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Updated Feb 13
Updated Feb 13

Meet your Posher, Jack

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Hi! I'm Jack. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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carriemantione Hi. Thanks for your offers, but $50 for both pairs of Wolford pantyhose is the lowest I can go. They are brand new. Happy shopping! 💕💕💕
Oct 23Reply
bullsbay1 Hi, Im sorry I have not shipped the wolford tights. I will have to cancel the order because the shipment was delayed because of weather. I was suppose to get more yesterday. I will post all of them when I get them. I am getting dozens of them. i will give you an extra pair as a gift. Just please remind me when you order. Sorry about cancelling.
Nov 21Reply
yenyen2 I very appreciate your offer. I have counter my very best. Thank you!
Dec 17Reply
mfairlight Hi!! Bundle your favorites and I’ll make you a great offer
Dec 31Reply
j_ag123 Hey there! Thanks for your offer. The lowest I will go is $45 for the shoes. Best, Jacqueline
Jan 24Reply
lolacollective Thank you for your offer but my last counter offer is the lowest I can go on these right now. Thanks!
Apr 24Reply
summer2winter Hi, I wanted to tell you that I shipped the Wolford, but looks like the post office misplaced 2 of my packages and one is yours :-(. I am calling the post office trying to understand where the lost packages.
Jun 13Reply
ika39 Hello 👋, I invite you to see my closet👚👖👠👗🧥I will be accepting "all reasonable offers"👌 Go ahead send me your best offer..... And please do not forget to follow me🙏🙏🙏.Thanks😁
Jul 16Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or still have tags attached. Brands such as Lululemon, Nike, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, Antonio Melani, Zella, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Aug 26Reply
4_leafclover Put sunglasses separate if your still interested
Sep 25Reply
mrsnanis_riches Sorry to cancel. But I realized your offer was too low. Sorry again. I posted them again if your still interested
Nov 18Reply
lulustylesnyc Thanks for all your offers, but the price that the Wolford tights are currently listed for are the lowest I will sell them at since they are brand new, sealed in their package, European, luxury tights. Best regards. Happy Poshing!
Dec 12Reply
luxstyles1902 hi :) Thanks so much for your offers but $25 is the absolute lowest I can go on these as they are completely brand new La Perla & retails for much higher. Even at $25 I’d only be left with $20
Feb 15Reply
karinawolcott Hey! 350$ is my lowest offer! Thank you!
Mar 06Reply
kate123123123 Hi! I have a beautiful La Perla bra made in Italy for a great price if you are looking :)
May 19Reply
brookmstein00 Hey I can give you a discount on my louboutin heels if you’re interested
Jul 14Reply
lostinny Hey there. I lowered the price on the listing for you, hoping that Poshmark will send you a reduced shipping rate notification. They usually do that. I can't go lower than $11, I am sorry. I have a lot more tights and lingerie to list. Are you interested in NWT or specific brands only?
Sep 20Reply
spiffycloset hi, i shared a listing of another pair of black stockings which are really nice too, but not as well known here. let me know if you want me to split them into a separate listing. i’m not going to go lower on the wolford as they’ve just been listed. thanks.
Feb 24Reply
msalesm Hi Jacke! I have a Louboutin that you might LOVE 💕
Apr 13Reply
laree_hambright Hi! I will take the $230 for the heels. If you can respond back with that price I’ll accept
Oct 11Reply
wickerman19096 @laree_hambright Hi, are heel inserts included? Also, do you have extra tips in the box?
Oct 11Reply
laree_hambright @wickerman19096 yes the arch insert that stick inside the shoes I have in the shoe are included. They can be taken out. Yes the extra heel replacements are inside the box still.
Oct 11Reply
laree_hambright @wickerman19096 they are Vivian Lou arch supports
Oct 11Reply
laree_hambright Packaged your shoes! Scheduled for pickup!
Oct 11Reply
boxgalore Awesome ⭐️
Oct 27Reply
ksaunders014 Hi there! Please feel free to check out my closet! Let me know if you have any questions and happy poshing! ☺️💕🎉
Feb 19Reply
aovintage Hello! I have more designer and vintage listed. The item you last hearted sold but please bundle your favs and shop! ✨🛍✨🛍🙂
Feb 03Reply
elooow Hi, I’m about to go ship some packages could ship yours in the same time too. Lmk
Mar 16Reply
talfin14 Hi ! I’m Talia 👋🏼 i have designer clothing, shoes, lingerie, makeup, jewelry, bags and accessories you might be interested in for sale in my closet. Most items are brand new with tags. I have some rare vintage items as well. I hope you find something you love! 😁
Aug 07Reply

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