaction!
Aug 09Reply
suzytwist123 Thank you so much for sharing my closet! It means a lot to me! 🌺🌺🌺
Aug 11Reply
fashionsavy1ny Hi, Helen! It’s very nice to meet you!!! 💕 Welcome to Poshmark!!!🎉💕🎊✨Thank you for visiting my✨Instantly Chic Boutique!✨Also, thank you for your shares!!! 🤗 You have a beautiful closet, as well, and I had fun sharing it! 💕
Aug 12Reply
fashionsavy1ny Feel free to contact me anytime, my friend! Whenever you’re interested in any of the Beautiful Handbags, etc., in my boutique, please let me know, and I’ll give you a special discount, especially if you bundle!!! 💕👛👜🧣👗💎 Thank you, my friend! Wishing you quick and happy sales!!! God bless! 💖😘
Aug 12Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Helen congratulations on all your sales!! Keep it up!!! Happy Poshing! Thanks for your sharing!
Aug 12Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 Thank YOU, Roxy! I call you My Mentor at home. You do so much to help me and I really appreciate it.
Aug 12Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton You're quite welcome!
Aug 12Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Hi Helen, I hope you are doing well. I gave you some incorrect information because someone gave it to me. You can use priority flat rate boxes from what I've been reading. Sorry I took somebody's word for wrong information. Happy Poshing!
Aug 13Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 I read the same thing BUT when I was at the PO they said I could use their envelopes and boxes that said Priority Mail but NOT the envelopes or boxes that said Priority Mail and Flat Rate! So I’m not taking any chances. I’m only using either my own packaging or the PO selection that says Priority Mail Mailing Envelope or Priority Mail Mailing Box. Even if we find out it’s supposed to be OK that PO lady would not have accepted my package!
Aug 13Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Then I'm confused! But will continue to do what I'm doing.
Aug 13Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 Me too! But I grabbed a few of the boxes and bags I know I can use and tossed the flat rate ones. At least for now!
Aug 13Reply
midoa Welcome to Poshmark Helen and good luck on selling your jewelry 😊 feel free to check out my closet and get the best deals! Happy poshing 🤗🤗
Aug 13Reply
stanori808 Hi Helen! Welcome to Poshmark! Thank you for Following my closet. I also joined PM recently (made a purchase in Mar/started my closet in Apr) and hope you are having fun creating your Listings and Sharing/Shopping other closets. Make sure to read the Guide to PM and FAQs. Got a question? Don't hesitate to ask. PM is a great community with lots of great people. You have very nice Listings that I had to Share. Wishing you many sales here on PM! Hope you're having a good week! Thanks again!💐
Aug 16Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark 😃Hi I am Gloria. I hope you are enjoying this great community of wonderful people & amazing deals. I am a Poshmark Ambassador, Top rated seller, fast shipper & Poshmark Mentor. Feel free to contact me with any questions, I’d be glad to help . I invite you to check out my closet, i carry men’s & women’s items in all sizes. I have a sale 5 pieces for $29, so feel free to browse. Use the filter tool to find all the $10 items. I also give discounts on bundles 😃
Aug 16Reply
stanori808 Hi Helen! Thank you for Liking one of Listings and for all the Shares! You've got so many beautiful items that it's hard not to Share. Sharing is Caring! Have a great evening!💕
Aug 17Reply
madblk3 💜I appreciate you checking out and/or following my closet😘 I will do the same💐💐🌸share and care💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜
Aug 18Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Helen out of house today so didn't share, sorry. Be on later.
Aug 23Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 Hi Roxy! I hope your having a fun day!💕💕💕
Aug 23Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Thanks, wish I were. Went to get new inventory for my closet. Got great stuff.
Aug 23Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Been meaning to tell you your jewelry is stunning!!!
Aug 23Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 Thank you so very much for liking my jewelry!💋💋💋 This has been a good week for me by my standards. I listed a very elegant hand knotted Pearl necklace at 1:30am and it sold immediately. My first thought was that i didn’t ask nearly enough for it😕 !!!Then the same person bought a Pearl Bracelet. Simultaneously someone had serious inquiries RE my “Thank You for Shopping My Closet “ notecards AND I got the OK to take 5 items off ‘hold’ and ship them. I was up till 4 am.
Aug 23Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 How long does it take you to list new items? Do you get 2 or 3 at a time or 2 or 3 hundred at a time?
Aug 23Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton That is fabulous!!! Congratulations!! Your jewelry is stunning. It takes time to list. Examine clothes, write descriptions, check retail value of not new, so measurements, take pictures and then list, typing in and adding pictures. I was trying to do 3 a day but it doesn't always work. I just spent 3 hours writing down everything I brought today.
Aug 23Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton How could anyone do 2 or 3 hundred at a time, lol. I wanted to list new stuff today but it is overcast and I prefer sunlight. You have to set time limits. My daughter has been here because she had surgery so I was taking care of her, a cat and dog and myself along with Poshmark!!! Try to do a schedule. I always pray for you as I share your listings. Keep up the great work!!!!
Aug 23Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 If you substitute the word ‘Jewelry’ where you wrote ‘clothes’ the rest of your words could be my words!💋 Only difference is sunlight doesn’t enhance my jewelry. Maybe there’s too much blue. I’m anxious to see your new items. 😄 I hope your daughter recovers quickly!🙏
Aug 23Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Thank you. I got some fabulous clothes. Drove 2 hours each way. Spent a small fortune, praying they sell for good prices.
Aug 23Reply
roxy2929 @bagunnell Hi Barbara, welcome to Poshmark! You left this message on hsouthern page, have you read all my comments to her? Read them! Google " the poshmark 30 minute method ". You need followers! Share your closet as many times a day as possible. Read the comments and then ask me questions. Happy Poshing!
