Meet your Posher, Jane Belinda
US$0 US$1,000,000
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Hi Poshers! I'm Jane Belinda. In Jan, I donated 3/4 of my wardrobe and on Halloween 18’, I started selling on Poshmark.
I love giving people a good deal and helping others grow.
Pet free / Smoke free home
Fast Shipper — Posh ambassador — Top seller - Top mentor
4.9 Star rating

115 others
like this

Happy Poshing!
Oct 25Reply

Thank you for stopping by my closet, bundle your likes for a special discount. Only like one item make a reasonable offer, thank you again for stopping by and have a wonderful evening.
Oct 26Reply

Thank you for the shares. Beautiful. Love your closet. ❤️
Oct 26Reply

@mvasta14 Thanm you, you as well! 👍🏽🙏
Oct 26Reply

@jadeca77 Thanks, Love. ❤️❤️💕💕 Your closet too! Thanks for showing Posh love.
Oct 26Reply

@lotsoflovexoxo thanks for the details! I tend to like it if It looks like something for me or a friend. Then I think it over. ;). Enjoy!
Oct 26Reply

@janebilpz lol I do the same thing😊
Oct 26Reply

Thank you for the follow and shares. Happy poshing💖🌹🎃
Oct 26Reply

Hi Belinda, I see you liked a scrub top in my closet:) if you would like to bundle another top or pants, I’d love to give you a great price!
Oct 27Reply

@lastingantiques You’re welcome. Sharing is caring. ;).
Oct 28Reply

@beckyhuss78 I totally will! Lets posh! Thank you 💕
Oct 28Reply

Cute closet love !
Oct 30Reply

Thanm you for visiting 😎
Oct 30Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 🌷
Oct 31Reply

Oct 31Reply

Welcome 🙏 to Poshmark."........
Nov 01Reply

@madsbl Thank you! Love yours as well!! ❤️❤️😍😍
Nov 01Reply

@hiphopflipflopz Always...I’ll be back! 💕💕
Nov 01Reply

@eddiej314 thank you 🙏!
Nov 01Reply

Nov 01Reply

@nizdawiz oooh...Love your athletic closet! I’ll definitely be back!
Nov 01Reply

@hit111 Thank you! I’m excited to be apart of the community!
Nov 01Reply

Ok thanks u and ur closet
look great ❤️
Nov 01Reply

Thank you for following me 😉
Nov 04Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!! 😊 Hi I am Gloria. Welcome to a community of great people and awesome deals. I am a Poshmark Ambassador, Top Seller, Top sharer and Poshmark Mentor. If you have any questions feel free to ask, I will be glad to help. I also invite you to check out my closet. Happy Poshing 😃
Nov 05Reply

@soriag Awww! Thank you Gloria! I’m Belinda. It’s so nice to meet you. I hope to have as many followers, a top selling grand closet and a posh ambassador like you! I appreciate the love. Thanks for taking a moment to stop by and tag my page! Happy poshing! ❤️❤️😍😍💋💋
Nov 05Reply

Hey😃Thanks for the shares 😍I appreciate each one 🌹🌹🌹🌹
Nov 05Reply

Welcome to Posh!! Please visit my closet for exciting women's and men's styles.
Nov 06Reply

@Corriirose Thank you so much for stopping at my page, Corii! $14 and we have a deal and will be shipped tomorrow morning!
Nov 07Reply

Hi there 😊
Thanks for stopping by my shop, For The Love of Ash!
Please let me know if you have any questions. Sending some share love your way. I’ll check back in later to see how you’re doing 💕
With Love,
Sara Ash @fortheloveofash
Instagram: @fortheloveofash_
Nov 09Reply

@fortheloveofash That’s so nice of you, Sara. I appreciate you taking time out of you day to tag my page and to show me some love. ❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕. Sharing is caring...especially on poshmark. I figure the more I share with others the better chance we all have of making impactful changes in our lives. Thank you, love. Happy poshing! ❤️💋💋😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰
Nov 09Reply

Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by and take a look at my closet. I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached. Brands such as Nike, MAC, Under Armour, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So take a look around, and if there is something you like but not the price, send me an offer! XoXo, B.
Nov 12Reply

@janebilpz Hi Jane I just made an offer, I hope we can work something out ♥️💗 I am in search for a dress at the last moment, hope to hear from you soon 🙂🌹
Nov 25Reply

@lesliejaramillo hey girl, hey! I just countered. This dress is brand new, never worn, purchased directly from designer during N.Y. bridal fashion week this year. It’s in excellent condition. I wouldn’t be able to cover cost with your offer. 😱😱😖😖😐😐😞😞😔. I want to help but let’s meet somewhere closer to the middle, love.
Nov 25Reply

@janebilpz yess please will do, do you think I will have the dress before Saturday since I will need it by then
Nov 25Reply

@lesliejaramillo Dec 1st? Most definitely. If we meet in the middle it will be sent out on Tuesday.
Nov 25Reply

@lesliejaramillo Hey Leslie! 👋. I’m firm at $165 but if it would absolutely help you, I could take off another 5. $160 is my absolutely bottom line.
Nov 25Reply

@janebilpz Good morning the most I can do right now is $130 I will let you know if anything changes
Nov 25Reply

I can understand that and I think it would be easier if we spoke on the phone. 3 4 7 - 6 5 1 - 5 7 9 5
Nov 25Reply

@lesliejaramillo I can understand that, Leslie, and I think it would be easier if we spoke on the phone. 3 4 7 - 6 5 1 - 5 7 9 5
Nov 25Reply

@janebilpz hey girl I just now saw your messages and offer my son kept clicking on my notifications my apologizes. Would the dress be mailed out by today or tomorrow
Nov 26Reply

@lesliejaramillo No worries! These tech Savvy kids are all over our devices all day long. I won’t be able to send it tonight but I think I can have it dropped into my mailbox to be Picked up and scanned by the usps tomorrow morning. Let me get back to you in less than an hour. 🤗🤗❤️❤️💋💋😍😍
Nov 26Reply

@lesliejaramillo Ok! I can get it to you! It’ll be shipped in the AM and you’ll receive it by Friday. Please take pics for me! I’d love to see you in it. I wish I was a size 4, cause girl....I would not be giving this one up! It’s gorgeous, regal and rich. You’re going to look like a million bucks, literally. 🔥
Nov 26Reply

@janebilpz Aww your soo sweet 💕 I literally fell in love with this dress it’s beautiful and I really appreciate you helping me at the last minute like literally. 😭 I will make a payment once I get back home
Nov 27Reply

@lesliejaramillo I’m so happy to hear that! I hope you feel very beautiful in this dress! I really wanted to help you out. My boyfriend and I invested into the dress and wanted a specific #. But something about our correspondence made me want to help how I could. I went back and forth with him for the past 48hrs and we finally came to agreement, crunched some #s and moved a couple of things around. I look forward to building our businesses more in the future! 🤗👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
Nov 27Reply

@janebilpz thank you and your boyfriend very much honestly 🙏🏻 xoxo I just made the payment yayy so excited I will snap a picture with my camera. Keep me update once the dress gets mailed out goodnight 😘🌙
Nov 27Reply

@lesliejaramillo You’re such a sweetie. You’re welcome! It’s already packaged and just needs to be dropped in my mailbox. I’ll be sending it from Florida so that not that far from your in Texas. As soon as I get the message saying the shipping label was scanned, I’ll notify you. Night night. 💋💋😍😍👍🏽👍🏽
Nov 27Reply

@jenib926 👋 Jeni! I just dropped the price of that jacket from $90 down to $65 just for cyber Monday. If it didn’t sell today, I planned on bringing it back up and then sending out offers for $70 again. But I’m willing to do $60 for you! Let
Me Know if that works! It’s a beautiful jacket! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😍😍👋
Nov 27Reply

