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Updated Apr 01
Updated Apr 01

Meet your Posher, Jackie

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Jackie. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, kate spade, A/X Armani Exchange, abercrombie kids, and Abercrombie & Fitch. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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urbanrhino Hi, once you update your payment info we can finalize the transactions!
Apr 03Reply
yuanyuanyuan Hi! Thanks for your interesting! If you could purchase now I will ship it before 3:00pm😊 thank you!
Apr 03Reply
ms_jenn_a Half off offers are just silly. If I want to sell items that low they would be listed that low. You keep making offers like that you'll have other sellers telling you the same.
Apr 04Reply
feliciana1 Hi😊still interested in bundling and saving! Let me know😉
Apr 04Reply
feliciana1 Is this your first purchase on poshmark?
Apr 04Reply
jbdelapaz02 @feliciana1 : Don't know anything about this site before and just started two days ago. Also made my first purchase the same day. Did I do anything wrong?
Apr 04Reply
feliciana1 @jbdelapaz02 Sugar if you need help with purchasing anything/ bundling let me know and I can assist. I offer great deals🖒
Apr 04Reply
jbdelapaz02 @feliciana1: Thank you. Will do! 😊
Apr 04Reply
feliciana1 @jbdelapaz02 Anytime luv. I see that you like a few things in my closet. Thanks for the purchases🤗
Apr 04Reply
jbdelapaz02 @feliciana1 : Your welcome ☺️
Apr 04Reply
catzlady Welcome to Poshmark! Tip: did you know you can make offers on single items or bundled items? If you have any questions feel to ask. Always happy to help a fellow Posher.
Apr 05Reply
catzlady @jbdelapaz02 I just noticed the other posher's remarks about offers. In my humble opinion offers no matter how high or low are the first step in negotiating prices, don't feel bad about making offers, that is the name of the game. Sorry that someone was mean about it, we don't all feel that way.
Apr 05Reply
gorjessfinds Hey girl! I accepted your offer but it looks like you need to update your payment info! As soon as you do that I can ship! I'd love to get them In the mail for you today. Let me know if you need any help xoxo Jess
Apr 06Reply
clvirginia22 Hello Jackie. I see that you started a bundle in my closet. Thanks! Let me know if you have any questions on any of my items. Most of my items are priced very reasonably and are kept at the minimum I could sell these for. I do have some wiggle room on some other items though. So please free to discuss pricing with me! Thanks!
Apr 13Reply
jlevin223 Jackie, thanks for the five star rating great purchase! Enjoy the bag 😀
Apr 13Reply
feliciana1 Great customer have a blessed day and if you ever need any help with Poshmark feel free to contact me 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Apr 13Reply
bocatess Hi Jackie! Do you still want the Kate Spade hand bag? Also, we have several bags to post this week and anticipate a steady influx going forward. Thx! @bocatess.🌴
Apr 14Reply
malverts1 Hi Jackie, Thank you for your bundle offer on the 2 Coach bags & the Gucci watch. I wanted to comment to you before I responded to your offer. Since I have already given a 15% discount for bundling 3 items, I am not able to accept the offer as you have currently submitted. If you are so inclined, please feel free to resubmit. Thank you so much for your interest in my closet.
Apr 16Reply
classy_vintage Hello. JACKIE.. I will accept if you want to counter just a couple dollors. Gives you free shipping . Thank you for your offer
Apr 19Reply
ampcollections Hi! It should be $112.50 with the 10% discount for buying 3 item but I went ahead and discounted it again for $100 I hope you will accept my counteroffer $99😁😉t🤑thank you
Apr 19Reply
jbdelapaz02 @ampcollections I'm sorry I just saw it right now. If you decline I will surely accept your offer 😊
Apr 19Reply
ampcollections @jbdelapaz02 hi! I just countered offer $99
Apr 19Reply
bocatess Wasn't aware of a problem. How can we make it right? :( please email me at, therusedeli@gmail. Thanks, Tess
Apr 19Reply
jbdelapaz02 @bocatess Hi! Sent you an email just now
Apr 20Reply
jbdelapaz02 For some reason my email come back to me i guess your email that you gave me does not exist. Shoot me an email @
Apr 20Reply
bocatess @jbdelapaz02 Oops! Didn't include the .com 😉
Apr 20Reply
ampcollections @jbdelapaz02 what's the name in the make up case? Do you want black, pink or gold color in your name and the crown please let me know thank you !