Aug 26Reply
21g25 Your jewelry is beautiful. You are very talented.
Aug 27Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Hi Helen, I hope all is well. I love your work! I was wondering if you have ever done cufflinks? Just a thought. My youngest son graduates from law school next May and I'm trying to figure out a good gift. He already has a job offer at a top notch law firm. God is so good!! Have a wonderful day.
Aug 27Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 Hi Roxy! I haven’t done cufflinks yet, but I will research it as well as tie tacks and tie bars. For example there are one piece cufflinks and those that have a movable bar. Then there’s the material like argentium sterling silver that never needs polishing. I’ll check on what products are available to make cufflinks, tie tacks and tie bars. 💕
Aug 27Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 Congratulations! 💥💥💥🎊You must be so proud of him! Not only is he graduating but already has a great job lined up! Yes, thank God!😄
Aug 27Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Helen I appreciate that, but don't want you to go through any trouble. I don't think he wears the tacks or bars. He is in that upper crust at this firm. Multi-millionaires, lots of black tie affairs and golf, lol. So thought maybe some very classy non bling item, love some of the shells you use. Have plenty of time but you know time goes fast. I admire your talent and the thought came to me. This week is slow again.
Aug 27Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton He was the first person I ever heard of getting a scholarship to law school!! I am very proud and grateful! He is a gift from God!!!
Aug 27Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 Congratulations for the scholarship too! That’s really incredible!! 😃 Don’t worry about me checking out cufflinks. I enjoy checking things out like this. That’s how I got started on many of the things I now do. I’ll let you know what I find out!😊
Aug 27Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Ok, thanks. I appreciate it. I want to give him something special, not the stuff you can buy in store. Have a great evening and many sales!
Aug 27Reply
dallascak Thank you for sharing items in my closet. I appreciate you! Hope your day is great! I used to work in Escondido! I love the car shows on Friday evenings during the summer! Lots of fun!
Aug 30Reply
hsoutherton @dallascak They still have the car shows every Friday during the summer! We don’t go because it’s difficult to park. Small world!😄
Aug 30Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Helen congratulations again!!! I didn't realize you made Posh Ambassador!!! Woo-hoo! Fabulous! I am really, really proud of you! You are my 1st Posh Ambassador!!! You go girl!!!!!
Aug 31Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 Thanks!!!❤️😄❤️💕😄❤️You made me into a Posh Ambassador in about 5 weeks (8/24) So Congratulations to you!!!💥❤️😄❤️💥
Aug 31Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton Helen you did all the work most importantly you listened to me. Others aren't listening and doing the work and ask why they don't have sales. Pat yourself on the back! Glad I was here to help you. Your next goal is 13k followers a month! Talk about that later. Happy Poshing! 💋💋💋
Aug 31Reply
debbreescloset Hi Helen, my name is Debra. Thanks for the shares, you are appreciated. Sharing is caring. Love your closet. 💕 Happy Poshing 🥰
Sep 06Reply
alott84 @hsoutherton Hello I have a 2/$15 or a 2/$9 sale in my closet today only and I also ship out same and next day 🙂💜🙂. Also if you like something in my closet don't hesitate to make me an offer.
Sep 08Reply
glow_by_nikki Hello! Thanks for following my closet! Please take a look around and let me know if you like anything I can give you a discount! Happy poshing!
Sep 08Reply
roxy2929 Helen, ambassador is spelled incorrectly on your closet.
Sep 08Reply
hsoutherton @roxy2929 how embarrassing! 😕 Thank you!
Sep 08Reply
roxy2929 @hsoutherton No problem, people have pointed out my mistakes. Makes for a good laugh!! 😆
Sep 08Reply
jonathanfbarrow Welcome ❤️
Sep 11Reply
jweezi24 Hi!! Thanks for following me! You are my 14,000 follower! I’ve worked really hard and this is an accomplishment for me 🥳 I’d like to give you 50% off ANY item in my closet! Just send me an offer💕🛍
Sep 13Reply
liliyalieva Thank you for sharing! Appreciate! 😉
Sep 19Reply
vccloseout Thanks 🙏🏼 beautiful lady for sharing 🌹🇮🇹🌹💕🌹💕🌹💕
Sep 20Reply
lellowandpink Thanks for the follow and happy poshing! 🤙
Sep 21Reply
imashoeluver Good Sunday Morning😎 Thank you Thank 😇😇you Thank youuuuuuu 😇😇😇for sharing/posting for me 😇 Appreciate it 😎😊😍😘🤗
Sep 22Reply
piggyann1960 Thank you very much for sharing my closet. I'm always happy to share the Posh Love❣Have a great weekend! 🌞🌈
Sep 22Reply
joebilly753 Thank you so much for sharing! 💖
Sep 22Reply
sherid10 @hsoutherton Hi. 🥰. 🌸🌸Congratulations 🌸🌸 on being featured today. I LOVE your shell jewelry. 🐳🐳🐳 It’s very unique 🎨 and well ⛱done. Hope your day was great. 💫💫💫 ☕️🍪☕️🍪☕️🍪☕️🍪☕️🍪☕️🍪☕️🍪☕️
Sep 23Reply
hsoutherton @sherid10 My day was fabulous! Thanks for asking!💕 Lots of shares, lots of likes, and lots of following! Great day! I hope yours was great too!❤️😄💕😄❤️💕
Sep 23Reply
katz_meow Such helpful advice - thanks for sharing!
