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Updated 2 days ago
Updated 2 days ago

Meet your Posher, Jaimee

Meet the Posher



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Hi, I’m a Jaimee! I try to re-use / re-purpose / recycle wherever possible and LOVE that Poshmark is a platform that enables this. You’ll find a variety of items in my closet from my own collection, friends, family, impulse buys, gifts and vintage finds. I take meticulous care of everything in life, so you're in good hands shopping here. A bit on me: good quality is a must in food and fashion! I love asymmetric design, texture, pattern, silk, chiffon and soft fabrics. Thanks for stopping by💕
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blackswanenvy Hi there fellow newbie! Feel free to check out my closet! Happy Poshing!
May 15Reply
nonasnoopshop Happy Poshing! Now Following 🤗❤️🤪💞
Aug 30Reply
posh_ballerina Hi. I was sorry I missed the red Alex and Ani you sold. Do you have others like this you might list? Thanks
Aug 30Reply
jaimeeski @posh_ballerina Hello and thanks for your interest ☺️ I have a few other Alex and Ani bracelets (NWOT), but none as rare as the red & gold one. We just moved, so I'll be unpacking the rest in the next couple weeks if you want to check back if you like any!
Aug 30Reply
kchubcheva Hello. Thank you for following my closet. I'm always open to offers and can accept up to 50% off on particular items ;) HAPPY POSHING :)
Sep 08Reply
riccik Hi Jaimee! 🌟
Sep 22Reply
jaimeeski @riccik Hi Ricci!!! Thanks for stopping by ☺️
Sep 22Reply
pauls_deals Thanks for sharing!!
Sep 26Reply
jaimeeski @pauls_deals of course! They are awesome silver heels ☺️ Happy poshing 💕
Sep 26Reply
missyallday Hi Thanks so much for visiting my closet and sharing my Clarks White Open Toe Very Comfy Sandals!!!!!👡👡👡 If your have any questions please let me know . Thanks again 🦋🐞🦋
Sep 27Reply
melngeeh Hi and welcome to PM! Check out my closet when you get a chance.
Oct 06Reply
jaimeeski @melngeeh thanks! Great closet ☺️
Oct 06Reply
jaimeeski @missyallday thanks for the posh 💓 and stopping by!
Oct 06Reply
melngeeh @jaimeeski Thank you!
Oct 06Reply
amazingresales Very nice closet, pictures are awesome! Thanks for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Oct 06Reply
jaimeeski @amazingresales thanks so much! I probably spend a bit too much time taking pictures haha, I’m glad you appreciate them 💕 happy poshing and thanks for the shares as well!
Oct 06Reply
jaimeeski @mountaingirl18 many thanks 💕and yes I totally agree!! Happy Monday☺️
Oct 08Reply
woraphan Hi Jaimee, thank you for following me ❤️. Please feel free to check out my closet for pretty clothes and cool jewelry, as I am very flexible with bundles and reasonable offers 🤩. Have a great day and happy poshing 🎊
Oct 14Reply
pineapple06091 Great closet 💕
Oct 30Reply
jaimeeski @pineapple06091 thank you! And same to you, I couldn’t stop sharing your items 💓
Oct 30Reply
styledtr Thank you for sharing my listing on tumblr. I am not on social media so I shared some of yours on this site❣️
Nov 22Reply
jaimeeski @styledtr you’re welcome! Happy thanksgiving!
Nov 22Reply
lulu5273 Hi very nice profile and I like meticulous;) you have beautiful close 💝🌺🍁🌸🦋
Nov 23Reply
jaimeeski @lulu5273 thank you so much, so sweet of you. We are totally style twins 💕💕💕💕 and appreciate all the shares
Nov 23Reply
lulu5273 @jaimeeski 💕💕💕💕🥰
Nov 23Reply
barbiemartha Thank you so much Jamiee! Yours is fantastic as well! I love that Vera Wang dress- it's stunning!
Nov 26Reply
jaimeeski @barbiemartha right!?? I’m so mad, I’m a bit too broad in the shoulders for the Vera Wang dress. There’s always something!!!! 💕 thanks for the posh love as well
Nov 26Reply
dancingqueen50 Thanks for sharing my listing on Tumblr!! I would share back but I do not have a Tumblr or Twitter account! Thanks!!😊
Nov 26Reply
jaimeeski @dancingqueen50 your very welcome! 💕And no worries, posh shares are just as good 😉💗
Nov 27Reply
poshhost Love your bio! Especially love your closet and style. I am new and would love to get advice from expert Poshers like yourself. Please do share some tips that helped you grow. I list everyday, self and community share, follow and comment as I grow my PoshMark community. What other things should I be doing? Hope you are open to sharing your expert advice. After all poshmark is all about loving and caring! Please do check out my closet and leave me a message/helpful tip. Happy Poshing!