Apr 20Reply
ampcollections Hi! I just want to make sure . You purchase a bundle with personalized make up case shall I put (Jackie) is that the name you want me to put in the make up case.? I just saw your profile but I want to make sure that's the name. Please let me know and if you prepare pink or black or gold color for your name and crown thank you
Apr 20Reply
jbdelapaz02 @ampcollections Yes Pls and can you just pick a color for me? Or myb rainbow? Ahaha u decide 😋
Apr 20Reply
jbdelapaz02 @bocatess already put the .com but still didn't work coz the email that you gave me doesn't exist
Apr 20Reply
ckdozier Hello right now I only have the Ralph Lauren Purse and Gucci belt still available
Apr 20Reply
bocatess @jbdelapaz02 Yes, it does exist. I use that email countless times daily. Disregard.
Apr 20Reply
jbdelapaz02 @ckdozier ok so what's gonna happen? What do I do?
Apr 20Reply
raylean666 Hey Jackie thank you for all of your offers I think the lowest I can go right now is 180 for all three purses. But Poshmark wouldn't let me edit my 185 counter-offer.
Apr 21Reply
raylean666 ☆ however do keep in mind all these items were already severely price dropped and for all three with the price drop that was 260☆ you can make an offer that's your right but I wouldn't exactly cut it in half not the first go-around
Apr 21Reply
jbdelapaz02 @raylean666 I will add one more item. Can you give it to me for 185?
Apr 21Reply
raylean666 @jbdelapaz02 get your bundle together and make me your offer and then I'll think about it and either counter or accept and we'll negotiate either way I appreciate your interest
Apr 21Reply
raylean666 @jbdelapaz02 I'm sorry I thought I took it down the men's Tundra Northface is no longer available for sale it is already sold locally
Apr 21Reply
raylean666 @jbdelapaz02 however if you look on my page on my closet and boutique anything else you'd like maybe we can work out a deal I'm sorry that I did not list the Northface men's Tundra jackets as sold already it must have slipped my mind because I did sell it locally like I stated again thank you for your interest and your inquiry
Apr 21Reply
jbdelapaz02 @raylean666 I just added another item to the bundle. Hope you can accept my offer 😊
Apr 21Reply
raylean666 @jbdelapaz02 I can't take anything less than $210 you are asking for 3 purses 2 of which are Burberry, a Northface hoodie, and coach tote. All are either new or like-new condition, the total price if you weren't haggling would be 260 and that is with the seller bundle discount. I'm setting the bar at $210 giving you another $50 discount off of my already discounted bundled item(s)
Apr 21Reply
raylean666 * edited 250 would have been the bundle discount however once again I am cutting you a Break by offering another $40 off so 210 is my firm offer price so I countered you with 210 and that is for four items
Apr 21Reply
raylean666 @urbanrhinoluxe can somebody order a product then have the seller send it to them and then their payment information all the sudden go bad
Apr 21Reply
raylean666 @gorjessgirl what do you mean by updating payment information I am weary about accepting a offer to buy from this buyer can somebody literally have good payment information when they make the order and once they receive the product change their payment information and you're left with no money to speak of
Apr 21Reply
gorjessfinds @raylean666 hey girl! I would be weary too. I have never heard of anyone not having the money after the order has shipped. If there was an issue with money the order would have never processed. I would email Posh ASAP. As far as updating payment info, sometimes when people place an offer they have enough money on their card but by the time the seller accepts perhaps other transactions have occurred so there is no longer enough money so the buyer needs to update their card.
Apr 21Reply
gorjessfinds @raylean666 BUT that happens before the item is officially sold. Hope that helps.
Apr 21Reply
raylean666 @gorjessgirl well I was referring to you because I am worried I'm taking your offer on my bundles because you have had payment issues in the past
Apr 21Reply
gorjessfinds @raylean666 I'm sorry I'm not sure what you are talking about. Maybe I am misunderstanding you but I didn't make an offer on any of your items and as a buyer I have never had any payment issues...