Sep 24Reply
dianejohnson707 Hi welcome to Posh happy Poshing happy shopping and Many sales enjoy 😊
Sep 24Reply
bobbett328 Hello🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet 🌺🥰 Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Sep 25Reply
bertads Hello thanks for fallowing me and sharing 🍂🍂🍂
Sep 26Reply
peterkempton Thanks so much for the shares !!! 😊😊😊😊👌🙌👋🙏
Sep 26Reply
peterkempton You the best Thxs so much 🙌👌🙏👌🖤🖤
Sep 26Reply
presley523 Hi, thanks for following my closet. Welcome if you are new to Poshmark and Happy Poshing to everybody that’s been around for a while. I invite you to visit my closet. I accept all reasonable and fair offers. I also respond to questions quickly.
Sep 29Reply
crafteelinda490 Hi,Helen. Just want to thank you for your shares. I enjoyed sharing your closet yesterday. Love your jewelry. I have tons that I have made but not in my closet yet. Have to get busy!! Hope you are enjoying your experience.
Oct 01Reply
serena_sofea You are amazingly talented, especially with the wire wrapping! <3
Oct 02Reply
hsoutherton @serena_sofea Thank you, Serena! I thought the Shell Pendant would suit your style!💕
Oct 02Reply
sjlangel1234 Hi Helen 😊 I see your profile says your an ambassador and mentor. I had a question.. I just started selling on here about a month ago and have had alot of success but why does my post keep getting flagged when I post brand new sealed bottles of perfume? I thought I'd ask. Anyway happy poshing 😍 thank you
Oct 02Reply
hsoutherton @sjlangel1234 Poshmark prohibits the sale of perfume, even if sealed. Sorry! 😕 Go to Poshmark Support on your home page and type in “perfume.” It will give you a list of prohibited items and unallowable descriptions.
Oct 02Reply
sjlangel1234 @hsoutherton awesome thank you so much! By the way great closet 😁👍
Oct 02Reply
sbashley3 Welcome 🙏To posh a great 👍🏿 community 2 become a part of. If you ❤️ Love fashion 👠👗U R in the right place. So let’s go just start clicking through all the beautiful closets. Lots of “oohs 😵"aah's" Yes fascinating remember your in an awesome community ask questions, & be sure 2 share 👏 help 👮‍♂️is always plentiful. A new beginning of meeting neww people 👩‍🦳👨‍🦱 a world of networking & Learning👨🏽‍🎓🎓amoung new friends. So #POSH on👔👞don't forget 2 enjoy the journey LIVE 🌸LAUGH 😃& ENJOY🙏
Oct 03Reply
hsoutherton I have new info for you. There are Closets that have bought, sold, and currently have listings for ‘mini’ bottles of perfume. I can find no listings for regular size bottles. I think the source of the Poshmark restriction is the PO. So check the number of ounces in your bottles against the PO restrictions. You can find it online under 😄
Oct 04Reply
hsoutherton @sjlangel1234 I have news for you. There are Closets that have bought, sold, and currently have listings for ‘Mini’ bottles of perfume and they have had no issues or flags. The Post Office, however, does have shipping restrictions. Go to and check their list of prohibited items and their quantities. I suspect the number of ounces in your perfume bottles is over their allowable limit. Please let me know if this is what happened!💕
Oct 04Reply
sjlangel1234 @hsoutherton I can't even post them without certifying through poshmark that it agrees with their rules then it gets removed. Then in my posh stats it says that a moderator has removed the listing within 30 days..I have them posted on another site and I have no problem posting them on their icy perfume on here all the time even bigger bottles than what I have so I don't really know what's going on 🤔
Oct 04Reply
sjlangel1234 @hsoutherton I also see the perfume I have posted on poshmark but "used" and also body spray so I'm not quite sure why I'm being picked on lol
Oct 04Reply
hsoutherton @sjlangel1234 I wonder if it could be in the wording or the photos. I say this because some of my listings were flagged (not on Poshmark) because of a photo I used in each of several listings. It was an ‘example’ and the listing ‘police’ thought they were duplicate listings.
Oct 04Reply
hsoutherton @sjlangel1234 Now your case is different, but it shows how things can happen for no seemingly good reason. Can you tell me where you saw your item (but used) and can you give me the description you used in your ‘rejected’ listing. Maybe we can figure this out together.❤️
Oct 04Reply
sjlangel1234 @hsoutherton just type in "Victoria secret Halo perfume" there's 3 listings that pop up. The used bottles they're asking $500. My listing just said "brand new Victoria secret Halo perfume"
Oct 04Reply
sjlangel1234 @hsoutherton thank you for looking into all of this for me ♥️
Oct 04Reply
sjlangel1234 @hsoutherton I just want to add that I wasn't trying to sell mine for some insane price it was totally reasonable 👍
Oct 04Reply
hsoutherton @sjlangel1234 you can try to sell for whatever price you want.❤️That would not be the issue. BTW did you contact the help desk and ask them why they rejected your listing?
Oct 04Reply
sjlangel1234 @hsoutherton no I didn't after they removed the listing it just said items were prohibited. That's why I asked you since I ran into you because I see perfume on here alot and didn't know exactly why my listings were removed but I'll try that. Thank you for all your help
Oct 04Reply
hsoutherton @sjlangel1234 How did your title and listing read? The pics in the one you sent me to look like small bottles although I saw a reference to 8 oz. How many oz are your bottles?
Oct 04Reply
sjlangel1234 @hsoutherton mine was brand new factory sealed 2.5 oz rare and Discontinued all offers welcome
Oct 04Reply
hsoutherton @sjlangel1234 Another rejection of mine (not on Poshmark) was for a hospital bed. They said hospital equipment wasn’t allowed. Mine was never in a hospital but that was the correct name for it. Since there were several hospital beds listed I checked out the titles and texts in their listings. The ‘secret’ was not to use the word ‘hospital.’ The other listings said something like ‘in-home medical bed.’ When I changed the words my listing was accepted.
