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Updated Jul 26
Updated Jul 26

Meet your Posher, Hollis

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Hi! I'm Hollis. One of my favorite brands is MAC Cosmetics. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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robbin3 Hi and welcome. Looking forward to visiting your closet. Stop by to see my closet anytime. Questions? I can certainly try to help!
Jul 26Reply
fryemeup Hi Hollis🙋🏼Welcome to Poshmark. I am a 🌟Poshmark Ambassador🌟Please feel free to ask me any questions should you have any. Happy Poshing🎉😎👍🏻
Jul 26Reply
beach_styles Hello, thank you so much for your likes! Feel free to make an offer, or when you get a chance check out the rest of our listings! We have a lot of NEW SURF and SKATE brands, and SKY brand too! If you see anything you like please put it in a BUNDLE, for 1 shipping cost. We also offer FREE with purchase items throughout our page! Have an awesome day thanks🤙🏼
Jul 27Reply
ozoz123oz Feel free to check out my jerseys and Nike/Jordan/Adidas shirts. I'm also in the process of posting other jerseys so feel free to follow me too.
Jul 27Reply
cwhitaker013 Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! Thanks so much for the like on the ultra robe!! Are you interested? I’m willing to negotiate the price! Feel free to take a look through my closet and see if you’re interested in anything else! Let me know if you have any questions!!
Jul 27Reply
natalia15557 Welcome to poshmark and thank you for the likes!!
Jul 30Reply
hollisnicole83 Oh my gosh!! What an awesome community! You all have been absolutely wonderful❤️. Have to admit that Posh is my new obsession, every minute I get free I am on here liking, shopping and finding more amazing deals!!!!!! Thank you all for the warm wishes🙏
Jul 30Reply
dt_2018 Hello! Hope you are finding some awesome gems out there! Thanks for the likes!
Jul 30Reply
thegracekellie Hi! You built an awesome bundle! Thanks so much for checking out my closet :) I already sent you a little extra discount on top of my 10% bundle discount but if you have any questions on the items just let me know 😘💕
Jul 31Reply
pelicansperch Thanks for your likes! Just wanted to let you know I am having a buy one get one free sale! Thanks for looking.
Jul 31Reply
beach_styles If the price doesn’t work for you and I sent you an offer feel free to counter offer or throw in a free with purchase item or two and willing to work with you feel free to put your items back in your bundle and we can go from there
Jul 31Reply
troyjagundez Thanks so much for your offer! I normally dont ahip items to new users or users with no feedback, due to scams and stuff. Are you an active user on this site?
Jul 31Reply
hollisnicole83 @troyjagundez YES!! I am new to posh and honestly on over load!!! So many amazing finds, I don’t know where to start!! Thank you for reaching out and if you’re good with my offer let’s make a deal!!!
Jul 31Reply
troyjagundez @hollisnicole83 If you can assure me that you will accept your package in a timely matter, Ill go ahead and accept your offer 😊
Jul 31Reply
hollisnicole83 @troyjagundez OF COURSE!!!! That bundle is a super score and trust me I will be purchasing more from you in the near future!!
Jul 31Reply
troyjagundez @hollisnicole83 Okay, Ill go ahead & accept your offer. I'll ship asap! ❤
Jul 31Reply
hollisnicole83 @troyjagundez ❤️❤️❤️ THANK YOU HUN!!! I am so excited and I am looking forward to this big time!!
Jul 31Reply
troyjagundez @hollisnicole83 Wonderful! I'll let you know as soon as I ship! Thank you for your purchase! ❤
Aug 01Reply
beach_styles If you add the other items back to your bundle I can work with you on the price! Feel free to add both shoes and your other items I can throw in the boys items for free as many as I can and if the Price doesn’t work for you just counter offer there is a button they give you to send back your own offer. Thanks
Aug 01Reply
yukaristyle Hi! Let me know if you have a counteroffer on either the jacket or the bundle. Happy to consider any reasonable offer 🙂🌸
Aug 01Reply
beach_styles Feel free to send any offer within reason LOL and then we can go from there.. thank you so much I depreciate it!
Aug 02Reply
hollisnicole83 @beach_styles so many wants girly. I’m going to have to break this order up over the next few weeks because I just can not go without all these goodies!!❤️❤️❤️
Aug 02Reply
troyjagundez Hello there! 👋 I just wanted to touch base with you, and let you know that I'm going to get your package together tomorrow evening & drop it @ the Past Office Friday! ☺ Normally I'm able to ship much faster but, I'm working a lot of 12 hour days and I'm just EXHAUSTED once I'm home. But, I will have it shipped soon! ❤❤❤
