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Updated May 13
Updated May 13

Meet your Posher, Jamie

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Jamie. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too! If you’ve got Ted Baker wallets, or caché sweaters and dresses lemme know bc I want to buy them allllllllll 😂 My items are 20% off with discounted shipping when you bundle 4! My closet is stuff from my actual household so you'll find mostly XS & S women's or junior's clothes and some elementary school or middle school boy stuff.
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lindsaydutcher welcome, lady! did I give you my referral code?
Apr 29Reply
jgsanchez84 @lindsaydutcher maybe? Not sure how to use Poshmark quite yet tbh. I bought stock in it when it dropped and made my first order just the other day, so... idk. Can you give it to me here so it’s always just here when I want it? 😘🤞🏼🙏
May 04Reply
lindsaydutcher @jgsanchez84 it's just LINDSAYDUTCHER!
May 04Reply
jgsanchez84 @lindsaydutcher 😂 🤦🏼‍♀️ duh haha
May 04Reply
gidget368s Hi there! thanks for ur Purchase! I'll ship this out asap! 🙂
Jun 04Reply
gidget368s Hi. I shipped ur Venus shoes Monday. not sure why they r not tracking yet. usps can b slow sometimes. they should b getting to you soon!
Jun 09Reply
jgsanchez84 @gidget368s thanks for letting me know! I think there’s an issue with some of the posh labels bc I’ve also had two items I sent out that didn’t teach at all until the day they arrived at the destination :)
Jun 09Reply
jgsanchez84 Track, not teach 🤦🏼‍♀️
Jun 09Reply
gidget368s @jgsanchez84 well that's happened before also. Covid has messed everything up. I try an keep everyone updated just in case. let me know if there's a problem though. 😉
Jun 09Reply
baylee_sickler hey girl! thanks for your purchase! so sorry for the delay, i’ve been busy with school and work! i’ll get it shipped out tonight! thank you!
Mar 11Reply
n_ramos60 Hello, Posher 👋🏼 Please check out my closet 👗👚👖👠🥿🧥👒 I have some goodies that I think you’ll love 🥰✨ Like my leather Guess jacket!! Happy Poshing 😊
Apr 13Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Chanel, Lululemon, Nike, Spanx, Skims, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Jun 05Reply
jeanette_kirk Hi 👋 Jamie Thank you so much for your purchase and I will be sending the billfold to you today. Thanks again Jeanette.
Jun 24Reply
victoria9980 Hi Jamie! Thank you for shopping 🛍 my closet! I apologize for not responding sooner. Just letting you know I sent you an offer on the listing you liked!🙂
Aug 20Reply
victoria9980 Hi Jamie! Just letting you know the item you purchased was shipped today and has started tracking. It currently has left the distribution center in Knoxville, TN and is on it’s way to you. The expected day of delivery is Friday, August 26th. Have a great night!🙂
Aug 24Reply
koolkel2000 Welcome to poshmark.   Just wanted to say have a great experience with posh.   If you have any questions about Poshing let me know.   And when you get a chance,  check out my closet.   Happy Poshing.
Sep 14Reply
dawnzzoo Love your live shows. If you happen to find the tags for the shorts I purchased,that would be great. See you shortly in your next show! thx
Nov 09Reply
jgsanchez84 @dawnzzoo Oh thanks so much! I will absolutely do that! I’m pretty sure it’s long gone though, if I didn’t try to reattach it or tape it to the inside 😬
Nov 09Reply
jantwinner Hi, my name is Jan and I am new to Poshmark. I don't know how to do it, but I was wondering if could add some items to your show. I have 3 nice Men's Coats I'd like to sell. They belonged to my ex and I don't want them anymore. If you would let me know and point me in the right direction for help learning how to add my things to shows. Thank you in advance! Sincerely, Jan
Nov 10Reply
jgsanchez84 @jantwinner I believe that this is a possible thing that we can do, but I’m not entirely sure how that works I haven’t done it before, and I’m not sure that I have enough time before the show to research it all before I start today. For a future show though this is totally a possibility as I know it is some thing that we are capable of doing. That being said, I always start everything at six dollars. So, you would also have to be comfortable with your items going for six dollars.