Dec 04Reply
jaimeeski @kamaggarwal Hi Kam! Thanks for your kind note 💕 and of course I’m happy to share w/ tips I’ve learned along the way! • Taking a good photo of your item is key (all angles, good lighting, in focus). Finding the item online w/ a model also helps if you don’t want to model the clothes yourself (I always note stock image if that’s the case). It helps complete the “look”.
Dec 04Reply
jaimeeski @kamaggarwal • Be open and honest w/ any imperfections, flaws or wear marks since buyers can’t physically see/feel the item. I’ve taken more pictures if someone wants more detail to help make a decision. Either way if they don’t buy it, it will help someone else!
Dec 04Reply
jaimeeski @kamaggarwal • The motto sharing is caring reallllllllly holds true on Poshmark. Share other poshers stuff! And your own. Both to followers & posh parties. The more you of others you share, the more likely others will share your stuff = more visibility your items have. Win win!
Dec 04Reply
jaimeeski @kamaggarwal • Pack items with care (and not just tossed in a box). Everyone has their own style, but a thank you of some sorts is good etiquette! • Keep on following others, and explore their closets to share. I’ve seen a few ways for a mass follow if you like that idea. I’ll find one and tag you in it. Hope these tips help! I also found videos on YouTube when I first started out to try and understand how to use poshmark lol 💕
Dec 04Reply
jaimeeski Forgot one important tip! Make sure to check out the poshmark supported items to sell, and restricted items (ex. Perfume) to make sure your closet is posh compliant!
Dec 04Reply
jenandchase Thank you for all the shares! You have a wonderful closet! 😍
Jan 24Reply
jaimeeski @jenandchase thank you and for the return shares!!💕
Jan 24Reply
annluggen Great photo#1❣️
Jan 28Reply
jaimeeski @annluggen thank you! happy Monday 💕
Jan 28Reply
cweb2015 Hey!!! I’m having a buy one get one free sale!!! Highest price item is charged and equal or less item free. On men’s and women’s tops, sweaters, jackets, coats. MUST BUNDLE!!! Check out my closet 😘
Jan 30Reply
jaimeeski @cweb2015 awesome!! Thanks for letting me know 💕
Jan 30Reply
prettylildoe I will be sure to save you a guaranteed spot for a host pick!! You have a gorgeous closet and style and thanks for the kind words! I love the stick teepee you are in, btw! ♡♡
Feb 04Reply
jaimeeski @prettylildoe you are too sweet, thank you so much for the consideration!!! 😍 Love your style as well AND that you put time into photography / laying out the items so beautifully... it’s so much fun to scroll through your collection 💕 I’ll be back once I sell some more items
Feb 04Reply
jaimeeski @prettylildoe ps.. yes that beach driftwood teepee makes me so happy every time I see the photo!!
Feb 04Reply
jaimeeski @riocustom thank you, and same to you!!!! Happy poshing 💕
Feb 17Reply
flippin_threads Thanks for the shares 🥰
Feb 17Reply
jaimeeski @mg0810 you’re welcome! Thanks for the shares as well ☺️💗
Feb 17Reply
annstyle Thanks for sharing my closet! 🥰
Feb 28Reply
rabbitwholedeal Hello! Thank you for sharing!
Mar 13Reply
jaimeeski @annstyle you’re welcome! 💕💕
Mar 13Reply
jaimeeski @the7ofyou you’re welcome! And thank you for the shares as well 🤗
Mar 13Reply
rabbitwholedeal 😀👌😎
Mar 13Reply
jaimeeski @rsuyaba of course! You have a great collection!!! thank you for the return shares and happy Friday 💕
Mar 30Reply
ccxvd @jaimeeski Thanks so much for share! 🙂 Love your closet!!
Mar 30Reply
thecampaign19 Welcome to my poshmark gorgeous keep in touch and stay blessed and beautiful also check out my closet you might find something you like and I'll definitely check out yours love is love.