@lesliejaramillo Hey love! You should get it by tomorrow or the latest early Friday. Let me know as soon as your receive it! Enjoy your day!
Nov 28Reply

@janebilpz thanks girly, I will let you know 😊
Nov 28Reply

Hi! Love your closet! You have my sizes so I’ll keep you in mind for future purchases! Happy Poshing!
Nov 28Reply

@thebeautyinyou Aww, thank you, ❤️❤️!!! I’m checking out your now. ;).
Nov 28Reply

@lesliejaramillo nothing yet?!?! Ahhhhh!
Dec 01Reply

@janebilpz Nothing 😭 I had to go buy another dress today since I called USPS this morning and they told me I won’t receive the package until Monday... idk why since the tracker had said Friday
Dec 01Reply

@lesliejaramillo I’m so so sorry. That is absolutely ridiculous! And we can see clearly that it started tracking on Tuesday and it was 2-day shipping. I think we should both put in some type of grievance with poshmark. What’s the point of paying for 2-3 day shipping if it will take almost a week? I’m really sorry.
Dec 02Reply

@janebilpz I totally agree with you, I’m still fairly new to this app so I’m still learning how things work but if you guide me I can help out. I truly appreciate your warm heart of kindness for going the extra mile..checking up on me. And as I mentioned before they could tell me why the package was delayed
Dec 02Reply

@lesliejaramillo ❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽. Awww, thank you! I truly wanted to help you and see you in that gorgeous dress. I couldn’t get my big butt in it! I was dying to see you in it, so, I was like, f*ck it, Shes super sweet and she needs a break!! I love to help where I can. Girrrl....I’m new to the app too. Like, I opened the account in Jan of this year but I didn’t use it until Halloween his year. Since then, I’ve been hustling on the app.
Dec 02Reply

@lesliejaramillo So, I’m not sure what can be done but I will be doing so research tonight and seeing who we get in contact about something like this. This is bad for business on both our ends and I think we deserve some sort of reconciliation. It’s not fair to you that you didn’t get the dress. And if that’s was going to be the case, there should’ve been some type of update. Ugh! I hope you still enjoy the wedding though! I’ll follow up with you once I learn more info.
Dec 02Reply

Hi Thanks for the follow 💗
Dec 02Reply

@dahmascloset You’re welcome! Thanks for showing some love on my page. 💋💋👍🏽👍🏽🔥🔥❤️💋
Dec 02Reply

@janebilpz of course my pleasure! 💗
Dec 02Reply

Thank you for sharing the love ❤️ 💕😘
Dec 03Reply

@justbysheyda You’re welcome! I was just returning the good deed. Thank you! Happy Poshing!
Dec 03Reply

@janebilpz hey girl I kept refreshing the USPS tracker all day today and kept saying arrival expected by today @ 8pm, I just checked it right now and package has arrived I will check tomorrow morning and will let you know 🌙✨
Dec 04Reply

Good afternoon Jane. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Dec 04Reply

@hmsimon1 You’re welcome. They’re all very beautiful!! Thank you for taking the time to reach out to me. Enjoy your day and Happy Poshing!
Dec 04Reply

@lesliejaramillo I don’t know how I just received this! Probably cause I’ve literally been a zombie and finally got some rest today. I’m glad you like the dress!!
Dec 04Reply

@lesliejaramillo I’m so sorry you didn’t get it by Saturday. I spoke with a couple of people about the delivery and it’s really the usps’ fault. It just sucks cause there’s not much we can do in that regard. We’re all slaves to any government ran corporations. Ahhhh!!!! Thank you for a good rating, being understanding and just being a total sweetie. I’d love to stay in touch with you and meet you when I’m in Texas next!
Dec 04Reply