Oct 04Reply
hsoutherton @sjlangel1234 So if you were rejected because perfume is a prohibited Item, then we have to figure out what made the existing perfume listings NOT get rejected. So what were your words and how many oz are your bottles?
Oct 04Reply
sjlangel1234 @hsoutherton mine was "new Victoria secret Halo perfume" In the listing it said Brand new Factory sealed 2.5 oz Victoria's Secret Halo perfume That was it...
Oct 04Reply
sjlangel1234 @hsoutherton it said rare and Discontinued in the listing but I don't think that would be a triggered word🤔
Oct 04Reply
hsoutherton @sjlangel1234 Try listing it again but leave out the word ‘perfume’ in the title.
Oct 04Reply
sjlangel1234 @hsoutherton I think you were right. I listed it without say perfume and didn't have to certify my listing before posting it. And so far so good. I really appreciate all your help thank you 😊
Oct 04Reply
hsoutherton @sjlangel1234 Same as my ‘hospital bed’ story! Congrats on your posting! ❤️😄❤️😄😄❤️
Oct 04Reply
chellier Thanks for following!
Oct 06Reply
ltbbalance What an amazing closet...lots of fashion finds...lots of variety and very classy...I am sharing Posh Love💕💝🎁🧡💚..I have shared items from your closet and I would be honored if you would share mine too...Happy Sales...Happy Poshing..🙏🎉🤩
Oct 09Reply
hsoutherton @ltbbalance Hi Laura! Thanks for liking my Closet and for the sharing the Posh love! I will certainly share your Closet when i return home later tonight!💕💕😄😊❤️😻
Oct 09Reply
grammytata2012 Hello. Nice to meet you. Sending positive vibes. Wishing you the best experience on Poshmark.
Oct 10Reply
eekane Welcome Helen! Happy Poshing 🌹💕
Oct 11Reply
lakedwellerhb Hey Helen, thanks for following us! You have some nice pieces!👍 I'm Jimbo & my wife is G.🤠🙋 We are still working on our Posh' closet. Our new printer arrived yesterday.😎 Soon we can REALLY get to Posh'ing.😉 I hope you have many sales and find lots of bargains.📈 Have a great day!☮️n💗
Oct 11Reply
abstractions You are very talented! I enjoyed looking through your creations. Very impressed that you paint and do jewelry work also? Good luck in your endeavors; I’ll be sure to check in w/ your closet again for interesting finds.
Oct 13Reply
hsoutherton @abstractions Thank you!😊 I appreciate your kind words!🥰
Oct 13Reply
donnafab evening dear!! thank you for the follow and shares. have a great week!!
Oct 15Reply
janfast Hi Helen! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Oct 15Reply
donnafab good morning Posher, thanks for sharing!!
Oct 15Reply
hsoutherton @janfast Your welcome!😊
Oct 15Reply
hsoutherton @donnafab Your welcome!😃
Oct 15Reply
thriftyunicorn1 "Go Vote. Go Run. Go Lead. Go Girl." ~ Barbie’s slogan when she ran for President in 2004. 🇺🇸 Barbie pink wishes & unicorn dreams today for new friends, good health & sales for all❣️ #131 @thriftyunicorn1 ✌️🦄💗
Oct 19Reply
sport_gear_nc Very unique jewelry that I have not seen anywhere else. Thank you for the follow.
Oct 23Reply
knight57 Thanks for following and sharing💃👜💍
Oct 24Reply
leonelamaya Greetings from New York! A pleasure for me to greet you and wish you success in your daily work
Oct 27Reply
r1arios I’m very sorry for sharing your posh picture of yourself. 🙏🏼 I’m new and clicked on the wrong picture. Sorry 😐 again.
Oct 28Reply
hsoutherton @r1arios It’s OK! I do the same thing sometimes when I share my listings and don’t look at what it is.❤️
Oct 28Reply
chucky75 Thx for following me
Oct 30Reply
karlovy10 Thank you for following me! From your fellow NYer in so cal👍
Nov 12Reply
pamwali Thanks for the Shares 🌸 totally appreciated!!! My motto is Sharing is Caring!!! Let’s continue to help each other WIN!!!😃
Nov 21Reply
shopygal Hey Helen 🙋‍♀️, Thx for all the Shares 😅😂🤣 I love your enthusiasm for my pitiful closet 🤪 I’m going to Share some more for you~ xo
Nov 21Reply
hsoutherton @shopygal You MUST have some items lying around that you really don’t want! Kids and husbands don’t count!😄 Here’s your homework. Each of you are to select two items apiece that you don’t want, without the other person seeing what you have chosen. Place the 4 items on a table. Then you are each to choose one item to keep! The other two get listed! What do you think?😃❤️😃❤️😃
Nov 21Reply
shopygal @hsoutherton 😂 The abundance of items is not the issue...I just have to do it!!! Thx for the game suggestion though...Have to wait until our son comes home tomorrow 💕💕💕
Nov 22Reply
hip_n_holy Hi,! I live in escondido as well! And I went to Tobe Coburn a fashion merchandising school e Right across the street from NYU, small world! Have fun Poshing!