Apr 21Reply
raylean666 @gorjessgirl no it was other lady i was really communicating with
Apr 21Reply
raylean666 Posher jackie
Apr 22Reply
raylean666 @jbdelapaz02 I will not accept your bundle you have had payment issues in the past with other vendors and I am not willing to take on the risk and you are offering me a lot less than what I am asking
Apr 22Reply
jbdelapaz02 @raylean666 No prob. I just wanna let you know that I shop 24/7 OL and purchase a lots of stuff and I will not know that my cards got declined till I check my email and everytime that happens I will immediately call my bank and will argue bcoz everytime I'm gonna shop, (like 1-10x a day or more) they will blocked my card just to protect my account coz they think that somebody else is using it.
Apr 22Reply
jbdelapaz02 @raylean666 So I have to ask them everytime that's happen if they can unblocked my card so that I can pay and start using it again. I wouldn't know that my card got declined till I check or see a notification saying my card got declined. I know it's embarrassing and people will think that I don't have $$ but there's nothing I can do!
Apr 22Reply
jbdelapaz02 @raylean666 I didn't even get any email or notification today saying that my card got declined so I'm sorry and it's not my fault. In case you didn't know, I've got 20g's in my bank account! Thanks for your time and have a good day!
Apr 22Reply
raylean666 @jbdelapaz02 only problem with your statement is we never finalized any order
Apr 22Reply
raylean666 @jbdelapaz02 see above message your messages underneath are complete nonsense we did not make a deal I did not accept your offer and that's final now you're making back up the excuses why your bank card failed when we didn't even make a deal in the first place
Apr 22Reply
jbdelapaz02 @raylean666 you said I have had a payment issues in the past with other vendors and I was just explaining it to you why. I know we never finalized any order and I didn't even say anything about that! I was just explaining myself so that everybody knows in case it happens again. Look I'm not hear to argue. I like to shop and I just wanna enjoy it. If you don't like what I'm offering all you gotta do is declined it. Simple as that!
Apr 22Reply
raylean666 @jbdelapaz02 misunderstanding your wording is a little different happy poshing was not trying to make you look bad I hope you find a good deal sorry we could not make one
Apr 23Reply
classy_vintage Hello. Please remember to rate your items. I hope you love them.
Apr 23Reply
trevor_warren Message me about the jersey. 8017915126
Apr 23Reply
tijuana03 @jbdelapaz02 i just have cases and aX watch
Apr 24Reply
esmeraldasof Everything will be shipped tomorrow ! So sorry for the delay iv been in school!
Apr 25Reply
joelina75 Hi Jackie❤ I see that you started a bundle in my closet. Let me know if you have any questions on any of my items. Have fun shopping 😍❤💃
Apr 26Reply
jbdelapaz02 @joelina75 Will do thanks 😊
Apr 26Reply
lyelmunz Hi Hun, In your bundle there is an item that's not for sale yet since it won't be in stock for another 2 weeks.m, that item is the white/pink flower bag. If you would like the other items now please send a new offer without the Bag in the bundle. Thank you! ✨😊
Apr 27Reply
lyelmunz @jbdelapaz02 still interested on the items?
Apr 28Reply
alexandraaleeee I'm so sorry I didn't see your bundle offer! If you send it again I will accept!
Apr 28Reply
jbdelapaz02 @lgillespie78 I sent you a msg
Apr 28Reply
jbdelapaz02 @lgillespie78 Need help! Idk where and how to find it
Apr 28Reply
jbdelapaz02 @lgillespie78 I'm sorry but I'm so busy @ work. I'll just check it out again later thanks
Apr 28Reply
jbdelapaz02 @lgillespie78 Alright let me know. Do you still have the 4 sets?
Apr 28Reply
esmeraldasof Did you receive your package?
Apr 30Reply
jausantos Hey girl. All three items would be 68 and posh already takes 20%. I can do 50 for all three on 🅿️ and then shipping thru posh.