Mar 31Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! So glad we connected on Poshmark. Hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 09Reply
mmelucy Thanks so much for all of your shares, Jaime! Have a great day 😊
Apr 09Reply
jaimeeski @mmelucy you’re welcome!!! Have a great day as well 💕
Apr 09Reply
wrosegold Hi Jamiee. Love all of your photos and great closet. Thank you for the shares and follow 😘 Rose
Apr 22Reply
jaimeeski @wrosegold hi Rose, you’re welcome! You have such an amazing collection of unique and vintage items 💕thank you doe the shares as well!
Apr 22Reply
jaimeeski *for 🤦🏻‍♀️ Autocorrect fail!
Apr 22Reply
eileenrobert Thank you for all of the shares... your stuff is very beautiful I love your closet.. happy sales to you💖
Apr 25Reply
jaimeeski @eileenrobert thank you for taking the time to write me a comment 💕 love the posh love and appreciate the return shares!! You have a great collection as well (resulting in so many shares!!) Happy sales my friend!
Apr 25Reply
clemsonmama You have a beautiful closet!
Apr 25Reply
jaimeeski @clemsonmama thank you!! You made my morning 💕You have such a fun collection yourself... especially those adorable polka dot rain boots and strawberry embroidered pants my dear!!🍓🍓🍓
Apr 25Reply
carlsbadshores Thanks so much for sharing my posts, new here on PoshMark and in really appreciate it!!!
Apr 25Reply
jaimeeski @carlsbadshores you’re welcome!! 🎉🎉welcome to poshmark 💕 I’ll try my best if you have any questions, just send a message!
Apr 25Reply
purpleplumerias Your closet is seriously amazing! Thank you for all the shares!
May 02Reply
jaimeeski @resalehaven you’re too sweet!! It’s a bunch of my stuff and family members💕 Thank you for all of the shares too! Sending happy sales vibes your way! And looking forward to tomorrow’s Instagram challenges 😍 (although the maps might be my fav!!)
May 02Reply
purpleplumerias @jaimeeski it is definitely one of my favorites too! I’m glad you enjoyed it just as much!
May 02Reply
claribelglamour 💗🌷💗🌷💗🌷💗🌷💗🌷💗🌷💗🌷💗
May 05Reply
cmwatson21 Lighting up your closet all the way from Iowa! Happy Poshing! 💕
May 12Reply
jaimeeski @cmwatson21 thanks for stopping by!! How fun is this posh share across America!?? 💕 Wishing you many sales this weekend!
May 12Reply
jaimeeski @claribelglamour happy Mother’s Day luv!💕💕💕💕
May 12Reply
claribelglamour @jaimeeski Thanks beautiful PFF💖🌷
May 12Reply
kellybridget Thanks so much for sharing my closet and for your words of encouragement last night. You are so right! 💕
May 17Reply
jaimeeski @kellybridget anytime!!! I’m happy to help, we all need to bounce ideas off each other at somepoint or another. Wishing you some sales and thank you for the return shares!!!💕
May 17Reply
allfrockedup Hey hey @jaimeeski . Thanks for all the posh 💕💕💕. Right back atcha. ✌
Jun 06Reply
jaimeeski @zsazsakranes hiii! You’re welcome and thank you! Sending some good sale vibes your way 🎉🎉🎉
Jun 06Reply
vampirequeen25 💜💜 Hiiiii 👋🏼 you have an amazing closet 😄💕💕💕
Jun 10Reply
jaimeeski @vampirequeen25 thank you!! And you know I love all your amazing vintage finds 💕 I’m glad we are finally following each other!!
Jun 11Reply
jaimeeski @queen_ne263 of course! And thank you for the shares and well wishes 💕sending some back your way! Happy poshing 😊
Jun 28Reply
aplatzer Thanks for sharing my listing, I am just getting started and you have so many nice things! I will be on vacation next week so I don’t want to list too many new items, but we need to do a major clean out.
Jul 07Reply
jaimeeski @aplatzer you’re welcome! Sharing is key on this platform, so I’m happy to help! There is a vacation mode setting you can turn on next week, so list as much as you want! Your items will still be visible, just marked not for sale.
Jul 07Reply
gordomom Such a lovely closet!! 😍
Jul 08Reply
jaimeeski @gordomom thank you! And you as well 💕
Jul 08Reply
danellaangel I guess I messed up. I thought I was buying the bedside tables. I'm brand new and I'm naive I guess ?I have no use for just the knobs. Its up to you how to handle it. I apologize for any confusion I've caused.