Nov 25Reply
desylulu99 Hello, thanks for the follow! Happy Poshing :)
Nov 25Reply
hsoutherton @freaky63 You’re very welcome!😃
Nov 26Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Thank you for following my 🚱.  I greatly appreciate it.  I've Followed you back and Shared some of  yours. You have a awesome selection especially when Christmas coming 😁. If you have a chance take a peek at my closet.  I love offering Bargains to all my Poshmark Friends and Family.  Wishing you Abundant Poshmark Prosperity.  Enjoy your Poshmark journey. I'm having a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale. My New Inventory has come in. Happy Thanksgiving ❤
Nov 26Reply
hsoutherton @makeyoulaugh67 I’ll definitely take another look! Thank you!❤️
Dec 01Reply
wokecloset 🌼🌼🌼 I promise I’ll stop bugging you… But I wanted to let you know that I just hit my 6000 follower! Thanks again for the great advice… It works! Happy Poshing!🌼🌼🌼
Dec 07Reply
thericker_ Hi I am just starting here on this site. Since you are an ambassador to this company, please take a look at my site here and let me know what I need to do to begin selling. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. thank you very much. Ricardo.
Dec 11Reply
nicole_347 Hi thank you for following! Could you also follow our Charity Instagram Please!! It is Fashion Funds:WWYK, The founder is designer and humanitarian ZuZu Kerim!! Just a follow or repost is support enough! We fight for human and animal rights! Including political justice for all! You will love the page, we also do shout outs and giveaways! Thank you for supporting! Look for our LOTUS FLOWER LOGO!!!
Dec 14Reply
thericker_ Hi it's Ricardo again. I was wondering I have relatives in Argentina. they would like to know how much SHIPPING will be to two different cities in Argentina. one is Cordoba, and the other is Mar Del Plata. Thanks very much.
Dec 14Reply
thericker_ Sorry, the packages would be I would guess no more than two pounds. thanks again.
Dec 14Reply
hsoutherton @thericker_ Hi Ricardo! Poshmark does not ship outside the Continental US so if they wanted to purchase something from a Poshmark vendor this is how you could do it. First check with YOUR local post office as to the cost of shipping a 2lb package from WHERE YOU ARE to the specific town in Argentina. You will be given a couple of options each with a different cost. If the shipping cost is acceptable, then you would purchase the item from the Poshmark vendor and have it sent to you.
Dec 14Reply
hsoutherton @thericker_ Once you receive it, you would be responsible for shipping it to Argentina. I hope this helps!😃
Dec 14Reply
thericker_ ok thank you very much. have a wonderful weekend.
Dec 14Reply
buffy1940 Thank you for all the shares !! Merry Christmas !!
Dec 16Reply
leticia0530 Thank you so much for sharing my closet! :) Best of luck with your sales! Happy poshing! :)
Dec 30Reply
southpawbling Thank you for sharing 🌞💕
Jan 02Reply
babsgilbert Welcome🤗 to Poshmark! I found Poshmark to be a great community of sellers and buyers brought together for one common goal... to see perfectly good products be used by good people at good prices! 🤑 Here's wishing you lots of luck,☘ fun,😆 and success👩‍🎓 poshing!👖👗👚👠👜👒💄 Take time to stop by my closet @babsgilbert to see me, like me, follow me, or find something you may just feel you can't do without. Yours truly, Barbara
Jan 11Reply
a_girl_thing Hello! 🌸 If you would like to check out my closet, everything is new and boutique. Bundle any 2 items and receive an offer of $40 with discounted shipping. A free gift is mailed with every purchase.🎁 Enjoy your day!😀
Jan 12Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Feb 08Reply
prem62 Hi, do you have any Robert Graham Shirts.
Mar 09Reply
hsoutherton @prem62 Sorry, I don’t.😕
Mar 13Reply
everythingsoles Hi, I’m new and would love for you to check out my closet and help me make my first sale!! I will accept offers and/or will negotiate will you to find out your best price. Thanks!!
Mar 15Reply
hsoutherton @izzo82 Hi Marc! Thanks for following me!🥰 I wish you good luck with your closet. You have very unique and beautiful items.😃 If you see something you like in my closet, like or bundle, and I’ll send you an offer. Or you can make me an offer! Have a wonderful day!❤️😃❤️
Mar 15Reply
taniqwacloset_ Hi 👋 Feel free to browse and shop my closet anytime! Bundle with 2 or more items for a 10% discount and a possible shipping discount :) Offers and counteroffers accepted!
Apr 02Reply
jrtexas99 Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 19Reply
jrtexas99 Thanks Beautiful 😘😘😘
Apr 19Reply
hsoutherton @nanazl327 Hi Zoraida! Thank you for liking and checking out my closet!🥰
Apr 20Reply
nananellasrooms @hsoutherton you’re very welcome 🤗🌸
Apr 21Reply
ringelw Heyyyy my closet is full of Abercrombie and Fitch, Nike, hollister, Aeropostale, Puma, American Eagle, champion, H&M, Vans, Adidas, Urban Outfitters, Forever 21, and Old Navy! I also have juniors things. I’m trying my hardest to sell everything. Please make offers !!Hope you can find what your looking for! Stay safe happy and healthy!
Apr 24Reply
d_more Loved the sea horse necklace! I am obsessed with seahorses! Haha
Apr 24Reply
hsoutherton @d_more Thanks so much for liking the seahorse pendant!🥰 I’ll tag you when I make something else with a seahorse. OK?❤️😃❤️
Apr 24Reply
heyitsme_julia Hey Helen! Thanks for liking my listing, hope your having a great Monday :) sincerely, Julia x 🥰
May 04Reply
rebeccanebrat Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have tags on them. So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Jun 20Reply
ljrapo Thank you for the shares💓 Have a great weekend!
Jun 26Reply
1queenemmalani loved the pearl in shell
Jul 16Reply
uzel8 Hi,I wish you have alot of sales,and a great life,my best wishes to you and your loved ones,George
Jul 17Reply
hsoutherton @uzel8 Hi George! Thank you for your good wishes!😍 I hope you are doing well. Be safe!❤️😍❤️
Jul 17Reply
hsoutherton @serenityceo Thank you Barbara!🥰 You have a beautiful closet, I enjoyed sharing your items!❤️🥰❤️
Jul 17Reply
514lenab happy 1st Posh Anniversary!