May 01Reply
jbdelapaz02 @jausantos How much do you want? $68? Sorry but I ain't got no 🅿️
May 01Reply
cee_cees_closet @jbdelapaz02 Thanks for the like ❤️
May 01Reply
cjebert Make an offer on my bundle if your still interested. Thanks for your interest! :-)
May 03Reply
yuliana2015 @jbdelapaz02 hello dear ! I posted a comment under blue suite earlier today not sure if you saw it !
May 03Reply
courtneynicole4 Hey Jackie I commented on the dress letting you know of a shipping issue. May need to cancel your order and do 2 separate sales.
May 04Reply
jbdelapaz02 @courtneynicole4 Hi! It says in process?
May 04Reply
courtneynicole4 @jbdelapaz02 yes I haven't canceled it yet but I commented on the dress telling you that I have the dress but the other items are at my old house across the country, so I won't be able to ship them all together. Can I cancel the order and have you buy the 2 items and dress separately?
May 04Reply
jbdelapaz02 @courtneynicole4 Alright just cancel my order ☹️
May 04Reply
jbdelapaz02 @emma3878 I'll check it later when I get off from work. Thank you 😊
May 04Reply
courtneynicole4 @jbdelapaz02 you can still buy your items I just need to split it into 2 sales
May 04Reply
jbdelapaz02 @courtneynicole4 I know but I have to pay shipping on each one and that's what I'm trying to avoid
May 04Reply
saggos Hello your bundled item was sent out today. However, you will receive two packages, the blue ruffle shirt was not packed but it's also on the way. I've contacted Poshmark for an additional shipping label. Also, I want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase. Please let me know as this was a higher transaction and I'm here to make friends and insure your happy with your purchase. I will work to make sure you are happy. Have a great night, Angela
May 04Reply
saggos HI Jackie here is your tracking number for the first part of your bundle. I'll send you the second tracking number as soon as I can. I am waiting on Poshmark to send me another label, which of course I pay for. Tracking Number: 9410810899359257323163
May 05Reply
jbdelapaz02 @girltalkusa Thanks Angela! Looking forward to it 😊👍❤️
May 05Reply
saggos @jbdelapaz02 HI Jackie second package has been shipped. Your tracking number is 9405803699300445202083. Thank you and have a great weekend.
May 05Reply
alexandraaleeee Hey doll, you purchased my bundle recently! I ran into an issue. I have no idea where that element jacket went... I have been frantically looking everywhere :/ is there anything else I could put in replacement?
May 06Reply
jbdelapaz02 @alexandraaleeee How about the forever21 cutout polka 👗? If not I'll just pick another 1
May 06Reply
alexandraaleeee @jbdelapaz02 I can do that babe! I'll send it out tomorrow :)
May 06Reply
alexandraaleeee The one with the cutout or the bodycon?
May 06Reply
alexandraaleeee Oh wait never mind don't mind me haha
May 06Reply
kitkat5722 Hi Jackie. I am willing to accept the offer, as long as it is fine if it is going to be over 5 lbs, I will take out the shoe box. I may be able to put items into the box itself because they are small. Thanks. An extra pound costs me $7
May 08Reply
csmith288 Jackie, I apologize, as I didn't realize the inside zipper was broken, I would like to make it right, as this was my first sale on Posh, can you message me, and we can work something out., Thank you
May 09Reply
jbdelapaz02 @csmith288 Sure where can I reach u?
May 09Reply
csmith288 @jbdelapaz02 it won't let me add an email.. but it's csmith288 (no spaces)
May 09Reply
lolafawe @jbdelapaz02 Hi jackie there was attempted delivery of ur purchase today but no authorized signature to accept the delivery pls refer to your tracking and notes to pick up your package and dont forget to leave a review once you pick it up .Thanks once again for your patronage.
May 12Reply
jbdelapaz02 @lolafawe Already called the usps to redeliver the packages tomorrow. I'll check it tomorrow if they deliver it once I get home from work. Will let you know and thank you so updating me..
May 13Reply
lolafawe @jbdelapaz02 u welcome .
May 13Reply
lolafawe @jbdelapaz02 Hi Jackie just a reminder pls check mark your purchase and rate our services .Thanks again .