Jul 08Reply
jaimeeski @danellaangel ok, thanks for clarifying. Please cancel the order then because I’m only selling the knobs. To do this: - Click on “my purchases” - Click on the listing w/ the knobs - Click on “Problems” - you should see the option to cancel purchase
Jul 08Reply
jensdeals37 @jaimeeski thanks for the shares!!🧡🌿
Jul 15Reply
jaimeeski @jensdeals37 you’re welcome! Happy Poshing and thank you for the returns💕
Jul 15Reply
prettydandelion Thank you so much for the shares !💓
Jul 19Reply
jaimeeski @prettydandelion you’re welcome!! I realized I’m not following all of you guys from iG on posh 😆 so trying to change that!! Haha. Thanks for the shares as well and wishing you some sales!!🎉🎉
Jul 19Reply
bontonsb Thanks for all the shares Jaimee!!! 💝
Jul 19Reply
jaimeeski @bontonsb of course!! And thank you as well for the shares!!! Wishing you a great weekend 💕and some sales 🎉🎉
Jul 20Reply
flowermay Thank you fro the shares! I am so similar in what I like & love In fashion! I will keep my eye on your closet for when I get to but next! Have a great day & thank you again! Susan 😘❤️
Aug 01Reply
jaimeeski @flowermay Hi Susan! Yes, I think we are style twins to say the least 👯‍♂️ And thank you for all the shares as well!!! Wishing you a great day 💕
Aug 01Reply
flowermay @jaimeeski we sure are & travel, foodie, and nature twins!👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️
Aug 01Reply
jaimeeski @flowermay oooo even better! I am always on the hunt for new recipes, restaurants, hiking spots and exploring new areas 🙌🏻
Aug 01Reply
chisleekwear Hey Jaimee! Are u in Atlanta? Wanted to invite u to a Posh n’sip 🤗
Aug 02Reply
jaimeeski @chichi_rosegold hiya! That’s so sweet of you but I’m no where even close to ATL 😭 I’ll letcha know if I ever visit again tho!! Thanks for the shares too, returning now 😘
Aug 02Reply
chisleekwear @jaimeeski aww ok will do ! And thanksss🤗😘
Aug 02Reply
jaimeeski @chichi_rosegold ❤️happy poshing!
Aug 02Reply
luxlisa Thanks for sharing!
Aug 25Reply
mygrant486 Thanks for the follow and shared, I will do the same!! Feel free to visit my closet anytime, I offer discounts on bundles!! 🌺🌸💙💛💕💖💙💛💙💛
Aug 25Reply
lyvb Thank you for all the shares.
Sep 03Reply
jaimeeski @lyvb you’re welcome! I just saw all the share backs, thank you as well! ❤️
Sep 03Reply
amritmohan Hi Jaimee, welcome to my Posh family hope to bring you positive vibes and speedy sales along the way. Have a beautiful day ✌🏽😘 n share - Amrit
Sep 04Reply
sharpeye1717 hey there - thanks so much for the tags, so sweet of you! (and of course for being such a great posh pal 😊✌️)
Sep 07Reply
jaimeeski @sharpeye7171 hi!!! I’m so happy to include you in them 💕 you’ve been my consistent posh closet share buddy since I started a year ago! And totally appreciate all of them, so it’s my way of saying thanks!
Sep 07Reply
sharpeye1717 @jaimeeski 😊😊💕💕💕
Sep 07Reply
laura719 @jaimeeski - I just wanted to truly Thank You for all the shares. I’m a new posher... and it’s difficult. So.... ty 😊
Sep 26Reply
jaimeeski @laura719 you’re welcome! 💕My best advice is to share. Share your closet and others. I recently joined insta too for my posh page and it’s been tremendously helpful if you want to consider that!!
Sep 26Reply
thestylelocker I love your closet! ❤️🌸🙂
Nov 02Reply
jaimeeski @fairynymph1857 😘thank you! And for the shares too!!! Sending some posh love back ti ya ❤️
Nov 02Reply
knc1218 Thanks for returning some shares 😊 You have a beautiful closet!