Nov 10Reply
jantwinner Hey Jami, That's awesome, whenever you have time. Good luck with your show! Jan
Nov 10Reply
jgsanchez84 @cyndisales hey! Glad you found me! I already shipped out your grey pride hoodie 💜 so sorry I didn’t know you’d like to bundle! If you see anything in my closet you like please feel free to send me an offer! If that feels weird to you, you can also just say “done” in the comments after you make one and I can send you one ❤️. Thanks again! Xoxo
Nov 12Reply
jgsanchez84 @cyndisales my pleasure! Thank YOU!
Nov 12Reply
jgsanchez84 @cyndisales I do them on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but I might try to sneak one in tomorrow. Hope to see you there!
Nov 13Reply
jgsanchez84 @cyndisales no rush. These things don’t stress me out at all. I personally check my mail like once or twice a week 😆 so, I get it 💜
Nov 18Reply
saylors_pm Hello I just received my order but had some shirts missing. I won the bid on the 4 kids white T shirts along with the 2 pairs of pants and the kids book. But didn’t receive the shirts. Thought I would reach out to you
Nov 18Reply
jgsanchez84 @saylors_pm thank you for reaching out! I had my husband helping me pack and after we sent everything out we set the shirts to the side and said “whose are these?!” I think bc your username is not searchable under “my sales” is why we were so stumped. I will go grab your address from your other order and then take the shirts to the post office. It will not have a poshmark label, but I will message you your tracking number on your Book item (for your address privacy). Sorry about that!
Nov 18Reply
saylors_pm @jgsanchez84 no problem I wanted to reach out to you and not report a problem because it’s not anything extreme. Lol. I know it’s probably overwhelming when you sell a lot. I hope one day I’ll be able too. Thanks for your help. And my posh closets that’s not wholesale is @sheilajo. I use it more I don’t seem to sell a lot on wholesale lol.
Nov 18Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Nov 23Reply
mtnshop Hi! I'd love to check out one of your shows. I see that you hold them Tues/Thurs. What time? Or do you have a listing that gives show notices? TYSM!
Dec 08Reply
jgsanchez84 @mtnshop I think if you follow me, then it will alert you to when they start if there is notifications turned on. But if you want, I can just tagged you in the beginning of the week when I post the schedule. 💜
Dec 08Reply
mtnshop @jgsanchez84 Thank you! I will watch for your notifications :)
Dec 08Reply
mirick803 One of my older granddaughters just told me that when I went outside to my car to get some thing & left ur show open the 5 years old was bidding on toys!!🫣😫😳I don’t even know what she purchased! Can u please help?
Dec 08Reply
mirick803 She watches me all the time & now she knows how to bid! She’s in big trouble right now!
Dec 08Reply
jgsanchez84 @mirick803 that is hilarious, if you go click on my purchases, everything should be there. Then you can just tell me which ones you want to cancel. Just click on the item and say cancel please, and then I will know that this is you. I am sorry that happened, but it is a little funny. Don’t worry, this will be resolved, the good news is now you know which toys that she wants for Christmas!
Dec 08Reply
mirick803 I ordered from u earlier today around 1 pm so I was looking at ur show so that I can bundle more! When I came back inside after a while! Ur show was over!
Dec 08Reply
jgsanchez84 @mirick803 ah! I do shows every week, so I’m sure you’ll catch one again soon 💜 if there were any things in my closet that you wanted to bundle, we can add those as well just so that you really get an economical rate for shipping. Just tell me in the comments of a bundle what you want to pay for them usually I will accept most offers, and if I can’t do that I will let you know what works for me. 😀
Dec 08Reply
mirick803 Can u cancel what she bid on & I will be at ur wholesale show to bundle what I want not her!😲 I do have an order from earlier today! I was on with my 30 year young daughter! I’m so sorry for the inconvenience but I’m hoping that u can assist me! I luv the way u run ur show This was so unexpected!
