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Updated Sep 15
Updated Sep 15

Meet your Posher, Herbert

Meet the Posher



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Welcome! Just marked everything down but will still look at other offers! I have to have 5 items sold before bringing new items out! Offer offer offer! Also check out my website for items not allowed on here
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jsmc91 Welcome to Poshmark! 💙
May 04Reply
lcblandford OMG, your puppy is to for for - that hat!!!
Jun 27Reply
lcblandford That was supposed to be "to die for" ---- so adorable!!!
Jun 27Reply
abbysimpson14 I shipped your order about 3 days ago so it should come anytime :)
Jul 03Reply
shoegal51 Hi there! I'm selling a brand new Diptyque Baies candle if you're interested, check out my closet!
Aug 09Reply
kelly2457 Thank you So much for all the likes and shares ❣️💕💕😊😘
Aug 17Reply
pmangus Thanks for the like on the sweater! Let me know if you have any questions. Wanted to let you know that 2 or more items from this closet gives you 10% off!👍 Have a great weekend!🌸
Aug 26Reply
hpayne4242 @pmangus I am not home now, but interested. In Las Vegas for the fight and dont have my card with me, if you still have when I get home on Tuesday I will get back with you!
Aug 26Reply
pmangus @hpayne4242- Lucky you- Enjoy the fight! I notice you have a bundle going. Would you like me to reserve for you? I don't mind reserving and then contact me when you return and I will un-hold the items for you!🌸
Aug 26Reply
hpayne4242 @pmangus yes please! So sorry!
Aug 27Reply
pmangus @hpayne4242- No problem! I marked the items "reserved" so they are not for sale. When you get back let me know and I will unmark them. You probably will need to add them back into a bundle since marking them " not for sale" may have removed them from your cart. Just let me know and I'll switch it for you!🌸
Aug 27Reply
pmangus @hpayne4242 - Good evening! Just wanted to check in with you to see if you are still interested in the items. I have them on reserve for you, but if you are not interested I will re- list. Please let me know ASAP- thank you!🌸
Aug 30Reply
hpayne4242 @pmangus im not home yet, but you can re list them. If they are there then Great, if not its totally fine. Thank you anyway
Aug 30Reply
pmangus @hpayne4242- Thanks for getting back to me so quickly! I hope you had a great trip and a safe return home!🌸
Aug 30Reply
pmangus Good morning! I was trying to share back to you the items that you had in a bundle from last week but was unable to do so. I think when I changed the status to "reserved" it took it out of your bundle. I am open to offers! Have a great holiday weekend!🌸
Sep 01Reply
pmangus Thanks for all the likes! I see you have a bundle going- if you'd like it add to it, just let me know. I sent an offer to you for the 3 items, but if you want to add to it, just decline that offer and add the others. Open to offers on Bundles!👍
Sep 10Reply
hpayne4242 @pmangus still looking. Trying to figure out who has what...going to make larger purchases this week for my winter clothes.
Sep 10Reply
pmangus @hpayne4242- no problem! Let me know if you have any questions. Have a great night!🌸
Sep 10Reply
hpayne4242 @pmangus we had 4000 stolen from pir account or I would have purchased already, I do love your items and they will fit me based on what I usually buy. Hoping they get my account foxed as its been 2 weeks now and the 3rd tome this year for us, i do definitely want. Can you hold what I have in my bundle???
Sep 10Reply
pmangus @hpayne4242- I'm so sorry to hear that! 😫 Yes, I can reserve for you! I saw a couple bundles going, so just to confirm which items- is it the black top and Betseyville purse? ( not the bracelet and golden leather purse?) I want to make sure to mark the correct items for you!🌸
Sep 10Reply
meep_6 Did you want to pick one more scent to finish your bundle
Sep 11Reply
cheryldiane I just made you an offer on your bundle let me know if it works. I survived Sandy and rebuilt. You will survive Irma and happy to help you.