@rachelouisengel Hi! I just wanted to apologize for not shipping your drape front jacket yet. I've been having an issue with my mail carrier...I literally put the package in my mailbox on Friday, Nov. 30, and the mail carrier still hasn't picked them up. I scheduled a pickup for Thursday, Dec. 6th, and made a complaint with the USPS. You should be receiving it any day now! Sorry about the wait!
Dec 05Reply

@janebilpz Awe thank you, you always have a neighbor out here in Texas girly 🙂 have a wonderful Christmas 🎄 and a blessed New Years with your loved ones ❣️
Dec 05Reply

@acwilliams4bam You’re welcome ! Sharing us caring! Happy Poshing! 👍🏽👌🏽💯💯😊😉
Dec 06Reply

Welcome to my poshmark sis keep in touch and stay blessed and beautiful also check out my closet you might find something you like and I'll definitely check out yours love is love.
Dec 10Reply

Hi Jane Belinda, nice to meet you.
Welcome to Poshmark
Dec 11Reply

@thecampaign19 Thank you for all the kind words! Your closet looks bomb! 👍🏽👍🏽💕. I look forward to growing our businesses together in the new year! Happy holidays, ❤️.
Dec 11Reply

@acwilliams4bam Thank you for sharing my closet and you’re welcome! I love seeing what everyone has to offer! Happy holidays, ❤️.
Dec 11Reply

@jkez36m Thank you for your warm welcome! I love it here so far. I just started selling in late October and people have been so helpful! I’m glad there are businesses, like poshmark, that give your praises and brownie points just for being helpful and kind. Thank you for taking the time to write on my page. Happy holidays, ❤️❤️❤️.
Dec 11Reply

@janebilpz You are welcome. I have only been on here for a year. I am still learning. If you need any help let me know.
Dec 11Reply

@jkez36m a Thank you again. I appreciated. ❤️❤️💋💋👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽🙏🙏
Dec 11Reply

@mrsdee8876 Thank you so much, Mrs Dee. I appreciate the love! ❤️❤️🙏🙏💋💋😍😍
Dec 11Reply

@janebilpz 😘😘😘😘
Dec 11Reply

Thank you so much for your shares
Dec 12Reply

@gullprint 🤗🤗🤗🤗💕💕💕👍🏽👍🏽❤️💋. You’re welcome! Sharing is caring...that’s the name of the game. ;). Enjoy your day!
Dec 12Reply

@Atiera12 Thank you for taking the extra pics and your counter offer. However, I must decline. Looking through the sold items on poshmark, I see that these particular vans slipons historically have never sold for more than $25. I really like them, they’re super cute and I hope you get them sold quickly! Happy holidays.
Dec 13Reply

@janebilpz no problem ! Happy Poshing
Dec 13Reply

@Docamber Thank you for purchasing the girls holiday dress! Hope you love it and sorry I didn’t include my written note. I realized it wasn’t in there after I gave the package to the mail lady! Enjoy your holidays! ❤️❤️🙏☃️
Dec 19Reply

@docamber Awww!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️. I love girly feeling! She’s on her “Marilyn Monroe”. So cute! Thanks for purchasing from my shop. I hope to build both of or closets together!
Dec 19Reply

👋 great 👍 closet
Dec 20Reply

@hit111 Thank you!! I’m trying to build it to many new heights. Please come again!
Dec 21Reply

Thanks for following my closet! You’re beautiful (in a non-creepy way). Have a happy holiday season!
Dec 22Reply

@allieclaire1214 😘😘🥰🥰❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🤣🤣🤣. Thanks for showing some love and the kind words! You’re a pretty hot clown yourself. ;). I look forward to building our businesses and closets in the new year! Happy holidays, love.
Dec 22Reply

@janebilpz Bahahahaha thanks girl! I look forward to that too! Planning to sell all my old merch for awesome prices and re-vamp my whole closet! Best of luck to you!
Dec 22Reply

@allieclaire1214 Oh, I’m totally with you! I’m ready to turn over everything I have too. I’ve been dropping prices and sending offers like crazy.
Dec 22Reply