May 14Reply
jbdelapaz02 @lolafawe Hi! Sorry but I still don't have the package. They we're supposed to re deliver it today but they didn't so I did another redelivery on mon
May 14Reply
lolafawe @jbdelapaz02 ooh ok then be sure to follow up .Thanks and have a nice evening
May 14Reply
maral1965 @jbdelapaz02 I'm sorry to cancel your bundle I make a mistake instead of countering I accepted the offer
May 14Reply
maral1965 @jbdelapaz02 Thank you. I am re-listing it you can make another offer.
May 14Reply
maral1965 @jbdelapaz02 I re listed all the items. I will accept you original offer. I am so sorry for this inconvenience
May 14Reply
jbdelapaz02 @maral1965 Don't worry about it. Thank you ☺️
May 14Reply
jbdelapaz02 @maral1965 What do I do? Do I have to add all the item again?
May 14Reply
maral1965 @jbdelapaz02 yes you have to bundle again I will bring up the items in my closet so it will be easier for you to see all the item you wanted
May 14Reply
jbdelapaz02 @maral1965 Alright. Doing it now 👍😊
May 14Reply
lolafawe @jbdelapaz02 Hi Jackie am believing you received your package now .Thanks
May 16Reply
lolafawe @jbdelapaz02 Hi Jackie, still waiting to hear from you .Thanks
May 16Reply
jbdelapaz02 @lolafawe I wish! But I called them again yesterday and they said it'll b here today so I'm hoping (*crossing fingers*)
May 16Reply
lolafawe @jbdelapaz02 ok jackie be on their back Lol
May 16Reply
lolafawe @jbdelapaz02 jackie it just said again notice left go there and pick up ur parcel
May 16Reply
lolafawe @jbdelapaz02 call them ASAP and go pick it.Thanks
May 16Reply
lolafawe @jbdelapaz02 Records show attempted delivery at 4.54 pm today again no recipient call them to go pick it up or redeliver​ and be sure to be there .Thanks
May 16Reply
lolafawe @jbdelapaz02 Thank goodness finally you received it i was worried you missed it again my bad it says delivered. Thanks
May 17Reply
lolafawe @jbdelapaz02 Hi jackie am glad you have received your parcel and i believe you are showing some love and care to it pls a reminder to rate and check.Just so you know i will be getting some beautiful items next week pls do check every now and then to see what you fancy.Thanks again for your patronage Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 18Reply
lolafawe @jbdelapaz02 Thanks Jackie i am glad you loved it and thanks for the 5 star rating also thanks for pointing that out must be pressure of other packages in transit to the delicate leather i will make sure future packaging to you are reinforced to sustain pressure next time .l appreciate ur business pls do check in my closet every now and then to see what's new
May 19Reply
jbdelapaz02 @lolafawe Will do👍😊
May 19Reply
jbdelapaz02 @tyejoness Yay! Thanks 😊
May 19Reply
haleymo19 Sorry, I can't go any lower on that prices are already super low. Thanks for checking out my closet tho! 😊
May 22Reply
savvychic1126 Sorry that all belts don't come with box as mentioned Belt only. Only wallets have boxes. Thanks for your purchase. Have a great day!
May 22Reply
jbdelapaz02 @savvychic1126 Its ok didn't read the details. It was my hubby who ordered it
May 23Reply
minromano Hi Jackie,, thanks for your offer, I want to give your the best price, also a little fair for me. I reduced price for Choo and Dior a couple days ago for a quick sale, normally price is firm after a huge discount. You still get bundle deal. All 3 wallets are authentic,( all my closet are about quality and value) in good condition. My counter offer is fair. You know how much these cost me... anyway, I will threw in a real gift along with your purchase,. Btw, Ur shoe size & dress size?一🌹💯💕
May 23Reply
minromano Hi beautiful, did you get a text this morning? I am sure we can work something out between two of us. Just let me know how I can help. I know these wallets go to the right home, that matters...
May 23Reply
_suonguyen_ Hey, girl! Thank you for bundling and making an offer. I have made a counter. I can have the items shipped out tomorrow if you accept :)
May 24Reply
jbdelapaz02 @minromano Sorry I just saw ur comment right now. What do u mean text? The price that you countered offer, is that the lowest that you can give?
