Meet your Posher, Jane
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Hi! I'm Jane. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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Welcome to Poshmark! Hope you find some amazing things 😊. Feel free to follow me and don't hesitate to ask me ANY questions!!! Happy Poshing!!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
May 05Reply

Thanks for the like! I hope you enjoy 'poshing' as much as I do! It is a bit of an addiction! Happy Day!
May 10Reply

Hello Jane. I'm Trish. Please feel free to stop by and peek at my closet when you're browsing for beautiful quality items and fantastic prices...I offer great bundle discounts, too! Hoping you have a lovely week. :-)
May 25Reply

Hi, I am going to cancel the order so that you can do a bundle on the two tops and pay 1 shipping fee.
May 26Reply

@kaddakfirst Thank you, I appreciate that!!
May 26Reply

@janicans My pleasure. You will have to go back and bundle them during your purchase process.
May 26Reply

@kaddakfirst Still saying purchased and sorry you can't buy!!
May 26Reply

@janicans Hmmm. I will take a look.
May 26Reply

Hi, I have been in contact with Poshmark. Their email response is thst I have to relist due to how the keep statistics. I am bothered; statistically it shows that I've sold them which makes their record keeping inaccurate. They allowed the cancellation with a preset option to have the items bundled. The tops are yours for free if you wish to pay for mailing them to to you. No gimmick or dishonesty. They are yours if you want them. Kind regards.
Jun 03Reply

@kaddakfirst I have no idea why but your last message won't let me reply to you?! I'd like the tops but insist paying you for them.. I could send a check? I just don't want you to get in trouble with Poshmark.
Jun 03Reply

So happy you love your new bag and gift, enjoy, and come back soon! Take care. Thank you for the wonderful feedback! 😉❤️🐾🌺🙆🏻
Jun 05Reply

Sending your purchase tomorrow!! Thanks for buying :)
Jun 09Reply

Thank you for your purchase will be shipping out Monday hope you enjoy!😊
Jun 11Reply

Hi Jane.
Thank you for purchasing the makeup bag.
Unfortunately, I mailed the bag you purchased to another person.
I have emailed that person and Poshmark to see what we can do.
I totally understand if you would like to back out of the purchase.
I am so sorry!!!
Jun 13Reply

Can you please contact me or Poshmark????
Per my other email, I had 2 makeup bag for sake and the one you purchased I mailed to
The other lady.
Once I get that bag back do you still want the bag??? Just need to know so Poshmark puts
Your sake on hold.
Jun 14Reply

@jrtodd5 I'm not sure if you received my message regarding the make-up bag or not??
I do want it though! Thank you
Jun 14Reply

Order the bag on my mercarii account for that price and cheaper shipping search for Emoni gray
Jun 14Reply

Yes I did get your message.
As soon as I get it back I will send it on to you.
Jun 14Reply

@jrtodd5 Happy to hear:)
Jun 14Reply

Hi Jane.
I have some bad news.
The other lady received the makeup bag today
And Poshmark gave her the option to keep it
and she has decided to do that.
I am so sorry I messed this up.
I will have Posh Mark release you from your purchase.
Again I am truly sorry. If you would like to look in my closet for something else I will give you a good price.
Jun 15Reply

@jrtodd5 Oh dear, this is disappointing., but I know it was accidental. I find Poshmark stance on this rather strange though! Thank you for letting me know.
Jun 16Reply

Good Morning, the lady has now decided
Not to keep both bags. She is sending me your bag back. Would you like it??
I will give it yo you for $9.00 due to this mixup.
If not, I totally understand.
Jun 16Reply

@jrtodd5 Yes please! Thank you so much!!
Jun 16Reply

Great. As soon as I get it back from the other lady I will let you know.
I am going to put it back in my closet and put hold on it.
Thank you so much.
Jun 16Reply

I have listed it back in my closet.
Will let you know when it is ok to purchase.
Jun 16Reply

@jrtodd5 Thanks!! I'd like to also offer 30 for the blue quilted wallet, but don't know which to do first, Offer or Bundle???
Jun 16Reply

Well I am not sure how long it will take to get the bag back as she isn't mailing till tomorrow.
Either way Is fine w me
Jun 16Reply

If you decide to wait, let me know and I will put a hold on the wallet.
Jun 16Reply

Sorry misread this. I am not I have never bundled.
Jun 16Reply

@jrtodd5 I'll wait until you say. I never received a cancelation notice from Poshmark, if I reorder, won't I be paying twice??
Jun 16Reply

@janicans no you won't be charged twice. because I opened a new slot.
If nothing is done within 4 days they will contact me and then close it.
Do you want me to hold the wallet??
Jun 16Reply