I love your closet! My kinda clothes
Dec 23Reply

@stefibaby88 Thank you, love! I appreciate the kind words. I’ve been a member of poshmark since Jan but I didn’t start using it until late Oct. since then, I’ve became a
Poshmark ambassador, went from 300 followers to 28k and all with an hour of work a day or so. I wanna see you grow to and make more sales! Look up the 30 minute method, my love. 😍😍🥰🥰🥰. Let’s get this money in 2019!
Dec 23Reply

Thanks for following me! I hope you enjoy my closet! You will find I’ve got all sorts of goodies. I’d love to make a deal on. From women’s and men’s, maternity, and plus size, to a huge selection of kids and baby items. Please let me know if you have any questions in general, or if I can assist you in any way! Thanks for taking the time to check out my closet! Happy poshing!
Dec 24Reply

Hi there🙋🏻♀️thanks for the follow😉🎊
Dec 27Reply

All items in my closet are BOGO FREE this weekend only. Add items to your bundle and take advantage of the BOGO free deal
Dec 30Reply

Can you say amazingly perfect.
Jan 01Reply

@marciekeag7 Hahahaha. ❤️👋👋🤪🤪. Thank you!
Jan 01Reply

@becomewinners Thank you! 💋💋❤️💕😍 You look like you’re having major success! When did you start using the app? In Jan?
Jan 02Reply

Hi! I hope you’re enjoying Poshmark as much as I am. Please feel free to check out my closet. I have a various Coach and MK items.
I have a brown MK purse similar to the one you wanted for a good price!😊
Jan 07Reply

Thank you for visiting and following my closet Jane Belinda, please let me know if you have questions. Have a Poshin Day! 😁
Jan 11Reply

@resourcing_rob Thank you! Happy new year! May this year bring you health, wealth and many pleasures. I really like your closet! You have some great pieces and it’s all so cohesive. 🎊🎊👍🏽👍🏽🎉🎉🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗💋
Jan 11Reply

@brandielawler82 I actually do. I started in Jan and started selling on Halloween. It took me about 3 weeks to become a posh ambassador and I think it’s because I follow lots of new people, posh ambassadors and people who like my brands. I share my closet about 3-10x a day, I share lots of other closets (usually during parties) and all of that increases your following, which will increase sales.
Jan 12Reply

@brandielawler82 and try to list or delete & relist one of the items you have up daily. That will continue to give you exposure. When you first sign up, the sales and interest come really quick. But it’s a game of stay on stop. Follow those steps of following, sharing and listing daily, you’ll make moves fast!
Jan 12Reply

Jan 16Reply

Nice pictures
Jan 16Reply

Love your closet 💕💕
Jan 17Reply

@craigb64oyd thank you!!!
Jan 17Reply

@2cutecaseynva Thank you so much! Yours is super cute too and growing. If you don’t mind, I’d love to give you the tips that worked for me. Put up as many items of Your own clothing (if you don’t really want to Sell it, price it high!). Closets with more than 50 items get more views. Look up the 30 minute method and do it daily, if you can. List 3 items
A day. It’ll get you more sales. Then take that first $100 you make and go to the thrift store! You’ll kill it girl! ❤️❤️💋💋💋😍😍😍💕💕💕
Jan 17Reply

@janebilpz Awwww thank you so much 😊 I’m definitely going to take your advice. Also, thank you so much for the shares!!! Have a great rest of your day 💕💕💕
Jan 17Reply

@2cutecaseynva thank you. Enjoy your day as well! I hoped that helped a bit and of you have any more questions, just stop by my page again. 💋
Jan 17Reply

@janebilpz Thank you so much 🥰
Jan 17Reply

Jan 18Reply

@dharlajean Thank you so much for your kind review! Did your husband Iike the bag as well? Is he the talk of the town now? 🥰🥰
Jan 18Reply

Well he sure loves it! He actually sniffed it! He was sayi ng that others will be jealous at work.
Jan 18Reply