Aug 02Reply
hollisnicole83 @troyjagundez kick ass!! Thank you CAN NOT WAIT💫 I really appreciate you taking a risk, I need to get my ass in gear and start works in my closet!! Big love 💕 and thank you again!
Aug 02Reply
lasales32 Hi Hollis! Welcome to poshmark! Thank you for visiting my closet! Just add all of your likes to a bundle for a great deal! ☺
Aug 02Reply
madamelagerfeld @hollisnicole83 Thank you! I just wanted to let you know I have another paid of AE wedges in the same size if you are interested-thanks!!
Aug 02Reply
beach_styles @hollisnicole83 not a problem I know what you mean! It’s so hard buying items and not want to keep them all LOL seems like you found some goodies in other shops... you sounds super nice!😊
Aug 02Reply
hollisnicole83 @madamelagerfeld Thanks for excepting my offer and yes send a pic if you can. A girl can never have to many wedges!!!
Aug 02Reply
beach_styles Also depending on how large your bundle is I can throw in the boys sweatshirts for free and maybe the boys shirt also? Please take your time I’m here if you have any questions have an awesome day
Aug 02Reply
yukaristyle Hi! I hope you like the bundle offer I sent you ⭐️ I have another offer on the adidas jacket, but I wanted to give you first dibs on the bundle. Let me know if you would like to purchase. Thanks 🙂🌸
Aug 02Reply
hollisnicole83 @beach_styles you are so wonderful!! Thanks for all the time you put in. Yes once I figure out what my first bundle is I will let you know and we can discuss it. Is there a private chat for seller/ Byers to talk?
Aug 02Reply
beach_styles @hollisnicole83 right here is fine😊
Aug 02Reply
sun_luv Hello Hollis, Welcome to Poshmark!
Aug 03Reply
troyjagundez @hollisnicole83 Hey babe 👋 I just wanted to let you know that I got your box all packed up, and I will be dropping it off tomorrow at the post office! 📦 And thank you again for being so sweet! 💞 As I said before, I usually ship right away but lately it's just been even crazier than normal haha 😊 I hope you love your items! ✌❤💐
Aug 03Reply
troyjagundez Dropped your package off! ❤❤
Aug 04Reply
avaponto @hollisnicole83 Hello, and thank you so much for the like on my fashion hat. If you offer $10 within the next 24 hours, I will accept! 🖤📦
Aug 05Reply
harleyschopshop Hey there 👋 Thank u for the add and all the love 💕 welcome to Poshmark 🙏 happy poshing 🛍️
Aug 09Reply
kazzz103 Hi Hollis! Thanks for checking out my closed! If you want to bundle the items you liked, I can make you a private offer! 😊
Aug 13Reply
cwhitaker013 Feel free to bundle any items with the robe you liked and I can offer you a great deal!! I am willing to negotiate all my prices!!! let me know if you have any questions:)
Aug 15Reply
sellbyprice CHECK out my closet
Aug 15Reply
theblondefawn Check out my closet love!
Dec 22Reply
allyking6 Hi there! Feel free to checkout my closet, all prices are negotiable :-) Have a great day!
Jan 21Reply
rosiebell726 Hi and welcome to Posh! I’m trying to save money for schooling, so feel free to stop by my closet! If you see anything you like, make me an offer, or bundle and save. Happy poshing!🛍
Mar 24Reply
bridgetknopick Feel free to check out my closet! Burton, Sublime, Spitfire and more. 🏂❤️🛹❤️ Fresh Burton listings regularly! ✌🏻All listings will be back for sale when I return from vacation Tuesday, April 2nd. 😘 Let me know if you like something! You may still post questions below any listing and I will reply. ❤️😘🏂🛹✌🏻
Mar 29Reply
poshdarlene @hollisnicole83 Hi... Thanks for Liking my Listing... Your shipping charge covers up to 5# so I encourage you to create a Bundle (a shopping cart) and to look over everything in my Closet. Happy Shopping!
Apr 09Reply
lstrange18 Hi Ma'am, Happy Shopping & Sales 🛍 Feel free to take a look at my closet and bundle 3+ items and save 15% along with combined shipping💃
Apr 10Reply
rissylayne Welcome, good luck poshing!
Jun 03Reply
emacmannis Hi, I’m new to selling on poshmark and would really appreciate if you visited my closet!😊 I’m selling brands like Pink, Hollister, Under Armour and American Eagle! I have a variety like shorts, hoodies, heels and even some kids stuff, so I hope you enjoy!💕
Jun 22Reply
the_b_spot Check out my closet for stylish clothing and shoes for the fashionable woman!!
Oct 05Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! Wanted to let you know that I am having a sale right now on all my jewelry and accessories and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! ✨✨
Mar 19Reply

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Last Active: May 04 2019

San Antonio, TX
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Last Active: May 04 2019

San Antonio, TX
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