Sep 14Reply
hpayne4242 @cheryldiane yes, but I have to wait till next payday! But I appreciate it! Its my sister who was involved but we are buying her things and gathering things for her to get back to normalcy!!
Sep 14Reply
cherielund Do you you have empty Diptique candles or jo malone candles?
Oct 03Reply
hpayne4242 @cherielund no empty, but I have the fire scented Diptyque candle 6.5 oz, just posted it on diff site. It smells just like a real campfire. It was 67.00 i am asking 50
Oct 04Reply
hpayne4242 @cherielund i posted it, I have NEST empty jars
Oct 04Reply
swampstalker Welcome to Poshmark
Oct 04Reply
dkayscloset @hpayne4242 Hi, curious if there is a reason you keep putting the same offer on shoes in my closet & then canceling a few min. later? Feel free to ask questions, I'm glad to help if I can!
Oct 26Reply
hpayne4242 @dkayscloset because I was always told if they don’t answer right away, usually they will decline and I am trying to shop for other things as well. And gifts for people too. You declined my first offer with no counter offer so it seemed like you didn’t want to sell them to me...thanks for asking though. No ill will intended or rudeness meant in my end
Oct 26Reply
dkayscloset @hpayne4242 No, it's fine! I declined your 1st offer because it was almost half of my list price. And unfortunately sellers can't always respond for a while, even if in the app. I was sharing & re-arranging my closet & couldn't see offer until done. That's why Posh gives offers/counter-offers 24 hrs, in case it's not seen. Just wondered if I could be of any help! Thanks for visiting my closet😊 🌻
Oct 26Reply
dkayscloset @hpayne4242 Forgot to tell you, when done with your other shopping (Poshing is FUN! 😊) & still want the shoes, resubmit offer & as soon as I see it, I'll accept! Thx for visiting my closet 😘
Oct 26Reply
dkayscloset @hpayne4242 Thanks for your purchase, will ship tmrrw for you! And the puppy picture is adorable! I'm in love! Thanks again!😘
Nov 02Reply
dkayscloset @hpayne4242 Thanks again for purchase & 5 star rating! I'm so glad you like them! 😊😘
Nov 05Reply
cheryldiane Hey there let me know when you’re done bundling and I’ll make you a great offer.
Nov 13Reply
mushkie Hi! I have Cire trudon items (candles, Empty hard, room sprays, and cameos) and Diptyque candles. Let me know what you like and I can give. A discount bundle
Nov 16Reply
fashionfiendtee I'll accept your previous offer, please resubmit☺️
Nov 20Reply
iamplus56 Thanks for viewing my page onyx the pug passed in March but he’s alwsys my number 1 We have recent adopted a Schoodle named Camelot
Jan 08Reply
iamplus56 Hi I’ll take a selfie in the am and repost I’m 5 ft 8 and have decent coverage My stomach got large from medication. So just go with it. I’ll let u know when I put it up
Jan 08Reply
hpayne4242 @iamplus56 ok thank you very much, I am only 5’4 but I like the larger sizes for more room. If its long enough I would like it
Jan 08Reply
hpayne4242 @iamplus56 oh, sweet baby! I’m sorry he is gone, its super nice you got a new one to give love to...I love hearing that!!
Jan 08Reply
iamplus56 We bid it I’ll do the 20
Jan 19Reply
hpayne4242 @iamplus56 I re offered, thank you very much!!
Jan 19Reply
iamplus56 Cute dog. Your bag is out the door. It’s in a Walmart box FYI. Thanks for your order 👍
Jan 19Reply
hpayne4242 @iamplus56 I LOVE your pup!! I have a puggle!! She is the apple of my eye! Totally my baby. Looks more like a pug with beagle colors.
