Meet your Posher, Jamie c
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Hi! I'm Jamie c. Some of my favorite brands are Vans, Versace, and Burberry, WTAPS, Wacko Maria. In reality I’ve been burned too many times by the Poshmark powers that be. Literally no communication just jumping to conclusions. I’m shifting all of my sales to Grailed/Depop.

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👓👜👗Hello! My name is Janet. I am a Posh Ambassador and Mentor. Welcome to Poshmark!
I am happy to answer any questions you may have.
One thing that I like is bundling. Whether you are a seller or a buyer bundling is a good deal.
If you are a seller, the person buying your items gets a discount and a deal in shipping and you sell more items.
If you are a buyer, you get a deal on the price and one shipping cost for several items.
Win-Win situation.
Happy Poshing!👚👔
May 22Reply

Aye man text me about your goyard wallet offer 2488028616
May 22Reply

Welcome to Poshmark ‼️ If you have any questions, please drop me a line, I might be able to help 😉 I just became a selected Poshmark Ambassador & I've been Poshing since 2013. I offer free & discounted shipping ✅📦please stop by & check out my closet @notoriousang 🤠 I have woman and men’s clothing ... HAPPY POSHING 🤗‼️
Jun 16Reply

Thank you so much for your purchase!! Will ship first thing Monday morning!! Really appreciate it!!
Jun 17Reply

@ktungol94 For sure. Thanks for helping me get my name out there. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Jun 17Reply

@unocalswar Of course!! Glad to help a fellow Posher!! Keep sharing and you will get out there more :D Enjoy yours as well! Thank you!
Jun 17Reply

Hi, I’m Dawn💋 If you get a chance please take a look at my closet I have a lot of new goodies that just restocked and more on the way Ty❤️ 🍎🍏👄👙💄🧥👘👟👡👛👢👒👞👓💍👖👠👗👛👜📦📦⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Jun 18Reply

U have so many amazing bape items I wish I had money atm I would buy every single one like I wouldn’t even sell it I would personally use it
Jun 21Reply

@kingsforlife thanks man! I’ve got a lot more too. Just haven’t posted them all yet. Still trying to decide if I like this app. What other brands are you into?
Jun 21Reply

@unocalswar I rlly like bape a lot like my room is based off of bape I have bape art on my wall but I do like supreme kaws vintage gucci and Louis Vuitton and balenciga and unqlio but I also like underrated stuff
Jun 21Reply

@kingsforlife WTAPS is my jam when it comes to JP-Street. Just really hard to find around here. I’ve got good connections for BAPE though. Let me know if there’s something in particular you’re looking for. I might be able to find it.
Jun 21Reply

@unocalswar I can get u some long sleeve shirts that brand WTAPS
Jun 21Reply

@kingsforlife I might be interested. What sizes do you have?
Jun 21Reply

@unocalswar a large and Xtra large
Jun 21Reply

@kingsforlife can you post the large?
Jun 21Reply

@unocalswar I just ordered it two days ago but I can post the pic on the site
Jun 21Reply

@kingsforlife alright. Maybe we can work out a trade or something...
Jun 21Reply

@unocalswar I posted them
Jun 21Reply

@unocalswar for sure I would like to see more of the bape
Jun 21Reply

I love your kilt! Are you wearing it traditionally? (Kidding lol) Your closet looks good. Another thing that will help you sell is attaining posh ambassador status. There's a tab that you can check your progress... minimum 5k self shares, 5k other shares, 25+ listings, leave at least 1 love note, have 4.5 stars or more, ship within 3 days. Then you're matched with people, get more followers and are considered more of a trustworthy seller. (Not that you aren't already)
Jun 23Reply

@white_haute I’ve been working hard to achieve posh ambassador status! I’ve been sharing as often as I can. It almost feels like a job now... haha. I’ll keep working towards that ambassador. And I’ve almost completed refinishing a closer in my house as a “show-room.” Should really help with the presentation. // As for your previous question.. the breeze feels great on a hot summer day 😉 //
Jun 23Reply

@unocalswar Omg! Lol😂😂😂
Jun 23Reply

@unocalswar It is. My mission is to attain that in 2 weeks. Tick tock lol. Just gotta do those shares👍
Jun 23Reply

@unocalswar @jmg11582
Jun 23Reply

@unocalswar did you check out my tag? That's why I was able to do it so quickly. Experience
Jun 23Reply