Dec 06Reply
jaimeeski @knc1218 💕thank you, and for all the shares!! Sending some more shares back and happy sale vibes 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Dec 06Reply
knc1218 @jaimeeski thank you so much! I really appreciate all the shares and I am always happy to share 😊 I’ve been really sick so haven’t been as active the last few days, but I am trying to catch up. Thank you again and wishing you many sales 🤗🤗
Dec 06Reply
jaimeeski @knc1218 aww, feel better 💕 sending well wishes and happy sales to you!
Dec 06Reply
knc1218 @jaimeeski thank you so much! 😊
Dec 07Reply
knc1218 Thanks again for being generous with the shares 🤗 I don’t know if you participate in any of the share games, but there is a new one starting on Monday I’d be happy to tag you in if you’re interested. I participate in a few, but didn’t want to tag you without asking first. Have a great day ☺️
Dec 13Reply
greenpython You have excellent taste. Thanks for the shares.
Dec 16Reply
jaimeeski @knc1218 hi, sure you can tag! I’m not always able to keep up but I do my best! Thanks for asking 💕
Dec 17Reply
jaimeeski @greenpython you’re welcome! It takes one to know one, you have some amazing pieces in your closet too!!💕
Dec 17Reply
knc1218 @jaimeeski no problem! I joined a couple and I’m getting a lot more shares, but I am actually having a hard time keeping up myself 😬
Dec 17Reply
jaimeeski @knc1218 🙃 I hear you! That’s where I’m better off sharing at my own pace. I’ve joined a few in the past, but haven’t joined in a while because I can’t keep up haha. Happy poshing!
Dec 17Reply
knc1218 @jaimeeski I totally get it! Happy Poshing 😊
Dec 17Reply
nanasheart14 @jaimeeski Thanks for the follow & all the shares!!!! Love your closet!!!! Happy poshing!!!!
Jan 11Reply
jaimeeski @nanasheart14 thank you and for all the shares as well💕 have a great weekend!!!
Jan 11Reply
poshedyou Thanks for spreading posh ❤️.
Jan 15Reply
jaimeeski @poshedyou thank you for the posh shares as well! 💕
Jan 15Reply
anythngsposhble Hi Jaime! Thank you for taking time to share lil gems from my closet! Love your closet!! 💕
Jan 16Reply
jaimeeski @anythngsposhble thank you!!! You have such a fun collection too 😍❤️ happy poshing!
Jan 16Reply
maisonrouge Thank you for the share backs! 💕Glad to find you on Instagram. Here’s to many sales! 🥂
Jan 18Reply
jaimeeski @maisonrouge you’re most welcome!! And same here, insta has been such amazing in that way! 💕 yes. Sales will be coming our way soon!!🥳
Jan 18Reply
justpaws Thank you for all the shares! ❤️
Feb 01Reply
jaimeeski @justpaws you’re welcome! And thank you as well 💕
Feb 01Reply
yelizald Thank you very much for sharing my listings. 🙏🏻🙌🙌👍🏻🤗🍀🍀🍀💖💖💖
Feb 01Reply
jaimeeski @yelizald you’re welcome! Happy poshing 💕
Feb 01Reply
susanberen1 Hi Jaime! my name is Susan Beren. The reason Im writing you is because I have 3 offers on a listing of mine. I am brand new to this and was wondering if I could ask you a few questions. I noticed that you are a posh embassador and you were on top of the list. so, if you have a moment I would like to ask you a few questions. thx!
Feb 04Reply
jaimeeski @susanberen1 hi Susan! I’ll send you a message via bundle so I can try and help. Congrats on the offers, they are a good thing to have!!
Feb 04Reply
jaimeeski @kkell07 you’re welcome! Thank you as well 💕
Feb 10Reply
dbarnett1977 Hello... so if I’m trying to reach ambassador status and have every thing I need, besides “love note/letter” given. Does that mean I have to buy something, then praise the seller after I receive it ? Thank you
Feb 17Reply
jaimeeski @dbarnett1977 yep! Once you receive your purchase, just make sure to fill in the text box (love note) along with your rating. Then you should be good to go if you have everything else lined up!
Feb 17Reply
graceupongrace7 Thanks for the shares and follow! You have so many beautiful items, especially shoes! Have a lovely weekend! 😊🌷
Feb 22Reply
jaimeeski @graceupongrace7 you’re welcome, and thank you!!!! I’m always happy to work out a price on all of those shoes 😂😂 some of my friends have crazy shoe collections!! Wishing you a great weekend as well 💕
Feb 22Reply
littlepassports Thanks for the shares!