Jan 19Reply
iamplus56 @hpayne4242 onyx my love passed apple of my eye Doodle Camelot is still a work in progress lol
Jan 19Reply
iamplus56 Pls let me know when you receive bag no see tracking And it seems to be ??? I’m confused I’ll be at the post office and will check. Thanks in the meantime
Jan 24Reply
hpayne4242 @iamplus56 No problem, I will definitely let you know as soon as I get it
Jan 24Reply
secondhandlil Hi just posted another Gold tablecloth 100x60 I saw you were looking at another I had posted Have a great day happy poshing that puppy is adorable
Feb 04Reply
hpayne4242 @secondhandlil I was looking for 52x52 or 52x 70. But thank you!! I love your closet, you have beautiful fun items!!
Feb 04Reply
secondhandlil @hpayne4242 I probably have it I use to have a huge consignment and Antique store linens I used to stage houses and rooms for sale do you want vintage,lace,or contemporary I see square 52x52 do you want rectangular or oval and colors,or embroidery
Feb 04Reply
secondhandlil @hpayne4242 thankyou for the compliment
Feb 04Reply
hpayne4242 @secondhandlil i actually just got one. But thank you
Feb 04Reply
themodexchange Hiii ! If you bundle both of the items I can apply 10% off the entire order :)
Feb 06Reply
hpayne4242 @poshythriftique no thanks, only wanted the one shirt. The other one is too short for me. But thanks anyway. I declined counter offer so I didnt hold it up.
Feb 06Reply
themodexchange @hpayne4242 oh okay .. well you can send your original offer again and I’ll accept :)
Feb 06Reply
arianavent He is adorable!!!! <33333
Mar 03Reply
hpayne4242 @mushkie hi! Just seen this!! Let me know what you have and when its posted! Always happy to look!!
Mar 03Reply
mushkie I have dada travel room spray, la Marquise travel room spray, ladmirable travel room spray, abd el kader cameos, cyreno cameos, and solid rex cameos. I also have 2. Empty candle jars. Let me know what your interested in and I'll list
Mar 12Reply
mushkie I also have opened diptyque rosaviola and primevera candles
Mar 12Reply
hpayne4242 @mushkie candles if its a good price, just message beforehand so I know or maybe we can make a bundle
Mar 13Reply
fastcash1 Hi, I’m concerned that you have not received your order yet. It shipped early last week. Other orders shipped on the same day have been delivered.
Apr 21Reply
hpayne4242 @fastcash1 Nothing yet. Doesn’t show as delivered either. No clue
Apr 21Reply
hpayne4242 @fastcash1 When/If it arrives I will update the order.
Apr 21Reply
fastcash1 @hpayne4242 ok , maybe today. I pride myself in fast shipping . So fingers crossed you get it by Monday.
Apr 21Reply
hpayne4242 @fastcash1 Thank you, no worries...wasnt even thinking about it. I have purchased from you before and its been great!
Apr 21Reply
sanken211 Thanks for checking out my closet. I’ll ship the Capris out tomorrow. 😋
Apr 26Reply
sanken211 I apologize. I did not notice that stain. If I had I never would have shipped it to you. I’m assuming PoshMark is processing a full refund. I hope they are. I would never knowingly ship a damaged item. 😥
Apr 29Reply
hpayne4242 @sanken211 oh no, I don’t blame you at all. It happens, I haven’t heard anything. Either way, its ok. I know you wouldn’t do it deliberately...No worries!!
Apr 29Reply
sanken211 @hpayne4242 Thank you for understanding. This has been a harsh reminder to check items more closely before I ship them out. 😊
Apr 29Reply
hpayne4242 @sanken211 i think, if its ok with you, I may try some oxywash on it... let it sit and see if I can get it out...
Apr 29Reply
sanken211 @hpayne4242 That’s fine with me. I hope it works. 😁
Apr 29Reply
sanken211 @hpayne4242 Just curious — any luck getting the stain out?