May 24Reply
minromano @jbdelapaz02 I wish, you'd accept that. I think that is a great deal. But i would work out a middle price to us if you want a little lower. Fair enough?!
May 24Reply
jbdelapaz02 @minromano That's fine. How much?
May 24Reply
minromano @jbdelapaz02 ok, beautiful , $156 you get 3 desingrt?!? If you counter off, i will accept. Retail
May 24Reply
minromano @jbdelapaz02 I sent you the price? Should we complete the sale? Thanks. I don't make money for these, just want a better home.
May 24Reply
_suonguyen_ Good morning, Jackie! Thank you for accepting my counter. I have it all packaged and added in a little drink coozie for you! It will be sent out today, and you should get it by the end of the week :)
May 24Reply
jbdelapaz02 @minromano How about 150?
May 24Reply
jbdelapaz02 @_suonguyen_ Great! Thanks 👍😍
May 24Reply
minromano @jbdelapaz02 done, you got the deal! I will accept your $150 offer. This morning, I have a girl wanted the Gucci wallet so bad. But I want you to get it 1st...Thanks so much, I am sure you will love them as much as I do!!💖💕
May 24Reply
jbdelapaz02 @minromano Thank you 😊😘 but it expired 4hrs ago?
May 24Reply
minromano @jbdelapaz02 just make a new offer, I will accept it
May 24Reply
minromano @jbdelapaz02 hi beautiful, do we have problem to make a new offer? 😊
May 24Reply
iofficial Hello, I seen you liked many photos and started a bundle on my page. Your more then welcome to add more items and make an offer 😊
May 26Reply
bougierouge @jbdelapaz02 Hi Jackie, thanks for bundling items from my closet. Purchase today and get $13 off. That's just $90 for all three. I can't wait to see what's in your closet.
Jun 01Reply
jbdelapaz02 @trjennings Is that included the S&H already?
Jun 01Reply
bougierouge @jbdelapaz02 So sorry Jackie, given Poshmark gets theirs off the top, I won't be able to cover the shipping. The three items you chose are really nice and will be well worth your money. If you like to add the beautiful blue purse, I can do all four for $120.
Jun 01Reply
davinandtheia Hi! I have a promo buy 3 get 1 free.. with my counter offer you'll get the kid's swim wear set for free.. 💖
Jun 01Reply
neat62 Thank you Jackie for your purchase today!! I will package up tonight and ship out tomorrow! :)
Jun 02Reply
shopwithtara Hi! Just checking to make sure that you got your package. 😀
Jun 02Reply
_suonguyen_ Hello! Thank you for the 5-star rating! I really appreciate! Hope we do business again soon :) Have a great weekend!
Jun 03Reply
style_guyd Hi there, do you wear Tory Burch shoes?
Aug 02Reply
hataman @jbdelapaz02 hi 😊 I would like to invite you to my closet 😊🌺
Aug 18Reply
cjay121230 Hi, its me selling stainless steel, please follow me, got new stuff again, but i haven't post it yet,, tnx
Sep 14Reply
lyelmunz Hi Jackie! Don't miss out on my Cyber Monday Sale. All tops are 4 for $25 and dresses 3 for $25 (excluding gowns) and jewlery 5 for $25. Is as simple as just bundling your likes and I'll send the discounted price through an offer 🤗 Happy Poshing!
Nov 27Reply
julieserena Hey girl! Let me know if that bundle works for you and I’ll get it shipped out in the morning ☺️
Jan 25Reply
emmyd29 @jbdelapaz02 I saw your bundle offer, was just letting you know the shorts I took the tags off because I was thinking about keeping them but they don’t fit anymore. I’ve never worn them
Feb 03Reply
ozoz123oz Feel free to check out my jerseys and Nike/Jordan shirts. I'm also in the process of posting more jerseys so feel free to follow me too.
Jul 12Reply
watsonlilmommy @jbdelapaz02 hello how are you check out my closet see something you interested in send me a offer all offers accepted
Sep 14Reply
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Last Active: Oct 12 2020

Fort Washington, MD
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Last Active: Oct 12 2020

Fort Washington, MD
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