@white_haute it could years, if ever, by the time I’ve got numbers like yours... but let’s see you try and grow a beard! 😝
Jun 23Reply

@unocalswar Touche`!
Jun 24Reply

@white_haute you remember your first sale?
Jun 24Reply

@unocalswar Yep. Why?
Jun 24Reply

@white_haute You know how the Old-thyme stores would hang their first dollar by the register? I was wondering if the traditional was still around. Albeit digital.
Jun 24Reply

@unocalswar My first customer was actually a "repeat" customer and didn't know it lol! She ordered 2 pair of the same shorts 😁
Jun 24Reply

@white_haute that’s too funny. Did you tell her about her error?? So I checked turns out I’ve been on posh since the 22nd... I think I’ll make ambassador. Thanks again for all your help!
Jun 24Reply

@unocalswar yes of course!! So you just started this month? That's awesome!!
Jun 24Reply

@white_haute hey, so have you been to any of these “meetups?” I seriously considered it this year.
Jun 24Reply

@unocalswar that sounds like adult friend finder not posh😂😂
Jun 24Reply

@white_haute There was some kind of three day training seminar in Dallas. It’s at the end of July I think.. more to the point; I was wondering how much of it was actually about sales and how much was just networking.. adult friend finder..haha.
Jun 24Reply

@unocalswar Sounds like another way for posh to make $$$
Jun 24Reply

@white_haute yeah.. they’ve got a pretty good thing going here. They don’t handle the merchandise, they don’t do any shipping and they don’t deal with the angry customers.. but they keep 25%... throw in one or two training seminars. They were looking for people willing to give an educational talk at this one. Left me with an odd feeling about the quality of speakers they might be bringing in.
Jun 24Reply

@unocalswar How are you doing today? I see you've almost reached 5k shares, that's awesome, keep up the good work! I just need to do 1200 self shares. Ugh 😣
Jun 25Reply

@white_haute I thought you were already ambassador?!
I’m spending all my free time on this thing now.. I’m addicted. At least it’s better than poker or crack.
Jun 25Reply

@unocalswar It's better than crack... but anyway, I am technically an ambassador but I want that on the boutique closet I just opened... had to start from scratch.
Jun 25Reply

@white_haute ah!! I feel you. You’re the hardest working woman on here. You deserve your ambassadorship in both places!! You should take a little vacation once you get it
Jun 25Reply

@unocalswar 650 more to go...
Jun 26Reply

@white_haute I think I need some motivation for this final stretch... join me for a cocktail afterwards?
Jun 26Reply

@mimimanuel of course! I love networking almost as much as I love selling!! Thanks for making my posh experience a pleasant one!! :))
Jun 26Reply

@sayvish4 of course! You’ve got. Unique page. Before I knew I was out of things to share.
Jun 27Reply

Dope closet!!
Jul 01Reply

@qlt_fashion thank you!! I just refinished my actual closet to show off a little in my photos... but I’m sure you were talking about the “closet” in the Poshmark sense of things. You’ve got some great stuff as well!! Nice to meet you.
Jul 01Reply

@unocalswar haha yes the virtual closet :) I love seeing unique items. Those supreme flame sneakers are 🔥🔥
Jul 01Reply

I am a very friendly person and I love deals too. I love the bundle you made. I was wondering when someone was gone find one of my all time fav shirts and figure out just how awrsome it is. I am off to make you an offer. Hope we can do lotsa business together, I have tons to list. Oh, I'm Alicia 🥂🥂🥂
Jul 01Reply

@qlt_fashion you’ll get deal on those F🔥re K🔥cks!!
Just left me know when you’re ready! Hope you’re having a great weekend!
Jul 01Reply

@muthaluvvintage Hi Alicia! I feel like a sneak thief. I’ve been snooping through your closet for hours!! It’s a lovely place to get lost in. :)) we might have to start a program of a monthly bundle.. if only to keep my GF from forming visions of me as a hoarder! Haha! But I see many returns trips to your lovely closet. - I’m Jamie Btw.
Jul 01Reply

@unocalswar So nice to meet you. I am in the process of moving my shop. As soon as I get it tolerable I will list more.
Jul 01Reply

Good Morning Jamie !!! I took your box to the post office yesterday and it was over 5 lbs. I just could not get back to the PO in this crazy beach traffic. I got a new label (I picked up the extra shipping) and will drop it off on my way to the shop. Sorry for the delay !! Have a beautiful Independence Day !! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🥂🥂🥂
Jul 03Reply