May 04Reply
hpayne4242 @sanken211 sorry, haven’t even had a chance to try. My father recently moved in with us and he has a slight case of dementia so its been taking up all my time lately. But ai promise I will let you know for sure.
May 04Reply
sanken211 @hpayne4242 And my dad has Alzheimer’s. So I understand. I was just curious. Thanks! 😊
May 04Reply
hpayne4242 @sanken211 thanks so much! i will definitely let you know
May 04Reply
kelly2457 Thank you for the wonderful review So glad you love the bag !!!
May 17Reply
hpayne4242 @kelly2457 it is BEAUTIFUL! Not even a joke! I love it!
May 17Reply
kelly2457 @hpayne4242 it’s a nice bag, enjoy !!! 😊💕
May 17Reply
cathyfrangos Hi Herbert Im Cathy and I see you like the gold and faux fur boots. They are brand new never been worn I got them just previous to an Achilles rupture or wear a wedge heels. If interested just make me an offer and I would be happy to accept it. I'm trying to clean out this closet so hoping it will go to a good home! Always nice to meet a new Posh friend!!🌹🌹🌹
May 22Reply
msindjones Holey moley that’s so adorable 😀! Hi from my fur babies to yours❤️🐾❤️🐾
Jun 22Reply
hpayne4242 @aragonia thanks, I will look, looking for some few outfits for a trip
Jul 23Reply
tinabberry Hi Herbert, you were interested in the leather Coach Bag in my closet, just wondering if you're ready to put a offer in. Thanks Tina
Jul 24Reply
hpayne4242 @tinabberry Sorry, I went another route for my trip this time. But thanks.
Jul 24Reply
scb1028 Thanks, Herb, will mail it out in the morning; enjoy.
Jan 05Reply
jrae867 I will ship juicer. asap i need a box bug enough but bit too big lol
Jan 07Reply
hpayne4242 @jrae867 thank you so much! Its desperately needed for my Husband and how he has to juice According to Doctor
Jan 09Reply
misskimmytou Hi! I see your bundle and I also see another blouse that you like that I have that's new with tags if you like me to put both of those tops in a bundle for you and send you an offer? If not I can send you an offer on just the one or I can send you a really good offer on both of them
Apr 22Reply
laurawilliams13 Stopping by to say hello! I have a gorgeous YSL medium Kate available and I'd love it if you stopped by to check it out. Happy Poshing!
Jun 09Reply
tbiel What a cutie💕💕💕💕
Jul 06Reply
speckledpup69 Thank you for your purchase! I will get it in the mail right away!
Sep 03Reply
speckledpup69 Thank you for the great rating!
Sep 06Reply
lynn2578 💕💕💕💕💕💕😍😍😍😍😍😍
Oct 07Reply
durham85 Hey I got ur offer.. I looked at it ..
Dec 21Reply
durham85 Two purses wrapped up and ready for mail...
Dec 21Reply
hpayne4242 @durham85 Thanks so MUCH!!!
Dec 21Reply
durham85 Hey did u wanna buy the rhinestone velvet crossbody by Rhea Wahlberg line?
Jan 07Reply
durham85 I’d re post if ur serious...:)
Jan 07Reply
pellillofish Still waiting for my black tulip ordered on 9/5;please get back to me!p...
Sep 15Reply
hpayne4242 @pellillofish Havent sold only here for months. Deactivated the entire shop. Not sure why you were able to buy anything. Sorry. Please request to cancel.
Sep 15Reply
marthawhiteley It’s been over a week now since my purchase and I haven’t received any shipment updates. Please advise. Thanks
Aug 17Reply
hpayne4242 @marthawhiteley I did mail it, not sure what happened. All good, if you get it just send it back since the order was cancelled
Aug 17Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jul 07Reply
lifebeingmod Hello .. I posted some new candles. Denise
Oct 25Reply

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Last Active: 26 hours ago

Saint Clair Shores, MI
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Last Active: 26 hours ago

Saint Clair Shores, MI
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