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Updated May 16
Updated May 16

Meet your Posher, Janay & my rescue, Louis

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I love and take care of all my merchandise and have an addiction to fashion I use it a few times and move on and that is why you are getting clean rarely used items, also, I love to trade, I have an excellent trade history &some amazing ratings to prove it. I love fashion, &want you to get what you are in love with so everything is negotiable and just make a reasonable offer you don't know if you don't ask.
  • Seller Discount: 30% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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princess1up909 @bobbie19 not at all doll, I'm in the same position. Only I use the site to sell or trade my rarely used items for different things and so on. But You are the first man I have met on here and I do not mind one bit! :)
May 18Reply
luvlabels Hi doll , I wish I could trade . I love that watch and if I didn't need the $ I would keep it . Sorry , your adorable tho . Have a great day love .. Thanks , you made me smile ..
May 18Reply
princess1up909 @bobbie19 thanks for the compliment and if you ever do decide to trade that watch I have some amazing merchandise in my closet that you will love and I don't care if you resell it to make the money back
May 18Reply
reneels comments posted and bundle ready. Let me know if it's a go. My post office is closed already today, but I can mail first thing Monday morning if it's all set.
May 21Reply
reneels I don't know if you are getting my messages. If you still want to complete the trade your bundle is ready. If not, I do have someone else interested in the CC bag
May 21Reply
princess1up909 @reneels i am still interested and the cc bag is what i want the most i hope you dont sell her. I fell asleep earlier because i just lost my GPA and best friend and haven't been sleeping much. But i lowered the price for you if your still interested, ill do the cc heels, cc bag and bj bag, i do love those coach sneakers but im even staying under my $50 just for the cc bag :)
May 22Reply
reneels let me think on it and I'll get back to you tomorrow. Appreciate the offer, but right now it looks like I can get two bags with a lot less trade and still less than yours. I'm raising bags for a charity auction and that's why cost is so important. I am paying for the bags to donate and I need to sell items to raise extra funds or make super wise trades. I will get back to you tomorrow after work and again I appreciate your offer. Blessings for you!
May 22Reply
princess1up909 @reneels well of course u can but are they pm damaier never fulls brand new,cowhide. Anyone can get a cheap knck off. Please lmk cause illtrade you anything you want for the cc bag and heels or ill see if i can buy
May 22Reply
princess1up909 @reneels God Bless you too xoxo and your rescue. I have one of my own :)
May 22Reply
missfafah Nice tô meet you
May 25Reply
princess1up909 @missfafah you too sweetie lmk if u ever need n e thing
May 25Reply
katzkoz Hi Janay & WELCOME to Posh! Its a very supportive & social community & if U have questions there's always a Posher to help "SHARING" is KEY! When U SHARE an item to Ur FOLLOWERS they see it in the FEED The more Followers U have the more exposure it gets So...the more Followers get the more POTENTIAL SALES U will have! More questions? Just ask me.
May 26Reply
princess1up909 @katzkoz I want to thank you so much for the warm welcome and I do have many questions and I don't want to be a pain in the butt but since you said it's okay that I come to you I will thank you very much for all your help, I will take advantage of it!!!
May 26Reply

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Last Active: Oct 21 2017

North Palm Beach, FL
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