@muthaluvvintage no worries about the delay!! I’m sure the streets are swamped. But I’m not sure how I can repay you?! I feel terrible about making you work so close to the holiday,... :(
Jul 03Reply

@unocalswar Not a problem, Babe. I work everyday. When you work for yourself you gotta hustle. I put you some extras in your box. ENJOY !!!
Jul 03Reply

@muthaluvvintage you’re the best!! Someday I’m going to make it up to you! For now though I’m going to start by telling everyone how awesome you are!!
Jul 03Reply

@unocalswar Well, Thank You, I have been telling people how awesome I am for years....maybe it will sound better coming from someone else. LOL Have a beautiful holiday 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Jul 04Reply

And also, I am not one of those weirdos that cares if you resell what you get from me. If I make what I wanna make from something I don't care what buyers do with it. As long as we are keeping great vintage circulating , my heart is happy.
Jul 04Reply

@muthaluvvintage that’s really nice of you. I would expect nothing less from our queen of vintage. Gracious and Benevolent. Once again.. you please your subjects. ;) happy holiday!!
Jul 04Reply

@unocalswar Thanks, Lovey !!! Once I get my shop moved I will get to listing. I have a dove gray leather trench coat with a blonde mink collar that you are gonna love. Somehow I have ended up with tons of amazing coats that are fairly useless at the beach. 💋
Jul 05Reply

@muthaluvvintage that sounds amazing! I can’t wait to see the rest of what you’ve got. You seem like such a fun lady, i wish I could help you move!! Haha.
Jul 05Reply

Hey Jamie !! Glad you like your box of treasures!! And yes, this is business. Too many people get offended and take things so personal. Just because I don't take a deal you offer or I offer doesn't mean I don't like somebody. I love making deals with adults !!
I hope you will shop with me again. Alicia
Jul 10Reply

@unocalswar Thanks for all the shares!!!!
Jul 10Reply

@tyrexbaby just returning the favor!! Not done yet. Got interrupted by a phone call. Haha.
Jul 10Reply

Thanks for the shares! Love the teamwork!
Jul 11Reply

@ben_savage heck yeah! Good luck today!
Jul 11Reply

Hello Jamie, I’m Dawn💋 Please take a look at my closet I have a lot of new goodies that just restocked and more on the way yay.. Ty❤️❤️
XOXO 🤗💋🤗💋
Jul 12Reply

Thanks for the shares. You have one of the most unique and intriguing closets I’ve seen thus far. Best Regards, Mark
Jul 12Reply

@markdelaney thank you! And you’re welcome. I enjoyed her a look at you closet as well! Nice to meet you Mark!
Jul 12Reply

@unocalswar Nice to meet you. My closet is so traditional, clothes from my past life, I’m in the middle of a self-makeover, from corporate to heavily tattooed. A 60 year old’s latest crisis. I’m going to keep my eye 👁 on what you have to offer. Once again, all my best, bon chance, et bon courage!
Jul 12Reply

@markdelaney you sound like my kind of people. There’s a feature on here wherein you can other posters style you. Essentially just pick clothes for you. I’m happy to give it a shot any day!! Enjoy your journey my friend!
Jul 12Reply

Welcome 😄
Jul 14Reply

You have really neat groovy style!:)
Jul 23Reply

Hey! I like your closet you have some nice stuff similar styles, let me know if you are interested in anything from my closet ! We can work something out and I ship same day as purchase !
Aug 11Reply

I can give a private discount for anything you liked! Add them to bundle if interested, I can ship out today as well! thank you
Aug 11Reply

Thank you for your purchase I will shit it 1st thing Monday mornin
Aug 13Reply

Aug 13Reply

@flipphil5001 sounds good! Thank you.
Aug 13Reply

@flipphil5001 haha! I got what you were saying.
Aug 13Reply

If you click on BUNDLE with your "likes" ~ mix & match anything in my closet ~ I will send you discount on every item PLUS you only pay 1 shipping fee ... Now that's a great deal!! ;-)
Aug 16Reply

Check out my page ☀️
Sep 14Reply

Hello! Please check out my closet when you have the chance. I’m selling some trussini and Ralph Lauren blazers I think you may be interested in. Everything must go since I’m leaving in a few days so im accepting offers :) feel free to bundle, put in offers, and ask questions! I’m very reasonable!! All the best - g
Aug 20Reply
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