Jul 17Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jul 21Reply
hsoutherton @lenabrown551 Thank you Lena!
Jul 21Reply
hsoutherton @sandydallison You’re welcome!
Jul 21Reply
sandydallison Thanks for sharing & checking out my closet
Jul 21Reply
klrgypsy I absolutely love your jewelry!!!! Amazing and beautiful!!!!!
Jul 27Reply
hsoutherton @klrgypsy Thank you Kristin!🥰 I really appreciate your comments!😍❤️😍 I’m celebrating my 1st Poshmark anniversary with a sale. Please check it out! I have men’s jewelry too. The sale runs all this week through Friday. Thank you again🥰and have a wonderful week!🥰❤️🥰
Jul 27Reply
klrgypsy @hsoutherton Its the truth, and I have picked out 3 pieces, I'm going to bundle them....thank you again! 😊
Jul 27Reply
hsoutherton @poptart12141 Thank you Monica!🥰 I appreciate the compliment!!😍
Aug 02Reply
closet4crystals ✨ i appreciate you!!!!! ✨ ✨ i’ll browse your closet and regardless if i do or don’t place an order right away, i’ll make sure that i share items from your closet!! ✨ ✨ poshers supporting poshers!! ✨
Aug 10Reply
class72 I love your pictures. Thanks for the follow. ❤
Aug 13Reply
hsoutherton @class72 Thank you Calvin!😍 Welcome to Poshmark. I hope you have fun!🥰 Let me know if you have any questions. I’m a Pishmark ambassador and I would be happy to help!😊
Aug 14Reply
class72 @hsoutherton Thank you very much. :)
Aug 16Reply
lovedbylorraine Hi. I liked some note cards for future reference. Thanks
Sep 02Reply
justsama Wow! Your closet is SO beautiful. Do you make these? I’m also an artist. I make stuff for gifts normally don’t sell but I love your stuff. ❤️🌈🌺🌸🍄🌷
Sep 08Reply
hsoutherton @justsama Hi Sami and thank you for liking my jewelry!!!🥰 I did what you did, made jewelry and knitted and sewed clothing then gave them as gifts. After awhile, my friends and relatives accumulated a lot of handmade items so I took my items to craft shows and did very well.
Sep 08Reply
hsoutherton @justsama Packing, unpacking, and setting up are a lot of physical work so after 4 or 5 years I joined Poshmark. I’m glad I did!!!😃 If you still have handmade items you’re willing to part with, why not list them on Poshmark. Let me know when you do. I’d love to see them!❤️🥰❤️
Sep 08Reply
jkon1950 Hi Helen, I lost you! How are you? xx
Nov 18Reply
hsoutherton @jkon1950 Hi Janice!😊 I’m doing great. Not going out much but there’s lots to do at home. I hope all is well with you. ❤️😍❤️
Nov 18Reply
rrranda From one jewelry maker to another, you make really beautiful jewelry!!
Nov 24Reply
hsoutherton @rrranda Thank you so much! I love your ancient beads and Mitry collection, gorgeous!
Nov 25Reply
rrranda @hsoutherton Nice to hear back from you. wish I had more time to make pretty things. caring for my 92 yr old sweet mama these days. Thx for your sweet compliments! hugs 2u always!
Nov 25Reply
lillybelles56 @roxy2929 I just read he exchange between you and hsoutherton. Very informative. I am new and getting nowhere. I will take some of the tips you shared with Helen. Thank you.
Dec 03Reply
roxy2929 @lillybelles56 I’m glad I could help. Helen listened and has done well. It’s work, especially right now. Listen, research, read and do. I’m here if you need me. Best of luck and stay safe!
Dec 03Reply
tiamat4040 Hi! Thank you for sharing several items in my closet. I really appreciate it. All of the clothes and 98% of the jewelry is what I wore to work for 23 years. Now I live in sweatshirts and jeans and even without this virus my lifestyle has changed.
Dec 07Reply
rosemastellone Hi Helen, Thanks for sharing my closet and sending💕 to my pets and I and we are sending 💕 back to you and yours. I've shared some of your lovely items and wishing you much success on PM. Enjoy your weekend.
Jan 29Reply
hsoutherton @goober63 Hi Kenneth😍and thank you for liking my closet!🥰
Feb 11Reply
hsoutherton @whitt_ana Hi Andreana and thank you for liking my closet!😍
Mar 11Reply
carmenwoollums Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Mar 13Reply
_lo97 Thank for the follow! Check out my shop, let me know if you are interested in anything🤍
Mar 28Reply
shandy7777 beautiful closet !!🎁🎉🎁
Apr 03Reply
hsoutherton @shandy7777 Thank you!😊 Welcome to Poshmark and I wish you the best of luck with your closet! Please ask if you have any questions. I’m a Poshmark ambassador and would be happy to help!😊😍😊
Apr 03Reply
barbarahstevens Beautiful collection.. really nice
Apr 12Reply
hsoutherton @barbarahstevens Thank you Barbara!! You have a lovely closet too! I hope you are enjoying your Poshmark experience! 🥳 I shared your closet with my followers. When you share someone’s closet they may share yours. This way they get to see what you’re selling and so do their followers. I encourage you to start sharing.😊 This exposure equates to more sales and new friendships.😊 If you ever have questions please ask me. I’m a Poshmark ambassador and would be happy to help. Have a wonderful week!😊❤️😄
Apr 12Reply
hsoutherton @stephenscorzo Hi Stephen! I’m not very familiar with Native American jewelry but I love to work with turquoise. It’s one of my favorite stones.😀
Apr 30Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me!
