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Updated Jul 04
Updated Jul 04

Meet your Posher, Holly

Meet the Posher



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I've been on a lil hiatus because of life things but I am ready to return.. I recently purged my closet/dresser due to basically no room for any more clothes haha. Feels great to purge but I have so many cute things, some only worn once or never at all, and I'd like someone else to enjoy them. If you'd like any more photos or info about the items I've listed, let me know 😊
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 3+ Bundle

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mmdell11 hi!! I wanted to let you know that I'm having a flash sale, feel free to stop by my closet & happy poshing!!❤️⚡️
Aug 05Reply
gabiam15 Hi Holly! Thank you for liking my zaful shorts! If you’re interested, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns 😊 have a great day!
Aug 10Reply
liz_rosfeld I just creeped and added you on Instagram lol 😂
Aug 28Reply
savannahsanbi hey! I’ve got a VS backpack if you’re interested! Price is negotiable! :)
Mar 20Reply
yuansource Thanks for liking my banana republic white shirt it’s a classic shirt as you can see from the manikin size 4 It’s made of cotton with Lycra so it stretches I marked it super low so I can sell it and I can get it in the mail tomorrow and then I am gone for the rest of the year and I will be everything will be shut down so if you want it at this rock-bottom price I will ship it to you tomorrow
Oct 16Reply
yuansource I am a posh ambassador and a preferred seller so you can always shop with confidence and I’ve sold over 600 items with very good ratings
Oct 16Reply
yuansource If you like this banana republic type white shirt you’re not gonna be able to get anything cheaper than that and I cannot market down any lower. Let me know if you have any more questions and I can get to it in the mail to you tomorrow
Oct 16Reply
hollygunn @yuansource I need it for a costume that will more than likely get fake blood on it so I was originally looking for something around $10, but it is pretty much perfect what I'm looking for.. Is there anyway you could offer $12 with $4.99 shipping? 🙏
Oct 17Reply
yuansource Thank you for telling me that you want it to be a lower price I don’t know how to really go lower and actually I only make eight dollars at the price that I have it marked right now. And I told you I’m leaving the country tomorrow on Sunday so you have to buy it like right now this morning so I can get it in the mail today.
Oct 17Reply
yuansource From your other comment you want to pay like $10 I think that’s what I understand right now at the price it is I think it 14 I only get eight dollars so it’s almost not worth it I don’t think for me to even mail it for that much less but let’s see about it why can’t you just pay for the price that it is?
Oct 17Reply
yuansource Holly if it’s perfect for you Then paying just two dollars is OK , right? because I only get eight dollars I hope you’ll just accept the offer so I can get it in the mail today because I told you I am flying out of town tomorrow The post office closes at 3 o’clock and I am in California too so you should get it very quickly otherwise that’s it I can’t mail it any other day so let me know take the offer and I’ll get it in the mail ASAP
Oct 17Reply
hollygunn @yuansource oh no, I was originally looking for something around $10 but was willing to pay a lil more.. was hoping you could offer me $12 with the $4.99 shipping or even $13 with the $4.99 shipping would be ok if that was ok with you?
Oct 17Reply
hollygunn @yuansource if I do $14 plus the standard $7.50 shipping and tax I'd be paying around $23 altogether and that's a bit much for something for a costume.. that's why I was hoping you could work with me just a little. But if you can't that's totally understandable and I can continue searching.
Oct 17Reply
yuansource I have already offered to pay part of the shipping as you see As the price stands right now at $14 offer to you plus me paying part of the shipping I only get eight dollars that’s what I’m saying for you wanting me to lower it to more dollars I mean I’ll get five dollars or six dollars. I’m not really sure how much it will lower it to but I’m just saying if it’s a perfect top for you your costume and youve already picked it out-Then why not just take it I already offered part of the shipping
Oct 17Reply
yuansource Take a look at the offer I’m paying part of the shipping plus the offer is for $14 plus part of the shipping otherwise I couldn’t of made you the offer unless I paid part of the shipping
Oct 17Reply
yuansource What I’m saying it’s more complicated for you to be keep on looking just to save two dollars right? And for me to sell this blouse is in perfect condition and get less than eight dollars pack it up and go to the post office you know it’s not really a very good deal for me as a seller
Oct 17Reply
yuansource Look at the offer again and you’ll see that it’s $14 plus I pay part of the shipping
Oct 17Reply
yuansource Once again look at the offer it’s $14 plus $4.99 shipping which means I’m paying the most part of the shipping. So if you take two more dollars off of it I only get like five or six dollars or $5.50 or something like that. So what I’m saying is the offer is there I can get it boxed up and get it to the post office for just two dollars if you’re asking me to drop it
Oct 17Reply
yuansource I think it’s a win-win if you can meet me halfway I’ve already lowered the price it’s a perfectly good blouse and if it’s perfect for your costume you’re going to spend another 30 minutes to an hour looking for another one to save two dollars right
Oct 17Reply
yuansource I understand that it’s part of your costume but you also have to know that it’s also my time and it’s also a very good price for that shirt. So I hope it works for you as you know time is money so for two dollars that’s less than what is Starbucks coffee cost ha ha Ha
Oct 17Reply
yuansource If you bundle it with something else I’ll gladly go down then it’s worth my time to go to the post office but it sounds like this is the perfect shirt for you
Oct 17Reply
yuansource If you look at the offer again it’s $14 plus partial shipping the 499 shipping. So it’s only two dollars more than you’re asking so I hope that’s gonna be OK and I’ll ship it to you today for sure thanks so much
Oct 17Reply
yuansource Holly just like you I get 10% off on bundles of three or more so if you have three things and I can make a bundle and you pay one shipping and we could do a really good deal
Oct 17Reply
yuansource I have a black & in a white blouse both the same that you just pick
Oct 17Reply
yuansource OKyou are in luck I sold something else So I’m going to the post office anyway so go ahead and make that counter offer and I’ll take it
Oct 17Reply
yuansource You have to counter offer because I cannot make another offer as I already have made that offer so just offer one dollar less and I’ll take it
Oct 17Reply
yuansource I take your offer but you have to do it soon I’m going to the PO I cannot make the new order you have to make the new order and then I can except it or not
Oct 17Reply
hollygunn @yuansource sorry I fell back asleep.. I looked around and only found one other thing I like but I will bundle the 2 and make an offer anyway
Oct 17Reply
yuansource Thanks Holly for buying the blouses I’ll get it in the mail today Pleasure negotiating with you. I double checked my email just before I left my door and there that offer came from you so perfect timing
Oct 17Reply
yuansource Dunn I just mailed at the post office
Oct 17Reply
hollygunn @yuansource thank you, I appreciate it! safe travels :)
Oct 17Reply
yuansource You’re most welcome I’m very happy to communicate back-and-forth with you about anything else that you want. I’m sure you’ll make great costumes out of Those tops
Oct 17Reply
762j Hey girl :) luv these tie dye leggings. Keep me in mind next time you're back on, we can negotiate price ;)
Nov 07Reply

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