@jrtodd5 Yes, please hold the wallet. Thank you
Jun 16Reply

Will do
Jun 16Reply

I wanted to let you know Posh has cancelled the makeup bag order do we should be good now. The other lady has mailed the bag back to me and it should be here on Monday.
Jun 17Reply

@jrtodd5 Just got their message as well. Thank you so much!
Jun 17Reply

The makeup bag will be delivered today.
Let me know when you are ready to purchase and I will put the items back up for sale.
Jun 18Reply

I just received the makeup bag and I have put both items back up for sale.
Jun 18Reply

Thank you for your purchase. I put something extra in for you. If you ever decide to buy from me in the future let me know and I will up the bundle percent for you. Enjoy!!
Jun 18Reply

Here is the routing number.
9405 5108 9935 9147 1821 43
Jun 18Reply

No one has worked harder than you on this deal! I'm really impressed! ! Thank you
Jun 18Reply

Thank you so much for the kind words.
Jun 18Reply

Has the package came yet??
Jun 24Reply

Got it this morning! Thank you so much for the extra little bag! Very pleased. I'm going to accept and rate now.
Jun 24Reply

Anything wrong with the items you purchased???
Jun 24Reply

Thank you very much for the great comments.
You are very welcome and anything I can do
Just let me know.
Have a great weekend!!!
Jun 24Reply

Welcome to posh💋
Jun 29Reply

Hi, did you double your shipping pay for yesterday and today purchases?!
Jul 07Reply

@bestforever I may have! Is it too late to bundle?
Jul 07Reply

@janicans hi, I will ship them both today!
No need to think about the what already done, next time when you buy ask the seller to reserve the item tell you take your decision and made the purchase some sellers did, me also!
Jul 07Reply

@bestforever Thank you so much for your help:)
Jul 07Reply

Hi, I have moved and not been on Poshmark. I still have the tops. I do not want to get in trouble with Poshmark nor have you get in trouble with Poshmark. I do want you to have the shirts-no strings attached. Chalk it up to my good deed for the day (smile). Seriously they are "yours" if you want them. My only concern is to have the shipping paid for. I can check and find out what that is beforehand.
Jul 09Reply

@janicans Hi, is there a reason you are returning my Vera Bradley Makeup bag I sold to you on June 17, 2016 after you gave my listing 5 stars and saying "thank you, very pleased."
Aug 09Reply

@chamilton8484 What! I'm not returning the makeup bag??! Is someone trying to impersonate me or use my name
Aug 09Reply

@janicans how weird... I got an email saying you were returning it. So you aren't sending it back to me? Haha
Aug 09Reply

@chamilton8484 No, I love it! Did receive 3 pair of pants a week ago I didn't order from a posher, let the company know the mistake, and mailed them to sender... Crazy mix-up!
Aug 09Reply

@janicans welcome to poshmark and thanks so much for the follow, likes and shares. I greatly appreciate everything ☺💕❤
Aug 11Reply

Welcome to Poshmark, I'm Melissa!🙋 I might sell your favorite brands, please check out my closet! 👍 I offer 50% off your entire purchase if you buy 5 or more listings!!🎉 Also please let me know if you have any questions about posh, I'm a posh mentor!✌🏼️❤️❤️
Aug 12Reply

Hello ma'am I just wanted to stop by and greet you. My name is Angelia and I have been on Poshmark for a while. I absolutely love it and if there is anything I can ever do for you or help you with , site related please feel free to ask me any questions at any time. I also wanted to stop by and thank you for choosing to shop with me as well as your support means a ton. 😘. I will update you on shipping tomorrow and I am very excited to get to know you more here on posh Mark.
Aug 14Reply

@restlessangel thank you so much!
Aug 15Reply

@janicans , thank you my dear. :)
Aug 15Reply

Hey there Jane!!! Warm Welcome to Posh ❤ Please feel free to stop by and check out my closet sometime ❤ Reasonable offers welcome 🏵 Or just a follow would be awesome ❤ Have a blessed day 💜
Mar 30Reply

Hi Jane! I invite you to my closet. Offers are welcome. I'm also happy to be a stylist if you like. Enjoy your week.🌻
Jan 28Reply

Hey I’m Linda
I Make One Of a Kind Jewelry
If you are Buying or Selling....
New to Poshmark or Been here awhile
Best of Luck to you.....💖and Stop in to see me!
**** Jewelry Makes the Outfit***💋
Apr 15Reply

Hello!🥀 I just want to let you know, I am currently accepting All offers
I hope you have a great day !!!🌻🤗
May 16Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Oct 16Reply
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