@dharlajean that’s hilarious! My boyfriend did the samething when we first received a bag and commented “I love the smell, it’s so raw and real”. Lol.
Jan 18Reply

Hi Jane🙂
I like your “Meet your Posher” section. Thanks for sharing. I think it’s great that you desire to see others grow & be successful in this business. That’s truly awesome.
Wishing you continued success in this endeavor and beyond. Happy Poshing!🎉
Jan 19Reply

@mahons_palace Thank you for your kind words! I think we all have a responsibility to come with love and information of opportunities to people we connect with. 💪🏼💪🏼. I love to build relationships and share the knowledge. Competition is a good thing and if for whatever you get stumped out, there are lots more opportunities! I hope you’re having a good day. Add me on IG@ gruntluxury, if you’d like.
Jan 19Reply

@janebilpz you are most welcome. I will definitely check our your IG acct🙂
Jan 19Reply

Hi, LOVE your closet! And I hope to grow on here like you did, that's amazing! :) ❤️
Jan 20Reply

@cdub1979 Thank you so much for checking out my closet and all the kind words! Happy new year! You have a few really great pieces too! I wish you all the best in scaling your business, health and love of course.
Jan 20Reply

@janebilpz thank you so much!! 👍😁😘😘
Jan 20Reply

@amanda12385 Thank you for the offer Amanda. I’m sorry we couldn’t find a middle ground. I still love your closet and your pieces! I will definitely be back to bundle
As you have my size. Happy new year!
Jan 21Reply

@janebilpz if it wasn’t brand new I’d deff go lower but it’s never been worn and you got it babe if you bundle I’ll deff hook you up with better pricing ❤️
Jan 21Reply

@amanda12385 Awesome! I love your lighting speed response time. Thanks again!
Jan 21Reply

@arubino391 Thank so much for purchase! I’m glad you liked them, I hope you look great in them and resell them when you’re tired of them! All the best!
Feb 19Reply

Hi! Don't know if you remember me, I purchased a couple items from you a while back. A computer bag, an like a carry on? Still love them both. Just wondered is it possible for you to send copy of receipt? My husband needs it for something or other. Sorry to bother you. Get lots of compliments on bags. Am looking at some of your new stuff for Christmas/Hannukah. Anyway, if you could send a receipt copy would be so helpful l. Dharla
May 16Reply

Great closet!! And thank you for all the shares!! 💖💖
May 23Reply

@cranetrista you’re welcome! Just showing some love to a fellow posher! Happy Poshing!
May 29Reply

Good morning Jane! I just wanted to let you know that you’ve got a gorgeous closet with such variety! Best of luck with all your Poshmark ventures, and I hope you have an amazing and blessed day! 😊❤️🙏
May 29Reply

💜Thank you for following/sharing😘🥰 I appreciate your support💕💗 Please check out my closet, and I’ll do the same💝💝🎀 Share and care💝🥰💕💐☀️🛍 💜Be Blessed💜
Jul 14Reply

Welcome happy poshing 😃
Jul 16Reply

Your beautiful inside and outside. I love your closet. I will happily share your gorgeous items. I will begin posting my own business listings in my own closet next week.
Blessings Always, Arlene
Jul 19Reply

@coppergirl101 thank you love, for all the kind words! And I’m sorry for your lost. Your closet will be amazing once you start adding pieces.
Jul 19Reply

@dgreene555 Thanks, Denise! You have quite a few nice pieces as well. One of the ways Ive added more sales was to add clothing measurements to each listing and follow lots of people. There are other moving parts but the more time you spend of the the quicker you’ll learn them. Btw, People love descriptions. Best of luck, Denise!
Aug 08Reply

Thanks for sharing my listing!!
Sep 30Reply

Love your items! Following!
Oct 01Reply

Beautiful Closet! I love the handmade leather items! I’d love to Feature your Closet in the Share Group I Cohost👏👏👏💕 You’d get a gazillion shares and hopefully SALES 💰 I like to help people too! I care for a woman in Brooklyn. She’s my adopted grandma!
Oct 03Reply