Dec 08Reply
mirick803 I guess the children love it too!
Dec 08Reply
mirick803 😩😵‍💫
Dec 08Reply
jgsanchez84 @mirick803 not a problem, do you want me to cancel all of the toys? Only bundle things from the clothing sale earlier today? I can absolutely do that. For the wholesale shows, I don’t bundle those because they are already weighed and prepackaged. If you didn’t order too many clothes I might be able to sneak your items into any boxes that you win tomorrow, but I can’t guarantee that.
Dec 08Reply
mirick803 Ok ‘ I’m going to look to see what she did!🙄thank u
Dec 09Reply
jgsanchez84 @mirick803 It was only two items. I already canceled them. Have a great night! I will make your bundle later for the two items from the clothes sale, and then hold onto it until tomorrow in case we can sneak those into a Wholesale box. See you then!
Dec 09Reply
honestaryas Love your zodiac necklaces and you are beautiful!!! Thanks for the shares :-) -Michelleen
Dec 22Reply
laurienurse3 Got some wins from your auction today and got an email saying you we’re trying to bundle these items, and i am wondering if you sent it to me. There was a warning on it that it could be a scam, and when i tried to open it in the poshmark app it didn’t show up. I went through all my notifications and i couldn’t find it. If you tried to bundle me and I didn’t reply this is why. If not, let me know.
Dec 27Reply
jgsanchez84 @laurienurse3 that’s definitely a scam! Poshmark doesn’t give us access to email addresses 😬 I will be sending you a message soon though. Now that posh automatically bundles, I need to weigh your items bc I believe in total they exceed 10lb. So I will send a message to a bundle to let you know the total weight and the most economical way to ship to you 💜 thanks again!!!
Dec 27Reply
laurienurse3 @jgsanchez84 usually the messages i get from poshmark come through my email. It even had my payment method there. It showed up. Wow, good to know, going to have to check it out.
Dec 27Reply
jgsanchez84 @laurienurse3 if it had your information on it, maybe it did come from Poshmark, but I would send that to Poshmark support for sure just in case Poshmark got hacked, which, would be horrible… yikes!
Dec 27Reply
christihiatt Hey! I'm Christi and you sent me a message about the festival skirt, but the send button at the bottom of the page is cut off, so here I am.yrd please send the measurements along and I'll let you know-thankyou! Sincerely, Christi
Jan 04Reply
jgsanchez84 @christihiatt sure thing! Laying flat without being stretched (the waistband is elastic) is 14.5 inches. I can pretty easily pull it one handed to 23 inches. So, it does give quite a bit, although, depending on how you wear it, that might not be the look you want. Higher up on the waist would be fine but lower might get muffin tops. Length if the skirt from waist to end is 19 inches. So again depending on where you wear it on the waist could be knee length or a mini.
Jan 04Reply
christihiatt Sounds good, so I believe you should send it when you get a chance
Jan 04Reply
amystarsworld Hi. Great show. Please notify me when you post new shows. Thank you! 💫
Jan 06Reply
mirick803 I was texting u & accidentally bided on that elephant cloth’ If u can’t cancel it! NP Thank you
Jan 11Reply
jgsanchez84 @mirick803 i can cancel it, But it will cancel your whole order, it doesn’t allow me to cancel individual items. Can you think of anything that I might have that you would want to replace it of equal value?
Jan 11Reply
mirick803 See u Friday
Jan 11Reply
mirick803 Anything in a 3- 4 girl toddler
Jan 11Reply
mirick803 Even a toy ‘ I’ll pay extra
Jan 11Reply
jgsanchez84 @mirick803 I will check and see if I have anything. I can’t send pictures right here, so I will send that on your bundle order
Jan 11Reply
mirick803 Do u want me to look 👀 n the closet?