Mar 03Reply
jaimeeski @littlepassports you’re welcome! Happy poshing 💕
Mar 03Reply
loki_and_pearl Heh girl! What app do you use to get the perfect white background? Absolutely love it. 🥰🐾👛👠
Mar 10Reply
jaimeeski @mncabinlife thank you! There’s a few different ways to get a white background! Snapseed takes a little longer to edit, but it keeps a high image resolution (use the selective tool to adjust brightness). Or you can use the PicsArt app, or website called 🙌🏻 Both of these are quicker, but require taking a screenshot of the image (so it won’t be as high resolution to zoom in).
Mar 10Reply
ohyeahbuythat @jaimeeski Hi, from just outside of Pittsburgh! I'm Carolyn. Nice to virtually meet you!
Mar 11Reply
jaimeeski @cjensen777 nice to meet you too, and thank you so much for all the closet shares!!! If you’re on Instagram, my I’m jaimeeski_ig there for everything posh! 💕
Mar 11Reply
loki_and_pearl @jaimeeski Thanks dear, that he,ps a TON! 🙏🏼💕😊
Mar 12Reply
tahitianmeme Mauruuru (thank you in Tahitian) for all of the shares
Mar 14Reply
jaimeeski @tahitianmeme oh I love learning thank you’s in different languages 💕you’re most welcome, and thank you for the shares as well!
Mar 14Reply
jaimeeski @mncabinlife glad I could help!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻
Mar 14Reply
iloveaerobics Thank you for the shares. Amazing closet!
Mar 24Reply
jaimeeski @iloveaerobics thank you and for the shares as well!! You have such a fun closet and I was so glad to stumble upon your frenchie collection too!! Happy poshing 😘
Mar 24Reply
a_mascari hello! thank you so so much for all the shares in my closet!! i really appreciate you doing that 🌺🥰🎉 I just wanted to let you know I’m doing buy 2 get 1 free on most items in my closet now!!!!! LMK if you have questions 🤩😘💕🌺🎉🥰🤩
Apr 04Reply
jaimeeski @a_mascari you’re welcome ☺️ And thank you for the posh shares as well! Happy Poshing 💕
Apr 05Reply
matadora1978 hi !! shared 10 items from your lovely closet xoxo wishing you many sales !!
Jun 10Reply
jaimeeski @matadora1978 thank you! Sending some posh love back now! Happy poshing 💕
Jun 10Reply
matadora1978 @jaimeeski ty so much I appreciate it 🙋‍♀️
Jun 10Reply
sahibtrends Jaimee my dear I congratulate u on your 100k followers🌈🔥🔥💥💥. Hope it is not far when u gonna hit the Million. Happy to celebrate it with. Wishing u the very best. sending u lots of good wishing🥰🥰💞
Jun 11Reply
jaimeeski @sahibtrends thank you!! I appreciate your support and posh shares too! 💕 sending something back now and happy sales!!
Jun 11Reply
no_smoke_here Jaimee, Thank you for returning the shares and the follow. Have a blessed day.
Jun 15Reply
jaimeeski @no_smoke_here you’re most welcome, and thank you as well! Happy poshing 💕
Jun 15Reply
rosegoldrivet Hi Jaimee, I’m in love with your closet! Sending good vibes and Posh love. ☮️ // Shannyn
Jun 29Reply
jaimeeski @rosegoldrivet Hi Shannyn! Thank you for the positive vibes and all the posh love, you’re amazing! Heading over to follow you now and share back 💕 happy poshing!!
Jun 29Reply
livesecondhand thank you for all the shares!! 🤩
Jul 09Reply
jaimeeski @hollybarrett662 you’re welcome! And thank you as well! Happy poshing 💕
Jul 09Reply
jaimeeski @fonso1880 Jeanne, thank you so much for stopping by 💕 and that’s the highest compliment and the most witty at that 🤣😍😘 Happy Poshing!!
Jul 10Reply
secondchancebtq Hi Jaimee! Stopping by to compliment your lovely closet. Happy Poshing and stay safe!
Jul 20Reply
jaimeeski @secondchancebtq aww, thank you so much for stopping by to tell me that!💕💕 Happy Poshing!
Jul 20Reply
secondchancebtq @jaimeeski you’re very welcome! I appreciate the shares! ☺️
Jul 20Reply
jaimeeski @secondchancebtq you’re welcome! Thought I’d send some posh love!