May 23Reply
abundanceplus Thank you so much for the shares. Much appreciated!
May 24Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you so much for sharing my listing it is greatly appreciated. Be safe......Dorothy 💜
May 29Reply
dorothy_wirth Helen you have a beautiful closet! Thank you so much for sharing my listings. Have a nice day.....Dorothy 💜
Jun 15Reply
ggblanca Hi nice to meet you Helen, my name is Tracy. I enjoy making soap. It's nice to be part of this community, thanks for adding me 💕🧼
Jun 17Reply
hsoutherton @ggblanca Hi Tracy! Nice to meet you too! Your soaps look very inviting. I shared some of your listings.😊
Jun 17Reply
ggblanca thank you!! 😘
Jun 17Reply
smcuster Hello my name is Shawn and I got notification you began following my Poshmark Closet. Welcome and thank you for visiting! I appreciate you for connecting and giving the opportunity to read and learn a little bit about you. I also welcome you to find and follow me on Instagram @shawnmariescloset where I created a fun introduction game once you begin following the account. May great success be on the horizon with you along the way! Glad to meet you. ~Shawn Marie
Jun 18Reply
dorothy_wirth Thanks for sharing have a wonderful evening...Dorothy 💜
Jun 29Reply
hsoutherton @dorothy_wirth You are very welcome! Thank you for sharing as well!😊
Jun 29Reply
playbyplay2017 Hello Helen, I just joined few days ago and I’m processing all the info, parties and such… Your collection is beautiful! Recently I discovered the magic of natural and semiprecious stones. I’m educating myself about them and will be incorporating them in my jewelry making. Stay tuned… 🇨🇦
Jun 30Reply
hsoutherton @playbyplay2017 There is just no end to jewelry-making creativity. When you’re ready to expand again consider wire-wrapping. A minimal amount can enhance an already beautiful stone. Or create an intricate pattern to surround a simple stone.
Jun 30Reply
melissablank02 Hi! Thank you for the follow and welcome to my closet! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Happy Poshing! 🥂
Jul 04Reply
shandy7777 thank you so very much !! I'm tryin to sell off my closet. I am doing terrible on here . you are so kind and sweet, thank you so very much ❣️♥️❣️
Jul 13Reply
hsoutherton @shandy7777 You need to give it time. Be patient and don’t get discouraged. It took me as much time as you’ve been in Poshmark to make my first sale and I had way more listings than you have. Your pics look good and so are your descriptions. You need more listings. You should share your closet several times a day. Also get more followers so when you share your closet it will get more exposure. Let me know if you have questions. Good luck.😍❤️😍
Jul 13Reply
shandy7777 thank you so very much! you are so very nice and kind !!! I hope you have an amazing day and rest of the week ❣️💕❣️🌻♥️🌻❣️❣️💕 thank you !
Jul 14Reply
rhonda_anne Have a blessed year!
Jul 19Reply
hsoutherton @rhonda_anne Thank you Rhonda! I wish you a blessed year as well with much success with your lovely paintings!❤️🥰❤️
Jul 19Reply
rhonda_anne @hsoutherton Thank you Helen!I appreciate your kind note and you liking my artwork! You have some very nice things too.... I hope that you do well also!
Jul 19Reply
gearheadgirl50 hello I was just wondering what size you are? my mom passed away and it's hard getting rid of her clothes but she has a ton of clothes that she still has the tags on or try them on but never wore them anywhere etc she has a beautiful pale pink wool ankle length coat that's a size two and she has other dresses summer and winter size 2, 4, 6.
Jul 29Reply
gearheadgirl50 I've sold several of her things she had some really nice leather jackets she has a couple of suede jackets left on my page now anyway I'm adding a lot of things in the next few weeks as I'm a disabled nurse and will be losing my medical insurance through divorce and have to get on Medicare any three items $15 or less you can purchase for $20 plus shipping. any 3 items costing more than $15 I'm offering 30 to 45% off. I will be listing a variety of things in the coming months
Jul 29Reply
gearheadgirl50 And if you have any granddaughters that might wear a size 16 or 16 plus in jeans in youth jeans. I would make a great deal on all of the girls jeans there are a couple of 14 plus the plus ones are adjustable and will adjust down to a regular 14 and 16 and I have some 14/16 shirts I'm going to list I have collectible Jim Beam decanters and lots of vintage items I've bought at auctions and just need to sell.
Jul 29Reply
hsoutherton @gearheadgirl50 Hi Jacki! I wish you good luck with all that’s going on in your life right now! I hope it all works out for you.❤️ I’ll look through your closet and see if I can find something I can use!😊
Jul 30Reply
gearheadgirl50 @hsoutherton my cousin joined Poshmark .just downloaded the app and made a nickname and has not listed anything yet but I typed her real name in search line at top under people and she came up with her name and her nickname..
Jul 30Reply
gearheadgirl50 @hsoutherton I've noticed that most people that like my items are people ONLY buy and have no sell listings.a lot if sellers are not here at all to buy.i buy more than I sell.its an addiction!.I was selling pretty well on another selling platform that start with an M but a rude lady got me kicked off!!
Jul 30Reply
dorothy_wirth Helen I just wanted to let you know that I gave Elizabeth the beautiful necklace today and she was ecstatic. She removed the necklace that she was wearing and put your necklace on. I had been anticipating that moment and I was thrilled. Her joy brought me to tears! Thank you ever so much for your artistic talent and your kindness! Have a wonderful night...Dorothy 💜
Aug 13Reply
hsoutherton @dorothy_wirth Thank you Dorothy for sharing that with me!🥰 I’m glad she liked the necklace because it made you happy!😊
Aug 13Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne, a Poshmark Ambassador. I would like to invite you to visit my closet. I have many unique and vintage items in my closet including china, seasonal decor, books, DVDs, video games, clothing, jewelry and religious objects. I am happy to consider all reasonable offers. I hope you’ll visit my closet and I will visit yours too.