Jan 11Reply
jgsanchez84 @mirick803 No, I just sent you if you click on my purchases a little message there where I can send pictures. I put a little purple tank top in there for you to decide on
Jan 11Reply
threadtreazurez Please remove me from your list.
Jan 13Reply
mirick803 What time does ur show start today?
Jan 13Reply
jgsanchez84 @mirick803 3 hours and 15 mins from now
Jan 13Reply
mirick803 Ok thank u Pacific or Eastern?
Jan 13Reply
mirick803 Ok ur Pac’ I’m East
Jan 13Reply
jgsanchez84 @mirick803 noon central so 1pm eastern, 10am west coast or pacific
Jan 13Reply
mirick803 So it’s 4 hours 15 minutes for me
Jan 13Reply
mommy2kyla whens your next show!
Jan 26Reply
jgsanchez84 @mommy2kyla next week! I didn’t get to do any this last week bc my daughter had trouble me with a bad teacher so I was back and forth to the school for meetings but I think it’s finally resolved and should be back to normal this coming week 😊
Jan 27Reply
koolkel2000 could you add me to your weekly list
Feb 09Reply
mirick803 I sent u something to add as a bundle from ur closet! Thank u
Feb 17Reply
jgsanchez84 @mirick803 super! Thanks! I saw it but I haven’t built your bundle yet, so I will make sure to get back to you on that soon ❤️
Feb 17Reply
mirick803 I just don’t want it to sell! Can u Please reserve it?
Feb 17Reply
mirick803 Ok thank u
Feb 17Reply
sami8315 Do you also have the Guy Tang Shampoo?
Apr 12Reply
jgsanchez84 @sami8315 no, just the conditioner
Apr 12Reply
mommy2kyla hey!! I haven't seen a live show of yours in awhile. are you still doing them?
May 30Reply
jgsanchez84 @mommy2kyla I plan to again soon! I was sick for three weeks, then my car got stolen, then had friend in town, bought a new car, then they found my stolen car, lol. so life has been nothing short of CHAOS! But, this message makes me feel encouraged once i get the car situation figured out hopefully this week that people will still want to attend the lives when I come back! I was honestly a bit worried that no one would come anymore after such a long haitus ! 💕
May 30Reply
mommy2kyla @jgsanchez84 aw! a whole car stolen?! that's just crazy! I know it happens. so sorry that happened to you. glad you're feeling better!! missed seeing you on live!! I'm sure people will still attend. so many people have access now, I figured maybe I was just missing yours
May 30Reply
jgsanchez84 @mommy2kyla that’s why I’m worried people won’t attend. Too saturated or they’ve found new faves. But hopefully it’ll go well 😊
May 30Reply
dorothyurbancik @jgsanchez84 hi!! I’ve missed you as well!! Hope everything works out and can’t wait to see you live again!!
May 30Reply
jgsanchez84 @dorothyurbancik awe thanks love! I’ve missed you too!!!
May 31Reply
melinferno Thanks for sharing my closet.... Mel
Aug 22Reply
rblock1130 @jgsanchez84 Hi Jamie. I hope that all is well. Are you still doing live shows. I haven’t gotten a notification in a while. Miss you and hope to hear from you soon.
Aug 31Reply
jgsanchez84 @rblock1130 hey love! I haven’t been keeping up with them but I hope to do one tonight to make room for Halloween stuff then start doing Halloween lives 💕 it’s been tough to shuffle all my stuff around since my suv got stolen so that’s been a lot of why I’m not doing them lately.
Aug 31Reply
rblock1130 @jgsanchez84 I’m sorry to hear that your SUV got stolen. Tag me if you do a show tonight. I have a show scheduled for Monday.
Aug 31Reply
jgsanchez84 @rblock1130 super! Will try to catch you Monday as well 💕
Aug 31Reply
jgsanchez84 @rblock1130 7:05pm central $4 everything sale tonight
Aug 31Reply
rblock1130 @jgsanchez84 okay thank you see you then
Aug 31Reply
cutehosiery @jgsanchez84 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 01Reply
babygirl0717 hi, please read the description of the dress it says mauve!