@vivavogue hi María! Thank you so much for your kind words. I’d be honored to have my closet shared by you. I’m a Brooklyn girl through and through. Maybe one of these days, we’ll meet up a posh and sip!
Oct 03Reply

Hi Belinda Thanks for the shares on the beautiful leggings, if you like send me a offer for 17.00
Oct 09Reply

Thank you for sharing my Dooney and Bourke bag! I’ll surely visit your closet too!
Oct 16Reply

Belinda ur insanely beautiful
I saw ur YouTube channel
and I was in a trance watching
u workout. Ur just everything❤️
Oct 20Reply

🍒Happy prosperous poshing!🍒
Oct 21Reply

Hi beautiful 🌹🌹🌹
Oct 31Reply

Hi Jane, thanks for following us! Nice leater goods!👍
We are Jimbo and G!🤠🙋
I hope you find great bargains & have many sales!📈
Happy Posh'ing!🎉
Peace be with you!🙏n☮️n💗
Nov 11Reply

@lakedwellerhb That’s sweet of you! Thank you Jimbo and G. I look forward to your closet!
Nov 11Reply

Thank you for being one of my followers. Enjoy 50% of any item or items. 👍 Just add what you want to a bundle and I will send the discount. Thanks again for following me😇
Nov 14Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Jan 07Reply

👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿HELLO 🙂
Aug 24Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet and sharing the love 💕😊
Aug 28Reply

hola welcome to Posh
Jan 19Reply

Hi Jane Belinda! Thank you for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Oct 31Reply

Hello! I have a variety of brands and sizes that you may like. Also, items that are marked are 4/$15. Please feel free to check out my closet! Thanks! 😊
Dec 07Reply

Hello Jane: I'm Scott. I ordered a leather backpack from you following your discounted offer which I countered but then accepted after you indicated $122 was as low as you could go. However, when the order went through I noticed that the shipping expense was increased and asked if you could honor the original shipping price. To my surprise you sent me a new offer with that shipping price but a HIGHER price for the item? Not trying to negotiate: I ordered it. Please just ship it. Thx
Jan 10Reply

@scout4love First off Scott, the price is still $122, please check your sale page for reference. I responded to you in regards to the shipping and told you I would send you the difference between $8 and $5.95 in cash as I couldn't change it. Please check your private bundles messages as this should be private.
Jan 10Reply

I have a question regarding my recent purchase of a leather bag.
Jan 30Reply

Thank you SO MUCH for the shares!
Have a wonderful day & Happy continued Poshing from one fashion fiend to another..
Be well, Stay safe...🤙
Feb 02Reply

Hi Jane Belinda. Thank you for the follow and the shares. I really appreciate it. Happy Poshing! 🙂
Feb 11Reply

Welcome! I just wanted to tell you that your bags are exceptionally beautiful! Just my style!
I will be back soon to purchase one! ( I just have to pick the one I love best)! Lol
In the meantime, I’ve shared most of them to all my followers.
Thank you for following me!
Have A Rockin great Weekend!!
Feb 19Reply

Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle or send an offer for a great deal!
Feb 21Reply

To anyone who has asked a question with no response or ordered something it hasn’t shipped. This is Belinda’s cousin and fortunately she has lost her battle with kidney failure at a very young age and has passed away. I’m trying to find a way to close her closet. If you’re not getting a response from her, that is why.
Apr 23Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Apr 26Reply

looking greattttttttttt
May 01Reply

@gruntluxury hello how are you doing check out my closet see something you like send me a offer an I will help you out also have some beautiful bracelets set
Aug 28Reply

@gruntluxury hello check out my closet see something you like send me an offer all offers accepted everything must go my grandma passed trying to get some funds to go towards her tombstone anything will help
Apr 12Reply
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