Aug 22Reply
dorothy_wirth Hi Helen I hope you are having a wonderful Labor Day weekend...Dorothy 💜
Sep 05Reply
hsoutherton @dorothy_wirth Hi Dorothy! I hope you’re having a good weekend too! We’re packing for a nephew’s wedding. Otherwise taking it easy!😊
Sep 05Reply
groovyglam Hi Helen Thank you for your purchase. I will be sending your organizer Monday. I hope you enjoy.  Wishing you lots of sales in the craft fair 🍀💕🍀💕🍀💕🍀💕🍀💕 Liz
Oct 02Reply
hsoutherton @groovyglam Thank you Liz! This organizer purse will work really well for going places where I need to take notes. Thank you!🥰❤️🥰
Oct 02Reply
groovyglam You're very welcome! I love my organizer, it's old and the zipper's broken, but I haven't found anything I like to replace it with 😁
Oct 02Reply
hsoutherton @groovyglam I wish I had it right now!We’ve been going to outdoor furniture stores and taking pics and notes on sets we like. Then when I get home I try and piece together all my notes. Carrying a notebook should be the answer but then it’s seldom in my purse when I need it.
Oct 02Reply
groovyglam @hsoutherton Oh that's a good idea! I take pics with my phone w/o notes and then wonder what the heck I wanted the photo for later 🤣
Oct 02Reply
groovyglam hi Helen I am so glad you like your organizer. Thank you for the quick ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review and taking the time to leave a lovely note🤗 Your patronage is much appreciated! Happy POSHING Liz
Oct 07Reply
rhonda_anne Have a blessed year!
Oct 17Reply
hsoutherton @rhonda_anne Thank you Rhonda. I wish the same for you!🥰❤️🥰
Oct 17Reply
dorothy_wirth Helen I hope you had a wonderful vacation! Thank you for sharing my listings even though you were away. Be well...Dorothy 💜
Oct 25Reply
hsoutherton @dorothy_wirth Happy to share!😊 I had a great time in New Orleans! First time there.
Oct 25Reply
hebrewrose1975 It is so funny you bought my cobalt ! I spent more time looking in your shop..I actually screen shot 2 of your items 😆 to attempt to make them ..the seashell necklace and 1 your closet
Nov 05Reply
hebrewrose1975 it will be shipped in the 🌄 morning
Nov 05Reply
hsoutherton @hebrewrose1975 Thank you!😊 I like wood carvings so when I saw yours I went back and looked through your whole closet. That’s when I found the cobalt. Let me know if you post more carvings OK?
Nov 05Reply
hebrewrose1975 I am thinking on doing some happier ones 😆 I will let you know
Nov 05Reply
mostore Hi there. I just had to comment on how beautiful all of your closet is!!! Everything is so unique and creative! You have an amazing talent. I just had to let you know how gorgeous your work is. I’d love to have that kind of talent. Your work is one of a kind. Glad I found your closet! Mona
Nov 07Reply
hsoutherton @mostore I am so pleased that you like my jewelry!🥰💥😊 I really appreciate that you took the time to tell me. If there’s anything you would like to have or give as a gift just hit ‘like’. I do ‘made to order’ as well. Thank you again!😃
Nov 07Reply
dorothy_wirth Happy Thanksgiving Helen. I hope your day is joyful. I give thanks for all my Posher friends. Be well...Dorothy 💜
Nov 25Reply
hsoutherton @dorothy_wirth Hi Dorothy! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!🥰 I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Nov 25Reply
hsoutherton @mford945 Thank you Melanie! You have some really nice items in your closet and great prices. I wish you well!😊
Dec 04Reply
dorothy_wirth Happy New Year Helen! I hope your new year is filled with love, health, peace and prosperity. Thank you for being you...Dorothy 🍾 🥂 💜
Jan 01Reply
hsoutherton @dorothy_wirth Happy New Year to you!!!🎉🥰😊🥰🎉 I hope this new year brings you all you wish for!😊 I’ve closed my shops temporarily due to eye surgery. Hopefully I’ll be back soon. Take care!🥰❤️🥰
Jan 01Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop or join a share group! 💛🌻
Mar 03Reply
dorothy_wirth Hello Helen. I wanted to let you know that I have been thinking about you. I hope you will make a full recovery. Prayers being sent your way! Take care...Dorothy 💜
Mar 20Reply
hsoutherton @dorothy_wirth Hi Dorothy and thank you!🥰 I’ve had some setbacks but that’s life. I hope you are doing well!
Mar 20Reply
gearheadgirl50 hi .u bought from me before.wanted to let u know I have SUPER CHEAP CLEARANCE DEALS under pic of my dog. I'm adding over 100+ items in next couple mths also.u can't beat my clearance deal prices! hope u will check it out and again I'm sorry a couple mugs broke last time
Jul 04Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne, a Postmark Ambassador. l'd like to invite you to visit my closet where I have many vintage and unique items including china, clothing, seasonal decor, plush toys, puzzles, books, arts and crafts, jewelry and religious items. You'll receive a 20% (or more) discount when you bundle two or more items (up to 5lbs per bundle). I hope you'll take a peek at my closet and I’ll check out yours.
May 07Reply

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Last Active: Jan 05

Escondido, CA
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Last Active: Jan 05

Escondido, CA
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