Nov 17Reply
jgsanchez84 @babygirl0717 yep! And it was tan/beige/light brown which is the point. Go re-read everything and look at the pics
Nov 17Reply
babygirl0717 @jgsanchez84 it's a reposh I didn't take those just saying it's mauve.with all respect you said I didn't say the color. I am not trying to be mean or rude in any way, your closet is gorgeous! I'm just trying to fix the disagreement If you would like a 10 dollar refund just tell me how please? and I apologize for being upfront I'm a stay at home mom and this is the only way I make Any money. and I have a son so every dollar is Important.
Nov 17Reply
jgsanchez84 @babygirl0717 it’s brown. Not maybe for the zillionth time. It’s in poshes hand now, let it be
Nov 18Reply
babygirl0717 @jgsanchez84 I was not being rude to you,and you said I did not put a color with the listing and I wrote it was mauve colored. a fleshy like color and I offered you a 10 dollar refund. I did a 50 % discount and you got a lot of nice things for very cheap that's because I have a baby boy to take care of, this is my only form of income,I have to make money!!!and I count on these sales for a lot!! otherwise I wouldn't want to take off half the price. I would just wait, I can't
Nov 18Reply
jgsanchez84 @babygirl0717 you didn’t offer ten you offered five so you’re lying again. Leave me alone. Also mauve is not flesh color, it’s purple
Nov 18Reply
babygirl0717 @jgsanchez84 I offered you 10 dollars 3 messages up. so please dont call me a lier.
Nov 18Reply
babygirl0717 sorry 2 up
Nov 18Reply
jgsanchez84 @babygirl0717 posh said $5 and you can’t do deals off the platform it’s against posh policy. Poshmark agreed with me that you misrepresented these items. Case closed. Leave me be, stop calling me names, and let it go. Use this as a lesson to be polite, and to list accurately.
Nov 18Reply
amp3510 @jgsanchez84 Hi! If you're interested check out my share group in my closet! Great exposure & great sharers! Feel free to sign up anytime!
Nov 23Reply
abhyonagrant Hi - I’m looking to buy the Opalhouse Monogrammed Tassel Notebook letters T and C from your store. Is there a way to buy them together and not just one by one? I'm a new Posher so please forgive my ignorance on the process.
Mar 02Reply
jgsanchez84 @abhyonagrant there is! I’m not home at the moment but tomorrow I will make you a special custom listing and tag you in it 🥰
Mar 02Reply
abhyonagrant @jgsanchez84 Perfect! Thank you kindly. It’s fine to ship all 3 journals together as well in one shipment. I’ve already bought the S and it can ship with the C and T.
Mar 02Reply
jgsanchez84 @abhyonagrant I cannot find the S so I need to cancel that one unfortunately. I’m so sorry. But I am about to create the listing for the C and T together for you and will discount it for you and get that shipping combined as well. So sorry about that 💕
Mar 02Reply
mmurph2 Jamie, I miss you!😢 Where have you been? I haven’t seen any shows for a while. I hope you are doing ok. Thinking about you! 🥰
Apr 11Reply
jgsanchez84 @mmurph2 awe thanks love! My sister's husband got a super rare form of cancer so since I used to be a nurse, I have been going down to Rochester from Minneapolis with him to Mayo alot so I haven't been very active on Posh, sort of doing the mininum lately, but thankfully, he's doing super well! We are super fortunate that we live less than two hours from the most brilliant medical minds on the planet 😊
Apr 11Reply
jgsanchez84 @mmurph2 I swear as soon as I say that I am going to be more consistent the posh gods are like "hold my beer, wait a second sister... nope, you're not..." LOL 😂
Apr 11Reply
jgsanchez84 @mmurph2 I have been thinking though when I do start doing shows though as a result they'll be far less organized though and will be just a random $3 everything, just get everything out of my house immediately sale
Apr 11Reply

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