Jul 20Reply
irenecase 🎉 CONGRATS —-🌟You’ve been randomly selected to receive some Positive Vibes today along with 🌺 5 shares !! Woot woot - supporting all my fellow poshers ... wishing you love 💖, light 🌟, and peace 🤘🏻☮️. 💐✨Enjoy the day 😊
Aug 11Reply
jaimeeski @irenecase love it! Thanks for stopping by 💕 returning the favor now! Happy sales 🥳
Aug 12Reply
lovinagoodfind What a doll!!! Thank you!!! Ill return the shares in a few!! 😁
Aug 21Reply
jaimeeski @lovinagoodfind you’re most welcome! And no need, these are a little dose of Friday kindness ❤️
Aug 21Reply
2muchstuff3691 L❤️VE your closet. So glad I found it on Poshmark. Hope you will check out mine and follow me back 💕💕💕
Sep 08Reply
jaimeeski @schracl Thank you, and love yours as well! Just sent some posh love back too!
Sep 08Reply
mamaw5172 Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing my fantastic 🛍🤟🏻🚀🌴🌹
Sep 09Reply
mommom501 Hi there! I am checking out your fabulous closet and I hope you will come do the same for me❤️
Sep 20Reply
jaimeeski @mommom501 thank you and for the closet shares! Just sent a ton back your way, happy sales!!🥳❤️
Sep 21Reply
jaimeeski @texashoosier20 you're welcome! I wanted to send some posh love back for celebrating my host pick last night! thanks again and happy poshing ❤️
Sep 23Reply
janfast Hi Jaimee! Thanks for sharing my A.P.C. Top! 🌸
Oct 29Reply
l_oesterling Thanks for sharing my listing !!
Nov 11Reply
clothes4cancer Happy Friday! I just started an Instagram for my Posh closet a little over a week ago & I’m so glad I found your page! Looking forward to following you here & on Insta :) 💕
Nov 13Reply
skylight31 My entire closet is 50% off for the 4th of July. Sale ends July 6.
Jul 02Reply
rosegoldrivet Hi Jaimee, I’m Shannyn! 😊👋 I just happened upon your closet, and love the way you have everything put together! Hope you are having a great summer, and Happy Poshing! ☮️♥️🛍 ~ ѕнαηηуη | ʀσѕє gσℓ∂ ʀινєт вσυтιqυє
Jul 10Reply
jaimeeski @rosegoldrivet thanks so much for the posh love, Shannyn! Heading over to return now and happy summer as well 🌊🩴🌤🌴🍦
Jul 11Reply
mld5432 Thank you so much for the shares! You have a great closet!
Aug 16Reply
jaimeeski @mld5432 your welcome!! I hope it helps drive some traffic and sales to your closet!! And thank you as well 💞
Aug 16Reply
mld5432 @jaimeeski thank you so much! Same to you! 💕
Aug 16Reply
jaimeeski @beautifynails thanks for the posh love kind words! 💞
Nov 06Reply
guerrillagirls Hi! I love your closet! ❤️
Feb 11Reply
jaimeeski @sallybennett69 thanks for the posh love and closet shares! Heading to yours now to return the favor 💞 happy posting!
Feb 12Reply
jaimeeski @sallybennett69 *poshing 🤣🥳💞
Feb 12Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop! 💛🌻
Jun 11Reply
fashiongirl2375 Hi! Thanks for the follow, checking out my closet and sharing 💗
Mar 08Reply
jaimeeski @fashiongirl2375 and like wise, thank you!! Happy poshing 💕
Mar 08Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a great day and successful Poshing!😊
Apr 18Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
May 23Reply
jaimeeski @computershoptx you’re welcome! Happy poshing! ☺️
May 23Reply
jaimeeski @melanieander922 hello, and same to you! Thank you for the shares!
May 23Reply
jaimeeski @adoringstyles returned! Happy poshing ☺️
Nov 30Reply
cutehosiery @jaimeeski Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 22Reply
jaimeeski @cutehosiery thank you, and to you as well! I sent some posh closet shares in return ☺️
Jan 22Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Apr 07Reply
littlepeachxo Hi there, I’m accepting all offers! Happy poshing. 🤍
Aug 12Reply
jaimeeski @littlepeachxo same and happy poshing!
Aug 12Reply
jaimeeski @candy258 happy poshing!
Aug 12Reply

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