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Updated Mar 25
Updated Mar 25

Meet your Posher, Jamie

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Jamie. I'm from Milwaukee. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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katia_closet Welcome to posh darling
Dec 20Reply
blingnthings Welcome to Posh, Jamie! I hope you're having a great experience on this app. Have a Happy & Healthy New Year :D
Dec 29Reply
loungeinluxe Hi Jaime 💗💛welcome 🌷 I saw that you might be in LO💛E Stella and Dot and wanted to reach out. Check out my site and let me know if anything peaks your interested. Running a few promotions and I'm also looking for a few part time stylist to join my team. Let me know if you or anyone might be interested in working with fashion and jewelry 💗💗
Apr 06Reply
modig 🌷☀🌷
Mar 04Reply
jamiemke @miss_beauty_q Thank you! Will do!
Mar 04Reply
classyseconds_ Thank you for visiting my closet today. Happy poshing 😊
Mar 04Reply
ann_is_awesome Hi! I have a blue identical dress up too. I'll sell you both for $35. Go ahead and bundle if interested. This will also only charge shipping once and give you 10% off.
Mar 04Reply
sbeth514 Still available! Sorry im new to this app!
Mar 10Reply
ann_is_awesome You picked 3 of my favorites! Great taste! Let me know if you have any questions. I can ship tomorrow.
Mar 19Reply
ann_is_awesome Ready to bundle today? I'm feeling generous. 😊
Apr 06Reply
boutiquegalore Hello! Please feel free to make an offer on the Boden denim dress. I am currently accepting best offers, but only through the best offer button. Thank you.
Apr 16Reply
boutiquegalore Are you still interested in purchasing the Boden Chambray Denim dress?! Thanks!
Apr 18Reply
lauras_boutique Hi Jamie welcome to Posh I'm Laura it's nice to meet you!😘🌸💞xoxo
Apr 20Reply
jamiemke @lauras_boutique you're soooo nice! Thank you!!!!
Apr 21Reply
lauras_boutique @jamiemke You're welcome, stop by anytime if you have questions! Laura😘🌸
Apr 21Reply
rivalrytrade Hello, Thank you for your purchase. I am dropping it off at the post office box tonight and it should be on its way tomorrow morning. Thank you for shopping my closet. 🌹 Happy Hump Day!
May 10Reply
jamiemke @brennykhorton Wonderful! Thank you!
May 10Reply
ann_is_awesome Hi! Just wanted to check in. You bought from me in the past. I hope you are loving your purchase! If you get a chance, please look through my closet again. If you see something you like, bundle, discount, and make an offer! Repeat customers are my favorite customers and deserve big discounts. 😬 Have an awesome day!
May 17Reply
planetlini Thank you for the sweet note! I truly hoped you'd have a chance to wear the gorgeous dress. It would look great on you!😚
Jun 01Reply
missridgegal Hi sweetie!! I have 🚢 SHIPPED YOUF NECKLACE!! Sorry. July 🇺🇸🇺🇸4th!! Thank you 😊 💓💓😊
Jul 05Reply
beekmanbtq Thanks for your interest in the boden dress! My counter is my lowest on the item. I can ship tomorrow if you purchase!
Aug 18Reply
lusheb Hey Jamie, it's nice to meet you! Thank you so much for your styling request! I shared to your dressing room some of my favorite personal picks for this Fall/Winter. Feel free to check out the rest of my closet, and let me know of any questions/special requests you may have! Ps.: 1)prices are negotiable. 2)items priced really high are not yet available, some will be today or tomorrow and some in a week or so since they're coming from Europe. Again, feel free to ask!! Happy Wednesday💋
Oct 11Reply
jeanbowes Hey I received a style request from you I shared a few casual listings I believe are your size. If you have any questions please let me know. If you decide you like anything please let me know and I will give you the best price I can. Thank you!
Oct 11Reply
spreadlove Hello! I know there are many closets on posh, but I'd be grateful if you'd checkout mine! Either way I wanted to say hi and wish you a lovely day! 💛
Oct 17Reply
devilwearsheels Thank you so much for the rating. Enjoy the necklace!
Oct 25Reply
melllaaa_2011 ⓦⓔⓛⓒⓞⓜⓔ to posh!!! You're going to love it here! I might sell your favorite brands in my closet and offer 50% off bundles of 5+ items if you want to check me out! Have fun and ℋᎯℙℙᎽ ℙᎾЅℋℐℕᎶ!
Nov 03Reply
mar112233 Hey Jamie! Just wanted to let you know I carry a lot of White House Black Market, Michael Kors, Free People and many other designer brands in my closet, all new with tags and at 60%-80% off retail price. Let me know if you see anything you like! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! 😀 Meg
Nov 21Reply
shopnccloset welcome to poshmark
Dec 17Reply
bargainbay Thanks for the LIKE on my Stella & Dot!
Jan 29Reply
jtposhplane Hi Jamie, Thank you for the like on the LTS Floral Print Dress! Please visit my closet anytime! 😊🌸🌸🌸
Jun 17Reply
luvmee40 It's my Birthday and I am celebrating it bigtime with you! Starting NOW! 30% off EVERYTHING in my closet including all high end goods. From Christian Dior to Michael Kors, I am reducing the already average discounted price of 68% and taking off an additional 30%  All you have to do is bundle and I will accept the discount of 30% or hit the little heart under the item you like and I will send you the offer. It's that simple. 
Oct 03Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Jamie on liking bath listing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Be great send your house to love 🛍🙏🤟🏻🤟🏻💜
Apr 19Reply
chrissiesusie hi Jamie i just saw u liked a Grown Alchemist item....i sent u an offer ...i hope you like it💞💞💞💞💞
Oct 30Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
May 31Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Commando, Lululemon, Nike, Spanx, Skims, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Jul 26Reply

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Last Active: 15 hours ago

Milwaukee, WI
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About the seller



Last Active: 15 hours ago

Milwaukee, WI
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